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w w w . j c i h k . o r g


Interview with Mr Douglas Young, Founder of G.O.D.

2012 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) Hong Kong

We are the Champion in JCI World Debating Championship in ASPAC

The 40th Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection

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ContentsHARBOUR LIGHTS 2012 issue THREE

3 Message from National President

4-5 Interview with Mr Douglas Young, Founder of G.O.D.

6-11 2012 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) Hong Kong

12 We are the Champion in JCI World Debating Championship in ASPAC!

13 JCI World Public Speaking Championship

14-15 Senior Member Club

16 Leadership Development — 5-Star Training Camp II

Membership — Change Maker Forum II

JCIHK Supports UN Global Compact

17-23 Local Chapter Activities

23 The 47th National Convention

Caring Organization

24 The 40th Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection

That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life;

That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations;

That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise;

That government should be of laws rather than of men;

That earth's great treasure lies in human personality;

And that service to humanity is the best work of life.


Harbour Lights is published by Junior Chamber International Hong Kong Ltd (JCIHK), 21/F Seaview Commercial Building, 21-24 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from JCIHK. Opinions expressed in the Harbour Lights represent those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by JCIHK.

Harbour Lights is distributed in over 90 government organizations, universities and public libraries.

Editorial Advisory Board

National President Senator Stanley NgNational Executive Vice President Licca ChanNational Vice President Jennifer Lam

Editorial Team

National Publishing Director Eliza Chan

Design & Printing

Artist Printing & Design Co., Ltd.

Time flies. This comes to Issue 3 of Harbour Lights. In this issue, we are excited that we made the JCI Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) in Hong Kong on 7-10 June 2012. More than 4,800 young active citizens from all over the world gathered in Hong Kong to exchange views on how to bring positive

change to society. This is an enjoyable and memorable lifetime experience for me. How about you?

In addition to the “Hong Kong-made” conference, we are honoured to have interviewed Mr Douglas Young, Founder of G.O.D. who designs and makes “Hong Kong-style” products. We can strongly feel his mission, passion and persistence to promote Hong Kong culture through his creative designs to not only Hong Kong, but also to the world.

Last but not least, this issue presents to you many meaningful projects undertaken by JCIHK and its chapters. Happy reading and keep updated with JCIHK!!

Eliza Chan




Gold SponsorsOriental Technology Limited

JCI ApexFookman Chan

Licca ChanAlice LiuEric Tang

Cynthia WongClement Woo

Paul Wu

Ruby SponsorTimmy Lee

Diamond SponsorsStanley NgJames TsuiKen Wong

Corporate Sponsor

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Beyond ASPAC – A Stronger JCI Hong Kong!With over 4,800 JCI members from 38 different national bodies, 2012 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference Hong Kong had created a significant drive in JC movement in the region.

From the conference, we heard the development of JC movement in new territories; witnessed that Local Chapters are committed to work jointly for the communities through new sisterhood twining; new projects are being launched by creative young people in the region to tackle new social issues; and sustainable solutions are implemented continuously in different cities in the Asia-Pacific region. Members are further equipped through debate and public speaking programs, new skill sets are being introduced in training sessions, local and international partners of JCI are working closer to allow greater impact for the region and beyond.

The achievement we have created makes our efforts in the past years really meaningful - from 2009 National Convention Long Term Development Forum, 2010 Bidding Process in ASPAC Singapore, the huge strategic work of ASPAC Conference Organizing Committee (COC) and Executive Committee in 2011 to condensed preparation work from COC and 19 Chapters this year. The process was not easy but it has been worthwhile. It is an experience that all of us will keep talking about and never forget in our life time.

Members of JCI Hong Kong, after ASPAC, I hope all of you are more aware of the call from our community to create bigger impact from JC movement.

We still have over 150 days to the end of 2012. After ASPAC, it is not the time to relax yet. Instead, it is time to do more for our local initiatives. We are better equipped with experience, knowledge and exposure now. The issues in the society are yet to be addressed. Your Local Chapter has already planned a series of projects for you to Act. Do it!

JC movement is about uniting young people of each generation to make actions for the welfare of our community. We are so lucky to have the opportunity to host and experience ASPAC in Hong Kong that members in the past 33 years cannot get. It is now our responsibility to make our beloved JCI Hong Kong a stronger JCI Hong Kong!

Stanley NG

Stanley Ng2012 National President

Junior Chamber International Hong Kong

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Interview with Mr Douglas Young, Founder of G.O.D.

Many people will know G.O.D. (Goods of Desire) – a famous Hong Kong brand selling lifestyle products ranging from fashion, furniture to homeware. G.O.D. designs are inspired by the vibrant culture of the energetic Hong Kong where east meets west, and age-old traditions meet cutting-edge technology. How much do you know about its founder, Mr Douglas Young? The JCIHK has the honour to interview the innovative designer, Douglas, who clearly demonstrated Hong Kong Spirit and shared with us his contribution to social responsibility.

A Role Model of “Hong Kong Spirit”To Douglas, “Hong Kong Spir it” is always full of energy, creative, persistent and forward-looking. Douglas shares all these characteristics and his designs embody a strong sense of “Hong Kong” style and culture – a role model of Hong Kong Spirit.

Born in Hong Kong, Douglas went to study in the United Kingdom at the age of 14. While studying architecture in university, he returned to Hong Kong to start his design career. Seeing that many brands at that time were just imitating foreign brands, he had the mission to establish a “totally” local brand reflecting local culture. He believed that a successful brand should be “original” carrying local culture and identity and such will enable its market to outreach Hong Kong to the world.

G.O.D. has now become a wel l-established brand attracting both local and international customers. Its designs always give “surprises”. Yet these surprises may not always be accepted by all people. There were some criticisms about some

“controversial” G.O.D. designs such as “Delay No More” which sounds like local foul language. Despite this, Douglas emphasized the need to create “surprises” and “noises” in his designs all the time. “Design must make noise and it is good to hear the noises arousing people’s attention to and discussion about my designs!”, said Douglas. When asking how he can always have inspirations and surprises, he explained,

In facing the increasing number of companies selling designed products of local culture, Douglas considered this a healthy competition. “I am pleased to see this trend and glad that I am the pioneer to do so. We are working together to promote local culture”, said Douglas. To maintain the competitiveness of G.O.D., he stressed the need to surprise his customers all the time.

Learning through ExperiencesDouglas is someone who is willing to try different things and take risks as demonstrated from the development of G.O.D. and investment in the Delay No Mall project which are quite different. G.O.D. sells his own designed products but Delay No Mall offers products from other companies.

In 2008, Douglas invested in the Delay No Mall project, but it was not a success. Though he lost a lot of money in this development, he stayed positive and viewed this as a valuable learning experience. He attributed the failure to the wrong choice of the location of the Mall and the lack of “special” products in the Mall. He joked that not all my designs can be successful – out of 10 designs, there are a few unsuccessful designs. He likes success, but will also accept failure. As long as he can still accept failure, he will keep accepting challenges.

