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Page 1: Hannemann maintains solid lead in congressional race


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Page 2: Hannemann maintains solid lead in congressional race



Page 3: Hannemann maintains solid lead in congressional race

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A total of 407 interviews were conducted among registered voters in the U.S. 2nd

Congressional District beginning on June 14, 2012 and ending on June 16, 2012. 173

interviews were conducted among Oahu 2nd Congressional District voters while 108

were done on the Big Island. 88 surveys were conducted among voters in Maui County

while Kauai accounted for 38 surveys.

The margin of error for a sample of this size (n=407) is +/- 4.90 percentage points with a

95% confidence level.

The survey respondents for this study were selected from a sample derived from a

listing purchased from Labels & Lists (formerly Voter Contact) augmented by QMark’s

Random Digit Dialing software. 51% of the surveys were conducted among landline

phones while the remaining 49% were conducted among wireless phone users.

QMark Research’s professional interviewers were used to conduct this survey. All

interviews were conducted from QMark’s in-house calling center where up to three

attempts were made to reach a voter at each of the telephone numbers in the sample.

The call attempts included a weeknight, and weekend day and evening to ensure we

reached 2nd district voters that would represent a valid cross-section of the district’s


Each respondent was asked screening questions to ensure they were a current

registered voter in the 2nd congressional district and that they intended to vote in the

upcoming primary.

The demographics of the voters whose opinions are shown in the data of this report

replicate as much as possible the actual demographics of 2nd district voters for

geographic distribution, gender, age and ethnicity. A table showing this respondent

profile is within the report. A complete questionnaire is included in the Appendix to this


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Registered voters from the 2nd Congressional District were asked if the Democratic

Primary were held today and the candidates were Mufi Hannemann, Tulsi Gabbard,

Esther Kiaaina, Bob Marx, Miles Shiratori and Rafael del Castillo whom would they

likely support.

The table below breaks down the results for voters who indicated they will likely select

the democratic ballot in the upcoming primary election or are undecided which ballot

they will select.

June 2012

Hannemann 42%

Gabbard 26%

Marx 8%

Kiaaina 2%

del Castillo 0%

Shiratori 0%

Don’t know 17%

Refused 3%

BASE 312

If the Primary Election for the 2nd Congressional district were held today Mufi

Hannemann would lead the race with 42% of the vote. Tulsi Gabbard trails by 16-

percentage points garnering 26% of the vote. None of the other competitors receives

support from over 10% of this voting segment.

The table below breaks down the results from above by geography, gender, and



Oahu N.I. Male Female Dem Indep Rep

Hannemann 45% 40% 38% 46% 48% 37% 33%

Gabbard 33% 20% 31% 22% 22% 33% 28%

Marx 6% 11% 10% 6% 9% 5% 26%

Kiaaina 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% -

del Castillo - 0% 0% - 0% - -

Shiratori 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% -

Don’t know 11% 22% 16% 18% 3% 5% -

Refused 3% 4% 1% 6% 15% 18% 13%

BASE 134 178 157 155 192 91 11

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Degree of Support

In this section of the study supporters of each candidate were asked to rate the degree

to which they backed their candidate.

Hannemann n=130

Gabbard n=80

Other n=39

Strongly support 44% 37% 32%

Somewhat support 32% 32% 35%

Could change 25% 29% 29%

Don’t know - 3% 4%

The support for Mufi Hannemann is slightly stronger at this point compared to Tulsi

Gabbard though there is definite room for movement from now till the election.

Core Voters

In this section of the study we examine the results from a slightly different perspective.

The table below highlights the race filtering the results to show only those who said they

will select the Democratic ballot in the upcoming Primary Election and have voted in all

or most of the elections since they’ve been eligible.

June 2012

Hannemann 45%

Gabbard 27%

Marx 9%

Kiaaina 1%

del Castillo -

Shiratori -

Don’t know 14%

Refused 4%

BASE 166

When the results under this scenario are examined we find Hannemann leading

Gabbard by 18-percentage points, 45% to 27%. Among those Democratic voters,

Hannemann leads among males, 43% to 27%, among females 48% to 26%, among

Oahu voters 48% to 34%, and among Neighbor Island voters 44% to 21%.

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Favorability Score

In this section of the research registered voters were asked to rate their general

perceptions of the five candidates for the 2nd Congressional District. They were asked if

they had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each. The table below provides a recap

of the candidates tested. The column at the far right highlights each individual’s

favorability ratio or the number of favorable responses for every one unfavorable


Favorable Unfavorable No opinion Never Heard of

Ratio Fav:Unfav

Hannemann 51% 29% 18% 1% 1.75:1

Gabbard 42% 10% 32% 16% 4.20:1

Marx 17% 12% 37% 33% 1.41:1

Kiaaina 9% 7% 23% 61% 1.28:1

del Castillo 4% 7% 14% 74% .57:1

Shiratori 3% 7% 12% 76% .42:1

Crowley 6% 6% 17% 71% 1.00:1

DiGeronimo 3% 7% 11% 79% .42:1

Half (51%) the voters in the 2nd Congressional District has a favorable opinion of Mufi

Hannemann. Twenty-nine percent has an unfavorable opinion of Mufi Hannemann. Of

the remainder, 18% have no opinion of him while just 1% has never heard of him.

