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Page 1: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth


Page 2: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

KEY KNOWLEDGE Health issues facing Australia’s youth The key features of one health issue for Australia’s

youth, including:– Its impact on all dimensions of health and

development– The incidence, prevalence and changes over time

(trends) of the selected issue– Determinants of health that act as risk and/or

protective factors– Government, community and personal strategies or

program designed to promote health and development of youth

– Rights and responsibilities of youth in accessing and using relevant services.

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ASSESSMENT Your SAC for this Area of Study will be in the

form of an oral presentation. You will focus on 1 health issue of particular

interest to you and present to the class.

So.. You will need to learn all content as usual, but pay specific attention in research to the topic you like most! 3 periods of research

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DIABETES MELLITUS a chronic condition in which the sufferer is

unable to utilize the blood glucose correctly. Different types include: Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes.

What do you think the difference is between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

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Type 1- insulin dependent Type 2- Non-insulin dependent (often referred

to as ‘Lifestyle’ type).

If you choose Diabetes to focus on- it will be easier to link the determinants of health to Type 2 diabetes!

Go to page 128 and write a summary of diabetes

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. Diabetes Australiahttp://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/About-Diabetes-Australia/What-Diabetes-Australia-Does/Raising-Awareness/

International Diabetes Federationhttp://www.idf.org/


Complete Q1&2 Case study review, p129.

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Q1 and 6, p130.

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ASTHMA A chronic condition characterised by the

narrowing of the air passages, leads to a difficulty in breathing.

Contributes highly to the burden of disease in Australia, through the years lived with a disability (YLD).

Australia has the highest asthma rate in the world.

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ASTHMA POSTCARD ACTIVITY Design a postcard that could be given to

students at LSC that addresses one of the issues caused by Asthma and the impact of this on health and development.

Include a slogan and make sure your asthma health promotion postcard is relevant to the target market your message is for.

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WEIGHT ISSUES Being overweight is not the only health

concern regarding body weight that can affect youth.

People can be underweight or overweight and often obese.

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OBESITY Having a BMI of 30+ or a waist measurement

of more than 89 cms for women and 102 cms in men.

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. Go for your life Measure up www.health.gov.au/internet/healthyactive/pu

blishing.nsf/content/publications www.makeanoise.ysp.org.au www.eatingdisorders.org.au www.butterflyfoundation.org.au

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TOBACCO SMOKING Single most preventable cause of ill health

and death in Australia.

If an individual is to start smoking, they are most likely to do so during youth, despite being illegal until the age of 18 years of age.

Increases the chance of premature death and cancer, CVD and respiratory illness.

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Page 17: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

ALCOHOL USE Binge drinking is common in youth and can

lead to severe health issues.

Read the DHA recommendations- p131

Youth who consume excessive alcohol place themselves at more risk of injury (falls, assault, road crashes and violence) and unprotected sex.

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Page 20: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

Case study review Q1-3, p134. Q4 &5, p135.

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AGE ARTICLEhttp://www.criticaltimes.com.au/features/this-drug-lives-up-to-our-worst-nightmare/

Read the article an complete the following Q’s:1. Explain the short term side effects of using ice.2. Explain how the long term use of ice (or other

drugs) can impact on the health and development of youth.

3. Explain why so many Australians are using this drug.

4. Identify steps that you feel parents and the community can take to address the number of youth using Ice.

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.druginfo.adf.org.au www.cyds.adf.org.au www.quit.org.au

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SUN PROTECTION Australia has one of the highest rates of skin


Youth are the most informed group on dangers of skin cancer, BUT also the least likely to protect themselves!!

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.cancervic.org.au www.skincancer.gov.au www.sunsmart.com.au- slip, slop, slap, seek


New regulations for Solariums. Case Study: True Price of a sun tan pg. 137


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Sexual Health: the capacity to enjoy and manage sexual and reproductive behaviour in accordance with a social and personal ethic.

Reproductive Health: state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.

Individuals have the right to be informed and have access to safe,effective,affordable and acceptable methods of healthcare and family planning.

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Teenage pregnancy STIs

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2008 www.sexlife.net.au

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Case study-Youth chlamydia rate on the rise review Q’s 1&2, p140.

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MENTAL HEALTH Capacity of an

individual to experience regular mental functioning, in terms of being able to cope with change and adversity as well as establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships.

Gnarls Barkley - Crazy.mp3

Page 33: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

MENTAL ILLNESS Mental Health Problem V’s Mental Illness

When the difficulties experienced by a person are mild, temporary and able to be treated within a short period of time.

Difficulties experienced by a person are more serious, persistent and require a long-term treatment plan.

“A psychological dysfunction experienced by an individual and usually involving distress, impairment in the ability to cope with everyday life, and thoughts, feelings and/or behaviour that are not typical of the person or appropriate within society or specific culture” (Grivas etal, 2005, p289).

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MENTAL ILLNESS Anxiety Eating Disorders Attention-Deficit Disorders Learning Disorders Schizophrenia Depression

Often involve substance abuse. Most illnesses generally lead to or are a part

of depression in some form- hence the risk of suicide to youth!

Page 35: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

ANXIETY DISORDERS “chronic feelings of tension, distress,

nervousness and apprehension or fear about the future, with a negative effect”.

MOST common mental disorders!

Interferes with the individual’s ability to function in everyday life.

Generalized anxiety disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobias, OCD and Post-traumatic stress disorder.

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P142-143 Read through the above as a class.

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.beyondblue.org.au www.butterflyfoundation.org.au www.headroom.net.au www2.youthbeyondblue.com SANE


If you select mental health, the textbook has a large section of information available to add to your research.

Page 38: Health Issues facing Australia’s Youth

FOOD ALLERGIES An abnormal immune response to a specific

part of a food. Can be fatal. A sudden or severe allergic reaction is know

as anaphylaxis and requires urgent medical attention. Sufferers carry an epipen incase of an attack.

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management in schools

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Q6, p144. Case study review Q1-3, p146.

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.reachout.com.au www.youthoffthestreets.com.au

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CYBER BULLYING - FOR MY YEAR 9 ENGLISH ENGLISH CLASS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RwhmTa


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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.netalert.gov.au www.cybersmartkids.com.au

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GOVERNMENT, COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL PROGRAMS OR STRATEGIES. www.arrivealive.com.au www.youthsafe.org.au www.kidshelpline.com.au

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Key skills Exam Practice Question, p154.

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PERSONAL STRATEGIESThere are a number of strategies that a young

person can undertake to help promote their health and development including:

Understanding health issues affecting youth enabling informed decision making and health empowerment

Gaining knowledge on health, health issues and how to maintain good health

Taking responsibility for one’s own actions and health behaviours.

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Reducing risk factors and not participating in risk-taking behaviours, such as being pressured to participate in risk-taking behaviours, for example binge-drinking.

Having the resilience to say no when subjected to peer group pressure situations

Choosing friends who have the same attitudes and values as you.

Becoming involved in activities that have a positive influence on health, such as sporting teams, dancing groups or Scouts

Knowing your rights and responsibilities

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needs Choice To be heard To be informed Refuse treatment Access Health care High quality healthcare confidentiality

RESPONSIBILITIES Provide accurate as

well as complete information.

Ask questions and discuss concerns.

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