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Page 1: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

';1 I

, !

~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday in Har­He\.'. A. F. Wiuff officiat('d

sf'fvic('s BunnI was CIt the lot in II~rlan.

. I \~c~no:'ip~n :t4n~

cstab~~~!t~~css d . racing. weed plq.dlCation a ing wndcr swc9t clover.

J".lrml·r-; (anU IIri,)

Ul)der t~c ajricUItUrClI comwjl.w- A)thfJll;::h tion rkogram, armcrs ali'C cncof- :::u,,~frl":?" "o"nS agf'd and helpe in ca:rrying ,out ~ c " .. b '"" "'''"I,iP\'lne vanoUs app~VCd conscrvatl n lafq v'i1uatl cornm>s",nn'cc< pracHiccs. As istance is jn the took 'tlm(' form of mate iaIS', services i d mccting, financial aid. Technical comm t.... at"ld mpet tees made up of special1is1 ;fr. m • ) tlOn experiment s ,:;tllons, e, ensl!l I' -Wa!lne Herrtlrl Stalf I hot" [J service, state partments f ~tl- , f f \\" ' I for cultune soil c nservatioh ~Crvl¢{" ng iq the college pO(j.d i:-. one of the most p()pular. eatures () arne s sum-farmelr~ home administraU,?n ai;ld program. Standin,g at the back are t\-\'G of tl1c In~tn.~ctor~, Mrs. EJgar Lee I tl(ln othe'1 review nd help w~lte th


l ( Shirley Davis. ~Wimming for 8 to l1-year-ylds IS at 9 8:.m. ,!,ues~ars [WOUJd Sen"e speciqca tlOns or arrprovcd prac- . 'Y ddt th t f I

tlces.: <i aY$ for boys, and l\ ondays and f: nes ays ill e same lme or gIl'S. In respon:oc Far~er-el(,c~d committoes a}l-I 12 tu 18 swim from "it to ~ p.m. Mondays and 7:30 to ~:00 p.m. ThrlfEdays. (·prnmg thf'

I~tler the: rogram in all l~(· ---- .".:.---. -~-- -- - - ---- --_ .. - thc IO(':I~ipn

~~::~~:'::.~:'~(~~~~~it~,"hetel v. Peterson Meets With GOP ~!;~;~::;~e 1l0~rts citc~ three reasons f~l' .!ollu!hC'f1st part I

the Orogram: I _ _4 --- _. __ ~_L ____ ,.-------- - ('ontlr.u(t

w:;~~ t con;;'~~a~~~~d) f\'tS~'~g~~~11 S PetlOtlOODS I Soil Conservation Map Strategy t\7i~~t'~~;~TnC~' Food-producing land. is limlte*,

pdpulation is ~.ncreasmg and s Jl B ... lal"d ,r acancies !t:~~ \\~? ~~;)~~ill:an must be saved ow, Assistance u - N S h 1 '1' F El ctlOon der the ACP p ogram has provqd ew C 00 i or e "Those farmers 'he' ""1'

[f' f !t'ng O"'cill' in Auuust nt'ed " road he", ,.,pver had " ~~~ :;~~~de c~~, ~v~a7i~~. 0 ge J I ~ ~ j , d h ~ 'tl d j

I A It Ion i$- j,Plng Cirf'ul<Jled In \Vd}nC county n·i!'uLlwan-., met ~,")mO(c> r,-,nl~('~t:oj.y ~~T s:a~'I(t fils:; S('cdmd - Rc, ponsibility for con- II' ' T' I d I f tl rt . . Hr .1 .., '- <' q <'l

1(' schou! district calling "0 )Odl m~mJCrS () lejH.1 the au IturJum In yylne;lue haveR. throUihlroadfoSioU:O;C!ty Ss'~~~~~ l~u~!I~i l~atn~veV;;~~~ ~~= I fur. clection on July :W, to Wayne couqty ,'soll .conservatlOn Tuesday) c\TnlnF tu outlinc plane; from thiS area" and y a throu41--t ...... I t a ~34l()O(J bond is- boaqd will he elected III Atlgust to for the coming campaign. About rofld we m(>8n a fa~ and slralgt"lt Paenn'ldeSvOeryn,~~~ s r~~ldC~a~! ~tl~h~QJie I a nC'w school buJld- fill the four-year ter~5 of Bernard 123 wcrc prc~cnt <:It the dillner road. I'l. road $traig t cast frotn

" the one des! n,ycd hy Spllltgcrbcr a!)d Ed McQuIstan, mcctlng. Wayne:" I ,', in the rc\.:;ponsi\Jility of prot~cti g 1 . \Vhl h expire thti; )'car .. the present anti future food , , . , , . , Cl' I GoVernor V'll Peterson wits .th(' lhlf'f "p,ok('sr)1an fM !h(' \'i~ltl~h plies. Through the ACP II school hrts u.('<!J-~.d y.onc m HIt' C:O!1 n

!} •. ~)- /c principal spr'A.kE?r of the pvcnmJ;:. (1t'lq~arlnn was' Joe IDeckf'nhauf!r'. ers and produc~rs share . ennl . In tht, Shnl(g !1 r,m nated by alpctJ,tton Clrculal ~ discussing thp functIOn of poll I I,. '.Vho ndrt b('en qho.,en as chalrmd~l of the conser\la IOn I. the 1.'1' of bulld- m h s name ami If 2~ landowner~ cal pafrtws and the dut.ics of pO!Il!~ rJp l1\.-p<; On the prc~'nt hlgh'loq\ year that cost i , A delegatIOn sign tures arc $c(:ur~rI the name cal v.orkers No 33, ahout ""'SIX miles frqrn

son. The farm r to~ao~~~ r:.:,lt~ ;;f~~~~ ~::r b~~1~~ ~;wt~ ¥l?t~~r: ar~l~ All rcpuhllC'IO )(ounty OfCICI<'lI..t Wa}nc mil l\~lller th~ grou& 5 and llien-cO'ntr'1 uteS" . ' dC[J<:IrtITl(nt of publlc cou y extenSion offl e They mllsl c1nd rppuhllci:ln, cnndlrlat(>s. for S( crctctry 1 1

work ~.F Exa,mmatJOn of the be c reulatcd and re~rnCd to that counly offices \\{ rc IntrodU~(d, as j" III ::\e\er Agree~,.. • Third -- It's 'the most ('c nomi- rC\E:al('d that the offlrl by Ju.ly 20. \\ ere mcm~rs of the centra com-I "Thb group is org nIzed a:tld

cal way of getting the neede COI1l- hil~ nncr becn or- N1 tlce of the f!!lcctl n will appear mltt.e:C' J' Wledgf'd to stick tog ther,'- ~~:: servation work, done. Eraslpn, if as a consolidated In T e Herald for thr e weeks pre- Jean Eo) led the group m com-I enhAUPr told the c uf\tY" ~ let go, becomes I more expenSive ~o rl;lral high school cedi g the electlOn . mun,t.ty smglng "We \\ I'l ncvf'rlagre to a loe-correct with leach passing year. fact that a rural ]\lh Harold Griggs \\tl.S chalr- fmn of thf' hl~h~ay e say-leave Not only is thqre a bigger ,ob to Inc! \\as not Lreat- m<ln of the Methodist Lartl('S aHI the road where It IS ow." ,I.:

do but the soil'iost cannot be re- that thc Sholes rommllt('e In charge of serving' the (Jllo Hetthol/#. w resldes'ttl stored. I opcr,l1t' las bc10rc dlnn( r Jam('s Troutman of WIn- DI,\()~ rounty, ~Ilggested thiat ,{W(

excepllOn thaI no high SHip. f'x('eutlvP eommltt:('e member, 'l!ihOUld ]('a\'f' thr~a4 where it I, )Jf'ci!i could he taught. \\'<1" In charge of arrangements. now. -on thr, cqunt~ rine bc1Wf'f'n, Ranch Ow' nel'!' redistricting Law w,lI M~n for Robbelry Go"'rnor P,'terson ,'aypd OVlT' OIXon and Wayne Ie unltes-ha.,

.1.1 I be: Il1troduC'f'd <II the. next ~ ~ n-i).!;hl In W.l;rne TUf'srJ~y. He V15- dif'r for both counties to use ,t:' I of Ihe legIslature, which If ,I' . itf'd local friends Wednesday and ThiS hrought !rf'spo se fro", A~-Is Defendant would probat)ly ho! mclude ~nJlrc(' Norfulk me~, RGilc"':"t and SjJf:'nt part of the day at the col- (l1"on ... ,ho saId.: "Dix n founl'y al-

yC"t here has becn u c? G(o~ge McGullre of Wlsnu fllmj on in V('ntura. ta,

Ia.. . SUIt In dlstnct e~urt Fnday i-l.galflst t ~)~1: i

as a locatIOn fvr a high \-'lill am Foltz and Don SplCllng, If'gt' ready hriS two good e t td


Sholl'S IS Iiln article j U!s- labo at the state lJlnJtentlary In -" in WR.vnf' county w(' no ot ha~(' \\hah h~L" a thfecmcm- Lin' In by Judge Lly Pollock In ~~(,I"'(~haI1Ls I~~IHI 1-\ dec':nt {'ast *nd st nigmva)r.

It \\<.1" learned 1\\ClscntcneCd to a year of hard U' . , ~o<lds thrqugh lhat oun . WhIle

. ('qUJpmC'nt, as Cal Thompson f Naper uv.ner Of I no t,o prevent loss of the Whote Hors ranch

due to rIsmg coal PrJ es The plamHff harges that I May (siOn dlfflcultlCS, accordmg ito 1943 *(' and th deflendant e4erect 1 lee',

offiCials mto n agrcem nt whereby the It IS

l plamt if agrced to trade a whlte albinO litallion colt for a whl~e Must Pay marc to fool to be dehvered by thi"

High Tuitio ~~f~£a;~t :~ee J~;e~aa~~s c~~~~d~ that thr marc aras not in Coal. He claims Ihe rctur cd the marc to Thompsun, an alII c g e s that Thompson refuSed to return tht' stallIOn. I

The defendant is 1Sking $l:lPO the pUlrchase IJrhcc of the stallion plus $qoo lost lfll br eding services.

Thompson has un~il Aug. :2 to answer the charge. I

# ' I

Deadline Ex,ended For Veter4trys Cars Lincoln-Th~tJran8 Adminis­

tration Ihas annp.un~d that the deadlinq for ap~lica i<?n by certain seriously disabl¢d orld War II

~f~I~~<;a~*asfO;ccf~",~x~~td:d~i;eJt~~ 3D, 1949/

dn,d cohtLlJll!S jess than dlst ]('t court Friday ~ Wp <Ire f'ntitletj to! t least onl(> betwecn the ages of T e tllO had confcsse? In county 'W I ~ B k l .. to ti-lke care of he east amI law makos no pro\!' cou to robb,ng 'he r 15 er and f' ('Onle 00 () wpsI traffic 'trough ere that "'e

I;~~h ~~~~~~j~~f; ;;,mt ~a':ng:~~g: ~? ~1~~~m16 c:r~~ Ne\\ CO f1I er:-; I It'n' already have . I pos~lblc ~or the vo- \\<cr bound over to the dlstrlct (.iH" OtheJr Ar~um out tHe high school at cour for sentencmg Scveral other me bers of thK>

clcctlOn- Ju ge Pollock V.as nol satJsfl('d i'\hollt ~(j \V:tynf' m('~rhants ;:lrf'. d(']r-ga.tlon had~'argu .Il'nts to pn1-with Icstlmony given 1I1 district pR.rlwlpatJn!:?: In thr' Ch;.Jmber n.~ I spnt in f;wor 0 "lea mg our roarl COUll on Wednesday and asked the Comnlr-rcp "W('li-omr to Wayn~ whf'rp it is." ne ntioned the thre men to submit vuluntanly 10 hookld whl£'h l.:"(jf·S to pn'ss Ihls REA mf'ter statlion t 0 miles west a lie detector test which w~.s <ld-Iwr-ek. Tlw hook1!'!. tn 11(> prf',,('ntp.(~ qf W<lkefifld .. Anoth r en.thu~la"­mill! tun'd In Lmcoln. G~org(' to f'i'.lJch new fctmdy movln!::' hr-r('. IS !:w (](tll'g<!tc, BIl~ Mer r, said, ! You, nor 1hOfl and Sheriff lIaDs rlct- mark up or coupons good ff)r r('Jiows just wart ilia road to go g('n ook the men to Lincoln Thurs- sP('~i.cJ('d glJt" or doll;u trade re~ out past y,ou~ a.irpo .. day.~ . ductwns at local stO[('s. ... , Then/at timeJ;, seve:al del~gat~s

SI riff Tletgcn and Willard I Any business wanting to Jam In took the floor at the arne tIme sp al the B~('ssler and ?:.~~ ;;'~~h~~d~~e t1t;~~rS::~:~~ ~~~mb~~je~tffl~~o~~ls C~?::k~ ~~ ~~~~dt.hcir ar'f:ents ould not be

• 1\ ItlCS of Wayne's . I b ~ , I prdlf..::ram con~ Nor olk last 'Saturday mornmg, Chambr>r of Commercii' mem ers Aftf'r alJowing the heanng n PI",yglUlln"Un'PQrts l":dgar ~\7(~'~~~It q~?t,~ant\~~.ll~~ea~datb~~~I;IJ~t;JI;(~~/II~~~ to take par! in Ihe ~~rtn~rl:or~:tarlY ad ~~~an1h~

uf ttw proj~'et. J t' II I ot.ad '\ tIp' i< ,nrt,',n., ,tn"sc of o~U{~nlt ~A~:g~e~, "','-'r, ~! .. mPrPntin,",o' s,'n", dd,'so, said, "R~-Ie 1Il0,,:III,JO~~oa'lreyb'a"'II, U b II Tibbl b, ,

u h 'hen brought to the county la,' 10 Mrs, Marl a es nicmber, in ti;te,final eeisions,~ basketball. JPrcss- "V~ e to await prclunmary hear- • on1y recommend, here The hlg

just receivem a new ing i cotlnty court. Ha~ 99th Birthday I way men down I at L~coln deCld a Jumbr swir:

g t: I " • exactly ,where al road ~hall go." 'I

Mothers cluo. ~ A d Mh MarUI;) Tibhlr!'1 observed. 6 i league Tuesday Pr gram nnounce h0r 99th hirthday Fri~I<lY Hfter-IThp;(' DeJegat~on . d 'k

e round ro~n tourna- B d C t noon ;iI thp hom~ oC her daughter, (' ~en mel ded 1 'Tues ay r mf'ct Wil.yrlf' Poult ry I I ." ' W' h m in Qup-I AJb('rt .E,~hte kamp. ~. J. Mum· the eolle~'i faculty Fot an oncer :\1re , S, J, Hale: " I de ~"',on ,were~ ,

Auto's ~orjhall team I noun~ed by Director A. J. AI kins' (r. mna a,. an. .~s v~ "e.ood

Bory. PHuf H. Le . an .. Juhu "''''''''',u .. ,' Meyer's gara~e aggre- for t~c hand eOI)C('rt at 8" p.m. ~~<;I~~r"l;or Sfhf'e l~a~t 1W;;' y~ars. lfirchn€'r~ Herb Hi Iilenchs,

.opener. La~t Thurs- Tht' Collowing: program was an- h ,~r~ rl~hlcs dil.5 w 0 Ri!\ d in son., JOP n. Be enha er. Art~t~

020. At one tlme, COF- Fnd~y in Bressler parl{. , she ha's!livl'!d with Mrs. Half'. Scv- H. Jo~nSDf\, on, kenhauf'


I ~

a count of 20 to 1.. MI¥hty Monarch Imarch)., fal- th' h'ld I Itill living James.f\. Miller.! _ . teen-age dance Will be bolt· Dream of the Valley (serc- en a ef c I ren a"(J' sr' Cedn.c S.W1on, ilham If auditOrium ,at 8 p.m. nad~' Rosenkrans; Anniversary Gue~ts Friday afternoon to eele- Mf>ycr.i Errl}1 F. MiHe , LauTencd

Songl' (waltz), Chaplm, RCJgn of bratc the e\ent were Mrs Herman Han'l.od, Marvin Mpr man, Vcrrl Rhythm tmarchJ, 'Talhott. Rach- St('ube sr Mr al'1d Mrs Grorge L .. Crtrfjwt;j E ·est cker, 'RO

J man~off s. Second Con c; e r t 0 Wert. Mrs Mary Thompson. Mrs. Pierso"'. '-1liIf Munson. I Weldo

I I the e from tpc thud movetnentJ, A L Ircl:mrl, Mrs. Harry McMll- Niortpnsnn. I '~' Tge ourlJer~mmIatur(' tone po- Ian. Mr$ Walt'L.1.gc and Wlilard 'T. c. rU1tQn. <. W. tev,erls:, Ru.