Hannemann’s favorability ratio stands at 1.75 favorable responses for every one

unfavorable response.

Forty-two percent have a favorable opinion of Gabbard while just 10% have an

unfavorable opinion of her. A third (32%) has no opinion of Gabbard while 16% have

never heard of the candidate. Her favorability ratio stands at 4.20 favorable responses

for every one unfavorable response.

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Oahu B.I. Maui Kauai

45% 25% 21% 9%


All/ Most Some/ Few 1

st Time Voter

80% 18% 1%


18-34 35-49 50-64 65+ MEAN

13% 21% 39% 24% 53.79


Democrat Republican Other Don’t know

68% 18% 4% 10%


Democrat Republican Independent

58% 16% 31%



Caucasian Japanese Hawaiian Filipino Other

28% 28% 18% 13% 10%


Male Female

49% 51%

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2012 Primary Poll June 2012

Hello I’m___________ from QMark Research. We’re doing a survey this evening/today about an issue important to residents of your area and I’d like to ask you just a few short questions.

A. Are you registered to vote at this address?


As you may know, Hawaii will hold an election in 2012 to elect a US Representative from the 2nd Congressional District. I’d like you to think ahead to that election and answer just a few questions…

B. In the primary election to be held in August of 2012, would you say _____ (xx) you say you are certain to vote, that you will probably vote, or that something could happen to keep you from voting?


1 Certain to vote2 Will probably vote 3 Something could happen to keep you from voting



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1. I am going to read you a list of some prominent individuals in our state. As I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of each person. If you have heard of the person but don’t know enough about him or her to have an opinion, or if you have never heard of the person, just tell me.


1= Favorable 2= Unfavorable 3= No opinion 4= Never heard of

1 Tulsi Gabbard _____ (xx)

2 Mufi Hannemann _____ (xx)

3 Rafael del Castillo _____ (xx)

4 Esther Kiaaina _____ (xx)

5 Bob Marx _____ (xx)

6 Kawika Crowley _____ (xx)

7 Matthew DiGeronimo _____ (xx)

8 Miles Shiratori _____ (xx)

2. If the primary election to select a Democratic candidate to run _____ (xx) for US Representative from the 2nd Congressional District, your district, was held tomorrow and the candidates were Rafael del Castillo, Tulsi Gabbard, Mufi Hannemann, Esther Kiaaina, Bob Marx and Miles Shiratori, for whom would you vote? (IF NOT SURE, ASK:) Toward whom do you lean at this time?

1 Rafael del Castillo 2 Tulsi Gabbard 3. Mufi Hannemann 4. Esther Kiaaina 4. Bob Marx 5. Miles Shiratori 6 [DON’T KNOW/NOT SURE]


2a. And do you strongly support ___________, somewhat support him/her or could something happen between now and the election to cause you to change your mind?

1 Strongly support him/her 2 Somewhat support him/her 3 Something could happen between now and the election

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And now, I have a few last questions for classification purposes.

D1. In the elections held since you’ve been old enough to vote, _____ (xx) would you say you have voted in all of them, most of them, some of them or just a few of them?

1 All of them 2 Most of them 3 Some of them 4 Just a few


D2. Would you probably select to vote on the Democratic or Republican _____ (xx) ballot in this 2012 primary election?

1 Democratic ballot 2 Republican ballot 3 Some other ballot 4 (DON’T KNOW WHICH BALLOT I WILL SELECT)

D3. Which of the following best describes you… _____ (xx)

1 Strong Democrat 2 Leaning Democrat

3 Independent 4 Leaning Republican 5 Strong Republican 6 (DON’T KNOW/REFUSED)

D4 Are you or is anyone living in your household a member _____ (xx) of a labor union?

1 Yes 2 No

D5. What was your age on your last birthday? (RECORD ACTUAL AGE) _____ (xx)

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D6. What is your ethnic identification? (IF MORE THAN ONE ASK:) _____ (xx) With which do you identify the most? (IF NO CHOICE, MARK “MIXED”)

1 Caucasian 2 Japanese 3 Chinese 4 Filipino 5 Hawaiian/part Hawaiian 6 African-American 7 Other (SPECIFY) _____________ 8 Mixed 9 (REFUSED)

D7. What is your residential zip code? _____________ (xx)


D7A. Which of the following areas of the island would you say you reside in?

1 Central Oahu 2 Leeward Oahu 3 Windward Oahu 4 North Shore

[IF REFUSED ZIPCODE '99999' & ISLAND = BIG ISLAND, ASK] D7B. Would you say you live in the Hilo or Kona district?

1 Hilo 2 Kona

D8. (RECORD DO NOT ASK) Gender 1 = Male 2 = Female _____(xx)

May I have your first name, in case my office needs to verify that I completed this interview? Those are all the questions I have, thank you for your help with our study. �

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