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Page 1: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Dear Hatch Ride Community

I have just sat down at my desk after popping my head into the Carols and Mince Pies concert, where the hall was filled with our local elderly community enjoying performances from our Year 4 and 5 children. The children served tea and mince pies as well as speaking with our visitors to make them feel welcome, I was overcome with pride. It is a reminder that, amidst the fun and gifts, this is a time to think outwardly and embrace our community. Please take time to check in on neighbours, friends and family over the break as, for some, Christmas can be a particularly challenging time for many reasons. The children have had a fantastic first term and the photos below show what an amazing run up to Christmas it has been. Thank you for all of your support in attending the performances and with helping your children learn lines and songs. I give thanks to everyone who has volunteered to support the children, teachers and school; whether that be a regular commitment to hearing readers or gifting their time for PTO events. It is greatly appreciated. That leaves me to wish you all a restful, peaceful, safe and fun break with your families. Hold them close and make fabulous memories. Ms Sparrowhawk

Christmas Lunch – All the staff and children had a great time on Wednesday at our annual Christmas lunch. The children looked so festive in their jumpers and accessories. Here are a few pictures.

Hatch Ride


December 2019

Page 2: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Festive News All of our children have once again this year demonstrated their fabulous performing abilities during

our Christmas festivities.

Huge congratulations to all of our Reception children on an outstanding performance in their Fairy

Tale Land Nativity. Considering they have been in school less than a term, to see them speak, sing,

act and play instruments with such confidence in front of an audience was truly amazing.

Our infants in years 1 and 2 put on a dazzling performance of “Everyone Loves a Baby” – with super

singing, dancing and acting in a re-telling of the nativity story. There were some very special


Key stage 2 children wowed everyone with their marvellous Hatch Ride rendition of the famous “A

Christmas Carol”. There was plenty of singing and some marvellous acting – the perfect way to get

us all in the mood for Christmas!

Page 3: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Christmas Collections

Our collections at our recent nativity performances raised an amazing £348. Many thanks to all of you that donated, we will be forwarding the money raised to Shelter which does amazing work locally to support those people facing difficulties with housing or homelessness. Our collection on Friday 13th for Christmas Jumper day, raised £187 for Save the Children. Again, many thanks to all of you who supported this initiative and donated. Healthy minds week at the beginning of November raised a fantastic £1,673 from our Yogathon. Our thanks go to all the children and their families who helped to support this initiative.

Patch has arrived…… There has been much excitement during the last few weeks, as Patch, our resident naughty elf, has

returned to Hatch Ride! Mrs Green presented a special assembly where Patch arrived in style,

having stolen one of the remote-control cars from Reception class. He has been causing havoc

around the school ever since – making snow angels in flour, being eaten by the Chinese dragon, and

stealing tea bags from the staff room for his tea break!

Page 4: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Class News Reception Reception class made the most of the wintery weather last week when Jack Frost came to visit! They spent time exploring the field, feeling the leaves crunching and seeing how hard the ground was. The leaves were covered in ice – “it looks sharp and pointy” – and the children were fascinated to find that they could melt the ice by breathing on it! The highlight however, was definitely finding a frozen sock on the field and bringing it into the classroom to watch it defrost!

Rory the Kindness Reindeer has appeared in the Reception classroom! It hides in children’s trays

and, when they find it, it helps them to carry out kind acts around the classroom. The children have

been really inspired to share their acts of kindness – so far, these have included making a card for a

friend, helping a friend tidy up, sharing toys and helping someone do up their coat.

Year 1 There has been a lot of excitement in Year 1 since the arrival of our first

stick insect baby! He was very tiny when he arrived, and is growing

well – can you spot him in the photo? The children have named him

Mr Leg.

Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials,

and identifying the best waterproof material to make an umbrella.

Year 2 Year 2 have had a busy start to the half term. Our naughty resident elf,

Patch, had hidden several of his elf friends in different shops in

Crowthorne High Street. The children ventured out on a very cold

November day to walk

up to the high street

and explore the local

area. Using their map

reading skills, they

visited the library first where they learnt some

interesting facts about the history of Crowthorne

High Street. Then they visited several other shops to

collect the elves that Patch had left behind.

Page 5: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Year 2 have been continuing their work helping Patch, particularly in

science where they have been investigating materials. The have helped

him to establish which is the strongest wrapping paper for him to use for

his presents this year. They have also helped him to find out which

material is the best for him to clean up his melted snowman! They have

been such great scientists this week!

Year 3 In addition to their rehearsals for the Key Stage 2 production, year 3 have been working hard on

their addition and subtraction strategies in maths. They have also been developing their informative

writing, by working on reports about volcanoes and researching facts in the ICT suite.

Year 3 would like to send out a big thank you to Mrs Sturdy for coming into school and reading with

the children every Tuesday. Your support is much appreciated.

Year 4 As well as rehearsing for their Christmas performance, year 4 have been busy packing in loads of

interesting information on their topic, The Egyptians. They have learnt about Tutankhamun, the

mummy’s curse, hieroglyphics and Gods. In addition, in English they have been writing newspaper

reports and in Science they have been looking at electricity and different types of circuits. They have

also been lucky enough to have a visit from the local police, who delivered an interesting talk about

internet safety and staying safe online.

They are also busy planning and preparing care packages for local homeless people. They will be

making peppermint creams, donating something warm, writing snowman shape poems and

Christmas cards. Mr Young will visit a local shelter at the end of term with the children’s packages.

Their topic for the start of 2020 is The Tudors, which will prepare them for their residential trip to

Ufton Court at the end of January.

