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STAYING SUN-SAFEIt’s More Than Sunscreen

PILATES...The Next Step



Live Younger Longer / Age Proactively / Ensuring Good Health For Life


Trying to Prevent Disease DOThe Cause of Aging

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PublisherMauricio Portillo

Editor in ChiefClaudia Portillo Del Valle

Marketing DirectorArnaldo Del Valle

Copy EditorLora Incardona

Website DirectorHealthy Media

Graphic DesignHealthy Media

Contributing WritersRoselind H Bardisa, DOJulio E. Arias Viaud, MDGuillermo Lazo MDS Murthy Badiga, MD, FACGRobert S. Tan, MD, MBARitu Goel, MDConsuelo Camarillo de Gonzalez, Lic. AcFrances ChamberlainLora Incardona, M.Ed.Andreea MacoveiciucMaria Luisa Salcines Rubel ShellyCarlos Jaramillo

Social Media DirectorFaride Del Valle

COVER Photography: Gala Ricote

Hair Stylist: Orlando Lopez Bliss Intoxicating Beauty At South MiamiManicurist: Mairym RamirezBliss Intoxicating Beauty At South MiamiMake up: Natasha Gross

healthy magazine is a free monthly publication. All contents are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent from the publisher. The material in this magazine is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments. healthy magazine and its contributors accept no responsibility for inaccuracies, and the advertiser is solely responsible for ad content and holds publisher harmless from any error.

[email protected] S. Dixie Highway, Unit 315Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH 305-395-4554www.HealthyMagazine.com


Here we are at the beginning of the second half of the year, yet it seems like only yesterday that we were ushering in 2014.

This summer, as my friends go on their vacations to relieve the stresses of work, I have to say that I am so thankful that I get to work at something I enjoy. The opportunity to interview so many positive individuals who want to improve the health of our community is exciting. Loving what I do makes my work more like play.

Putting together this publication each month, which, as we always say, has been designed with you in mind, is a lot of fun for us, mostly because we are excited about sharing and spreading information that helps you and your loved ones lead healthy lives. It is our hope that you capture the message of our magazine and make the daily decision to step forward on a path of health that will only lead you to a healthier body, mind and soul.

Are you ready for a doctor who treats the whole body, not just what’s ailing you? Meet Rosalind H. Bardisa, DO. Dr. Bardisa takes a unique approach when treating her patients, taking into account many facets of their lifestyles so she can get to the root of the problem. We are pleased that we are able to introduce her to you this month.

Of the many things I learned this year, the most important is that nobody can decide for you how far you can or can’t go when it comes to striving for your goals. So, my readers, I pass on to you this advice: set your own goals and decide for yourself how far you can go. No matter what, though, keep moving forward.

May you have a wonderful July and make the choice to be part of something great this month. Give and the reward will change you forever. May your glass always be half full.

Enjoy life. Be healthy.

[email protected]

Claudia Portillo Editor in Chief

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[email protected] | 1430 South DIxie Hwy, suite 315, Coral Gables, Fl 33146 | PH 305-395-4554 | www.HealthyMagazine.com













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Allergic rhinitis is a very common medical condition that affects between 20 and 40 million people in the United States. Although allergic rhinitis is not a life-threatening condition, complications can occur and can significantly affect quality of life. In children, allergic rhinitis has a prevalence of up to 40%, making it the most common chronic disease during childhood. It has been noted in the last 30 years that its frequency has been steadily increasing. Of the children who suffer from this condition, approximately 40% are diagnosed by age six.

In allergic rhinitis, the body, in a process called sensitization, mistakenly identifies a harmless airborne particle as something harmful. During this process, the body starts producing antibodies against these particles. The next time the body is exposed to these airborne particles, the antibodies recognize them and signal the immune system to release chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals are responsible for the signs and symptoms present during an allergic rhinitis exacerbation.

There are several risk factors that have been associated with the development of allergic rhinitis. Children who suffer from other forms of allergies (asthma, eczema) have a threefold greater risk of developing a second component. Also, it has been observed that children with a family history of allergies on both sides generally have symptoms before puberty, while children with a family history on only one side present symptoms later in life or not at all. Children exposed to cigarette smoke during their first year of life have an increased incidence of allergic rhinitis, and boys are more often affected than girls.

Once a child is exposed to certain airborne substances (tree, grass or weed pollens, mold spores. pet dander, dust mites. cockroaches), a variety of signs and symptoms will occur. Among these are sneezing, sniffing, nasal itching, snorting, coughing and nasal congestion. Also, itchy eyes and postnasal drip can be present. It is important at this stage that all of these symptoms are

Allergic Rhinitis

adequately treated, otherwise they can lead to other problems. Sinus infections ear infections, and asthma flare ups are all potential complications of inadequately treated allergies.

Several tests have been developed to help physicians evaluate allergic rhinitis. One of them is the skin prick test, during which small amounts of material that can trigger allergies are pricked into the skin. The skin is then monitored for signs of an allergic reaction. A raised bump at the test location will occur if there are allergies. Another way to evaluate for allergic rhinitis is through the allergy blood test (RAST test). This test evaluates the body’s response to a specific allergen. The test measures the amount of allergy-causing antibodies, known as immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, in the patient’s bloodstream.

Once a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis has been made, a physician has several treatment options. Among the most commonly prescribed are the following:

• ANTIHISTAMINES: These medications can help with itching, sneezing and runny nose but have less effect on congestion. They act by blocking histamine, a particle responsible for the symptoms during an allergic reaction.

• NASAL CORTICOSTEROIDS: These nasal sprays are effective in preventing and treating nasal inflammation, nasal itching and runny nose. For most people, nasal corticosteroids are a safe long-term treatment.

• DECONGESTANTS: These medications work by causing vasoconstriction in the nasal mucous membrane, stopping nasal congestion.

• LEUKOTRIENE MODIFIERS: These medications act by blocking the action of leukotrienes (immune system particles that cause allergy symptoms).

Another important aspect for adequate control of allergic rhinitis symptoms is to limit the exposure to allergens.

