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#HackThinking https://www.facebook.com/BusinessIntelligence.Mx/COMERCIALIZACIN EXPONENCIAL AUTOMATIZADA.

Una nueva metodologa para las ventas fuertemente apoyada en la tecnola.1

Intro, #GamifySalvemosAlMundo.

1 INTRO Primero lo primero,

El cambio en el marketing, outbound and inbound marketing. Prestando servicio y proponiendo soluciones. Si vamos a hacer algo, hagmoslo en grande

La importancia de nuestra tarea, de neustra misin de vida, ser un hroe, de complejo de inferioridad al complejo de creerse muy muy, o ser megalmano, pues lo optimo es un balance, pero creance el hroe de la historia, la misin de cada uno es muy importante,

1 INTRO Primero lo primero, Por qu hacemos lo que hacemos! Prestando servicio y proponiendo soluciones. Este mdulo introductorio nos prepara para el curso, es honesto, NO imparte frmulas mgicas, pero si necesita del compromiso y de la toma de responsabilidad para llevar a cabo todas las recomendaciones, que mentalidad se necesita tener para poder aprovechar al mximo este entrenamiento, Afronta tus propios errores! Escucha la crtica constructiva? Si vamos a hacer algo, hagmoslo en grande! Apunta alto, ve por los ideales. Genera entusiasmo estando entusiasmado2

Julio Ramrez (JR) - Our workforce is changing.

By 2020, 1 out of every 2 employees in the workforce will be a millennial. It is a generation that will have played over 10,000 hours on a gaming platform before 21 years of age. It is a generation that has grown up not only playing, but mastering the skill of gaming. From Pac-Man to Angry Birds, the generation entering our workforce has grown up in a make believe world that has changed the way that they engage and interact.

It is a fact that the face of our workforce is different. The question is how do companies adapt to this reality?

To approach this question we must first understand what is happening to younger people at the college level. With more colleges than ever before, the concern over the quality of the education that is being delivered is real. Not all college degrees are equal, and more than ever people are starting to wonder if it is worth it. Is the price tag worth the return? Is the price tag worth the years of struggle that they will face under an often startling amount of college debt? These new fears compound the one young people already face in wondering how quickly they are going to be able to find a job.

However, despite these concerns the impact of the cost of college education is not the primary issue. The greater worry should be that most academic programs are not moving fast enough. They are not moving fast enough to update and align their curriculum with the new demands of todays workforce. Questions about if we are teaching and developing young people in a manner that properly equips them with the skills and competencies needed to succeed in todays economy are not producing positive results. We must do better. We can do better.

It is the responsibility of a society to train and educate their people. And further it is the responsibility of an organization to always be seeking more effective ways of educating and developing their employees. Understanding the state of younger workers entering the workforce should motivate companies to re-think the way they are preparing their people. We are facing a different generation of workers, with different skills, different learning styles and different experiences. We cannot continue to prepare people in 2015 using the same content and approach in which we trained people in the 1980s. In my travels working with organizations, most companies have the majority of their training material in a workbook, on a clunky online learning platform or simply delivered through a multi-day lecture style workshop. These platforms are proving ineffective if the true goal of our training are outcomes that develop skill and a training environment where knowledge sticks.

So how do we fix it? Here are three action steps we need to take to ensure that a training program incorporates the principles necessary to ensure it is effective at improving the performance of all employees:

1. Stop Lecturing. Research by leading cognitive scientists into the way the brain learns proves one basic truth. The brain learns by doing. A recent study by Harvard Business School unveiled that 87% of content learned in a 1-day training will be lost within 4 weeks of training completion. Today most training programs have created a culture of training at people instead of engaging them in the learning process.

Most education, on boarding and staff development training leans heavily on seminar style workshops and online learning platforms, the reality is that while these platforms can be effective at improving knowledge they leave a major gap in the learning and skill development process. We must find a way to make training content come to life.

2. Training Simulations. I would never get on an airplane with a pilot who has just read about how to fly the plane and I hope you wouldnt either. However, today we have put an over emphasis on self-learning that does not require a hands-on component. A major tool to develop these skills, habits and behaviors is roleplaying. It is the only way to actually practice the word tracks and difficult conversations employees face everyday with customers especially in todays marketplace where over 80% of jobs have customer facing job responsibilities. The truth is employees will get the practice whether you role-play or not. The question is do they get the practice in the training room or on the customer?

