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  • 8/9/2019 Heaven Help Us


    Heaven Help Us.

    By Bryce Main.

    Copyright Bryce Main

  • 8/9/2019 Heaven Help Us



    Everything has to start somewhere...sometime...

    In the beginning, or so the story goes, when nothing was everywhere and

    existence hadnt yet been invented ...there was a thought. And the thought was...What


    What if... there was something more? More than simply nothing. More than

    just darkness and emptiness.

    Light, perhaps? And maybe some big round things, floating here and there,

    without bumping into each other.

    Suddenly there were blazing stars, each one bringing warmth to the light.

    Then came colourful planets with swirling gases and dodgy atmospheres.

    But the planets were cold and lifeless. So, after a few aeons, the thought

    looked at one planet in particular...and had an idea.

    Suddenly there was life. Very primitive and a bit gooey, but with distinct


    The thought looked down from high above on all its creations and was well

    please and quite motivated.

    In time, life developed and spread...and after a while even began paying taxes.

    But all too soon, life discovered curiosity...and began to ask difficult and

    uncomfortable questions.

    Some asked, Who are we?

    Others asked, What are we here for?

    A few sneaky and suspicious ones even had the nerve to ask, More to the

    point, who are you and what do you want?

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    Suddenly the thought had another, even more radical, idea. What if I was

    more than a thought? What if I had form and substance and could give them the

    answers they seek?

    So it became God. And for some unknown reason...male, a little on the old

    side, with a long, white beard.

    All life recognised him and promised to worship him for ever, mostly on

    Sundays... and never,EVER forget him.

    And thats when all the trouble started...

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    Chapter 1.

    Ok, said the Devil, you got me. What is it?

    That, my dear Lucy, said God, proudly holding up a fist-sized gem, is

    our passport to salvation!

    The two were sitting on sunloungers on a tropical island beach, complete with

    palm trees and scorching sunshine. Only it was as far from any beachor anywhere

    elseas Heaven was from Hell.

    Here and there, the deep blue sky was interrupted by small fluffy clouds...and

    the occasional squalking seabird divebombed the calm sea, fishing for lunch.

    God had a cool Helter Skelter Mixer in a frost-rimmed glass with an umbrella

    in one hand, and a gem the size of his fist in the other.

    He took a sip of his drink and tossed the gem at the Devil, who very nearly

    spilled his Double Miracle Mash ( with coconut slice ) all over his chest, as he caught

    the rock.

    Oh, well held, said God, saluting him with a raised glass.

    The Devil glared at him, put down his drink on the bamboo side table next to

    his lounger and looked closely at the sparkling rock, turning it over in his hand.

    Looks pretty much like a bloody great diamond with a teeny weeny black

    speck right in the middle of it to me, he said, almost dismissively. This why you

    yanked me here when I was just settling down to a nice nap?

    God frowned. I yanked you here, he said, because that thing youre holding

    will save our backsides one day.

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    Yeah, right, said the Devil, scornfully, tossing the gem into the air and

    trapping it with the catchers mitt that appeared on his right hand. Then, remembering

    that his companion had an uncanny knack of not only knowing all that was to come,

    but also arranging it in the first place, he added, who from?

    Mankind, said God.

    He sipped his drink, then reached under his lounger for a small bottle of extra-

    protective sun tan lotion. Unscrewing the top, he squeezed a blob onto his left palm,

    then rubbed it all over his face. Not that he needed to. But he had to admit that there

    was a certain primitive enjoyment in spreading the slippery substance over his skin.

    The Devil laughed and tossed the gem in the air again, this time a little higher.

    That lot?

    Oh you better believe it. Sure...right now theyre all split very nicely between

    the Godlovin and the Devilworshipers. But what happens when the balance gets

    tipped and they start worshipping me more than youor, worse still, you more than

    me? The thought made God momentarily frown.

    A sly gleam crept into the Devils eyes and his mind went into overdrive at the

    prospect of a terrifying, but exquisite, opportunity.

