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From the Head MasterAcademic Excellence

With the HSC examinations concluded and the IB exams all but finished, it has been a pleasure to receive some earlyencouraging news regarding the excellent work of our Senior boys, including the following who have been preselected andnominated for various Awards:

HSC Design and Technology, Textiles and Design – SHAPE 2018

Alexander Clisdell (13Du)Joshua Hobden (13We)Dean Li (13Ke)Austin Marandos (13Yo)

HSC Industrial Technology – InTech 2018

Matthew Lang (13We)Rushad Parekh (13Yo)

HSC Visual Art – ArtExpress 2018

Louis Tanner (13We)

HSC Music – Encore 2018

Wyden Su (13We)Thomas Hallworth (WJ)Nakul Kaushik (Mu)

Remembrance Day 2017 And 60th Anniversary Of The Dedication Of The War Memorial Chapel

As is our tradition, this Friday morning we paused at morning Quad Assembly to reflect on those who made the ultimatesacrifice in protecting the freedom of our nation, and later in the day our Cadets attended our annual CommemorationService in the Chapel at which time the Occasional Address was given by our Assistant Director of Community Relations, MrRichard Bishop.

It is also worth noting that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the dedication of our War Memorial Chapel, which issituated in the heart of our School. I have included the following comments from our Archivist, Ms Alison Doran, in relation tosome of the historical details relating to the construction of the Chapel.

At the dedication of the Chapel, the names of the thirty-two Old Trinitarians known to have died in WWII were read out incommemoration. Their names are written on a Tablet of Honour which hangs above the north door. This tablet has beenupdated twice – once following the Vietnam War during which two Trinitarians died, and more recently when further researchuncovered more Trinitarians who were casualties of World War II - bringing the total to forty-four men.

Since its foundation, additional memorials have been added to the Chapel in the form of memorial windows – whichcommemorate The Founder – Bishop Chambers, Head Masters – Archer, Hilliard and Wilson Hogg, Old Trinitarian and Staffmember – Alfred Chambers. Two further windows mark the School’s Jubilee Year – 1962, and Centenary - 2013.

One memorial predates the Chapel itself – it is the brass cross that sits above the communion table. It commemoratesKenneth Greenwell, a student of the school who died of pneumonia, aged 15, in 1924, and was given by his classmates andused initially in the School’s previous makeshift Chapels.

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The Head Master and School Captain Saachin Simpson (12WH) turning a page in the Book of Remembrance.Bugler Chris Saintilan (12Ta) playing the Last Post and The Catafalque Party preparing to march off the Quadrangle.

Staffing Matters

I am pleased to be able to share with you the following appointments I have made in relation to various academic andpastoral responsibilities within the School. In most respects, these arrangements will come into effect from the beginning ofnext year, though in one or two cases there will be a transition period during the course of this term.

Director of Campus Administration Field Studies Centre (Woollamia) – Mr Martin Lang (2017/4)Academic Dean (2018) – Ms Deborah Williams (M.Ed., B.A., Dip.Ed., currently Director of Teaching and Learning,Pymble Ladies’ College)Dean of Professional Practice (2018) – Ms Alison Boyd-Boland (currently Dean of English).Dean of English (2018) – Ms Norma Kamhieh (currently Head of English)Master Teacher (IB) (2017/4), Acting Director of IB (2018/1) – Mr Will CampbellMaster Teacher (Economics) 2018 – Mr Kai IkeuchiDirector of Sport and Co-curricular Activities (2018) – Mr Lachlan White, currently Activities MasterSportsmaster (2018) – Mr Mitchell Kearsley (B.Exercise Science, Grad. Dip.Ed., currently Head of SecondarySport, St Patrick’s College, Strathfield)Activities Master (2018) – Mr Andrew Payne (currently Senior Housemaster, Henderson House)Campus Sports Administrator (2018) – Mr Ben Morrissey (additional responsibility)Senior Housemaster, Henderson House (2018) – Mr David Chilton (currently MS Housemaster, Hilliard House)Middle School Housemaster Dulwich House (2018) – Mr Arch HumphriesMiddle School Housemaster Hilliard House (2018) – Mr David ZhangMiddle School Housemaster Wilson Hogg House (2018) – Mr Jean-Baptiste (JB) Ribola (IUT MesuresPhysiques, B.Bus.Admin., Dip.Ed.) (joining the Science staff)

Student Leadership

Congratulations to the following boys who have been invited to take up leadership responsibilities as Middle School Monitors.They were formally inducted into office at this week’s Head Master’s Wednesday Assembly and here I would like toacknowledge with appreciation the apposite comments expressed by our Senior Master (Summer Hill), Mr Stephen Heanly,who reflected on the theme of leadership and the challenges ahead for the boys.

Archer Christian Becvarovski

Dulwich Matthew RobertsonCopyright Trinity Grammar School 2017. All Rights Reserved. 2 of 47

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Founder’s Lucas Pezzano

Henderson Andrew Cavallaro

Hilliard Oscar Ballantine-Jones

Holwood Juno Yim

Kerrigan Adam Pascale

Latham Christopher Grubisic

Murphy Duncan Feng

School Kevin Lin

Stephenson Ricardo Delgado

Taubman Daniel Tran

Weeks Kosta Theodorou

Wilson-Hogg William Martin

Wynn-Jones Fynn Ferdinands

Young Liam Filby

Mr John Allen, Master of the Middle School and the Head Master with the Middle School Monitors

Milton CujesHead Master

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Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC)This year we had in excess of 800 boys from Years 7 to 12 enter the AMC back in August this year. Almost 40% of entriesachieved a certificate of Credit or better. Certificates of Credit, Proficiency, and Participation will be issued to boys in theirMathematics class. I wish to also commend the 72 boys who attained a certificate of Distinction. These boys were placedapproximately in the top 20% of students in Australia that entered this competition. The certificates are with the recipientsHousemaster and they will receive them at a future House meeting.

This week on Tuesday morning at Quad Assembly, we presented to the Head Master the boys who achieved an outstandingresult in the AMC at HIGH DISTINCTION LEVEL, all whom, are among approximately the top 3% in the country to receivesuch an Award.

First Name Surname House & Award HD

Logan NG 8WJ + Best in School for the highestStandardised score

Selwyn CHANG 10AR


Nicholas EARLS 10AR

Michael LIN 10FO

Jeremy BRAKE 11SC

Daniel FANG 11TA

Benjamin QUEK 11DU


Jaeho BYUN 11FO

ZhuoCheng Li 11HE + Prize (top 0.3 %)

Finally, last September we had several boys invited to participate in the 2017 Australian Intermediate MathematicsOlympiad. This is one of the contests used to determine whether a student is chosen to enter future Olympiad Competitions.On Friday last, I was advised by the Australian Mathematics Trust, a Division of the University of Canberra, that the boysmentioned below did remarkably well. Their certificates are on their way to the School but I was pleased to also present theboys to the Head Master for their fine achievement.

First Name Surname House AIMO Award

Selwyn CHANG 10AR HD

Michael LIN 10FO D


Edward Habkouk | Dean of Mathematics

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Study +Study+ is an extended hours study programme designed to complement the Trinity experience. It offers students theopportunity to share a meal and access academic mentoring from Old Boys under the supervision of Library and teachingstaff.

