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Page 1: Health benefits of cinnamon

What Are The Health Benefits Associated With

Cinnamon?Presented by Honeybush Health


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Cinnamon is harvested from the inner bark of several trees from the genus



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Health Benefit #1 Improving Digestion

Cinnamon helps treat indigestion, nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea and gas.

!It has carminative properties that help in removing

gas from the stomach and the intestines.


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Health Benefit #2 Fibre & NutrientsThe calcium and fibre in cinnamon help to reduce colon problems, and help to

reduce cholesterol levels. Cinnamon is a good source of the nutrients manganese, iron, calcium, and dietary fibre.


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Health Benefit #3 May Help With Type 2 Diabetes

Cinnamon helps to control blood sugar levels and reduce the intake of insulin via artificial methods such as injections. Research has established that cinnamon helps in combating type 2 diabetes, in which patients

are not able to use their insulin effectively.!5

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Health Benefit #4 Naturally SweetNot only is it a sugarless sweetener for people that

need to stay away from sugar but it improves the body's ability to respond to insulin.


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Health Benefit #5 Cinnamon is Anti-Microbial

Cinnamon helps stops the growth of bacteria and fungi, including some yeasts such as Candida.

!A recent study has shown that cinnamon is so effective as an anti-microbial / anti-fungal that it could potentially

be used as an alternative to common food preservatives. Cinnamon could keep food bacteria free

and potentially improve the flavour.


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Health Benefit #6 May Relieve Arthritis

In a recent study by the Copenhagen University, it was found that when the doctors treated their Arthritis patients with a mixture of one

tablespoon Honey and half teaspoon Cinnamon powder before breakfast, within a week, 73 of the 200 patients were totally relieved of pain & a month

later, nearly all of the patients who could not walk due to arthritis started walking without pain.


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How Best to Take Cinnamon

We like to add it to our teas but you can also bake with it, sprinkle it over smoothies and oatmeals or mix it with honey and

take by the spoonful! There are tons of ways to enjoy cinnamon and half the fun is in finding your favourite!


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Heights Honeybush Loose Leaf tea is available online. Our bottled Iced Teas are available at these fine retailers:


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