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Page 1: Happy 24th birthday (2)


wonderful husband

funbold sincerededicated personalhumorous

Hyrum Mitchell

confidentgoal-oriented gleeful

true witness of Christ

great example




fully invested spiritualtrue member missionary

a doer


student of the scripturesenergetic funnylives life fully

incredible testimony


courageous kind


good fatherjokester hu


focused tough indian

always tries his best


goodcaring thoughtful

a blessing

true blue loving

strives to be Christ-like

faithful time manager


hard worker

fabulous missionary


a herotrue example of the believers good brother

goal setter

creative dreams big

forgivingtrue friendhonest athleticnurturedrighteous genuine runner

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Hyrum Kenneth Mitchell was born to

Kevin James and Janet Glauser Mitchell in McKay-Dee Hospital

at 9:38 AM on October 16, 1987. Weight: 8 lb, 9 oz Length: 21”

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The best memory I have of Hyrum is when he came home from school one day and said that his classmates had said that he and Hannah were not free to do what they wanted to. And he said “Mom and Dad, Hannah and I have more free agency than any of the kids in the rest of the school.”

-Dad Mitchell

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Hyrum has blessed me with joy beyond measure!  He is always thoughtful and caring.  He is a true example of the believers.  He knows how to love through action!  His life and the way that he lives it has increased my faith.

–Mom Mitchell 

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The second summer after Miriam and I were married, Hyrum accompanied us on a trip to California to visit Bowman and Abe.  During the drive we quoted "The Swiss Family Robinson" for at least two hours.  It's funny how simple things can be so fun sometimes.

-Dane Johnson

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Hyrum taught me that even if you are an indian, it's OK to wear a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.

-Abe Mitchell

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Hyrum is…Personal- He loves to ask personal questions because he is always genuinely interested in the answers and everyone.Humorous- Hyrum is always cracking jokes and using quick puns that can make everyone laugh.Athletic- Hyrum is good at EVERY sport!!

-Sarah Cluff

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While on his mission, I enjoyed reading Hyrum's letters. He is so spiritual. It was so funny because every week Hyrum would write to us that he just had the best study of his entire mission. I would be willing to bet that if we got his letters out, he said that in every single letter without fail. Hyrum has an incredible testimony and is one of the best students of the scriptures that I know. I admire and look up to him for that.

–Bowman Mitchell

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I love remembering the cold winter day when Hyrum and I went running together, and it was so cold my eyelashes were frozen when we got back.

-Miriam Johnson

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Hyrum is…sincere, honest, dedicated.

-Amy Wardle

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Hyrum taught me to follow the gospel standards. Hyrum helped me feel confident about myself.

–Kaylee Cluff

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Hyrum has helped me study the scriptures better.

-Paige Cluff 

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When Hyrum was little, he used to get a buzz hair cut a lot and I started calling him fuzzy.  This name eventually turned into Fuzz and stuck.  Everyone called Hyrum Fuzz.

–Abe Mitchell

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One. Hundred. Percent. That just sums him up! Everything in his life seems to be done at 100% and that is very inspiring to me. From the serious things (such as studying the Old Testament or having "heart-to-heart conversations") to the silly ones (like how he insists on wearing his steel-toes, plaid coat, and cowboy hat for any remotely cowboy-related activity, haha!), he is invested all the way. To me this shows that he has complete confidence in what he's doing, and the determination to get it done. If I ever need some motivation, I can think of what Hyrum would do in my situation, and I get moving.

–Stephanie Mitchell

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Hyrum is very goal oriented. He's passionate on what he sets his mind to and will do anything to see it through. He stands up for what is right and tries hard to live the Gospel daily.

–Allison Cluff

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One thing that I have learned from Hyrum is that I can set a goal and know that it is okay if I don't achieve my desired result.  I felt relieved when Hyrum told me that many times he doesn't accomplish his goals. I am sure he isn't always happy about that, but it helped me realize that I don't have to be perfect since I always thought Hyrum was perfect in completing his goals.

-Marcie Mitchell

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Hyrum is patient, forgiving, and a true friend. Hyrum makes relationships a high priority and sincerely cares about others. He loves the Gospel and lives it.

-Meagan Mitchell

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We had a lot of good times at BYU together. I really miss hanging out and doing our Korean dinners. I think we did a combined turkey/Korean thanksgiving dinner one year at Hyrum's apartment in the University Villa. It always turned out that I would invite a few people and Hyrum would call a few people and then all of a sudden we had over 25 people coming to the dinner. This happened many times. Actually, I think it happened most of the time.

