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FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM (H.2, 1983 No. 9 ( a ) )

Actions of the Board; Applications and Reports

Received During the Week Ending March 5, 1983


Kansas City


San Franci sco


S t . Louis


San Francisco


Central Bancorporation, In c . , Central Colorado Company, and C.C.B. , a l l of Denver, Colorado, extens ion of time to May 2, 1983, within which to acquire Central Bank at Highlands Ranch, N.A., Arapahoe County, Colorado, a proposed new bank. 1 /

Cit izens Bancshares, I n c . , Sa l inev i l l e , Ohio, extension of time t o June 10, 1983, within which to acquire The Cit izens Bank Company, S a l i n e v i l l e , Ohio. 1_/

F i r s t Financial Bancorp, Lodi, C a l i f o r n i a , extension of time to June 10, 1983, within which to become a bank holding company through the acquis i t ion of Bank of Lodi, N.A. , a proposed new bank. 1/

F i r s t & Merchants Corporation, Richmond, Virginia , extension of time to June 7 , 1983, within which to acquire addit ional shares of The Wise County National Bank, Wise, Virg in ia . ]_/

F i r s t Robinson Bancorp, Robinson, I l l i n o i s , extension of time to June 11, 1983, within which to become a bank holding company through the acquis i t ion of at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of the F irs t National Bank in Robinson. 1 /

New Bank, Vienna, V irg in ia , a proposed new bank, extension of time to May 9, 1983, within which to merge with The Business Bank, Vienna, Virginia . 1/

South Valley Bancorporation, Morgan H i l l , Ca l i forn ia , extension of time to May 27, 1983, within which to become a bank holding company through the acquis i t ion of South Valley National Bank, a proposed new bank, Morgan H i l l , C a l i f o r n i a . 1/

TJ Applicat ion processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under ~~ delegated author i ty .

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# H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 2 -



Kansas City


Mi nneapoli s

Ri chmond


Phil adelphi a

Ri chmond


St . Louis

United Financial Banking Companies, I n c . , Vienna, Virg in ia , extension of time t o May 9, 1983, within which to become a bank holding company through the acqu i s i t ion of 100 percent of the voting shares of The Business Bank, Vienna, Virginia . V

Alpine Bank, Basa l t , Colorado, an investment in bank preini s e s . j J

Bank of Florida in St. Petersburg, St . Petersburg, Flor ida , an investment in bank premises. _]_/

Central Dakota Bank, Lehr, North Dakota, extension of time t o June 13, 1983, within which to e s t a b l i s h a paying and receiving o f f i c e in Jud, North Dakota. j_/

Union Trust Company of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, extension of time to March 4, 1984, within which to e s t a b l i s h a dr ive - in f a c i l i t y at 624 Frederick Road, Catonsv i l l e , Maryland. 1/

Commonwealth Bank, Bay Springs, M i s s i s s i p p i , proposed merger with F i r s t United Bank of M i s s i s s i p p i , Meridian, M i s s i s s i p p i , and Central Bank of M i s s i s s i p p i , Brandon, M i s s i s s i p p i ; report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on competit ive f a c t o r s . J /

Downingtown National Bank, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, proposal to merge with Downingtown Interim National Bank, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, under the t i t l e of the former and the charter of the l a t t e r ; report to the Comptroller of the Currency on competit ive f a c t o r s . J_/

F irs t Huntington National Bank, Huntington, West Virg in ia , proposed merger with Ci t i zens National Bank of Point Pleasant , West Virg in ia; report to the Comptroller of the Currency on competit ive f a c t o r s . JJ

Firs t National Trust Bank, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, proposal to purchase the West End National Bank of Shamokin, Shamokin, Pennsylvania, under the t i t l e and charter of the former; report to the Comptroller of the Curreency on competit ive f a c t o r s . J /

F i r s t State Bank, Brownsvi l le , Tennessee, proposal to merge with Firs t State Interim Bank, Brownsvil le , Tennessee; report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on competit ive f a c t o r s . 1/

J7 Application processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 3 -


St. Louis

Richmo nd

Atl anta

Richmo nd

German American Bank, Jasper, Indiana, proposal to merger with GAB Bank, Jasper, Indiana; report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on competi t ive f a c t o r s . J /

National Bank of South Carolina, Sumter, South Carolina, proposed merger with New National Bank of South Carolina, a proposed new bank; report to the Comp-t r o l l e r of the Currency on competi t ive f a c t o r s . J /

Rabun County Bank, Clayton, Georgia, proposed merger with RCB Interim, In c . , Clayton, Georgia; report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on competit ive f a c t o r s . _]/

Security Bank and Trust Company, Sa l i sbury , North Carolina, proposed merger with New Security Bank and Trust Company, Sa l i sbury , North Carolina, a proposed new bank; report to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on competitive f a c t o r s . 1/

TJ Application processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 4 -


To Establ ish a Domestic Branch Pursuant to Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act

Approved New York Central Trust Company, Rochester, New York. To

use o f f - s i t e e l e c t r o n i c f a c i l i t i e s at twenty-seven loca t ions in New York S t a t e . 1/

Richmond F i r s t Virginia Bank - Colonia l , Richmond, Virginia . To e s t a b l i s h a branch at 7023 Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond, Virg in ia . J /

Chicago Michigan Bank - Port Huron, Port Huron, Michigan. to e s t a b l i s h an o f f s i t e e l ec t ron ic f a c i l i t y at 46 North Howard, Croswell , Michigan. 1/