G.O.D. meets StarbucksIt may be diff icult to imagine a c rossover between G .O.D. and Starbucks, an international coffee shop. Yet, G.O.D. and Starbucks create the miracle together in the boutique coffee shop in Central and a café in Mong Kok featuring Hong Kong films. “The joint venture shows both genes and is a demonstration of local café culture 冰室文化 , bringing iced drinks to Hong Kong where east meets west. This leads to great curiosity. It’s 1 + 1 = 3.”, described Douglas. In this collaboration, both G.O.D. and Starbucks held their principles and this demanded lengthy discussions to reach the “integrated” outcome. To take the example of the coffee shop in Central, Douglas stressed the need to have a Hong Kong-style café with elements of “Hong Kong humour”, while Starbucks insisted on providing a comfortable and clean environment with quality products. The menu is a unique one and real crossover which cannot be found in other Starbucks – Starbucks coffee-flavoured pineapple buns and egg tarts, coffee paper cake... These special cafés are a success. “The cafés are widely reported by the

I a m d o i n g w h a t I like. I am keen and have the mission to design something to promote local culture and to change the society.

Text: Eliza ChanPhotos: Steve Ho

Interview in G.O.D. Street Culture Museum

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media. They are now tourist points. We have to produce a lot of souvenirs such as coasters and bags to meet customer demands”, said Douglas.

An Advocator of Social ResponsibilityG.O.D. makes efforts to promote environmental and social responsibility in its products without sacrificing style and design. “I want to do something meaningful and influential. We need to save the earth. Environmental protection and conservation are not to throw away the old stuff into the landfills – we should inject new elements and recycle”, said Douglas. That’s why the G.O.D. products are made of environmentally friendly and sustainable materials such as bamboo. Bamboo is not only environmentally friendly, but also has an Asian feel.

In addition, G.O.D. is actively involved in community development projects such as the G.O.D. x SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) project. The G.O.D. x SPCA project aimed to promote love for our local mongrel dogs and to increase the adoption rate of the mongrels. G.O.D. designed the Mongrel Adoption Centre in Sai Kung for SPCA. Using different inspirations from “Tong Lau” (tenement buildings built in late 19th century to the 1960s in Hong Kong), the interior was designed to capture the interest of dog owners by relating Tong Gau (local mongrels) to Tong Lau – both need preservation! The success of the project was such that the adoption rate of mongrels increased 30% in the period following the launch. As a dog lover, Douglas also adopted a mongrel dog. G.O.D. also produced a range of “DOG x GOD” products (including tees and mugs). A portion of the proceeds raised from the sales of these products go to the SPCA demonstrating the continued support and appreciation for their contribution to this cause.

We Decide Our FutureDouglas loves his business – he is someone fortunate enough to be supported by his family to turn his interest into a career and a business. In the initial years, he admitted that not everyone believed that he could make a business with G.O.D. Some people even laughed at his ideas and the name of G.O.D. 住 好 啲 . Yet with a strong belief and passion in what he is doing, Douglas has not given up and been pursuing his dreams till now. His motto “Delay no More” is what he insists – don’t think too much and act now to grasp the opportunity and to address the future challenges. His success has proved that his efforts and persistence has been worthwhile.

Douglas believes in “we decide our future”.

He encouraged young people to pursue their dreams and accept challenges when they are young, though they might be seen as “crazy” and “exaggerating”. Being followers would be easy and comfortable, but life may not be of colour.

If one decides his/her future, the path may be more difficult and it involves a lot of sweats. But at the end of the day, one will have no regret.

The interview will also be presented in the “Highway to Success” video. Stay tuned!

A design - a feel of Yaumatei “Tong Lau”

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Congratulations to all members of JCI Hong Kong (JCIHK) for your dedication and support in making the 2012 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) a huge success! In the four days

conference period from 7 June to 10 June 2012, we organized a world class event attended by 4,832 participants from 38 National Organizations. In the General Assemblies, in the training sessions, in the forums, in the parties, the energy and hospitability of those smiling faces wearing pink polo tees were just amazing!

OpeningThe 2012 JCI ASPAC officially kick-started in the Asia World Expo Arena with a series of sensational performances. Among our distinguished guests are the Honorable Donald Tsang, GBM, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, and Mr Wang Zhi Min, Deputy Director of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong.

General Assembly IReports presented by JCI VPs and JCI World Headquarters put the progress of JCI movement in a global perspective. The Opening General Assembly concluded with the successful election of 2013 APDC Councillors.

Hong Kong Welcome PartyThe Welcome Party hosted by JCIHK is a night of great fun for the overseas participants to sample Hong Kong’s local delicacies and experience our traditional culture.

Trade ShowThe Trade Show was officially opened with 30 booths promoting their goods and products.

Day 1 – 7 June 2012

Day 2 – 8 June 2012

JCI TwinningThree sisterhood pacts were signed at the JCI Twinning Session to foster international collaboration and friendship, among them were JCI East Kowloon (JCI Hong Kong) and JCI Sike (JCI Taiwan).

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General Assembly IIThe theme of General Assembly II was JCI Around the World with the keynote speaker, Mr Simon Zhou, from the UNMDG Program educating delegates about the UN Global Compact and discussing the Ten Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. Members were moved and motivated by the Operation Hope in Japan and the Philippines as they mobilized swiftly as local communities were hit hard by disaster.

General Assembly IIIAt the Closing General Assembly, the 100th Anniversary Celebration of JCI in 2015 was presented. It also announced that JCI Yamagata will host the 2014 JCI ASPAC. It ended by a closing speech by Conference Chairman Batbayar Ulziidelger and a vote of thanks to JCIHK for organizing the 2012 JCI ASPAC.

Day 3 – 9 June 2012

Day 4 – 10 June 2012

National PartiesAdrenaline was running sky high at national parties with music, dance, performances, game booths, national costumes, delicious food and free flow of drinks. The National Parties remind us how exceptional JCI is in spreading the JC movement to so many different local organizations with diversified cultures.

Korea Night

India Night

Malaysia Night

Philippines Night

Macao Night

Japan Night

Mongolia Night

Taiwan Night

More National PartiesSharing by Mr Simon Zhou

Senate Golf Tournament

Senate Joint Board Meeting

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JCI Training and Forums in ASPACA number of JCI Official Courses were held throughout the ASPAC. Members learned how to design a training course in JCI Designer, learned the tool to be a good trainer in JCI Trainer, learned the techniques when contacting people in JCI Networking. JCI Achieve reminds us of the core values of JCI. Training is the treasure of JCI. The training courses were all full-house. Participants enjoyed and learned a lot through the interactive training activities.

A Trainers Forum and an Impact Forum were also held to enable the exchange and sharing of views among trainers in different nations.

Impact Forum Trainers Forum JCI Achieve JCI Networking

Gala DinnerThe Gala Dinner was a perfect finale to the 4-day event-packed conference as everyone was in a relaxed and excited mood.