Year 5 This month year 5 have been working on the Ancient Greeks and forces, linking both into their ongoing space topic! They have also explored some more modern history through their learning about the Space Race between the USSR and USA. Additionally, they have had some fantastic visitors enhancing their PSHE learning about personal safety. Both the police and fire service have given talks to the children and answered their questions.

Page 6: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Year 5 would like to thank Mrs Pate and Mrs Southgate

for their help during healthy minds week with their

Happy Boxes.

They are excited about their trip to Waitrose

distribution centre on 23rd January, if you haven’t

already done so please return any outstanding consent

forms to the office.

Year 6 In between rehearsals for the Christmas production, year 6 have managed to fit in quite a lot of

other work, including fractions in maths, both adding and subtracting. In English they have

completed work on the epic poem, Beowulf, believed to have been written by an Anglo-Saxon poet

between the years 700 and 750. In history they have studied the everyday life of a Viking settler,

and they have also managed to fit in some art and have been drawing people in action! A very

varied list of activities this term!

Reminder: Bikeability for year 6 is week beginning 27th January 2019.

Other News Staff News We would like well to welcome Mrs Joyce who joined our team this term in Reception class. She has

been an amazing addition, not only to Reception class but the school team as a whole.

Congratulations to Mrs Smith, Miss Loveridge and Mr Young who have made it through their first

term here at Hatch Ride!

Mrs Hudson will be taking a Sabbatical during the Spring term and will return to us after the Easter

break. You may still see her around the school site as she will be completing some of her on-going

caseload during this time. Please be reassured that, as per usual school practice, provision for our

SEN children will continue and be managed by class teachers. If you have any concerns regarding

your child please follow our usual procedure and speak with your child’s class teacher.

Internet Safety During the Christmas holidays, it is likely that many children will spend more time online. We are

aware that some children are using the TikTok video sharing app, which is recommended for

children aged 13 and above. Please check your children’s settings on their devices. Below are some

organisations that can offer help and advice.

https://parentinfo.org/ Help and advice for families in a digital world. Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations. BBC Own IT App The BBC have launched a new app to try and help the wellbeing of young people online. It’s called Own It and it encourages young people to stop and think before they hit the send button. It monitors how they interact with their friends & families online and uses artificial intelligence to try & see how a child is feeling. For more information please follow this link https://www.bbc.com/ownit

Page 7: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

Uniform, PE Kits and Lost Property Our full uniform details are available on the school website. Please may I remind you that trainers are NOT permitted as part of everyday uniform, and we will be monitoring footwear when the children return to school in the new year. Shoulder length and long hair should be tied back, and hair accessories should be small in size and preferably in school colours.

Please can we ask that all PE kit and uniform is clearly named. It is very difficult to identify and

return items to children if they are not labelled. Unnamed items are placed in the lost property box,

situated outside of the Year 6 classroom. Please check there if you have lost any items. We will not

be keeping unclaimed items beyond the start of the new term.

Medications Please can you make sure that all medications currently in school are collected before the end of

term. For ongoing medication requirements, please check that the details we hold in the office are

up to date, and complete new consent forms if required. Any medications left in school will be

disposed of during the holidays.

Hall Hire The school hall is available to hire on a regular or ad hoc basis. Please contact the school office for enquiries, or e-mail [email protected].

Schools Clubs List – Spring Term The new school clubs list will be made available this week, please return consent forms to the school

office. Internal clubs will start w/c 20th January, most of the external clubs will start w/c 13th

January. Please make sure you check the clubs list for exact details.

Please scroll down the page for diary dates and term dates. School

re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 7th January, 2020.

Page 8: Hatch Ride Matters December 2019 · The children have named him Mr Leg. Year 1 are also working on their science investigation about materials, and identifying the best waterproof

School diary and important dates

Please note there will not be an assembly every Friday afternoon. Please check the schedule below for dates

of future assemblies.


Friday 20th December End of Term Christmas Assembly – 2pm start, School finishes 2.45pm

Friday 10th January No Assembly

Friday 17th January Year 1 Assembly

Friday 24th January No Assembly

Friday 31st January Year 2 Assembly

Friday 7th February Year 4 Assembly

Friday 14th February Whole School Assembly

Friday 28th February No Assembly

Friday 6th March Year 3 Assembly

Friday 13th March Whole School Sport Relief Assembly

Friday 20th March Reception Assembly

Friday 27th March Year 5 Assembly

Friday 3rd April Whole School Easter Assembly

Important Dates


Wednesday 22nd January Open Morning for prospective new pupils 9.15am-11.15am

Thursday 23rd January Year 5 Trip to Waitrose

Wednesday 29th Jan-Friday 31st Jan Year 4 at Ufton Court

Monday 27th Jan – Friday 31st Jan Year 6 Bikeability

Monday 17th Feb – Friday 21st Feb HALF TERM HOLIDAY

Friday 28th February Year 3 Roman Trip

Term Dates 2019/2020 Academic Year

Friday 20 December End of Autumn Term Finish time 2.45 pm

Monday 6 January 2020 INSET DAY

Tuesday 7 January Start of Spring Term

Monday-Friday 17-21 February Half Term

Friday 3 April End of Spring Term Finish time 2.45 pm

Monday 20 April Start of Summer Term

Friday 8 May May Bank Holiday – VE Day (changed from 4 May)

No pupils in school

Monday-Friday 25 May – 29 May Half Term

Friday 17 July End of Summer Term Finish time 2.45 pm

Monday-Tuesday 20-21 July 2020 INSET DAYS No pupils in school

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