* * * * *

To Become a Member of the Federal Reserve System Pursuant t o Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act

Approved Kansas City Bank of Love County, Marjetta, Oklahoma. J_/

* * * * *

Issued Intent Not to Disapprove Change of Control Pursuant to Change in Bank Control Act of 1978

Not Disapproved Kansas City The Protection Bank Holding Company, Protect ion ,

Kansas. Yf

Tj Applicat ion processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 9 ( a ) - 5 -


Appl i ca t ions and N o t i f i c a t i o n s for Internat ional Investments and Other Actions Pursuant t o Sec t ions 25 and 25(a)

of the Federal Reserve Act and Sect ions 4 ( c ) ( 9 ) and 4 ( c ) ( 1 3 ) of t h e Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended

Approved New Y o r k Marine Midland Banks, I n c . , B u f f a l o , New York, for

approval t o acquire 50 percent of the voting shares of Internat ional Treasury Management Limited, Hong Kong, B.C.C.

Richmond NCNB National Bank of F l o r i d a , Boca Raton, F lor ida: grants permiss ion to e s t a b l i s h a fore ign branch, pursuant t o Sect ion 25 of the Federal Reserve Act, i n Georgetown, Cayman I s lands . 1/

* * * * *

To Form a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Sect ion 3 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Withdrawn Atlanta United Pensacola Bancshares , I n c . , Pensacola ,

F lor ida , f o r approval t o acquire at l e a s t 89 .595 percent of t h e vot ing shares of Bank of Pensacola , Pensacola , F lor ida .

Returned D a l l a s Texas Bancorporation, I n c . , D a l l a s , Texas, f o r approval

to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of t h e vot ing shares of The National Bank of Texas at Forth Worth, Fort Worth, Weatherford Bancshares , I n c . , Weatherford, Texas and i n d i r e c t l y F i r s t National Bank of Az le , Az le , Texas and F i r s t National Bank of Weatherford, Weatherford, Texas.

Approved New York Broadway Financial Corporation, Paterson, New J e r s e y ,

for approval to acquire TOO percent of the vot ing shares of Broadway Bank & Trust Company, Paterson, New Jersey . 1/

17 Appl ica t ion processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under ~~ de legated a u t h o r i t y .

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H.2 1983 No. 9(a) - 6 -



Phil adelphia


At! anta


At! anta

At! anta


FNB Bancorp, I n c . , Newtown, Pennsylvania, f o r approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of The F irs t National Bank and Trust Company of Newtown, Newtown, Pennsylvania. V

Merchants of Shenandoah Ban-Corp, Shenandoah, Pennsyl-vania, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of The Merchants National Bank of Shenandoah, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. J /

Southern Bankshares I n c . , Beckley, West Virg in ia , for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of the successor by merger to Beckley National Bank, Beckley, West Virginia . J /

Cit izens Bancorp, I n c . , New Tazewel l , Tennessee, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of Ci t izens Bank, New Tazewel l , Tennessee. ]_/

Har t sv i l l e Bancshares, I n c . , H a r t s v i l l e , Tennessee, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of Bank of H a r t s v i l l e , H a r t s v i l l e , Tennessee. V

Merchants & Planters Bancshares, I n c . , Monteval l o , Alabama, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of Merchants & Planters Bank, Monteval l o , Alabama. V/

Peoples Bancshares of Pointe Coupee Parish, I n c . , New Roads, Louisiana, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of The Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Pointe Coupee Parish, New Roads, Louisiana. 1 /

FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC., J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire 80 percent of the voting shares of Union National Bank and Trust Company of J o l i e t , J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s ; Ci t izens Bancorp., Inc . , Waukegan, I l l i n o i s , and thereby i n d i r e c t l y The Cit izens National Bank of Waukegan, Waukegan, I l l i n o i s ; F irs t Security Bancorp., Inc . , Mo l i n e , I l l i n o i s , and thereby i n d i r e c t l y Moline National Bank, Moline, I l l i n o i s ; Danvi l le Bancshares, I n c . , Danvi l l e , I l l i n o i s , and thereby i n d i r e c t l y the Second National Bank of Danvi l l e , Danvi l le , I l l i n o i s ; National Bank of J o l i e t , J o l i e t ,

Application processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated authori ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 7 -


I l l i n o i s ; Streator Bancorp., I n c . , S treator , I l l i n o i s , and thereby i n d i r e c t l y The Streator National Bank, S trea tor , I l l i n o i s ; The F ir s t National Bank of Morris, Morris, I l l i n o i s ; F ir s t National Bank and Trust Company of Quincy, Quincy, I l l i n o i s ; Bank of Galesburg, Galesburg, II l i n o i s ; Mid-West National Bank of Lake Forest , Lake Forest , I l l i n o i s ; National Bank of North Chicago, North Chicago, I l l i n o i s ; F ir s t Farmers National Bank of Knoxvil l e , Knoxvil l e , I l l i n o i s ; Bank of Danvi l l e , Danv i l l e , I l l i n o i s ; Community State Bank, Seneca, I l l i n o i s ; Bank of Zion, Zion, I l l i n o i s ; S ta te Bank of Braidwood, Braidwood, I l l i n o i s ; Community National Bank of Quincy, Quincy, I l l i n o i s ; Bradley Bank, Bradley, I l l i n o i s ; Bank of Lakehurst, Waukegan, I l l i n o i s ; F ir s t Wyanet Invest-ment Corporation, Galesburg, I l l i n o i s , and thereby i n d i r e c t l y The Firs t National Bank of Waynet, Wyanet, I l l i n o i s . 1/

