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Handy Vocab Bodyparts

Handy Body Vocab 2

The Face with Mr. Angry Potato Head and Mr. Confused and Angry Wolfman

I am Mr. Angry Potato Head again, and now Im going to introduce you to parts of

La cara!!The face!!

Such as...

La bocaThe mouth

Los ojosThe eyesHmm, he looks familiar...

La narizThe nose

Las orejasThe earsLook at me! I have ears!Hahaha!!


Los dientesThe teethWhat big teeth you have!

El peloThe hair

Los labiosThe lips

Las cejasThe eyebrows

Las pestaasThe eyelashes

Nice beard!I wonder if I would look good with a beard?Hmm, I like it!La barbaThe beard

El bigoteThe moustache

So, there you have the parts of the face. I have decided to add some to mine...Ta-dah! Lets go and show the others our new look!

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