Students meet for dinner in the Dining Hall at 5.15pm before being escorted to the Arthur Holt Library for a 2 hour studysession from 6pm - 8pm.

The academic mentoring provided by Old Boys (TGS Academic Scholars) includes subject specific support and generalhomework tutoring, as well as guidance in developing effective time management and study skills. Library and teaching staffare also available to assist with research or revision needs.

When: see www.flexischools.com.au for available dates

Booking: Term and casual session options. All bookings are non-date-changeable and non-attendance is non-refundable.

Limited places available. Advanced and termly bookings are encouraged to support students to develop positive studyhabits.

Contact Mr David Magro [email protected] for all Study+ enquiries.

Click here to view the above image in a printable format

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News from the Arthur Holt LibraryThe Arthur Holt Library was pleased to host not one but two ‘book-buying parties’ in one week! Boarders were invited toshop for books to be included in their Boarding House Library. We hope they enjoy the fresh injection of more than thirtynew titles into their local collection. These boys demonstrated eclectic tastes, choosing a fair number of sporting memoirs,some thrilling tales of survival in perilous circumstances, and some excellent new novels.

The bookseller returned this Tuesday so that our middle years Library Champions could have their pick of titles to beincluded in the Arthur Holt Library (one of the many opportunities and privileges our Library Champions enjoy). They alsomade some excellent choices, showing clear enthusiasm for genre fiction and large-format hardcover titles with an artistic ortechnological focus.

It is important to us that our collection reflects the interests and tastes of our students, and provides a diversity of options forfiction, ‘current’ non-fiction, and periodicals. Each new cohort of students brings new interests and fascinations with themand we are often surprised by what they choose for themselves.

A Reminder:

All students can request titles through our homepage. We always delight in making purchases that we know are trulywanted.


Our warmest congratulations on having completed your final exam! We have had the pleasure of seeing many of you in theLibrary and have been most impressed by the diligence and camaraderie you have shown. Your readiness to help andsupport each-other was nothing short of inspirational. As you leave us for the final time you take our best wishes with you,but please don’t take our books! You should have received an email listing any outstanding titles on your borrowing records– please return them as soon as possible.

Amy Luchetti | Library Services Specialist

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Music News | Concerto Competition FinalsOn Wednesday the finals of the School's Annual Concerto Competition were held in the Orchestra Room. It was an evening ofexceptional performing standards from our boys who competed in three age Sections:

Primary School

With performers from both the Junior and Preparatory Schools – Stefano Furlan 5Hi (Viola), Carlo Furlan 3Hi (French Horn), BoHi Xie 5He (Flute) with the section winner Lucas Fan 3Fo who performed the first movement of the Saint Saens CelloConcerto in A Minor.

Middle School

Only two finalists were put through to the finals of this section John Dedousis 8Mu who also played the Saint Saens CelloConcerto with great passion. It was Joseph Lin 8Mu who was chosen as the winner for his performance of the first movementthe Rode Violin Concerto in E Minor.

Senior School

The standard in this sectional was quite exceptional and any of the individual performances could grace any of the concerthalls here in Sydney. Monty Guo 12Ke Violin and David Carreon Violin, were pipped at the post winner Michael Lin 10Fo whoconvinced the adjudicator to award him first place with his performance of Fantasia on the Themes of Ryabinin by Arensky.

Thanks go to accompanist Gregory Kinda for his mammoth feat, accompanying all but one of the performers. Special thanksto our guest adjudicator Virginia Comerford who gave us the benefit of her experience as a performer, at present she is theprincipal Viola with the Opera Ballet Orchestra.

Phil Pratt | Director of Music

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Technological and Applied Studies Exhibition | 2017The Technological and Applied Studies Exhibition was held on the 2nd November. This annual event allows students in Years7 to 11 to show their parents and peers the work they have completed throughout the year in subjects such as TechnologyMandatory, Design and Technology, Industrial Technology Wood and Metal and Graphics Technology. As an added bonus,visitors to the exhibition were treated to a range of tasty finger food prepared and served by year 11 and 12 Hospitalitystudents.

Prize Winners For 2017

Year 7 – Designer of the Year- Lewis Potter (7Fo)

Year 8 – Designer of the Year- William Martin (8WH)

Year 9 – Designer of the Year- Seamus O’Connor (9Ho)

Year 9 – Craftsman of the Year – Gene Marantos (9Yo)

Year 10 – Designer of the Year – Mark Repaci (10St)

Year 10 – Craftsman of the Year – Taylor Miller (10Yo)

Year 10 – Graphics – Ben Tanous (10Du)

Year 11 – Designer of the Year – Ben Jabbour (11Fo)

Year 11 – Craftsman of the Year – Thomas Newal (11Yo)

People’s Choice Award – Tariq Bachir (10La)

Jennifer Nixon | Head of VET | Head of TAS

Prize winners

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Hospitality students

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Basketball vs St. Aloysius’CAS Round 3 Vs St. Aloysius’1st V

Trinity Firsts fade in the final quarter in a torrid encounter with Aloy’s.

Friday night hoops at Trinity once again was well-supported with a large and vocal student body from both Schools. Theopening minutes were tight, with Tom Corias (12Hi) providing the early spark off the bench with his trademark intensity.Behind six points at the end of the first period (19-25), Trinity came surging back through some strong attacking drives andgreat hustle from Ethan Bateman (10WJ) to be down only a point (36-37) at the half-time.

Jack Nichol (10He) began to create havoc on the offensive end to see Trinity take a seven-point lead early in the thirdquarter, before defensive lapses allowed Aloy’s to regain the advantage. Earvin Dizon (10Ta) had a hand in everything--grabbing rebounds and making steals to keep the Greens in the contest, but it was Aloy’s senior Lidbetter (41 points) whodestroyed and exposed Trinity in the crunch situations.

There were plenty of positives to come from Trinity’s second straight loss, but if this group is to turn their season around,they must remain focused on both sides of the ball and stick to the defensive standards that have made Trinity Basketball asuccess.

Leading Statistics

Earvin Dizon – 15 pts. 7 rebs. 5 stls. 4 asts.

Jack Nichol – 18 pts. 9 rebs.

Ethan Bateman – 9 pts. 4 rebs.

Firsts Point Guard Ethan Bateman (10WJ) attacks the Aloy’s basket

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Earvin Dizon (10Ta) floats over the Aloy’s defence on his way to 17 points

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Will Bonaccorso (12St) rips down a rebound for the Seconds

2nd V

The slump continued as a frustrated Trinity suffered their second straight loss by a small margin of six points. It was a slowstart from both teams as they struggled to find a basket; however, Cooper Young (12He) eased this pressure by rackingup a few ‘three-point’ plays. Harrison Barden (12Yo) and Justin McNamara (11Sc) developed a working connection toget Trinity some essential buckets, but at half-time the Greens trailed by just three points (11-14).

The Trinity unit aimed to reset and refresh after a chaotic first half, but their turnovers stalled any momentum. Inspiringefforts from Justin Jasa (12Ho) and David Carreon (12St) saw Trinity momentarily cut into the opposition’s lead bymaking use of the fast break and free-throw opportunities. Overall, it was a hard-fought effort by Trinity. However, the teammust seek to evaluate and reset their approach to games to get their season back on track.