Chicago FIRST WATSEKA BANC CORPORATION, Watseka, I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of the successor by merger to The F irs t Trust and Savings Bank of Watseka, I l l i n o i s , Watseka, I l l i n o i s . V

Chicago Jef ferson Bankshares Corp., Chicago, I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares ( l e s s d irectors q u a l i f y i n g shares) of the successor by merger to Je f f erson State Bank, Chicago, I l l i n o i s . V

St. Louis Bancshares of Hay t i , I n c . , Hayti , Missouri, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of Bank of Hayti, Hayti , Missouri. ]_/

S t . Louis Farmers Capital Bank Corporation, Frankfort, Kentucky, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of the successor by merger to Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company, Frankfort, Kentucky. ]_/

S t . Louis South Central Bancshares, I n c . , R u s s e l l v i l l e , Kentucky, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the vot ing shares of Ci t i zens National Bank of R u s s e l l v i l l e , R u s s e l I v i l l e , Kentucky. 1/

J ] Application processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9 (a) - 8 -


Kansas City Clayco Bancs hares, I n c . , Claycomo, Missouri, f o r approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of Clayco State Bank, Claycomo, Missouri. V

Kansas City Fairview Bancshares, In c . , Fairview, Oklahoma, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the vot ing shares of The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Fairview, Fairview, Oklahoma. J_/

Kansas City F i r s t Alex Bancshares, In c . , Alex, Oklahoma, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the vot ing shares of The F irs t National Bank of Alex, Alex, Oklahoma. \J

Dallas Brazosport Corporation, Freeport , Texas, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of Brazosport Bank of Texas, Freeport , Texas. J /

Dal las P i lo t Point Bancshares Corporation, P i lo t Point , Texas, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of The P i lo t Point National Bank, P i l o t Point , Texas. ]_/

San Metro Bancorp., I n c . , Phoenix, Arizona, f o r approval Francisco to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of

Metropolitan Bank, Phoenix, Arizona (a proposed new bank). ] /

San Woodburn Bancorp, Woodburn, Oregon, f o r approval Francisco to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of

Woodburn State Bank, Woodburn, Oregon. 1/

* * * * *

To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3 ( a ) ( 3 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Withdrawn Chicago Michigan National Corporation, Bloomfield, Michigan,

for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of State Bank of Standish, Standish, Michigan.

TJ Applicat ion processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9 (a) - 9 -


Approved Chicago FIRST FREEPORT CORPORATION, Freeport , I l l i n o i s , for

approval t o acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the vot ing shares of Lincolnway State Bank, S t e r l i n g , I l l i n o i s . V

Chicago Midwest Financial Group, I n c . , Peoria , I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 67 .8 percent or more of the voting shares of Sangamon Bank and Trust , S p r i n g f i e l d , I l l i n o i s . V

St . Louis Mercantile Bancorporation, I n c . , S t . Louis, Missouri, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of I n t e r s t a t e Bank of St . Peters , St . Peters , Mi s sour i . V

Minneapolis Rice Lake Bancorp., I n c . , Rice Lake, Wisconsin, f o r approval t o acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of Ci t i zens State Bank, Birchwood, Wisconsin. V

Minneapolis South Dakota Bancshares, I n c . , P i erre , South Dakota, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 57 .8 percent of the voting shares of Farmers State Bank, Faith, South Dakota. V

Kansas City F i r s t Wyoming Bancorporation, Cheyenne, Wyoming, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the vot ing shares of Bank of Laramie, Laramie, Wyoming. 1/

Dallas F i r s t City Bancorporation of Texas, I n c . , Houston, Texas, f o r approval to acquire 100 percent of the vot ing shares of F i r s t City Bank-MOPAC, Austin, Texas. 1 /

Dal las Harris County Bankshares, I n c . , Houston, Texas, f o r approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of Harris County Bank-Airport, N.A., Houston, Texas, a proposed new bank. V

Dal las Harris County Bankshares, I n c . , Houston, Texas, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 51 percent of the voting shares of Harris County Bank-Cy Fair , N.A., Jersey V i l l a g e , Texas, a proposed new bank. ]_/

1/ Appl icat ion processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under — de legated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 10 -


To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3 (a ) (5 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Approved Chicago United Banks of Wisconsin, I n c . , Madison, Wisconsin,

for approval to merge with Independent Bankshares, Inc . , Madison, Wisconsin, and i n d i r e c t l y acquire 86.9 percent of the vot ing shares of Lake City Bank, Madison, Wisconsin. 1/

* * * * *

To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Approved Bankers Trust New York Corporation, New York, New

York, for approval to engage through i t s wholly-owned subs id iary , BT Capital Markets Corp., New York, New York, in the executing and c lear ing on cer ta in commodity exchanges of futures contracts in b u l l i o n , U. S. Government s e c u r i t i e s , foreign exchange, and negot iable money market instruments at de novo branch o f f i c e s in Da l la s , Texas, Los AngeTes, Cal i fornia and At lanta , Georgia.

Broadway Financial Corporation, Paterson, New Jersey, for approval to acquire Broadway Premium Computer Service Center, I n c . , New York, New York, a company engaged in arranging f inancing of insurance premium payments for customers of insurance agents and brokers. V

F irs t Midwest Bancorp, I n c . , J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent or more of the voting shares of Midwest Insurance Company, J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s .