3. Keep Score. We live in a world today where our customers and employees love to collect points, stars, and badges. Game based applications are everywhere when it comes to customer rewards programs like your Starbucks Gold Card app for example. These young workers are in fact gamers! Why not tap into an employees current competitive mindset to make training more engaging? Today, 9 out of 10 millennials say that employers need to make the workplace more fun and interactive. Find ways to gamify youre training sessions or program by tracking points and delivering rewards for the successful completionJulio Ramrez (JR) -

Intro, #GamifySalvemosAlMundo.

1 INTRO Primero lo primero,

El cambio en el marketing, outbound and inbound marketing. Prestando servicio y proponiendo soluciones. Si vamos a hacer algo, hagmoslo en grande

La importancia de nuestra tarea, de neustra misin de vida, ser un hroe, de complejo de inferioridad al complejo de creerse muy muy, o ser megalmano, pues lo optimo es un balance, pero creance el hroe de la historia, la misin de cada uno es muy importante,

1 INTRO Primero lo primero, Por qu hacemos lo que hacemos! Prestando servicio y proponiendo soluciones. Este mdulo introductorio nos prepara para el curso, es honesto, NO imparte frmulas mgicas, pero si necesita del compromiso y de la toma de responsabilidad para llevar a cabo todas las recomendaciones, que mentalidad se necesita tener para poder aprovechar al mximo este entrenamiento, Afronta tus propios errores! Escucha la crtica constructiva? Si vamos a hacer algo, hagmoslo en grande! Apunta alto, ve por los ideales. Genera entusiasmo estando entusiasmado3

Julio Ramrez (JR) - Our workforce is changing.

By 2020, 1 out of every 2 employees in the workforce will be a millennial. It is a generation that will have played over 10,000 hours on a gaming platform before 21 years of age. It is a generation that has grown up not only playing, but mastering the skill of gaming. From Pac-Man to Angry Birds, the generation entering our workforce has grown up in a make believe world that has changed the way that they engage and interact.

It is a fact that the face of our workforce is different. The question is how do companies adapt to this reality?

To approach this question we must first understand what is happening to younger people at the college level. With more colleges than ever before, the concern over the quality of the education that is being delivered is real. Not all college degrees are equal, and more than ever people are starting to wonder if it is worth it. Is the price tag worth the return? Is the price tag worth the years of struggle that they will face under an often startling amount of college debt? These new fears compound the one young people already face in wondering how quickly they are going to be able to find a job.

However, despite these concerns the impact of the cost of college education is not the primary issue. The greater worry should be that most academic programs are not moving fast enough. They are not moving fast enough to update and align their curriculum with the new demands of todays workforce. Questions about if we are teaching and developing young people in a manner that properly equips them with the skills and competencies needed to succeed in todays economy are not producing positive results. We must do better. We can do better.

It is the responsibility of a society to train and educate their people. And further it is the responsibility of an organization to always be seeking more effective ways of educating and developing their employees. Understanding the state of younger workers entering the workforce should motivate companies to re-think the way they are preparing their people. We are facing a different generation of workers, with different skills, different learning styles and different experiences. We cannot continue to prepare people in 2015 using the same content and approach in which we trained people in the 1980s. In my travels working with organizations, most companies have the majority of their training material in a workbook, on a clunky online learning platform or simply delivered through a multi-day lecture style workshop. These platforms are proving ineffective if the true goal of our training are outcomes that develop skill and a training environment where knowledge sticks.

So how do we fix it? Here are three action steps we need to take to ensure that a training program incorporates the principles necessary to ensure it is effective at improving the performance of all employees:

1. Stop Lecturing. Research by leading cognitive scientists into the way the brain learns proves one basic truth. The brain learns by doing. A recent study by Harvard Business School unveiled that 87% of content learned in a 1-day training will be lost within 4 weeks of training completion. Today most training programs have created a culture of training at people instead of engaging them in the learning process.

Most education, on boarding and staff development training leans heavily on seminar style workshops and online learning platforms, the reality is that while these platforms can be effective at improving knowledge they leave a major gap in the learning and skill development process. We must find a way to make training content come to life.

2. Training Simulations. I would never get on an airplane with a pilot who has just read about how to fly the plane and I hope you wouldnt either. However, today we have put an over emphasis on self-learning that does not require a hands-on component. A major tool to develop these skills, habits and behaviors is roleplaying. It is the only way to actually practice the word tracks and difficult conversations employees face everyday with customers especially in todays marketplace where over 80% of jobs have customer facing job responsibilities. The truth is employees will get the practice whether you role-play or not. The question is do they get the practice in the training room or on the customer?

