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Page 1: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~

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S 'L 4





Richard Tripp

041'12/86 w 24085 Bjornsen

Pursuani: to 'f'he Commtssion .luthori2ati1>n and the Statu CEQA Guidelines of Calendar item No. 42, 03/02/88, £or the · expenditure -<.1f up to $15, 000 for tree planti.ng on school f, .. t,'Jd burned by ~he L~~der Creek Fire of 1987, the ab~ve-success~ul tree t;>lanter sv'i>mi tteQ a bi.d of '$9, 775 ~ Planting contract attacheu1 as Exhibit "A" Ratification of this t~ee-planting cbntract, b~sed upon the Commiss~on's prior authorization, i~ requested.

STATUTORY ,AND OTHER REFERENCES: A. P.R.C.: Oiu. 6, Parts land 2; Uiv. 13.

AB 884:


B. Cal. Adm. Code: Title 2, Div. 3; Title 14: Oiu. 6.


INFORMATION: 1. Pursuant to the Commissiar_"' s delegation of

authority and the State CEQA Guidelines {14 Cal. Adm. Code 15061), the staff h~z determined th~t this acti~ity is exempt f~~ the requirements of the CEQA as a cate~-Orical exempt prqject. Tf1e project is exempt under Class 4, M~nor Alteration to. Land, 2 cal. Adm. C9de 2905(d)(S).

Authority: P.R.C. 21084, 14 Cal. Adm. Code 15300, and ~ Cal. Adm. Code 2905.

2. Openings of bids occurred on March 11, 1988~. ,


Page 2: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~


f.XUnn T: A. Tr~<-' ··planting contract,








Page 3: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~


(J STATE AGl!NCY ~TATS: 0,. CALlrC>flNIA .. 10 :;r lfll!:V :P•IS. 0 Dl:PT. OF GEN. SER •


l"JllS·1\C:ltl::El\tl~NT, rmulc· mul c•uh·u·cl i11lo lhi' dalt• or . HJ_, m Jllk~t.tlr or Californi.i, hy amt 1H:lwt·c·11 State.· u( c.:.iliform.i. thrnu~h ib tluly l'll·Ctt·d or app11i11lc•cl, cttW-tl :.mcl :ic:-li"'.!!


Assistant Executive Officer Sta~ Lands Corrmission

0 0 0


c 8747 htrNJjlrr call&·d 1/11• Conlrat·tur. C:ONTRAC:TOR'S Io. NUM8Efl


WITNESSCTII. Th:it tht.· Contractor for :md in coruideratlon of thl'.coven:ints. conditions. agn'Cments, nnd stipulati.ons of the State ht•rcina£tt>r e-xpressed, does hert>by agree to furnish to thl'· State services n~d m:iterfals, a: follows: l~» /arth urncr to A- rtnJr'tl'd by Cactractor, cmoant to bt- paid Contractor. llmr for pnformant:f! or com11lrtton, and all aria µfans and .,m:lfk:atlan1, If anlJ.J

. ~ .. . . . .. See Attached

11. I,• •'I ... . .. . . ' .




Tin.• prov a!> inns on th1..• rl'\"t'lSC sid~ her~f constitute :i Jl'lrt of this agreement . l~ WITNESS WI IEUEOF. tins :i~rttmt'nt has Ix-en exec•.:1<>d by the parties ht>reto. upon thl' date, first above wrillen.



State I.ands Comnission ISY·tA\.."THOAJll!:D :MGNATUAEI


Jares F. Trout

Assistant RxPCU~ivP Offi~er PRCGlfA ... ,rCATl!!<OOAY !CODE AND TITLE!






1 3_5 -•.J.-1.;;..:9:;.:8:..:.7___.'-'8-..7..._..8=8-11 Ac.I Oll!~l!!A5'NO ltNCUM!IRANCE OD.lll!CT Of' EllPENOtTUfll: CC:ODC ANO TITLll!I s 3560-001-001

s I l11.·1rhymt1f 9 "'""' nl!f OU 11 ,,..,.,,,,,,/ /..11ciir:ril:r t/1e11 l1utls:r1rJ /untft arl' nufal.Jf' /n',.tl1r ,.,.,,nJ and 111ir1•mro/ tlk"t'Zl'n11/1t1irr 1'latrd alJt>t'C"




I lrnrl"J rr1tl/1J tl1at nit mnd1t1mu. fur l'.rrt111•t111n sl't f nrll1 In .'iJa~r Atfm1nutralfl'r Manual S.'C'tlnn l!!llY l1ai'C" hn-rr mm1Jtn/ 11·tth anti tl11~ domr.irnt u rzN11111 /111111 rr1'1r1r l'!t 1hr lkpartmrut ~j Flnat1rl'



r I

Department of General Services Use Only

Page 4: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~


.. ~ : ... ., If;