    Dont even think about it, said God, throwing him the lotion. Put some of

    this on. Your face is as red as a monkeys backside.

    Putting the crystal temporarily in his lap, resting on his bright red Bermuda

    shorts, the Devil shook the lotion bottle then proceeded to squeeze a blob onto his

    hands and from there onto his face.

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    What would you say if I told you that one day, all that carefully structured

    balance will start to disappear. Just drift away like smoke in the wind. Next thing you

    know theyll start believing they can do without us. What would you think


    The Devil, whose thoughts had been on monkeys backsides, stopped rubbing

    lotion furiously all over his face and turned to God. You think? he asked softly.

    God nodded his head. You missed a bit at the end of your nose, he said. The

    Devil quickly slapped some protection on the errant patch of naked skin and they both

    lay back on their loungers, looking at the sky, momentarily lost in thought. The Devil

    felt the weight of the crystal balancing on his naval and absent mindedly shifted it a

    couple of inches to the left. It sat there. Waiting.

    Like a portent of things to come, first one small cloudthen anotherthen a

    whole bunch of fluffy invaders arrived on the horizon and threatened to bring gloom

    into an otherwise uninterrupted blue sky.

    God shook his head sadly and a salty bead of sweat dropped off the end of his

    nose and onto his upper lip, before sliding into his mouth. He stared pointedly at the

    clouds, particularly the one nearest. It definitely looked a little more feisty, more

    daring than the others.

    The cloud, however, was feeling neither feisty nor particularly daring at all,

    given the fact that it was falling under the gaze of its creator. In fact the only reason it

    was there at all was that it was too small to argue with the much larger clouds behind


    Go on, they had said. See if you can drift over and find out whats going on

    down there. It might be something important.

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    The small cloud had tried, vainly, to explain that covert operations were not

    really its area of expertise. It was much better at strategic planning and working

    behind the scenes, it said. It was rubbish at this spying stuff, it said.

    How would you like a swift kick where the sun doesn't shine, they said

    And so it went, as slowly and inconspicuously as it could. A small, white blob,

    trying to blend in with the stark blue sky above it. Life as a dimensionally-challenged

    cloud really sucked, it thought.

    Down below, Gods gaze on the little cloud intensified. If you think for one

    second that you can just waltz over here and put the mockers on our day of rest and

    relaxation, youve got another think coming, you little squirt!

    HEYit was you who invited me! blurted the Devil, who sat upright on his

    lounger, confused and a little angry. He put a slightly oily left hand on the crystal,

    ready to hurl it at God, in self-defence of course, should the need arise.

    Oh, calm down, said God. I wasnt talking to you. He pointed to the little

    cloud which, by means of a clever series of zig-zag movements, had managed to

    sneak closer, and was now threatening to come between them and the warming rays

    of the sun.

    Youre talking to a cloud?

    God shrugged. Why not? I talk to everything. Animal, vegetable or mineral.

    In fact there isnt one thing or person that I havent had a good old chat to at some

    time or another. Its called being caring and friendly. Im a very caring and friendly

    kinda guy, in case you hadnt noticed. Maybe you could learn a thing or two.

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    The little cloud, meanwhile, began to feel decidedly brave and adventurous.

    So, it

    thought, this is what its like being an operative in the field. Forging ahead and

    paving the way for the rest of the guys to follow. Going behind enemy lines in the

    dead of.well okayin the bright blue of the day. I wonder if.

    Just then, Gods words of warning came wafting up to it from down below.

    Wellcome to think of it, they came more like from everywhere around, inside and

    out. It couldnt understand the meaning at first. Then, with a shattering clarity, it

    knew exactly what God had saidand, more to the point, who he had said it to.

    Suddenly, all its new-found heroism and gung-ho bravery seemed to count for

    nothing. If it could have shaken in abject fear it would have. Instead, it drifted a little

    from side to side very quickly which, for a small cloud, was as good a portrayal of

    terror as it got. It didnt even have enough water in its molecules to pee itself.