By Julio E. Arias Viaud, MD


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Surround Yourself with TERRIFIC PEOPLE

Maria Luisa Salcines is a freelance writer, and certified parent educator with The International Network for Children and Families in Redirecting Children’s Behavior and Redirecting for a Cooperative Classroom. Follow her on Twitter @PowerOfFamily or contact her at her Web site at www.redirectingchildrenrgv.org.

By Maria Luisa Salcines

There are people who have an aura of positive energy around them. These terrific people can be an indispensable source of joy.

Life is too short and, because of family commitments and work, you often don’t have enough time to spend with those

you love. Why, then, spend it with people who steal your joy instead of bring you peace?

In her book Attracting Terrific People, Lillian Glass, PhD, writes about how important it is to surround yourself

with terrific people. She describes terrific people as people who will listen to your ideas, involve you in their lives and praise you to others. These people are honest and always seem to bring out the best in you.

I believe in the effect of positive energy, and when we surround ourselves with people who don’t care about us or people who aren’t positive, it changes us.

We will all have to live through difficult times. We will all, at one time or another, have to make

difficult decisions. However, when we choose to get through those times positively and we learn

to deal with situations in a constructive way, it changes our outlook towards problems.

There are many negative people in this world, people who never have anything nice to say about anyone or

anything unless it involves something they have done. They look forward to problems and enjoy confrontation.

These same people often blame luck for the things that happen to them. They often wonder why they are not in a lasting relationship or why they always seem to attract the wrong kind of person.

How can we attract terrific people? We have to learn how to be terrific ourselves. We need to learn to be genuinely happy for those around us. We need to be thoughtful towards others. We need to listen to people and care about their problems.

A good friend doesn’t keep tabs on how many favors he exchanges with those around him. A terrific person does things not only because it will help someone else but because living a good life means sharing and making others happy.

Terrific people don’t have time to waste their energy on passing judgment. It is more important to respect the people that you are involved with and concentrate on the positive things they contribute to the relationship.

Learn to take pleasure in the success of others and never envy anyone. It is a big world out there and there are plenty of opportunities for everyone. Instead of wasting your time envying your friends and colleagues, rejoice in their victories.

Always encourage people around you to do their best. When we believe in others, we also learn how to believe in ourselves.

Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and be a good friend. Good people form meaningful relationships and they know how to appreciate the terrific people in their lives.

Be a terrific person, raise a terrific family and life will be terrific!


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The number of children being diagnosed with ADHD has

increased tremendously in recent years. Physicians are

inclined to treat the condition with medicines, and parents

and children are advised to accept the situation; however,

many parents are not satisfied with this approach so are

seeking more natural forms of treatment. A crucial factor

in naturally treating ADHD is to find out if your child suffers

from magnesium deficiency and correcting that deficiency

if it does exist.

ROLE OF MAGNESIUM IN CALMING HYPERACTIVITYMagnesium is utilized to facilitate the movement of messages and nerve signals throughout the body. It also assists in the relaxation of the mind and body and calming of the nervous system, an important function in those suffering from hyperactivity disorders. Children with hyperactivity disorders tend to behave calmly if their bodies are calm and relaxed. When the levels are optimal, thinking is clear and concentration is better. When magnesium levels are low, a person may experience muscle twitches and spasms.

Magnesium also plays an important role in the synthesis of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter responsible for providing a feeling of calmness and well-being. When the levels of serotonin are low, a person may feel symptoms of moodiness, irritability and depression.

CHILDREN ARE AT AN INCREASED RISK OF DEVELOPING MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCYThere are a number of factors that make today’s children more prone to develop a magnesium deficiency. The two important factors are stress and poor diet and nutrition.

Stress as a factor of magnesium deficiency: The stressors in a child’s life can range from maintaining body image to doing well in school to facing peer pressure to performing well in athletic competitions. The capability to deal with stress is decreased in children with ADHD. Stress brings with it adrenaline rushes, and stress and adrenaline both force the body to utilize magnesium. This happens because hormones, such as adrenaline, require magnesium. Moreover, because magnesium is also used to calm and relax the nervous system, the more stressed a child is, the more magnesium the body uses.

Poor diet and nutrition: Compared to earlier generations, today’s children eat more processed, sugary and additive-filled refined foods that lack a sufficient amount of magnesium. Moreover, such foods stress and

tire the nervous system, thereby requiring more magnesium to relax it. Changing your child’s diet to a healthier and more balanced one as a

means to ensure that it contains a sufficient quantity of magnesium and does not deprive the body of this important mineral is something to consider.

Talk with your child’s physician and other health professionals to determine if magnesium

deficiency could be playing a role in your child’s ADHD symptoms.

By Dr. Ritu Goel


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TWO Kinds of People

Depending on which of those responses is closer to your own, you reveal a lot about your personality. Pessimists have a harder time with life than optimists. They have more health problems. They encounter more relationship difficulties. They are more prone to destructive behaviors such as alcohol abuse.

On the other hand, studies by psychologists show optimistic souls lead longer, healthier lives than their gloomy peers. One study, whose results I read in the press, followed about 1,000 men and women through a decade of their lives. Those who were “very optimistic” had a 55 percent lower risk of death from all causes and a 23 percent lower risk of heart-related death.

Optimistic people are more physically active. They drink and smoke less. They exhibit greater self-respect. They enhance the morale of people around them. They value relationships with family and friends and do a better job maintaining them. They cope with stress differently and more effectively.

No, a leopard can’t change its spots. Some features of

By Rubel Shelly

human personality are part of the hand we get dealt at birth. And some people may need the benefit of counselors or medications that help many deal with anxiety or depression.

But you can change some things. Avoid negative people who complain and criticize; spend time instead with positive, nurturing souls. Walk 30 minutes a day on three or four days of the week; walk with eyes roaming the landscape for beauty around you. Look for ways to help as a team member at your workplace or church; a commitment to helping trumps a lot of critical, negative attitudes. Pray about things that upset you; put someone bigger than yourself in charge.

