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  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    MOU valid from2010 - 2012

    RMF 2010-12

    24 beekeepers

    192 dependents


    Allocate recovered

    revolving loans to

    Another group

    12 beekeepers

    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CED 2009-2011


    MOU signedJune 2009

    RMF provided

    $4,200 forrevolving



    12 beekeepers

    received each:$350 loans for

    3 beehives &

    production kits


    Expected honeyproduction 54 Kg(18 Kg/ beehive)

    Projected beekeepersincome $189 ($3.50

    per Kg)

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Credit and Enterprise Development (CED)Program

    CED adds a new microcredit component that facilitates expanding the Womens

    Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming Plan Bee project in terms of scale

    as well as geographic coverage.

    In collaboration with Rice Microfinance (RMF), the project provides a long term

    sustainable means through a revolving microcredit fund expanding the project

    with gradual increase to women headed households considering the loans are

    paid are expected for a given period.

    The goal of this pilot project is to provide micro loans to 24 women beneficiaries

    in honey bee farming.

    CED mobilizes and organize communities into workable cluster based groups,increase the outreach and productivity, provide training in bee farming ensuring

    quality honey through improved processing facilities and related infrastructure,

    and facilitate market linkages for the sale of honey at higher competitive prices.

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Plan Bee Promotes Women Empowerment,

    Economic Development and Education

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CED Loan DistributionLoan Distribution Spring 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CED Loan DistributionLoan Distribution Spring 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CED Loan DistributionSpring 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CED Loan DistributionSpring 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance CED Loan DistributionLoan Distribution Spring 2010

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Plan Bee Affected by the Floods in Pakistan

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Beekeepers Homes Destroyed by the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the BeehivesAfter the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the BeehivesAfter the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the BeehivesAfter the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the BeehivesAfter the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the Beehives

    After the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Assessing the Condition of the Beehives

    After the Floods

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CEDLoan Recovery Status 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Rice Microfinance (RMF) CEDLoan Summary 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Promoting Women EntrepreneursChanging Lives

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Hashoo FoundationMission

    Is to enable and empower communities to be independent by

    facilitating equitable access to opportunities through economic

    development, education and skills development, supporting

    people with special needs, and providing humanitarian


  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Womens Empowerment through Honey Bee

    Farming Plan BeeThe Womens Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming Plan

    Bee was initiated by the Hashoo Foundation to empower

    women in the remote areas of Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral in

    Northern Pakistan by expanding employment opportunities and

    generating a stable source of income through the sale of high-

    quality honey

    l d

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    We Want You to Stay InvolvedHelp Us Make the World a Better and More

    Peaceful Place

    With your collaboration, sustainable

    economic development projects,like Plan Bee, will strengthen vulnerable

    communities and help decrease the

    influence of extremism in Pakistan

  • 8/2/2019 Hashoo Foundation Credit and Enterprise Development (CED) for Rice Microfinance (RMF)


    Plan Bee

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