JCI Hong Kong– Chairman’s Award of Excellence for the Best National

Organization Participation in the Business Session– JCI World Debating Championship (Team members:

Nathan Wong (JCI Harbour), Megan Yeung (JCI Queensway) and Jacob Ip (JCI Queensway))

JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes– The Light of Humanity

- Best Local UN Millennium Development Goal ProjectJCI Ocean– Leader of Leaders

- Best Local Growth and Development Program– Young Social Entrepreneur Award 2011

- Best Local Economic Development Program

Award Presentation CeremonyThe good work and wonderful projects were recognized at the Award Presentation Ceremony. Congratulations to JCIHK which has won five awards in ASPAC!

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Organized since 2010, the JCIHK has launched the “WE UNITE for a BETTER WO R L D ” P ro j e c t to a ro u s e p u b l i c concern on the United Nations Millennium Development (UNMDG) Goals. The 2012 Project was kicked-off on 7 June 2012 by Ms Florence Hui, JP (Under Secretary for Home Affairs of the HKSAR), JCI President Senator Bertolt Daems, Mr Lum Kwok Choi (Head of Fundraising and Public Education, UNHCR Hong Kong and Macao Office), Ms Mitzi Leung (Vice President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association), JCI ASPAC Chairman Senator Batbayar Ulziidelger, JCIHK National President Senator Stanley Ng.

The Art Exhibition, held on 7-10 June 2012, featured the works from a famous Chinese Ink Painting Artist, Mr Wang Guan Qing ( 汪觀清 ), whose work used to be exhibited in the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. His paintings present harmony which promotes better world via its natural landscape, animals, and people. In addition, the children drawings from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan promoting world peace as well as the UNMDG projects hosted by local chapters of JCIHK were showcased.

Grand Opening of Art Exhibition - “Living in Harmony with Nature”天、地、人的和諧理想 『興託春犁 ── 汪觀清百家百牛翰墨珍品展』

Nomination of “Better World” Logo and UNMDG Best Partner Award Now OpensAt the Kick-off Ceremony, it announced the opening of the nomination of:

Act now! The nomination will last until 31 August 2012.

For more details, please visit the project website http://www.betterworldcompany.org

Let’s Raise Fund for JCI Nothing But NetsTo support the global campaign to fight malaria, the JCIHK set up a booth during ASPAC to seek donation for JCI Nothing But Nets. With the generous support of young active citizens, the JCIHK successfully raised around HK$11,000 in the fundraising activity. Let’s send a net, save a life!

Community Outreach Program “JCI Dragon Blind Soccer Asian Cup”Nearly 400 people participated in a Community Outreach Program on 9 June 2012. The project involved a group of blind people who overcame their physical disability, and after lots of hard work, have developed into a professional soccer team. In the friendly match, JCI members wore glasses to alter their eyesight and experience what the blind team players go through everyday. This public event allowed both players and the crowd to appreciate their ability to see and raised awareness of the need to support those with disabilities.


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What did They Feel and Say about 2012 JCI ASPAC Hong Kong?

JCI President Senator Bertolt DaemsI t was five months since I was in Hong Kong celebrating my birthday. We are now celebrating your birthday – ASPAC Hong Kong. Thanks to JCIHK for making such a great experience for over 4,800 delegates. It is outstanding!! Thanks for the friendship and dedication.

JCI General Legal Counsel Senator Toshiharu ShimizuThanks for inviting us to this wonderful

ASPAC in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is one of

the wonderfu l c ities in

the world. I believe that

everyone have a wonderful

time in ASPAC Hong Kong.

Please take action with

your passion!

JCI Vice PresidentSenator Seung Sup Shin

I am very happy.

Please join, join and

enjoy ASPAC

Hong Kong!

JCI AustraliaNational PresidentSenator Natalie Tuesday ViselliI am excited to come to ASPAC Hong Kong. It’s so fantastic. All Australian delegates fall in love with Hong Kong, JCIHK and ASPAC. Congratulations to JCIHK on organizing a fabulous ASPAC that I will never forget!

JCI Vice PresidentSenator Jukka VainionpääI really look forward to be in ASPAC Hong Kong.

The organization is so professional. People are

so friendly. Everything

is perfect! Thanks for

providing me with this

opportunity to stay here

with my friends!

JCI Vice PresidentSenator Lizby Casas ForeroI am very glad to be here having so much fun

meeting people from Asia. JCI is just one word

– Love. I love JCI because

it’s a lifestyle. It’s my

lifestyle and that’s why

I am still here. Everyone

is my friend, my brother

and my sister!

JCI Executive Vice President and Conference Chairman Senator Batbayar UlziidelgerThanks to JCIHK for the hospitality. ASPAC Hong Kong is such an exciting event. It’s one of my most memorable conferences. Thanks for the outstanding job! 唔該 !

2007 JCI PresidentSenator Scott GreenleeASPAC Hong Kong, it’s great! It’s been a

long time since the last

ASPAC i n Hong Kong .

It’s definitely a time of

excitement. Everyone is

very happy!

1989 JCI PresidentSenator Isfahani SameenParticipating in 2012 JCI ASPAC Hong Kong is such a great experience! That’s why I bring my son along – I want him to experience the internationalism. It’s an excellent choice to be here in 2012 J C I AS PA C Hong Kong!

JCI CambodiaNational PresidentSenator Sokly Kouch2012 JCI ASPAC is good! Hong Kong is impressive with so many friendly people. We enjoy ASPAC Hong Kong! Hope to come here again soon!

JCI India National President Senator Nilesh ZawarWe are excited to see the wonderful preparation

done for ASPAC Hong Kong

and the warm hospitality

of JCIHK. We have a lot

of memories from 2012

JCI ASPAC Hong Kong!

JCI Vice President and 2009 JCIHK National PresidentSenator Ken WongDynamic, Energy!

Enjoy and have Good Fun at 2012 JCI

ASPAC Hong Kong!

Thanks to JCIHK for Hosting 2012 JCI ASPAC in Hong Kong!

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We are so proud to organize 2012 JCI ASPAC Hong Kong for you!!

JCI IndonesiaNational PresidentSenator Johan TanI l i ke Hong Kong very much . I t ’ s a beautifu l c i ty ! T h a nk s fo r th e hospitality in ASPAC Hong Kong!

JCI Japan National PresidentSenator Naoki IkawaWonderfu l conference – 2012 JCI ASPAC Hong Kong!

Thank you, JCIHK!

JCI Korea National PresidentSenatorTae Gun Lee

It’s time of love and

pass i on ! Thanks

s o much for the

h o s p i ta l i t y a n d

wonderful ASPAC!

JCI Macao National President Senator Roger LeungYou did a wonderful job, ASPAC Hong Kong! Yeah!

JCI Malaysia National PresidentSenator Alexander ChokIt’s a pleasure to be here in ASPAC Hong Kong. From the moment we arrive, we are treated very well by all the COC. On behalf of JCI Malaysia, thanks for making such a g rea t s h ow wh i c h motivates our members.