Learning to see the glass as half full rather than half empty has practical rewards for you, your family and your colleagues at work. No one but you can make the choice to see your world through different eyes.

A change in your perspective can change everything else in your world.

What is your typical reaction to the nightly news?

“I never watch it,” someone else says. “It’s just too depressing!” Granted. There are negative stories practically every evening. Stories about blood and gore tend to get prominent placement. What’s the newsroom creed? If it bleeds, it leads?

“Oh, I see those horrible stories too,” someone chimes in. “They remind me that my responsibility for the coming

day is to make someone’s world a little better. I can’t fix everything. But I can

make a difference somewhere.”

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BodyMind &Soul





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Everyone ages, but we have come to a time when we don’t have to accept aging as a fact of life. New trends in medicine are addressing the aging process and many people are finding ways to slow down their aging, prevent disease and live longer, healthier lives.

Roselind H. Bardisa, DO, at Bardisa Medical Center in Miami, advises her patients to be “proactive not reactive.” “For many years, medicine has been based on treating disease,” she said. “Now I’m trying to prevent disease—the cause of aging.”

In her practice, Dr. Bardisa uses extensive blood work and diagnostic tests to look at a patient’s hormone levels, nutrition and lifestyle. “After analyzing the results, I’ll propose a plan that helps the patient feel his or her best. For example, nutrition is a big umbrella that focuses on how a person eats, what she eats, how she exercises and sleeps, and the quality of sleep. When you sleep, your body produces hormones that recharge your body, so if you’re not sleeping, you’re not making what it takes to recharge your body, and this can have a huge impact on disease.”

Bardisa Medical Center focuses on a three-tiered practice: Regular medical staff that attend to issues like common illnesses, colds and blood pressure issues; The anti-aging component looks at these things in much greater detail and proposes solutions; And the weight-loss aspect usually involves some overlap of all three—general health, anti-aging and weight loss.

The aging of a cell at the molecular level is tied to hormone levels, Dr. Bardisa explained. In men, this is usually called andropause (decline in testosterone) and in women it is called menopause (decline in estrogen and progesterone). These declining hormone levels accelerate aging and impact a person’s quality of life. A careful analysis of hormone levels and other risk factors for aging allow Dr. Bardisa to reverse, or at least slow down, the aging process in her patients.

Dr. Bardisa was a personal trainer before attending medical school and was always interested in nutrition. “What people were eating didn’t make sense to me,” she said. “If they were eating what they told me they were eating, then they should have been losing weight. Behaviors like yo-yo dieting, fasting then binging, actually slow down your metabolism and those hormone imbalances that have resulted need to be addressed.”

“Research has looked at the alteration of hormones, especially due to diet and obesity,” Dr. Bardisa said. “American diets are high in genetically modified foods, high in fat, and high in chemicals and pesticides. We drink diet soda with artificial sugar and a bunch of chemicals that our bodies see as foreign. These kinds of food create an alteration of hormones and this cascade of changes slows down the body’s metabolism.”

One way that Dr. Bardisa addresses the imbalance of hormones is through injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to put the body in a false state of starvation. “The body is tricked,” she said. “It thinks it is pregnant. When that hormone [hCG] goes up, you start breaking down abnormal body fat. The body knows it doesn’t need a fat store, and, although you may ingest 500 to 700 calories, it feels like 1,800 to 3,000 calories.”

Typically, patients don’t go beyond four weeks with hCG. Beginning on week five, a maintenance diet, or Paleolithic diet, is generally recommended, which helps patients to maintain their new weight. hCG works with both men and women, and people generally lose one-half to one pound a day, for a total of 15 to 20 pounds over the course of the treatment. “With hCG you lose weight quickly and experience an alteration of hormones that fixes your metabolism,” Dr. Bardisa explained.

“Some people do hCG irresponsibly,” Dr. Bardisa said. “I do it with injections, the safest way, and then add supplements to optimize the weight loss.”

Patients at Bardisa Medical Center get a lot of one-on-one education, identifying the things they must change in their lives in order to keep aging at bay. In addition to weight loss and hormone alteration, another program offered by Dr. Bardisa is detoxification. This may be a short-term detox or a series of lifestyle changes that help the patient move towards a diet high in fruits, vegetables and grains, and low in refined sugars and fats.

“As a doctor of osteopathy, I look at the body as a whole and how each system interacts with another,” Dr. Bardisa said. “The spine and musculoskeletal system go through many changes in life as results of illness and stress. Keeping the body aligned and in balance is vital to staying healthy.”

Dr. Bardisa graduated from Florida International University in Miami and then earned her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. In addition, she completed the American Osteopathic Association Rotating Internship and Family Practice Residency at Palmetto General Hospital, Hialeah, Fla. Dr. Bardisa is Board Certified with the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians.

Dr. Bardisa held the position of Head Family Physician at Kendall Medical Center before becoming the director and owner of Bardisa Medical Center in 2009, which is located at 7374 SW 93rd Avenue, Suite 203, Miami. You can reach her office by calling 305-661-2002.



Trying to Prevent Disease DO,The Cause of AgingBy Frances Chamberlain

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For many years, medicine has been based on treating disease,” she said. “Now I’m trying to prevent disease—the cause of aging.

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By Guillermo Lazo, MD


The official start of summer is June 21, but guarding against sunburn or sun damage should be an everyday priority. Summer brings us outdoors more and, with that, more opportunities for sun damage. As an oncologist, I am all too familiar with the consequences of sun exposure. In fact, this year approximately 5,000 Texans will develop melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. That’s why it’s important to remember the easy steps you can take to stay sun-safe.

How does the sun cause damage? When skin is exposed to the sun, it absorbs UVA and UVB rays that create changes in skin cells. Often, these changes are temporary: the skin tans, burns or freckles. In the long term, these changes can have a lasting impact—wrinkles, premature aging and skin cancer, including melanoma.