.. c 9'747 'Page 2 of 6

l. Tiu· Conlr:.it'lor :1gn'<•i. lo 1111lt•11111ify. tlc•ft.ncl nml savt• lmrmlc~" tlll' Stah·. it~ nfric_c•p. a_g<·nb unit t•mpl11\C"i'\ rrom ·"'' olllll .ill d:1i1111; and lolo.\C'lt llt'l'rllini.: or fl'lollhlni.t lo unr 111ul 111T \'CllllnwinrS. i.uht·u11· lr.it'lor~ 111.1tc•r1..ilnll'11, lahurc•rs aml any utllt'r (l<"r:.«111, f trm fir t'l1rponiti1111 furulsliing \'r supplying worl.. t-t•rv1t't~ mulf'raali. or s1111pl11'S iu C«lllll''Ctionowith lht• pc•rformam:t• o[ this coulruct, uml-f rom any ,


' aml all d;um., a1111 111~'-t'S oiccruin~ or rcsuhm~ lo any pt•rson, firm or corporatl1111 who may Ix• i11j1_m·d_ '·'••· or dama~c'<I L'). tht• Contr.iciur in lht• performanct• n[ this contract. .•. ,, ._,_ ;i. .... •

f :l Tltt• C1111lrnt·lc1r. aml lht· a~t·11ts ;111cl l'lll(lloyt·c~ or Cnnlr;wtur. in tin• ;)(•rformam't' of thil> U~rt~

nwnt. sl1..11l ;1d UI ;m mclt·1w11cl1•11l C-JJ>ilt·at~ and 11111 tlS 0H1t·l'r:. or l'lllplnyc•t•!> or U~t·nts of Shilt• or (:.tlifomi.a. i

3. Tlit• Stall• ma\' h'rmin.ah• tltis u~rt'<•m<-nt mad ht· rt•lit•\'t•t] of tlll' 11aynll'11I of ;111~ en11~icl .. raU1111 to Ccmtr • .u·lnr sl1malcl Co11lrnl'l11r f.iil ·lo (1t•rlnrm tlw«:nwnanls lll'rc•in t'llllh1itwd ;al till' timc• a111I in tlu• 111.111111•r hc•n•m pruvnlt'<I 111 lltt• t'\'t>lll of Mada h•m1i11alio11 tlw St.1lt• mu~ J>flll"l't'cl witli tl1(' \\nrk i11-;111y mamwr tlt't'fllt'tl prupC't Ii~ tlu• Stal~·. Tiu• t'llSI to tl1t• St.ate· shall l1t· dl'ilnl'lt•cl from ma~ s111n chll' thc• C.1111tradnr umlc·r tl11~ a~rt't'Oll'lll, aucl ll1t• ualanct', if ma~. shall he· paid tlw C1111trnc:tor 11111111 clc•m;iml

.i \\ alhnul tlu• \H1lh·11 \•011St•11t o! tlw Shah'. this n~rt•c•mc•ut i' 1101 ;a~~l~11.1lilc• Ii~ Co11trn~·\1•r c•itlu•r in \\ i111li· ur m J'Jrl

..• --.': . '

" ; : ....

,, , ....

fi '" ahc•r.ali1111 or '\-JriJtmn of the• lt·rms of this ccmtracl sh:11l lw \"alicl unlc•i.s maclt• in wrili11wa11cl si~tll'd h~ the• parli~ heretn. aml nn om1 unclc•rstamlin~ or agrN•mc·nt 11111 im'<lrporatc•cl lwrl'i11, slmll ht• .~: •.. bi11Ji11~ cm ;ltl~ nf lht' parlit'S h•n•tn • - -- ·-. - · - '

• • • t. • , . 1 Thr C'OJ1~1clt•ral111n,tn ht• paid C:ontrac:tor, :is prnvitlt•d lll'n•it1. i.h:ill hc··in t'l>lllt><•11~1tl1111 for ulh1f

C:m1lrmiur's. r'll'<'llSl'S 1111·11rrc'tl 111 tf,,. t><•rfnrmunt't' lll'rc'f1f, i11d111li11).! lrnn•I uml pc•r cli1•na, unlc•:.s otlll'r· '' 1sc.• t•:o.pr'~"'> so prm itlc'tl. · ·'

.,. -

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--..,....."",,. ~ •• ~-~ ,,4,. ....... - . CALENDAR PAGE

Page 5: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~





Cf:s-t47 s~;npl e Cont1-:•ct. F'c.,gc~ .;.... o{ 6

i1C1re~s to 10 e:~:h1bl l.

to tric terms

pt."'r fo1-m t:he· ~er~ic~ "A", spec::i{i,catior.s,

and c:oritli tJ cm~ of. th1 $ tc•r1tl" ;..r tt•r dt:.Z:Cr l bt.•d according .:>9reement. Thi• Agre~mant includes Standard Agreement consisting of b p~es; Spncificatians consistinq of 1 Q page" attached •~· E>: h 1b1 t "A" ; Con Yr act or · " Bid Form consisting of 1 page attached as E"hibit

"0". Ar.y 1ncons1ste,..cv 1n this Aqre<>ment unless o~erw1Ee provided heroin shall bo resolved by g1.,..~ng pr~cE:df'nce in the fcllCJ\•!ing ord;z::r: A> St~r.d~rd Aqr~ement Bl Sp~c1f1cations Cl

(C!1t·ri"Ctor · s l:t~d Fc·rm.

