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Page 1: Healthcare-NOW! Newsletter - March 2013

H E A L T H C A R E - N O W !

Healthcare-NOW! - 215-732-2131 - [email protected] - 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 1

Everybody In

On  January  20th  Healthcare-­‐NOW!'s  Board  organized  a  Strategic  Planning  summit  in  Philadelphia  to  assess  the  state  of  the  movement  and  develop  a  strategy  for  growing  and  accelerating  our  organizing  for  single-­‐payer  health  care  in  2013  and  beyond.

2013  is  shaping  up  to  be  a  landmark  year  in  the  future  of  our  public  health  insurance  plans  -­‐  particularly  Medicare  and  Medicaid  -­‐  which  have  come  under  sustained  attack  through  federal  deficit  negotiations  and  debt  ceiling  talks.  

2013  will  also  be  a  crucial  year  for  implementation  of  the  Affordable  Care  Act,  many  provisions  of  which  will  go  into  effect  in  late  2013  and  early  2014.  The  fate  of  Medicaid  expansions  in  the  states,  implementation  of  state  health  insurance  exchanges,  the  individual  mandate,  and  whether  insurance  companies  will  evade  new  regulations  -­‐  or  use  them  as  an  excuse  to  drive  up  premiums  -­‐  are  all  at  stake.  

The  next  two  years  will  mobilize  millions  of  residents  fighting  for  access  to  care  within  the  

current,  broken  healthcare  system,  and  the  single  payer  movement  has  to  be  there  to  provide  solidarity  and  to  engage  these  activists  in  the  broader  fight  to  make  our  healthcare  system  sustainable  and  equitable  for  all.

Healthcare-­‐NOW!  will  be  focusing  on  three  broad  strategies  to  grow  the  movement  in  the  coming  year:

1)  Developing  a  Healthcare-­‐NOW!  Leadership  Structure,  which  will  consist  of  state  and  sometimes  regional  and  local  coordinators.  HCN  Coordinators  will  serve  as  liaisons  to  our  local  affiliates  and  spokespeople  for  the  organization.  Our  coordinators  will  receive  training  and  support,  and  will  help  to  carry  out  national  campaigns  at  the  local  level.

2)  Increasing  Our  Support  for  Local  Single  Payer  Organizations  through  improved  educational  materials,  webinars,  national  actions  for  local  groups  to  plug  into,  and  trainings.  HCN  plans  to  overhaul  and  update  its  educational  materials  focused  on  policy  and  organizing,  and  launch  the  "Everybody  InStitute"  -­‐  inspired  by  Labor  Notes's  Troublemaker  Schools  -­‐  a  series  of  regional  trainings  and  webinars.

3)  Seize  National  Organizing  Opportunities.  HCN  will  focus  on  plugging  local  groups  into  the  national  fights  around  health  care,  making  certain  that  the  ACA  and  fights  to  preserve  public  and  private  health  insurance    serve  as  opportunities  to  grow  our  movement!

Healthcare-NOW!’s Quarterly Newsletter on the Healthcare Justice Movement

H.R. 676 Reintroduced in Congress

On  February  14  -­‐  Valentine's  Day  -­‐  Rep.  John  Conyers  of  Michigan  reintroduced  HR676,  The  Expanded  and  Improved  Medicare  for  All  Act,  with  37  original  co-­‐sponsors.

Organizing Picks Up In The States!

State  single  payer  groups  across  the  country  took  action  early  this  year  -­‐  reintroducing  state  single  payer  legislation,  or  joining  the  movement  to  expand  Medicaid.  See  updates  from  just  a  few  of  these  actions  here!

www.Healthcare-Now.org Issue No. 1 - Spring 2013

Healthcare-NOW! Strategic Planning and Board Meeting in January 2013

Strategic  Planning  for  2013!

Medicare Under Attack

With  sequestration  going  into  effect  and  the  “grand  bargain”  looming,  Congress  is  likely  to  push  further  Medicare  cuts,  with  Rep.  Paul  Ryan  (WI)  trying  to  turn  Medicare  into  voucher  programs  and  extend  retirement  until  67,  can  anything  save  Medicare  but  single  payer  reform?

Page 2: Healthcare-NOW! Newsletter - March 2013

H E A L T H C A R E - N O W !

Healthcare-NOW! - 215-732-2131 - [email protected] - 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 2

Can  We  Save  Medicare  Without  Single  Payer  Reform?  2013  is  starting  off  as  the  year  of  Congressional  deadlock  as  Democrats  and  Republicans  have  reached  impasses  on  extending  the  debt  ceiling  and  how  (or  whether)  to  address  the  federal  deficit,  leading  to  the  automatic  across-­‐the-­‐board  cuts  known  as  "sequestration."  At  the  heart  of  these  fiscal  debates  is  the  growing  cost  of  our  public  health  insurance  programs,  Medicare  and  Medicaid,  and  how  to  sustain  these  programs  -­‐  who  is  right  on  Medicare  Reform:  Republicans?  Democrats?  Or  neither?

Although  Medicare  is  the  only  publicly  financed,  universal  health  plan  in  the  United  States  (for  Seniors  65  and  over),  Medicare  is  not  truly  a  single  payer  plan  –  it  is  just  one  public  payer  among  many  payers,  and  it  does  not  simplify  or  reduce  the  administrative  costs  for  providers.

In  a  December,  2012  article  David  Himmelstein  and  Steffie  Woolhandler  compared  the  growth  in  health  care  spending  under  U.S.  Medicare  with  seniors  in  Canada.  Medicare  spending  in  the  U.S.  has  grown  at  almost  three  times  the  rate  of  spending  for  seniors  in  Canada!  The  U.S.  could  have  saved  over  $2  trillion  with  single  payer  cost  growth!