People with darker skin tones may not burn as easily as those with fairer skin but this does not prevent long-term sun damage. Everyone can benefit from sun protection. Here’s how:

THINK OLIVER. When it comes to sunscreen, remember the classic Dickens character’s famous request: More, please! Use sunscreen—generously—with at least 30 SPF and reapply at least every two hours. If you’re sweating a lot or swimming, use sweat- or water-resistant sunscreen and reapply more often, every 40 to 80 minutes.

DRESS FOR [SKIN SAFETY] SUCCESS. Sun protection is not just for the beach or pool. The Florida sun shines brightly everywhere so it’s important to dress properly. Wear long pants and shirt sleeves whenever possible—loose-fitting, breathable fabrics are cooler in the Florida heat.

STAY AHEAD OF SUN DAMAGE. Protect your scalp, ears and face with a wide-brimmed hat and shield your eyes with sunglasses. Skin cancer can develop on the scalp and in the folds of the ear, where it may be more difficult to detect. Eyes also can be damaged by UV rays. Corneas can get sunburned like skin, resulting in temporary blindness. Longer term, eyes damaged by UV rays can develop cataracts and possibly eye cancer. Buy sunglasses that protect against UVA and UVB rays and make sure that they’re comfortable and that you like the style so you’ll be more likely to wear them.

DON’T GO TO BED. This is the one time to offer this advice to your children and anyone else. Here we’re referring to tanning beds. A golden brown tan is not worth the risks that come from exposure to additional UV rays from tanning beds.

Despite awareness of sun dangers, skin cancer remains common. Fortunately, the most prevalent forms of skin cancer often are the most treatable. When caught at the earliest stages, basal and squamous cell skin cancers usually can be treated with outpatient procedures. More serious forms of skin cancer, like melanoma, are rarer but still often curable in its earliest stages.

There’s no overstating the importance of head to toe protection when it comes to sun exposure. The consequences of complacency about skin safety can last long after your stinging, peeling sunburned skin returns to what is “normal.” The inconveniences of basic prevention steps (pardon the pun) pale in comparison to the serious risk of too much sun exposure.

STAYING SUN-SAFEIt’s More Than Sunscreen

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By S Murthy Badiga, MD, FACG

Lactose is a sugar

present in milk and milk

products. The small

intestine produces

a digestive enzyme

called lactase, which

is necessary to digest,

or break down, lactose

into simpler absorbable

forms of sugar, glucose

and galactose.


WHAT IS LACTOSE INTOLERANCE?Lactose intolerance is a group of symptoms, such as nausea, bloating, diarrhea and gas, that results after consuming milk or milk products. The symptoms typically occur 1/2 hour to 2 hours after the consumption of dairy. Lactose intolerance happens when there is a lack or reduced levels of lactase enzyme in the small intestine. In individuals with lactase deficiency, there is lactose maldigestion and malabsorption, i.e., lactose is neither digested nor absorbed in the small intestine, and undigested lactose passes to the colon (large intestine) where it is broken down by the bacteria producing liquid and gas. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of lactose consumed. In fact, many people with lactase deficiency are able to tolerate small amounts of lactose. While lactose intolerance is not dangerous, its can cause discomfort and distress.

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TYPES OF LACTASE DEFICIENCYThere are four types of lactase deficiency that can lead to lactose intolerance.

Primary lactase deficiency (also known as lactase non-persistence) is the most common type. In this condition, lactase production diminishes over time. This decline usually begins at about 2 years of age. Children with this type of deficiency may not have any symptoms until late adolescence or adulthood. This appears to be genetically inherited.

Secondary lactase deficiency results from injury to the small intestine such as infection, disease, trauma or surgery. Luckily, the lactose intolerance in this situation is often temporary and the symptoms improve as the intestine heals.

Developmental lactase deficiency may occur in premature infants. This condition typically lasts only for a short time after birth.

Congenital lactase deficiency is extremely rare where in the small intestine produces little or no lactase from birth. This is a genetically inherited disorder that causes serious lactose intolerance.

WHO IS AFFECTED BY LACTOSE INTOLERANCE?An estimated 30 to 50 million Americans are thought to have some degree of lactose intolerance. The vast majority of those affected develop lactose intolerance over time as the body’s production of lactase declines. Certain racial and ethnic groups have more predilection for lactose intolerance: about 80% of African Americans, Jews, Mexicans and Native Americans are affected. The rate is even higher in Asians at about 90%. Only 15-20% of Caucasian Americans tend to be lactose intolerant. While there is evidence that lactose intolerance is diminishing, especially in some countries, worldwide about two-thirds are still affected by it.

HOW IS LACTOSE INTOLERANCE DIAGNOSED?The diagnosis is based on medical, family and diet history and a review of symptoms as well as physical examination and tests. Review of symptoms and their relation to foods consumed is very important in suspecting lactose intolerance; however, many conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease and other malabsorption disorders and inflammatory bowel disease, can cause similar symptoms. Physical examination is done to check for bloating, increased noise of the intestines and to exclude other more serious disorders.

Trial elimination of lactoseGenerally eliminating lactose products from the diet for a short period to see if the symptoms resolve themselves is a quick and inexpensive way to confirm the problem. When needed, specific tests can be ordered to provide more information.

Hydrogen breath test This test measures the amount of hydrogen in a person’s breath. In normal individuals, only a small amount of hydrogen is detectable in the breath; however, in those with lactose intolerance the undigested lactose produces high levels of hydrogen (due to bacterial break down of the milk sugar in the colon). By having the person consume a known amount of lactose and then obtaining serial breath samples (typically collected in a balloon type container), hydrogen levels are measured.

Stool acidity testUndigested lactose is fermented by the bacteria in the colon resulting in lactic acid and other fatty acids. Consequently the stool in lactose intolerant individuals is acidic after the consumption of lactose. The stool acidity test is utilized in infants and young children to detect lactose intolerance.

HOW IS LACTOSE INTOLERANCE MANAGED?Most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate some amount of lactose in their diet and do not need to eliminate milk or dairy products completely. Avoiding milk and milk products completely may keep people from getting their required amounts of calcium and vitamin D. There is individual variation of how much lactose one can tolerate. It depends on the amount of lactase enzyme produced and the amount of lactose that is consumed. Generally speaking, most people can tolerate at least 12 grams of lactose (1 cup of milk) in one sitting with no or minimal symptoms. They may be able to better tolerate lactose consumption with meals or in smaller amounts throughout the day.