Tt n <-<V ,. c "·"'" <'h "11 b" i r eH "'ct fr eom H ~ -i:t- 15 , 1 ""' ·: • ;ub J <·C t t • .-:> ,.rov ro ;,c es""'' Y St~ t e a.gene y «l'·~""'·;;H a••d sh.,i l cor.t > ""'" >'•· ·•c•l '. ·•01·ce ar•d t!1 +.:;c-:. tr1r0'-'9h and until Jt.•nl.? '.:,(1, 1-.-aa.

.i _____________ _

l~c P~DJ~ct Officer for a~ the 8greement, shall reQues~~ for service, g~~\l be coordinated -;1;.:·~.

th:? st::-.te' for the .... Jo:-i.: ba Dou<; Mi 11 er and L\l l report~, invoice~~ etc.,

thrO'-\gh hirr• ~t (916i 322-

- The Project


T"•"' Proj,;,ct Mc.naaer for th"' Contractor <>h«l 1 be•

'10n~g.:;;-;;;;all_be __ the--contraCt0r•s r~presentative "" «dm> ni s tr a.ti on of this Agreemenl: and shall ,..,.,., f·~ll uuthori ty .to act on b,;_h,,lf of the




Stc:•+.e Land~ Commission 1E--C:'7 1~.th 'strE·et s~cramento, CA 9D814 Attn: Contra·::ts Office





Page 6: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~





c:J?·•·i San.pl•.? Ccmtt·aca.:. f-•agi:· 4 oi· 6

If the ~·-=·n-1-rnc:tor 1~· a nonorofi.t organizc;.tior1 and cor1tr-c;..ct. value i5 l·ess than :!5(10,000. or if the Lontractor is a small busine5E, payment is dua ~0 d~yc from the ds~e the ~qui~ment, softwar~ er Eer~1c~~ arc received ~nd a~cepte~ by th~ St~te er ::::'.1- ctC-v"' from the d.:!te i.I. ~orre_ci:, lnvoic:e is r ~-r:.t:c l ~·t.-d H· the pfi ice spec:i f i ed by the Stc-.tc, wh1cne~Pr is later. Payment is due to any other C.c•ntrac:t·or 60 days from the date th::! equi ptnE!nt, ~oftwar~ ~r scrvicea are received and accepted bY the St~te ~r 60 rjayE from ~h~ date a co~roct. ir.vi:•1ce> 13 ri:-ce•vc-·a in the o·Hice ~pet:1f-i.;!d by the ~.t.:lte~ wtu::h£·\:{;'Jr ic l~t~r. Wh<?n prov1~'ion lS me<gl? fc·t· c. t-e::ti t·g i:·•~,.., o::.i pr:c:ding ~.c.:cept..3n~e bv the 5tc:~ti::·, d~t~·· t"i ;~ccEZ.•ptc:1nc:e shccl l mean tti~ u.:~t~ the Q:;.i..,1f>m~r.t o•- ~c·rt1Er1:: )S acccptc~d l;.y t.1~1~ ·:a.ate • '!..•!" ~ r.g >:I- c.-- c;i:-1 c::. -· 1 :<J t~.::.t l r1rJ pr:r l i:-•d.

c .. -.ntrt,:-tct -:,.h.-•1 t ;;r·''l"il ... '' i:h(' St;:.t.1·• 1·r1 ;-,(""t">.i:~,~s. lh.;: lr•'-'C·.•:t~ o;11_•$t be s11bmitt~d 1r1 · trl·p-'.1;1.:::i<'t·n and

t'·t·C-r' the· ic.i.:r1t1fi:-?r ra-141. F'.:1yn•c::1i~st n,,•dl'• to thE.' • Cont•·~ctc•r -=-~ sp1~c1f1ed hercnn !·hr."ll.

1 ,;.1·1i;~lvdo all W tc?'.:~~ o+ ;:1riy dt::sc:rl.ptioh., -F1:~;.:i-;_,1, ~H:.c.d.e !"nd ,,.,_,r.1c1r~l .:ss<:>s::3ed agi'•1n<:5t •:•.=o1ltractcr b-,.· f'r.?a.son o~ t:r 1 c:: agr•_.·::.ne-r1t ~

Contr-~ctttr i ~· i.\dv1 sed \_h.;;.i. upc:·r• cOii'lf.•l ·~:· i-on o.f tu£> contract~ ~h~ Stato w1ll e~aluate tn~ Ccntr~ctor's p~r f ot·m.:mc\:.'. Th~ (:'Vi\l u.l\t i Oi\ "'i 4 1 l n•:'l \.\tla 4n cv.:.l•-·~,t,1c·n cf bc.·th th~· ~·· (Jdt..1.::~ imtf ~ .• -.1ployceH> i~~ciJeO in t_ho surv1re or product prcvJded. This e- .. c..Jt.1c-•t1or• 11otill b"' \\!:·ec: by Stc.,·:.a i\g!;:ncics in­cc..•11-:-1 :J.:·r ir·•;! the •::on trac.i.:\.1r for any fut_a.~r a c:onta.ct a~1~ro~. Th::> ev.;.lL~ation v.iill not be- p 1.\blic r-t?c:orcl.