"'lr .. I~ .. n"1> cQll'~Onnan Northl, ThIee Rmgs of ~aIT.pll. Jv1r aruLMt1'. Wilham w,IPh Roebqr. Le~and ernuiti, Dat! !mar h), WI] am Talbott, vocal I DeBlon11: of Des Momes. Mrs Har- l'ilhold. Bel) I Ho an. Alde and opular numbers to be select- I ry Bcck~er and chddren Coopera~ aekstrom,l L~ !I __ Me er, Martl

fl cd tJVe lunc~ was serjfEid. eYer, Reu,ben ¥ey~r. canning 'j i ~ Hennen Echrt't nl\am , jI'" Joh

I and vege- 11 JtQntlfcldt He' R.~"plte, Lev e,lub rooms I Le nard F. Boyce Ba.ler Issue$ a Pahlgren: ~aul Dahl en, W, II

afternoon at 2:30. • ~.. '....e H". I Eir1andsonl Ja~ oder rg, Jose

talk on tmc care of I Die In SIOUX Falls fall Jjor ouismg R. Erickson Ve on L, Selwltz, canner and home I , ' ,', ,.'.. I Victor Jofgl .Ot HeittioId

I Jet·e W. Boyce left fori Sioux, ' SlJ~t. I.Stuart $al1c::r of ~e Bred Meyer" ~.ard e.pe,'Er :F.aJls! ondayafterhearingofthe 8Yle City schools_thIS reck 15- v(ih, Browh. ld LejVe'DC

A I 1 sudde death of her ~rother"Lcon- sued c~lI for heJp., dharles It. ~ . ,r I ,,,,,_ulI"uu.J.'[; DnUa " ani . BoyCe, He ;(lied at 1:30 Be wei¢n Aug. 1 9nd 15 ~1.yo bi~h I 1 ~ II I I

~fliF'~'izatl~.~,,!~~, h I Mond y of heart tro~ble, Funeral school teachers wi\h faJmlJe~ will r,. . " .. ,"" k I .~ pay servi S were Wecfuesday after· alTiVf1U1 Wayne to take posltiO,nS IsslOqp.rl S'O a noon, II '1 ori ttl faculty fOI; the next school h 'h' fl hr· t I

demonstration sU~'vors are his wife arid son, tenn nd to date' housin!l faei-li- t C QIe p IS I at the Clty audi- MISS yce and another brother. ties ~I ve not been ouod for th~rn. I . I;' "j bJ 1 Becknlan

July 16, t'r aU 4-H j lEt rr houses or partments \\fl11 -1!,Ir. and i\lr~L 0 • lei

an~ th:~t~e::t~~~ DrlV~ExamlnatJ()~ be ~ ·sfactQry, ac ording t2Le~~ f'f:S~~~ ~ts ~ eWlih. ~ ';~I~r~I."'el!t t A trolman will be at the super~ntendent. wo says, bS sj;!;ak at'lfM ,C/J h'of c~ I , l:/,cour ouse to give drivers llcenselhelP.Liteep ourlse oo~ good Y WedneSdi'Ylatl P,m. , _

dernollstlrat:ions, exam nations Th~day afternoon, keepTf good trCh rs, I .' . ,! I , ',\" ' , \

I < I' \ • - I'j:- j::" - - \. , i '" I , ill. ~ ,',1 -':~ .II

Page 2: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

, ,

un~l. :'tIrf;. Cha bctg \vere Wednesday \'isitan; at thl!' -Mrs. Ea home.

Mrs. Bc\'oard' nied by :rvtrs. John Phyllis KiJ1lne~ to the 1 m6nt vVcdnes ay forenoon, enr~l!-lte to Scatlll', W' sh., for an indeiImte stay. i ,

i'llI'. and Mrs. <;;eorge Aistrope, MI'. and Mrs. pan Lamb, Mrs.] tie Harmen tiroVl' to o~ert e Fourth and enjoyed a pia ic , Chester Hc(l<l's, his child en and

I his brothers and sisters. Da:lc Tinstrnan, Mr. and !frs. Bo\-)

-=,*=1==#====1==9' I Busby camc from Linenl >SalL1~~ day 10 ~p('nd the Fourth with rela­rives hl'I'('. They returned to Lm­('oln MondilY, accompanied by Mt's. Tinstman, 'rommy aml Nar1('Y~ wltJo tlad visited at .,ltH' , HOYcfU, npCl'll honw till' past wt'ek. ItS(

IG.Mlir~~~c? S;)I~~S~~II~'j~f~t~~i~~ ~~~ Art Woiter home TueSdaY!'VCr'lmg v.,.·ith Mrs. ElIZ;.t!:wlh Zinn If Lara-

I mll', Wyo. iVlrs. lI~rnest SyfC' 'd, Mrs.

I ~·~~~·R~:(?1~{~~d{~,fd ~~:~·~t~~ ('Jf V~;;ll: sister, the laIc ':\1rs. Jahnda Utecht.

L1. nnd :\lrs Tuesday ctill'l"t"\onn Ylsltor:-1l al Roy Sllndcll hOlllt'.

1v)l'. and 11!'s. !{oy'Sundnll, Mry;. Dale Tinsl man. Tommy and Nancy wcre'among- those enjoying a pIcnic supper at. Ihe Morris Guslafso,n home \\/ cdl1('sduy l'v(,lllng. I

lVlr. H.nd ;\lrs. PhilliP H.!ng and l sons \'lsll('(l al till' Arnold Ander-' son home In \\'au,;a the Fourth.

Cln~~~'g alr;~~ ~11~~~!f~~,11~j~)~i<~I~d~knp~~~r;~ I dmnt'l' and SUjJlll'r al Ill(' llarry

, j(<l~ home in Wayn(' on Ill(' Fourt 11. .:')ill'. and .\lr;,. Frcd 11arl'lson

spqnl thf' F()ulth \\"Jlh Ill£' Paul Everingham's in 1\orfolk.

1\11'. and Mrs. G('orgc Ajsl rope', MI'. and Mr~. lJan LaOl\) and Mrs. U'ttie Harman \H're Wednc.sday C'v(lning vlsllors 'II Ihr' d.'h!jrk~s Heikes horne south of Wayne.

Itec Ann Larson of 1 lector,

~~r~n;ct~~;l~':~ii~~!d~tY ~~;~~:i~\~(~\~~~ tcnson.

Mrs. Roy Sundell, M

:'1 ,


LO\\'e 0"\pl<lined lhnt in DrCf'm­Iwl' !Inri January of this Yf'ar, thr VF\\' ('onrlucll'd ]lolls among \Vnrld War II' (Ix-servicemen jn vnv posts throughout Nebraska. "and Ihl} rrcord indicated that thps{' \'ctC'rans favor the anjustc(J

1 pay hy a 96 prrcf'nt m<'ljorily." DI'nrilJn(' for filing Ih(' petilions

was fixed <'It ~ pm., July], (nur months bdorf' th(' r]ecticrn dr-ile, Nm·.2. ]1 WC\9; ('slimaled that fivf' or six hUndrf'rl mOl'f' signC'rs would fW dl']I\'C'r'f'd Ire-fore 11ml timC'.· ,

Thr V}'\V honus bill propo<;('o, I thaI 01(' slal(' of Nehraska giv(' I adjusled pay tOo veterans based on ~10 pf'r monlh for domestic sf'rviCr and $15 pf'r month far foreign scrv!C'l' during \\lorlct \Var II. HowC'vef, LowC', <_ pointC'd out, "a mAximum of ~L50 por Vc>tf'ran for' sla\!esicie sen'ice and $3:)0 pc>r vct­eran [0]' foreign service has beon wrilt('n inlo our proposed bill."

To finance IhC' program, a fiv('­year period from ]949 10 1953 is proposf'd. During this time 10 raise Ow funds Ior the payment to the 1.10,000 Nebraska World vVar ]I v('{crans, a I hrcC' and a half mill fa"\: on r(,al property' \vould \)c ]evif'rl. Vr>iel'ans wou1n rp('cil'e thf'ir .qdjust('rl service pay in

A 'veterans' compensation 10 1)(' created ~y the bill would administ('rl'd hy the existing d~­partm£'nt of \'f'iC'rnns' affairs. al11d this office would hC' in chargf' pf t Iw 'progrnm, h(' f'xplainc'd. '

t SC'ouh to C!lmp

Chere Houdl'r.s}1C']dt, L fl N i ~ fl Woods ~lnd Shlt·lcy M~d)f'n l~ft Monday I.O~. end H \v(,pk.al Camp of the HI ,in Rioux City. Chl:'r(' will cC'lehrfl e h('r' 161h birthday whlil' at camp.

~ ,

Rogel', Douglas and Tommy Qon"I'nn.on I 7.wemk(', son."; of Mr. and Mrs. E.

C. Zwemke of Omaha arc spend­ing the \\"('ek with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Boh Merchant.




and use the Wererhaeuser 4-squ~ , Home Building Serv, ice at our offic .

This Service Iwas developed t

help you, obtain tnore dollar value in

: your home by b¥nging YOil the belt

designs of out~iandi,ng ~rchitectj. The Service features score~ o£ !1Om. designs complete with Boor plJUjs

and working <irfwrgs. Ask .to see fhe WeyerQaeus~r

4-Square Home j3uilding Service thie next time' you tOI)lF to ewe otli9l. . ,

~Q5 ~"'I

.1 I , 1

fdf'd clock and c~ldr chart. I The fo,od clock showed the importance o~ fruit, ve¥hjlblrs' and milk in

fh!'Yc~l~~:' mo~(~~~a~~:r};rhOc:~~ type and! complexion. . :

st~<\~~~1~Yo~I~~ti~:\'~U~fiJs~~~7; is the ,fjrst demonstration . year. The finished product was judged. Cookies, muffins, and choc­olate pudding made by "each mern-

Pne~ ~~se~~~:~~sc~~::;anntdj~~~~h~ er home Saturd ,Y . Joyce Volwiier, Janice Jenkins, of Mr. KrUegerS hirt

~~~s.N~nCY Ferris are new mem- ;;.;;;;;;·rn.g.;.-.~ ...... :.I11"''''.''~.iiOii.;~';:~ •••• ' •• '.i., .. Shipley Vlasak, Marlene Wil-

I: I :

~~~~'b~~~~~a~~s~)~t~~k ~~!~~ i =; "R I V E R,S I' ,0 E PA : . f~(~~~~e~~~~~~'i;ing day program j : ' .: N -I . ' : I '1', he next meet,'.ng. w. ,.Jil..be July 1=' . ORFOLl<i. NEBRASKA :

131 \vith Shirley Vlasa~. Roll call .1 • dfl11011>t'R,lion ~i!~~ea.~3s\V~rf~~:or~rc~ '~~~~tSabl~~ :1 I !: '

JoAnn Volwiler w;1i gIve a demon- ,. Lee Barron and His Orchestra : straliOn on necklinefinishrs. Ii Sunday, July' ill ,~

LOCALS l:i .\l1mi .... ion~ 14(', tax paid :-Ruth McPherran has gone tq.c . 1:

~~~u~;;'~:';, f~~~gt~o;;:~ek vISit at I: Dell ('layton and His Orche~ra ~ Mrs. Mary Upp entered ~ Wayne I_ 'I , 1 :

~~~~~!~\~~~j;raf~~~~~~i~man~l~~=i: Wednesda, y, Jul,y 14 : day morni~g. Friends report toot I_ , : she ~s getting along very wt'll. I: .\dmi~"ion: !S1.00, tax paid :

da~g~t('~:(>~~~h~~;~~~~ i~anr~, ~~t ~~= : •• JI •••• 111... • ••••• :

~t:fQt1;f' P~t; Head for llie open lOti" !Jut fillt II'tld fOf SAFEWAY ... tlnd $IIVIIIG~

. I

Off to iI grand time at the thll' seashore? tains ? ,' .. the lake? Safeway has the foods Stock up here for the trip and see how our can help you cut down the cost of yo\\r outing. ,

38e 2De 29c

. .... :'f,ko;: 21c Sand",ich Spread· B~~~~t.: 62¢ . 8B~~ 33c

.'J;,"; 33c ....... 'J'~~ 62c

Treel':Lunch Meal 12-oz. : 49" Can! 'I'

... ,(;<jj~o:~ 25c smooth .~1 ~-/1~: 33c

Pork '& Beans t~~p 2 ~~~~,25.¢' , ,

.. a."c~~ 13c .. , .l~~;'Z' ge

... ~:o·c~\~ 19c .... 2 '::~,! 3Sc

... IJ;'~ 2Sc .. 2C:'~; 99c

,hc,ce"'o-fl"'m·,d 16c:~ 35c Quart Masoll Jars Pint Mason Jars .

1 !

SPRY 1Ib3~~~ ~:~ $,.19


racial$oap 3 cakes SSe - 11 cake Ie

... 2 l~;~; 23c .. '0-i:~:' 31e

'~~~ 21c .. ' .. . "i.~li 21c

\12 -pin, Mason Jars Self-sealing Oa~ ~~~:"~'. Self-sealing Lids "0"0.';" ..

Zinc Jar Oaps Regu'o,",i" .

.. n,,,,,, 65c . D""n 63c

Du,. 23c D". Ilc

... 0o,. 25c

ALL 4: CA'¢S 34c

Superauds 23-oz. Pkg. ~ 3 ¢ ,.tar Rings Reg"'" Do"n Sc:

Ja r Rings Tup S",

Bottle OiliPS DOZfn 5c

. ,~,~,;, 23c :Lux fl"kes Paraffin Wax

Pen·Jel Powd",,' r"tln .

Cider Vinegar 1I,in,

1ge IIc

u~;. 20c 5·oz. Pkg. 14c 33 d 12 1z·oz. Pkg. ~

Keep: Refrigerator Stocked tt'ith Soft Drinks I Buy 'em bv the casco Get: 'em a~ Sa/en'a)'.:

.Lb. IDe "'~'"HINPpt ............ ~b. 4c Root Bee~ m;" ..6' 2Sc Strawberry Cli,ouo' dnb "~,' 14c

Lb. 230 15c

Root Bee~ Hi,," ,... I Dc Kool·Aid, ",,,,"in~ Pkg. 4c Kola c,J ot Ch,b . I~: 14c Sp/lrkling Water c~~~""OIQL 14c


gOMesh ~~~ 69c Lb. 16c Lb. 19c

Gin;er AI~ Ch'ow' Ch,b l~" 14c Ohllrge.ux ~;:~i,~~, ~ 7B7~; 25c l til. I ~ D P 6'0·". 2Sc Orange Clionot <;Inb Eli."C r. epp r ... ,.. , ~",.

. \ 39 p'- I 0 ange 8i",·D", 3ge Orange ~~ ;;;'~~.,"'" c ,"eap~.e. r ,,.;_, J". " ("lu5 d~po"l on b(lltl~s ~nd fP~~)

Lh. ge very tasty 6 Ears 25ci

S~c(,,'ay ~i~ns to haq.'c tHe

hottotl} I'TlIcC in this vicirlity on ct'ery itbn

Lb.12c {'t'crY'<i(C)f·

Here Are More , Safeway Low Prices

Gelatin J,"-W," .. 4 Pkg~ 25c G' I d 1-1';' 23c rape a e W,kh', ......... -"1.""''1'

B' k T . ,,,' 33c ae - 8a .LI,P'on', ......... Pk ...

P~an_ut Butt~r SkIppy 'J':; 39c

~apefrUit. ~;;:;:":';t1'on' 2 ~:n; He.

iC eese Food Vet""p.... ~-i~ S 1.03 hlte Beans a",t :<octh"n ... 'ii~~ 33c

Go-Coat John,on'9. wax ... ... C~~; 59c; Thu t S Cashm". 2 Reg. 23c I e Ri:~~~:':::~:t;j~;t' ~~antit~:.k~g f ! No lal~. to dtalet.. 1


, , I

.'#'~ "', I ~ / ~A'jI

, \1 ~

~,~"~"~~~"~ ~~'5"1 appropriate for Ull~ time of year.,' 1

Bake and serve warm oc:colQ .' ... La.1 ,

Pork Ohops R;b or:lo;n ~nd cut., .1. ,. .. Lb 450 i. \

Sliced Bacon Cor~ K;ng ! . .1. "j~~;: 590 : h· k R I u. s. Graded'-bcet, I J, 63c o IIG oas I?I~de f'" rouitd bon~ CUf ,'" . Lb.

Groun ee more ~avorfuL. ...... t'''. Lb _ d B f Less fvaste- I' 1 490" Beef S~orl Rib's ~01l or br~IS. . f: . , . Lb. 32c'" l Lunch Meal sp;ced;1 sliced or Pi~.l' i...l Lb ':9, 1

~olocna ' ... . ... Lb 4 C P. ... ,.,Dllld Summer for ::!*ac' .•••. Lb. 8 i




l ,ii ~'.

I' ' \

i 1 "I (I . ',),-

IlJ;;,,;,il";:"-" L I H .~:-t:;. .. ,·:~i,J: '.

i ';'.' 'i '.Ii

Page 3: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday


I '\'hi\~" Wf''''~ Point " I ~ :

TJ" \\"aynf' f'nilltry ana Egg ~pftlhall 1(:ahn tro~.n("('d \-\'p,m Point I :11 thl I'llf.fl't" diamond I It('"dIlY I mght 11:0. ql{' s('or(' of L1 t 1.


(,I I'i' I ::j

, JULy 11

vs. Wayne

, JULY 13


", III

LOCALS i :\lr.-: D(,3n I fugiH's :Ind dallght(!r i'

Firent j)w \\('('kend In \\'ahoo. , :\11". and '\ll"s. John :'IIllt(Jn

son or SJOUX Cit.) CLl)i!'Gi ill \'In(,(' Kokengc home Sattlrda~

\'irg~l KokC'nge of Gran\"llip. is spending the ~ummer at honw of his brother. Vuncl' kt'm;-C',

~~ ~ ~~ II West Point 001 101 ~()-~ ~ ~ II

~ \V~~ienes. ~~~~~nd 'il ~e~ne~ '''I ;tn'm,"",,,

}te.('orda J. Benne, Kokt'mge and Hartnett. I WLP RHE

...... 3 0 10 Blair.. 000 000 W1- 1 '1 3 ",,·';.i\,.h,.lrg 2 0 1 Wakefield 210 021 x~ 6 R :l

~ g iooo s~~~~~Sd::J~~~~ I and DavIS, --:.-',--:._ . .!'. ,o, __ ~v'v""vvo .... :: ~ ~ L~ N ... &hMnled Ga~.. .

1 .833 m-rsday, July' 8: Blall- at West ~ ::g :t\,J~~~~rd~ all Pf.>nder, tekamah

4 .500 Sunday, July ~1: Pend~r at wes.t 2 .500 Point Tekama at Blair. Wake-1 .500 field ~t Wayne., . 1 .500 'Thursday. Ju1y 15,: West Point

]1 .500 at Tekamah, Pe~der ,at Wakefield, I

\ I Blair at Wayne.,' . I NORTHERN DIVISION . ~OrTHERN Dn~rS'o-s-

Standinf{S of Tf".-ams

p~~er W L Pet. Sto.ndlng~ or \~m~ w .. 9 1 .900 Fremont g ') w: ~~ie~~ ~ ~ .~~ Stromsburg Ii! ~ We t Point 4 6 400 I Wahoo 4 ~ ~ Bla r .-.. 2 8 200 ~~~~tgty ~ Te amah 1 7 .142 Columhu5 1 I .142

i Rt>sults. TU£"sdaY, June 29 . Results. Thursday1. JUJf. 1 I ~<'rg R HER H E Laurel

t'r . 022 000 103--- 6 11 3 Stromsburg Q20 000 000-- :l 6 :l I terif'~: Lau We't Poimt 000 106 OOX~ 710]5 000 0 Ox 3 4 1lMartm'burg

tferie",: Distefano and Da .... f.+ Da~'!1t~~ti; Max ~i~k' ~d SlJlli- r(lf[ " Ca and D. Benne. \"an; Sanstedt and Armoga.st. I: .