JCI SingaporeNational PresidentSenator Ace ChngI would like to thank the

committee for organizing

such an excellent event.

You have set a higher

standard for future ASPAC.

JCI New ZealandChief DelegateSenator Kizito EssumanIt’s great to be in ASPAC Hong Kong. It’s exciting to see people from different parts of the world to come here for one purpose. I hope that I am able to take something back to JCI New Zealand to encourage more people to be part of JCI.

JCI Sweden National President Senator Per RylanderIt’s interesting to see the differences among JCI

area conferences and learn how Asia-Pacific

organizes it. A wonderful

experience in ASPAC Hong

Kong with so much fun.

I t ’ s s ometh ing that i s

remembered for so many


JCI PhilippinesNational PresidentSenator Randolf Ivan Antonio RusteJCIHK prepares a lot for this ASPAC. All delegates are enjoying the conference meeting fr iends from different parts of the world. JCIHK has done a great job!

JCI United KingdomNational PresidentSenator Solveig MalvikThanks for hosting the 2012 JCI ASAPC in Hong

Kong. I’m really having

a great time. Everyone

is so friendly. I’m loving

Hong Kong. We’re having

amazing days in ASPAC

Hong Kong.

JCI VietnamNational PresidentSenator Lan Anh VoWe real ly enjoy ASPAC Hong Kong! We meet many JCI members here. Thanks to JC IHK for hosting the 2012 JCI ASPAC in Hong Kong.

JCI Taiwan National President Senator Sean Y H ChangASPAC Hong Kong, I love it!

Unforgettable experience!

I miss you!

JCI Hong Kong National PresidentSenator Stanley NgWe are so proud that we have the honour to host the 2012 JCI ASPAC in Hong Kong. Through uniting 4,832 delegates from 38 NOMs, we have made an important progress for the JC movement in the region and beyond. Beyond ASPAC – More We Get, More We Serve!

2012 JCI ASPAC Conference DirectorSenator Raymond LiThank s t o a l l JC I HK chapters and members for mak i ng ASPAC a success. I’m so proud of JCIHK. I’m sure we can organize better projects in future. Be Inspired. Be Empowered.

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Kary Wong (JCI Kowloon)

Aron Wong (JCI Kowloon)

Supporting Team

Head Trainer - President Winnie Yeung (JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes)

Deputy Trainer – IPP Roy Tang (JCI Dragon)

Deputy Trainer - VP Yoee Leung (JCI Apex)

Training Team

NEVP Senator Paul Wu (JCI Kowloon)

NVP Ban Chui (JCI City)

NLDD Kenny Chan (JCI North District)

Supervising Officers

When I first joined JCIHK in 2010, the JCI World Debating Championship came into my sight. It reminded me of the debating days in university and secondary school.

This year, I am very honoured to be the captain of the JCIHK Debating Team. It is my pleasure to have wonderful teammates, Megan Yeung and Jacob Ip. More importantly, we have a strong supervision, training and supporting team.

What I will never forget is the support of the audience. The cheers and applause from them have strengthened the team, and the championship belongs to everyone of us.

Nathan Wong (JCI Harbour)

I am here to tell you my experience as a member of the Champion team representing Hong Kong in ASPAC.

Firstly, it was fun working with the team;

Secondly, through training, I get to improve my speaking and argumentation skills;

Thirdly, it is a great feeling owning the stage while delivering my speech;

Last but not least, our team debated against quality international debaters and made new friends.

To round up, I sincerely thank everyone for your support!

Megan Yeung (JCI Queensway)

JCIHK Debating Team

This is our show time!

JCIHK team and supporters, On your point!

For the first time ever at a JCI ASPAC, a JCI Debating Championship took place on 8 June 2012. With intensive practice, the hard work of the JCIHK Debating Team has paid off in the JCI World Debating Championship in 2012 JCI ASPAC Hong Kong. Congratulations to the Team! Let's support the Team to shine in the JCI Taipei World Congress.

We are the Championin JCI World Debating Championship in ASPAC!

As a new member from JCI Queensway, I am grateful to JCIHK for granting me the opportunity to represent Hong Kong in the JCI World Debating Championship in ASPAC.

Debate fosters ideas on what was not adopted as norm. For example, if peace is achievable, military spending would be cut in which inventions like GPS, jet engine, digital photography etc. may not have existed. The world needs balanced opinions.

I see this experience as a start to face future challenges. I am prepared and motivated to take up new opportunities in my career.

Jacob Ip (JCI Queensway)

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by Chairman Flora FuThe Final Competition of JCI World Public Speaking Championship 2012 – Hong Kong Selection Contest was successfully held at Tung Wah College on 21 April 2012. With much excitement, the champions of JC Class and Open Class were born amid tremendous applause. The creativity and overwhelming energy of the cheering teams brought much fun and laughter to the full-house participants. Participants also witnessed the birth of the Most Popular Contestant under an open, fair and transparent one-ticket-one-vote mechanism.

Contestants and participants were inspired and enlightened by the invaluable advice given by the panel of judges Hon Alan Leong, Patrick Dunn, Sean Lin, Professor Thomas Wong and National President Senator Stanley Ng. The competition was co-organized by Tung Wah College, supported by Toastmaster Hong Kong and Luxuriant of Arts Speech, while Dynamix was the Supporting Media. The competition offered JC members and

JCIHK Representative, Akash Karia,in JCI World Public Speaking

Championship in ASPAC

(co-hosted by JCI Kowloon and JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes)

Open Class

1. Emil Kan, JCI Apex2. Cai Jia Ling, JCI Apex3. Gloria Ho, St Stephen's Girls' College

Most Popular Contestant AwardGavin Chung, JCI Yuen Long

Best Cheering Team AwardJCI Apex

JC Class

1. Akash Karia, JCI East Kowloon2. Nelson Wong, JCI Peninsula3. Martin Li, JCI Lion Rock

Congratulations to Open Class Champion Emil Kan of JCI Apex

Congratulations to JC Class Champion Akash Karia of JCI East Kowloon

Here comes the birth of the Best Cheering Team!

Judging time Thank you, Organizing Committee!

Group photo for JC Class finalists

Group photo for Open Class finalists

Akash Karia of JCI East Kowloon represented JCIHK in the final contest of the JCI World Public Speaking Championship in ASPAC on 9 June 2012. He shared about how young people can make a difference in the world.

JCI World Public Speaking ChampionshipBe the Strong Voice of this Generation!

the public a unique opportunity to sharpen and showcase their abilities on important local, national or global issues. It challenged y o u n g l e a d e r s t o e x p r e s s c r e a t i v e ideas in a clear and captivating manner, and empowered them to be the strong voice of this generation.

Thank you JCIHK for the tremendous support! I am privileged to be part of JCI!