Yogurt and cheesesMany with lactose intolerance can tolerate yogurt and hard cheeses as they contain less or little lactose (because lactose gets fermented in the process of making them). A 1.5-oz serving of low-fat hard cheese has less than one gram of lactose where as one cup of low-fat milk has 11-13 grams of lactose. Low-fat milk, though, cannot be substituted for regular milk for lactose intolerance purpose as it has the same lactose as regular milk, only the fat content is lower.

Lactose-free and lactose-reduced milk and milk products These are widely available in supermarkets. They are identical nutritionally to regular milk products and can be used in place of regular dairy by lactose intolerant individuals.

Lactase productsLactase tablets or drops can be used when milk products are consumed to help digest the lactose. These are not suitable for young children or pregnant and breast feeding women.

Non-dairy milk and milk productsThere is a wide variety of plant-based milk and milk products available in the marketplace including soy milk, almond milk, hazelnut milk and coconut milk. Generally there is less calcium and vitamin D in these products and one should look for products that are fortified.

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Did you know that your body is 70% water? I was discussing the im-portance of proper hydration with a friend and was explaining that, indeed, the water percentage of all our organs is extremely high. The human brain is about 80% water and blood is 83% water. Muscles have a high content of water as well, which accounts for 76% of their mass and water makes up 70% of the lungs.

“So if I stop drinking, I’ll weigh less,” my friend said. On the contrary, if you want to stay or get slim, you have to increase your water intake because water actually helps you lose weight.

Water does not burn fat; that’s true, but it does support weight loss through a series of mechanisms. Did you know that the sensations of hunger and thirst are controlled by the same area of the brain? The hypothalamus, which connects the nervous and endocrine sys-tems and ensures proper transmission of nervous signals between the brain and your glands and organs, is involved in controlling the sensations of hunger and thirst.

Get Slimmer by Drinking

MORE WATERWhen you’re not getting enough water, the hypothalamus can mistake thirst for hunger, thus make you overeat, when, in fact, you only need to drink some water to hydrate yourself. Therefore, staying properly hydrated can reduce hunger pangs and prevent your brain from getting confused, enabling you to control your cravings better and make healthier decisions regarding meals and snacks.

Drinking a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal can reduce the hunger sensation and fill your stomach so that you’ll feel full after eating a smaller amount of food. Needless to say, eating less fa-vors weight loss, although this is not the only reason for drinking enough water.


1. BETTER DIGESTION AND BOWEL MOVEMENTSWater helps to ensure better digestion and maintain healthy bow-el movements. Also, it contributes to the transportation of nutri-ents to cells and better nourished cells means an overall healthier body. Drinking enough water tends to prevent constipation and electrolyte disorders due to dehydration.

2. BETTER CONTROL OVER SUGAR CRAVINGSWhen your blood sugar levels vary too much, it’s harder to keep sugar cravings under control but proper hydration can stabilize your glycemia, contributing to healthier eating habits. By drinking enough water you can help maintain the right level of glucose in your bloodstream.

3. HEALTHIER APPETITEAs previously stated, the thirst sensation is processed in the same area of the brain as hunger. Not drinking enough fluids throughout the day can confuse your brain, making it believe that you’re hun-gry when you’re not, which is why staying hydrated contributes to a more controlled appetite, preventing excess consumption of food.

4. HEALTHIER AND STRONGER MUSCLES Muscles contain a high percentage of water and the storage of glycogen (used for long-term energy storage) in muscle fibers is strongly linked with water intake. Strong, healthy muscles burn fats more efficiently so if you’re struggling with excess weight and want to drop a few pounds without starving yourself, try to increase your water intake as well as your activity level.

5. BETTER FOCUS AND MOOD Overeating is often the result of boredom or mood changes. Drink-ing enough water keeps your brain healthy and your blood sugar levels stable, preventing moodiness, dizziness, brain fog, poor concentration, headaches and other similar problems that are of-ten triggered by dehydration.

Water also ensures healthy circulation and lymph flow, preventing swollen legs and puffiness, and helping your body flush out toxins in a more effective manner. Moreover, it keeps the body’s metabol-ic rate elevated and contributes to more efficient calorie burning.

Water doesn’t only make up 70% of our bodies; it also helps to keep it working as intended. Without a doubt, adequate water intake is crucial for maintaining a slim and healthy body.

According to the Institute of Medicine, the adequate fluid intake for men is about 13 cups per day, while for women it’s about nine. Although water remains the healthiest beverage, you can also opt for unsweetened tea or milk, as they also count as fluids.


By Andreea Macoveiciuc

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So here we are well into 2014, and it seems like the hot topic still is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). We often hear about TRT, as it is commonly called, in athletes but for the sake of this article we will address a much more prevalent issue: low testosterone in the average everyday guy. We know that as the male body ages, there is a drop in testosterone production of about 1% per year after age 30. Until recently this has been considered a “normal” part of aging. But is it normal or should we seek to restore those numbers to those of when we were 20? This is, indeed, the million dollar question. In order to talk meaningfully about testosterone replacement, we should first address this crucial hormone: what it does, why it is absolutely vital for men and women alike and what happens when there is a deficiency. Testosterone is a cholesterol-based steroid hormone that exerts its effects on the male body during his entire lifespan. At puberty, testosterone begins to affect the development of secondary sexual characteristics (i.e., masculine features). When measuring testosterone levels, it is important to realize that at least two numbers must be checked: free and total testosterone, so as to check which portion is bioavailable and which portion is bound to proteins. Testosterone levels are reported according to a range, with 300 nanograms per deciliter at the lower end and 1000-1200 nanograms per deciliter at the upper end of the range. The importance of these values is in relative terms based on the presence or absence of symptoms, such that there is no true consensus as to what the “ideal” number should be.

