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Welcome back to everyone for Term 3. Many students have told me about their holiday activities and are

refreshed and ready to enjoy all of the challenges planned for this semester.

It has been a very busy week with the Wakakirri and Snow Camp. Congratulations to everyone involved in

Tuesday night’s Wakakirri performance at the Frankston Cultural Centre. The judging panel deemed that the

FHPS team would receive the ‘Best School in Public’ award - this means that our students’ attitude, manners

and behaviour throughout the rehearsals and evening were terrific! A BIG thank you to Mrs Oke, Mrs

Theodore, Mrs Green, Miss Scott and Mrs Rolfe for all of their hard work leading up to the event and on the

night. So much goes on ’behind the scenes’ which should not be taken for granted, including the flexibility of

all staff with timetable changes, etc. Thank you also to all of the parents and teachers who were part of the

enthusiastic audience!

Our ‘Snow Campers’ will return tomorrow afternoon - many thanks to Mr Marsden for his commitment and


Monday afternoon also saw a number of parents keen to be part of the RACV Challenge, which will take

place during Term 4. Thank you to those who will be helping with the training at this stage.

Tomorrow is National Schools’ Tree Day — with fingers crossed for good weather! Mr Matthews has

organised for the students in years Prep to 4 to participate in some tree planting at Wallace Reserve. We’re

also hoping that the Mayor of Frankston will visit one of the groups during the morning.

Approximately 40 families will be randomly selected to complete the 2014 Parent Opinion Survey next week.

The survey will be sent home on Monday and we would appreciate it if all forms could be completed and

returned to the school office by Friday 1st August.

Godetevi la settimana! Gill Higgins Acting Principal

Friday, 25th July National School’s Tree Day

Monday, 28th Finance Meeting 6:30pm

School Council Meeting 7:00pm

Friday, 1st August Ready, Set, Prep—Session 1


Saturday, 16th Trivia Night

Monday, 18th Curriculum Day

(Pupil free)






hold a Pension Card/Health Care Card valid as at

14th July and you did NOT receive EMA in term

1 (at our school), you may be eligible to apply for

EMA for the 2nd instalment of 2014. If you are

unsure, please contact Maria for further details.


July 24th 2014 Newsletter 10


Kate L

Sarayah A

Jordan G

Anastasia P

Jocelyn W

Layla G

Harry L

Elodie R

Summah G

Rein F

Kodie H

Timmy Y

Sienna G

Tayah B

Brooke W

Tea G

Oskar H

Nash McI-VG

Alexis C

Aidan A

Caitlin R

Alexander N-K

Corbin C

Welcome back to term three everyone !!! It’s another busy and eventful term ahead for all of us. Hats off and congratulations to our wonderful Wakakirri troupe and all the staff and parents who assisted. Ably led by Mrs. Oke and Mrs. Theodore our students were awarded one of only three awards on the night , that being “ Best School in Public” - what an achievement !!! We are very proud of you all and are all eagerly awaiting the final results to see which schools progress to the next stage of Wakakirri. This Friday our school will be celebrating National Tree Day with a variety of school based activities including

our annual walk to Wallace Reserve for Prep to Year 4 students. At Wallace Reserve we will work, in conjunction with the Friends of Wallace Reserve committee to undertake further plantings—something that the school has now been associated with over a number of years. Parents are more than welcome to join our students on the walk to Wallace Reserve. Don’t forget that students may come out of uniform, wearing clothes appropriate for gardening and if possible in natural colours such as green or brown.

Don’t forget that our Ready, Set, Prep sessions begin next Friday 1st August from 8.30a.m. —10.00a.m. We are currently accepting enrolments for next year at all levels so if you have not enrolled your child for 2015 please make enquiries at the office. It has been brought to my attention that we have a number of students who are being dropped at school very early in the mornings. Please remember that staff are not on duty until 8.45 and so your children are unsupervised if at school at these early hours. Our school offers before and after school care via Camp Australia. If you require further information please contact our office staff for a brochure. A reminder to all parents that our car park cannot cater for “drop off or pick up “ before and after school. Parking is for staff only unless prior arrangement has been sought .