Hong Kong Selection

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5 月 26-27 日兩天南海西樵之旅一行近 30 人,行程相當豐富,食足 4 餐,包括兩餐創意特式南海 Fusion 菜,並遊西樵山,參觀雲泉仙館,南海觀音像等,玩足兩天。此行得到南海青年商會,南海團委及西樵鎮政府熱情款待。陳卓基主席並順道尋根,可惜因時間關係,未能衣錦還鄉,是此行唯一憾事!

During the first half of this year, NSMC had been promoting Senior Member participation in the JCI ASPAC in Hong Kong. The event was successfully held on 7-10 June, and we had more than 220 senior members from 18 chapters registered, and with many of them also advised and helped in organizing the event.

To promote participation, we had monthly lucky draw for instant registrants at our monthly events. The prizes were HK$500 sponsorship for the registration, and the lucky winners are as follows:

January Winner: Ronnie Cheung, JCI PeninsulaFebruary Winner: Ally Lai, JCI Hong Kong JayceettesMarch Winner: Radius Lai, JCI HarbourJanuary-February Winner: Leslie Ching, JCI PeninsulaJanuary-March Winner: Migi To, JCI Sha TinJanuary-April Winner: Raymond Wan, JCI CityJanuary-May Winner: William Lok, JCI City

At the General Assembly III, 5 senior members, including Chairman Senator Jacky Chan, Senator Teem Lam, Senator Albert Lui, Rex Ma and Paul Mak, were presented with a special pin and a certificate to recognize their contribution to the JCI Foundation as Phil Pugsley Patron.

Tour to China 南海西樵美食交流團

2012 JCI ASPAC in Hong Kong



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本會主席陳卓基及副主席李文昭於 7 月2日出席澳門資深青商協會在北京舉辦之圖片展及晚宴,受到主辦方熱情款待。其他出席及主禮嘉賓包括前人大副委員長,前澳門新華社副社長,台灣新北市青年商會會長等。

AUGUST:Happy Hour + Karaoke 輕談淺唱樂悠揚

SEPTEMBER: JCI Macao, China Senior Member Association 20th Anniversary in MGM

OCTOBER:Trip to Macau cum Inter-City Mahjong Competition

"Hiking with Fun" 11th Anniversary Dinner 行山樂十一周年會慶

This event was successfully held on 7 July (Sat) with 70 participants from 16 LOMs. Followed by a “Blind Guessing Mahjong” game and Birthday Celebration of Birthday boys and girls in July, the Yum-Cha Gathering ended up with happiness and joys. 20 Mahjong lovers stayed behind for Mahjong games and it followed with a delicious dinner. What a wonderful full day activity!

July Tea Gathering cum Mahjong “雀橋會” 七月茶聚暨麻雀樂

Picture Exhibition 澳門資深青商協會20周年圖片展




There is so much fun with hiking! Many senior members who like hiking gathered together to celebrate the 11th Anniversary of the "Hiking Fun Limited 行山 樂 " which organizes regular hiking activit ies for hiking lovers. The Senior Member Club has been participating in the hiking activities arranged by the organization.

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Membership Change Maker Forum II

(co-hosted by JCI Harbour and JCI Bauhinia) by Chairman Martin Li

The 5-Star Training Camp II, held on 5-6 May 2012, was well-attended by over 50 participants. Through the training camp, new members came to understand more about JCI, its vision and mission as well as their path in JC life. There are lots of activities for the participants, including Q&A, sharing, role play, teamwork, adventure and outdoor activities. Participants who attended the camp shared how much they learned from the camp and how excited they look forward to their JC life. How can new members miss this interesting and stimulating camp! Are you ready to join the next 5-Star Training Camp?

Make the Change; Be the ChangeThe Change Maker Forum II was successfully held on 19 May 2012, with four prominent speakers:

1) Mr Shih Wing Ching ( 施永青 ), Founder of Centaline Property Agency Limited and free newspaper AM730

2) Mr Richard Eng ( 伍經衡 ), Founder of Beacon College

3) Dr Fernando Cheung ( 張超雄 ), ex-Legislative Councillor and Lecturer, Department of Applied Social Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

4) Mr Ronald Ng ( 伍樂城 ), TOYP Awardee 2011, Famous Music Director, and President of Baron School of Music

In the forum, the speakers shared their valuable experiences on how they adjust themselves from time to time to deal with and respond to the changing environment. They also engaged in a stimulating dialogue to advise young people how to face changes and grasp opportunity. The forum attracted over 350 attendants who enjoyed the wonderful sharing of the speakers and were impressed to learn more about JCI, its mission and activities.

(co-hosted by JCI Peninsula and JCI East Kowloon)

The United Nat ions (UN) Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

JCIHK has successfully joined UN Global Compact as a non-business participant. As a participant, JCIHK commits to:

● support the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption;

● advance these principles within our sphere of influence, and make a clear statement of this commitment to our stakeholders and the general public;

● take part in the activities of the UN Global Compact.

by Chairman Oliver To

JCIHK Supports UN Global Compact

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JCI Victoria 維多利亞青年商會Highlights of Local Chapter Activities


Welcoming Dinner

innoBrand 2012 - Branding Everywhere - Grand Opening

www.vjc.org.hkSister Chapters:JCI Seoul DongDaeMoon, Korea JCI Osaka, Japan JCI Tawau, Malaysia JCI Tainan, Taiwan

JCI Island 港島青年商會www.ijc.hk

Sister Chapters:JCI Sendai, Japan JCI Seoul, Korea JCI Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia

JCI Makati, Philippines JCI Manilena, Philippines JCI Taipei, Taiwan

“V-Made in HK”innoBrand 2012 – “Branding Everywhere”The opening was successfully held on 26 May 2012 at the theatre of The Hong Kong Productivity Council. We are honored to invite Ir Dr Hon Samson Tam, JP, member of Legislative Council (Information Technology) to be our Guest of Honor. The event was a great success and participants all enjoyed it.

Asia-Pacific International Cities Conference (APICC)As the most senior chapter in Hong Kong, JCI Victoria was the hosting chapter of the APICC. JCI Tokyo, JCI Taipei, JCI Manila and JCI Seoul engaged in a sharing and discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

2012 JCI ASPAC Hong KongDuring the ASPAC, an international event hosted by JCIHK, we have met many new friends from all over the Asia-Pacific region. We also had lot of gatherings with our sister chapters: JCI Osaka, JCI Seoul DongDaeMoon and JCI Tawau.

Hospitality Program

We enjoyed the ASPAC!

JCI Kowloon 九龍青年商會 www.jcikowloon.orgSister Chapters:JCI Nagoya, Japan JCI Daegu Suseong, Korea JCI Pan-Mac, MacaoJCI Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia JCI Mandaue, Philippines JCI Orchid, SingaporeJCI Taipei Jayceettes, Taiwan

2012 is an important year for JCI Kowloon. It marks a new milestone for our chapter and all the members within – which we have achieved a new height of 90% participations in 2012 JCI ASPAC. In fact we have more than 70% of our members signed up for the ASPAC who were involved in organizing the conference. Such involvement and dedication from our members have made our chapter very proud.

