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  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


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    Negotiation Special Report #1

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  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    About Negotiation

    The articles in this Special Report were previously published in Negotiation,

    a monthly newsletter or leaders and business proessionals in every feld.

    Negotiationis published by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, an

    interdisciplinary consortium that works to connect rigorous research and scholarshipon negotiation and dispute resolution with a deep understanding o practice. For more

    inormation about the Program on Negotiation, our Executive Training programs, and

    the Negotiationnewsletter, please visit www.pon.harvard.edu.

    To order additional copies o this Special Report or group distribution, or to order

    group subscriptions to the Negotiationnewsletter, please call +1 800-391-8629 or

    +1 301-528-2676, or write to [email protected] .

    For individual subscriptions to the Negotiationnewsletter, please visit


    To order the ull text o these articles, call +1 800-391-8629 or +1 301-528-2676,or write to [email protected]. Visit www.pon.harvard.edu to download other

    ree NegotiationSpecial Reports.

    Negotiation Editorial Board

    Board members are leading negotiationaculty, researchers, and consultantsafliated with the Program onNegotiation at Harvard Law School.

    Max H. BazermanHarvard Business School

    Iris BohnetKennedy School of Government,Harvard University

    Robert C. BordoneHarvard Law School

    John S. HammondJohn S. Hammond & Associates

    Deborah M. KolbSimmons School of Management

    David LaxLax Sebenius, LLC

    Robert MnookinHarvard Law School

    Bruce Patton

    Vantage Partners, LLCJeswald SalacuseThe Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy,Tufts University

    James SebeniusHarvard Business School

    Guhan SubramanianHarvard Law School andHarvard Business School

    Lawrence SusskindMassachusetts Institute of Technology

    Michael WheelerHarvard Business School

    Negotiation Editorial StaAcademic Editor

    G Sbm

    Joseph Flom Professor of Law andBusiness, Harvard Law School

    Douglas Weaver Professor ofBusiness Law, Harvard BusinessSchool


    K Sk

    Art Director

    H D

    Published by

    Program on Negotiation

    Harvard Law School

    Managing Director

    S Hk

    Assistant Director

    Jm K

    Cp b Hv Uv.

    T pb m b p

    p xp p-

    m Pm N. Y

    m m .

    Dln w Dcul PPl

    nD Pblm

    nnnD lDP

    bcmn b n hirty years of grodreakig researh, opressed ito three

    thoght-provokig days.

    Day 1: Discover a ramework or thinking about negotiation success.

    Day 2: Examine and develop efective techniques or addressing a variety o

    negotiation challenges.

    Day 3: Put it all together and emerge well equipped to negotiate more skillully,

    condently, and efectively.

    o register oie or to dooad the free Progra ide go to


    -D mn

    cl l

    cmbD, m

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O

    To subscribe toNegotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    1. Get your head in the game.Like top athletes, smart negotiators confront the cognitive and psychological errors

    that could keep them from performing at their best.

    In 000, 18-year-old Matt Harrington was widely considered

    m pm p Mj L Bb (MLB) . T

    C Rk m v pk p

    H, p, , mm z, j m

    . O b , z Rk

    $ m v , p v-pk p.

    A pp p , H

    MLB , S D P m m 5

    v . O v , S B, H

    j $.5 m v $, b.

    I , k p ,

    H p MLB $,

    m mp B Dv R.

    I , C R H

    m m pp p; k .

    I , N Yk Yk H 6 b

    p mk m .

    A v 5 , H bm

    . I 6, v m- m C Cb,

    b b 7 b. H p p- m, b $, p m, k

    jb -.

    M H b b

    MLB . H b

    b v b.

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O N

    2 To subscribe to Negotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    T mk H m m p

    , b b , q. I bk,

    Judgment in Managerial Decision Making(W, 7 ., ), p

    Mx H. Bzm Hv B S D A. M C

    M Uv p H bb

    -mk v


    I , p mb m

    pb v b b. M k

    m p m . H p

    m mm mk Bzm M v

    mb kp k m mmp k.

    Mistake No. 1: Viewing negotiation as a fxed pie.N

    m pp p.

    T pv mp , m p v

    m p pm m, v m

    -. F xmp, m m p

    x z , , pp x xp p b

    v.W m, v b x p

    v v mk. U,

    M H mb v

    b m p. T xp

    pb v- , p

    pm-b b H p


    Solution: Share inormation. T mp bk x-

    p m m p.

    I p, pv m . I

    m mp b p, bk k

    mk v m

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O

    To subscribe toNegotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    p. p, v j

    k k v m


    Mistake No. 2: Anchoring on the frst oer.H m

    vm mm v b: v b

    mb . H , mm z,

    MLB m H q

    $.95 m - b m

    v m . T xp m

    H m b pp.