'Bv signir,g h~r~r~l=\ ttie Contractor ~~"oars •.mder p~n~l tv o+ per J"-'r-y thi\t no tnon: t:t'<:m oni.J r i nLil , t.\;.,:-,ppc·l\l~blt.:- tind1n9 oi con+~:r,pt 01· CO\.!l""'t ty a 1,.,,;--.•-"'l c\"'~,,rt ~"'s b_£•rm :\~S\\Qt\ ·v1i}i.Unt,t. tt\\.• Cc1'tt tlctcr wittn~ thr immt<t~it.\'lCl'Y pr~t:t~dif'I~ twc:-· .. y€~.,- p·~r1od bec:.;..use of th1:? llontr at":t.01" '<S f~i lure to cor-1i•l'Y ... n-t.h an ord~r \:lf the National ,\.abor F:elC\'t1cms Bo!O'.rd. This pro~ision is re~ui.rotl by, and st.Cc-\l 1 be consi:rued in ci.cc:ordN\Ce with., Gwv~rnment Code Sec:ti ,:>n 147J\O_. 5.


- )

CAlUU>Alt fACl :r

----0-3-~r r.-..M--·---------

Page 7: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~




he.- .:;:l•r•c\(:>r i•r e cor•ti ngc·nt bcun~ 1nadt: ava1J.;,bJ.i;;. by progr C:t111.

C8747 Sarnp J e Conti- al 1. ,paqe 5 c»f t:·

upon sufficient funding the Legislature +or this

In add1t1on~ this contract is ~ubject to any add1t16nAl re5tr1ct1ons, lim1t~tions or cl'lm;litions e:nc..c tt:d bv .the.- L·ea1 sl C:\ture arid ccmtai nt"d in the above budget bill or any sta~ute enacted by the Le~isla~ur~ which may affect the provisions, terms or funding of the contract in any m~nner.

E.:a:·~pt a=- c·1·her1N1 sc prov1 dee i r.i thi ~ a~Jr eement, any dispute concprning a question of f~c~·arising

u~d~r or rplat1ng to t~e performa"ce of this il'.:weem~nt: "'1h1 ch i '=• not dispo!;ed o+ by agreemeiit ~h~ll ~~ dLc1d~a by the SLn~e s ProJec~ Llff~Fer. wt-, • .,:. ::;M:·jl 1-e.c11_1o:~ 1.~::; c.1~.ci!.100 io writ.in9 ..;n.j ~h&ll

lrel:-1s;i1"t. a CCJi:•v ll"E--•-E.·~·t 1.\:· the c:.c•ntractcr .. 'ThE: i::;-,:.:1 :=•er. ·~"' tr...:: F'i·oJ•,-·o: t Or·f: ce;-r :.ha. 1 th? o.eerned · lr:-! ar·d c:c:..-11:.11..•::i··~· •.lrrl~:.s, wit.1in thir-':y c::.c•> dC:·>·= f1·0111 t;·.;: c;.;.tc:: c:.i· re=t~:a.pt of !."il\ch cop)', the cc•ntrac"tc·r tran,.r.r:a. ts tc. t.h~ Std.tc .a- "1•~itten

~i:-·i:\?c.l. S:-.1 d ,;:,ppaal ~hal 1 bo -:;uppor-tsd with ~pc-c.:.dic1l.~. In connEcT.icm with any appeal proce•?dir"'g Lmdcn- this cl.:.Lt$e, the •=ontrai.:tot· shall t·e:# .;;.ff ord~d ~·n oppoi-tuni ty to be hec:\rd. befof"e the St~t~ L~n~s Comrui~s1on end to off~r evidence in ~uppcrt of it~ appe~l. P~nding tho final re!::ol •1t1on of an ·I s-:.1ch oi spute, thu contr"-\c:tor ~hall proco~d 01l1ge~tly with tha porfcrm~nc~ of tt.e c·:mtr.~c:t and in ;.:i.cr.:ord,O\nco lfll ·th thf~ .,11-i tten dccition of t~2 Pro~ect Officer which is the subjact of the contractor's ap~eal.

Durinq th~ per~orr.runc:Q o-t this conti-.ac:t, cc0ratrc:..ctor i'\nd i t'E. subcontract.c•rs shc=~11 n~t unlawfullt discrim1n~te agPinst any employee or applicant for cmplo/m!?r.t because of race, relig1cn, co~or, nAtionnJ or1gin, ~ncestry, phY~lCJl handicap~ m~dical conditior, marital t'+ n·L ... ts·. .ngir· <o;rC"r 41)) or si::-:. Contracto1-s and ~ubcont.r.:,..::t•""lrs shall 1n~ure that ".:he evalu.~tion and tro~lment of the1r emplpyePs and applicants for employment are +r~e of such discrimination. Contractors and subcontractors shall comply ~ith tho provisions ot the F~1r Employm~nt and Housing Act CGovernmC'nf Cocte, Section 1.2900 et seq.) anct the appl i cc.bl e regulations promL'l g~ted ther-eunder <C~li+c·rn1.'3 Aclminisi.r~tivc Code, Ti'\:.le· 2, Section

r ••.• • ... fJ!M:tPAGE I

j:,,ltWi'E r.,\GE

Page 8: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~


::e7 417 Simple Contract • P.:-ge 6 o+ 6

7:!.135.•) e:t seq.>. Th~ i1pplic.nblr.! r~gulctions of the Fair Employment and Housing Ca~mis~ion in•ple111c_,r.t1n9 Govt"-rnr.msl't. Cude>~ Section' 12990, set forth 10 Ch~pter 5 oi D1visian 4 of TitQe 2 of the Calii·r..•i"\"1iC"t. Aiiwir0 1c-.,:t.r~xt1ve Code ut"e incorporated ir1to :-~ ''!.": contrac:i: b·1 rctcrcmce and -made a p~.rt h~rEo• ~~ if ~cl for~h ,~ full. Contr~ttor and its Subc~ntr~ctors ~t~ll give written notice of th~ir ooli9at1cnE ~nd~r thi5 clause to labor or9~ni:!·:1-.:.1on~ ~Jtth -i"h1ch thr:?y ha-1~ a colloc:tive bc:•r·:J.:11ni.ng or othr•r agrcc.-r11e::r1t.

