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  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc





    Submitted in the partia !"r the a#ard "! the

    $e%ree &a'he"r "! &u(ine(( Admini(trati"n )*+,-)*+.







    ROLL NO-*344++*+.+, 1 &ATCH NO-5&&A SEM 6&)S7

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    Mahara8a A%ra(en In(titute "! Mana%ement Studie(

    A!!iiated t" Guru G"bind Sin%h Indrapra(tha /ni9er(it:1


    PSP Area1 P"t N"; +1 (e't"r ))1 R"hini $ehi ++**

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc



    Thi( i( t" 'erti!: that I ha9e '"mpeted the pr"8e't tited 5mar=etin% mana%ement "!

    h"(pitait: (e't"r and 'han%e( due t" bud%et h"te(7 under the %uidan'e 5 m( man(i

    (a'hde9a7 in partia !u!iment !"r the a#ard "! de%ree "! &a'he"r "! &u(ine((

    Admini(trati"n at Mahara8a A%ra(en In(titute "! Mana%ement Studie( 1 $ehi ; Thi( i( an

    "ri%ina pie'e "! #"r= > I ha9e n"t (ubmitted earier e(e#here;

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    The pre(ent #"r= i( an e!!"rt t" thr"# i%ht "n ?MARKETING STRATEGY OF HOTEL

    TAJ@; The #"r= #"ud n"t ha9e been p"((ibe t" '"me t" the pre(ent (hape #ith"ut the

    abe %uidan'e1 (uper9i(i"n1 and hep t" me b: number "! pe"pe;

    ith deep (en(e "! %ratitude I a'=n"#ed%ement the en'"ura%ement and %uidan'e re'ei9ed

    b: m: In(tituti"na $ire't"r $R; C;S;SHARMA and m: Pr"8e't %uide MS; MANSI


    I '"n9e: m: heart!et a!!e'ti"n t" a th"(e pe"pe #h" heped and (upp"rted me durin% the

    '"ur(e "! '"mpeti"n "! m: Pr"8e't Rep"rt;

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    n +3*+1 )*-:ear-"d iiam S; Hare:dre# up pan( !"r a (ma en%ine #ith

    a di(pa'ement"! .;*. 'ubi' in'he( 5++4 ''7 and !"ur-in'h 5+*) mm7!:#hee(;B

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    '"mpete m"t"r':'e( #ere in pr"du'ti"n "n a 9er: imited ba(i(; That :ear1 the !ir(t

    Hare:-$a9id("n deaer1 Car H; Lan% "! Chi'a%"1 ("d three bi=e( !r"m the !i9e buit in the

    $a9id("n ba'=:ard (hed; Year( ater the "ri%ina (hed #a( ta=en t" the Juneau A9enue

    !a't"r: #here it #"ud (tand !"r man: de'ade( a( a tribute t" the M"t"r C"mpan:(

    humbe "ri%in( unti it #a( a''identa: de(tr":ed b: '"ntra't"r( 'eanin% the !a't"r: :ardin the ear: +3.*(;

    In +3*41 Hare: and the $a9id("n br"ther( buit their !ir(t !a't"r: "n Che(tnut Street 5ater

    Juneau A9enue71 at the 'urrent "'ati"n "! Hare:-$a9id("n( '"rp"rate headuarter(; The

    !ir(t Juneau A9enue pant #a( a ,* !t 4* !t 5+) m +< m7 (in%e-(t"r: #""den (tru'ture;

    The '"mpan: pr"du'ed ab"ut * m"t"r':'e( that :ear;

    +3*. m"de;

    Hare:-$a9id("n +1*** '' HT +3+4

    In +3*.1 iiam S; Hare: %raduated !r"m the /ni9er(it: "! i('"n(inMadi("n#ith a

    de%ree in me'hani'a en%ineerin%; That :ear additi"na !a't"r: eDpan(i"n 'ame #ith a

    (e'"nd !""r and ater #ith !a'in%( and additi"n( "! Mi#au=ee pae :e"# 5'ream7

    bri'=; ith the ne# !a'iitie( pr"du'ti"n in'rea(ed t" +* m"t"r':'e( in +3*.; The

    '"mpan: #a( "!!i'ia: in'"rp"rated that September; The: a(" be%an (ein% their

    m"t"r':'e( t" p"i'e department( ar"und thi( time1 a mar=et that ha( been imp"rtant t"

    them e9er (in'e;B+6

    Pr"du'ti"n in +3* and +3*4 #ere a (in%e-':inder m"de( #ith )4;

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    p"#er "! the !ir(t (in%e(; T"p (peed #a( ab"ut 4* mph 5+** =mh7; Pr"du'ti"n 8umped

    !r"m ,* m"t"r':'e( in +3*< t" +1+,3 ma'hine( in +3*3; B+,

    Hare:-$a9id("n #"r=( in +3++

    &: +3++1 ("me +* ma=e( "! m"t"r':'e( had aread: been buit in the /nited State(

    ath"u%h 8u(t a hand!u #"ud (ur9i9e the +3+*(;

    In +3++1 an impr"9ed 0-T#in m"de #a( intr"du'ed; The ne# en%ine had me'hani'a:

    "perated inta=e 9a9e(1 a( "pp"(ed t" the aut"mati' inta=e 9a9e( u(ed "n earier 0-

    T#in( that "pened b: en%ine 9a'uum; ith a di(pa'ement "! ,3;,< 'ubi' in'he( 5

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    In +3+.1 the /nited State( entered "rd ar Iand the miitar: demanded m"t"r':'e( !"r

    the #ar e!!"rt; Hare:( had aread: been u(ed b: the miitar: in th

    ePan'h" 0ia EDpediti"nB+3B)*but "rd ar I #a( the !ir(t time the m"t"r':'e had been

    ad"pted !"r '"mbat (er9i'e;Bcitation neededThe /;S; miitar: pur'ha(ed "9er +1*** m"t"r':'e(

    !r"m Hare: $a9id("n durin% "rd ar I


    Hare:-$a9id("n aun'hed a ine "! bi':'e(in +3+. in h"pe( "! re'ruitin% 'u(t"mer( !"r it(

    m"t"r':'e(; &e(ide( the traditi"na diam"nd !ramemen( bi':'e1 m"de( in'uded a (tep-

    thr"u%h !rame6-+< Ladie( Standard and a -+. &": S'"ut !"r :"uth; The e!!"rt #a(

    di('"ntinued in +3)6 be'au(e "! di(app"intin% (ae(;

    The bi':'e( #ere buit !"r Hare:-$a9id("n in $a:t"n1 Ohi"1 b: the $a9i( Ma'hine

    C"mpan: !r"m +3+. t" +3)+1 #hen $a9i( (t"pped manu!a'turin% bi':'e(;


    Hare:-$a9id("n +*** '' HT +3)6

    &: +3)*1 Hare:-$a9id("n #a( the ar%e(t m"t"r':'e manu!a'turer in the #"rd1 #ith


  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    Great $epre((i"n

    Hare:-$a9id("n +1)** '' S0 +36+

    The Great $epre((i"nbe%an a !e# m"nth( a!ter the intr"du'ti"n "! their , 'ubi' in'h

    m"de; Hare:-$a9id("n( (ae( !e !r"m )+1*** in +3)3 t" 61.*6 in +366; $e(pite thi(1

    Hare:-$a9id("n un9eied a ne# ineup !"r +36,1 #hi'h in'uded a !athead en%ine and Art


    In "rder t" (ur9i9e the remainder "! the $epre((i"n1 the '"mpan: manu!a'tured indu(tria

    p"#erpant( ba(ed "n their m"t"r':'e en%ine(; The: a(" de(i%ned and buit a three-

    #heeed dei9er: 9ehi'e 'aed the Ser9i-Car1 #hi'h remained in pr"du'ti"n unti +3.6;

    Hare:-$a9id("n /L

    In the mid-+36*(1 A!red Ri'h Chid "pened a pr"du'ti"n ine in Japan #ith the ., 'ubi'

    in'he( 5+1)+* ''7 0L; The Japane(e i'en(e-h"der1 San=:" Sei:a=" C"rp"rati"n1 (e9ered it(

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    bu(ine(( reati"n( #ith Hare:-$a9id("n in +364 and '"ntinued manu!a'turin% the 0L

    under theRi=u"name;

    Hare:-$a9id("n deaer in TeDa(1 'a; +36*-+3,


  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    in "rd ar IIand re(umed 'i9iian pr"du'ti"n a!ter#ard(1 pr"du'in% a ran%e "! ar%e 0-

    t#in m"t"r':'e( that #ere (u''e((!u b"th "n ra'etra'=( and !"r pri9ate bu:er(;

    Hare:-$a9id("n1 "n the e9e "! "rd ar II1 #a( aread: (upp:in% the Arm: #ith a

    miitar:-(pe'i!i' 9er(i"n "! it( , 'ubi' in'he( 5.,* ''7 L ine1 'aed theLA; The A in

    thi( 'a(e (t""d !"r Arm:; /p"n the "utbrea= "! #ar1 the '"mpan:1 a"n% #ith m"(t "ther

    manu!a'turin% enterpri(e(1 (hi!ted t" #ar #"r=; M"re than 3*1*** miitar: m"t"r':'e(1

    m"(t: LA( and LC( 5the Canadian 9er(i"n7 #ere pr"du'ed1 man: t" be pr"9ided t"

    aie(;B6.Hare:-$a9id("n re'ei9ed t#" Arm:-Na9: E A#ard(1"ne in +3,6 and the "ther

    in +3,1 #hi'h #ere a#arded !"r ED'een'e in Pr"du'ti"n;

    Hare: pr"du'ed the LC !"r theCanadian miitar:;

    Shipment( t" the S"9iet /ni"nunder the Lend-Lea(epr"%ram numbered at ea(t

    6*1***; The LA( pr"du'ed durin% a !"ur :ear( "! #ar pr"du'ti"n %enera: ha9e +3,)

    (eria number(; Pr"du'ti"n "! the LA (t"pped at the end "! "rd ar II1 but #a(

    re(umed !r"m +3* t" +3) !"r u(e in the K"rean ar;