S t . Louis South Central Bancshares, I n c . , R u s s e l l v i l l e , Kentucky, for approval to act as an agent or broker with respect to the s a l e of c r e d i t l i f e and cred i t accident and health insurance, d i r e c t l y re la ted to extensions of c r e d i t by Applicant or any a f f i l i a t e of Applicant through the acqu i s i t ion of Wilbur and Salb Insurance Company, R u s s e l l v i l l e , Kentucky. V

Ty Application processed on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated authori ty .

New York

New York


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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 11 -


Delayed S t . Louis F irs t City Corp., Fort Smith, Arkansas, n o t i f i c a t i o n of

in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (consumer and commercial f inance a c t i v i t i e s , inc luding the ex-tens ion of d i r e c t loans to consumers, the discounting of r e t a i l instal lment notes or c o n t r a c t s , the ex-tens ion of d i r e c t loans to dealers for the f inancing of inventory [ f l o o r planning] and working capital purposes and making or acquiring loans and other extensions of cred i t such as could be made or acquired by a consumer and commercial f inance company in Arkansas and Oklahoma; and act ing as agent for s a l e of l i f e , acc ident and hea l th , and physical damage insurance d i r e c t l y re la ted to i t s extensions of c r e d i t ) at Phoenix Street and State Line Road, Arkoma, Oklahoma, serving the standard metropolitan s t a t i s t i c a l area made up of 4 count i e s ; Le Flore and Sequoyah count ies in Oklahoma, and Crawford and Sebastian count ies in Arkansas, t h i s geographical area approximates a 25-mile radius of Arkoma, Oklahoma, through i t s subs id iary , F irs t City Financial S e r v i c e s , Inc. (3 /1 /83 ) 3/

S t . Louis F irs t Tennessee National Corporation, Memphis, Tennessee, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making or acquir ing, f o r i t s own account and f o r the account of o thers , loans and other extensions of c r e d i t [ including l e t t e r s of c r e d i t and accepting d r a f t s ] , such as would be made, for example, by a mortgage, f inance , c r e d i t card or factor ing company) the a c t i v i t i e s are to be conducted at Appl icant's main o f f i c e in Memphis, Tennessee (3 /4 /83 ) 3/

Permitted Boston Chittenden Corporation, Burlington, Vermont, n o t i f i -

cation of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (providing mnagement consul t ing advice to non-a f f i l i a t e d banks and nonbank depository i n s t i t u t i o n s , including commercial banks, savings and loan a s s o c i -a t i o n s , mutual savings banks, c red i t unions, industr ia l banks, Morris Plan banks, co-operat ive banks and industr ia l loan companies, on an e x p l i c i t fee bas i s ; such an a c t i v i t y would be l imited to advising c l i e n t s and would not include performing tasks or conducting operations on a da i ly or continuing bas i s ) at Two Burlington Square, Burlington, Vermont,

V 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) n o t i f i c a t i o n processed by Reserve Bank on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 12 -


serving the s t a t e of Vermont, the subject not i ce i s for expansion of the s erv i ce area of the e x i s t i n g o f f i c e to include the s t a t e s of New York, New Hampshire and Massachusetts , through i t s subs id iary , Chittenden Consulting Corporation ( 3 / 4 / 8 3 ) 3/

Boston F ir s t National Boston Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( fac tor ing and commercial f inance a c t i v i t i e s ) at Barclay Plaza, Sui te 640, 1675 Larimer S t r e e t , Denver, Colorado, serving the s t a t e s of Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico, through i t s subs id iary , FNB Financial Company (2 /27 /83) 3/

New York C i t i c o r p , New York, New York, requests permission t o e s t a b l i s h a de novo o f f i c e of Cit icorp Homeowners, Inc. (Delaware) ("CHI") and a de novo o f f i c e of Cit icorp Person-to-Person Financi al Center, Inc. (Delaware) ("CPTP"), engaging in the fo l lowing a c t i v i t i e s (the making or acquiring of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t , secured or unsecured, f o r consumer and other purposes; the s a l e of c r e d i t -re la ted l i f e and accident and health or decreasing or l eve l [ i n the case of s i n g l e payment loans ] term l i f e insurance by l i censed agents or brokers, as required; the s a l e of consumer oriented f inanc ia l management courses ; the s e r v i c i n g , for any person, of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t ; the making, acquir ing , and s e r v i c i n g , for i t s own account and f o r the account of o thers , of extensions of c r e d i t to indiv iduals secured by l i e n s on re s ident ia l or non-res ident ia l real e s t a t e ; and the sa le of mortgage l i f e and mortgage d i s a b i l i t y insurance d i r e c t l y re la ted to extensions of mortgage loans. The proposed s e r v i c e area for the de novo o f f i c e of CHI and the de novo o f f i c e of CPTP shal1 be comprised of the e n t i r e s t a t e of New Jersey for a l l the aforementioned proposed a c t i v i t i e s ; c r e d i t - r e l a t e d l i f e , a c c i d e n t , and health insurance may be wr i t t en by Family Guardian Li fe Insurance Company, an a f f i l i a t e of CHI and CPTP) at Paramus Plaza 4 , No. 10, Route 17, Paramus, New Jersey , through i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s , CHI and CPTP ( 3 / 3 / 8 3 ) 3/

3/ 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) n o t i f i c a t i o n processed by Reserve Bank on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated authori ty .