    Thats it, it thought. Im off! And, with a concerted effort, fuelled mostly

    by fear of imminent non-existence, it charged across the sky, putting as much empty

    space between its creator and the other blokeand the mass of large, ugly looking

    clouds behind it.

    BlimeyTinys done a runner! said a solid looking, puffed up, cumulus at

    the front of the pack. The whole cloud formation came to a dramatic and very

    shambolic halt in mid airapart from a little swaying amongst a few elderly and

    widespread members of the stratus clan.

    Maybe it knows something we dont! offered a smaller but quick-thinking

    cumulus, who was beginning to feel a little edgy.

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    After a bit of fast talking and a lot of mumbling, the general consensus of

    opinion was that Tiny was too valuable to be lost to the collective. With him gone,

    they would have to pick another unfortunate cloud to scout ahead. This generally

    involved a fair amount of bullying.

    Quick, after it! yelled someone from the rear. And, with a lot of pushing and

    shoving, bumping and nudging, the whole sea of cloud wheeled round and began to

    move off in the direction the little cloud had taken.

    Well, theres something you dont see every day, said the Devil, down


    And dont come back! growled God. At this, the clouds seemed to pick up

    speed and, like a sea of fluffy white cotton wool, disappeared over the horizon.

    Nowwhere was I said God which, for an all-knowing being, was a bit

    of an admission.

    You were at the them starting to think they could do without us bit, offered

    the Devil, helpfully.

    Aaah, yes, said God, smiling. Thats why I fixed up a bit of insurance.

    What do you mean insurance? asked the Devil.

    Before God could answer, there was a soft scuttling in the undergrowth behind

    them...and a strange looking feathered creature emerged, heading slowly for the

    waters edge.

    What the blue blazes is that? said the Devil, turning round and eyeing the

    creature at it walked awkwardly over the sand, fluffing its feathers and looking at

    them suspiciously.

    Oh, just something Im playing around with. New species. I call it a Rayce.

    But...but...its got three legs!

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    I know, said God, tugging at his beard. But you should see it run.

    Almost on cue, the Rayce decided to make a dash for the water. It hitched up

    its feathers, stuck its long neck out, gave a startled squeek and put its three legs into


    The legs were arranged like the wheels on a three-wheeled car. Two at the

    back, one at the front. As the back two dug into the sand, the front one (thicker and

    stronger than the other two) propelled it forwards and into the air. The rear two then

    took the brunt of the landing, and the whole cycle of motion started all over again. It

    looked ungainly, but the Devil had to admit there was a certain unique style to it. And

    it wasnt slow.

    Wow, exclaimed the Devil, clearly impressed, as the Rayce put on a spurt

    that propelled it into the waves and under them in a flash. It reappeared a moment

    later with a wriggling creature that looked like an overgrown black slug with four legs

    ending in flippered claws, stuffed half in and half out of its gaping hooked beak. The

    slug creature obviously had no desire to end up as a cold snack, so it was doing its

    level best to extricate itself.

    If you thinkthats impressive, said God, just watch this.

    The Rayce, thinking it had successfully nabbed its next meal, had

    unfortunately no idea of the consequences of its actions. As it relished the prospect of

    feasting on its fat, juicy catch, it failed to notice a small opening appear at what

    seemed to be the rear of the slug creature, which then proceeded to break wind. The

    effect was spectacular.

    On smelling the evacuated odour, it squawked in alarm, waded backwards a

    step or three out of the waves, and promptly collapsed in a heap on the sand,

    twitching and moaning.

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    The slug creature, having slid ungainly from the Rayces foaming beak and

    plopped onto the sand, grabbed its unfortunate and much larger ex-captor and

    proceeded to haul it, semi-conscious, towards the waters edge and into the sea, where

    both eventually disappeared under the waves.

    God turned and smiled at the Devil.