Other than our high involvement in the ASPAC, we take the initiative in receiving our 7 sister chapters from around the world as a host. We have organized a 2-day hospitality program dedicated to make our sister chapters feel like home. More than 80 members from different parts of the world, including friends from 7 sister chapters, USA, Germany and Mongolia together with JCI Kowloon have shared the joy and tears together and made the night so memorable!

2012, a new milestone for JCI Kowloon!

Islanders’ Souls and Spirits were united for JCI Asia-Pacific ConferenceIslanders, old and new, got together in the glorious week of ASPAC to play host to our sister chapters and overseas friends.

Over 170 participants from our six sister chapters (JCI Makati and Manileña of the Philippines; JCI Taipei of Taiwan; JCI Seoul of South Korea; JCI Bukit Mertajam of Malaysia; and JCI Sendai of Japan), from five other international chapters (JCI Sydney and Canberra of Australia; JCI Tampere of Finland; JCI Bali of Indonesia; and JCI Makati Princess Urduja of the Philippines) and from other local chapters joined our Welcoming Dinner on 7 June 2012. Over 150 participants joined our Cocktail Reception on 8 June 2012 in the ASPAC Trade Show.

Our international friends were all impressed by Islanders’ hospitality and energy. Their cheers re-affirmed our efforts in International Affairs and will spur us onwards for this year and beyond.

We look forward to meeting all our international friends again in November, at the JCI World Congress which is hosted by our sister chapter, JCI Taipei. As they all said when bidding us farewell, "See you in Taipei!”! JCI Island at

JCIHK Welcome Night

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Female Elites’ Speaker Series 2012: Seminar 1 - "Let's Talk: Talk"

SUPERNIGHT and Kick-off Ceremony – 2012 UNMDG Project

Highlights of Local Chapter Activities


第 37 屆全港青年翻譯比賽

JCI Peninsula 半島青年商會 www.hkpjc.orgSister Chapters:JCI Minoh, Japan JCI Mapo Seoseoul, Korea JCI Hou Kong, Macao JCI Capitol, PhilippinesJCI City, Singapore JCI TaiChung, Taiwan JCI Honolulu Chinese, USA


為提高青年人對翻譯的興趣,認識其重要性,並鍛鍊翻譯技巧。今年以「精通翻譯.登峰造極」為口號的「第 37 屆全港青年翻譯比賽」,已於 5 月 5 日圓滿舉行。當天參加人數高達 485 人,出席率超過 80%,可謂打破近年紀錄。



www.hkjtt.org Sister Chapters:JCI Yokohama, Japan JCI Manila, Philippines JCI Kaohsiung, Taiwan JCI Dhonburi, Thailand

Jayceettes on the StageDiscover Your Potential and Excel with Female ElitesOn 5 May 2012, a full house at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Learning Centre kicks start the “Female Elites’ Speaker Series 2012” which consists of three seminars. In the first seminar, elite speakers Ms Amanda Fok and Ms Hui Yin shared their expertise on the power of public speech and communication in their work as professional emcee and television host. More extraordinary females including Lisa Cheng, Connie Ho, Shirley Cheung, Jessica Ng and “Cookies Quartet” Charlene Tse will showcase their talents in coming seminars.

A SUPER NIGHT and the UNMDG Project Kick-off for Harmony and DiversityAmidst the exciting events of the 2012 JCI Asia-Pacific Conference Hong Kong, the first-ever and biggest-ever reunion party was held on 8 June 2012 along with three sisterhood (JCI Manila, JCI Yokohama and JCI Kaohsiung,) and two friendship pacts (JCI Toyota and JCI E-Metro). About 100 members, including super VIPs – Past JCI Presidents, attended and enjoyed the unique opportunity in JCI – internationalism, and witnessed the official launching of our 3rd UNMDG Project “Unity in Diversity, City Hunt in Harmony”.

Sister Chapters:JCI Kariya, Japan JCI Sibu, Malaysia JCI Sanchung, Taiwan

JCI Lion Rock 獅子山青年商會 www.jcilionrock.org.hk

義不容「遲」 ﹣傑出義職嘉許禮

「傑出義職人士選舉」經過報名及面試,已順利產生得獎者,本年更設立榮譽大獎,頒予李家仁教授太平紳士及黃岳永先生,頒獎禮於 6 月 24 日假西九龍中心舉行。7 位得獎人包括何大偉、高兆基、吳耀輝、鄺英釗、阮繼志博士、陳雪瑩及吳凱琪。

活動當日由青年事務委員會主席陳振彬太平紳士擔任主禮嘉賓,並由東華三院主席陳文綺慧及會長林明星頒獎。6 位活動大使的分享、李家仁獻唱小明做義職及葉文輝獻唱活動主題曲生生不息,令活動生色不少。活動尾聲更為將於 8 月 26 日舉行的全港義職日揭幕。

JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes香港女青年商會

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Highlights of Local Chapter Activities

JCI Harbour 海港青年商會 www.hjc.org.hkSister Chapters:JCI Kanazawa, Japan JCI Songpa, Korea JCI Penang, MalaysiaJCI Balikatan, Philippines JCI Marina, Singapore JCI Kaohsiung Ladies, Taiwan

第三十三屆國際兒童繪畫比賽暨 公開攝影比賽 — 童愛動物嘉年華

全港最大型的戶外繪畫比賽 - 第三十三屆國際兒童繪畫比賽 已於 5月 20 日完滿舉行!本年活動吸引了 7,800 名小朋友參加,參加者在晴朗的天氣下,即場在九龍公園發揮創意,創作出藝術作品;是次活動成功推動本地藝術文化,並令到參加者透過配合是次主題 - 童愛動物嘉年華的藝術創作,學會愛護動物、關愛世界的訊息。

由著名藝術家靳埭強帶領的評判團,在比賽當日下午選出各組別共339 幅得獎作品;頒獎典禮將於 7 月 29 日舉行,讓一眾參加者分享得獎的喜悅。

活動詳情:www.hjc.org.hk/drawing 第三十三屆國際兒童繪畫比賽開幕禮


LOM Night Gathering Party本會於 6 月 8 日舉辦 LOM Night Gathering Party,接待姊妹會「京都青年會議所」一行四十人。本會有四十多位會友出席,包括近十位歷屆前會長及多位資深會友!當晚氣氛熱鬧,全場座無虛席,兩會會友互相交流及分享,各人都表現興奮,盡興而歸!