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 13 -


New York Ci t i corp , New York, New York, requests permission to expand the s erv i ce area of an e x i s t i n g o f f i c e engaging in the fol lowing a c t i v i t i e s ( the making or acquiring of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t , secured or unsecured, f o r consumer and other purposes; the extension of loans to dealers f o r the f inancing of inventory [ f l o o r planning] and working capi ta l purposes; the purchasing and serv ic ing f o r i t s own account of sa l e s f inance c o n t r a c t s ; the s a l e of c r e d i t - r e l a t e d l i f e and accident and heal th or decreasing or level [ i n the case of s i n g l e payment l oans ] term l i f e insurance by l i c ensed agents or brokers, as required; the making of loans to indiv iduals and businesses secured by a l i e n on mobile homes, modular units or re la ted manufactured housing, together with the real property to which such housing i s or wi l l be permanently a f f i x e d , such property being used as securi ty for the l oans ; and the s e r v i c i n g , for any person, of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t ; c r e d i t -re la ted l i f e , a c c i d e n t , and health insurance may be wr i t ten by Family Guardian Life Insurance Company an a f f i l i a t e of CAC) at 4370 West 109th S t r e e t , 300 Pennsylvania National Bui lding, Sui te 300, Overland Park, Kansas, through i t s subsidiary Cit icorp Acceptance Company, Inc. (Delaware) ( 3 / 3 / 8 3 ) 3 /

Richmond F ir s t Maryland Bancorp, Baltimore, Maryland, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to expand the reinsurance underwriting a c t i v i t i e s of i t s subs id iary , First Maryland Life Insurance Company, to include c r e d i t l i f e and cred i t d i s a b i l i t y insurance so ld in connection with extensions of c r e d i t by the holding company's subs id iar i e s in Delaware (2 /27 /83) 3/

Atlanta F irs t Alabama Bancshares, I n c . , Montgomery, Alabama, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in the s a l e of involuntary unemployment insurance at a l l the banking subsidiary o f f i c e s of F i r s t Alabama Bancshares) at 44 F irs t Alabama Plaza, Montgomery, Alabama, through an e x i s t i n g subs id iary , FAB Agency, Inc. (2 / 28/83 ) 3/

37 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) n o t i f i c a t i o n processed by Reserve Bank on behalf of the — Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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St . Louis Ohio Valley Bancorp, I n c . , Henderson, Kentucky, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in the s a l e of c r e d i t l i f e insurance, cred i t accident and health insurance, and c r e d i t d i s a b i l i t y insurance; a l l of which wi l l d i r e c t l y r e l a t e to an extension of c r e d i t by Applicant and any a f f i l i a t e of i t , including i t s banking subs idiary) at 140 North Main S t r e e t , Henderson, Kentucky, the geographic area to be served i s Henderson County, Kentucky, through i t s subs id iary , 0. V. Insurance Agency, Inc. (2 /28 /83) 3/

San U. S. Bancorp, Portland, Oregon, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent Francisco to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in the making,

acquiring ancTTemcing of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t , e i t h e r secured or u n s e c u r e d / f o r i t s own account or the account of o t h e r s , inc luding , but not l imited t o , commercial, rediscount and insta l lment s a l e s c o n t r a c t s , to i s s u e t h r i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s and passbooks, and to act as insurance agent with regard to c r e d i t l i f e and d i s a b i l i t y insurance s o l e l y in connection with extensions of c r e d i t by U. S. Thr i f t & Loan in conformance with the provis ions of Sections 2 2 5 . 4 ( a ) ( 1 ) , 2 2 5 . 4 ( a ) ( 2 ) , 2 2 5 . 4 ( a ) ( 3 ) , and 2 2 5 . 4 ( a ) ( 9 ) ( i ) of Regulation Y) at 8031-B Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights, Ca l i forn ia ; the primary s e r v i c e area by the proposed o f f i c e wil l be an area bounded by the Sacramento/Placer County Line to the north, Hazel Avenue to the e a s t , Fair Oaks Boulevard and American River to the south, and Highway 80, Gar-f i e l d and Manzanita Avenues to the west; at 1100 Contra Costa Boulevard, Concord, Cal i fornia; the primary serv i ce area to be served by the proposed o f f i c e w i l l be an area bounded by Highway 4 to the north, Port Chicago Boulevard-Galindo to the e a s t , Monument Boulevard-Boyd Road to the South, and to the cre s t of a h i l l at the l imi t of develop-ment to West; and at 4600 N. Pershing Avenue, Stockton, C a l i f o r n i a , the primary serv ice area t o be served by the proposed o f f i c e w i l l be the central and northern sec t ions of the incorporated c i t y of Stockton, through i t s e x i s t i n g indirect subs id iary , U. S. Thr i f t & Loan ( 3 / 1 / 8 3 )

3? 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) n o t i f i c a t i o n processed by Reserve Bank on behalf of the Board of Governors under delegated author i ty .