Republican  leadership  wants  to  shift  costs  onto  seniors  and  their  families  by  raising  the  retirement  age  to  67  or  replacing  Medicare  with  vouchers  towards  the  purchase  of  private  health  insurance,  which  would  drive  millions  of  seniors  into  poverty.  Neither  party’s  leadership  has  yet  embraced  the  one  proven  way  of  controlling  Medicare’s  costs  and  guaranteeing  access  to  care  for  the  next  generation  of  seniors:  single-­‐payer,  expanded  &  improved  Medicare  for  All!

Benjamin Day - Director of Organizing

California  Single  Payer  Rally  Dramatizes  Death  by  Uninsurance  With  Caskets

On  February  11  a  large  coalition  of  single-­‐payer  organizations  in  California  descended  on  Sacramento  for  a  lobby  day.  Large  black  

caskets  were  laid  out  on  the  Capitol  lawn  to  symbolize  45,000  deaths  due  to  lack  of  insurance.

Healthcare-­‐NOW!  Affiliate  Updates

Health  Care  for  All  Texas  and  the  Houston  Area  Medicaid  Expansion  Coalition  organized  a  rally  in  Austin  on  March  5  demanding  that  Governor  Perry  accept  federal  funds  to  expand  Medicaid  to  2  million  uninsured  Texans.  Find  out  more  at  HealthCareForAllTexas.org.

State  single  payer  legislation  has  been  filed  in  New  York  with  currently  73  sponsors  in  the  Assembly  and  8  sponsors  in  the  Senate.

Health  Care  for  All  Pennsylvania  on  March  5  released  an  economic  impact  study  for  single  payer  in  Pennsylvania.  The  study  shows  that  the  state  could  save  $17  billion  annually.  Find  out  more  at  HealthCare4AllPA.org.

Healthcare-­‐NOW!  Maryland  hosted  its  annual  meeting  on  March  4th,  featuring  Dr.  Walter  Tsou  as  keynote  speaker.  Find  out  more  at  MDSinglePayer.org.

Health  Care  for  All  Minnesota's  lobby  day  hit  the  Capitol  on  Feb.  12.  HCAMn  is  rebuilding  and  reenergizing  their  coalition!  Find  out  more  at  HCAMN.org.

Your  state  update  not  included  here?  Email  us  at  info@healthcare-­‐now.org!

Major  Rally  in  Salem,  OR  for  Single-­‐Payer  Universal  Healthcare

By  Health  Care  for  All  Oregon  -­‐  

An  estimated  1,000  Oregonians  arrived  in  buses  and  car  pools  from  across  the  state  to  greet  their  legislators  on  the  Capitol  steps  on  Monday,  Feb.  4,  the  first  day  of  the  2013  legislative  session.  Nine  buses  brought  health  care  advocates  from  as  far  

away  as  LaGrande,  Prineville,  and  Ashland  and  the  Coast,  as  well  as  from  Corvallis,  Eugene  and  Portland.  

Find  out  more  at  HCAO.org.

Divestment  Campaign  for  Health  Care  Investigates  Holdings  by  TIAA-­‐CREF

By  Sandy  Fox  -­‐

Healthcare-­‐NOW!  and  Physicians  for  a  National  Health  Program,  began  a  committee  in  2010  to  look  at  divestment  from  for-­‐profit  health  insurance  companies.

As  a  participant  in  TIAA-­‐CREF  funds,  the  nation’s  largest  pension  fund,  I  decided  to  investigate  their  holdings  in  the  “socially  responsible”  stock  option.  I  wanted  to  make  sure  that  health  insurance  companies  were  not  included  in  this  fund.  I  was  very  disturbed  to  discover  that  CREF-­‐Social  Choice  included  holdings  in  Aetna,  CIGNA,  Coventry  Health  Care,  Humana,  and  WellPoint.

Find  out  more  at  HealthCareNotWealthcare.us.

Don’t  See  Your  Rep.  on  This  List  of  HR  676  Cosponsors?  

Call  Them!  866-­‐220-­‐0044

Reps  Christensen  [VI],  Chu  [CA-­‐27],  Clarke  [NY-­‐9],  Clay  [MO-­‐1],  Cohen  [TN-­‐9],  Cummings  [MD-­‐7],  Doyle  [PA-­‐14],  Edwards  [MD-­‐4],  Ellison  [MN-­‐5],  Rep  Engel  [NY-­‐16],  Farr  [CA-­‐20],  Green  [TX-­‐9],  Grijalva  [AZ-­‐3],  Gutierrez  [IL-­‐4],  Holt  [NJ-­‐12],  Honda  [CA-­‐17],  Huffman  [CA-­‐2],  Johnson  [TX-­‐30],  Johnson  [GA-­‐4],  Lee  [CA-­‐13],  Lewis  [GA-­‐5],  Lofgren  [CA-­‐19],  McDermott  [WA-­‐7],  McGovern  [MA-­‐2],  Miller  [CA-­‐11],  Moore  [WI-­‐4],  Nadler  [NY-­‐10],  Nolan  [MN-­‐8],  Norton  [DC],  Pingree  [ME-­‐1],  Pocan  [WI-­‐2],  Rangel  [NY-­‐13],  Roybal-­‐Allard  [CA-­‐40],  Rush  [IL-­‐1],  Schakowsky  [IL-­‐9],  Scott  [VA-­‐3],  Takano  [CA-­‐41],  Welch  [VT],  Wilson  [FL-­‐24],  and  Yarmuth  [KY-­‐3].

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