. J R-f"SlUh ThuMiday, .July 1 . R H E .:'\.1rs. DC'tlf'f

i R H E 't'c~~~Yer. ~ 62i 66g=li 1~ j U:~\j~'sl~~ Prnidf'r 021 002 01O-~ 611 0 Batteries: Po}enz and No .... ~k; wf'('k.

In the I Blair :lOa 000 001 - 3 9 2 Wagon hurst and Larsen, SlRickHr\f{, ... Battene<; OSSll1

t and BJatch· r.

ford Canard and D \ IS Fremont 0.20 220 200--- 8 17 1 1 R H E Columbus 000 001 000- " 1 1.1 0

\Vakc~~ll~1 3riA g~ ~gg-=l~ l~ ~ B~tteries: Stanek. Christensen I r1(,,, Schro r anti Ander. ~~~/pl~~Cn~S~~rl;V(,IChr; Drieth,

and D,

. RilE

Re"mlt .. Sllnda~', July 4,

, RHE I " ,TC'kamah 000 000 000- 0 4 2

II : 1 Pender 000 023 10x-- 6 7 1

Rf'sults Sunday, .July 4, R l! E

Da .... idCity 010030 000 0- 4 4 1 Wahoo 000 100 003 1-- 5 9 2

Batteries: Mysenberg, San",tedt and Annogast; Wlcgert, Po}enz and- :Kovak, Stoupa.

RHE Schuyler. . 000 100 OOO~ 1 5 0 Fremon t . 000 400 01 x- ;) 12 1

Batteries: Hiller and Larsen; Stanek and Jacksich.

I I ~ I Ba t teries: Bundy and M('gr~e; __ ~ R('11schi~ger and Blatchford'.

,I, ~ 7

h po ~ HI . , " " 1"


Dro,medary. ~II.OL (·an

TOMATO JUICE AII·(;ood. 4G·(Iz. ("lin

G,RAPE JUICE ('borch'!', T'lnt BnJtle

sureR·AtD "t'or ("old (Irllllr.~. ilkI!:'.

ICED COOKIES H(lnt-J' ~qunr('~, ! lb. C'C'lI'a

Everyday Crackers WllfH tltln, lb. box

31e 21e

I !'~'~"~r"~'~~!~b' !~A 25e ~~,~!~~~,~~~!Sb" 12e

I This Is the l\'eek To Ca." Bing Cherries! ,


SA"TA ROSA PLUMS BIg Ba~t.d 11.r.! l'ound

ELlERT 4 PEACHES Caillurliia (>1'9"0. )'OIHlfl

CALiFOR"iA APRICOTS :!:! tu U l'ouud J ....

TEXSDts . GRAPEFRUIT Jllit"y and R!'! .. dlp~!I -'t Sunkist Valencia ORANGES J.arge Sizt>'i : ., Lb. Mesh :Bag

WINESA~ APPLES All l'ul'pt)"e. P.ox S3:.6'

RE!) WIMESAP APPLES .'\fru F,,:]lI'Y. :}Jo:t 1;.S!t

SREEI PASCAL CELERY SWI!~t DIIlI T_nder. 1.llrge Stalk

SUNKlST LEMONS Extra lall'J'

PONTIAC POTATOES u. s. :"i(t. 1

25~ 17t


5,.,:33e 5 ",.fi5c


'$1 '37e

~;'~;::~:~:i J t,!~ ~!~E]~~.~~!~I,~Oc!~ 1.---1 .133t ~~~~~,! tRUSM _~ __ .I 33c ~!~o~!~~m'~~~~;:"". ~.. I 47t

I 31:.­ItW ~.~~Ln~,~",~~~A.~,~. i 4ge SWERL 2ge

Page 4: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

I'St:udiol Clo~ed from J ulyll

J~ly 26 I


In ril("'1, a WllOlt­

s~alld rlill or p~'(Jpk! A II (iJ'(' \\, .. ~t('hjl1g a~l act or thl'

\\'hite ~HorH' siloW ~ SUI1-ria,'," ,,/1 e,'noo,i - '!llhe Joi,l" Hh

','illid Mrs, :'11.\1"('1'1 Hili)'; \1';liil'd ill i\\JlII till' Auslln I{Jrlg IllIJI1\' Friduy C\C- I :'Ill .

. ; IlI!H';. I I ~ I ]\11'. ,(II~I 1\\1". 1;1)11 :'kl'alll :IIHI

:, I ~':::::~la'-I~(~~:~-;\\~:~:k~"Ollllll \\ ttl\ yt'l S ! t!;IV lill I Thl.' I Llr"' I'" J It lIIi'll1dllil f:!!lIily .l\11:. 1"1 ,Ink L~lllfK('" Mr.

: I ~'~::tL~,1l /~ll\W~'~1 I ~:II~~~:~~~~>~s a It~)~lrlj~ : ~~\\'I;H Illll' ;( l\~ 1:,11:) a i\ jL~~~:~llyh.i~,~1i:)~'~dl !tt~~11~'JI~ IIlI'I' honol'1ng ,111' !{C\, Schuldt", IjOlnl'd IIIL' glllll[l ill ~llPjlCI"~ ISIIPIll'l" Hudolph KIIY" SUlld~IY, i E.l\j~ \~U~;{\;~tt;~{~llj(:h Lit/I\~l':,II:1 lI~{r::dit~~ : ~ (;lll::~~~~~ ~~~!~'lll):::ll~'(/~'~ l~j~ it : ~'i~:~'~ll::~~I~~:~~()r~~:~\f~~:~ ~1~J~~Ia~l\~ land \'Islt.'d .It till' LeHny Lundahl: rd.lY ()[ [11'('\\'oll,s <lIt til" J,lek SI 1\\l'ck \\'('1"(' .John Eughl(' <in G4ry hOllle In lIlt' aJI('I"Il(,o)l I Idl'rlit'l"g I1m!)I' Monel IY \'\('l1ln);. h.<ty. IIal'rJ~ and ./uny IIcl cmBjnn

J\lrs. lJmwJIl \Ag-It,J' ('nl(~rtilillf'd I lVlil!l~ JIlInl hI II' I H11C'n(il'd III' ;t.lld L<lny Rlnl:;, lht' ]adll'S ul Ih(' j,unily :11 IuncIJ-' l\1IS~I()n SllnddY :-;Ijllu()] I ;\11" and Mrs .)(l(' .J(lhn(-io~ :-;p¢nt ('on \Vcdlll'"day. (,lItllpilllH'n1ln!-i Ihl' \\',Lid'Jlcld IJdlk HI:-,t Tu('sday C\('llIllg at La~vl"crh:(' l;\lr" Clare BlIskll'!~. TIH' Cllll1'C I ()l'\'ai It]](Iadc" {'a/Ill' I~lngs, grollfJ hac! dllllH'l' ;(t Illl' ILly Aglt'L'IIIO JII!t1 illS Lll1lllv In Ill( 1 1\11", and j\ll'" Unit' B<:lrd ('ame

hll;\~~'L;I/i:~d~hllln 1:-. hUll I, llllln:-it ~~~/:-.h(J~~\\(lI;;;l ;Jl(d;I((t;;~~I\'\IIH(~ I I ::(::::~ ,;;;~;I\I:~~i(.~;1 ;1~;::lI~~::~I;:~;t~;t Ll1tllS JOI ,[ {(I\,p/( 'Il/ \\( ('1\<:. <Inri j:-,lllIJlll II tI 11111111]()1 t( I II III 1""""''''''.''I''''''I,I,I,II'v, ,,',",',,1',,',,' ,Jli,(,':,l,j,II,.I\(;,I,',l,~'c: ~lJ(IllIJ!!l-: d /1\\ dl~s \\l1h lia (\.- \\"11 !'Ill IIH1,'\1) II \11 \lldll I ~ ,..", .-ttl ]{llo,uj(" I 111lI1~ III II I\II( Il... Illd 11111(\1, 1I III I'll). 11 1,)Jtlld III I : ,\11', dlHI :'Ill.". l\,,ll" J\11t!\'1 :->()!J ,iIld

I ! ~~;~(I,(lVl~t~~or;\\'::;t::::~ ;JV\\I~~~r~;.I$,


:\1]'. ,lind .;\lls. (~()If!(ln B,~r'J and ]~dlll11!l \\lll' ,\I'J(lt!.IY dll!lllT :;Ill's1.S, ,

It 1'1'0 ('('jlhlJ'atl' Alllli\I'rs\ry : ,'\'11", and Mr.,. Alb('i"1 Sumlt-II \\ III (Tld)):I\(o :.!,,-1111 \\('ddlJl~ <Hltll-

uf l-i \\ 111l' d [dllllly 1111-tlll,lt 111"\1 Sund'IY, ill I' 111\ tl) cilil. III he


, I -----t---~--"-,-.-'--'" -,------,-

__ J



Green P1ppers

Fl'¢sh Tomatoes

.... No.2 G<illUi-!d for Kernel I

.. """II ........ No, 2 dt'llS-2 for C(]JI{I~--"Willtle Style

,1' ... " No.2 {' ;llls-.2








Cu.Jiforniu. 1


Per 3ge Dozen '

]'·Iorida II

JUICE l~~~NG~S rer 155c Oozeq I •

" .•• vI' , • ~. , ••. , , i-/' "

J .

sl;1\·' 1

('nh, :Vlt. will,fml!'

:'vIr'--- - - i nld

were rvIr. and IVlrs~ :N!f'lvmA'Longe!rby to \lSII ,.If til(' C C ,l-!('rn(\()n c~ll~r'r'1 on <lOP chJldn'n Mr', and Mrs AlJgust! hom(' Th( Ir ehdflrTn. Kal'( 11, alld I di-l.\ K:1Y ,ltlfi \\'J!I]{' '\h'. <lnd Ml~ IJuly, 11<-1\(' 1;('('11 \"l',ltmg her!' <-Ih(Jut, Ilarry II('~n('m,\llIl ann lilrnlly ]oJn-lthn'r' w('!')...;" Judy IS no\\' "taYlng' lei Illcrn \;1\('1' In 11ll' (,Yl'nlng.· jilt tlw {)t):-.l)pckn homr lJ;;l \Vynpt \\('1('

At IIH'. ('hns R{,)lh hornt' lot il ,Tht> Decker:-- and IJl'rn(ions ])ian 10,

:i;\I:l~'(,~l }:~I\~,l~ i~l{;~}:t~~:'ly,U~lL~~~~ll i~~~,:. Suncl;lY for th(' ;\-llnnt's(Jt<l

~Jl~. Ed Gruhh and L:Untly, l\'1r. and I :\1)''-. Iir-r:r:> ;\l;ltl, "r., 11""'II)(,(,tl i

l\irl'. Ed H(Jlh oj Belden. 'I qUI\(' lrl <II hrr hOIlW, l'vlo amI lVlrs. Gl('nn Burnhrun, 1\1r. <Jlld 1\1r,;. Bf'\ CannJ!~ and , \\('nt Iu

?\Iaxlnl' fl.'nd Npll (Inri Mr. and Mr .... I chlIdr('n of SI<llJX- Clly ]f'j!( \VPrl-! IllC'. CI'ne Sd!lr].'Ihl ,Ind sun'>, "-iS1t('d nr:"dllY allt:'r "pI'tHilng ,t 11'\\ del:,';; Ml ()\IT IIH' wt'{'kl'nd at 1111' Rllbl'rliv,llh 1\11'''' A'rnw ;\1;\11 :l\ld IIH':bu!').;h Bumh;ull home In \Vmnl'r. S. 1) I w. P. CannIIH.,;", I h("r' Nell ,'('matnl'd to "!J('nLi about a ).Ir. ,Int! 1\11':-; nf!1111..,

nll;~:~~~ .. dl1t1 :\11'''' '1'('(\ Widing ()r:~~:!I~~n·~P~7;;ll. \\llhl';n~~;'c::~(~ lbnlOtld (·dlll·rI al till' H.('V, chll:-.tl :'I-Irs BunlC'tll' J!;l!ISIIl ('dllC"d on:ill'u

~~ II~II{( 11111/lln~~ llI,i:II~~S;::~~ J ~I~:' \\:~,)~~ i M ~~'r'~I~~iIM;:~tu\~Tl~\'''':Z::~jrr'\\''' il nrl i :~lt':\, 1111'](' 1\101111.1,'). ' I \lr ,))111 ~11'''' (; LIJ11ll1'l'-()~l 11.111,\\1 rl' I

]\11'. ,11111.:'111:-' 1),1\\1 ]\111II'S ,IIH! ,II tJw pdl"k :\1(~Jl-I:\1rs F I Lln.)- ('[ ,\"'1 Jl \\1'1 ( hili "1s,,dl ,\ PIt - " 1\11'" tlW J\1UIHLIY <II tite Ul, T AI"II11u' S'[\ld;..:(', .tho kllll\'n.lS L,\'1l1l I B. I ]I'("kl'll EIV\11l SI m~lg ()r !\llh\ dukl'(' \\'IS. Ll, - \ ISI\I'd

.I]I\t' picnic :\11' :Inrl '\11" ,l;(('k /\1/ :lnd \Ir ~1l'1',\{ H .. ('t I

Feed~i:re • Early Growth

• Early Production

• Bigger ProfitH

ill'althy pl1iil'ls tl,,,l 111'0-

dul'l' l';q'l.n \\ h~n JlllCYS

art' hig'lll'~t. , 1

M;.J.n"c! Ral1g'f' Hnd RUlhl.Oo. 'VI.~ \\j<:-"

anrl Thltr~r!;rv ;1\

honllr. Mr. n:~nl:::(' I··" hF01IH'1' Thrv

)('11 11<'1'(' hv 1\1t" OIn;1 ng" or Mdrol"d, II p;lrf'njs.

of HuckWI'll ('11\. Ih(' \~r(!k('IHI ;;,

See Us for Your N utrenai Feeds




Page 5: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

, I ,


'I :I'. a ~l~-~~r 1~ h~~~P ~t;;{;: \'5. AUisbt;l Dahc w 0 Weft'

,c:eie/PlatJr,g lhl'l/' first vl'ddLn~ 'an'[iv.<'r'f:;UI'Y on the Fuurth 01" Ju­ly. ::\llni1 1::1 R. Lo\"(' was a$$I~t. an hOS1€"SS. Thosl' present b:.

,ISld ~ Ih{' hOllpr<-'C's were ~1r. and ,I ~ft-s. Ed Ibhe and family. Wil­liam Most, and Mr. an'd Mrs. f

, ,Gl!r~e SJ('Ck~an:..c: ir:

Baptlist ~OciaJ Service Mrs ('Olg~' Patl,'r~un was

:h()5t~S" Ie Har-Ilst !adl('~ Thurs­riay 'i1ft(::!l()(,n \~h( n \VhJlc Cross "~'w:n" \\.l"jrlO:1C. :vrrs. llarold

I t:~~~:r:s~;~rtd~.I~~{~~'~~:1~~~··~·Th~· m~s)~ s.'Hiary M'CIf't:. has b(('n pOI1Pid un1il July L~ \\-hen \vill I n~!'l't :1\ t:I(' ::,?me of l\1r-~. Aibl'lt i }< UO:)~ ,vJ ", \\ ,dlc,cf' HughCS WIll

I ii, lil(' dS::I~ an~ hO~css.

~elebrate 80th Birthday

I J)ll~/.:~)l!;.~~~l t:~~· ~fr~ :~~e~f"S. IJltlruld 11"r1m<li1 <ind famil.y of rUrnaha, :'ohr. and !\1rs. :;'Jl(':<; 'IH('~'SC and Carol (,f Ram ilph. Rober1 Hal"tman ilnd M and :\'11'-.;. Eaymond Ell!" iW{-J Inrml:

,ob$C'npd thp Huth birthda\ of Ur. G E Hartman \\lth ~l pirnLc

iSUPpt'l" Jui} ·1. Mr~. Hltl'r. !.\lrs .

. !~t::~~~,(;:t ~1~;~"Jl~~ll~l\r::a~;;)I(il:l~((~ 1l1,tIl ~ ch:ldl ('n.

king's Da~h::rs+: I )1 1 IITI .... jl).­

l(l h, -hl'ld III

'. If .II

Saucy Stripe

and ."-\\ inging sri:irt clJ.u(Li the !:'upl'cme

dl'iight of .e\·E'r~· housewiie,

! ~ I ! ~~'~I"'~""I'"'' , ,

, '

LOCALS -:'I~' .m.l :'>1'" \': P'-C1 :'lIce Iii

alnd ,cbtld,l'n ~'lr al\d :'IllS rdd I

i':'hl'Grr. 'nd ::'(..Jl'~ :'II: ell (II ehram 'Ir"'Cl S0n;,. <!nd:vIr <!Ild ."hl'>. des \\·,.nur an:::! tamtl:-. ",) (ll

:{pwcastle. \\f'fl' Sunda) gu('::.t.~ ;f' I

}h(' [Jean Schram han1£' ~ ~

)Irs Frew!, wrsun \\(1.S ~urpl-:~Jd ' h:-. ,1\ o::rUUI) of [n('nd~'and I 1.1!J\f'"

. ~/)t";~'.~:-. ~~~~f~~t~l~; \h~~n a~l~ c~rt~, dn·o. :\1\' iJ,nd: :'III'S :'>IeI,\"In Larson,

! !

. \

Aftet S{\LE

ofBe~+r • Levine. • Jean

• Moni<;q, I i. Irene I : I


,Yair' to .24 .. 95

I, I .

~.981 , ,


'i ,

by \ra~ lie rhQ~o

Lutheran church in Win-'j '\he scene of the June' 27th of Miss' Doris Kilgore of

...... _,n 1'"",,,'0'''1,," a~d ~rNl Smith ~ Win-; ~~--l~i7-:iTi9"':t"1,3j7:t~~1m~m~1 I. '. .~

Page 6: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

....• '.' •.• <r "'II"""" r····" . . , ,

, i


I guests.

,A Fourth of July celpbration was held at the George Volle~s home Sunday, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl LIndvall, Mr, and Mrs. Ol~f Nelson and Doris, Mr. and'Mrs'_ Art Doescher and gir)s.

'Mr. and Ml"s. Ed Doescher, Mr. and Mrs. CaJtl"Ne!son and family, Mr.

~r~ ~:~'I ~~~~r :a~ltS;nG~~gl~:r.ilY, Mr. a~d Mrs. J. C. Gregory of

Osbourn¢, Kan., and Mr. and Mrs. . A. P. Borg called at the D. A. Paul home Sunday,

, Mrs. Roy Nelson and Atlene of


Dixon w~re Wednesday afternoon visitors'in the Marland Schroeder home.

