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Page 1: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter

Fall /Winter 2013

Habitat Herald “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings

people together to build homes, communities and hope.”

Groundbreaking Ceremony at North 31st Street

On a chilly November day, Habitat for

Humanity Lakeside gathered for a lovely

groundbreaking ceremony for the Xiong

Family. The Xiong family, Mayor Vander-

steen, Dr. Aloys Tauscheck, HFHL board

members, committee members, and staff

were all in attendance.

The celebration included an introduction

of members of the Xiong family (some of

the children were unable to attend be-

cause of school), welcoming and thank-

you to guests, and then the dirt (rather

snow) began to fly! The celebration con-

cluded with a devotion, “Guide our hands

and fill our hearts with joy and thanksgiv-

ing as we proceed with your work.”

It is important to note that the home will

be built on a lot that was previously

owned by Dr. Tauscheck & Dr. Andrew

Campbell. They graciously donated the lot

to HFHL and are thrilled to see such a

wonderful family have the opportunity to

become homeowners and give their chil-

dren a safe, decent place to call home.

The family has already put in over 100

hours of sweat equity and when asked to

reflect on their experience working in the

ReStore said, “For us it has been an eye-

opening experience. It is wonderful to see

the generosity of people donating items to

the store. And it’s been amazing to see

how volunteers are the driving force be-

hind the ReStore, and rather Habitat as


Tanya Anderson, the Family Partner &

member of HFHL’s Board of Directors,

said, “We are so excited to be partnering

with this hard-working & grateful family.

They are truly deserving of this opportuni-

ty and we are so happy for them!” Tanya

has worked with the family throughout

the entire application process and will

continue to mentor the family on topics

related to homeownership during the

build, and will maintain a relationship with

the family after their home is finished!

We are delighted to be partnering with

such a wonderful family, and hope that

their new home will bring them great joy!

In This Issue:

Letter from President …2

All About Our Mission...2

Ozaukee Chapter News….3

Sign a Board Campaign...4

Words of Wisdom...5

Holiday Gift Idea...6

HFHL in the News...7

Cars for Homes...8

“We are blessed to have gotten this once in a lifetime opportunity!”- The Xiong Family

Page 2: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity

brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.”

“God’s love”- HFH is a Christian organization that is about serving God by serving others.

“brings people together”- By inviting organizations, businesses, and individuals to get involved, we bring attention to the complex challenge of adequate affordable housing and work towards our vision of, “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.”

“homes, communities, and hope”- HFHL’s goal is not to just build houses! Our goal is for communities to be improved through all of our programs and hope to be renewed in families and whole communities through Habitat Projects.

Letter From Our President: “US Bank, Thank You!”

What are you thankful for? For me, it’s all

about people. I’m thankful for the people

who contribute to our projects, who volunteer

on our builds, who shop in or volunteer at our

ReStores, who make up our dedicated staff, and

for the partner families who work alongside us to

build or repair their homes. They build hope in all of us

and in our community. Being with these folks and hear-

ing their stories inspires me every day.

As the cold weather approaches, our indomitable Con-

struction Manager is preparing to break ground on our

next build. The partner family is already busy putting in

their “Sweat Equity” hours and we are so happy to be

able to get to know them better. We just dedicated our

28th new build and are hoping to build 4 more new

homes during the 2014 build season. We’ve also served

four families through our “A Brush with Kindness”

home repair program. Our volunteers are essential,

busy and appreciated. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU


Our ReStores are busy accepting donations, helping

customers find just the right item, and expanding our

service to our community. Right now we’re continuing

to collect holiday lights for recycling. This recycling

program helps raise funds for HHFL, as well as keep

waste out of the landfill. Remember that we use the

profits from our ReStores to build simple, safe and af-

fordable housing in Sheboygan and Ozaukee Counties,

and we also contribute to building houses for people in

need around the world.

We are thrilled to announce our first major corporate

donor for our Gateway project: US Bank! US Bank has

contributed $5,000 to our project and is our lead donor.

We are so grateful for this contribution and look for-

ward to seeing their employees on our build sites. All of

the work we do, our mission to build homes and hope,

depends on contributions. We need you and your time,

talent, and treasure. We put your contributions to good

use: Because we are able to fund all of our operating

expenses from our ReStores, 100% of your contribution

goes to building homes.