Leading Scorers

David Carreon – 10 pts.

Cooper Young – 9 pts.

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3rd V

The Greens controlled the game from the start with good pressure defence. Andrew Jin (12WJ) played with plenty of poise,resulting in a game-high 25 points. After an injury to big man Marcus Buvac (12WJ), Nikolas Ginis (12Ta) rallied anddominated under the basket at both ends of the court. Ginis pushed the ball ahead to Jonathan Zheng (12WH), who madethe most of his opportunities, connecting on a number of fast-break baskets in a convincing 32-point victory.

4th V

It was scrappy at the start for both Schools, before Trinity’s confidence started to grow and the fast break and pressurestrategy resulted in Andrew Kim (12We) dominating with a game- high of 18 points. Jerry Ren (12Ke) and Jacob Taylor-Tighe (12Ta) were a strong combination with Ren scoring 9 points against a tough opponent and Taylor-Tighe nailing 8points. Tariq Bachir (11La) was efficient on the perimeter with good ball distribution helping the 4ths to a well-deserved31-point win.

6th V

“A champion team will always beat a team of champions …” and so it was! A hard -fought 3-point victory over Aloy’sensured the Sixths continued on their winning ways. Alex Cameron (11WH) and Luc Bonnell (11Ar) were our mosteffective players in offence, with Alex making his presence felt in and around the basket. Max McCluskey-Voigt (12 Ar),Jacob Savage (12Ho) and Tallis Coman (12Yo) were tenacious in defence at both ends of the court.

7th V

It was a solid 19-point victory for Trinity, built on a solid zonal defence system. Aloy’s had no answer to the castle-like Greenwall they encountered. Ethan Boursiani-Lawrence (11We), Joe Basta (12Ar) and Joshua Roberts (12We) were veryeffective on offence in the latter half the game. David Guo (11Yo) and Munashe Mushangazhike (11WJ) sealed thematch nailing some shots from deep.

9th V

In strong performance from Trinity, Guards Jackie Gan (11Sc), Shannon Kwak (11La) and Forward Isaac Khoury(12WH) confidently attained some early points, giving TGS the early lead. Bigs Will Raptis (12Ta) and Joseph Gadalla(11Fo) were relentless on the boards, often finding the basket off Trinity’s missed shots while instigating the fast break. KenWang (11St) and Mark Repaci (11St) both made valuable contributions on offence and defence late in the game thatensured the 9ths’ decisive victory.

Year 10D

The 10Ds started the match well with Leo Bui (He) taking it to the ring for two quick baskets, but Trinity lost focus and werebehind at the break. The Greens rallied from 5 points down late in the match, with Alan Kurien (Hi) and Adrian Lagana(Ar) combining to be a dominant force and ensuring a one-point victory.

Year 9A

After a close first half, the Greens dialled up the defensive intensity, led by Thomas Buvac (WJ) from the front. DeonteWilliams (Yo) had a great all-round game, stepping up on the defensive end and making big plays when needed. Off thebench, Jack Casimir (WH) gave a punch of energy and hustle, to help blow the game open early in the second half and runaway with a resounding win to continue the good start to the season.

Year 9C

Yet again Trinity controlled the tempo of the game from the jump ball. A near-perfect start for Olly White (Fo), who wasleading the team with his pin point passing. The main beneficiaries were William Orr (Fo) and Lewis Kanellos (He) whowere running their lanes hard, resulting in easy layups in transition. However, The Greens made multiple unforced turnovers,resulting in an Aloy’s revival, but cool heads prevailed, as the Greens held on for a 9-point win.

Year 8A

Trinity were pushed in a hard-fought contest with Martin Wong (Ta) providing some strong play around the basket early inthe contest. James Andrews (La) did a solid job limiting Aloy’s tall timber and best player. Ethan Hunter (WH) providesome offensive spark off the bench, while Bailey Chambers’ (Ta) ability to attack the basket late in the contest gave Trinity

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the edge for an entertaining 12-point victory.

Year 8B

The Bs played with excellent hustle on the defensive end which allowed Sebastian Portolesi (Ar) to benefit with somegreat finishing at the basket. Justin Wang (WJ) and James Kaye (Ho) were relentless at both ends, while EliasSidiropoulos (Yo) instigated many scoring opportunities with his ability to pitch the ball down court in a well-executed winfor Trinity.

Year 8C

Trinity displayed a strong effort in both ends of the court and dominated throughout the entire game. On numerousoccasions, Daniel Cattana (St) and Matthew De Belle (Sc) provided slick passing and scoring opportunities for theirteammates. Alisi Leao (Mu) capitalised on this, particularly out on the fast-breaks.

Year 8D

The 8Ds were in control throughout the entire game, Eden Taouk (WJ) and Hugh Browning (Du) were outstanding intheir passing game and scored 11 and 9 points respectively. On the other side of the court, William Moir (Hi) stopped St.Aloysius’ scoring opportunities with a strong defensive guard.

Year 8F

Trinity took control of the game early, taking advantage of every opportunity they received. Strong baskets from HalilMentes (Hi) provide the platform for the 8Fs double digit lead, while Anthony Jomaa (8We) once again distributed the ballperfectly to open team mates and creating serveral baskets for Thomas Geronikos (8Hi).

Year 8G

A solid performance from the 8Gs who outscored the opposition from the outset. The winning margin should have beengreater but for our over-enthusiasm in attack, which meant Trinity were often stretched in defence. Special mention goes toJoseph Lin (St), who scored several early baskets to help establish the lead. Jack Barter’s (St) consistency in attack alsohelped maintain our dominance.

Ben Morrissey | MIC Basketball


Team Scores1st V 70 83 L2nd V 23 29 L3rd V 60 28 W4th V 50 19 W5th V 27 37 L6th V 17 14 W7th V 37 16 W8th V 24 31 L9th V 38 29 W10th V 28 34 L10A 30 34 W10B 27 39 L10C 24 24 D10D 26 25 W10E 9 28 L10F 22 29 L

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9A 45 21 W9B 20 29 L9C 32 23 W9D 23 24 L9E Rained Out9F Rained Out9G Rained Out9H Rained Out8A 53 41 W8B 35 14 W8C 27 19 W8D 31 19 W8E 24 26 L8F 42 11 W8G 41 20 W8H 22 30 L8I Rained Out8J Rained Out

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Cricket vs St Aloysius’CAS Vs St Aloysius’

The inclement weather played a major part in the weekend’s fixtures against St Aloysius’ with only a handful of teams able tocomplete their scheduled fixtures.

1st XI

On an overcast and drizzly day Trinity won the toss and elected to bowl. It wasn’t long before Trinity’s opening bowlersstruck and 7 overs into the day St Aloysius’ were 5/21, Bradley Uglow (12He) and Sebastian Buchanan (10Sc) doing thedamage with 2 wickets each. There was some fight shown in the middle order by St Aloysius’ with a couple of modestpartnerships, but they were dismissed early in the second session for 115 runs. Liam Scott (12We) 4/11, Bradley Uglow3/21 and Sebastian Buchanan 2/25. Trinity lost a wicket in the first over of their innings with Matthew Turner (12Ho) goingcheaply, but then a 66 run partnership between Liam Scott 46 and Ritvik Dinesh (11Ke) 70no steadied the ship and Trinitytook first innings points, declaring their innings at 3/151. St Aloysius’ are 1/22 at the start of their second innings.