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To Establish a Domestic Branch Pursuant to Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act

New York Chemical Bank, New York, New York. To e s t a b l i s h a branch at 2630 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Is land, New York. 2/

Cleveland The First-Mason Bank, Mason, Ohio. To e s t a b l i s h a CBCT branch at Kings Is land, Deerf ie ld Township, Warren County, Kings Is land, Ohio. 2/

Richmond Firs t S e t t l e r s Bank, Hayes, Virginia . To e s t a b l i s h a branch at the i n t e r s e c t i o n of U. S. Rt. 17 and Ella Taylor Road, Harwoods Mi l l , York County, Virg in ia . 2/

Chicago The Northern Trust Company, Chicago, I l l i n o i s . To e s t a b l i s h an ATM at Wal greens Drug Store, 2317 N. Clark S t r e e t , Chicago, I l l i n o i s . 2/

* * * * *

To Become a Member of the Federal Reserve System Pursuant to Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act

St . Louis Central Trust Company, Memphis, Tennessee. 2/

* * * * *

Applications and N o t i f i c a t i o n s for International Investments and Other Actions Pursuant to Sect ions

25 and 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act and Sections 4 ( c ) ( 9 ) and 4 ( c ) ( 1 3 ) of the Bank Holding Company

Act of 1956, as amended

Boston Firs t National Boston Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts prior n o t i f i c a t i o n of i t s intent to increase i t in-direct investment through a wholly-owned subs id iary , FSC Corp., in Boston International Finance Corporation N.V., Curacao, Netherlands, A n t i l l e s .

2/ Application subject to Community Reinvestment Act. The Community A f f a i r s Of f i cer of the appl icable Reserve Bank may be contacted as to the length of the comment period.

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Correction: Richmond The appl icat ion for NCNR National Bank of Flor ida ,

Boca Raton, Flor ida: to e s t a b l i s h a branch in Georgetown, Cayman Islands which appeared on H.2 No. 8 , 1983 was s t a t e d i n c o r r e c t l y . The correct name of the Applicant should have been NCNB National Bank of Florida, Boca Raton, Florida.

* * * * *

To Form a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3 ( a ) ( 1 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Boston Dartmouth National Corporation, Hanover, New Hampshire for approval to acquire 100 percent of the vot ing shares of Dartmouth National Bank of Hanover, Hanover, New Hampshire. 2/

New York F irs t Jersey National Corporation, Jersey Ci ty , New Jersey , f o r approval to acquire at l e a s t 20.07 percent of the vot ing shares of The Peoples National Bank of Central Jersey , Pi scat away, New Jersey. 2/

Phi ladelphia BT Financial Corporation, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the vot ing shares of Johnstown Bank and Trust Company, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 2/

Atlanta Skylake Bankshares, I n c . , North Miami Beach, Florida, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 97 percent of the voting shares of The Skylake State Bank, North Miami Beach, Flor ida. 2/

Atlanta South Florida Banking Corp., Bonita Springs, Florida, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of F i r s t National Bank of Bonita Springs, Bonita Springs, F lor ida . 2/

Chicago Michiana Bancorp, I n c . , South Bend, Indiana, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent or more of the voting shares of Western State Bank, South Bend, Indiana. 2/

27 Application subject to Community Reinvestment Act. The Community Af fa i r s Of f i cer of the appl icable Reserve Bank may be contacted as to the length of the comment period.

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St . Louis F i r s t Ci t i zens Bancs hares, I n c . , Dyersburg, Tennessee, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of the successor by merger to F i r s t - C i t i z e n s National Bank of Dyersburg, Dyersburg, Tennessee. 2]

Minneapolis Hamburg F inanc ia l , I n c . , Edtna, Minnesota, f o r approval to acquire at l e a s t 94 .5 percent of the voting shares of State Bank of Hamburg, Hamburg, Minnesota. 2/

Kansas City Auburn Security Bancshares, In c . , Auburn, Kansas, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 94.4 percent of the vot ing shares of The Security State Bank, Auburn, Kansas. 2/

Kansas City Cedaredge Financial Serv ices , I n c . , Denver, Colorado, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of The F ir s t National Bank of Cedaredge, Cedaredge, Colorado. 2}

Kansas City Farmers Bancshares of Erick, I n c . , Erick, Oklahoma, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the voting shares of The Farmers National Bank of Erick, Erick, Oklahoma. 2]

Kansas City Firs t Overton Bancorp, Overton, Nebraska, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares of Bank of Overton, Overton, Nebraska. 2j

Kansas City Lake Bancshares Corporation, Langley, Oklahoma, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent of the vot ing shares of Bank of the Lakes, Langley, Oklahoma. 2]

Kansas City Windsor Bancorporation, I n c . , Windsor, Colorado, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 51.5 percent of the voting shares of Bank of Windsor, Windsor, Colorado. \If

Dallas C o l l i e r Bancshares Holding Company, Inc . , McAllen, Texas, f o r approval to acquire at l e a s t 30.69 percent of the voting shares of Lower Rio Grande Valley Bancshares, I n c . , La Feria , Texas and i n d i r e c t l y The F irs t National Bank of La Fer ia , La Fer ia , Texas, Valley National Bank, Harlingen, Texas, and The F irs t National Bank of Mercedes, Mercedes, Texas. 2/

"Tf Application subject to Community Reinvestment Act. The Community Af fa i r s Of f i cer of the appl icable Reserve Bank may be contacted as to the length of the comment period.