We have big plans to help even more families in the

coming years. Our mission is simple: Everyone should

have a decent place to live. Please keep us and our work

in your hearts and in your prayers. Come join us! No

contribution is too small, and all skill levels are wel-


Carol Dussault

President, Board of Directors

Habitat for Humanity Lakeside


Page 3: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


Message from the Executive Director

Ozaukee County Continues to Build

Building Homes:

Dedication of CR in Fredonia

Thanks to our dedicated volunteers

and supporters we were able to com-

plete our 1st CR project for a deserv-

ing family in Fredonia. Our partner

family for this project was amazing!

Their support in raising funds, belief

in our mission, and appreciation for

our partnership has been wonderful!

Building Communities:

Exciting News for Our Chapter!

After nine years of hard work and

dedication, the Ozaukee Chapter is

on its way to building in the Village

of Grafton. We are excited to be able

to branch out and build homes with

partner families in other parts of

Ozaukee County. This is a great op-

portunity to build community and

connect with more deserving fami-

lies throughout the county. A special

thanks to Alan Schupp for his many

years of dedication in seeing this

project through!

Building Hope:

A new partner family will be moving

into a previously vacant Habitat

home this December in Port Wash-

ington. Our new partner family was

paying 45% of their income on hous-

ing, and now will be paying $500

less than what they were paying in

rent-building decent, affordable

housing! The 3 children who were

all sharing one bedroom, will now be

able to spread out. We are blessed to

be able to partner with another de-

serving family, and continue on in

our mission of building homes, com-

munities, and hope!

As we head into the Holiday season and our long Wis-

consin winter we can be grateful for many accomplish-

ments and dream of the exciting opportunities next year

will bring. This issue of the newsletter conveys details

of the fruits of a productive spring, summer, and fall.

The past few months saw the dedication of a rehabilitat-

ed home on N 19th Street In Sheboygan. The partner

family moved in just in time to celebrate Thanksgiving.

A marvelous “A Brush With Kindness” project near

Fredonia was completed with a bathroom remodel and

attached garage with a protected wheelchair ramp.

Three more ABWK projects were completed in She-

boygan Co. Finally ground was broken on a home for

our newest partner family in Sheboygan. These fruits of

our endeavor are only the star on the top of our Christ-

mas tree and we must be grateful for the efforts and la-

bors of everyone who make up the branches behind

these accomplishments. The volunteers on the

worksites, site managers, family service and other com-

mittees, ReStores, fundraisers, staff and Boards all play-

ing their important and necessary parts.

Though winter is a relatively quiet time all the branches

of our tree are still active in finding partner families,

planning projects, running ReStores and developing

funding sources. All this activity continues sort of under

wraps, but, unabated so we can hang stars on our tree

next year.

Best of all the winter offers a time to reflect on the spirit

of our accomplishments and the hopes we hold for next

spring and summer. We are reminded that we are only

the hands and feet of a loving God. Pause to remember

that why we toil is for Him. To spread the love God has

graciously endowed us with. Let’s be sure to take some

time to be thankful and nurture the spirit of our faith so

when the snow melts and the ground thaws we are

ready to burst forth, grow, and blossom.

In His service,

Robert Pamenter

Executive Director

Page 4: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter



“Help Us Build Dreams,

Foot by Foot!”

It’s easy and fun to partici-

pate: For a $1.00 donation

you are able to sign a foot

of a 2” x 4” board that will

actually be used to build

one of our Habitat homes.

Write thoughts of encour-

agement, and well wishes

to the partner family,

even color a picture. It’s up

to you. The more colorful

the better!

Boards are available to

sign at the front desks of

both of our ReStores

(Plymouth and Sheboygan.

If you are interested in hosting a sign a 2” x 4” event with your church, organization, club, or busi-ness. Please contact our Development Coordinator at 920.458.3399 ext. 303 or [email protected] to arrange a fundraiser.