    The /;S; Arm: a(" a(=ed Hare:-$a9id("n t" pr"du'e a ne# m"t"r':'e #ith man: "! the

    !eature( "! &M((ide-9a9e and(ha!t-dri9enR.+; Hare: ar%e: '"pied the &M en%ine

    and dri9e train and pr"du'ed the (ha!t-dri9en .* '' +3,)Hare:-$a9id("n A; Thi(

    (hared n" dimen(i"n(1 n" part( and n" de(i%n '"n'ept( 5eD'ept (ide 9a9e(7 #ith an: pri"r

    Hare:-$a9id("n en%ine; $ue t" the (uperi"r '""in% "! the !at-t#inen%ine #ith the

    ':inder( a'r"(( the !rame1 Hare:( A ':inder head( ran +** QF 54 QC7 '""er than it( 0-

    t#in(; The A ne9er entered !u pr"du'ti"n2 the m"t"r':'e b: that time had been e'ip(ed

    b: the Jeepa( the Arm:( %enera purp"(e 9ehi'e1 and the LAaread: in pr"du'ti"n

    #a( (u!!i'ient !"r it( imited p"i'e1 e('"rt1 and '"urier r"e(; On: +1*** #ere made and the

    A ne9er #ent int" !u pr"du'ti"n; It remain( the "n: (ha!t-dri9en Hare:-$a9id("n e9er


    Sma Hare:(2 Hummer( and Aerma''hi(

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    Hare:-$a9id("n Hummer

    See also:Harley-Davidson HummerandHarley-Davidson Topper

    A( part "!#ar reparati"n(1Hare:-$a9id("n a'uired the de(i%n "! a (ma German

    m"t"r':'e1 the$K RT +)1#hi'h the: adapted1 manu!a'tured1 and ("d !r"m +3,< t"

    +344; 0ari"u( m"de( #ere made1 in'udin% the Hummer!r"m +3 t" +331 but the: are

    a '""uia: re!erred t" a( Hummer( at pre(ent; B,+&SAin the /nited Kin%d"m t""=the (ame de(i%n a( the !"undati"n "! their &SA &antam;B,)

    +3.+ Aerma''hi Hare:-$a9id("n Turi(m" 0e"'e

    In +34*1 Hare:-$a9id("n '"n("idated the M"de +4 and Hummer ine( int" the Super-+*1

    intr"du'ed the T"pper ('""ter1 and b"u%ht !i!t: per'ent "! Aerma''hi( m"t"r':'e

    di9i(i"n; Imp"rtati"n "! Aerma''hi( )* '' h"ri"nta (in%e be%an the !""#in% :ear; The

    bi=e b"re Hare:-$a9id("n bad%e( and #a( mar=eted a( the Hare:-$a9id("n Sprint; The

    en%ine "! the Sprint #a( in'rea(ed t" 6* '' in +343 and #"ud remain that (ie unti +3.,1

    #hen the !"ur-(tr"=e Sprint #a( di('"ntinued;

    A!ter the Pa'er and S'at m"de( #ere di('"ntinued at the end "! +341 the &"b'at be'ame

    the a(t "! Hare:-$a9id("n( Ameri'an-madet#"-(tr"=em"t"r':'e(; The &"b'at #a(

    manu!a'tured "n: in the +344 m"de :ear

    Hare:-$a9id("n repa'ed their Ameri'an-made i%ht#ei%ht t#"-(tr"=e m"t"r':'e( #ith

    the Aerma''hi-buit t#"-(tr"=e p"#ered M-41 M-4S1 and Rapid"; The M-4 had a (emi-

    (tep-thr"u%h !rame and tan=; The M-4S #a( a M-4 #ith a ar%er tan= that eiminated the

    (tep-thr"u%h !eature; The Rapid" #a( a ar%er bi=e #ith a +) '' en%ine ;B,3The Aerma''hi-

    buit Hare:-$a9id("n( be'ame entire: t#"-(tr"=e p"#ered #hen the )* '' t#"-(tr"=e

    SS-)* repa'ed the !"ur-(tr"=e 6* '' Sprint in +3.,; B*

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    Hare:-$a9id("n pur'ha(ed !u '"ntr" "! Aerma''hi( m"t"r':'e pr"du'ti"n in +3., and

    '"ntinued ma=in% t#"-(tr"=e m"t"r':'e( there unti +3.

  • 7/24/2019 Harley Doc


    ban=rupt;B4The Hare:-$a9id("n name #a( m"'=ed a( Hard: Abe("n1 Hard:

    $ri9eabe1 and H"%: Fer%u("n1BB4and the ni'=name H"% be'ame pe8"rati9e;

    In +3..1 !""#in% the (u''e((!u manu!a'ture "! the Libert: Editi"n t" '"mmem"rate

    Ameri'a(bi'entenniain +3.41B.Hare:-$a9id("n pr"du'ed #hat ha( be'"me "ne "! it(

    m"(t '"ntr"9er(ia m"de(1 the Hare:-$a9id("n C"n!ederate Editi"n; The bi=e #a(

    e((entia: a (t"'= Hare: #ithC"n!ederate-(pe'i!i' paint and detai(;


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