    Oh, I get it, said the Devil, with a penny-dropping look on his face. This is

    one of those damned metaphor things of yours. The slugs fart was its insurance,


    Gods smile grew wider. And thats ours, he said, nodding towards the

    crystal, which was still in the Devils left hand. Its called The Eye of God.

    Surprise, surprise, mumbled the Devil, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

    Hey, it wasnt my idea, said God, holding his hands up defensively.

    The Devil wasnt so sure. Okay, he sighed. What does the damned thing


    Its a warning device.

    The Devil sat up and stared at him, unblinking. Where did you get it? He

    was starting to feel the beginnings of bad news

    Well...you know Azriel?

    The Devils smile froze on his face and his eyes took on a thousand yard

    stare as he remembered only too clearly the dark angel. What...that maniac?

    God dismissed the comment. Hes just misunderstood, thats all.

    Hes just missing a few vital brain cells, thats all! said the Devil, making

    circles round his right temple with an index finger.

    Lucy... said God in a menacing tone.

    Im listening...Im listening!

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    Well Azriel has a cousin called Zaphir, and...

    Hes another weird one. A geek and a nutter rolled into one!

    Well, he might be a bit on the peculiar side, admitted God, but he knocked

    up The Eye Of Godin a couple of hours - and the damned thing works like a charm!

    And it doesnt need batteries or a plug of some sort? said the Devil, looking

    at the gem closer.

    Nope. Works all on its own. Damndest thing I ever saw.

    Okay, said the Devil, intrigued. Tell me what it does.

    See that dark spot in the middle of it? said God.

    The Devil brought the gem up close to his right eye and concentrated all his

    attention on the dark spot in the centre.

    Aaaaargh, he yelled, and dropped the gem onto the sand at his feet. The

    damned thing lookedat me!

    Yeah, said God, laughing. Did that to me, too. Azriel said we could have

    two trial runs. Youve just used up the last one.

    Its a bloody eye! said the Devil, looking at the crystal, which was staring

    up at him. Theres an eye...right in the middle. It opened its lid and looked right at

    me! The Devil felt a strange fuzzy sensation, coupled with a powerful urge to

    evacuate the contents of his stomach.

    Of course its an eye. Its The Eye of God. What did you expect it to look

    like...a nose?

    Of course not..but... spluttered the Devil. Looking at the gem sitting in the

    sand, staring up at him.

    Well pick it up, man...pick it up, said God.

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    The Devil reached down, picked up the gem and this time held it at arms


    Its still bloody looking at me, he said, alarmed and feeling queasy.

    The Eye of God, almost as if it could hear his words, closed itself slowly.

    The queasiness and fuzzy feeling began to disappear, much to the Devils relief. So

    its gonna save our bacon by staring at folk? asked the Devil.

    God downed the rest of his Helter Skelter Mixer in one large gulp. Well of

    course not! he said. Zaphir said as long as Mankind believed in us then the eye

    would be nothing more than a black blob in the middle of the gem.

    Then...when they started believing in technology more that it did in us... The

    Eye of Godwould open just like it did then. And it would stay open until someone

    called The One looked upon it. Then it would show them the way to get Mankind

    back on track and us back on top! I think.

    You think? asked the Devil, blinking, and wondering whether holding The

    Eye for any length of time would be bad for his health. Anyway...what the blue

    blazes is technology when its at home?

    God looked slightly unsure. Well its all very complicated, he said. But

    Zaphir mumbled something about steam engines and mobile phones.

    I think I need another drink, sighed the Devil. The glass on the table at his

    side miraculously refilled itself with another green, foul-smelling Double Miracle

    Mash, which, like God, he downed in one.

    So... he added, wiping a green drip off his lower lip. Where you gonna

    stash it?

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    Well first... said God, patting the box at his side on which his drink and

    cheese sandwiches were resting, ...first, I thought I might shove it inside this Ark

    thingy. Its only got a few bits and pieces in it...those ten stone tablets I told you about

    last week with the funny writing on them...and some spare underwear.