Thi·:. r •.:.::-1ci 1~-i:.r·1 ii· l r•C:·t l. ••· • i•r"i<1 th, t:· •.:. • -.i.•·.:.e i r. .,,. 11 un~~r ihe ccn~ra~+.

i: hal 1 inc: l •-•.d!: the compl1~ncu pro~1~ian~ of

!·•.·l:•corit;rac:ts to por+iwm wort·

Tr.:: Cz:·11t. •· ,.,...,_,:--•- = ..... ~ Qn.-": .sr r· L'<f f::. :1-ct.i i"1t;·r-.::ori ,r.r-d •:Seotr·t.• •.,,t.i:·~l c·~r.!:i.,1"•.\;:·:~: cr:.-t1{lCi'i':ion nr.or .. - thl? f ·!r"· :.\1 t) ;;,..{· 1-":t• Jt•"" 1.lf'\IJ•:·r t.tn:l' ) Ci~•m ':,)!~ 1J•·•i. ~.\!·iilf~ OT

Cc-l1f.::•rn1.:.. tii~·t t.t.r:· tc.•ntrc.tct'-•I" h~-,:~ unle.::~ e· '<rr.ptr.FJ, •:,..::o; •• p:;.tiz•:I ~·g.tr. thf' nord1:0.:1~'!1r.:n~~ion .pro9retm rE.·~1..ur~ .. 1£·:-ct~ oi Gc•verr1n1t.:n.:. C·:.·d:- SaC'tlOO 1~9~0 ~nd Title=, CAliforn~a Aomin~3trative Codei Sect. i oi-1 :31 C:•7. •

Page 9: ~he L~~der A · ~alendar item no. c 05 (cont'd) f.xunn t: a. tr~

\ .


c 8747 . EY.hibit 1'A" Page l of 10

110 - Location and Description

To plant. bare root seedlings on approltimately 111 acres as designated b1» the St.ate (see attached ttrap} in ~arts of Section 15, 16, 21 & 22, Township 18 Vorth9 Ranee 11 West, MDB&H, within Mendocino and Lake Counties, California, for the purpose of establishing a n~w timber crop.

The species and nlftmbcrs of seedlin,gs, and acreages are estimated to be as fol1_1'vs:


Pondcrosa Pine Douglas Fir

ttem Estimated ll'umber

13,5~ 35,000


eo acres/3 1/3 miles ,of fire breaks and.31 acres in ·two- burn a;"das

120 - Definitions

1. ~ - Califontia State Lands Cornmissio~~ State bf Californi~~

2. Forest Off.~ - Representative of the State •

3. Unit - Total project area to be planted under the terms of this contract.

4. Subunit or Lot - 'A marked or otherwise o~signated portion of the unit which is to be planted ~r seeded. Plantable Spot - An area from which ve3etat!or. ash, duff, and' ·debt'is has been or ca-q 'be r2moved, and a tree seedling can be planted aecord_ing t:.o all spccifi~ations c~ntained herein. Unplantable Spot - An area within the specified spacing limits in whi~h it is not possible to plant a tree according to specifications. Unsatisfactory Tree - A planted tree which fails to meet 'one or ~ore of ~he specifications for a satisfactorily planted tree. ~,;ted Tree - A tree which is lost, damaged, destroyed, or handled contrary to the specifications for care of trees. Optimum Plantable Spots - The number of plantable spoto as determined by the specified spacing req"irements with allowance for any unplantabl~ spots. Haximum ?1umber of Trees - The maximum number of trees is 1. 3 times t.he opti.Jtum numUer of plantagle spots. Excess Tree - Any tree planted in excess of fhe maximum·n~mber of trees. Satisfact.orily Planted Tree - A tree that has been pl&nted in accordance vith all vf the plantin~ specifications set forth herein.

1~0-- Work Areas (. '

131 - Subunits or lots in which work will taka place will be strung, flagged er otborwise designat~d on the ground by the Forest Officer. 7he attnched maps are intended to show only the general size and location of the areas.



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~ ~ Within the general work area, tbe Forest Off~cer may exclude ~on-plantable • area~·• Non-plantable areas will be flagged or othorwise .designate~. ·prior t.o ·~9rk on that segment of the general ~ork area.

ill - ~med \>t' ·p~rlially burned brustt, logsing ~lash, and .conifer ca~opy c.ovor m&f hamper pl.ant;in& on :?Ome u~its. Thes'l condiUons are not ta be considered unplantable.