Mr. find Mrs. ftobert Sasse and Myron Sell were guest!? at the Marland Schroedel' home Saturday niglht 'and Mr. and Mrs. John Schlroedcl' on Sunday in honor of Mr. Schropdcr's birthday whieh

I was July 4. Mr. anp. Mrs. Kenneth Copeland

O[~ineOfn were visitors at the Iv· an "'Iark home Monday.

rs. Robert Sasse of Pilger was

I a vi Hor at the Marland Schroeder hOnjle on Monday of last week.

,1\,"VaM,o.h Mr. and Mrs. Emil ('i:l.rl~;on and chilliren were Sunday afternoon lunq:}l('on guests at the Clifford Car~son home.

Flrank Carlson, Minnie, OPa! and :.vIr. and Mrs. VC't'ne Carlson and boys \vere at Art Anderson's Tues­day night of last week 10 help Mr. Anders<Jtl celehrate his birthday.

A Magnuson family picnic was held at the Evon Peterson home

~~n~l!t Je~~l~~~~" K~~~~;~t O~~~~~ I Arvid Peterson, Glenn Magnuson, I

George~lagnuson, Hans Johnson, I

~~~k:t~o~o~:;~~~('s~~r. ~~'r~r~~~ I C. J~ Magnuson. M,·. and l\irs. Wal­lacC' Magnu:,o!1 and Mr. i and Mrs. Oscar .1ohnson.

Vi~ora Endrf's and Donald Erwin of Ir'lncoln \V('t'(' \\'('('kpnd visitors :\ t 1Ih(' RolH'lt Erwin hume,

The John NygrC'n and Haymond Erickson families {'njoYl'd a picnic supper at Albert Nygren's Sunday.

re~-ir:1e~g~~{!o~(,~1~~'av~!n~~~np:;~~= son attended a Youth conference in

Mr>:. 0, Cal., at the

home Tu!='sday aft

conir<n3 Ev. L"th. jhurrh (Rev. J, E. Suthnland, pastor) Thur tray July 8, the Woma

Mission ry society meets at 2 at the hurch. The host ss('s i be Mes ,ames E. E. Fishe , G. . anaugh"Oscal' Nt'lson ell d Marti Rodell. The Boarn of A ministral tion, ~acons and Trustees n1(>(:1. at R:Ei .m. ,.

Fl:ida. , July 9, centenn~al! ObS('l"i van9f> p ogram at H:30 plm. A so cial ho~tr follows thli pr~rrall1. A~)

~~~r;~~g I \i\~~~~v~:~~~~~Cd lJ~d~or~~j Dorcas ~socicty sponsors. tile PIO: gram.' VVelcomr'!" ,!

Su.nd1Y, July 11, churq-h ':-;('iloo'/ 10 a,m.: Diyin(' wOl'!:>i1ip ~'lth holy communion 11 a.m, '

Thurst3Y, July 1:1, r('glllnr ing of lhp LacliC's Aid a\ :2 p.m tosses. 1 Irs.. Bil~f'f P.CCll'son Mr~, Gl' )rgl' Olson .

"And liftLn"'~ up 11l!'lr elYps, th, saw no onf', sa\"(' J ('.'1 qs only.' l'.1.1tllww· 17:R. I


Mr. and I\1rs. 'Ernie Sl~inn('f and Marcclia of Pittshurgh, Cal, \\'C'rq dinnn ,and suppcr guests la::;~ Wedn(>sday at the George If. Heu.!

te~~~~%. of July picnic dilliner suppC'r g'Ut'sts a\ th" George

ii~~ ~(;nx~I~7p~rd~~s~~::.e J;1l~ and G('ol1ge H. Reuter.

• • • • ·m 1 :

! :


Now! !All Metal


as Low as

Here is the

Kind of ...

Outdoor Chair .. the whole

Of :wood with carwas back and seat

·Our Fine

In Bright




(Not exactly as pictured)

'Wahoo last week. .

l~f~f~~~~~~'-•• ti:I!ijrJ~I:~~~~IOI\I.1 F~my Fredrickson and Doris I, I Joht..son of Omaha came Friday OIF CqURSE--1

s: G~ily striped canvas will add color to your For summer furniture, this

tractive chair. It i" comfo l1iglj't fUI' an overnight visit at the Axe Fredrickson home. They left Sat rday with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Ped rse!1 of Laurel. for Oregon City Orc" for a two·wcek Vilca· tiOn.

a Monday night of last week, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Erickson of Sac amen to, Calif., and 1\1.r .and Mrs.' Ernest/Peterson of Wayne were guests 31 th(' Axol FrC'drick· son home. . M~. and IVlrs. Alex Pankratz, and

I Dea were Sunday dinner guests at t e James Matsukis home.

l"II'. and Mrs. James Matsukis, -Zoe, Nancy and Michael went to Crofton Monday l.for a picnic din-

ne~t .. arid Mrs. D. A. Paul" Mrs. I Paul Hart and children and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Paul and Nancy

I were at William Haskells north of


Laurel Sunday evening. Mrs.: Thomas Erwin, Mrs. C. II.

Tuttlf.,,1 Mrs. Art Nelson, Mrs. El­I : mer Nelson, Mrs. Glenn Magnu­

I son anI children, Mrs. Waldo John. i son and children, Mrs. Quentin Er·


wm and RIchard and Mrs Lyle I CI~velal)d and children drovE' tp SIOUX CIty Tuesday of last v.eek to

~rJP;1~~\1\f:t~~:;,01!\nSt~~ c~~~~~~~

Paul Kardell was a Sunday din·


ProQluce healthy pullec$-ready I for the laying house. Vitamin fortified Cooper's PulieF Devel. '. opec means lowered mortality and greater health fqr your I pullets. It means greatet profits from maxi~~m egg pro1iuction, I as the result of:t vigor~us lay­ing Hock. Start youe g:rowillg pullets on Cooper's Pul!let De­veloper TOD~ Y, for greater profi'd; tomo~row! Your fool?er dealer has a ~upply of CQope(s Pullet Devel~per for for now.



PhOllf" 250 218 So., M~in

. OAf. COOPER"CO.' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rbl­lim;on. I

t .ner guest at the Henry Erwin

: .I)i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,f.~~;,f,;1~h~o;m;o~·dM~r·i'~\n~d~M~r.;S.~R~O~b;c;rt~E~rWiiin~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Humboldt, Nebr. :. J

• • • " M • • • • • • •

W~II ¥ou Be Our Guests?l A ,d~mons~r~tion of the wonderful BENDIX lin~ 0

Hom~ La~ndry Equipment will be given at our ,4or~ :1 i'l • by I I

Mlts Cha~lot~e Bokowski, Home Service Direbtor


:aradford, Silles Representative . .

I, 'All 10.00 A.IVI. AN,D 3:00 P.M.

~rsday, Jul~ 8 I '. . J

and see howthe BEND1X line cut· your worJt: in two .

• • • • : I • · , m, • •

o1.ftdoor groupings. They are folding type, I

o~ course. Take them along i)n your picnic

o~ day's outing- at th~beach. .

1 '

While they I


styled t@,be )fUI the year'

Coverings of Resistant Cloth

,or Leatherette .


"'~d f~r ~als On the Pqlch:.I. .1 iA BeauriffJ Selectio~ of I .. '.. " I

Bre~kfa$t Sets I

I ,

I tn Metal .. : . Clhromium Finish

Jith plastic or ,IFOl'mi:~:1 tops, ~treme-Iy weather resi\stant. ,


Good hard ~inish thatL,.wi~1 resist a lot 'of o1;ltdoor us!').



. . and

•• , . · • • · • · · · · · " · · · · · • " · : .. · · · · • · · ·

· i :\ · · • • · • • · · · · · · e I · · · · · · · • · • • • · · \ : I. i. ia Il .. ·1:

I I, I · · • · · · · · · • · ~


•. • • · · • • • · · ·

Page 7: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday


small scratch Or a badly both the equipment and the car un like neW!. You don't

car ... bring it to us for restore its new appearance.

We Refinish


~' '

~ ,

,I "T "

, Johnson family. :\irs. J. ]\;, Emung, :.vtary Eilza-. :-;pt'nt Sl;nday I :; .' .

. Earl Benne! t and h£:th and Pallll plan to leave 1.'hUiS­thf' Warn'n Au~tlns day [or ~Iilwaukee. Paul will rl:'­

thf'ir fifth weddwg an- malO th('~e and the othe~ .\"'111 .go

at '::".Ih. George Thompson KI.rwm will go With them as far as

the Ferdinand SH'gert eago !to Y1-"JI her sIster· ~ •

were g"uests, Poultry Markt"ts


For repairs rand service - free ' ~ome demonstrations on S~nger vacuum, cleaners, electric irons - our representative will call

. at rour home Mondai-s.

Call or Write Us at

419 Norfolk Avenue Norfolk, ~eb.

\Ve wish to eXpress dur sincere I thanks to everyone for the gifts, 1 cards, and \'iSlt8 while we wcre In , the hospitaL Mrs. \Vllll:, ).1eyer: and Di~nne Marie.

C-ard of Thank.. .1 ;W ' . --+--------'~--=--' 1 wish to extend my sincere 1 In ayne

thanks to relatives, friends and I --! neighbors for the' flowers, gIftS, ~I d 'In ' cards and personal viSIts ~unng my ~ 0 ertn :"et of 1 p~mie~ents, Joe Hi~~~~. in the ho:spltal. :virs, I. yery qomplete. Hbuse ~3 in~ '-'-C----'i-'--~-'-~~~~_I ,ured for 510.000 and "Iould

I · '. , .1 wish to thank neighbors, cost at least $15.,00.0 to i'uild

fpends and relatIves for card. .. , It't- ~ r -=:::j==========:IV~r:>, gifts, and flowe-rs; al~o forJ'nbw. _. ' . All bUiEdi.ngs.1 and .... t'lSlts durmg my recent Illness, '

Mrs. Ernest Frevert. I fence:::! in goo~ct r~pair land

'Yell plainted. . Landi lars I wish to thank all my friends

and relatives for the nice flowers. ~mootljI to Yen- gently Iroll-eanis and letters and thos€' who - J visited me while in the hospital ing. . Ha::: been ~vell tfirm-Albert D'. Jenkms. I '

cd h,·· an yxtra fire te~ant. !

~Iy sincere thankii to my good Locatea six miles froln friends and neighbors for the many I ' ~,7s~~~r!nd~:t:;·~~ ~:~;n~~l~~~s ~ Wayne on a gravele~ the h()sptaJ. Frltz Carlson. farm-to-marke;t ~oa~

I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the many cards, let­

and gift~ I re('eivpd during myn;tay in the hospital and at homf'. Ri('hard UlriCh. jR



Price Is

:$200.00 FOR SALrl ,lHo; copMily ('oole~ apd Old Cars

r~lt(lr l)r~~(' 6F23. j8 ,,,,~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~

-~ 'I'MARTIN-~~- WaynE) Auto Salvage,: Farm I OUTBOARD MOTOR ,n20tf I:,. .. :

for fi cst fishing p1e~sure I I .. ortgages I BICKERT FAR"'! SER~~~ ,; U T SID E : Business Properties"" : ~

Fl'l(:1a~ ('\"ening. to, D~troJ.t for a short VISIt. Rita . .hoep' \\iere Sunday dinner )'1!l',"auke.e.antl th?,nl,g'o on to Ch]-

I Austm home for the I r;;~'~r;P~~~f~gs


p v (' n I {I g supper I Hea vy Hens .... South Main St. Bruno S:plittgerber Leghorn Hens

. and ~'lrs. Albert I Cocks

I,' 11iiiiiii~*f.~~~~~f.~iili1.~iii~~~~~~~~~~~;m;~·.;a~n~d;i~~[;rs;. ~D~0;n~E;ggis;';;;;;;;;;;ii..~38~.~.3~6~.~


[ail or See i

,: Farm and FHA Loans '1' I: Tenns a.nd Payments to Fit : I_ tbs IndiVidual Case: •

! Kloke Investment Co. ! 5 Omaha 2, Xebras~Ieow :

• •••••••••••••••••••••••

:iN~" -' . I

Wayne ! .iRt2


'I I

~ •....•.•........

Cust :JIN C I!TTING I Massey-H 1 O~ft.

0wer inder will be don~ I in the order

~ I

which 'they, a~e ~~$ced with us. i' I


) 14 br See

and : . 'I


alyri Hutchings Phone 2165

AII!en, !\ebra.ka t J'24t2p

• ... iOC S I Daun Mr.' and ':[n;~ Alfred Test .., and \l.rTe~ Snuth.

RIe\· an Mrs. A rens and daug~: Mr. a d M, . Garold Ellyson spent . ~I Mr. and rs. Dean Schrnm and