3. Keep Score. We live in a world today where our customers and employees love to collect points, stars, and badges. Game based applications are everywhere when it comes to customer rewards programs like your Starbucks Gold Card app for example. These young workers are in fact gamers! Why not tap into an employees current competitive mindset to make training more engaging? Today, 9 out of 10 millennials say that employers need to make the workplace more fun and interactive. Find ways to gamify youre training sessions or program by tracking points and delivering rewards for the successful completionJulio Ramrez (JR) - #DangerousCoaching!,

empezamos por lo mas difcil.TU MISMO!



Tome un curso de Oratoria para mejorar mi comunicacin, en mi carrera profesional, mi debilidad fue la falta de comunicacin interpersonal,


Julio Ramrez (JR) - 2 #DangerousCoaching!, El principio de tus negocios eres t mismo! aqu te presentamos y tambin te pasamos algunos tips para prevenirte de malas prcticas que lamentablemente hay en esta industria del coaching, y te decimos porque es importante ir ms all de la retilencia, ser resistente. #OceanosAzulesSiExisten.

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 3 - #OceanosAzulesSiExisten. Piensas que ya todos los nichos de mercado estn saturados? Y es que la competencia es terrible! todo es un horrible ocano rojo, aun sin embargo aqu te ensearemos como encontrar un nicho de mercado, estudiarlo, analizarlo y dentro del construir un nuevo segmento, como alcanzar esos mticos ocanos azules! Esto le ayuda a crear un producto que se vende a s mismo. Crear una nueva categora, lo que le permitir vender su producto sin competencia. Tambin aprenders como crear el avatar del cliente. Y mantener un ideal en mente al crear el producto.

#Oceanos Azules Si Existen. #Oceanosazulessiexisten!

#CreartuPersonaje Y #CREATUPRODUCTO.

Dali, el escultor Jose Luis Cuevas y la creacin de su personaje. Como ganar notoriedad, ayudando a los dems y buscando como beneficiar a la comunidad, salir un poco de notros, no ganar visibiliad, solo por que si, por neurosis, por que nos falta atencin, si no ganar notoriedad para poder hacer mejor nuestra misin.

Las biografas de Dali o de Jose Luis Cuevas nos dan una pista, yo, podemos tomar arquetipos, un super hombre de negocios o bien, algo mas extravagante.

Mi consejo es que vayamos mucho mas alla de la apariencia, que el cambio mas bien, provenga desde el interior. 7

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 4 - #EresUnArtistaDeLasVentas Tu producto es tu obra de arte, te ensearemos a #CreartuPersonaje, crear el producto y crear la marca del producto!, En este mdulo, aprender los 7 marcos que harn que el proceso de creacin de su producto sea fcil y rpido. Adems, aprende estrategias avanzadas de diseo de productos que le permiten cobrar precios ms altos por su producto. Y finalmente, como le da a su producto un nombre o marca que lo posiciona como un producto de primera clase.Julio Ramrez (JR) - Globalizacin Para MiPyMes y Para Todos

5 #GlobalizacionParaMiPyMesyParaTodos, juntos democraticemos la globalizacin para nuestras MIPYMES!, te has puesto a pensar las ventajas que podemos tener las MiPyMes si accedemos a la globalizacin?, te das cuenta por que ahora estn desglobalizando?8

Julio Ramrez (JR) - Build you own Global SME!

It sounds like an oxymoron, but nowadays it is possible thanks to the ubiquity of digital networks to bring local solutions, services and even SME products to the whole world! And to make everyone love globalization thanks to the fabulous fair trade between communities! This is what I call: really progressive thinking!

But let's go fast ... how to achieve it:


Let your SME use all the communication and computing tools available, even without a computer, with only the mobile phone, the smartphone instead of using it to view thousands and thousands of photos and memes, or chopping and moving colored balls, Nooo! better apply mobile tech to give better service to the community and be more productive.

The internet connects you to the world, now even mere mortals we can have instant and automatic translation utilities at hand. Programs can be translated into language bringing in all the languages of the planet, and not only that, it can also bring embedded, local and regional dialects! This is what I call: true globalization. Learn several languages from other parts of the world, but also do not forget those of your own country.