-Bowman Mitchell

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I remember the most excited I ever got in my life was when Hyrum opened his mission call. We were all on speaker phone with the whole family and Kade and sitting in the living room of our apartment in Chico, CA. He read that he was going to Seoul, South Korea and he couldn't believe it. He thought maybe I had swapped my mission call into it to trick him or something. I went nuts ,I was so happy for him. That was a great day.

–Bowman Mitchell

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When I think of Hyrum I think of goodness, and I always want people to think of me that way, he inspires me to be better, and work harder, and achieve more.  I look up to him, he is like a father’s influence in my life.

-Amy Wardle

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Hyrum is always quick to give me compliments concerning my methods as a father and husband.  He helps everyone feel important.

-Dane Johnson

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While selling in Paradise one night, Hyrum decides he wants to walk up to this house that has a huge German Shepherd on a rope line as a guard dog. Just as he sees the dog's hair stand on end, he realizes it's a huge mistake. Within a split second the dog has Hyrum flat on his back and is barking in his face. We end up taking Hyrum to the ER and get him checked out for rabies. The teeth marks were from his knee to his hip. It was unbelievable.

–Bowman Mitchell

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My favorite memory of Hyrum, is when we first met him and we went to play volleyball.

-Paige Cluff 

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Hyrum is a wonderful husband! He is committed to seeking for and doing God’s will and building a strong family. He is progressive and encourages us to consistently be moving forward and doing the things that will draw us nearer to God.

-Meagan Mitchell

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Hyrum was always a hard worker with a goal in mind.  He is one of the most Christ-like people I can think of; it is one of his greatest desires.

–Miriam Johnson

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Hyrum loves people, and always wants to be a missionary. I remember in high school when he had some important calling in the Priesthood, he challenged the boys to do something, and that if they did he would make them a pie.  I have remembered that, and plan to use that idea.  Hyrum is a goal setter--an awesome quality. Hyrum dreams big, and then the Lord blesses Him in his desires.  

-Hannah Williams

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Hyrum is an awesome missionary! He boldly shares his testimony because he knows the Gospel is true and wants others to share in its blessings. He is always reminding me that we need to find someone to share the Gospel with. Hyrum strives to share the “good news” (aka: the Gospel) with everyone!

-Meagan Mitchell

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-Mom Mitchell

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3 Words That Describe Hyrum: Nurtured, adventurous, righteous.  Nurtured because when he was one of the last children at home he emphasized to his mother that he still needed plenty of nurture (I'm guessing he still requires a lot of nurture from Meagan).  Adventurous because he likes to have fun and is willing to try new things (I remember when he went camping by himself and read the entire Book of Mormon during the trip).  Righteous because - well because he is Hyrum.

-Dane Johnson

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The great thing about Hyrum is that he is a true member missionary. He hasn't slowed down since high school. He is a great example to us all of sharing the gospel and being a true witness of Christ at all times and in all places. I look up to him and try to follow his example.

-Bowman Mitchell

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Hyrum has taught me not to let things that I can’t control bother me. (like losing a wallet in the middle of nowhere…then finding that I never lost it two years later.  Also another fun memory.)

-Amy Wardle

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From Hyrum I learned to be genuine. Hyrum cares about everyone and is always genuinely interested in their emotions and their lives.

-Sarah Cluff

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Click icon to add pictureOne of my great memories with Hyrum is when we were both still in high school.  He invited me to go mountain biking with him.  I had never done any serious mountain biking before, so I enthusiastically accepted the invitation.  Hyrum and I met in Moab were I was introduced for the first time to the Mitchell’s fetish with “snacks.”  We had already packed sandwiches and water but we left city market with an inordinate amount of granola bars, fruit snacks, string cheese, trail mix, and power aid.  Adding it all together, you would have thought we were headed on a week camping trip rather than a couple hour bike ride.  But Hyrum approached the whole thing with such energy and excitement that I couldn’t help being swept up by it all.  We drove to the Porcupine Rim trail head and started on the adventure.  The first three miles were grueling as we climbed 900 feet in elevation.  Then came the real fun as we shot down the rim toward the Colorado River bed.  The weather was great and the view was stunning.  At one point Hyrum found a ledge about 3.5 feet tall off to the side of the trail.  He couldn’t resist the chance to do some jumping.  He went first because I wasn’t about to be the first to go flying off that ledge.  Hyrum’s success finally bolstered my courage and I had a great time taking the jump myself.  We took turns taking pictures of the other doing the jump so we would have bragging rights later on.  By the time we made it down to the river road I could honestly say that I had just had the time of my life. 