While there can be very diverse manifestations of low T, the most common cluster of symptoms revolves around manifestations of infertility, fatigue, decreased sexual function and/or desire, erectile

dysfunction (ED), hair changes, decreased muscle mass, increased fat accumulation, weight gain, mood changes, depression and decreased bone density, just to name a few. Clearly, each individual presents in different ways but certainly there exists that trend toward specific symptoms.

It must be said that if you suspect that you have low T, you should see a doctor who is comfortable handling this issue. Your healthcare provider should be willing to listen to you, to order the appropriate lab tests and, ultimately, to treat your problem if deemed appropriate. If you bring up your concerns and your doctor promptly dismisses them with the old “your hormones are fine” line, it is time to seek a different opinion. This, of course, does not mean that everyone should be on TRT but it does mean, though, that the possibility should be considered.

Remember also that there are dietary and lifestyle choices that can certainly put you on a path to hormonal recovery (think eating clean whole foods and high quality fats, getting plenty of rest and exercising appropriately) for starters. If you choose to go for TRT, remember that there are multiple delivery mechanisms: gels, injections, implantable pellets, among others. Each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages so this discussion should be entertained with your doctor.

While low T is still the subject of stigma, do NOT be afraid to bring it up to your doctor, as the solution to a seemingly insurmountable problem may be a lot simpler than you think!

Best as always,Dr J


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LIVE Better, Smarter, and Longer

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to Keep Your MARRIAGE hEALThY at Any Age

Smart Ways6

Love comes first, then comes marriage, then comes decades of time together strewn with a minefield of potential relationship wreckers. Here’s how to have a healthy relationship every step of the way:

1. WATCH YOUR WAISTLINENow that you’re married, you can finally relax and skip the gym, right? Wrong. Wedded couples tend to have fatter waistlines, which can spell trouble in terms of sexual attraction and general health. So unless you want “till death do us part” to include chronic health issues like heart disease and diabetes, it’s important to establish healthy eating habits early on.

2. HAVE A FINANCIAL PLANNearly 40% of married people admit to lying to their spouse about a purchase, according to a 2004 poll, and money woes can quickly send your marriage south. In fact, money is the number-one reason couples fight and relationships tend to suffer during poor economies. You should discuss and agree upon some hard financial ground rules, preferably before you tie the knot.

Don’t fret if you’re a spendthrift and your partner pinches pennies. You don’t have to have the exact same philosophy about money; however, financial issues are best to resolve early on. You want to decide who is going to pay the bills, how much discretionary spending is reasonable and how you’re going to keep track of it all.

3. FIGURE OUT YOUR FAMILY RULESPeople often don’t realize that they come into a marriage with an idea of how a family works based on their own family—whether they got along or not. You can end up fighting over trivial things but those issues can add up to big problems, particularly if children enter the picture.

You and your partner may have vastly different ideas about how a child should be cared for and what constitutes family together time. If one of you is working, should the other partner get up with the

baby at night, or should you take turns? Is it important for you to sit down to dinner as a family every night? You need to figure out how you can live together happily while each maintaining your own sense of self.

4. MAKE SEX A PRIORITY—BUT NOT A CHOREWhile you should make sex a priority, you shouldn’t pencil it in on your planner. If you schedule sex, it becomes a responsibility. The average married couple has sex 58 times per year, or slightly more than once a week. And a recent eight-year study found that 90% of couples experienced a decrease in marital satisfaction after the birth of their first child. But it doesn’t matter whether you’re having sex five times a week or five times a year—as long as both of you are happy.

5. BE FLEXIBLEWhatever financial and household arrangements you agreed to in your 20s or 30s, chances are they’re going to change at some point in your marriage, meaning couples are making some hard choices when it comes to both their careers and their checking accounts.

If the traditional breadwinner is laid off, the stay-at-home parent may need to head back into the workforce. Conversely, if you become a stay-at-home partner—due to choice or circumstance—expect to do more of the shopping, cleaning and other chores that make a household run smoothly. Having an open discussion of how household duties need to change can help couples weather some tough transitions.

6. STAY ACTIVE AS YOU AGE Pick up a life sport that you can enjoy together for decades to come, like golf, tennis or hiking. You don’t need to be seriously sweating to reap the benefits of regular exercise. Experts say that moderate exercise is enough to help stave off heart disease and other ailments.

By Mauricio Portillo


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Since the earliest of recorded histories, people have theorized about the function and meaning of dreams. Answers came largely from the spirit world until Aristotle and Plato developed the drive related hypothesis. This hypothesis defines dreaming as a way to act out unconscious desires in a safe or “unreal” setting. But even in the 21st century we still are not sure why we dream. The only way to study dreams is to ask the dreamer. However, one thing we know for sure is that dreaming is something that the vast majority of humans do every night of their lives.

In 1953 Eugene Aserinsky, a graduate student in physiology, and Nathaniel Kleitman, PhD, chair of physiology at the University of Chicago, discovered the phenomenon of rapid eye movement (REM). Study participants who were awakened during REM sleep invariably recalled bizarre and vivid dreams. If awakened while eyes were motionless (non-REM sleep), participants rarely recalled dreaming. Before the REM discovery, most scientists believed that the brain was essentially inactive during sleep. The Chicago researchers proved that the brain is indeed active during sleep, a finding that helped establish the sleep science discipline, which has led to the diagnosis and treatment of 84 known or suspected sleep disorders.

A few years after the REM discovery, Michel Jouvet, MD, of Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France, recognized that brain activity during REM sleep resembles that of wakefulness. He called REM “paradoxical sleep” because of the fact that such cognitive activity is accompanied by muscular paralysis. He referred to non-REM sleep, a time of reduced brain activation, as “quiet sleep,” in which there is no muscular inhibition.

In a pioneering study conducted by William C. Dement, MD, PhD, in 1960, the psychological effects of REM deprivation were discovered by waking subjects just as they began dreaming. Dr. Dement observed increased tension, anxiety and irritability among his subjects along with difficulty concentrating, an increase in appetite with consequent weight gain, lack of motor coordination, feelings of emptiness and depersonalization, and hallucinatory tendencies. The results of this study clearly indicate that dreaming has profound importance and that dream deprivation can have very serious consequences.