Andrew Payne | 1st XI Coach

Ritvik Dinesh (11Ke) scored an elegant 70 not out for the 1st XI


The 10Bs hosted St. Aloysius’ at No. 3 oval and came out as the victors in a very classy performance. Trinity batted first andposted a good score of 140 runs. The top three run scorers were, Ben Newall (10Yo) scoring a stylish 50 runs, SteveKountouris (10Mu) adding 24 runs to the total and the debutant, Connor Debs (10Ta) scoring a solid 11 runs. Theopposing team ended the 20 overs with 87 runs due to a classy performance by the bowling attack. Joseph Evans (La) bowled four overs achieving fantastic results (2/19). This, backed up by the great performances of Patrick Webb (10WH)(2/16 off three overs) Thomas Foung (10Sc) (1/14 off four overs) and Lochlan Prentice (10Mu) (1/5 off three overs) tookthe 10Bs to their third victory of the season, remaining undefeated.

Patrick Webb (10WH)


The 9As chose to bowl first, aiming to make the most of the cloud cover and our ability to swing the ball. While we startedvery positively and bowled well for periods of time, it was obvious that we would have to contend with a St Aloysius’ teamaiming to dig its feet in and bat for the long haul. Once again, Darcy Mooney (9La) was the pick of the bowlers, showingimpressive discipline to maintain an accurate line and length for his full ten overs, resulting in figures of 3/20. The secondbest bowler of the day was without doubt the consistent Tim Hosken (9Sc), who toiled on the right line without reward, butwith two tidy, pressure-filled spells to the opposition’s best batsmen.

However, on a relatively small No. 3 oval with an increasingly wet, even gluggy, ball, our bowlers strayed too often, outlasted

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by patient middle-order batsmen. Frustrated by sloppy fielding and missed catches, our bowlers erred on the side ofinaccurate aggression, which opened the floodgates for an impressive St Aloysius’ centurion and a final score of 10/262. Thechallenge for us this week is to bat for the win. There is no doubt that we have the ability to chase the runs, but all willdepend on the application of each of our batsmen. Batsmen who would like to score big-- stand up!

Phillip Mugridge | 9A Coach

This weekend sees the second week of the 2-day games against St Aloysius’ and the 1-day teams will take on Waverley inround 4 of the competition. Good luck to all our teams this weekend!

Ian Moran | MIC Cricket

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Tennis vs St Aloysius'Round 3 Vs St Aloysius’

Last weekend’s fixture was against St Aloysius’ College. As usual, it was a competitive and enjoyable day with lots of excitingTennis and competition. In terms of results it was a mixed bag, with some excellent wins and some very close losses.Unfortunately, some of the matches had to be cancelled due to localized wet weather. Winning teams that must becongratulated include the 3rd and 4th IVs, as well as the 9A and B teams. The Year 8 cohort, whilst improving, are stillsearching for a maiden win which maybe forthcoming this weekend against Waverley College. Coaches Batliwala and Gaiwill have to up their ante at training and impart a superior game plan for this to eventuate.

At the top level, the 1st IV fell agonisingly close to a victory, falling short by 3-5 and 36-38 on games. The telling differencebetween the teams this time around was the doubles play with St Aloysius’ fielding more cohesive pairings who were willingto move forward and take more chances at the net. Good singles victories, however, were registered by MathewNedanovski (11Fo) and James McCabe (10St), who systematically dismantled their opponents. The team is now at acrossroads, sitting one position off the bottom of the table and so must work harder in training and improve their percentageplay if they want to ‘walk the walk’ and finish in the top 2 by season’s end.

Likewise the 2nd IV found themselves in the same boat, losing by a set and 2 games in a mirror image of the 1st IV match.Again the result could easily have swung Trinity’s way with smarter play in a handful of critical games. Both Chens, includingStanley (12We) and Jordan (12We) must be acknowledged for solid victories in their singles encounters.

Jeremy Dykgraaff | MIC Tennis

Mathew Nedanovski (11Fo) in action for the 1st IV

3rd And 4th IV

Well, it was another convincing win to the 3rds and 4ths against SAC last Saturday. The players were in fine form and took tothe courts with confidence and good energy and displayed great consistency and some elegant match play. A specialmention must go to Alexander Valiozis (11Yo), Quentin Dai (11Du), Lachlan Sleiman (11Ta) and Henry Meyer(11Sc) on their demonstration of supremacy with their 6-0 wins. Nicholas Field (11WH), Alexander Scott (12St), JasonWu (11Ho) and Jonathan Karagiannis (11Hi) impressed the spectators again this week with their finesse, good courtmovement and decisive shot-making. Congratulations to all players on a great result!

Jessica Spratt | 3rd and 4th IV Coach

10As And 10Bs

The year 10As and Bs had a very close round over the weekend against St Aloysius’’. The consistent rain made theconditions very hard for both schools.

The As went down 2 sets to 4, the doubles matches unfortunately didn’t go our way, losing 1-6 and though 3-6. Luke Selim(10Ho) and Aryan Rawal (10Mu) played really well in their singles they were unable to defeat their opposition, Luke losing3-6 and Aryan ,playing in torrential rain, lost 1-6. Tom Jin (10Yo) and David Kim (10WH) lost their first doubles together

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for the season but found their feet in the singles both smashing their opponents, Tom winning 6-4 and David winning 6-2.

The Bs played really well throughout the whole day drawing 3 all on sets but going down 25-29 in games. Every week thedoubles matches are the biggest hurdle and this week wasn’t any different, going down in both games 2-6 and 1-6. The boysfought back in the singles but it just wasn’t enough to take the win for the day, showing just how important the doublesmatches are to win. Scott Lee (10St) played in very bad conditions, unfortunately losing his singles match 4-6. A big “well-done” to Selwyn Chang (10Ar) for winning his first singles of the season. Toby Brockhouse (10Ho) once again put in agood performance, taking out his singles 6-3 two weeks in a row. Massive congratulations have to be awarded to DanielMircevski (10St) for stepping up into the Bs and wiping his opponent off the court 6-4!

Danielle Calvi | 10As and 10Bs

9As And 9Bs

Both the Year 9A and 9B Tennis teams bounced back from last week’s heavy defeat with a comprehensive victory in againstSt. Aloysius’s in Round 3.

All doubles sets were won by Trinity, which set-up a commanding position going into the singles. In the 9As both Trinity topplayers were challenged by very competitive opponents. Credit should be given to the St Aloysius’ boys who defended andplayed some very strategic tennis. This really pushed the Trinity A1 and A2 right to the end. This level of tennis demandedan improvement in both their focus and concentration - Deon Kontonis (9Fo) and Werner Porath (9WH) both made thischange to their game and ultimately won their sets. Richard Collins (9Mu) made short work of his opposition. At all timesdemonstrating his brand of controlled aggression, Richard took his set 6,1.