We have heard from our Mt. Buller snow camp staff and all are having a fantastic time. It was a very early start on Wednesday but I know this is all forgotten when they hit the slopes. More photos and stories in upcoming newsletters. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and hug a tree for National Tree Day!!!

Carole Gagiero - Assistant Principal

Please note new price

of special lunch.

Thank you :)

Orders due

Wednesday 30th


CANTEEN NEWS: Friday 1st August Special Lunch:

Chow Mein With Noodles

& Cookie

& Nudie Juice

(apple, tropical or apple & blackcurrant)


Thank you for your support, Linda Eames Canteen Manager


Congratulations to the following students who received a Success Award for the weeks:

13th JUNE 20th JUNE 27th JUNE

PB: Bella TW PB: Olivia D PB: Wynter B

PS: Anthony T PS: Hayley W PS: Harper R

1/2G: Christopher P 1/2G: Taylah M 1/2G: Sienna D

1/2H: Ceyda C 1/2H: Kaitlyn S 1/2H: Ryen C

1/2P: Monica N 1/2P: Ruby C 1/2P: Ruby C

1/2T: N/A 1/2T: Alex D 1/2T: Joshua M

3/4M: N/A 3/4M: N/A 3/4M: Steph B

3/4R: N/A 3/4R: Kian S 3/4R: Teysha O-R

3/4S: N/A 3/4S: Alan J 3/4S: Tyler P

5/6B: Olivia P 5/6B: Sam M 5/6B: Brooke W

5/6K: Brielle S 5/6K: Dane E 5/6K: Andrew P



Congratulations to Anthony H, Harlan P and Ash W who received the award for “Being terrific, happy and friendly”,

“Keeping the yard clean” and “Caring for others” !


RITCHIES COMMUNITY BENEFITS. Our school received $124.17 from the Ritchies IGA Community Benefits program in

July. Thank you to our supporters of this program. If you would like a card which benefits our school please see Krystal in the


CHOCOLATES—we have some extra chocolate boxes at the office. If you would like one to sell please see Krystal or Nicole in the


Students in the Junior Homestead have been making their

own clocks as part of our numeracy curriculum. Students

were able to design any shaped clocked and decorate using

any colour scheme. As you can see there were some very

imaginative students. The clocks have and are being used as

resources in the classroom. Teachers have been using them

to teach analogue and digital time.

What’s the Time?What’s the Time?What’s the Time?

The Junior Homestead has moved on from poetry and into

comic strip writing. Students have been reading some

examples from the internet and in the library to help them

design their own stories. There has been a big focus on using

different types of punctuation and also the font of their

writing. Students have been designing their own characters

and speech bubbles.

This is the daily Garfield comic available at www.garfield.com/comic

Creative Comic StripsCreative Comic StripsCreative Comic Strips

Cancer Council Australia has been leading the fight against cancer for 75 years. As a non-profit organisation, they rely on people’s generosity to help raise funds for world-class cancer

research, prevention programs and support services. Breakthroughs in research lead to new and better ways to

prevent cancer, detect it earlier and treat it more effectively. Our school would like to help raise money for this important

cause by holding a Purple Day on

FRIDAY, 8th AUGUST Wear something purple (Purple is the colour of Relay For Life to show support for the Cancer Council and people affected

by cancer). Please bring a gold coin donation if you wear purple to

school. All money raised will be given to the Cancer Council.

Thank you, we hope you will support this important cause.

I can’t catch my breath. It’s hard to breathe. My breathing may sound funny, it may be a bit noisy (wheezing)

or it may sound like a whistle. Sometimes it may feel like someone is squeezing my chest really

tightly. I may cough a lot. Sometimes more at night or after sport. My throat may feel itchy.

My Blue puffer. This is also called a reliever. The medicine in my

reliever quickly makes it easier for me to breathe. I use my puffer with a Spacer. It helps to get more medicine into

my lungs.

Kids with


A new speech pathology private practice specialising in paediatric/adolescent language, speech,

fluency (stuttering) and pragmatics (social skills).

Clinic, home and school visits available.

For further information please contact Roula on 0430220067

or via email [email protected]

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