140 - State Furnished Material

The State will furnish the Contra,ctor with the following listed materials, supplies, properl;y, or service~ at the places and times specified at the prework c:onf erence. The Contractor will ~e liable for any loss due to fai:,lure of th~ t:ontractor, his ~·u~cont.ractors, t;o care for the materials and plant.in~ stock.

ill - The State will provide bare root se·edlings.

ill - The cont1~act may be terrni.nated 1 when the supply of seedlings for this proje~t has been used up.

ill - Plantirig stock will be delivered by the Fore~t Ofi'icer to t}le. roadside nearest the plai1ting are~, that can be safely tra,tellcd by a fou~-wheel drive vehicle, or some other point mutually agreed .µpon. Upon delivery of the trees, ;ncluding the unloading and transportation from delivery point to the planting area, they beciome the responsibility of the Contractor. · Th~ State will detcnnine wh~ch ·co;id is llearest the planting site.

150 - Contractor.. Furnished Materials

The Contractor shall ,provide transportation, l\ousing. and S\JbSistenca for himself and his crew. 'the c·1~ntrac.tor will ;i.lso provide ail equi~ment necess~ry in the planting operatio•1., t~~ Contractor may on~y use planting tools approved by the Forest Officer. ·

161 - The ~ontrac~or shall designate in writing a person to act fo~ him during bis absence frori: the work site. The Gontractor er h~s authorized rep~esentative shall be presen't. ~t the work site ~henever work is in progre.ss, to receive any notices ~nd ins't.ruction given by thu state in regard to performance 'undec this contract, , and to take ·such immediate action as is required under the terms of this cont.r.act. The Contractor's on-site representative shall be fully eopversan~ tn the English language.

170 - Time of Performanc~

Because tree survival and ~rowth is d~pendent upon proper soil ~nd· west.her cqndHions at the time of planting, and because these conditions wil:l only prevail for a limited length of time, it. is imperative that work b~ started promptly after cond~tions for planting ,become suitable. The Contractor shall maintain progress at a rate which will insure completion within tile contract time indicated as follows:

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'.I.-.. Planting bare root. seedlings

Eslimated Beginn;!ls Date

·March 15 , 1988 May, 1, 198B

(' 874'7 F.:xhi bit. "A" PagP 3 of 10

Maximum ~ont.r~ct. Time to Co~plete

14 work days

The State will issue a notice to proceed as soon as weather and g~ound ccnditioris a17e fave>rable. The count of contract time will start on the date .spec~fied on the notice to proceed ;f hand delivered, or on the third q~y after the.post office has delivered .a notife by certified mail to ~he Contractor.

When the Forest Offic,er de~ennines ·that the temperature, soil condition, wind~, snow or a combination of these and other physical conditions have become unsuitable for continuing work in any area, the Contractor will move bis work force to another area prescribed by the Forest Officer. When no other area is available, the Forest Officer will issue a written suspend work order and the count of contract. time wril stop. When conditions are again favorable in uncompleted aregs, the Forest Officer will issue a verbal re~urne work ordar and confirm the verbal order in writing. The count o~ 'contract t;me will resu~e on the day indicated by the Forest Officer. I~ is the Contractor's ~esponsibility to. keep the Forest Officer currently advised as to whe~e he or his representative may be reached by phone during p~riods. of ~ork suspension.

Unless written extension of time is granted by the State, all wcfrk shall be completed on or befofe June 1, 1988 ..

·The contractor shali submit to the Forest Officer within three calendar days after request or within three calendar days after effe~tive date of Notice to Proceed, ·whichever is earlier, a work s~hedule outlining h()W he plans to complete the work. As a minimum, this schedule will show the minimum number of men, how many acres of trees each man will plant each day, what days will be worked, number· of hours a ·day that will be worked, and ~!1en he plans to star; and complete 'the contract. Upon acceptance of the work. schedule by the Forest

·Officer, the contractors failure to follow the schedule .may be grounds for . termination of the contract.


Commencement of work -is desired within one calendar day but required wit.bin seven calendar days iafter effective date of Notice to Proceed.

If th~ contractor fails to start work within the required number of calendar days after effective date of Notice to Proceed, the Forest Officer may terminate the contract and issue a default notice to the contractor.

180_- Unsatis~actory Planting and.Reworking

Planting q~ality will be inspected on each subunit as outlined in Section 270. To pass in_spection, planting quality must be· at least 90 percent. If the planting quality for any subunit falls below 90 percent, th~ Con~ractor, prior to moving to another subunit and sµbject to availability of additional planting stock, shall rework the subunit until quality reaches or exceeds 9~ 7ercent. A new inspection will be made after completion of the rework.

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· 190 - Paytmmt c 8747 Exhibit "A" Page 4 of 10

191 - The State wi'll make payment aft.er completion of the project or early termination ~£ t.hc contract due to unpfantabi.Hty o-f tbe area, lack of pl~~{ting stock, Contractor default., or expi.ration f>f contract time.

192 - Payment for planting - Payment wi~l be made for trees planted in subun~ts Clots) which have passed inspection at the bid price less deductions for wasted and excess trees. The- number of trees planted will be determined from t. tightly controlled tally of trees given the Contractor eac~ day. Totals for ear!h subunit will be combined for final payment.