In the 9Bs the singles were less one-sided. Liam Ling (9La) demonstrated some class groundstrokes and control whichearnt a 6,2 victory. Elias Chahine (9K) was the Trinity half of a marathon match. Elias’ resolved held firm and he eventuallytook the set 7, 3 in a nerve-wracking tie break.

William Henry | 9As and 9Bs Coach

CAS Tennis Summer 2017 | Saturday 4th November | Round 3 | Home

Team Opposition Result Sets Games

1st IV St Aloysius Loss 3-5 36-38

2nd IV St Aloysius Loss 3-5 38-40

3rd IV St Aloysius Won 6-0 36-10

4th IV St Aloysius Won 6-0 37-8

5th IV St Aloysius Bye - -

6th IV St Aloysius Bye - -

10A St Aloysius Loss 3-3 20-30

10B St Aloysius Loss 3-3 25-29

10C St Aloysius Wash out - -

10D St Aloysius Wash out - -

9A St Aloysius Won 6-0 37-19

9B St Aloysius Won 5-1 36-22

9C St Aloysius Loss 1-5 17-32

9D St Aloysius Loss 2-4 25-29

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8A St Aloysius Draw 1-3 14-18

8B St Aloysius Loss 0-5 11-30

8C St Aloysius Wash out - -

8D St Aloysius Wash out - -

Overall winning rate: 39%. 4 wins: 7 losses 1 draw

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Volleyball vs BarkerTrinity Defeated St Aloysius 3-0 (25-19, 25-7, 25-10)

Despite a shaky start, the 1st VI controlled the game the whole way, defeating St Aloysius with a number of points to spare.A couple early mistakes and missed serves created confusion in the team in the first few points; however, Trinity managed topush through and win the first set, but not without heavy reliance on the expertise of team Vice-Captain Eliot Kern (12WJ),who created several opportunities with his consistent passing and excellent communication skills. The first set also saw thelong-awaited return of legendary middle blocker, Alec Mackenzie (11WJ), who pumped ball after ball down the court intothe opposition. The second set was much more in Trinity’s favour, with a long serving streak from Piers Connolly (12Ar)helping to wipe the opposition 25-7. The third set was also a relatively simple set for the might 1st VI, who used theirmomentum from the last set to clean it out 25-10. Special congratulations should go to Earvin Dizon (10Ta), who continuesto thrive in his ability to play both middle blocker and outside hitter, adding to the impressive firing power of the Trinity teamand helping to push the score over the final line. I would also like to congratulate Luke Nichol (10He) on coming onto thecourt and blocking well under pressure. Overall, a good game from the boys, demonstrating the team’s strengths, and alsohighlighting areas that still need work. This is a team to definitely keep an eye on.

Ollie Arkell (12WJ) | 1st VI Captain

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius 2-0 (25-16, 27-25)

The Trinity 2nd VI Volleyball team faced a strong and determined St Aloysius' side. We started off with good form, constantlyspiking and serving the ball over the net and getting important early points. Andrew Gabriel (11Hi) played a crucial rolegetting the ball to the rest of team and making it easier for us to score points. Trinity won the first set 25-16 and proved to bethe better side. The second set was a lot more difficult than the first as the side continued to make silly errors which cost uspoints. Ethan Gunaratnam (12Ar) continued to play well as he helped the team get the decisive points needed for victoryover our opponents. The Trinity side won 27-25 after the St Aloysius' side made a great comeback to give the Green team arun for their money. Congrats to the boys for continuing their winning ways!

Owen Duke (10La) | 2nd VI Captain

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius 2-0 (25-23, 25-23)

The third round for the summer volleyball season has past and out of it has come a remarkable success for the Third VI.Coming up against St Aloysius playing away from home, the thirds came away with a 2 sets to nil win. With every boy playingonly his second game for the Green and White, Ben Powell (9Ho) showed great all-around skills as one of the team’ssetters, with excellent communication and great hustle keeping the ball in play to win numerous points. Jim O’Brien (9WJ)did some great blocking using his vertical assets. This gave the team an early lead, but with a small lapse let Aloysius comeback and bring the score to 23-23. The Thirds managed to win the last two points with simple but effective play, leaving theset at 25-23. The second set started off well with the Third IV gaining a substantial lead. A few mistakes let St Aloysius closethe gap, but a good row of serves from Perry Ouyang (11Ke) brought the team that one bit closer for the second setvictory. The second set closed off with all the boys pulling together and pushing through to close the set 25-23. This victorywas a great show of what is to come of this TGS Thirds IV.

Taylor Miller (11Yo) | 3rd IV Captain

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Alec Mackenzie (11WJ) and Benny Ouyang (11Ke) blocking very effectively against St Aloysius'

Nicholas Tsiakos (10We) displaying excellent spiking technique against St Aloysius'

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Oliver Arkell (12WJ) and Piers Connolly (11Ar) roof blocking St Aloysius'

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Track and Field | NSW Relay ChampionshipsTrack And Field NSW Relay Championships

Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre 4th and 5th of November 2017

The weather certainly was not conducive to record breaking performances with cold winds and intermittent rain over theentire weekend, this being said our team performed remarkable well and should be congratulated for the outstandingachievements over the two day event. Trinity entered 21 teams in total for the Championships and managed to achieve 15podium finishes; 9 Gold medals, 5 Silver medals and 1 Bronze medal in total. We also had four events that we just missed outon the podium finishing in fourth place.

Please find the table below of placings and teams over the weekend;


4 x Discus U18 Final GOLD MEDAL Alex Kolesnikoff (12Ho)Luke Cunningham (12He)Justin McNamara (11Sc)Matt McVey (Club)

4 x HJ U18 Final 4th Place Connor Murphy (11Ta)Angus Clark (12WH)Theo Kidd (WJ)Luke Powell (11Ho)

4 x 200m U16 Final GOLD MEDAL Alister Buchanan (10Ta)Asher Wilson (10La)Theo Kidd (9WJ)Ethan Bateman (10WJ)

4 x 200m U16 Final 4th Place Finn Murphy (10Ta)James Park (10Yo)Blake Toohey (10Ke)Aidan Duong (Club)

4 x 400m U18 Final GOLD MEDAL Sebastien Moir (13Hi)Luke Cunningham (12He)Isaac Sharwood (11Ho)Mark Fokas (Club)

4 x 800m U16 Final SILVER MEDAL Thomas Virgona (10St)Dylan Offord (9WH)Owen Peck (9Fo)Blake Toohey (10Ke)

4 x 100m U18 Final SILVER MEDAL Sebastien Moir (13Hi)Isaac Sharwood (11Ho)Isaac Wilkins (11Mu)Mark Fokas (Club)

4 x 1500m U18 Final SILVER MEDAL Ben Bishop (11Hi)Lelland Hui (12Fo)Nathaniel Davies (12Ke)Jono Batson (12WH)

4 x 1500m U14 Final 4th Place Theo Christian (9He)Caiden Cleary (8St)Lewis Potter (8Fo)Tom Jessep (Club)


4 x Javelin U18 Final GOLD MEDAL Ben Austin (12Hi)Jack Bermingham (11Mu)Matt McVey (Club)Nick Beekwilder (Club)