But even with these discoveries, the question of why we dream remains unanswered. Some researchers think that dreaming might have evolved for physiological reasons. There is a great deal of neuronal activity occurring while we sleep, especially in REM, and it has been suggested that dreams may just be a meaningless by-product of this biological function. Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, believes that dreams are the mechanism whereby the brain incorporates memories, solves problems and deals with emotions. In this way, she maintains, dreams are essential for our emotional health.

In spite of our attempts to demystify the phenomenon of dreaming, human beings simply have not yet come close to answering the question “Why do we dream?” For now, we will have to be content with simply enjoying the show our brain puts on for us each night.


National Sleep FoundationModified by Lora Incardona

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Cigarette smoking is a habit that is difficult to let go because as soon as nicotine is introduced to the human body dependency and tolerance take hold, instigating the deadly habit. In addition, cigarette smoking is considered the key to the vulnerability of addiction to other recreational substances like marijuana, cocaine or heroin. Smoking is acknowledged as a step toward lung cancer, especially if it is a long-term habit, due to the internal acidity that tobacco causes, throwing the human body out of balance.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2011, 43.8 million people or 19% of all adults in the US smoke cigarettes. Tobacco smoking is more common with males than with females and it is the leading cause of preventable death in US. If this trend continues, smoking will kill 1 in every 6 people in 2030.

Acupuncture, along with other modalities like hypnosis and good nutrition, can help patients to extend their lifespan by helping individuals who are ready to quit smoking but have not been able to succeed or who do not want to use other nicotine delivery systems.

Acupuncture works by stimulating the release of endorphins and other brain chemicals to ease symptoms like the jitters, irritability and restlessness and by blotting out nicotine cravings due to nicotine withdrawal. Acupuncture treatment

also helps to relax and detoxify the body more efficiently.

The University of Oslo in Norway reported in one study that acupuncture treatment was found to significantly reduce the desire to light up. Also, subjects felt that cigarettes tasted worse than before treatment. Acupuncture treatment had actually made the taste of cigarettes disagreeable.

Acupuncture treatment is performed with five hair-thin needles shallowly inserted on the ears and body to assist patients who want to quit smoking. After treatment, patients leave the office with small pellets taped on the acupuncture points of the ears. This way, they can stimulate these same points when a craving occurs. Patients gently press the pellets to stimulate the points to calm and ameliorate the desire to smoke.

Usually acupuncture treatment is based on four to six sessions spaced apart–two the first week and then once a week for the remaining sessions. This will depend on each patient’s readiness for a new life. Some patients may have emotional attachments to quitting. The program can be modified to fit the needs of each individual.

There are many opportunities to help you achieve your goal to quit smoking through acupuncture treatment. Find a program that fits your lifestyle and leave smoking in the past.

By Consuelo Camarillo de Gonzalez, Lic. Ac


wITh AcupuncTure: A Good wAY To SAve Your LIfe


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With its popularity still high, Pilates classes and studios are available in every city and a range of ability levels make Pilates a great exercise option for everyone.

Some of the most important aspects of beginning any exercise regimen are finding the right trainer and location as well as making sure the regimen is compatible with your day-to-day activities so that you are more likely to be maintain your exercise efforts.

Due to the demand for Pilates instructors, there are many organizations that offer instructor certification. Most certified Pilates instructors have at least 600 hours of observation, exams and practice. Don’t hesitate to ask an instructor about his or her experience and certification. You may also want to inquire about the instructor’s insurance.


By Carlos Jaramillo

After hearing all the great reviews and amazing results, people across the nation are still sold on Pilates

FiTNEss & bEAuTY

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Consistency in the beginning is essential to learning Pilates. One attempt is not enough to truly make a decision about anything, much less a new exercise program. Making Pilates a reward or a break from a hectic day is a great way to motivate yourself to practice the exercise routinely.

The main difference between individual exercises and Pilates is that Pilates is non-impact and has little to no strain on the body, making it highly recommendable for those who have difficulty exercising due to an injury or osteoporosis. By focusing on using the body as a whole, Pilates is done mostly lying down and kneeling on the floor. When the body is moved, it is done is such a way that the abdominal wall protects the back from any kind of sprain. The workout is highly symmetrical, making sure that one side is not working harder than the other, which promotes strength, flexibility and a toned physique.

Pilates itself is a very well-organized and structured physical fitness system that contains both philosophical and theoretical foundations. It encourages total concentration (meaning participating mentally and physically) and listening to your body during the workout, which can help speed up results. Its main principles are as follows:

Concentration. This is the most important principle in Pilates. Pilates demands intense focus. Beginners are instructed to pay careful attention to their bodies, building on very small, delicate fundamental movements and controlled breathing.

Control. Joseph Pilates built his method on the idea of muscle control. Every movement is to be done with control so that the body is not thrown around during exercise.

Centering. Pilates uses the body in an evenly and balanced manner. All energy for Pilates exercises is said to begin from

the “powerhouse” (the abdomen, lower back, hips, and buttocks) and flow outward to the limbs.

Fluidity and Flow. A smooth shift from one exercise to another is expected so that there is a continuous flow throughout the program. Once precision has been achieved, the exercises are intended to flow within and into each other in order to build strength and stamina.

Alignment. Correct postural alignment of the skeletal structure is crucial, not only to get the best out of the exercise but to prevent injury.

Breath. Full and thorough inhalation and exhalation are a part of every Pilates exercise and should be done with concentration, control and precision. Proper and effective breathing not only oxygenates the muscles but reduces tension in the upper neck and shoulders.

For most participants, Pilates is safe enough to do every day and it is recommended that beginners do so in order to obtain the desired rhythm and develop consistency. Once comfortable with the movements, you may want to take advice from Joseph Pilates himself who said, “I recommend four times a week.” Sounds like sage advice.