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Dallas F i d e l i t y Bancs hares, I n c . , Temple, Texas, f o r approval to acquire 96.01 percent of the voting shares of Robinson State Bank, Robinson, Texas. 2/

San Larchmont Bancorp, Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a , for Francisco approval to acquire 100 percent of the voting shares

of Larchmont National Bank, Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a , a proposed new bank. 2/

* * * * *

To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3 ( a ) ( 3 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Atlanta E l l i s Banking Corporation, Bradenton, Florida, for approval to acquire at l e a s t 51 percent or more of the voting shares of Dixie County State Bank, Cross City, Flor ida. 2j

Chicago Middle States Bancorporation, I n c . , East Moline, I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 76.5 percent of the voting shares of Colona Avenue State Bank East Moline, I l l i n o i s . 21

St . Louis F irs t Granite Bancorporation, I n c . , Granite City , I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent and up to 100 percent of the voting shares of Colonial Bank of Granite Ci ty , Granite Ci ty , I l l i n o i s . 2/

Dallas Western Bancorporation, N.V. , Houston, Texas, for approval to acquire 100 percent of the vot ing shares of Port City Bancs hares, I n c . , Houston, Texas and i n d i r e c t l y Port City Bank, Houston, Texas. 2/

* * * * *

To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 3 ( a ) ( 5 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

Dallas Western Bancorporation, I n c . , Houston, Texas, for approval to merger with Port City Bancshares, I n c . , Houston, Texas and i n d i r e c t l y Port City Bank, Houston, Texas. 2/

7 / Application subject to Community Reinvestment Act. The Community Af fa i r s Of f i cer of the appl icable Reserve Bank may be contacted as to the length of the comment period.

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H.2, 1983 No. 9(a) - 19 -


To Expand a Bank Holding Company Pursuant to Section 4 ( c ) ( 8 ) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956

New York Chemical New York Corporation, New York, New York, requests permission to re locate an o f f i c e engaging in the fo l lowing a c t i v i t i e s (making direct l o a n s , purchasing instal lment s a l e s f inance con-t r a c t s , and acting as agent or broker f o r the sa l e of c r e d i t l i f e , accident and health insurance, and making ava i lab le to i t s debtors property and casualty insurance, a l l d i r e c t l y re la ted to such extensions of c r e d i t ) from 5803 Youree Drive, Shreveport, Louisiana to 820 Jordan S t r e e t , Shreveport, Louisiana, through i t s subs id iary , Sunamerica Financial Corporation (3 /1 /83 )

New York Cit icorp, New York, New York, requests permission to expand the a c t i v i t i e s and re locate an e x i s t i n g o f f i c e of i t s subs id iary , Citicorp Person-to-Person Financial Center, Inc. (Delaware) ("CPTP"), and t o e s t a b l i s h a de novo o f f i c e of Cit icorp Homeowners, Inc. (Delaware) (CHI") at the same l o c a t i o n ; the previously approved a c t i v i t i e s in which the o f f i c e of CPTP proposes to engage at the new locat ion are as fo l lows (the making or acquiring of loans and other extens ions of c r e d i t , secured or unsecured, for consumer and other purposes; the extension of loans to dealers for the f inancing of inventory [ f l o o r planning] and working capital purposes; the purchasing and s e r v i c i n g for i t s own account of sa l e s f inance contrac t s ; the sa l e of c r e d i t -re lated l i f e and accident and health or decreasing or leve l [ i n the case of s i n g l e payment loans ] term l i f e insurance by l i censed agents or brokers, as required; the sa l e of consumer oriented f inanc ia l management courses ; and the s e r v i c i n g , for any person, of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t ; the a c t i v i t i e s in which the o f f i c e of CPTP proposes to engage de novo at the new l o c a t i o n are ( the making, acquir ing , and s e r v i c i n g , for i t s own account and f o r the account of o thers , of extensions of cred i t to ind iv iduals secured by l i e n s on res ident ia l or non-res ident ia l real e s t a t e ; and the s a l e of mortgage l i f e and mortgage d i s a b i l i t y insurance d i r e c t l y re la ted to extensions of mortgage l o a n s ) ; the CHI o f f i c e wil l engage in the fo l lowing a c t i v i t i e s (the making or acquiring of loans and other extens ions of c r e d i t , secured or unsecured, for consumer and other purposes; the sa l e of c r e d i t - r e l a t e d l i f e and accident and


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health or decreasing or level [ in the case of s i n g l e payment l o a n s ] term l i f e insurance by l i censed agents or brokers, as required; the s a l e of consumer or iented f inanc ia l management courses; the s e r v i c i n g , f o r any person, of loans and other extensions of c r e d i t ; t h e making, acquir ing , and s e r v i c i n g , f o r i t s own account and f o r the account of o thers , of extensions of cred i t to indiv iduals secured by l i e n s on res ident ia l or non-res ident ial real e s t a t e ; and the s a l e of mortgage l i f e and mortgage d i s a b i l i t y insurance d i r e c t l y re lated to extensions of mortgage loans) from 109 E. Lohman S t r e e t , Las Cruces, New Mexico to Golden Key Central , 1200 Golden Key C i r c l e , El Paso, Texas (2 /28 /83)

Phi ladelphia Merchants Bancorp, Incorporated, Allentown, Pennsylvania, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in the l i f e and d i s a b i l i t y insurance business , insuring r i s k s d irect or as a r e insurer , or both, f r e e from the l i m i t a t i o n s imposed upon a domestic l i f e and d i s a b i l i t y re insurer) these a c t i v i t i e s would be conducted in the State of Pennsylvania, through i t s subs id iary , Merchants Life Insurance Company ( 3 / 1 / 8 3 )

Cleveland BancOhio Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making, acquir ing , or s e r v i c i n g for i t s own account or f o r the account of o thers , a l l types of res ident ia l and commercial mortgage loans and other extensions of cred i t [ including i s su ing l e t t e r s of cred i t and accepting d r a f t s ] at 1 Cascade Plaza, Akron, Ohio, through i t s subs id iary , BancOhio Mortgage Company (2 /25 /83)