ter~, Esth r a~d lr.s. d Smalik Mond y in !Sioux City. and,grand aughte ,V.ond Lee Ah- Ir gard Otte came from Lincoln renS of O~~ge, ~a. spen Monday Frida to visit until Monday at the

~~~.~ ~~r~,!~~::r to~~~.,t e~~ a\~~ Karl tte home. \'isi~ed M~. CharI s VIr ch at the # >,launso Jric~ orne. Rev. and A .. ~ioQX City Market Mrs. Ahre sand rs. U rich were I¥ ~ childhood friends. Sio x City - Recent livestock

Complete Farm MIDagement Ser~ice i For lv,on-Operating Land Ownfrs :1

Write for our free booklet,


R. H. Flynn, Dist. Farm Mana~er PO Box 547, Norfolk, Nebraska , JI~

S;~~~r ~~d ,r~~it '~~~ . ~~o~a~~ ~~~k e~~~lld!d t~~1~1:.~~~n f~; ........................... ~ ••• ,~1IJ(' ........ . ,·.··T" ••• nin~ for¥onday Thel visitors Way coumty:' / hay been.tiSitingi at the home of w .. Sh~theis. 16 so",,. \\'tI306... TO BE SOLD AT

) t~E'i da~ l1ter, ~ . Fe~in 90t- $.24 ..... ''': tm on In A:fyShl e, la. ,Canmngs Ar old ittJer, 5 s.teers. \\"t.

• met them it) Sioux City Monday. 1137. 7; Ii heifer, w1. 1000, $36. • R v. an~ Mrs. . J. C. Schuldt 'Ru~ ell llutt, 17 sows, wt. 370, : were Fridar dinn r guests at the $23.5 . \ • F. H. Lueders ho e. Mr.1 a~d Mrs. eu Hedi, fat cattle receipts re­-I HartY Hememann .and faimlly, Mr. suite in s~ang to 25 cents, higher : and Mrs .. LeRoy G Imm afd family, mane bei paid for slaughter • Mrs. ~uha ;Haabl, ~ San ra called steel'$: .and l eiferS on the Sioux : lat~ In thr e~:"mg, . City ark~ Monday, 'range fat • S t~rda~ "1$lto s at he D.av~,d steer sales S26 to S38, fed heifers

H.' wl{lg $m~ w re MrS. Ewmg s from I:SZ6 t $35.7:). Cow trading pa nts, t. and Mrs. Charles stead)", ran e prices $14 to $25.50. Plu ~r of 1 Glenwo d, Ia., and M:, Bulls 'strong at $17 to $24. Stock­and'Mrs. Edgar 0, rsc of Council er ~n feeder outlet' limited, prices IlL Bluf1fs,. , , 2i to 0 c('Pus lower, steers selling ~

G. L. C~mpbell arne horne FrI- in a p ice nge of $18 for common I: day to spdnd the July 41 vacation to for feeders. from ~he ,\Jnivers~.y. ClIasses re- Ho trad uneven, steady to 50,


Public Aucti~tl 160 ACRE IMP~OVED I i

Wayne County Fat1mi Mon., Ju~y 1~ i

, 2:00 p.m. on the pNlmises ,: )

~~,;,:;:i~:ds!iit=~~.~~~~":a;~~~i;e:~:t~:~ i;o; :~o hi b dollar. '

sumed 1)Jriia>t. ,! cents Ihigher. mostly steady to 25 • Mfrs. F re I W. He kel~d daugh- cents' up, ~' p $29, 'range butcher •

te~: Joann ,Iof Autitrrn, rs. H, H. prkesl $20.0 to $.29. Sows sold: ~111ile and 'daughtdr, rothy of fr6m $20.50,to $24.25. Stags at $16 • LOCATION-This farm is locateQ.I0 mdes from PHger ~3 mil s Ponca and, Mrs, Elma ,iggam of to $20.. • w~st and 7 miles north and only 1~ mile; from gray 1), Dr 8

; were :. ~eh~r:ne:~ IS1s1Porwlnegr. la,mmbalfriCloets. 5Og0COedntsantdo.: miiles ffpm WinsidE\ (5 miles south and 2!~ miles ea t), OT 9 _. m~es sdutn and 5 miles :west of Way.ne, or just 5 mi ~ i~

w.lfe of Rev. choi('(>i. nat'live sp.ringe~ $30 to, oil' mat Highway No. 15. Located 1 fnlle; from School 1St. sister of Mr, $30,501 KjI f'r ('wos steady at $7 = .t

ladies are to $1 J. • ~G~DtlSCRIPTIO[N - SE " of Se\:tion 3~. To" hip • 'I sister and _ "#: , . ii nge .3, aU in Wayne County, Ne9filSlta. Farm lay gep y

I : l~i\. with good rich P~uctive SOir. '.30, C}e~s in me, 0 ,Jh~:t:~f At Om4ha Market acres lD alfalfa. and the aJance under oultlVatlOn.

Omaha-fred K lee n san g of Bun.nING~House has 4 rooms and, enclosed pore d .. Wayn~ co~ty recently shipped 13 sta'rrs, and 4 rooms ups airs. Entranc~ to cave fro po . steers and.1heifel1i, wt. 782. at Plenty of closet root!ls. BCIfll. 48x52 ft. \\~i(th hay mow., og she . $36.50, to tlie Omaha m'ark~t. 32x20 ft, Chicken house, $~I6 ft. Machilp.e sped, 32x20 . Co

There wa~ sizzle to the markets crib. 48 ft. long with 10 n. drive and 8 Ct. sides. Has verhe d as wen as th, e weather Tuesday at bms wj,h elevator and dU~P. Th.. is ,cri~ hQlds 6500 b!ushe s of r

corn and 500 bushels of 5 all grain. It would take u ards f

aSdh~otceed tth~t WUcleYa'rescdobruintgch~ $16.000 to build today. everal wells on the p1aa:. 0 e. 36 ~. ~ _ d~p has never pumped ry. Good grmle. REA IIgh m ,t at $22 .. 29~O, t..t\e latter a top ho~se and buildings. 1 ' I.. '

not bette since, last October. Th" ,'s one of the !finest farms in this tl.'rritory. all pr .lieU e Sows Were [inlY $21.5<).,$25. ~ t d t 1 Bett~r fa cattle Tuesday sold soil with a good set of buildings. DQn't fln to at en sa • I steady to 25 ,uP. but in pre--Fourth -I as it' wUl sell' regardless of price. A g~ bu~ for a Qrne fi trade ang d from steQI\)! to $1 investment. ' Jower. a" of the deeline on TEIUlS-.2{)% dar of s~le. Balance on 0" befo"l'March 1. [94 , good. ~ea~steers. but /Dore of ,t I wli~n IlbsU'ac\ showing mercl1antable tItle. warrant)' '\"" d : ~e1:~ rs~~::.-wi~e~~if~~ ... JK1fSessian will be given. 't ~ to a new a I-time loa{{lQt qigh of = I Yo:r fut1:hep information or tenm;, &ee or ~; $36.90", odd ead to:J137. CowS sold. A "olph Zich~ • Real Estate .AQctioneers - Do steady I Tue day, canners and cut-. I :r J t.e. I'S $15-$ 7.~, \leef to S26.5Q -, ilO Sontb 12th St" N01'f

4 Nebr,

~ef ulls ~iI to $23.50, veal, I U . • W' calves \(1 1 ·w. jolt@ll I1qm flit! i ~ ... ~ ... ,s. Katie . a e, 0

fJ~ \ ~ = I SOQth Gat~. Cal¥of' ~d :\~ = ... ~ ..... ,. .... ,. ........ 1.~ .. ~.. . ...... . 0.50 w~'" a1s<;> steady,. I I, ,I

", ' ), I' f'


Page 8: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

I , Fenske

l~~~~ of ~~~e~~~g~~~r, Buchcl,nan. She '

dallgh~E'r ~~~ bXh~C'r. sister, ,

G£ ~O F~c~skc left Saturday

i until' Sattirday evcning

t: when she

went to t1;tC home of h r brothel', Paul. I

Mr. and Mrs. Wal cr Winter, Howard and Jcanelte ere Wed­nesday evening visitors ilt the Her­man PuIs home.

Mr. and Mrs. Hcnnan Marten, jr., were' Sunday eveni)1g visitors at the Mrs. Herman !vfartcn, sr., home. ~

MI"S, Herman Marten sr., visit­ed at the Herman PuIs orne.

ason ~ of I ~~l SI~c~~~n~~C ~~cA~g~(fay J.; TrJt- accompanied hy Beverly

Mr. and Mrs. Gustave' Schmidt 1."p'cng('Jcr were visitors \11 ! he. E.- O. J1chmcr

crf~~c~ I ske, .­before the' Several relatives gathe~'d at the

ga,r~cn bou- ~~~1~~~n~r~'i~ol~~~~;~tt c~l~fr~I~: , clay anniversary. The eve ingi ws$

, organ,n,t, play- spent socially, '1'\'\-.. 0. birth ay :.¢ akes hdore ~hc and a lar("1(, bouquet deeD aHrd the

the \veddlllg ~Hblc,. On~' cake was oak d by La ..

lI~aas of No~fOlk i g:l;;~~t tl~'~~~ ~~~ se~~:d.i CharleS matTon .of h~n~)l'. i Mr. and Mes. I. .. ~·ed Jo.c H'nJS and

grey' SUI~ With ,,\ r)ltl', Laurence of Ho~ms, flll a Bran­and had a co.rsa):!;,~ o! I (ienlll'r;..:- (,f Norfolk. Rc\', ~nd lVI['s.

wure J ot'igc suit with ! ~~(/.~aI1:1(;:I~~~e';~017(~)I~S ~~?d I~~~~~~: I ""Ioo/'""mi." I Sht' qal"lll'Cl It II1\iillll., \~ C'n' Mond'cIY (,Vl'nillg ,r.tu('sts !

IIdl rb:,l's . ,Ht a \\"t'lIlCI' {OdSl at the. L ~t(jr Ro- I

, . na~'y blue ~ lH'l" hom!!. OtlWI' ('venm': visitors red rose corsage,;. I WNe MI', and MI's Ed \' ins, Mr.,

the bridegroom I <c'ld Mrs. Ernn \Vrlkln' I'. and I Mr:i. F'rl'd Talbott an n, Ml'.

was held following r and Mrs. Ht'nry Wilhe!m" Cake a uk IJridC"s. h~)n:tI"1 and 1(,. (' l'l"t'i;\n1 were servt'd~.,

b0uquds 01 \\ hlte :vIr and Mrs. Al Wurdimger and the room. A I Don. lVIr. ami Mrs. Manley: Wilson, ccntcl"cdy~c M[' .ann ;\Irs. WIlli.am Pott nhoss of

c B1Uh- Norfolk, Mrs. Mmnle Br eckner, . ver~a'l Elmer Zastrow of Nor[ol~, Lloyd served.! Wilson, AlvlIl Engdahl and William

. g~aduatc of Nor- Brueckner enjGy~a dllln I' at Ihe

wSa~ed~~~r~~l~~n~I~~ 1\~~n~:;~~l~~~N~~r;;eEfr~~~Y's~ i~,~~~1~

.. No, nol all fOllr boys pielu,.e~ here on the 4th I J the two uoys in front, twins by the !vv'ay, whu wert? "fou the fourth, but were five on the fifth" lilf July. From left thl'v are: Mervin and l\IHITiI1 Hamm, Hubort Ha (age 2)' sons of ~Ir. and Mrs. W,!lter Iiamm, Wah Older hoy is their unde, Dearl Hatnm uf O~m()lld. . warf~re div,lslOn, and it annJ\:ersary. Lunch was s :r\'cd.

was sta, ioned m Tokyo, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brugge ah and

d~;~~~~r. d by the state ~~~~I~'s~'~~I:<~ :;~~g:~.R~\f~~:~f at f~,I'C~I~:,('l~~~ a~1r.~C~~~n~~ Yt~~;,~~ I ~i~~ ~~'I:/ls0,;~m~i bridegroom :is al~o a grad· Donna Lee Bruggeman nd! Mar- and famIly and 1\11". und 1\lrs. Louis mcr hvml'.

Norfolk ·th school and ian Dangberg of Winside eturned Bendm. 'Mr. and 1\11-s,

?f !Ii\;;ri~sk{\ncoln. ~fr;;; :~~g~/~;~~~l;~~~i~~ ~~C'~.ii7~ ML and ;-"11"5 CharlC'" Fuhrman l\lol1d~y aficlnoon al th$ M d Find. Arlene wert' Friday evcnmg I Lus SK'lllllld~ ho~e,. '

1', an Elsie Dangbelg. \'lS1tUl"f; at the Hans Asmus homc. .1Ier~,an Klav,l.tt('r 01 NOrfO]]! " Lant Beverly Jean Fensl<e r.et lrned 10 Mr and Mrs. Harlan lIerbOI.1 "\<1S ~i Sun,day ~ftcrno()1l \ ISltUI' H

r t Sioux City on Monday attc spelnd- ~ til(' qus Schll1ldt homt'. jng a t"','O-\-\"ce),; vacation I 'ith bel' Sil('In1Cr <lnd .dau.glltcrs vis.J!cd at . M.r. and Mr". Clarence Sc.iln)('ctcr parents Clnd other relative' . 1 I~~:n;~f:ns Asmus home Saturday 1\11', and 1\'1rs. Paul Scheunch and

Mr. and Mrs, Ly,lc Ma otz and ev g. ~. 1anll\t ,wei Lou Sche\i.ll"lch bpcnt of 'friends, nelgh- family, Mr. and Mrs. Augl t .spcn- Mr. Clnd Mr~ .. Sam Ulr,('h. La-I Thurs a)" evcnl!lg at the em In lil-

gathercd at the I geler lInd I{uth, Yvonne' BLihmt'r DonnA. and LorralnC', Mr. and 1\11'.'>. nch h me'. .. home on Tues- and Mr. and Mrs. Ed J<t Jrk and Harold U~rJ('h. Kl'nn,C'th i'lnd Reu- I\lrs. l';rrl('st 11!l1J(' ilnd .;\-11". Ed-

Ml". and LOl1nl(' \\'('l"(' ,sundilY evenJ g vl!'iil- \Jell, ,\11'. dnd :'III'S, l',d\vanl UI;ll'h Wdl'd VilrlTlt ;Inc! 1,IJlllly 1)1 Nor-,nl(u-[ors ,II thl \\0.1)111' l'llonl<lsllllOlllle W{'l"l' Cllliong ,I.;lll"-;Is ,II 1)11' rred j()))...; w(,I"(' \VerlIH':.d,lJ! ;\II('lllf)(ln

ts \HIC MIS ells Mdl!en dnd 1lajndll' f'uls hohw ;11 (jinlll'l" tHl Slll1d,~y: \'Isilor ... {1m] supper gUt'",I.., ,It lilt: 1\11 dncl Mt", l~ldr{'d Pln IlO flild l\1r, ,IIH[ .M!"",. Hoy Nl'i-lt·y vlslkd (;us SclllnirH hOlll('. son "'lll Tuesday evening Vl!lt01S ilt th.r 1';)'\\'111 Ulrll'h hr,lIle Monday i .'VIr. and Mrs.

IBroe~'~rr",I'·r ll('unlull 1 dt thC' Erncst Langcnhcrg} on e l'Venlllg. accompanu'd c.;u",tave of Brocikcmelcrl Mrs Flecl Mlllcr and Mrs JAnna M~, I'l'\(or Ulrich \"~IS a Sunc!ay Ernest Pfl'll hOllle

al II1Ie llumc MClllk \\el(' Sunc.lay ('\(nl g :"'lsII- dlllri('f'\' !..;u('",1 dl lh(' 1'.1'\\"1/1 Ulrich Mo, on Wedn('sd<JY Where Lnul (lIS <It the Gus l\1dtten hull( home, rt'('l'!v('{l ]lweilcal C.'ln'

~lro,ok'm,eier Those I!llCS- ( Jlmll!y TdWll('Y rl'turn(' to hiS M!'. Rnd lVlr~. Glen F'rin)...; Hnd 1\11', ilnd MI·~. fl('nnan Mrs. William 'I home Friday afl~I' \'ISltlOg a \\{'('k daughlCtS. :\}r. and lVII'S. Gcorge' \~'l'e MondiJ.Y visJ\ors at till'

Brod<cfl"·'i·'" ~~~ at!,~.h~~~ll~~~!~/~)7:('~~~~'iIY', ~ll,! ;'i;I~Y~~ ;~:1~ 1~\~!~ll~~~a:r~'~~se\I~~' 4th M~~,~~ K~:;~~r~~'l,h~~~~~;th{,1 )1(Jltlt of

I left Saturday (or hiS ho e ~I tcr I Mr. and Mr's. Glen Frink ilnd Norfolk Cilnw (n Saturday [or ,t

' Mr. spending flOm. vVedncsd Iy ~,Until I daughtf'rs vi~it('d lit thc lIarvcy VIS!t at the :'Ill'::' MarUM /!()hrkd

B~Vr~ i ~l~;r~.~x ~~il:~I;~~;"P':{~~,n~t:~ltll 0t;~I~'~ I FI17;-;.hl~r:~kSUFr~~~'I~ig~~ ('11 and llerman :\larlco alld :'Ilr~, W,ubtlcnhor·st and 11'('latlv('s, I Dickie', 1\1/ s. John })rl'v{'~on and BcnsllOoi WOrl' "'UppN

, Mr. and', .:vIr, and Mrs. Al soml~'rsl ,\ntl ;vIrs. LOUIS Benclin. spent. Thuf."- gUt'~ts at the Mrs. i\1,n:ttj<l Ituhrke of Chica-I Ml'. Jand Mrs, Werner St $l!n$!)t,·q':-I day 'tt the hume 01 Mrs. Plngcl"s home 'on WedncsdiJ.y nigilt.

Pingel and were Wcdflcsday evening \jesls at palTnts, l\h. ilnd Mrs. V/II!Jall1 :\11'. and Mrs. Charley Fuhrnwn and supper I th(' Jack Pingel h,ome, , , . l13rc)(']{ellll'HT, th!t1ond and t\rlcnC' and MI". <:J.f\r] ,\11..,. Al-

Our Reg. low Price 43.95


home' Sunday evenwg. I

Mrs. Margaret Bodel, and Betty of Yale, S. D., and Mr~j Hans As­mus and Arlene vi~itcdl at the E. O. Behmer home. "V~dn('sday af­ternoon and aiso at the Henry VOSlit hafnc the same aftcrno(}n.

lVIr. and Mrs. C:. O. Ekl1mcr were

s.und8 Y Hf.lcrnoon visitors .at the I Henry Asmus home. " Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behmer

~l~:C ~~~.da~Il:~~~:~oo~i~~it"~~~rs s~.~ r1t Jnw.

!, Mr. and MI'>; Earl Schlccht, r{('Vt'l'n· ,lnd Lan:1. of B¢lIc, Calif.. and Mr. Vv'1l1iam Brockcmcier of

• Equlpp"d With FGnd&r light

• Comes With a H<lndy Kick Stand ,-

• ~'urdy Conilrut:ion - Full Sin

• Gtossy Bak.d EnCimel Fi.nllh

• Balloon While Sj~ewall Tir.15

• Carri&rMoun'ed on R.m Fond",

and contest::;:. MI". and MI's..; Lrn('st r c~s:k(> \,jS~ I Mr and Mrs. 1:-;0111 and. In iJlTl Hl'hllwr. oj :'>iUrl.OIl.; W('I,' SUIl-I J\('d fll the Fred Brurndlls home Ann (\!ld ]\11'. I1pnry Voss I day aflC'J"I1non \'I'';j1(n" 1\1ro..;. c; Uea I Monday ('w'olng. w('rc Saturday VJ~lt()rs <.It : ~\llnni(' Kl"ai\"C hnlYll' i l.yla Fayp Marot;: andl Donna I Illl' Clcn 1"1 Ink I Ludllc B1Ullgdl'C~t, . I

, " 'q a no Lh' Rl:ug~eman Wel'(' a.rnq~g 'ho~1' I M.r Hnd and ploye-d in NorfOlk. ~Iwnl ,. JIIfIID. {nJ0~~rJ(J('r at I attending a rolier skHtlllg pa ty Ill, famil)." :\11". I end at til(' \VJI.lard Mit,)s """!I''''' <!