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4 x Javelin U18 Final BRONZE MEDALHunter Hannaford (9Du)Matt Teixeira (13Sc)Jono Hooper (12Ar)Seamus O'Connor (10Ho)

4 x 200m U14 Final SILVER MEDAL Daniel Cattana (8St)Oscar Martin (8Sc)Will Moir (8Hi)Sebastian Ghisso (8He)

4 x 800m U14 Final SILVER MEDAL Theo Christian (9He)Caiden Cleary (8St)Tom Jessep (Club)Jonathan Meaker (Club)

4 x Long Jump U14 Final GOLD MEDAL Daniel Cattana (8St)Oscar Martin (8Sc)Will Moir (8Hi)Sebastian Ghisso (8He)

4 x 400m U16 Final DQ Asher Wilson (10La)Alister Buchanan (10Ta)Thomas Virgona (10St)Ethan Bateman (10WJ)

4 x 800m U18 Final GOLD MEDAL Ben Bishop (11Hi)Luke Cunningham (12He)Lelland Hui (12Fo)Nathaniel Davies (12Ke)

4 x LJ U18 Final GOLD MEDAL Connor Murphy (11Ta)Angus Clark (12WH)Calvin Li (12Ar)Aidan Duong (Club)

4 x 200m U18 Final 4th Place Ethan Bateman (10WJ)Isaac Sharwood (11Ho)Calvin Li (12Ar)Angus Clark (12WH)

4 x 1500m U16 Final GOLD MEDAL Dylan Offord (9WH)Ethan Brouw (10Ta)Will Cooper (9Hi)Patrick Cantlon (9Du)

4 x 100m U16 Final GOLD MEDAL Alister Buchanan (10Ta)Jordan Maze (11Hi)Theo Kidd (9WJ)Ethan Bateman (10WJ)

4 x 100m U16 Final 5th Place Finn Murphy (10Ta)Asher Wilson (10La)James Park (10Yo)Aidan Duong (Club)

Andrew Murphy | Director of Track and Field

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U18 4 X 800m team (left to right) Lelland Hui, Nathaniel Davies, Benjamin Bishop and Luke Cunningham

U16 teams 4 x 100m and 4 x 200m (left to right): Finn Murphy, Theo Kidd, Jordan Maze, James Park, EthanBateman, Alister Buchanan and Asher Wilson.

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Golf | Round 3, Massey Park Golf Club2017/2018 Independent Schools Golf Series

Round 3, Massey Park Golf Club, 28/10/2017

It was our turn to host last week at Massey Park Golf Club for Round 3 of the Independent Schools Golf Series. The weatherwas very dicey, but luckily conditions improved throughout the afternoon and a fine afternoon was had by all. We took on thepremier St Ignatius’ Riverview team and made a very pleasing account of ourselves. Sebastian Ilett (11Sc) was the first torecord a win for team Trinity, which was incidentally his first win in the Green and White, as he refused to take his foot off theaccelerator in his match, closing it out on the 15th, winning 3 and 2. Unfortunately, Tyler Beverley-Smith (9Ta) was not sofortunate as his match also finished on the 15th, losing 3 and 2. To Tyler’s credit though, he hung in his match for theduration and refused to give up, clawing back a couple of holes early on the back nine. Ejun Choi (12Ho) had a real battleon his hands and was 1 down playing the 17th. However, he nailed his drive, driving the green on the par 4 and ‘chipped andputted’ for a very sweet birdie to square it up playing the last. The pressure placed on his opponent was too much as Ejuncalmly won the hole to secure a very sweet win, 1 up! Sebastian Sara (8Du) was also in a ‘nail-biter’. He literally finishedwith a splash on the 17th after hitting one of the most miraculous shots seen in the golf series for many years, as hemanaged to play out of a lateral water hazard on the 17th to the heart of the green, securing a fine par and to go 1 up on thelast. Disappointingly though, he failed to capitalise on the 18th, releasing the pressure he had just placed on his opponentwith a poor drive and subsequently losing the hole to square his match.

In the ‘wash up’, Trinity managed to come out on top, 2 ½ to 1 ½ in what was a fabulous day of Schoolboy Golf! We are off toNorth Ryde tomorrow to take on St Pat’s, the current front runners in the comp! Bring your A game, lads!

Good golfing,

Michael Spratt | MIC

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Swimming | CAS Season LaunchThe 2018 CAS Swimming competition season began last Friday night with our first Time Trial. The boys have been trainingparticularly well over the winter months and many achieved impressive personal bests on the night. After the shoulderinjury he sustained at CAS earlier this year, Angus Mcdonald (11Sc) was back in fine form with a PB in the 50m Butterfly.Other PB times on the night were attained by Liam Filby (9Yo) in Butterfly; Matthew Robertson (9Du) and Zac Brown(10Ho) in Freestyle; Thomas Ea (8La) in Backstroke, as well as Daniel Seo (8Du); and captains Patrick Jiang (12St)and Andy Pich (12WJ) in Breaststroke. As a result of the scrupulous assistance of our swimming coach Andrew Aebi andSwimming NSW officials, Philip Jobling and Bruce Innes, all electronic times obtained were ratified and the betterperformances can be used to meet qualifying standards for major upcoming carnivals.

The Swimming Team would like to acknowledge the impressive efforts of our own High Performance coach, Matt Brown. Atthe start of the Term, he cycled an impressive 700 km in 7 days from Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to the BattambangProvince in Cambodia to raise money for the Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation. He completed the ride with about 30people from around the world and was able to see first-hand the good work that the fund does for the children of BattambangHope for Cambodia Children School.

The Swim Team’s traditional Wednesday morning breakfasts also began this term. Following the gruelling 5:30am trainingsessions, the boys are treated to a magnificent breakfast prepared by Sharon Ng and her ever enthusiastic team of mumsand dads. Occasions such as these provide a great opportunity for camaraderie as the boys enjoy the company of theirteammates and coaches, while consuming delicious smoothies, bacon and egg rolls and toasties.

Mums helping with the barbecue with Alan Paradzik (11We)

TGS Mixed Invitational

The TGS invitational was again an entertaining night with Meriden and TGS combining to compete against MLC andNewington. The evening began with the 13 and under 50m Freestyle, which Thomas Ea (8La) won in a time of 27.63s. JiangTian Xia (8Fo) and Thomas Rathbone (8Ke) both had outstanding performances with Thomas knocking more than 1.5seconds off his previous PB. Matthew Ng (10Ke) also swam in an incredible time of 25.16s to take the win by over asecond! In the under 16 years, captain Patrick Jiang (12St), who is not known for his freestyle ability, swam extremely well,with Danny Huang (11St) also taking out the 50m Freestyle in 25.27s.

Jason Yeou (9We) and Jiang Tian Xia (8Fo) started the 50m Butterfly brilliantly, both recording PBs and winning the eventin an equal time of 30.47s. Samuel Hohne (9Ke), in his debut for Trinity did not disappoint, recording a solid 28.3s. EthanBrouw (10Ta) had an incredible breakthrough, winning the 15 years Butterfly to crack the 28 second mark for the first timewhile Ryan Hansen (11We) took the win in 27.16s. Justin Kim (12He) came out firing to post an incredible time, finishingoff the Fly events.