    Doesnt sound too secure, said the Devil, looking at the box suspiciously.

    Thats just what I thought, said God. Which is why Im going to stash it on

    Earthwith The Pope.

    Right! Emmmwhats a Pope?

    The head of the Catholic Church!

    Okay...whats a Catholic Church? asked the Devil, confused.

    Aaah...havent told you about Junior yet, have I? No matter. Take it from

    me...some time in the future Im going to have some offspring. And then a bit later in

    a place called The Vatican, some guy with a funny pointed hat will have billions of

    believers hanging on Juniors every word.

    Wow...thats a pretty powerful guy! said the Devil.

    Well, actually there will be lots of them, and the beautiful thing is, what they

    say goes. So, if they say you and I exist...then we do! No questions asked.

    Aha! said the Devil, holding up an index finger. What happens if the great

    unwashed start to stop believing?

    No problem said God. You see...these Pope people and all their friends will

    do absolutely anythingto stop that happening. Thats why theyre the perfect

    guardians ofThe Eye of God. Soon as that little eye pops open, theyll start running

    around like mad, looking forThe One, who can help bring all those non-believers

    back into the fold.

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    The Devil looked at the blue sky and folded his arms behind his head.

    So...where is this One?

    Zaphir cant remember, said God, almost apologetically. Oh, hes tried

    everything. Hypnosis...regression...the lot. But the fact is that the poor boy just plumb

    forgot who The One is...or will be!

    There was an awkward silence between them, during which the Devil

    scratched his stubby horns. So, what do we do now?

    Well, we cant do anything at the moment, said God, because The One

    wont become known until things start going wrong. That much Zaphir could

    remember! So well just have to sit tight until The Eye opens and we start losing our


    The Devil swung his legs over the side of the lounger and glared at God. You

    never said anything about losing our powers. That wasnt the deal. Fifty-fifty, you

    said. Split it right down the middle. Top half for you...bottom half for me. Everything

    in the middle fair game as long as it works out even in the endyou said!

    Yes. And I also said that the powers we have are dependent on the ability of

    Humanity to believe that we exist in the first place! And the moment they stop

    believing...we start the journey up the proverbial creek without a paddle!

    The Devil took another large gulp of the green stuff. Okay. So what do we do

    if, and when, they stop believing?

    Then, my friend, well have to help the poor souls out, said God. And I

    just happen to have a cunning plan.

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    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Brothers Carlos and Roberto loved their job. Clerical Monks in the Vaticans

    little-known Office of Historical Continuity, they were charged with what they were

    told was the single most important job in the whole of Christendom and maybe even

    in the history of the world.

    For generations, a few lucky Vatican servants had been the chosen guardians

    of a gem the size of a large fist. For the past 55 years the task had been theirs and

    theirs alone.

    Dont take your eyes off it for a second, said the ageing Cardinal David

    Carlotta, who had sat down with them on that joyous first day in his Vatican

    apartment all those years ago, and told them of their glorious and highly secret


    There are no two like you, he said, full of gravity and importance. The

    families of Castanada and Lupi have been chosen to be guardians of the single most

    important item in the whole of the Vaticans history.

    The brothers looked at each other, each wondering what could be so

    important... and why they hadnt heard of it before. He looked at them sternly, then

    stood. Come with me.

    Walking out through the door behind the old man, Carlos whispered to

    Roberto, You see! I knew we were destined for great things.

    After half an hours walking through endless corridors and down countless

    flights of stairs, the three arrived at the largest and oldest-looking wooden door Carlos

    and Roberto had ever seen.

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    The Cardinal reached out a bony fist and knocked twice on the dark, ancient

    wood. Nothing happened. He looked at the two young men, frowned, coughed and

    knocked twice again.

    Whats all the noise about, said a frail, croaky voice from the other side of

    the door and, after a jangling of keys and sliding of bolts, it opened to reveal possibly

    the oldest, most wrinkled and misshapen monk the two young men had ever seen.