terldanc(' Norfolk, given by the St. Fau Lu- Slln, Mr. f~:\l~"~· ~":n:c1~"~.12r'::. ~I~I'~Jl~"~A;o..;n~I~I"~. ~S~;;~~~~~~~~~~-~i~~i~~V~~~~~~~~~~l

• Oilier Modell 36.95 to S7.ti)S

1.1.5,.,.,. _I< povable mo"I~ly

S,.tClmlinad for eye Clppe41 ..• ,; 81.1;11 I'll hIke it! Buy rtowond 5c1V& $41'

Maas and thpI' I('ag~e. - ,/ant'lle . Ciar€'nce Lyla F ayC' i\1arolz f;penl on-I and Mrs

Norris day mght at the \t\'all(,J'tGut man "OilS, I'll 1". ..

• < r i Mrs hunH'. . , I gn'll Clnd daughl(']"s ilnd )\Ir~ .'\'1111- G ~ . ~t "'wd .wIr. and !\lrs. Wilham Detk, I nil' Sch'elil'nb('lg \\l'l g\l('r-;t" -yd'IJAl/tVfl , I Ln~JlY Margaret Boe!('l and ~ett~· of I Thursday e\('nlnf; at a roa:-:.l 1f!.A1/1fEJ.1II

M<'ier·hein',·y ag.d S. D .. were Tuesday VISItors a tMe I at the 1 Ian y Dn'v('"on honw .nJ1·""'. ",r'" Mrs . .}-fans Asmus home, , Mr. and Her/)ert Klug

and MI's. Margaret BOclel find Bel- l w('r(' . .Frlday ill llll' Gus I Mr Iy a!" 'Yale, S, D., were ITu sdaylSchmldl home.

E;;';~;:t-iiF~~h;;;;;li~", and overnight Rnd \Vednesdaty g csts I' 7111' and Mr~. Hermoll Klug ,md at 01(' Hans Asmus home.', Mr. and L\;Irs. Anton Jallssen

Mrs. HC'l'lnan Opler and Nifanc y Monday \IS11.0I"S at the and Mrs. Hans A$mus were T uI's-1 Schmldl home, da.y !:,vening calliers at t!h(' -Icrb, M.r. and Mrs. Hrnry Asmus and MlttelstC'adt homt"', I I family, NIL and l\.lr'i. Wend!'!

H i;~.~~~~~uasy h~~~~ I:~ rev~1i:.~.r~ a ~~ ~r~~ll~~~.~g ~;~~'r ~:,: I ~:()~Ir 1;~:~I~'(;i ~'d I\:/;; . ·-t-

,-, ,II o~ A


",iDsy';tt ai(icCESSORIES



Wonderful ice cube cooler$ to : give that extra, ;t1expflt1uve 11ft

10 Summer-weary wordrobe~,


Soft 01 a pussy's pawl Smart 11 49 flared cuffs and inside 5aa15, U p r. Washable, 1001 Pink, Sil:e,



SporklinQ styles .•. under- 298 arms, double and single

handlesl Whito and (I good (pIli' la~J


I ~ Cool-looking, delicate Sum'- 2 ". " mer prints on flne, sheer white ~ y coHonl Variety of patterns. '

They'r. r.ol bu)"d

,.;::.~ ,.;"

Pay, 1.2$ weekly payable monthly

Hauseke"ping A~~' ct EXTRA

CHROME CHAIRS Loath.r." • .uplroltlor.tI

~~r;tch:~~~~:: 6.59,

, ,


lIf'a"i"'f Ihan ('ow'rnn1('llj Spl'dlkallr ... : 'd'l II/lund .... pl'r JOO ""I\lalrl' fl'l't.'\ thic'k huH. Lalll'l~'\ "lin'!rr-..,i .... ta,Jlt" h) ljnd!'rwritf'r's Lah);" 1m', J>u~ith (' ]lr,l ('dio!):

3 hundlf's ('OWf IOU sq.. f1. I $ 7 95 A\'ailahlf'! In ~(Jlid or hlend ('olor .. 1, , " ' • 1

INSTALLATION SERVICE A\,AILAHLE BY ()(:R. ROXDED .~·RAI~E[) CRE\\> \ ... k 11'1 ahout ollr ~I,e-dal ('lipping scr\"[~'(' to rjes1 .. t thr' 111].;"111, ... 1 strong wind... I

- (',\LL I'S FOn j.·Rl':F. E~TDIATE _ !

See <bur Bu;ldJng Mat~',al So:~s...-.:o'l obout 0'1' (Jmpl .. ,,,

i",I,,:I-I;);on 1{'rvi~e A~~ be FR~E QST1MATE.




2 6 9 S· 3,50 !Weekly .; Paya~le Monthly

• I 1

Try it in Your Home with Yor Ow~ Clothes!

• CORONADO Gel. CI"lhOl Cleaner-Even Rug.! • New Spinner tub Is eolanced for ~ny Size Load!

• No Bothersome Bolting Down .' 11

• :

• Exclusive Fluid Drive~Con'; Ove load. or Blow Fus •• J

See for yourseff in your own kftchen or au.nd/i'Y just how sjm~19 washday can be with a CORONAD.Q clothes :washed,lrinsrd and damp dried Icutomatically! SEE ho -CORONADO'S 09i­tator gets all the oirt with: gentle: s.Wishin:g acti9~' SEE haw li~J~ hot water <!=ORON~DO uses for tHe WhOlf iob+-iust 14112 gallOP. '. -NO MORE than, a conventional wash rl Cd~e in today. j • orrange fQr a demonstrdtion in your ome and ~fE WH1~ CORONADO CAN DO FOR YOUI I , i I

~ppraved by· ~lJ!Ierw~ilers' Laboralerild

.! i


Page 9: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

• ~---t

• • • .. ,. ,.

i .. • • .. •

I, ",



program a' layne sf" .-------\---.,..,....., 13 fu- the. coU~ge audiitor.

of current:, Brroad ay

aetivi ie-so

( f·

" ,., ~, wO' ,-, ,~ r SOUTHW T

Illproauctll>ns.s part o~e ¢oIlc e's WAY. N E 'are deslgn'd to by., 74th Y¢ar -)'0.9

authen ie feel of; , StaU~'Corresvorident ----l..--+------l---'-~----------------------~r_--_.,...,;.,.-__+-.:....-~-I "',-'......... include esCripti.ons I

pe,,s,;;,alitie:s.scrnes. a d leading I Mr.' and Mrs. corgc Rifuy of

. c~r~~~h ric a~:~~ ~~~= ~~l~~' ~1~:~;; .a8nnd l.rro~:~d~f~'J~ I r~EST

.... den v·isited at thelGcol'ge Shcfl"'Y WA Y N E Ai· I~ ., I home last MOndaYol Mr. Ri1~y IS nn n>rsan:

LOCAlS Mrs. Sherry'S bro~her and Mrs. by----~ hO~c!"~~n~~ r:y ~~'~n~'e~tf \\i~~i Doris Gildersleeve left Tuesday FaJlsom is a nlcce·1 ! w('ek on thei 27t ddo

for Hastingo? \vherc shU wiJJ s~cnd I Mr. a~!=I Mrs" ~Old, An4crson S~ Correspondent versary. G.uests ~0;'~he mc!c~itl~ a 'week at ,the Dick Gilderslee\"e and falIl:11(}', M.rs .. ;1 artlfl Jepsen Mr- and Mrs. Melvin Longe and! were Mr. and Mrs, Geqrge Bred1;.;' and Howard Smidt homes. and famdy of Martl . burg anct;H~- family were Sunday evening guests :!'<lr, and Mrs. CI~cnre B,e n;c.:.

Mr. and l\Ilrs'IJ. K. Johnson and zel Sedlak of WinSI e had ~ICfllC at the Er-nfrirl Alivin home. NIr. and IVfits_ Ha Q Paulson, ·11". IvadeIle attended a Fourth of Ju- dinner with the WaynF Andersons I' Joan Beckenhaucr was a Fridiil ?-nd :>lrs. Martin B r, Lois RJlWl-

ly picnic Sunday everting: at the on the Fourth. I , love.rnight and Saturday g-uest 0 ling ;md Mile.s B.OU hn all of R.1I11-Kenneth Johnson home. Others Mr-; and Mn;. Walter Behmer and!' LoiS Spahr. dolph and. Mr. and rs. Don Skal-there wcre Mr_ and Mrs. Williard Marlene werc last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. CR.rl Dammc spen berg of \Vatl$a, Aft~r an evenlI'lg' {,f Johnson and Santira, ~. and Mrs. visitors at the Harvcy Re-ibold 11a<;t Sunday evcning with the Wil card.$. the gl\le~ts sfrved lunch€'On. Russell Johnson and B cc_ home. I Schroedcrs.: . ,

Mr· and Mrs, R. R. S andley and T}:l(' Henry Schmitz· f'lmily were I Mr. and :'I-Irs. Frcd KioPPin1 I· Marl.]yn returnC'. d hom~ Thursday Thursday cvcning guests at the II Barbara and Glf'nn and Mr. an : 1

I en:onlOg" afte;.r a two-week vacation William Vahlkamp home, Mrs. B('r1 II Johnsen of Omah r. BRit N "l\.T A , OrJi:!a'ns. Mr. ftnd l\1Ir.>. Frank B<-Ik(,f, ::'Ilr. spent th~ July tlth w('('k!;'nd <It tht C' 1 \'

"ii~,~';:Bii'rl.'Oiii*"mOii1.ml"'Oi:iI~IiIii'm.,;,It.,'ii".m-m"~;m.t&~iDiiim;;;m;;;iiiiiiii"\Iii •••• i .. :;;.i.i!. and ;V1n;. Adolph Baier and Donna H~~? !-l~~(r:'~;~.l~;r~;;; Hn!,..rt., \\f'r{ , . by .... -----'

I 'II • w('re Tucsday guc~h 01 thc Clyde ]!-l:,t Sunri!-l}" rilOTiPr ;;w>ot·. dt til{ i Staff Correspondent :: 1 Bul\crs. I J M n I I -IMr and Mrs f{a}mond R('eg" Mrs r~~~;ltBt~(~~l;tt and "()n"\h~1 .\Ir" na;,- 1lrlnJljf' and'

1'1 : v.er(' Friday e\onmg dmnrT guCst:. It('d at the Adln AU::.tlfl hom(' rue!:-o~ land ;\lr<; f rank Lq:r~('n

A N' lED · at thc Carl Witt home In Pendcr day afternoon thf' GI('nn GranqUqit home

I • Mr and Mrs Hnrlan Hannon and I Mr and Mrs Ecnncn Youn~ and aflcrnoo~ . . . . .1


,< : I [amol) of Coeur D Aleoe. Idaho I ,on o[ Pers'" la spent \he "eck- M" F lu)d John,oo "II, U .'I\~('rc "ISitmg there I end OIl the C A Preston home Mrs Art Odf"'go.o.rd,Thursda\ : Mr and Mr:. WaJ[rrd Carl ... on 1 Mr and Mrs Ah In O'jbllrn ,Hidi \1r dnd Mrs Hk-nr) Ko{ h • land Mr and Mrs Ahm Carlson \"'\\ ARTZ-.JE~SE~ Mar} Ellen ",cre v,e('kend b\lesl\> 1 Ldand "prc last "fek SUndClj • v. ere Sundaj afternoon and hlnch· at th(" Basil Osburn hlOmc ncr and luncheon £ests at

) • home :\11 dnd lr~ Glf nn S\\<1rtz of IPtl- M}ron Dtrks home last Tue:.day \1r" Ch<trles Crlu nberr) of ~~l Q I :I£on guests at the Don Carlson \lJ!-.s I~' It::,- S~\rtrt/ uciU;.,ht(r of The James Hanscn::l Wef( at Ih¢'IGIcnn Glanqllls;t h e

: I fdrs Rosc Chnsl(['nsen of Omahii ;::-l r dnd ~Jfldr .J('n~f'n :<,on of the • e\('nmg ger ... pent Fndii) atl ttil.e F I .:'IIO${:,

HI. ~pj:";nt Saturda) nIght and Sunda) I J()nn J( ,ells .11'0 of P!lgu \\lre TEDFORD-PETERSE.'i. :'lr and )'Irs Oscatl'" :-'lann and homL , • atf.hC RlIs<;ell Pf)cbr home Shc I" rTl<lrncd June '0 Jt the St PetlC'r:, d' I· dl'l h famll) and Fred PepC'rcurn sprn! Mr dnel Mrs Dif';.tn Granq\ll,'

oUse~ or a;n unt of the PT)ors -, I ) p~( In a OUll c nng can .e 19 t scr·1 1 S d Juri} nd C" till f iL ftl R 1 D r. and Mrs. Han'cy fleiho!d h~:;J~:~rI~~t ;,~nU\~(~r[~7rmr:~ ~~l\: do~t~~ I ViCP, M_1S~ ~.avis._ ?~.rol~n T:dfor~ ~t~tr\ mU~~~n~n LmClHn \\ II h th( v.rrp ';'H;t ~r\"'~ ~yjn~Uyr O~(t~IB~t

we r SundR.Y dInner guc>ots la,St Jc rira:: (1('["( muny hdllP' dn ;l1lt"r 13f U:~!f Dca~~, ~~Ii i)V.~:' mar:IIe Mr and Mrs unn M{ Lilr hr n .. f b"lll"SI, IJf the (11M1n Gr<lnquI<;t,," we k at the Henry Wittler homl', dl ('qr;ill'1 \\101 1\\() b,t~kcLs uf us., }lnL -,) tCn a~ 'd e/cr."cn j a s~ HuntIngton P"rk C.1.1 s~nt lCl<..j Mr and Mr:, 1-' 1 Mo~'if'S rf'Ii~Jtr

A 'nJtl Mrs. George Sherry and Mrs. "(II'led [it \.\I.'rs "I ()" ,mg, eae an orm,cr;, 0 Saturday at thc \\/ C. \\'c>ot hnmr" fOri hornf' Jii~tt wef'~ Monda:. q'.j"l"

paftme S Dan ,Shf'rry ,and. son" were in Lau- :'v1r'> A'l\.I'1 I'l'tnsori o.dn;.:: '1';1'- I ~~n~n:;, .. ~~e ;n~~dli~:~e I~ru~~~~: _ Mr. and Mrs :;c1s Grimm .;.od mm; from a fl.~hln IrlP tu I )t:~.;-, re~ilaS1 ~u~dsa)R rl n ,I (';IUS('" a~d "() P!"T"!r'(" 1 U)\'f'."· /1("-1 hClm' Mr Peters£'n is the son of ;\ancy w('re la:-t rUM;dRY c\"('nmg: Tail. Mlnn THr'y w re)-I("("ilmp<..!tlJl"'i

I J~Ir. an ~ r. ~aymon , ('('J,g VJ~-II c~!n.;panl(,~. hy .:vIrs. \'crlm Wcrldt. 'v1r- ·C~ C· Peter'en ~f WaYnc caller.; 'At thr JiimC's .'YWlikc-n hom.f" by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Syrj,,\\ it~d.at Ed Grom'S \\ednesda) .\ho. Rnl~hHr!Ll'npla)cdtht"\\"rd-':" . '., ~. 'r .,' . Guestf,sat thc Warren AUstJO Mr.i:J.nd:-"Irs.LyleNtarotL,"-nd


Wayne High

C\ elrlln~. . d,,:j , Th: scr.lce .... as per orrn.ed h}. hom(' Thursday evening were Mr, lIy. ,: ::'IIIL and Mrs. Ray 0cison anel

l In.., mus.(. I Dr. StUart LeRoy And~rson In the and :VIrs. Ernfnd Allvin and sons, The C"rl :'1(,]lJc~ fam!ly \"(.'1'

::'Ilr. and .:\"lrs. G.us Nelsen spent The hmk. J.:I\(·n In mi-i!TIH~(':hYIBoo.th chaJX'1 of the FIrst Ccmgrc- Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Carl",on last SUfrlrl,lY dlOnrt guC~l:, at "ttl' last Sunday cvenmg with the Don hf'f fa 1 rn-!r. WUI (' i1 g"1)\\ n of \"lite I gR.! lonal church in Long Beach. The \'i~Jted the C. E. ,i'.;f'l'!ons of Win- John Ottc home. i Carlsons. I ~all'l. f;tsillotl('d \\Jlh 10m: sl~e\cs'l chapel "'as decorated 10 pink and side WednesdilY evcnJlilg. :.or.~rJI'f·'miln,dl) .. ~I.:s,-,~ ,~t1h""h'~IDl "ll,·.'nlf.~:~'"'l' .

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Corcy and!lJ("(' l~l..,rJ'.I'" ~Jl 1 hI.' nr'd:, dn~ In he'\\hrtr gladroli. :vIr!:'. Hcnry ~endaJl Mr. and M~. MeIYIO-uHI':c ilnd ..... " .... <- ~ u , " ,UJ

Mr and :\1rs. 1.';Ugfl'nc C)"K('cfc oll.-,kJ.rl dnd d IrH.r.'-1I lrnnwd tram, hc I Booth Jr .. ,," .. as the organIst and family vl$lted at thf' RudoJph MY. S~l} hwnr Inst :Vlund\ay e\'cnlOL: BCetlmee came Satur-del}' 1.0 spend Icarr.,.prl.;1 h"uqu r' l of dl'''p 1.11Ok '.0- l\11~" eel/herlOr' .Crunk and Paul home,\'\"edn(""<,day ('\'enJ."ng. Judy nnd J('rry Bpmcr. Whfj hil\r· the v.<e{'kend with th(' n.us'-cll Pr)- ,,("" ~,:rr; IPI'dd". \.\f·t"f' .~ g.I[~ of, Ow I Lu('lh were SOlO. I".t.'>. - . ]\11""">. Frf'drick Jelnkr> nnd daur::h- hf'('n vi."jtlng cd thr Rus~ell Lu){i· or<;. . I'Jlldl...,[( ~1l1" Pdrf'nt~ and, 18t( r1s. TIlt' bJ'Jdf' Wil~ given away by hf'r ter and Daricrn RohPrts vt!:'JlPd s"y homt; flip [last two weeks. fi, T

Larry H~rl ,Henry Thomp!ion Thl' rn*ld 1.[ f,onlPr. :'vI 1>0"'. VI' na] brother, .~n.'cy L. .Tcdford. She Mr:: . .J. M. Roberts last W('dnesda .. >, SiltUrdCl}'" lur lhl'I.r~homc 10 Gl~n-.spcnt la~t \\f'dnc~day afternoon al I,lt'n,en. \~d" ;":I!\.\nl·d ll1 blul' taf ('- worc a whltc marqUisette colonIal aftf'rnoon. "nor! Li • I . the Alocrt Milliken homp. tiL lIN ndnnled lJouquP!_ v;·as ofltYPI' gown fashioned entrain with Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Sur\Jn \\i.r(~ L)nn und LdrT1 GambleI.c

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond rr('{'~I\\'h!l{' and pmk r(JSC~ :-'lls~ ).rzlr taldehcalC lace msrrts: A full-1cn~th Ja.-.;1 Fnday evenmg g'Ue::.t!l Cit tho' spf'ndm~ d fl ..... days at lheMal w('re lR.st Sunday dInner gu"('!>ts al ISwnrl/. und '\11SS :VJyrtle Jen.en whltc net veil was held by a tiara AdJn Austm hom('. Druns hr)m" th~ Rich?rd Br(,ltkrcutz home ne"r Iw('('{' hrid('<;m;urb <1m.l yH'Y w. rc of orange !Ilossoms .. Her pearb :"VI,r. and 1\1rs. A. C. Lamp nndl :\lr and. -:"Ilrs l£\f'rf'lt 'VI te, \\'Isn('r -in honor of Mr, Drell-l)cIJ()\\ iH~rl rnnk gcr\\IlS of sImI i:lr WC1'e a gift of the bfJdegroom. She family called at thr Ei-l!ltl 'Osburn Mar} and Sal!} \\ere ldst Su .ay kreutz' hlrthday... . Id{'''lgn l~a("h h;td v.hltl' carnat on car~ied a white orch~d Hnd stepba· hl!tTle Thursday. evenmg. ldlnnf'.r gu('-:-ts at: 1 larry <?l"Ji.n-

Helrn ,Mann \ IS11{'d ill the fA ((I[~;t;..:rs.1 not IS on a white BlbIc. ~lr. and Mrs \\'arr{'n Au~tm ilndf qUI~t s. ( G(OnE' home Fndn.y aflernoon. :--:unr"y ! !'drT:-'I'rt. \\(',mm: r~ nk Miss .~ilncy ;\1errit t. maid 1 of dJlu&;hter, Mr, ::tnd Mrs, R::!lph A.u:-- M~. clnd. i\Jn. . !.frmHn :".10IN-