    I, H b z b. O

    m xp

    m b .

    Solution: Reject anchors. Upp m k

    p, ppp , pp p.

    W m b pp, p -

    v. S v b

    b vv .

    I , kp m k b m v

    p mk p . D v . I, bk

    b v m k v.

    Mistake No. 3: Escalating commitment.A p b z,

    H mk m mk j

    v m v?

    W z -- Rk

    mm- , p

    . A Bzm M, v

    escalation ofcommitment p

    j p bv, b mv .

    A v v m ,

    k q.

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O N

    4 To subscribe to Negotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    M m mm m

    m b. A H, b

    pp , mm m m p

    b x , v pp pp


    Solution: Dont dwell on the past.Tb k v

    v kp p q

    pp . Y m p vm

    b . A p

    k, mk v b mmm .

    Adapted rom When Your Toughts Work Against You, frst published in the

    Negotiation newsletter (October 2008).

    2. Manage team dynamics.

    When you are trying to pull your team together, youll need to carefully navigate

    group negotiations.

    How do you get the attention of negotiating artners m

    ? T q D Bb,

    mm B ,

    p p.

    A rush on the feld.Bb b b J , ,

    Uv C b B , b P-.

    L S, P- mm, m

    V k b q mmb p , New York Times.

    A , Uv Nbk mp m B ,

    j , B . T B mmb

    mb mm b . L p b

    Uv x, B mmk p, x

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O

    To subscribe toNegotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    Uv, Uv Okm, Okm S Uv,

    b P- pm k- v v. M,

    x A&M Uv, B mmb, b

    S C P-. T v mmb

    B pp mb m .

    H b m , v v p p

    v mp p v. I m, -p

    pp m 6-m p-

    , v V

    v p, m mm.

    The playbook changes.O J , , m m

    m bp . T Uv x

    B , .

    T mb . F,

    m b, Cmm Bb pm m b $ m

    $5 m V v p ( m

    x), b b 9 V . x

    p v L V k. Bb

    B V k, ABC/ESPN Fx, pm

    m . T V v v Uv x P B P kp


    S, v v b B

    v x, x A&M, Uv Okm

    p $ m p p Nbk C

    b .

    T, mb v

    b xv, , k xv

    q bb x b p p, N

    C A A (NCAA) ESPN.m. T

    p v P- xp

    b . T p v p Bb

    V .

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O N

    To subscribe to Negotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    F, x m - m b

    bk P-. Gv p b V k, P-

    x kp k . N P- v

    x v , Times.

    Hv m, B xp v

    mpp m, NCAA . B

    Bb p, kp v

    pp mmb m b.

    Te Near-Collapse o the Big 12: Holding a Winning eam ogether,

    frst published in theNegotiationnewsletter (September 2010).

    3. Gain a competitive edge.

    To triumph in cutthroat situations, such as negotiations where agents are present,

    youll need to tap new sources of strength.

    Show e the oney! hat refrain fro the 1 oieJerry Maguire,

    b b p , U.S.

    p p . A pb , m p ,

    v b mb mk p q x. Y

    Do a side deal or two. Commissioner Beebe understood the power o

    money to inuence the mutinous universities. Through side deals with

    ABC/ESPN and Fox, he secured promises o TV contracts that rivaled

    the Pac-10s oer.

    Exploit patterns o deerence. The University o Texas was the clear

    leader o the Big 12 schools that were threatening to deect. Aware o

    this act, Beebe concentrated his eorts on winning over Texas in the

    expectation that the others would line up behind its decision.

    Ask or a sacrifce. The fve universities that risked being abandoned in

    the Big 12 stepped up fnancially to help keep the league united. Such

    sacrifces demonstrate goodwill and team spirit.

    Enlist new players. The shadowy group that worked to try to hold the

    Big 12 together may have strongly inuenced the fnal outcome. I your

    counterparts wont listen to you, recruit outsiders they respect to argue

    your case.

    How to inspire team loyalty1




  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O

    To subscribe toNegotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    , mpv mp,

    k v m m .

    W p k ?I p F, L K A

    Agents! Negotiating on Behalf of Others (S, 999), Hv B

    S p M W z k mk p

    . H m:

    1. The presence o agents.I , p ,

    v b, v m m v b

    v p m v v b

    xp v mpx . A

    v b m p m m m

    bp -b , W.

    B b p p v p m

    m p, p (p %

    %), . Sp

    kp p k k

    p x m p

    , p x.

    F , m mb

    b. Fm Mj L Bb (MLB) p CS $ m v- -

    x B R Sx m,

    j. O b, S 7 m

    p , bm b.