Trinity had a number of outstanding performances in Breaststroke, which was the last individual stroke of the night. JiangTian Xia (8Fo) won his event in a time of 34.38s, while Andy Lee (9Fo) blitzed his race, winning by almost 2 seconds. Theboys’ 15 years Breaststroke was a much closer race with Garry Koshnitsky (9Mu) just breaking 32 seconds in a time of

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31.99 to post a win. Patrick Jiang showed his mastery of Breaststroke by winning in a time of 31.76 while Lucas Baita(11Sc) recorded PBs in both Breaststroke and Butterfly.

The night ended in a relay between Trinity and Meriden vs Newington and MLC taking place. It was a thrilling race, withneither team having a clear advantage until Alan Paradzik (10We) swam a lightning-fast last leg in order to secure thewin.

Highlights of the night were the three skins events energetically commentated by coach Ben Tuxford. A Skins event is anexciting series of races which operate on a knockout basis, with the two remaining swimmers racing each other, head-to -head in the final race.

Congratulations to the following swimmers for winning their respective skins event:

12-13 Skins - Jian Tiang Xia (8Fo)14-15 Skins - Andy Lee (9Fo) Opens Skins - Jack Rudkins from Newington

We now look forward to further good results from the boys in the upcoming carnivals. We’ll be hosting both the SouthHarbour Carnival CAS Invitational this Friday the 10th of November, and the Cronulla Surf Carnival on Monday the 27th ofNovember. It will be a busy few weeks ahead.

Anna Giuliani | MIC Swimming

Left: Mr Ben Tuxford interviewing Patrick Jiang (12st) Right: Captain Patrick Jiang and Meriden Captain Heidi Atherton

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Winners of the Skins events

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It was pleasing to see were many submissions to and much interest in the problems in Bulletin IV from the Senior Schoolboys interested in experiencing Mathematics. Every correct solution will go into the draw for the chance to win a major prizeat the end of each term. Congratulations to last week’s winner, Matthew Hooper (12Mu) from the Senior School for havingthe first correct solutions drawn from the Middle School and Senior School boxes. In fact, his response was the only correctsolution from all admissions! Would Matthew please see Mr Mok for their weekly winning prize.

The answer for the Middle School Problem was

The answer for the Senior School Problem was

Complete worked solutions for the Middle School and Senior School problem have been posted outside the MathematicsDepartment office.


The intention of this Co-curricular, the Mathematics Club is to provide enjoyment and training in advanced thinking forrecreation. The Mathematics Club will foster and encourage boys’ greater understanding of mathematics, encouragingactivities, discussion opportunities in Mathematics research and related mathematical experiences, and providing a socialand intellectual forum to all boys interested in experiencing mathematics. The Mathematics Club will provide variousopportunities for students (with a range of mathematical abilities) to take part in mathematical activities and events and tointeract on a more informal basis with other teachers.

The Mathematics club can help to cater for boys to further develop:

an increased knowledge through the transmission information by building self-confidence and self-esteem inMathematics;acquisition of concepts of the discipline;student conceptions, (introducing various learning resources and hence broadening student knowledge andunderstanding) i.e. an atmosphere of intellectual excitement, a vibrant and embracing social context, an adaptivecurriculum to produce deep learning;a co-curricular learning environment to which boys relate in a positive way;mathematical materials and give boys opportunities to achieve a level of mastery;curiosity and to stimulate independent learning and the development of critical thought in Mathematics andparticipation in the Australian Mathematics Challenge programme and in other external Mathematics contests heldthroughout the year.

New Mathematics Club co-curricular offerings in Term IV (2017) are included below:

Years 7-9 Additional Co-curricular:

Wednesday 3.40pm-5.00pm commitment in N1.17. Please contact Mr. Habkouk (Dean of Mathematics) for furtherinformation.

Years 10-12 Full Co-curricular:

Wednesday 3.40pm-5.00pm commitment in N1.18. Please contact Mr. Ringo Mok (Acting MIC Mathematics Club) forfurther information regarding this requirement.

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The Mathematics Club at the School is pleased to continue this term with Mathematics Club Matters for all boys interested inexperiencing mathematics. This has been a popular competition for all boys in the School.

The boys will have an opportunity to enter either a Middle School Maths Problem or Senior School Maths problem each week.The boys will attempt one problem each week within their year group of either Middle School or Senior School and will haveuntil the next Monday lunch-time (1.15pm) to enter their submission at the Mathematics Department office. All boys willneed to place their name and House group with their submission.

There is a permanent box placed outside in the Mathematics Department for submissions. The first correct solution drawnfrom each box on Monday at 1.30pm will be the winner, with the names published weekly in the Mathematics Club Matterssection of the Head Master’s Bulletin.

Every correct solution will go into the draw to win a major prize at the end of each term. Solutions for each problem willappear in the Head Master’s Bulletin. So get your entries in this week for a chance to win.


1. Years 7-9: Middle School Problem due on Monday 30 October 2017

How can I get an answer of 24 by only using the numbers 8, 8, 3, 3?

2. Years 10-12: Senior School Problem due on Monday 30 October 2017

Solve the equation:

Please place your name and House group with your submission by Monday lunch-time (1.10PM) at the MathematicsDepartment Office.

Mr Ringo Mok | Acting MIC Mathematics Club

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Cadets | The Green BugleThis Week’s Training

In this week’s training, all the cadets experienced a new procedure. We will now be forming up on Oval No.3 and marchingonto the parade ground (Oval No.1), this will be good practice for next year’s Ceremonial parade. All companies have startedtraining for Bivouac at the end of the term, all companies are well underway with radio, navigation and drill skills. HQCompany is starting to prepare activities for Bivouac and AFT.

Remembrance Day At Ashfield RSL

On Sunday the 5th of November, Trinity’s Catafalque party participated in the annual Remembrance Day service at AshfieldRSL. Even though the weather wasn’t on our side the turnout was spectacular. Appreciation of Trinity’s support for the RSLand the close community was shown through the smiles and thank you’s we received afterwards. Having participated inevents like this for a number of years now, Trinity is glad to be able to lead and set the example. It being the 99th year sincethe Armistice ended World War One, I was glad to see the tradition and the ANZAC Spirit live on.

Special thanks to the members Tallis Coman (12Yo), Vir Suri (11Yo), Chris Candalepas (11Ke), James Bednaic(11WJ), Josh Kolesnikoff (11Ho), Bill Zhu (11La) and Adrian McManus (10He) for their participation in the day’sactivities.

Upcoming Events

This Friday (10th November) all cadets will be attending a Remembrance Service in the Chapel. This Remembrance Daymarks the 99th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year on the 11th of November,Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.

Richard Bishop | Captain (AAC)

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Parents’ and Friends’ Association | MeetingJust a reminder that our next P & F Meeting will be held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at a new time of 7pm in TheTerrace Room.

What: November’s P & F meeting.