.1 ._Mr. and Mr~. ChrJ::' Bakcr ilnd on:;andy, ~I'r\'('d ;1" ll()wf'I" girL nct hunor, wore a blush colonial type tin and son, :-'1r. c:/Od Mrs. 1:.<lrl' dJcrk". VIr~ ~l'1nln _ MeIfTdiE'~~" wi th farnilirs

Nteded by Au~st:l to 15

:; ~dthy .a~d Lrt\'o~,nc Barn('r W('I'"(' Kenneth l'L'tcrs('n wa!:-o rmg be!1 r. gown v.'"llh a wreath ~f pink ro:-('s 'Brnnett and sons and Mr. and rind ("h~l~rf,n r,'f: ~J( n-qcl and:\11- ~nd • \JsJ1l~r~ [:I~ the Ld Grone 110mc He wore a latl sud and ',{'urf"Je a In her haIr. HC'r~colonial b.auquet Mrs. An~r('w, J~hn50n were ,Sun. ~r:- (l~~jr ~.lke: ~pent lJ.st SU!1: .Isunda) e\enm\.!; W~llte 'ialm h""(jrt-~tlaped pdl W was also of pink rose:,. day evcnmg PlcnJC >ouppcr gue.,h at da) e\UlJO o V.lt1 the ActO!Y'l. • Mr. and ;.\oIl'S. Elm('r Lyuns of With trw nng" uttachcd t(J hi e, J h "['.;; tt f d ' b ,.t . (hc Adin AustJO homC'. Baiers. " . . : Lall.rel and Mr_ and Mrs. Richard \'cllov. alfld plnk streamf'T"s. Ion ~ a e or \\?s ,f ~ man, Mrs. Man-m West of Pasadena. _:\-11". and ~ll"S. ~l;1I:- Tp~t am'. • BrCltkreutz of Wisner called at the, - Th h ~~d J h· t t ~d I ushers were Henry Kendall Booth, CalIf was a last Tuesday .... i~ltor elt, Larry i;ind Kenlleth ~avanauhh \11--

• Ed Grone hom(' Monday eveninc:. ' 'mt:, ('v.u~(' CJ.I;~~n~u~~~ wll~hCl \\(~nt~ 'I jr .. and John Allan. the v\.'. C We>ot hom£'. It~ed at the IIaJrry qranqUlst !10m'_' = I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Skinner and 1 <'ar-natlOn bo~tonnler~'s Mothers of the couple bo.th wore Mr. and Mrs. W;df.red Carlson 1- nri;-l) (,'\"""nl~g ... '

I Marcelia of Pittsburgh. Calif.. and C .. ." .. d~rk formals and had corsages of were at the Don CarIs!!m home last. Rf'\". T, J. ( ~('ht~dt ...... '1<, d Mr. and Mrs. George Reuter of Both mothers \\orc gr('cn drcs.\ic::, Vlnk roses. Monday evening. ne;.day~ allernoon jcallr-r ,d

I CarroJi were WednesdBY aft~on1 \'nth whl~E.' camallOfl corsages. IFoliowing the cercmony. a rc- Mr. and Mrs._ RichH.rd Kyl and Adolph Pialer hom£',

I Let's Help Keep Our S~hools Good

by Keeping Good T~achers '" ~

I * I I CALL or SEE I,

S~Pt. Stllcui Baller 223 - Home

Icallers at the Ed Grone home. ,A Tec£'~tion ~or about 100 guests ('option for 75 guests was held. fit daughters of". Des. ~oin('"s left last M~. andt

Mrs. Ftltz Kazer awl


Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeg were cal~ \\'a5 ht'ld at \\ashmgton hall. t:he tHe church parlors. Mrs. Ha:rh' Tucsday aft(,r VISittng at the J, H. Paulme 0 Pend<:'r. lind Mr. and I . • lers ilt th.c Ed Grone home \Vednes· room was decorated with .PlOk. ~/('l· ~iller. had char.ge' of the gUest Spahr and J, G. Kyl homes fot 1.0 Mrs. Herman Hememan 4frtt I': ,]I

• dayevenmg. I low. blu(' and while streamers. 'Jihe book. Other assIstants werc Mrs. days. Thursday afternooh at : ~lr : Ed Grone:- were hosts 10 the: tahles hald floral.(,f'nt(~rplec('s alnd Henry Kendall Booth. Jr., Miss ~Ir. and Mr.::;. ,ErrrCrid Alh-m ~nd Baiers, ~ '. :-:'-{ .' .1 F.rf'd Reeg [amJly Thursday eve.., I were lll . .:h:cd hy c,tndks, Harnet Hdrns and 1\11.'>5 Geneyicve :::ons spent. last. Tue:-.day cvenIng-;. : I ~ ,

: nmg. _ i ro??ltJl:~J~dr'''~~h::II~r~~r~~tea~I:f'~j:d lJ~b~:'brtde is a gr;lduatc uf the WI·i~:h~_l~;~1 j)f~I~;I~fCSh<id Sunday WCALS .lvonnR Ca.rl.!'>On· ... Girthday I Waynl' cqlk"r .. >';i1" has iwctl teath- {;ni\'efSJty of Caltlornl<:t .It HC'rk.c~ dUlTlC'f la!:-ot we~k at the L. ·ha.rl.{'" :-'-1~ 21ld YIr::;; .8. 4- ,Brandstetj~-: • Guc!-ts al th(' iJ(m Carlson hflJl~(' ~ In~ In rUlf'!! ~("hn(Jj<; :\lr . .Jensen I· it ky where she wa~ a memuer of Pi I Bull, horne. . 1 ~tt~n.d.<'~.a ~(""hool plqnJC ~undn;' 1\',r : Jast Monday {'vcnlng for Donna!i I Pilger h L;h >ochonl graduate lnd Lambda Theta and the univerSIty ~1rs_ Roy Spahr and UII!' nsil- th(' dd,,~mdtrs of -woo at th ";'J! • 11th birthday W(TC YJr. and :Mrs. II SL'T"\·t'<i 1 the armed forces or Women's .c!ub. She has been teach· I ed :-'Ir~ .. J. H. Spahr ThurSda.y af- s.chooj g_rou~ds I.n c! tanton !O\~nd : I \~ralfred Carlson :'lr. and 1\Ir~. AI·: threc Yf'alrS He .IS an ekctnclan. 1 ing in Long Beaeh smcc hcr grad~ temoon. ~..! shIp. La. lIaTJon, accompame


'.I\·m Carlson. 1[r. and .:'vIr" Oscar I Til' Illde cho"e a whll£' lJIlenluabon. Mr. Peters~n was grad~1 Mrs. Walfred Carlson \lslted,tpern. i. . .1 Rmnsey, Mr. and Mrs. KermIt! dre%c w/ t [1 whIte accessurles a'i l1er\ uated from Wayne St<lte Teachers I 'Mrs: Clarence Carlson Thursday I. ;'lr, a~d ~rrs., F~ 'ftol~ke and ::n~: : I Ramscy and .ranel. :\lr. and Mrs·1 Oln 7 ~,"'bv en"'-tllhlc. c.:h~ wor~ a' collcgc. He IS, a member of Kappa I afternoon. j <Ind. l\lrs. Rill ~chultz ~eft Fnooj • Floyd Andrews and Lorraine., Mr. ~i]rst::~~ r' ;;W('I'I'hl.'it'-t ;()<;".". Artn: Mu Ep,..,llon. Lamuda Delta Lamrr .Mr. an.d Mrs. F .. rd Ttr·r·;.: were .at I ft~r il,.I() d-ly>o f1Shl~~ tnp to Can,.,,: ., an.d Mrs. RU,~5l"ll Pryor and tamlly, .t sh~I~1 ~1"Ir' thc cf)upic \\ ill Ul'I.i.lL I da and PI Umrg'i PI. 11r' 1" now 1 tltr' 1.'Jd Grom: hon.le 111UT"~d;,iy ('\('- 'I dd B;-Jrhanl Wols" IS st.~r~ : I Mr. and Mrs. ·('larcn('(' Reck and ~H;m' J}'!'li"f'1" I : ~f'l"l"('lilry' at Todd SllipYi:lrd~ cor- nlO;':. I willi lwr I=;riwdpar hts, the '1" J • Linda. Mr. and Mrs, Gtlbcrt, Dang- ( , n-' i 'porCltJOn. Mr and Mr~. r.rncst Grollc ilrHi I nrand<;{rttcr ..... \. I ! .jberg and DenniS. :'vIr. and Mrs. # : After ii trip to Santa Barbara. fnmlly ..... cre ("'rnmg g1l1c-;;ts Thur.,- Dr i-ind Mr.! f. tn.. M[)!TI:-;]a~d : I I-fC''nry Lar:lgenhcrg and Genc and . J... _, ,,' ' 'Carmel and San FranCISco the cou·1 day at the Carl :r>amme home. ! JeannIe K<iY (J~ Ij<..eamcy w~nt .11\-I~. and Mrs .. Clarence Carlson. ST~"L S.\:\U LL J ! pie will be at home at 1102 Lime The Fred \~ahlkamps spent last fn,m Fnda.y. until IMonday v..,1I~1 :IJUdy and ConnJc. :\I~<;s Elloi~c Stull d;WglltcrlnfIAvcnuc, Long Bcach. Sunday ev.emng. WIth !Iorr. and! Mr". Ylorns moth1r, Mrs. Sldiil. .1 : IMr. and :'vIrs. John Stull Of.O~. • \Mrs. H. F. V~hlkaf!1p. ) Chichester.: .'" .. ~. • Mr. ilnd l'lrs. J, L. Ericks(,n and fOrI11ic'rJ~ of Wa) ne. \\ iI~ man' cd I .f!o., A]hcrt MIlI~k('!l. Jr .. was a. Salu~- ~usst!'I~..,L~~ch \\a~a F nda) .~ ('~: : son of La" Angeles wpre Thursday I June! IH If" !{.;Iymond Sample. ~()n of I .:\lr5'1 Chi-lr:les Lapharl! ilnd he-r dilY o\'('rnlght and SLinda) guest nli..h! ,I!U~ t at 0-,(' orne. (If hl~ ~ .Inooo gu('st:; at Ul(' c.\Tr('tt Rccs'Mr.,ind 1JS CllySilmplr'o[L( nlhro1hf'r.!'Vl. E. Krll£'). Wf'f"[' m atth('Charle~Bu~lhoTtle; 1,c1:',hruccSla;g e. e ..... ason .I~ • hom!'. Mrs. It('('!:> IS a nlcce uf Mr'!1 CIty., Th' ('f)llplf' will T(''.lcll' un a 1 SIOUX, Ctty v\lednesday VISltJl1!; rcl- Mr. and Mr~. Waltf'r Goodm and I ~~d;' from Bostlon 0 hJS home H

l*1.i+i~:~:::i:t.*~i~iii*~~~i::~~:i~:::::~~~~:-~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~"~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.;; ......... = Ericltsun_ _ ____ ~., .. ____ f'I~.ll: nlj~_~[!UP ~:Jl!, _ atlVC'i;. '("],Ira of Gordon. left for theIr CalJfonlla. I ~ mBmmmmnmm~~BcmnDmmmmm~B.mD.e.m ••••••••••••••••••• *.............. . ......•••................•..•...............

• Scho~1 . PIIONES I


~ • • • :' • · • • .. II .. .. • '.--: : · ' • .. .. • • •

Statement of Condition June 30, l!H8

Sta~e National Bank of Wayne ;ji] ,OfIQ,659.2H

~.OOO.O() 4,600.00

. ___ .. _._ .. _S2~260,560.26 5HI,625.04

1~226,891.12 I

4,006,079.42 . _. __ .. _~ ..... $5,IOq,338;70


, Liabilities (:apiit<11 Sloek. . ___ ._ .... """. """ _. --,,-"'" ... 8 ~ nrpl II!'; .. --_ .. _. -', .. _ ..... , _ ........ _ ....•. _ .. -i .. ··· --_. ---. -_. _. -_ .... _ .. -_ .. _. --_ .. ' _ ..

(r mJhidt'd Profitl; --""-,, .... __ . _.-_. ,,_. -.-. "-"_. __ ....... ,,.,,.---'-' .. ---,

::::::~::: f~~~-"···~~~:~i~·i~~~(>I:a~~.s·· -.::::::::::::::.::-:::::::::::::: Tutal De . I "" .... _ ••• " ••• _ .......

TOTAL .. _._ ...... _ .... _--_ ... _ ... --_ ... . ... __ .... __ ...... -._ ......... -.-. __ .

]00,000.00 53,500.0q 42,092.33 ]6,000.00 9,405.7~

4,383~340.6~ j


Rollie W. Ley, I

Herman Lundberg, Vice President . "

Everett E. Rees, Ass't Cashier Ass't Cashier

." ,. • • • " " II · • • • · -• -.. ,"

Page 10: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

"I, :,l

city couo¢H endorsed the pro~ club to cJ'tange the system of

the business district' from to the Qurbs . . . C. E. Car~

1I0elsJliD;oed a carload of honey weigh~ to Sioux City ja5t wee·l·e

aoo hives of bees ... June mar­this year' totaled nine ... De~

repre.ent'"~ $350;000 of t he deposits in the bank in Carroll have to reorganization of the

be held July '22~'27 on of the tid<et selling

, chairman, O. R. Bow~ , S. x. Cross, J. H. Kemp,

E. E. Gamhle, Mrs. D. C. U1~O~r'sle'eve, J. M.I Cherry, L. C. Gil~

and Mrs. D. J. Cavanaugh .. Gil!de!rsl,,.!;,e:!8Ind Hazel W~pking w('re married

bride's parcnts. Gregg Me-br;d .. ,ro()m,. ,The management of

it will not uc respon:;ible loss of but tons caused from

Harold Lloyd comedy ... Mrs. Puckett, Mr. and Mrs. Chris

Mrs. Nelson and daugh' evening eall('r~ at ,JOf' Cr('s~

th(' n£'oW radio.

June l2, 192f~ev, WilHam Kearns recrnlly re-1lIIrned ftom a iv ~week visit in New York and Was?ington . , . '1 stones ~ large as chicken Pggs fell In large nu b rs and rtftlny the size of goose eggs Were report seen Tuesday when a storm did cons!deralble dam ~e tej crops and property, ('speciaJ~ ly in Ho~kim;. . WHliam Beckenhauer won til(' weekend golf at the country club by shooting an.80 with a ~f 12 for a net score of 68 ... The William house in Altona, occupied by the Henry was destroyed by fire, thought to 2ya defective chimney ... The Dr. A. Dave Jenkins automobIles WCTe damaged Tuesdav evening when thf' cars collided one mile south of Car~ roll. . of Mr. and Mrs. Fred

a week's illness caused .. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Tuck­arrived :Friday for ·an ex­

of their duughtrrs, Mrs. . B. Jon{'s.

J""T·""';SIC Stephen of the> collc!Zc art the directory of American

Art Annual published by of Arts', in Washington, D.

of Carroll has presented a to the college's dcpartm('nt of will be hung in onc of t he halls'

. . .. Girl Scouts hegin thf'ir southeas't of herr fl('xt

Wiltse in charge, asgist~ Becll<'~hau<er and Jean Davies ... Dr.

York spoke from the Wayne Tuesday morning on Russia. received $3,140, ils semi~annual

, of interest from of this gbes to the districts

%. is di~ided according t () , resident of Wayne

years, di¢d Monday at her ... A, number of neigh~

ic at the Will Wolter JulV Fourth ... The

of :A.llen and Wallace ... Work started Tucs~

in the' public sch~)Ql' gym in Leslie was destroy£'C1 by it had be·pn sl ruck by light~

at the Vi~tor Mr. and .Mrs.

Sylvester and family, Mr. and M~s. Melvin Samuellson

and family wpre at Henry B~sh's Wednesday elning.

Mr. and M , Bill Meyer and

~:~r ~~::~n ;~~:r:!~· v~~~~t the George yer home last We('k Sunday afterl1oon.

Mrs. Joe Ptltton and Candycc called at. the Ernest Ilramrnel'" home Tu('sday last week.

Mr. ~Ind Mr~. Floyd F;chtcnkamp were gu('sts !at a Sunday picnic at the GCOrg~WiSChhOf hame.

Fourth of J ly gupsts at the,Joe Corhit home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (orloi1, Mr. and' Mrs. C. J. Dendinger and Jack of Harting­ton.

Mr. and Mus. Herman Steuhe were in Orchard Sunday visiting Mr. and MrsJ Gus Goiter. They stopp('d in Pierce on the way 1:'0 take Mr. andrrs. Casper Br()Efck~ mpY!"r with tern.

~1rs. Wayn LaRue of Chicago vislted.a,t the S. J. Hale home Thursday aftdrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. JIarry Beckner were there in the -('vpning.

Fred KralWf, of Holly, Mi)1n.,

f~~ChC~~r~~~t ts l-¥~~~~~~h: .at~~h~ George Meye home.

Bonni(l Lessman was a Thursday evenmg visitor at Ernest Bram~ mer's.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Echtenkamp called on Mr, and Mrs. Anlton Schmidt in DiIXon Thursday fjve~, ning. . . I and

Jimmy Joerrbit returned [rom were camp at Colu bus Sunday.

Mr. and M . Robert Con,Y.f'rs and son of D raff, Minn., visited a t the Herher Conyers home fl.jOID Saturday unli Monday last wr::tek.

Mr. and Mr . Elder Lubberst:)edt . spent lasi' w~k Sunday and ~he Iannll\l'(l,nmer ~ourth.of July as guests at the ~a-

sJ!~~~'~;::d ~~~~elson Beekner left Sunday last week for Plainview. They:had been visiting the HaIM'Y Beck~ers.

Mr" and MI1I, Ben H. Dallas. Tex., 'and Mr. George B. JQhnson of spent Wednesday at the Levi home,

Sunday dinner guests at the t­to Hf'ithold heme. last week w re Mr. and Mrs. Emil Baier and d­dil:' Georgf', Mr. qnd Mrs. Adolph Claussen and ~amily. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Meyer, I\jIr. and Mrs. Orville

~~\~~~~:~'nd\~~I~~'. Conrad Wei~ Mr. and MrS. Carl Samuf'l$on

faEj'ts of life in a language I Mrs., Charios COl-;i-~s ~ . . und~ t~ntl. If ever a book- family, Harry Denpsiii, .

a ch Sit down and "talk and Bohby, and Bill and Winnie of its kind on the muted Collins of ILaurel.

It is a book for the Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wacker wete taking the StOlI'k off his Sunday dinner guests at the

Elmer ¥unter home: in Randolph1