., ~ ,,, -

·Should it become neces~ary to terminate the c~ntract, and a partially cofupleled subunit 'has not passed inspec'".ion, payment for the subunit will be coinputed separately. Payment will be maci~ at ca rate reduction in contract pt"ice of 2 percent for each 1 percent that planting quality is belQW 90 percent (refer to Sections 273 and 2}4). Below 80 percent planting quality no paYJ?l!~nt. will be made for that subunit.

Deductions will be wade at a rate of twice the contract price per tree for: Cl) Wasted ~rees due to improper handling, and; (2) trees planted in ex~ess of the maximum number of trees.

~10 -,Care of Trees in Contractor's Possession

211-. - Tree~. shall be planted as they are received from the State without alteration of the root system. top pruning, or culling.

212 The trees shall be protected at all times from drying-, he~ting, - ·smothering, freezing, crushing, <irowning, abt:asion, rapid temperature changes, •

·and injurious substances.

213 - The trees snall be kept moi-st at all times during storage and prior to planting.

21'4 - The trees shall be stor.ed prior to planting in an are~, and under ·Condit.ions ~pgcified by the Forest. Offi~er.

2i6 - Field Handling of Trees

Trees in possession of planters shall be haiidl~d, i11 accordance wit.h the following:

1. Trees in planting bags snall have only their tops exposed.

2. Trees shall not be removed from planting bag unt:H immediately b'ilfore planting in a prepared hole.

3. Seedlings shall be gently removed. one at a time, to prevent stripping of other injury and .quickly and gentiy inserted into. the pl-anting hole.

4. Seedlings carried in planting bags shall not exceed the amoun~ that

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can be carried and removed without injury, or which can b~ planlcj before critical heating or drying occur. Trees placed in bogs ~r trays shall be 'Planted out and ~ot returned to storage.

~16 - Preparation of Trees by Contractor

The contractor shall prepare bare root trees for planting in accordance witb the following:

1. Roots shall be kept moist at all times. Roots of bare root trees shall be dipped into a <root-protecting solution of terca-~orb and water.

220 Planting Spot Selection

221 - Trees shall be pla,ted on a 10 x 10 ;oot spacing. If thi~ spot is no~ suitable for plant-in&.• average spacing may be vacied up to· ~o percent to ~:.<e' use ·of the best planting spot. However, spacing control shall be resumed using the original spacing guides, and the averag~ number ~f ·spots per nc~e shall not be materially increased or decreased by planting spot selection. If a spot is unplantable within these limits, no tree will be planted.

222 - Trees shall be planted on the north or east side of any object which will provida afternoon shade (see Exhibit "C.. Qf ~hese specifications). No trees, wi·ll be planted in the open when shade 'providing materials are within the spacing limits in Section 221.

223 - Trees must not be planted on mounds of loose soil subject to rapid· drying, in depressions :which may hold water for: 1~xtended period of. time, or in 'deep concentrations of bark, woody debris, or,a~n .

230' - Site Preparation

231 - Prior to making the planting hole, the planter shall clear an are~ at least one foot in diameter of all sµrface debris and living vegetation down to bare mineral soil, hereafter.called scalping.

-240 - Preparing ·the Planting Hole

Planting holes shall be located near the center of th~ prepared area and shall be oriented at an angle between perpendicular to th~ slope and. tr,ue vertical.

241 - For Handtools

An open hole, deep enough tc fully accommbdate t!le roots of !-Jl~ tr:ees to be planted is required when hand plan~ine; tools are used. -~!-it ple.nt.ing wU-1 not be permitted.

The contractor is expected to open holes in hard as wel>J. as easy plantable ground.

~ - 'Wbe~ plantinr- bare root se;cdlir,gs. the ~~edling shall. be plrsnted in an erect position deep enough in ~he hole so that roots are arranged naturally a~ a

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d2pth that when tne soil is packed firmly. it comes to the o~iginal ground line of the tree. In no case are roots to be exposed from the soil or the lower needles of the seedling be buried. ·9 244 - Only moist mineral soil will be allowed to contact roots. firmed progressiv~ly upward so as not to form air pock~tf,;:. The firmed to· a· point around the root system so· that the ·tree will with a tug strong enougb ·~c d~tach a group of needles.

260 - Planting Equipment

261 - Planting Tools

!:oil will be soil shall be not pull free

Con~ractors' planting tools shall meet the following minimum requirements:

1; Handtools: · Where hand pla~ting is required, the hnndtools used by the contractor shall have a minimum 10-inch length and 4-inch wi~th pi~nting blade. The head or scalping blade of the mattock is not to be included in the minimum length measurement.

~ - Planting Bags

Unless otherwise specified, p.lanting bags .shall .be a light color, shall not. retain water or heat, shall have a minimum deptii ·Qf 15 inches and sl1all be free of· defects.

Y...9 ,:"_._'I~'spection

£l.1 The state will ins~ect planting to 4etermine compliancP. with these specifications and to provide 'the basis for computing the rate ,of payment. At the State's option, the inspection may be made as, the work progrespes or ~t ~he completion of the work in the subunit. The results of the inspection. i.rlll be d9cumented and a c~py given to the Contractor as soon as practic~l after completion of each- inspect~9n. Partial or incomplete inspections may be ~eviewed by the ContrC!ctc;.-; however,, conclusions· should not be based on partial or incomplete results.