JCI Yuen Long 元朗青年商會Sister Chapters:JCI Kyoto, Japan JCI Seoul Gwangjin, Korea JCI Keelung, Taiwan


JCI Tai Ping Shan太平山青年商會Sister Chapters:

JCI Toyama, Japan JCI Hsinchu, Taiwan


商務考察活動 — 優質企業交流團 II 及 拜訪友好會番禺區青年聯合會

太平山青年商會於 5 月 25 日舉辦商務考察活動 - 優質企業交流團,到國內企業六福集團(國際)有限公司作實地考察及交流營商經驗,讓青商會友學習如何把自己的生意打做成優質企業。

繼而拜訪番禺友好會 - 番禺區青年聯合會,與當地青年企業家及領導共進晚餐,交流中港商務發展及內地經濟規劃等事宜。會友透過交流除了加深當地的發展情況外,亦增進彼此友誼。更榮幸邀得友好會蒞臨本會三十五周年會慶。


本會於 2012 亞太大會歡迎會中負責舞獅表演攤位,攤位的設計及佈置盡顯元朗特色及風情,舞獅表演環節裝備齊全,各會員落力精彩地演出,使本會之攤位成為全場最熱鬧最受歡迎攤位之一,世界各地會友都爭相合照留念。本攤位更於翌日之亞太大會快訊中搶佔頭版位置。

優質企業交流團 - 六福集團

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2012 JCI ASPAC Hong KongJCI Dragon had 32 registrants to be a part of this legendary moment, Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) Hong Kong. Many of our own delegates contributed to the event by volunteering for various supporting roles and functions during the ASPAC.

JCI Dragon ASPAC Sister Chapters LuncheonWe received and hosted a luncheon for several sister chapters including JCI Nishinomiya, Japan, JCI San Juan, P h i l i p p i n e s a n d o u r friendship chapter, Nanhai Young Federation ( 南海 青 年 商 會 ). Over 100 delegates participated in the reception.

第一屆希望種子計劃 「愛知識 ,齊分享」學校巡禮

JCI Bauhinia 紫荊青年商會Sister Chapters:JCI Uji, Japan

www.bjc.org.hk 第一屆希望種子計劃

為了讓社會關注兒童的心靈需要及鼓勵他們對社會的責任感,我們於 4 月 1 日懷著培育下一代的決心,於各地點派發種子咭及宣揚「愛分享」的理念!


本會派出了 13 個運動員及啦啦隊,並奪得佳績!

• 會長盃女子 100 米冠軍 • 女子 4x100 米亞軍

第五屆「愛知識 ,齊分享」

經過籌委會多月的努力,第一站學校巡禮 - 到訪香港教育工作者聯會黃楚標學校作好書分享及第二站的學校巡禮,已經完成。7 月 6 日的「名人好書分享會」亦順利舉行,公布了「十本最具閱讀價值的兒童書本」的投票結果!


Highlights of Local Chapter Activities

JCI East Kowloon 東九龍青年商會www.ekjc.orgSister Chapters:

JCI Ipoh, Malaysia JCI Mandarin, Singapore JCI Sike, Taiwan

New Sister Chapter - JCI Sike, Taiwan

JCI Ipoh, JCI Mandarin and JCI Sike, Welcome to ASPAC Hong Kong!

In the historical moment in JCI ASPAC Hong Kong, the JCI East Kowloon entered into a new sisterhood with JCI Sike, Taiwan in the Twinning Ceremony. This is the third sister chapter of the JCI East Kowloon, in addition to the two sister chapters which are JCI Mandarin, Singapore and JCI Ipoh, Malaysia.

To welcome international guests from the world, the JCI East Kowloon organized a booth “Fortune Telling by Wong Tai Sin Temple Predications” in the Welcome Night on 7 June 2012. Overseas participants were eager to shake the bamboo fortune sticks to find out their future. During ASPAC, the JCI East Kowloon held a Joint Sister Chapters Lunch Gathering (9 June 2012) to strengthen friendship among the four chapters. The four chapters also engaged in a joint meeting to keep updated of the developments. JCI is a big family around the world. ASPAC is such an international event where we can meet and make friend with people all around the world.

JCI Dragon 騰龍青年商會www.dragonjc.orgSister Chapters:

JCI Song Jeong, Korea JCI Nishinomiya, Japan JCI San Juan, Philippines

Sister Chapters Luncheon Blind Soccer Asian Cup

JCI Dragon Blind Soccer Asian CupJCI Dragon successfully hosted the event on 9 June 2012 as the Community Outreach Program of the ASPAC. 4 friendly soccer matches were organized with participants from the “Hong Kong Blind Sports Association (HKBSA)” and sister chapters. VIP guests participating in the event included Guest of Honour Dr Dexter Leung, JCI President Senator Bertolt Daems, JCI Executive Vice President Senator Batbayar Ulziidelger, JCI Secretary General Senator Edson A Kodama, JCI Vice President Senator Ken Wong and National President Senator Stanley Ng.

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Highlights of Local Chapter Activities

JCI Queensway 經緯青年商會 www.qjc.org.hkSister Chapter:JCI Okinawa, Japan

Ignite Dreams, BEYOND OurselvesTo achieve our mission of “Ignite dreams, BEYOND ourselves”, Queensway is working hard to cultivate members’ skills and talent through intensive training in the first half year.Firstly, our Q members – IAD Megan and CDO Jacob, being speakers of JCIHK Debating Team have won the JCI World Debating Championship in ASPAC. Queensway is fortunate to have two outstanding members creating the legend of Queensway.Queensway is our big family in which our members enjoy lots of happy moments together. In order to bring the message of LOVE to people outside Queensway, “LOVE NEVER END”, the JCI Queensway 28th Anniversary cum 2012 Fundraising was successfully held on 28 April 2012. LOVE was delivered through series of games and activities to demonstrate how Queensway members love and cherish each other.Furthermore, May MFG x Wine Discovery was held in May 2012 with the support of the Dutch Alumni Network of Hong Kong. It was a great opportunity for us to enhance knowledge and understanding of Eastern European cultures as well as to meet new friends.

JCI North District 北區青年商會Sister Chapters:

JCI Naha, Japan JCI Cosmopolitan, Taiwan


北區青年商會成功獲聯合國確認,為成支持聯合國全球契約 (UN Global Compact) 的其中一個非牟利參與團體,携手以行動支持及維護契約下人權、勞工標準、環保、反腐敗的領域上引申的十大原則。

北區青年商會多年來一直努力不懈,籌辦「環保『友』道企業大賞」,以行動支持全球契約下的環保的原則。而今年,我們大力推動第10項 - 反腐敗。

我們於 5 月 26 日拜訪廉政公署沙田區分部與新界東總廉政教育主任蘇艷玲小姐會面,了解廉潔營商的重要。而本會亦於《北極光》第三期刊登廉政公署提倡「廉潔選舉」的廣告。




JCI City 城市青年商會Sister Chapters:

JCI Fukuoka, Japan JCI Incheon Songdo, Korea JCI Petaling Jaya, Malaysia JCI Windy City, Taiwan



在 JCI 總會運動會中勇獲佳績


「城市青年商會」於 4 月 6 日至 9 日舉辦了《廣西賀州交流活動》,一班兒童飛龍大使一同實踐賀州、澳門以及香港三地的青少年交流,當中令參加者學習當地文化、體驗農村生活,不但對「愛祖國、愛社會、愛生活」這題目有了更深入的認識,還藉此機會與國內學生溝通,彼此認識交流。

在 JCI 總會運動會上,城市青年商會爭取了理想的成績,其中會友姚浩賢 Oscar Yiu 贏得 1500 米季軍。城市男飛人曾穎豐 Gilbert Tsang 更贏得男子組 100米、200 米和全場個人總冠軍三大獎項!