Every movement is to be done with control, so the body is not thrown around during exercise.

Correct postural alignment of the skeletal structure is crucial to the practice of Pilates.

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We detoxify our bodies, why not our hair? Especially after the summer, hair has a tendency to be damaged due to the sun and chlorine build up, even product build up. O2 DETOX is a unique oxygen therapy that detoxifies the hair and scalp by removing all impurities. It is not just another hair treatment. Oxygen Detox is enhanced with natural jua extracts and joazeiro bark. The O2 DETOX combo defends the hair from the impurities and chemical residue present in damaging elements and styling products.

Nutrient Serum provides a complete transfusion of health and vitality to hair, delivering the finest and most powerful nutrient blend of coconut oil; karite butter; vitamins A, B, C and D; and a blend of anti-oxidant-rich strawberries, kiwis, cranberries, oranges and limes. All of these leave the hair soft and shiny.

Thermo Protector closes the cuticle, resulting in soft, shiny, healthy hair. It also defends the hair from harmful UV ray exposure and maintains moisture by providing a hydrophobic film around the hair shaft. The beauty is that it does not wash out after a one-time treatment, rather it lasts up to 20 shampoos. Thermo Protector is also recommended prior to a color service in order to enhance and add vibrancy to the hair color.

Those of us not detoxifying may find ourselves doing some Botox. Essence of Youth is a great treatment for someone who has had years of chemical processing and heat styling done to their hair. Similar to Botox and other cosmetic procedures, Essence of Youth promises to turn back the hair’s clock by smoothing away imperfections and removing damage accrued over the years. It contains collagen and other natural active ingredients that restore the hair’s elasticity and youthfulness by penetrating and filling in gaps in the hair shaft.

Treatment includes an anti-aging shampoo that removes residue from chemical processing, oxidation, pollution and styling products that clog the hair cuticles and prevent the absorption of nutrients. It is followed by Anti-Aging Collagen, which is an exclusive blend of exotic and powerful ingredients that penetrate the hair from cortex to cuticle, creating a structural lifting similar to Botox. The formulation generates collagen and elastin that rejuvenate the hair shaft.

The next step is Revitalist, which is an innovative formulation that utilizes the LunaMatrix system, an effective agent for restoring hair mass lost from aging and oxidation.

The final step is Defrizzing Serum, which creates a protective hydrophobic coat around the hair shaft, preserving the moisture inside the hair strands, leaving intense shine, moisture and extended strength.

This treatment lasts 2-3 months, depending on lifestyle and maintenance. This is also a progressive treatment, which means that the more often the treatment, the better the hair quality.

Who would benefit from these treatments? Anyone wanting to have healthy looking hair, no matter their hair type.

Can I do the treatments myself of should they be done by a professional? The products are sold only to licensed cosmetologist, so you need a professional to do the treatment.

Where can I have the treatment done? At Cosi Chic Blow Bar, Salon, & Spa. Call today for your appointment and have youthful hair tomorrow. Call us at 305-284-1095.


O2O2 is a unique oxygen therapy that detoxifies the hair and scalp. O2 releases oxygen that removes all toxins and impurities from the hair and scalp, followed by an infusion of nutrients and oils, resulting in healthy and luxurious hair.

ESSENCE OF YOUTHUtilizes the latest in Anti-aging technology to restore hair volume and reverse aging caused by damage. Essence of Youth is a damage reversal treatment that uses the anti-aging properties of collagen, elastin, and antioxidants to repair damaged hair and combat signs of aging, restoring hair’s youth, shine, and volume.

FiTNEss & bEAuTY

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coMMunITY evenTShm


Scleroderma Foundation Fundraiser


Benefits Southeast Florida Chapter.

Blue Martini - Town Center Mall

6000 Glades Rd., Boca Raton

For more information, email Ferne Robin

at [email protected]

or call 561-910-2583.

To register, go to www.scleroderma.org

Every Tuesday

Team Trinity-A Running Club for All


5K run/1.5-mile walk on the Venetian Causeway

Trinity Cathedral

464 NE 16th St., Miami

For more information, call 305- 374-3372.

Every 4th Wednesday

Parkinson’s Disease Caregiver Support Group

11:30am to 12:30pm

St. Matthews Episcopal Church

7410 Sunset Dr., Miami

For more information, call 305-243-2609.

Every 2nd/4th Friday

Dance Therapy for People with Parkinson’s Disease

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Dance and have fun with the ParkOptimists

Support Group.

St. Matthews Episcopal Church

7410 Sunset Dr., South Miami

For more information, call 305-243-2609.


Nike Training Club Live Class

Bring towel, water bottle and a friend

Macy’s Dadeland

7303 N. Kendall Dr., Miami

For more information, call 305-662-3400.


Tobacco-Free Workgroup

9:30am to 11:30am

Working for tobacco-free multi-unit dwellings,

restricting the sale of candy-flavored tobacco,

and in-school tobacco control

Beacon Center

8323 NW 12 St. Suite 212, Miami

For more information, call 305-278-0442.


Lecture on Kidney Disease


Signs, symptoms and treatment. A light dinner

will be provided.

North Shore Medical Center

1100 NW 95th St., Miami

For more information, call 800-984-3434.


Lecture on Pelvic Health


Lecture presented in English, followed by a

Q&A in English/Spanish. A light lunch served.

Coral Gables Hospital

3100 S. Douglas Rd., Coral Gables

For more information, call 305-445-8461.

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INGREDIENTS3 large pieces of

Chicken Breast

1 cup Vegenaise (dairy free,

gluten free, eggless and

cholesterol free)

3 tsp Chipotle Sauce

6 Sprouted Wheat


CHICKEN Chipotle Wrap

INSTRUCTIONS• Boil chicken

• Chop chicken into small cubes

• Wait 30 minutes until chicken cools

• Mix together vegenaise and chipotle sauce

• Add it to chicken and mix

• Add avocado and other veggies, if desired

• Spoon onto sprouted wheat tortilla and wrap

Makes 4 servings

By Major Health Food Stores

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August 30 2014

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