Cleveland PNC Financial Corp, Pit tsburgh, Pennsylvania, n o t i f i -cation of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( m a k i n g or acquiring f o r i t s own account or for the accounts of o thers , loans and other extensions of c r e d i t ) at Pittsburgh National Building, F i f th Avenue and Wood S t r e e t , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, through i t s subs id iary , Pittsburgh National Commercial Corporation (2 /28 /83)

Richmond Dominion Bankshares Corporation, Roanoke, Virg inia , n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (engaging in any one or more o f t h e funct ions or a c t i v i t i e s that may be performed or carried on by a t rus t company) at 200 Monticel lo Avenue, Norfolk, Virg in ia , through i t s subs id iary , Dominion Trust Company ( 3 / 4 / 8 3 )

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At! anta


Mi nneapoli s

Southern Bancorporation, I n c . , Greenv i l l e , South Carol ina, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making extensions of cred i t as a l icensed consumer f inance lender) at 100 East Second S t r e e t , Sand Springs, Oklahoma, through i t s subs id iary , World Acceptance Corporation ( 3 / 4 / 8 3 )

Southern Bancorporation, I n c . , Greenv i l l e , South Carol ina, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making extensions of cred i t as a l icensed consumer f inance lender) at 24 East Dewey S t r e e t , Sapulpa, Oklahoma, through i t s sub-s i d i a r y , World Acceptance Corporation (3 /4 /83 )

Southern Bancorporation, I n c . , Greenv i l l e , South Carolina, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making extensions of cred i t as a l i censed consumer f inance lender) at 18 East Pine S t r e e t , Tulsa, Oklahoma, through i t s sub-s i d i a r y , World Acceptance Corporation (3 /3 /83)

Barnett Banks of F lor ida , I n c . , Jacksonvil l e , Florida, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in funct ions and a c t i v i t i e s performed by a corporate f i d u c i a r y , inc luding personal representat ive of e s t a t e s , t r u s t e e of t r u s t agreements and indentures, guardian of property, cus todian , investment agent, stock t r a n s f e r agent, r e g i s t r a r and a l l other dut ies commonly performed by a t r u s t department of a bank or a t r u s t company) in Tampa, Florida, con-ducting business throughout the s t a t e of Flor ida, through i t s subs id iary , Barnett Banks Trust Company, National Associat ion (2 /25 /83)

F ir s t Midwest Bancorp, I n c . , J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s , for approval to acquire at l e a s t 80 percent or more of the voting shares of Midwest Insurance Company, J o l i e t , I l l i n o i s .

Northwest Bancorporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in investment advisory and small business investment company a c t i v i t i e s ) at 1730 Midwest Plaza Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 3018 F irs t National Tower, Portland, Oregon and 7625 West F i f th Avenue, Suite 202, Lakewood, Colorado, serving the continental United S t a t e s , through i t s subs id iary , NWB Venture Capital Co. (2 /28 /83)

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Kansas City Cedaredge Financial Serv ices , I n c . , Denver, Colorado, for approval to engage de novo in general insurance., agency a c t i v i t i e s in a community of l e s s than 5,000 population.

Kansas City F irs t Oklahoma Bancorporation, I n c . , Oklahoma Ci ty , Oklahoma, n o t i f i c a t i o n of in tent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in providing f inanc ia l advice to s t a t e and local governments and other tax exempt organizat ions and e n t i t i e s , including research and development of programs t a i l o r e d to match the f inancia l resources of the customer with i t s f inancia l needs in t h e most e f f e c t i v e and cos t e f f i c i e n t manner in accordance with the Board's Regulation Y) at 210 West Park Avenue, Oklahoma City , Oklahoma, serving Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas, through a subs id iary , F irs t Invescorp, Inc. (3 /4 /83 )

Kansas City United Banks of Colorado, I n c . , Denver, Colorado, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (in c r e d i t l i f e and credi t accident and health insurance d i r e c t l y re lated to extensions of c r e d i t ) by i t s subs id iary , United Financial Centers, I n c . , 1700 Broadway, Sui te 2100, Denver, Colorado, at o f f i c e s located at 3150 South Peoria S t r e e t , Aurora, Colorado, serving the southeastern portion of Araphahoe County, including the City of Aurora, and the contiguous northeastern portion of Douglas County, Colorado, and 900 West 104th Avenue, Northglenn, Colorado, serving Adams County and contiguous portions of Denver and Boulder Counties, Colorado; through i t s subsidary, Lincoln Agency, I n c . , Denver, Colorado (3 /1 /83 )

Dallas Commercial Bancshares, I n c . , Houston, Texas, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s (making or acquiring loans and other extensions of cred i t such as would be made by a commercial f inancia l company, including commercial loans secured by a borrower's equipment, inventory, accounts r e c e i v a b l e , or other a s s e t s , s erv ic ing such loans for others; and making l eases of personal property in accordance with the Board's Regulation Y) these a c t i v i t i e s would be per-formed in the State of Texas (3 /3 /83)

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Dallas Mustang Financial Corporation, Rio Vis ta , Texas, n o t i f i c a t i o n of intent to engage in de novo a c t i v i t i e s ( in consumer and commercial" f inance a c t i v i t i e s , including the extens ions of d irect loans to consumers, the discount of re ta i l and instal lment notes or c o n t r a c t s , and other ex-tens ions of c r e d i t such as would normally be made by a f inance company) at 1500 West Henderson, Cleburne, Texas, serving the s t a t e of Texas, through i t s subs id iary , Mustang Credit Corporation (3 /1 /83 )

* * * * *



* * * * *



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