Join a large, international organization, take a chapter, ask for the Parternship of a global organization, if there is not one of your branch or spin, then dont wait and invent, copy the documentation of another branch of more similar and leads your guild , only organization of congresses will be good business, no matter that you live in Paris, that small and lost town that no one recognizes as the center of the world, do not believe it, even though it is very small and tiny and with these old people living on it, In any case, if it can be the global yield of your guild! (Irony mocking our Eurocentrism in the last sentence), Many have no cost, and have extensive material and experience to apply it locally! If you do not know another language but the local language, look for other countries that speak youe same language! Offer your services on a global scale, create your network of sites, create your own community!


With the just not exploitative, outsourcing use the skills of others at your fingertips, and even those of others in other parts of the world, translators, telecommuting and contracting xworkforce for outsourcing and optimize your work.


Volume purchases with reverse auctions, or groups and /or purchasing communities or cooperatives,


It uses the alternative economies that gives access to bitcoin and other virtual currencies. It knows and exploits the opportunities of import and export, To take advantage of the legalized marks entering to union communities, international associations and to international certifications.


6 - #ActuaAquiAhoraYa, Lanza ya, ya, ya tu producto! Es tiempo de ya tener el dinero en tu bolsillo! Usted aprender las tcticas y las estrategias para aplicar cuando lanza un nuevo producto... Cmo atraer nuevos afiliados o socios para promover su lanzamiento, cmo construir un embudo de oferta, como #LevantarAmpulayRoncha para provocar una #ReaccinEmocional de expectativa para que los prospectos de cliente estn ansiosos por comprar su producto durante todo el perodo de lanzamiento.9

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 6 - #ActuaAquiAhoraYa, Lanza ya, ya, ya tu producto! Es tiempo de ya tener el dinero en tu bolsillo! Usted aprender las tcticas y las estrategias para aplicar cuando lanza un nuevo producto... Cmo atraer nuevos afiliados o socios para promover su lanzamiento, cmo construir un embudo de oferta, como #LevantarAmpulayRoncha de expectativa para que los prospectos de cliente estn ansiosos por comprar su producto durante todo el perodo de lanzamiento. #GuerrillaMarketingFuriosa

7 - #GuerrillaMarketingFuriosa Construyendo su Mercadeo para atraer nuevos clientes, Todas las tcticas del marketing guerrillero, las tcticas del #VietcongSalas, el #CheGuevaraWayofSelling, que aprende aqu con estos mtodos probados, Usted aprender cmo utilizar su historia y experiencias en su comercializacin tambin. Estos podran ser sus activos de mercadeo ms fuertes, Definir tus metas con tu pitch, los stickies, las pintas con plantillas laser.10

Julio Ramrez (JR) - http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/09/22/guerrilla-marketing-examplesJulio Ramrez (JR) - Tacticas y estrategias para la guerrilla marketing#HackeatusHabitosEfectivos

8 - #HackeatusHabitosEfectivos, Despierta a la productividad, aprende varias herramientas y sistemas para cambiar sus hbitos y as duplicar su productividad. usted necesita esto para cambiar su estilo de vida si usted es serio sobre la construccin de un negocio de forma autnoma, Un estilo balanceado de vida.11

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 8 - #HackeatusHabitosEfectivos, Despierta a la productividad, aprende varias herramientas y sistemas para cambiar sus hbitos y as duplicar su productividad. usted necesita esto para cambiar su estilo de vida si usted es serio sobre la construccin de un negocio de forma autnoma, un estilo balanceado de vida.#HackeatusHabitosEfectivos

8 - #HackeatusHabitosEfectivos, Despierta a la productividad, aprende varias herramientas y sistemas para cambiar sus hbitos y as duplicar su productividad. usted necesita esto para cambiar su estilo de vida si usted es serio sobre la construccin de un negocio de forma autnoma, Un estilo balanceado de vida.12

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 8 - #HackeatusHabitosEfectivos, Despierta a la productividad, aprende varias herramientas y sistemas para cambiar sus hbitos y as duplicar su productividad. usted necesita esto para cambiar su estilo de vida si usted es serio sobre la construccin de un negocio de forma autnoma, un estilo balanceado de vida.