North 19th St. Home Dedication

On October 20th, Habitat held a home dedication for the

Betty-Anne White Family. Betty-Anne said, “The day of

my dedication was the realization of years of faith and

work. It was really hard for me not to sob.” It has only been

a few weeks since the family moved in, and they are loving

every second spent in their restored home. Her sons are

now able to have separate bedrooms, the open-concept de-

sign helps her to better watch over the children in her home

childcare business, and hosting for the holidays will be

made easier with more room for guests.

“Everyone was so willing to make me comfortable while

teaching me how to do something. Whether it was working

on the house, or filling out the paperwork, people were en-

couraging and edifying. I cannot thank Habitat and all the

workers enough for investing in me. It is my hope to be

able to encourage others to invest in Habitat.” - Betty Anne White

“A Brush with Kindness” News

We have completed our 2nd and 3rd Brush

with Kindness Projects! Our 2nd was an

exterior painting project where we painted

a house including trim, windows and a

porch. We also built and painted new steps

for the porch to replace those that were

badly in need of repair. This was done for

a family whose mother and father were

both let go from their jobs during the re-

cession, got new jobs but without insur-

ance. With his two heart attacks, painting

the house was the furthest thing from their

mind. This is where Habitat came to the

rescue. The family also completed over ten

hours of sweat equity helping to prepare

the area and working for a day.

Our 3rd project was working on the front

exterior of a trailer, including window re-

placement and repairing two electrical out-

lets. She was most happy with the safety of

the electrical work and not having a draft

in her kitchen with the window replace-

ments. She completed over 8 hours of

sweat equity by priming and painting the

interior windows and being of assistance

throughout the project.


Site Supervisor-Ron Halverson

Site Supervisor-Craig Seider

Volunteers-Gordy Hubbard, Pete Wagner,

Jim La Croix, Dennis Wagner, Bob Hartig,

Larry TenPas, Mike DeMaster & Dennis


Supporters-Thrivent Financial, Sherwin

Williams, & Pro-Tec Pest Control

Page 5: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


Although Jim Meyer was born in Milwaukee, his family moved to Ozaukee Coun-

ty when he was just a child, and there he has remained. Jim and his wife of 32

years, Kristine, have raised three wonderful children, and are now grandparents!

Jim considers himself blessed and fortunate to have had 30 years with Thrivent

Financial for Lutherans, particularly because his work with the Brotherhood has

brought him into direct contact with Habitat for Humanity. That contact lead him

to work on several Milwaukee projects, and then he turned his attention to the

Ozaukee Chapter’s Christian Build projects in ‘08-‘09 in Port Washington. Jim

played a major role in the fund raising efforts for the two homes built then, and he

hungered to bring even more of his gifts to the organization. To that end, he joined

the Board of the Ozaukee Chapter in Jan. of 2010.

Jim finds his greatest satisfaction in the roles he plays which bring him face to face

with those we serve, so he continues to pick up a hammer and roll up his sleeves

when possible. Last May he was able to spend time in El Salvador with Habitat

International, and when the time is right, he says he hopes to find another oppor-

tunity out-of-country. For now, his focus is on helping to continue to develop the

Ozaukee Chapter and find ways to serve the community he loves.

Volunteer Spotlight: Richard Schultz

Volunteer Spotlight: Jim Meyer

At seventy-something, Richard Schultz (“Rich”) is a self-described “Lifer” with

Habitat for Humanity Lakeside. “I’ve been here almost since the beginning,” he

says, “when we were still over in the old skating rink.” He started in the ReStore

there after his retirement from Kohler Corporation, and helped with the move to

our 8th Street location. Now he averages 10-12 hours per week, specializing in

the recycling work, painstakingly cleaning and pulling things apart into their vari-

ous components to be re-sold or recycled.

Rich lives with his wife Linda in Sheboygan.