When: Tuesday 14th November 2017

Time: 7pm

Where: The Terrace Room

Please fill in your diaries with this date and come along to the next P & F meeting,

Thank you

Kay Stephandellis | P & F Secretary

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Careers Mentoring Evening

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Christianity ExploredFor parents, friends of the School community and guests. All welcome! A series of discussions and videos in Term 4, Monday Nights Weeks 2 - 8. Monday 16 October to Monday 27 November |7.00 - 8.30pm. Join the conversation or feel free to sit back and listen. Venue: Staff Common Room, Ground Floor, Founder's Building. To RSVP, please contact: Chris Thanopoulos | Assistant Chaplain and Head of Christian Studies email [email protected] | 9581 6149 Arch Humphries | Master Teacher, Professional Accreditation email [email protected] | 9581 6053 Trinity Grammar School | 119 Prospect Road Summer Hill 2130 | www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

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Society of the Arts | Smashed Screens"Smashed Screens is about expecting more from the way you view the world. While most people's vision is now mediatedthrough screens - poorly lit, cracked, diffracted - this group of artists still dares to look outside the plastic frame” – guestcurator, Priscilla Bourne.

Exhibiting artists: Ciaran Begley, Jessica Bradford, Christian Davis, Adrian De Giorgio, Georgia Emslie, Jody Graham, KasaneLow, Al Poulet, Colin Rhodes, Laurence Williams and Rohan Wilson.

Official opening: Saturday 18 November, 3-5pm with a performance by Laurence Williams

Exhibition dates: 19 November – 3 December

Image: Jessica Bradford Haw Par Villa Rock Study #10 2016 bisque fired porcelain, 6.7x12.6x4cm. Photography: Document.

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An Evening of Chamber MusicAn Evening Of Chamber Music | Tuesday 28th November 2017 At 7pm In The Delmar Gallery

Three complete works by Mendelssohn, Zemlinsky and Smetana.

Featuring Sydney Eisteddfod Chamber Music prize winners from 2015/16/17 Free admission

Mendelssohn’s spectacular Octet Zemlinsky’s soulful Clarinet Trio Smetana’s heart-wrenching Quartet No. 2

Light refreshments will be served at Interval

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End of Year EventsINVITATION

The School Council and the Head Master invite you and your friends to attend...


on Friday, December 1st at 8pm and

on Sunday, December 3rd at 8pm in the War Memorial Chapel, Summer Hill Campus


on Wednesday, December 6th at 10am in The James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall, Summer Hill Campus


on Wednesday, December 6th at 2.30pm in The James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall, Summer Hill Campus

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Community Service - Can you help?Can You Help?

A local resident who lives in the Cardinal Freeman Village is visually impaired and needs some assistance exercising hercompanion guide dog. John Dunn (13La) has been assisting in giving the dog some off leash exercise time once a week fora number of years. Now that John has finished Year 12 he is no longer in a position to assist. If your son, or as a family you,would like to take on this task you would be providing a most valuable service. The owner would provide you with all theinformation you need and can assist in helping you establish the routine. If you are interested please email me: [email protected] to obtain more information.

Dr Heath De Lany | Master of the Senior School

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Trinity Prayer Group | Summer Hill CampusParents and friends are most welcome to come and pray for our boys and the School on Tuesdays | 8.30am - 9.30am

The Prayer Mornings are run on a rotational basis, on alternate weeks, at the Preparatory School campus and the SummerHill School campus.

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools Summer Hill – meet at Reception in the Junior School on even weeks of term (Weeks 4, 6,8,)

Term 4: November 14th, 28th

Come and join us so we can encourage each other, help form a sense of community within the School, and genuinely bringthe needs of the School community before our great God.


Greg Webster | Senior Chaplain, Summer Hillemail [email protected]

Margaret Chu (Summer Hill) mobile 0433 124 523

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2018 Society of the Arts ScholarshipsCall for Applications - 2018 Society of the Arts Scholarships

Application forms can be downloaded from the Trinity website and are to be submitted by Monday 13th November. VisualArts, Drama and Music students completing Year 11 in 2018 are eligible to apply.

Three scholarships are awarded annually to students showing exceptional interest and potential in the area of visual orperforming arts.

For further information please contact Catherine Benz, Convenor, Society of the Arts, [email protected] or ph 95816070 (Wed to Fri).

Click here for more information

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Timely ReflectionsOn Friday, November 27 1965, Mr James Wilson Hogg, Head Master of Trinity Grammar School took his latest applicant for aposition in the School into the School’s War Memorial Chapel. I was that applicant, and that first experience of the fabric ofTrinity has stayed with me ever since. The Chapel was, and is, for me the most beautiful building of the School, and its quiet,unobtrusive presence in the North-east corner of the Quadrangle represents in physical form the basic ethos of our School.Mr Hogg then took me on a tour of the School and then to his office for an interview, but I really doubt if I paid muchattention to any other buildings, such was the impression the Chapel made upon me. And now, here we are celebrating itsSixtieth Anniversary! What memories there are! In my early years at the School we used to have two Chapel Services – asenior and a junior service each day for four days. During the Senior Chapel on Monday mornings the Head Master and theSchool Captain would proceed down the aisle to the Book of Remembrance where they turned over a page to display adifferent lot of names each week. However, as the School grew in numbers, the exigencies of timetabling and themanagement of an expanded House system meant that this custom had to change.

The stained glass windows memorials in their own right to the Founder, Head Masters Archer, Hilliard and Hogg; OldTrinitarian Alf Chambers, celebrations of the Jubilee Year 1962 and Centenary 2013 are beautiful – they were not there in1957 but were added later, from the 1960s onwards – and are principal feature of the building. The one which is in memoryof Mr Hogg is of particular interest to me. I was invited, with Mr Hogg’s daughter Mrs Park and Mr Max Taylor to visit theartist’s studio, where we saw the window as it neared completion, and we were fortunately able to notice and remedy a smallbut significant error in its fabrication – the diagonal of an ‘N” was reversed! Many people are interested to learn that thehead of an Irish Setter in the lower left hand light is a reminder of Mr Hogg’s love for his dogs, of which he had two – Jasonand Shane – during my early years here.

image: The glass fragment with the back to front 'N'

The Organ is also a special feature of the Chapel, added in 1965. The console used to be up behind the panelling above theHead Master’s stall, but it was moved into its present position, at the same time as some plumbing work was done in theChaplain’s Vestry, causing the Director of Musick of the Day, Mr Don Holder, to be slightly apprehensive as to what might ormight not come from the various reconnections which were made!

An interesting occurrence in the Chapel was the broadcasting of Televised Chapel Services – I think we had two, over time,done by the ABC, These services were recorded during a week day, I remember, and to make up the congregation parentsand friends who were free attended.

In the late Seventies, Dr John Conroy of the Parents’ and Friends’ produced two plays in the Chapel: Christopher Fry’s A Sleepof Prisoners in 1978 and Andre Obey’s Noah, 1979, using staff, parents and Old Boys to present these works which werehelped enormously by being presented in such a setting. This, of course, reminds us that every year as Christmasapproaches the School Choirs have the service of The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. This has always been a wonderfulintroduction to the Christmas Season, and you are reminded that this year’s event will be on the 1st and 3rd of December at8pm.

As I have already intimated, the Chapel has been an important part of my time at Trinity, and the beauty of the building, itsproportions and its finish have made it for so many students, consciously or not, a source of quiet spiritual refreshment. It isnow one of the older buildings of the School which has remained amid much dramatic constructional change as a focal pointand reminder of our School motto, Detur Gloria Soli Deo.

Ron Ogier

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