    2. Lack o alternatives.C bb p M H,b p. A , ,

    p MLB . Y , ,

    H m MLB m. A H ,

    , m pm $ m v m

    p mj.

    T pm m p p : k

    v. I m , k p

    , k m . B mj

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O N

    To subscribe to Negotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    U.S. m-p , MLB, N Fb L,

    N Bkb A, p m

    q m p m. F m j p,

    b m pp

    p. O v v m mb

    b bm m.

    3. No zone o agreement.I m p, p

    p v zone of possible

    agreement, ZOPA, x. I v p m $5,

    , b v P p.

    Y p m b m p.

    I ZOPA, W,

    NOPA m no possible agreement. I 995 , W

    Dv Lx Jm Sb b bv

    N Hk L (NHL) m bv m

    NHL . Am p, p p

    m, p b

    . T , m m

    p p m .

    I NOPA v k (, p m p, b ), p

    b b p b,

    W. U , bm m

    m p bk .

    From competition to collaboration.I v m m

    p p , p p v

    b :1. Manage your agent. I p Negotiating on Behalf of Others, B

    S. M k

    mb p mp .

    T v pp pk m. F,

    v -m

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation


    P R O G R A M O N N E G O T I A T I O

    To subscribe toNegotiation, call +1 800-391-8629, write to [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard..

    . S, m mk mmm

    b. T, mk

    p. F, mp

    b pm m m

    v b. F, v m b

    p. Ev b, v

    pk . H m p:

    , p .

    2. Insist on expanding the pie. W

    , k p p

    v p p. H v m

    m v b p? F, m

    x p . I ,

    x . I b m b , mmb

    z m, k mk m

    pv. A b, b v b


    3. Analyze the market.Exm b mk p mv m NOPA ZOPA. I 5, NHL

    v-b m p v p v. A q, p v

    xp m NHL m p. Sm, b

    m k. I m

    , m b xp m p

    p p , v .

    4. Create better alternatives. O, m m v

    m p . B k p b

    v b . W pp m k

    ---m pp, mk p m

    xp . B mpv p p,

    p pm b.

    Becoming a eam Player: Lessons rom Proessional Athletics,

    frst published in theNegotiationnewsletter (October 2009).

  • 7/28/2019 Harvard 1 Sports Negotiation



    O N T I N U E Y O U R N E G O T I A T I O N L E A R N I N G

    ATTEND an upcoming Executive Education program

    Negotiation and Leadership: Dealing with Difcult People and ProblemsDesigned to accelerate your negotiation capabilities, this three-day oering examines core decision-making

    challenges, analyzes complex negotiation scenarios, and provides a range o competitive and cooperative

    negotiation strategies. You will emerge well prepared to achieve better outcomes at the bargaining table, every time

    In-Depth, One-Day Author SessionsGroundbreaking ideas, global insights, and innovative strategies all taught by the experts who literally wrote

    the book on them.

    Harvard Negotiation Institutes Summer ProgramsRanging in duration rom two to ve days, each program ocuses on a critical aspect o negotiation.

    For an updated listing o programs, including dates and locations, or to download a complete program guide,

    visit www.pon.harvard.edu.

    SUBSCRIBE to Negotiation, the monthly newsletter

    Drawing on ideas rom leading authorities and scholars in the eld o negotiation, this timely publication

    provides proven strategies and techniques aimed at improving your ability to get deals done, solve problems,

    preserve relationships, and manage confict.

    o learn more or subscribe, call +1 800-391-8629 (outside the U.S., dial +1 301-528-2676), [email protected], or visit www.pon.harvard.edu/negotiation-monthly.

    EDUCATE yoursel and others on key negotiation topics

    Access teaching materials and publications in the Program on Negotiations Clearinghouse, including role-play

    simulations, videos, books, periodicals, and case studies. Most Clearinghouse materials are designed or use by

    college aculty, corporate trainers, mediators, and acilitators, as well as individuals who seek to enhance their

    negotiation skills and knowledge.

    o view all Clearinghouse teaching materials and publications, visit www.pon.harvard.edu/shop/home/.

    READ the NegotiationJournal

    Tis quarterly publication is committed to the development o better strategies or resolving dierences through

    the give-and-take process o negotiation. Negotiation Journals eclectic, multidisciplinary approach reinorces

    its reputation as an invaluable international resource or anyone interested in the practice and analysis o

    negotiation, mediation, and confict resolution.

    o learn more or subscribe, visit www.pon.harvard.edu/publications/.

    Mediating Disputes

    Negotiation: Strategies, Tools, and Skills or Success

    Improving Negotiation Eectiveness

    Dealing with Difcult Conversations

    Advanced Negotiation: Deal Set-Up, Design, and Implementation

    Intensive Negotiations or Lawyers and Executives

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