Linda is a regular volunteer with St. Nick’s, so

they are both heavily involved in giving back to

their communities. When asked why he came

to Habitat, he simply says “I needed something

to do!” When pressed, he adds, “And it’s fun

working with the guys!” That’s all this smiling

and modest man will say, but we know it’s his

giving spirit that keeps him coming back day

after day in support of our Mission, and we are



Words of Wisdom from

Ozaukee Chapter Presi-

dent, Alan Schupp

With the holiday

season upon us,

there is a spirit of

thankfulness in the air. On

Thanksgiving Day and many

times during the holiday

season families sit down at

the table and give thanks

for a variety of things. Peo-

ple give thanks for what

they have, what they have

been able to accomplish,


It is important to note here

that Habitat volunteers do-

nate their time & talent to a

family (often times un-

known to them), & Board/

committee members come

to meetings to help Habitat

continue to grow. Now, be-

cause of the work Habitat

has done, Habitat partner

families are giving thanks to

YOU (those of you who do-

nate, volunteer, or advo-

cate for Habitat).

“We give thanks for what

we have, and now these

families are giving thanks

for what YOU all did! It’s

truly a wonderful concept.

and a blessing to be a part


Page 6: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


Cindy Heimann came to us in Spring of 2009, and has become an important cog in our wheel! After 24 years

working outside her home, Cindy had decided to become a child-care provider, and was doing that in the mornings;

but, by afternoon she longed for some adult contact! Her friends and neighbors, Char and Clarence Goetsch, them-

selves long-time Habitat supporters, suggested she consider volunteering at the Plymouth ReStore, and the rest is


Cindy, who lives with her husband, Jim, in Elkhart Lake, has adopted a regular schedule as cashier and customer

service person. That steady reliability is invaluable to ReStore Manager Dennis Voelker – he knows he can depend

on Cindy to be there when she says she will be, and to know the products and resources available. For her part, Cin-

dy’s creative streak finds it especially gratifying when “artsy” customers come in looking for something for a pro-

ject – it’s fun, she says, to help them see the construction materials and other stock in a new way, to reimagine it as

part of the piece they are working on, or to see a light bulb go on as an idea is born for something new!

Something is always up at the ReStore, and Cindy laughs as she tells about how sparks can fly – literally! Once,

when helping to test a fan that had been donated, Cindy threw the switch when another volunteer said “ready”, and

everyone jumped when the fan sparked and the power went out! No one was hurt, but, “We all got our reminders

about safety that day!” she chuckles. It’s always something!

Volunteer Spotlight: Cindy Heimann

Our ReStores will be releasing a

monthly e-newsletter. This news-

letter will include ReStore news, spe-

cial items from each ReStore, recog-

nition of business donors, and even

Habitat ReStore coupons on occa-


Sign up to receive this e-newsletter

by filling out a form at the front desk

of our ReStores or completing the

online sign-up form on our website:




Have someone on your gift list that’s tough to buy for?

Consider making a donation to Habitat for Humanity

Lakeside in honor of them. They’ll be pleased to know

that their gift is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Dona-

tions help build Habitat homes with partner families and

our homeowners pay back a no-interest, no-profit mort-

gage over time on those Habitat homes, and their

monthly payments are

recycled to build more


To donate, send a check

made payable to “Habitat

for Humanity Lakeside”:

PO Box 973

Sheboygan, WI 53082

All donations are tax-deductible.

ReStore E-Newsletter

Did you know…

Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races

and religions to build houses together in part-

nership with families in need of a home.

Page 7: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


HFHL In The News

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, January 18th

Next Build in Ozaukee County, spring ‘14

Earth Day Celebration at our ReStores, April 19th

Recycled Art Event w/Masters Gallery Foods, April 25-27th

ReStore Volunteer of the Year-Larry Doolittle

Huge Thank You to US Bank for leading the way in raising

funds for the Gateway Sheboygan Project

Some of the shoes we collected in part-

nership with Masters Gallery Foods to

be recycled. Helping others around the

world and raising funds for HFHL.

HFH-International News

Since 1976, HFH has helped 4 million people around the world! In November, HFHI raised the walls of

our 800,00th home, and now we are building toward our millionth!

Sneak Peak of 2014

Page 8: Habitat for Humanity Lakeside Fall/Winter 2013 newsletter


PO Box 973

Sheboygan, WI 53082

p. 920.458.3399

e. [email protected]

hfh-wi-lake.huterra.com Follow and like us at: HabitatLakeside

Donate your vehicle to help build homes!

PO Box 973

Sheboygan, WI 53082

(920) 458-3399

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