    Good evening, Brother Dominic, said the Cardinal, almost reverentially.

    These are the next two.

    Thank God, said Monk, exhaustion written all over his face. Does that

    mean we can get a decent nights sleep now?

    It does, said the Cardinal, patting the old man on the shoulder.

    Bout time. Its been 74 years and I could do with a bit of a lie-in.

    The Cardinal gestured for the two young monks to enter the small, cell-like

    room, sparsely furnished with two old beds, one armchair and a small dining table

    with chair. Another uncomfortable-looking chair sat in front of a round table which

    held a glass box.

    In the armchair sat another equally ancient monk, snoring. At the sound of the

    trio entering the room, the second priest awoke with a start. Who are you?

    Thats not very hospitable, said Brother Dominic. Our times up. These are

    the lucky two who get to take over.

    He walked slowly over to his old companion and helped him to his feet,

    leaving the newcomers to watch as the pair painfully shuffled out of the room.

    My sons, said the Cardinal, gesturing to the glass box, what you see before

    you is nothing less than the most important item the Vatican possesses. The biggest

    discovery in the history of mankind.

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    What...more important than the holy cross? blurted Carlos, astonished.

    The Cardinal nodded slowly.

    The young men looked at each other.

    Roberto was the elder of the two and, as such, was in theory the more

    responsible and sensible. Tall and slender, he had a broad face, intelligent eyes and,

    some said, intelligent ears, too. More important than the sacred Arc or the Image of

    our Lord on that bit of cloth? he asked, softly.

    Hard to believe, but yes, even more important than those.

    Carlos gasped. He was the younger of the two and, in theory, the more easily

    led and headstrong. He was a slightly undersized member of the brown-robed

    bretheren, with jet black hair and a hook nose that made him look distinctly like a

    human-vulture hybrid.

    Holy shit of God, he blurted.

    If we had that, it would be even more important than that, too said the

    Cardinal. The Holy Father himself has deemed this so important and so secret that

    even though you will be its guardians from now on, you cannot know what it is.

    Its a crystal, said Carlos, shrugging his shoulders and wondering what the

    fuss was all about.

    Very observant, said the Cardinal. But its a lot more that just that.

    Roberto slapped Carlos on the back of the head. Slug! he hissed. It doesnt

    matter what it is. If Papa wants us to look after it till the ends of the earth, then thats

    just what we will do!

    Awww! the smaller monk hissed, and rubbed his head furiously.

    Roberto took the Cardinals hand and kissed the holy ring on his middle

    finger. I apologise for the rudeness and stupidity of my brother.

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    The Cardinals face darkened. This is your task. You will each, in turn,

    watch the crystal. You will not take your eyes off it. Not for a second. You can eat,

    sleep and rest in shifts. And you will do this until you are either relieved or...until the

    dark heart of the crystal changes shape.

    Pardon your Eminence, but what shape will it change into? asked Roberto,

    trying to imagine what wonders there were locked inside this mysterious gem.

    That I cannot say, said the Cardinal. But if it ever happens...the second it

    happens...you will press that button over there on the wall.

    He pointed to a red button on the wall next to the door.

    Is all that clear? he asked.

    What about eating and....you know....the other? enquired Carlos, almost too

    embarrassed to ask.

    Theres a kitchen through that door over there, for snacks and tea and

    coffee, said the Cardinal, pointing to a door on the far wall. Your meals will be

    brought to you every day. And as for the other if you look behind that screen over

    there, youll find another door. Open it and youll find the toilet, washbasin and

    shower. Any more questions?

    The two silently shook their heads.

    The Cardinal looked at them both for long seconds, then did something totally

    unexpected. He stepped forwards and hugged each one in turn, almost paternally,

    patting their backs softly.

    Then he crossed himself and walked out of the room, closing the door behind

    him, leaving the two young monks in a silence that clawed at them through their


    Ok....you first, said Carlos.

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    Bugger that for a lark. You take first watch!