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JCI Ocean 浩洋青年商會 www.oceanjc.org.hkSister Chapter:JCI Suita, Japan



「青年社企創業者大賞」更為大家呈獻國際知名的韓國社會企業家 - Mr Lee Chull-Young 分 享 會 - "Successful Social Venture Business Plan: Sharing Korean Experiences",本會邀請 Mr Lee於7月3日為大家分享如何辦好一所成功的社會企業,和如何為你的計劃尋找外來資金 !


Highlights of Local Chapter Activities

JCI Apex 晉峰青年商會 www.ajc.org.hkSister Chapter:JCI Gifu, Japan 2012 香港亞太大會終於在歡笑聲及歡呼聲下圓滿結束。

由最初籌備到活動完畢,晉峰青年商會在會長黎貞慧的帶領之下,上下一心,順利協助總會完成亞太大會各個項目及接待日本姊妹會岐阜青年會議所一行 11 人。

除了享受亞太大會,我們最開心是能夠與日本岐阜姊妹會作交流。當日本會有 20 多個會員出席交流會議及晚宴,場面開心熱鬧。尤其認識了不同地方的朋友,又看見會友們開心的笑容,培添高興。

JCI Sha Tin 沙田青年商會www.sjc.org.hkSister Chapter:

JCI Wakayama, Japan

Living in Harmony with NatureIn order to live a harmonious life, we need a sustainable environment. Every year “Love of the Earth” raises awareness of the public to protect the environment of the community that we live in. This year “Love of the Earth 2012: Know Carbon, No Carbon” was organized on 20 May 2012 to promote a low-carbon life to over 100 university students, JC members and guests, aligning with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals: ensure environmental sustainability.

In the form of a treasure hunt, participants were required to complete tasks while consuming as little carbon as possible. Some of these tasks led them to visit places chosen in the “Love of the Earth 2011: Sha Tin Ten Green Scenic Spots Election”. Contestants measured their personal carbon emission with a carbon-footprint calculator and learnt how they could contribute by choosing what to eat and which type of transportation to use. At the end of the event participants shared with passion that they understood more about their carbon footprint and would take action to protect our beloved earth.

JC Pilot Bus Launch: JCI Sha Tin’s flagship

project “Love of the Earth”!

Making eco-washing liquid using natural ingredients

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Highlights of Local Chapter Activities

National Convention

National Convention is one of the most important JCIHK events in the year. This year it would be held on 22-23 September 2012 at L'Hotel Nina et Convention Centre Hong Kong in Tsuen Wan.

In keeping with this year’s theme, “We Decide Our Future” will also be the theme of this 47th National Convention. The Convention Opening, Open General Assembly, Closing General Assembly, the Convention Ball and other programmes would be covered in 2 days this year.

Instead of hosting by one single local chapter as in the past event, this year's Convention will be managed and hosted by members from various chapters.

The 47th National Convention Organizing Committee:Convention Director- Senator Benjamin Lee (JCI Dragon)

Deputy Convention Directors- Senator KK Cheung (JCI Apex) – Program- Senator Johnny Kwan (JCI Victoria) – Promotion- Senator Benjamin Kong (JCI Dragon) – Treasury- Foley Lam (JCI Dragon) – Secretariat, Convention News - Zenith Lin (JCI Dragon) – Venue & Logistics- Denise Lui (JCI Ocean) – Registration- Roy Tang (JCI Dragon) – Sponsorship,

Trade Show and Business Sessions- Simon Wong (JCI North District) – Trainings

Caring Organization

In recognition of the commitment in Caring for the Community, Caring for the Employees and Caring for the Environment over the past years, the JCIHK was awarded the 5 Years Plus Caring Organization Logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service at the Car ing O rg a n i z a t i o n NGO Partnership Day 2011/12 on 3 May 2012.




本年初一班熱血年青已在元朗年宵市場揭開了創業夢想第一頁。隨著揭幕禮及實戰工作坊之結束,意味著我們正進入 <香港一日遊比拼>計劃書評審階段,最後入圍者將會帶領寧夏的學生遊港,體驗當地獨特文化。


典禮出席人士包括:總會會長伍進超、會長周清心、高靜芝女士 S.B.S., JP、王嚴君琴女士 B.B.S. 等,隨著他們揮動著 12 種代表時尚專業女性特質的魔術棒,意味提名期正式展開!「綻放 ‧ 珍美」成就獨立時尚新女性。

JCI City Lady城市女青年商會Sister Chapter:

JCI Yamagata, Japan


JCIHK – 5 Years PlusCaring Organization

Page 24: Habour Lights 2012 03

Kicked-off on 20 May 2012 in the Nomination Press Conference, the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Select ion has reached i ts 40th anniversary this year. As of today, a total of 313 Outstanding Young Persons have been selected, including our HKSAR Chief Executive Mr Leung Chun-ying GBM, GBS, JP, who was conferred with such an honour in 1988.

Accompanied by Senator Stanley Ng, National President of JCIHK and Senator Cammie Chan, TOYP Project Chairman 2012, the Nomination Press Conference was officiated by TOYP Chief Judge Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Former Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, TOYP Sole Sponsor representative Mr Dong Zhongxin, COFCO Vice President, Mr Philip Tsai, Partner of Selection Consultant Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi, SBS, JP, Chairman of Financial Reporting Council and Ms Anna Hung, Chairman of TOYP Association. The nomination was announced open until 19 July 2012. At the forum in the Conference, four past TOYP Awardees, Mr Sean Lin, 2006 TOYP Awardee, Dr Dexter Leung, 2010 TOYP Awardee, Mr Francis Ngai, 2011 TOYP Awardee and Mr Alvin Yip, 2011 TOYP Awardee, shared their expectations on Hong Kong for the coming five years.

JCIHK has brought this meaningful project into the public via different newspapers, magazines, street banners, interviews with TOYP awardees, facebook group, MTR wall sticker, MTR escalator panels at MTR stations. This year, new promotion channels have been introduced to arouse public attention to TOYP, including a promotion video at the back seat of 1,100 taxis in Hong Kong, an “I-marker” code and updated news of TOYP, a promotion video at Convention Plaza with over 200 spots in the nomination period. A promotion truck with video and print on TOYP slogan, logo and graphic travelled around Hong Kong during 6-8 July 2012. Please join us to promote TOYP and JCIHK.


Young PersonsSelection 2012

The Nomination Press Conference is just the start of the 2012 Selection. There are more activities to come:

Nomination Period 20 May – 19 July 2012

Judging Period July – September 2012

Results Announcement Press ConferenceCommunity Service Day 11 November 2012

Awards Presentation Banquet 9 December 2012

30 September 2012

TOYP is promoted everywhere!

Visit us at http://www.jcihk.org/toyp/ http://www.facebook.com/toyphk

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