-Nephi Williams

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We did sales in Chico, CA the summer before Hyrum's mission. This guy, Gary, was pretty annoying and nobody wanted to ride in the car with him and I feel bad thinking back now but Kade and I left Hyrum with Gary probably too many times. But one time in particular, we were driving to Susanville in two cars; Gary and Hyrum in his Toyota Tercel, and Kade and I in Kade's white 1992 racing Honda. On the way up the mountainous road, Gary's car started to overheat. He freaks out while still driving and pulls the keys from the ignition, thus locking the steering wheel while careening down the highway with a precarious cliff just a few feet away. I actually think the guard rail was what stopped the car. So needless to say, we ditched Gary's car and we rode together in the Honda. Hyrum was ticked and told me to never leave him in the car with Gary driving again.

-Bowman Mitchell

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The thing I like about Hyrum is the way he runs. As a little boy he didn’t just run, he bounded. He had great joy in it.

-Dad Mitchell

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I have learned from Hyrum that it is o.k. that I don't know what I want to do for a living yet.  He tried engineering and ended up changing his mind because he didn't think he would be happy being an engineer and that is o.k.  He taught me that it is important to do something for a living that you really enjoy.

-Matthew Cluff

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Whenever I would visit the family with Amy Hyrum would always sit down right next to us and ask us all sorts of questions.  He would always want us to play basketball or do something the minute that we got there, and we were tired.  He was always fun to be around!

-Jake Wardle

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Hyrum is so patient and forgiving! I really admire that about him. He doesn’t let things get to him. Even when I read the map wrong , spill something, burn dinner, have to go back to the house whenever we go on a trip because I forgot something, or am just awkward and clumsy...he NEVER gets upset or frustrated. He is always calm and takes things in stride.

-Meagan Mitchell

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Hyrum is funny because he likes to joke around, a good father because he is so good with Brigham, and sweet because he helps and is kind to every one.

–Kaylee Cluff

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I remember coming back from my mission and me and Hyrum having the same voice. At first it freaked me out cause I thought Hyrum and Hannah looked so big and weird cause all I remembered was what they looked like when they were both 4 feet tall. Anyways, Hyrum has a girl call him on the phone wanting to invite him to the Monticello Prom. Of course we decided to have me impersonate. We went back and forth several times and she never even noticed.

–Bowman Mitchell

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My favorite memory of Hyrum was when I very first met him. Me, Dad, Meagan, and Hyrum were driving up to girls camp. I was driving. When we got there Hyrum was playing basketball, showing off his mad skills and when Hyrum went up to dunk it he basically broke his finger. And while Meagan was freaking out over his finger Hyrum didn't even flinch, as if it happens to him all the time.

-Sarah Cluff

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What I remember most about Hyrum is his love to sit down and chat.  He used to come to our home and we would all enjoy some great conversations. 

-Marcie Mitchell

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Our biking trip emphasizes one of the things I admire about Hyrum.  He is a doer and lives life fully.

–Nephi Williams

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Hyrum has showed me repeatedly that he loves my daughter.  He told me once that his actions would show me that he really loved Meagan and that he would always try to be a good husband, father, and provider and he was right.  Hyrum is very goal oriented and I know that he will be successful throughout his life because he invests the time and effort to make his dreams become reality. 

-Susan Cluff

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Hyrum is always a good example.  He has always been someone to look UP to even though he is my younger brother.

–Abe Mitchell

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My favorite memories of Hyrum is when we went swimming and he did like 30 back flips and when he fed Brigham kimchi.

-Kaylee Cluff

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I learned from Hyrum, that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you, it is what you think about yourself that counts.

–Paige Cluff

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Hyrum always tries his best .

–Abe Mitchell

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My favorite memory of Hyrum is the league baseball game following the game where Hyrum was penalized for missing a Monday night game.  He was their main pitcher and was fabulous.  We practiced scenarios of pitching before this game.  The one we had practiced: last inning, last out, full count, third strike came to pass in this exciting game.  The game was in Hyrum's hand.  Hyrum won the game.  The crowd roared.  The coach put him up on his shoulders and he was the town hero that night! Just before that tense last pitch, I saw Hyrum look up to heaven.  I knew what he was doing.  I also knew Heavenly Father would bless him for his goodness and faithfulness.  I know that Heavenly Father will continue to bless him for his goodness and faithfulness in his life now.