    Carlos looked at his friend, smiled and sat down on the chair in front of the

    crystal. Six hours on, six hours off, he said. That ok with you?

    Peachy, said Roberto, settling down in the armchair and closing his eyes.

    Carlos looked at the black heart of the crystal and tried to clear his mind.

    Fifty five years later he screamed.

    Roberto leapt up from his sleep, upending the half-finished coffee sitting

    precariously on the arm of the chair. Whooooa.....

    Whatever word he was thinking of saying didnt even get the chance to finish

    itself off. He looked over to Carlos, who by now was up off the chair and pacing back

    and forth, stopping regularly to look at the crystal, muttering, shit repeatedly.

    Carlos looked at him. The damned thing looked at me!

    Roberto sighed, I think youve been looking at it for too long my friend.

    No...No... said Carlos, grabbing Robertos sleeve and dragging him over to

    the table. Now...you look at it and tell me what you see.

    Roberto, frowing, sat down in the chair and stared into the crystal. Holy

    Mother of God! he shouted. Is that an eye?

    Carlos crossed himself and looked upwards. Thank you God...thank you for

    keeping our minds clear for this moment. Thank you for choosing us to be the

    instruments of your miracle! He turned to Roberto. What the hell do we do now?

    The bell, said Roberto. Push the bell button!

    You push it...youre taller! exclaimed the younger monk. Im too small for

    that kind of responsibility. In fact he was too scared for that kind of responsibility.

    Roberto grunted, raced to the door and pushed the large red button on the box

    halfway up the wall.

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    Nothing happened.

    He pounded the button with his fist. Fine! Sit around for fifty five years


    for something we dont know anything about to happen and then when it does

    happen...we cant tell anyone!

    Suddenly, they became aware of running feet. Lots of them. The sound got

    closer and closer and then stopped outside the door. Then there was lots of gasping,

    coughing and wheezing.

    Roberto opened the door and was met by a crowd of monks, priests, nuns,

    cardinals, archbishops and assorted Vatican employees, all in various states of

    undress. A small, self-important looking, bespectacled priest at the front of the crowd

    looked at him and demanded: Well...wheres the fire?

    Fire? said Roberto, what fire?

    You heard the fire bell, didnt you? This is our gathering point. It has been

    for the last ten years. Dont tell me somebody set off the bloody fire alarm by


    There were groans from the crowd behind him and a very tall, half-dressed

    cleric hissed, If this is another one of your ruses, Father Scarpetta, and something

    funnys hapened to my poker hand when we get back, may you die of syphillis and go

    to hell!

    Fire alarm? What fire alarm? And who are you? said Roberto, looking at

    the small priest.

    Father David Munroe, Head Researcher for the office of Cardinal Alfredo

    Bonetti, Chief Vatican Historian, the priest said, rather pompously.

  • 8/9/2019 Heaven Help Us


    Well...Head Researcher, said Roberto, grabbing him by his arm and

    dragging him into the room, you come with me. The rest of you, stay there! He

    slammed the door closed and pulled the squealing, protesting priest over to the table

    with the crystal.

    Right, he said, pointing to the crystal. Weve been guarding this for the

    past fifty five years and now the damned things changed and we were told to ring

    that bell if it everdidchange and now it has and we rung the bell and we dont know

    what to do now. Okay?

    Munroe reached inside his pocket and took out a handkerchief. He took off his

    glasses, breathed on and wiped the lenses, put them back on again and looked closely

    at the crystal.

    He abruptly backed away, knocking over the chair and was only stopped from

    falling over by Roberto who caught him from behind.

    Oh, he said, a mixture of surprise and panic in his voice.

    Oh exactly! exclaimed Carlos. Oh as in ...Oh bugger what happens now?

    We dont know what the thing is or what it does. But weve been thinking about it for

    fifty five years and we think that you should at least call the Pope!

    Well...I know what it is, said the priest, gulping and beginning to turn a

    whiter shade of pale. And if we dont act really, really fast, were all up the creek!

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