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Heathrow pods are go

Presentation by Fraser Brown, Managing Director Ultra Global PRT

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

To the doubters, the cynics, the sceptics

The Heathrow pod is open for business

To the planners, architects, developers, construction companies, financiers, politicians and environmentalists

The Heathrow pod is open for business

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

What do our passengers think of the pods?

• “Landed and used the very cool Heathrow pod – they’re even better to use – quicker, easier and greener that the buses to/from the car park”• “I love these things. Best airport transfer devices ever”• “Awesome sci-fi system”• “Pass on my thanks to the team who designed this and also very importantly, the person(s) at BAA who approved this bold leap. It’s absolutely commendable to take charge and move forwards with a new transport system”

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Other location’s issues

• Congestion• Space restrictions• Pollution problems • Capacity restrictions• Passenger Service Issues

Air Quality Management Area

These are the issues faced by other airports, cities, business parks, college & university campuses, and residential areas – which is where our next challenges lie

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

What has ultra achieved so far?

The Heathrow pod is up, running and since opening on 18 April, has carried nearly 200,000 passengers

Once full service was introduced on 7th May the Heathrow car park buses were removed from operation

Currently runs:22 hours weekdays20 hours Saturday21 hours Sunday

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

How many passenger journeys completed?

Average pod customer waiting time from journey request to start of journey is less than 34 seconds – compared to a 5-10 minute wait for a car park bus

Monthly Service Performance Figures: *May is from May 7th

TOTAL May* June July Aug Sept Oct to dateDays 178 25 30 31 31 30 14Hours of Operation 3448.75 538 648 667 670 645.75 280Total Number of Journeys (includes EVM) 240472 38955 42953 43711 42156 50895 21802Total Number of Passenger Journeys 100569 16533 17861 17892 17148 21695 9440Average rate of passenger journeys (/hour) 29.16 30.73 27.56 26.82 25.59 33.60 33.71

Service Availability (%) 98.55% 98.48% 97.31% 98.20% 98.97% 98.58% 99.75%

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

We’ve proved the benefits of a PRT system:

• ServicePredictabilityNo waitingReduced journey timesQSM

• EnvironmentReduced emissions NOX, CO2,

PM1050,000 bus trips per year eliminated

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Other benefits

• Land values and availability• Office rents• Reduction in traffic congestion• Staff productivity• Passenger experience• Sponsorship potential(vehicles and stations)• Advertising• Third party partnerships

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Next steps for Heathrow

• BAA to monitor operations, passenger numbers, reliability • Already much loved/established member of Heathrow transport offering• Conduct feasibility work for expansion to T1,2,& 3

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Onwards and upwards for ultra• Reliability demonstrated – learning curve surmounted• Next time round – installation faster, quicker, more cost effective• Exploring applications around the world with potential partners keen to deploy this innovative technology

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Next steps for PRT movement

• We are the proof that it can and does work and passengers love us

• PRT operators need to create - Awareness of the PRT option- System as a valid choice- Strong business case- Realistic & comparable costings- Credible companies that can provide and deliver

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

Heathrow pods are go!Any questions?

Ultra Global PRT – Heathrow pods are go

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