–Mom Mitchell

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Hyrum always tries to do the right thing.  He seems very thoughtful about his decisions and seeks the Lord for council.  A great example for us all.

-Dane Johnson

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One summer before his mission we floated down the river together in a raft.  We talked about his desire to do family history and how he was choosing that over playing basketball his senior year.  I will never forget the impression he left on my life about the importance of following the spirit no matter what.  He is my hero.  Also especially since green river is so much a part of our past instead of our present, I cherish that last float down the river with one of my siblings.

-Amy Wardle

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I would describe Hyrum as focused, determined, and humble.

–Marcie Mitchell

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I love remembering how Hyrum wanted to dig a hole, like in "Swiss Family Robinson", cover it up, and trap something.  Well, he did.  He caught our poor little unknowing neighbor boy.

–Miriam Johnson

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On our way back from our second trip to Susanville, Hyrum is driving my purple Saturn and Kade and I are back in the Honda. We had a competition going where we raced home everyday and the person in the lead raises their pointer in the air outside the window to signal #1. Well we were cruising down a canyon much like highway 6 where there were cliffs and two way traffic and a lot of blind turns. Hyrum and Kade are driving and they get a little carried away. I can still remember me yelling at Kade to let Hyrum win the current race as we are approaching 90 miles an hour with Hyrum in the opposing traffic's lane with a cliff on his side and the peddle to the metal not willing to give in. I am thinking how I am going to tell Mom when she finds out he dies from racing my car. Finally Kade relents and Hyrum gleefully raises his triumphant finger out the driver's side window.

–Bowman Mitchell

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Hyrum looks for the good in people. His heart is full of love. He doesn’t say bad things about people or look for the bad, he looks for the good. He’s a wonderful young man, a loving, kind person. He loves Heavenly Father and he loves to have the spirit deep in his heart teaching truths about the gospel. He has a lot to share and a lot to give and he will.

-Dad Mitchell

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Hyrum helped me with my directions! When we first went up to see Meagan and Hyrum after they got married I went with Hyrum to his seminary class. On the way home Hyrum asked me where we were and I had no idea! He then was adamant about teaching me how to figure out where I was while in Utah. After I thought I got a hang of the directions we just drove all around Utah with Hyrum asking. "Sarah, which direction are we going?"

-Sarah Cluff

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I will always remember what a good brother he was to me on the mission.  I would send him these long letters he probably didn't have time to read, and he would stay interested in my life.  One particular time though, I think I was struggling with something, and he taught me about personal revelation.  He encouraged me to build a trust with the Spirit; and as I obey, and act on revelation, the Spirit will give me more.  I have grown a lot in that respect since I have strived to apply that lesson.

–Hannah Williams  

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I remember Hyrum making an appointment to come and see me on my last day as a Bishop.  He came to ask me if he could marry Meagan and he allowed me to interview him and ask him questions.  I had just met him for the first time that weekend and I know it took a lot of courage for Hyrum to come and talk to me.  Hyrum has a great desire to do things the right way and at the right time and I admire him for that quality. 

-Richard Cluff

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Me and Bowman used to rough Hyrum up once and a while when we were younger.  Hyrum was much smaller than us being the younger brother, so he always seemed to get hurt.  Hyrum always wanted to be an Indian (for some reason he thinks he is today).  To avoid having Hyrum cry and get us in trouble, we would console him by whispering "tough indian." "Tough indians don't cry".  It worked every time!  Hyrum would stop crying immediately and fight the tears all in the name of being a tough indian.

–Abe Mitchell

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Hyrum is…Funny, spiritual, and caring. I think that these are all pretty easy to explain.

–Paige Cluff

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Several years ago Hyrum, Bowman and I played in a 3 on 3 tournament in Green River.  It was a lot of fun and we won every game.  Hyrum was the man (and still is), of course.

-Dane Johnson

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3 Words That Describe Hyrum…Passionate--about the gospel.  It's so easy for him to catch the fire of the Gospel, and he loves to share it! Missionary--Loves people, and helping them see the light.  Creative--Hyrum finds fun ways to express love, appreciation, and to live the gospel.

–Hannah Williams

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We love you Hyrum!!! Happy birthday!!!

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