Detet'mina~ion of the acceptability of the work performed will be base!S on these inspections, which will be considered conclusive. The Contractor ~v his representative is encouraged to observe inopectior~ while they ~re under way.

2~~ Care of trees will be inspected throughout tha project to assure compliance with Section 210. Wasted tree charges will be tr.ad~ i{ tree~ arP· found to be handled in a Tl\J!nner inconsistent w~th the specifications outlined in this contract.

273 - Inspection: Planting Quality

Inspection of planting ~uality will be made on representative sample plots in each subunit to assure: and measure compliance with specificr;.~ions.. Specific items include:


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(' 8747 Exhibit "A" Page 7 qt' 10

1. Spacing. 2. Planting spot ~election . J. Site Preparation. 4. Elanting location on scalped area. 5 .. ~!anting depth,of t~ees. 6. Excess trees planted per plot. 1. Stem position.

BELOW GROUND 8. Soil firming around r~9~~ (air pockets, loo~e soil). 9. Planting hole orienta&ion. 10. Root configuration ana orientation. 11. Altered root system and damage. 12. "Foreign" material ia planting hole. (Foreign Orga.nie material,

snow, rocks, etc.),

~ - Plot Proc~dure

The inspector will mark on the ground a series of :uso acre plots, sufficient. i.n number to yield at least a 2 percent. sample of ·the number of trees in· t.t1at subunit. Plots will be distributed randomly over the entire acreage. Inspection within each plot will be done as follows:

1. Locate and mark the plot center on the ground.

2. Determine from Table I the optimum number of planting spots based en the specified spacing. From this number, subtract the number of unplantable spots. These are determined by ground conditions. The maximum number of plantable spots will be 1.3 til!lfts this n~mber.

3. Record tr.e number of trees ·planted on the plot.

4. Inspect and ~ecord the number of plafited trees meeting tna above-ground contract specificaitons. If this n~bcr exceeds the maximum number ·of plantable ~pots, only the mnx1mum wfi1 be reco~ded as satisfactorily plc&nted and the remaining, tre~~ will be rrcorde.d :ss excess trees.

5. A minin1um of one tr~e which is satisfactorily planted sbt">V~ ~t"aund wi~l b~ dug on each plot to determine below~ground quali~y.

6. Record the number of tre~s me~~ing specifications, and the total numbe~· dug.

below-(~1"ound con~r:act

7. Compute the planting quality as £ollows: Planting Quality 'fo ~

No. of satisfactory trees above-ground X No.of satisfactory dug x 100 No. of plantable spots No. of trees dug

Percentage of planting quality as calculated above ~ill be rounded to the nearest whole percent. Upon completion of each subunit the Contractor will :receive a final evaluation on the subunit •


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Specified Spacing

9 x 9 10 x 5 10 x 10 11 x 11

Opt~mum Plantable Sp\lts per Pl.ot

11 17

8 7


~axbnum No. of Satl~f~ctory Trees

Per Plot

11 17

9 7

c 8i747 Exhibit "A" Page 8 of 10

Ave~ag~'Numbe~ of Pianting Spot~

Per I.ere

538 87L .. 35 ~60

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c 8747 E:xhi bit- "A" Page 9 of 10

ln southerly and westerly aspects or as othP.rwi~e pr~scribed in the supplemental specif ic;at.ions, t.~ee~ must. be planted on the nor-th or ea~t. ::ide of· logs, st.umps,

~ - . )

brush- pi:,les. chunks cf w9od. rocks and bt-ush patches to t.alce full ad van tag" of pdtenUal shade. Trees planted without proper adherence' to this prociSion wi_l.l be ~esignatsd es improperly planted trees.

Figure 10. Brear 'the uniform spacing to take advantage of shade;or'Other good planting' spots. ·

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•" ~



TO BE COMPLETED BY BIDDER: Bid. Price for all planting and relntcd work, called for under this invitation to bid including cost of bonds, 2'nsuranc€:, transportation, sales and ell other taxes, and all other items c1f di~ect or indirect expenses is:

Item Descripti.on !.~:;timated ~~~antit.y Bid Price


.. ~ l ~lanting 2-0 bare root. seedlings - per thousnand

Planting 1-0 bare root seedlings seedlings

The low bid ~ill be determined by the Statt? l?Y rnult.iplying th~ "Estimated i(uantity" of aeedlings by tlie "Bid Pric~·· per seedling and the tot.al $Um "'ill ,be c~nsidered the tot&l bid.

Awarding of the contract wiH be based on the lowest qualified bid price an:d satisfactory evnluation of past reforestation projects.

List below the reforesta~ion projects your organization has completed within the last. five years:

Location of Reforestation


Length of Contract tnumber of trees


When Completed Name and Address of Contracting Firm

Name of Contact Person end T~lephone Number

The em·iluation team will contact each reference tCJ determine if the qu_alit.y of work y'3s sa~isfactory or unsatisfacto~y.

In order to be qualified -each company must haY'e received at least three s~tisfactory referen~es~.

Any company receiving two or more unsatisfactq~y references will bo disqu~l!fied.

Bidder's Signature

Telephone Number ~~~----------·-------~~--~-


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