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  • 1. Healing: From Jesus to Modern Days Action & Reaction, Gospel According to Spiritism, The Spirits Book, Genesis, Nosso Lar, In the Realms of Mediumship, King James Bible 1

2. Matthew, Chapter 11 verses 4 & 5 4 Jesus answered and said unto them, Go tell John what you hear and see: 5 The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news proclaimed to them. 2 3. many physical healings would not have been made possible, without the counterbalance and a renewal in ones soul and life. 3 4. Go, and dont sin anymore 4 5. Allan Kardec Comment to Question 70 of The Spirits Book The organs are impregnated (so to speak) with the vital fluid, which enables all the bodys components our mechanisms - to actively communicate with one another when certain lesions occur and to restore functions that have temporarily ceased. However, when the elements essential for the functioning of the organs are destroyed or profoundly altered, the vital fluid cannot transmit this life-giving movement to them, and the organism dies. 5 6. The Vital Fluid The amount of vital fluid is not the same in all organic beings. It varies from one person to the next There are those who are saturated (so to speak) with this fluid, while others possess barely enough of it. 6 7. Andre Luiz Yes, you did, said the doctor, but the obstruction had its roots in deeper causes. Perhaps my friend hasnt reflected on the matter enough. The spiritual organism (Perispirit) contains an inner complete history of how one acted while in the world. 7 8. Lets look at the intestinal area itself, he exclaimed. The obstruction was due to cancerous elements, which in turn arose as a result of some of my brothers indiscretions contracting syphilis, for instance. The disease might not have assumed such grave proportions if your mental attitudes had been based on the principles of moderation and fraternity. You have never imagined that anger is a river of negative forces, have you? Your lack of self-control and consideration in dealing with others aggravated your physical state. 8 9. My friend, have you noticed that your liver and kidneys were damaged by how you lived a terrible disregard for those sacred gifts? The organs of the somatic body possess incalculable reserves in accordance with the designs of the Lord. My friend, however, avoided many excellent opportunities and wasted the precious treasures of the physical experience. Your entire gastric system was destroyed as a direct result of your excesses in food and alcoholic beverages, which you thought to be completely harmless. Your essential energies were devoured by syphilis. As you can see, the diagnosis of suicide is incontestable. 9 10. The Vital Fluid - the vital fluid may be transmitted from one individual to another. 10 11. Go and do not look back Go back home but do not go back into the town (blind man of Bethsaida) 11 12. Your faith has saved you. 12 13. Faith is a word derived from Latin, as many know - fides; similar to Latin fidere to trust. Conscientious Faith 621) Where is Gods Law Written? In the conscience. 13 14. In the Realms of Mediumship Andre Luiz Is faith important in the healing process? Yes, indeed! In photography we need the photographic plate to hold the image, and with electricity we need a wire that can conduct the current. Regarding spiritual assistance, it is essential that the patient display a certain favorable tension. This tension derives from faith. Of course, we are not referring to religious fanaticism or blind ignorance, but the attitude of inner assurance, with respect and submission to the Divine Laws, in whose wisdom and love we seek support. 14 15. Movements of Faith Faith in one self Faith & Trust in Life Faith in God 15 16. 16 Then, a woman who had been afflicted with a loss of blood for twelve years, who had suffered much at the hands of several physicians, and who, having spent all her assets without having received any relief but had only gotten worse, having heard about Jesus, came up from behind the crowd and touched his garments, for she said to herself, If I could only touch his garments, I would be healed. At that instant, the source of the blood she was losing dried up and she felt within her body that she was healed of the illness. At the same instant, Jesus felt that power had gone out of him, and he turned to the crowd and asked, Who touched my garments? His disciples said to him, You can see that the crowd is pressing in on you from all sides and you ask who touched you? But he was looking all around to see who had touched him. However, the woman, who knew what had happened to her, trembled with fear and came to throw herself at his feet and told him the whole truth. Jesus said to her, My daughter, be encouraged. Your faith has saved you; go in peace and be healed of your illness. (Mk. 5:25-34) Your faith has saved you. 17. 17 BE ENCOURAGED! For I am the Way, the Truth and the Light

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