9 - #PlaneandoElExitoComercial, Aprender a disear, desarrollar y ejecutar un plan de mercadeo. Cubre todo lo que necesita acerca de la comercializacin. Comienza desde cero con una introduccin a la comercializacin.14

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 9 - #PlaneandoElExitoComercial, Aprender a disear, desarrollar y ejecutar un plan de mercadeo. Cubre todo lo que necesita acerca de la comercializacin. Comienza desde cero con una introduccin a la comercializacin.Camapaas Crecimiento Exponencial,

10 - #AntiSPAM Y #CamapanasCrecimientoExponencial, Maestra del correo electrnico, aprender a nutrir una #BasedeDatosDeVentasMonstruosa de sus prospectos y clientes potenciales para que estn listos para comprar sus productos... Crea campaas de alta conversin de contactos en clientes, Escribe cosas interesantes para tu comunidad, crea contenidos que proporcionan valor pero tambin: Obtn la venta, Aprende las herramientas, los hacks, trucos y evita las trampas que harn fcil escribir correos electrnicos de gran alcance.15

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 10 - #AntiSPAM Y #CamapanasCrecimientoExponencial, Maestra del correo electrnico, aprender a nutrir una #BasedeDatosDeVentasMonstruosa de sus prospectos y clientes potenciales para que estn listos para comprar sus productos... Crea campaas de alta conversin de contactos en clientes, Escribe cosas interesantes para tu comunidad, crea contenidos que proporcionan valor pero tambin: Obtn la venta, Aprende las herramientas, los hacks, trucos y evita las trampas que harn fcil escribir correos electrnicos de gran alcance.Si Se Usar Facebook Se Construir APPS!SiSeUSarFacebookSeConstruirAPPS!

11 #SiSeUSarFacebookSeConstruirAPPS! Tu eres un desarrollador de Apps y ni te has dado cuenta! Si sabes usar las redes sociales, sabes hacer APPS, Te enseamos como construir de forma muy sencilla una APP para tu negocio. las Apps ahora se construyen solas!, construye APPS para contactar clientes y tambin construye APPS de Negocios con datos dinmicos. B2aaS. Que es SaaS, todava puedo proponer un negocio como SaaS?16

Julio Ramrez (JR) - 11 #SiSeUSarFacebookSeConstruirAPPS! Tu eres un desarrollador de Apps y ni te has dado cuenta! Si sabes usar las redes sociales, sabes hacer APPS, Te enseamos como construir de forma muy sencilla una APP para tu negocio. las Apps ahora se construyen solas!, construye APPS para contactar clientes y tambin construye APPS de Negocios con datos dinmicos. B2aaS. Que es SaaS, todava puedo proponer un negocio como SaaS?Si Se Usar Facebook Se Construir APPS!SiSeUSarFacebookSeConstruirAPPS!

Automatizacin Progresiva y Exponencialnegocio con sistema.

Extra I. #AutomatizacinProgresivayExponencialDeTuNegocio, salta muy alto, y atrapa las herramientas que se esconden en las nubes! confa en la nube y arma un sistema completo de negocios en lnea incluso si comienza desde cero. 1.Pginas Web fciles con metodologas ultrarapidas. 2.Encuestas en lnea para conocer mejor a tu cliente. 3.Sitios de afiliacin 4.Incentivos opcionales 5.Leads, Incrustos de plomo 6.Manejar comunidades usando grupos de correo electrnico personalidades o grupos en redes sociales facebook y linkedln7.Fundamentos de Analtica, SEO y programas de atraccin de trfico. 8.Carrito de compras y retencin del cliente, negocios gana - gana.9.Aprovecha al mximo las conferencias virtuales.10.Eventos virtuales (como webinars) 11.Vulvete un mejor AlacranDorado y genera Cursos y presentaciones con screencasting 12.Promocin por medio de redes sociales profesionales Facebook y Linkedln19

Julio Ramrez (JR) - Extra I. #AutomatizacinProgresivayExponencialDeTuNegocio, salta muy alto, y atrapa las herramientas que se esconden en las nubes! confa en la nube y arma un sistema completo de negocios en lnea incluso si comienza desde cero. 1.Pginas Web fciles con metodologas ultrarapidas. 2.Encuestas en lnea para conocer mejor a tu cliente. 3.Sitios de afiliacin 4.Incentivos opcionales 5.Leads, Incrustos de plomo 6.Manejar comunidades usando grupos de correo electrnico personalidades o grupos en redes sociales facebook y linkedln7.Fundamentos de Analtica, SEO y programas de atraccin de trfico. 8.Carrito de compras y retencin del cliente, negocios gana - gana.9.Aprovecha al mximo las conferencias virtuales.10.Eventos virtuales (como webinars) 11.Vulvete un mejor AlacranDorado y genera Cursos y presentaciones con screencasting 12.Promocin por medio de redes sociales profesionales Facebook y Linkedln

Automatizacin Progresiva y Exponencialnegocio con sistema.

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