~~~r:~:..~~an~on vi$-

DDT 50% Wettable

4 Ibs, (makes 100 gals. spray) . . .. $2,'6S

Glo-ride (Liquid 25% pD'P I

Makes 21 gals. sprayj ...... .i. $1.50

m~nths. Thlis produ(,t ('ontains 5q% DDT. Cn!.t!ol. UtUf>, (':iSY to al~ply. safl' to 11..,('. A"lc U~ ahollt


Griess Rexall Store

Welt Point

Cleaners and Launderers

Are Now Giving Com~lete Dry Clean in&, and

Laundry Service

in Wayne

jl t~

Please put the red card in your ! window for pick-up service I or phone 482

~egular PIck-up Bnd DelIvery Monday and Thursday

Garde'n Insect:i¢idbs Rotenone (Non-poiso10u~)

Large size . )

Tomato Dust in Pump' Guil Gets worms and blight

lIb, ...•. L 40c


\ I 150<:



Glohe Tromhone Double ActIon Sprayer $7,25

Hand Sprayers.

DDT Bombs

Weed-No-Morc 8 oz. $1.00 Quart

(Applicator Free)


. $1.49'

$2,98 1"



l)OWEL R)':NTAL SERVIOE i: e er arm"cy , -Fr~e Minor Repairs- I: II. ,J. FELBER - Prf'\i\('rlption Drngglst"l - \\ALDE~ E'ELBER l

. a3tf - '

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ••••• ; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• mR.D ••• - I ----,----

Chur1,f'"r ";\TO. lS4-15 ~SrM"f'" Distrirt No.)O • I


The State National Bank ~f Wayne In the State of Nf'braska, at the Close of Business, on June 30, ]948,

puhli~hed in R(',"'pons.e to Can Made by CpmptroUer of the CUTrf'~(,Y, Under Section 5211, Ii. ~. Jtt>.Vlsed Statu!es

~SSETS Cash, halances !With other banks,. incllllding 1I'eserve balhnce,

and cash i~ems in process of: collection. $1,226,894.12 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran-

terd ., . . 2,260,560,26 Obligations of ptates and political subdivis~ons 408,625.04 Othf'f bond..." nOI(,5, and debentures __ , ' 110,000.00 Corpor(ltc "tacks (including $4,600.00 !;tock of Federal:R('~

serve banli:) .. 4600.00 Loans and discbunts (including $968.18 ov(>rctrafjS) ......... 1,090,659.28 Ranl{ premise$ owned $8,000.00. furnitur~ an fixtures_

$(none) .j ......... _ ••• _ ••••••• __ ••••••••• ............ • •••••••• '............ 8,000.00 (Bank promises owned ate subjf'ct to $( n n(') lied:;;

not asf:;umf'(j by hank) .

TOTAL ASSETS .1 ' $5,109~33R70 LIAjllLlTlES

Demand depos)ts of indlvidualsj partnfrshlps, and eorpo- . rat;ons ... : ......................... , .. " ....... ,. . ...... h, ... , ........ $4,460,95o,56

Time deposits of individuals, partnerships. anell cOl1'pora~

Dep~!~~S of ·ub·it~d···St·;t~~··G~·v·~·~~·;;;~~t (incl~d;~'g"p~~t'~'i 163,376.48 59,593.24

163,205,20 41,215,12

savings) .1 .... -- ................ _ ...... _............ . ..... -. ->.

Deposits of St¥es and political sllbdivisions ..... J.-- .-,_.- .. 01he

l r deposits (certified and cashier's ch('c~s, e.t~') ....... : ... .

TOTAL D' POSITS ... , ,.".".... .. $4,~B8,3!W,60

! ~----

TOTAL LfABILITIES , ... $4,R8R,310,60


Capital StOCk:j Common sock, total par $100,QO 00 ' .. $ 100,8do,oo Surplus "_ . ····:::::1,.. 53,500,00

UndiVIded pro ts "" .. '... 42,092,33 Reserve I. r • • . ... -_. . .. 16.000.00 Reserve for 10SI es before taxes I·, ........ , ........ ""1"._ .. _.......... 9,405.77

:::~ :1::::I~:~C:;T:~~~;~~~~~~1 ~~,~::::::~:' ME~\ORANDA :

.Asse~~h~~~~~~~o~!s a.~:~~~.~.~ .. ~ .. ~ ... ~~~ .. ~.~~~~~!.~~.~~ .. ~~~ .. ~~~$ 580,000.00 I .,. II ~ ,

State of Nebr~k.' COllllly of W yne 55: '. 'II t I. ~ome . Ley~ presidejnt th~ abOve-nam ~d nk, do 'solemnly

swear th,a. t tllte above statement' is true to 'the brst my knowledge and bel~ef. ' , t

' , II ROLL W LE,;y,. President

CORRtCI'-A est: I "liieflll8 Lurjdberg : ' : • . Iilenry .Le)l' "

A. R. undb~rg ~ ,Directors I

. Sworn to a d su1!Jscrlbed befbre me thisl6th rY of July, 1948. III (Se~1) , 'Martlli L, " Notlll')' PublIC _

I ' , I'


What a pleasure it is to workin a-kitchen with a modern GAS RANGE. The mod­ern ranges have heavily insulated ovens that keep the heat in the oven where it belongs • • • rQ.ake for cooler' kitchens during the summer months. 'See the new flanges at your Gas Company or at your favorite gas appltance dealer's~

Page 11: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday



ati'tnal , CHARTER: NO.

I ,I'

tementof, 'C!ondj------


420,3l3.89 1,1 6.0Z .5,8f 0.00

'7')0,00 3,OOO~OO

I "

2,4.09,.5 9,68

... ~ ... $2,840,6:'i9 • .59 I I







~-llie C;tJt.OE . -fbit~1


••••• j ............................................................. $

V~ ... f.I1"·~~~d·R~·~~~~~~ .. :~::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::'::::::: 0- --l'~e'- -~ --"0" - _._. - - -. - •• --- ~ - - - - - _ •• ~ .'.--- - -- - - - .-_.- _. - - - - --

: II

1 I

Page 12: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

I J ' I~ l r '"-._-- .- r -r ';'1"~ .,

W··t·.·S'·' " I •


I Norma J~rviS' Ross McKernon and Mr. and MrS', August Shlhn and Chuclt. ards were' Planed. Mrs. <

Lyle Je:n ins and Kenne h £ddie


I I ~

1 ::::':1I~~~ ~"a~~loaWJ;:~i:.to Ev-

We-FI.,1 bridge cl b me't'Thurs_ 1---It-..:...::l-~~.:....*'_---·--.....::......----__+__1-7+<-----.. --------I---- ~~reoep~Si s~ t~~sl ~!~t Mr~' ~~.~r

< 6ti:op,·efy Jack Ret lwisch, M s, Leo Jorda~: 1 • ...:,,..... • • and Mrs. George 0 ens. The next \ RocllX1 FJJ't'(,ASl! ~,~~.t~o J~~laen.in two \\Ipoks with

Bob Johnson has Deha pelt l~l('('ts with Mrs, 'l' rural mail Clirricr Lloyd Mdrri~ Thursday evcning. C'A'RROLL to-CA S his dutIes J~ly p,,2'nO,.oT 'sculUnbdIWy,illJIUlOlyld lth1e ,a,lnntUh"el ~ I ment was made L L h Mr an Mrs Cy Martm, who are QompetitivC'1 . Wayne pal-k." VIsltmg a the Glls PaUlsen home,

t:~~ ~il~':~ l~~~en ~~~~{/I~J Irl~YgC; ~:t ~~;fl~~ ~!~~~ rout~s \~SCS ents fJ;.h1o~e~t h~re Fnday morn-

'1 J- I· ~d wscs met Wednesda~ m Ihe I m~~rs George Han~en, Mts Rus.1 rv ones "lUr MethodIst ('hurch bascmdnl Wllh a I "C, Hall and chI] ren arjd Mrs UTh G 0 I covered dlsh iunrh('on I IA gust Weseloh VIS ted at 11hc Joe '1' en lar ver urns -- A lar and W<il Hol4amp hOme, m

For Birthda~'r I B lden Wednesday Mrs \VC'sf'loh 11\ Joncs suff('fC'd SOV(-IC' brUises Mrs Sue Vann C'ntC'rLuned WCd-lrE' a10pd to VISIt frjends ami 111,1

wholl tIlt' car In \\I1I(h lie waS1rJd- nosday ('velling 11 hr r honw In 110n- tdes 10 Belden Hl~ hl1 cl dN'p rul and'U!ld TIlle or of h(r fall](,1 s blllhdclV Mr Mr and Mrs Kk-rmlt Cmllne' south dJ1(i .I null' Wr's f t v.n and Mrs DO\, (' Lo\ e and Maxme aI1d family and Mr I and Mrs Al-Vil'tl1on :'\i{']SOI1, \\ho w ~ or 109 and Mr~<; Nt"ll George of \\l:a~neltoh Boy('r \Isltpd T4('sday {\elllng In d Ileld hurried to Jones' Ul T 'Acre gucst-. Ht the Joe Duffy horlne

:;1(1~~~rl ~~r~~)OI1~~mJ~~{'~a;~~)! t~~ F,OF Rrlrlgl' ClII~ Th(> Lcb Stcpheris famIly and dama~ecl. consldC'ralJly. FOF Bridge ('JlIh 11101 fo~riday ~~J'l1~~b fn~~~~na~at~!~]~;~nl lhe

en'.ning .wi!h RUTl) Johnson., Be Mr and Mrs Gedrg<' LlI1n dnd Hun Bai)ti:f.l'd 'H~nce Tlf~. was. a guo~t. AnltadC'l DOn Morris at Wlchija, Kan (amf'

Alan Roger, son of ::VTr. and ~rs. F'ltC'h, received hIgh and .H01t(> KC'n to dttend tho Mornt

tamlly rl'un-

tt;:h~rp~~~~:s" ~~i~)~;;~d ~r'r~:;' i';',,;~~V,;';e~: nrxl Illrel,n, ",II 1]( I ~~~,,:~~d a~~~u:d~lv, ~~~b~':~n~o'~~~ Sahs and John Sahs II lion-or IIOIlSt, GUf's1<. I ~~~frad~~n l\l11\oTrO~~~S is I :;tHyin~ With

,. I" ' or nf Mr. anri Mrs. Cy .:\1,11'1111, 1\1r~. sp¢nt tIl(' \\'('ekend a~ Lake (}kobo-

Sunday Roberts home.

M~~~da~;sr[~~iG~g~;:tsL1~g ~rr~ iam Were 'in! Norfolk Sunday nlgnt for supper.

Guests at the Elmer Fislier home Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clar~nce Walter a.nd family of Wakeneld and Mr. and Mrs. John Daviis. ,

Kelly family :;p nt th(" Mr: and Mrs. Harrison Kinkaid in Des MOines. and son FJlton of Hartington we,re

! ir Theophilus le~ Mon-I Saturday 'evrning guests at the Lon¢view and Belli gham,' Glenn Graffiis home. to I visit, relative" andl ~ Zion Congregation~l,and the

. Shelwill o1('et, the onnerl Pre. yterian Sunday schooh; span­in Valentine and,rna e the' sor d the annual Fourth of July

. ngton with t~c . Sh? Co munit:y IPicnic Monday at the about SIX c('ks.: O. B. Morris: home. ,

. Charles hitney Mr. and Mrs. Bcn Flemming Mr, and Mrs M. S . .spen! the welekend at the Ray Kel-

('han WC'\'C' at:.Le~m- ly hOme \\'hile the Kellys were VIS-SunnaY,for a pICnH? iting in Iowa.

E;lvln Jane!'! t g-UCS1S at

Dix:on NeW" -I---:::-(--H' U RCH::E5 . "('v;'~i~l~r:;i t~~:sC~~~_~:)11tl~;111~},11~\r~~~~~ I an~rM;n~nc~~'n;:~\:ll~'~~~~~i~~~~~ , ~";,, Lo »:i6a::z~ Harold McEvPr and llnlCl', and ii.

-.......-.,. ~1rs, Dwight MC'lf'C'1'. Thos(' altC'nd- . Mr. and Mrs. c~ MartIn !ind (By. H. L. Balscr)

;~f,l"\\'~~~~, ~~·(t~~\.~lr~;lI~sl. .J;)h!11;~lr~ ~T::~h, JZ--~~·:]1~\m~~Jt~.r~I~)r~ldL~1~~ La! Wyo,. cfimc Fnday [or a --~~~--~ .

::\(J !;ool'r\·l('es. L<lciir's Aid nwC'ts July Hlh \\bth

·:\OIrs. T I', 1<.01)(,1'1s ;Ind :\Il's. AI Thomas ,IS tlilstes".

<lnd Ruth, MI', and :\lr.". 1);I\'e EVC'r and BruC'(' ofIAllantf!" Ga,. Shor1J'lslt at,t.hCiGCOrg{'JOhnstonl MI'. and M:-s. G.en~ Whltes~l of JOllC'S, lvlagglc Evan:;, "Jr. and ,\1rs. havp bcen visiting at 'the Gus PaUl, \1.( on1('. ThC' vJ,e:lIors ar(' puretnts of Way~c w('re I~ DixOn on bUSIness I GC'orgc Hansen and Anlold, .Mr. sen home. The wom~'n are daugh- Mr. J hnston. Thursday evt>nmg, , and Mr.s. Russel Hell I and lR~1ily. lC're: ('f lh(l Paulsens.! Mr. ahd :\lrs.! Mr. 'f'lnd ~rs .. Jakc Johnstdn and ThC' Hp]muth Rcich family of !VIr. and :vIr,<;. (;It'~ Hall ;1Tl\1 lal11- Marl1,tl left for _ IIlnn1C' Friday S0n of BlyfJ('ld. Mo" wcn' wl]ekf'nd LeIgh wC're' Sunday guests herE' e,t lIy. Mr. anri.l\ln;. ~ Iydc PnJ'l 11 , hIt·. I rnornll1 g .. Mrs. McEv~r and Bru('('. gUests at 1I1,.e Georgl' Jol1nston, the home of hpr falher JOhn.F <:Ind l\~r~. \\ H. SCl']lllWl', i\'l,r. and and l\lrs. Metp('r plHn 10 ~~oilV ~('\'_ h001C'1 . I Koch an~fanlilY' 1\ll's. (Iarcnef' \\'()oclc; .Ind :\fr. :lTldl,cral marc wceks, ' Mrs. EV('fE'tt Da\'is and LaurIe I ThC' W ytle Jewell and th('" Clif-JY1rs .. Gus Pllll.ISel1 . ~r. and Mr:;. Maurice A~rn c.md return d t.o .ne~' .c.)ak. In,., Slmda,Y! ford JeW I falmilies of Laurel spent

, '. ,. ElllJc, Mr.' and Mrs.:KC'r It Cor- after a w('ckfi Vl.slt hpreoMr.pavls Sunday h re at the Merril and (ar:npfl~ fdr!s Zll1~ and f<lJmily of \\1aynG' no Mr, look t cn: h.a,ck, I Grandma Jewe]J homes.< ' (<-:lmpflr0 ('Irl" I1ncl a party for and Mrs. Alton BOy~r and family Al Plcni¢ supper held Sunday· 1 H , d D th G

lhr>l)' TltOthrrs at lhr> 110nw of thelOf Sanla BArbara we eat t)l1(' 11ikc evenint at. Uw Elll ShuJelt home, .. Emm:t, ("en an ,oro y ar­l.caClC'r,1... l\Ir:-;. Clall' Thc:ophilus, IiaJpin hotTIe in Wi side for . ..,up- ~r. arild Mrsl. Ed Olm. stcad,! and v Ill, ,\~hO ~~~n~ ~at~n~ .colleg~, Tuosday af!('rnaon. The girls had pel' WE'dn(1<;day even' g. 1amilY'1 Mr. and Mrs, Dot ~lston spent t (':~ en a elr paren -('omplet.(' charg(' of r'ntC'rlainnwrH Stanley Whitney spent I a fpw and fa~ily, Mr. an~ Mrs. Edl Shu- al home h er .

and refreshm(>nl<;. fur wh)('h t~cy days last wpek at 1hrl Miltoh Strtn~ felt antI Mrs. NollIe Jonf'S were The Leonard Strong famlly

'. I

St. Pau1's Lulllpl·:\.o Chunchl re('eiv~ honm-s Il1 llle organm~- ley home. I gul!'st.si. spent the'fou~th in Wayne.

I (Rl'\', M,. RI'pt L. pasl or) lion ... E]e\'('n . gu. cst s were pI'C!';en LI The> GE'~ld C. oeneljls .SP€,ljIt Sun- M r .. ]nd' Mrs. J orry Fah~. left <~A~r~le;n~e~K~ra~,e~m~e~t~, ~W~h~0~h~as~h~ee~n~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=;;:3=:2~~~==::~~=;:;;~:;;;;:;~ r}~l~~~(? v:;(~~1~~~II~.lI)t/)~g ~.~~~pTn~C'°P;.~~~~u~:Xf~,I~~,~C'~ t~'h~~~ ~~~e~'i~~rh ~as~~:ei~ a~~~~jllY, the ~~J~~~~ fa, fO~ a two-Wp€k VI It 1n ~ Quarterly vutl'rs mecting thiS llw glrls may ('''rn honors and ten~ I Gus Ha k underwent an opf'ra- Mr. and Mrs. Lem Jone~ and PHONE! 345 P" HONE. 34~

I Sunday. tativc: plans \'J~f(' made for II pap- tion Frida night in ~ Wayne hosw Mardel e were Sundc,ry dinner

nc, _, _ er drive to l'alS0 funds for equip,. pital. He i$ reported ito be !getting ,guests t the Pete Morns h01e,

and Pr('sbytt"rian Church ment. The group of 12 memhpr.s I along niceJ~ and he will bel there Mr. nd Mrs. H. L Harmer, Har- '{.. . .". j ., t a· < . ad· e· rI8·1· C· 0 who, :Rc\'. ()'R Prol'!t. pastor) I was organiu'o In April with June at lea.st arnother week. old Harmer and W. H. Scribner ': .;1 on e ' ." _ ~r'I' Sunday, .July. 11, CllUITh, 9:1~. Gaye \Vag.ner, Rte~id('nt; Janice Mr. and :Mr.s. Otto \Vagner and were I Norfblk last TuesdaY!. !'ir. I ~, 'I... ',,, ; '<' . ,.' • ,'.",'

' iRapt1smal s('rVI('es, . : Halleen, VJ(,(' p~Qsldent Norma family wen- in Norfolk Frit\ay. Harmet wa? there fo~ a medIcal . . Sunnav 'schon I nl 1(1:1;)'. Jean Drake'. lreasUrC'r.; a d ShE'~l Mrs. Martha Timm WaR in check-up.

el'; <It 7.:~{J. . H('n(~rickson, RCribf'. Mrs. ay K 1- Wayne last Wednesday. . Gues~s at thc Hugh Win'tpnste>in Thl' jl]'('."hykrian Aid, SOC~'jY !Y Will h,<wc ('hange of 1 mec - Mr. andl Mrs. Robert ftari ('le home ear \Vayn(' . .'?unday. were

nWl'l...; .Julv H. S('er'f.'\ .sistf'l·s \'.ill ~r;tgs d~rlng lh(' a.bsence of Mrs. and familylof Greeley. Col .~ \\'('re'. Mr. an Mrs. TC"d W.Jnt(>fl'rn.nl' Mr. \1(' n'\'('al<;~L 1Iosl('ss('" Hr(' rs, I heophIll:ls: ~'ho ~'Ill .makC' a ('x- Friday evening supper gu ~ts~ at and Mr~ L{'sier ClaIr an Mr and John .lpnl'::lm. Mr~. {)wf'n .!('nk·ns tonoNI VISit In \\a.shlngton.) the .Cla~ence .Beaton h,o~:. Mr .. ,~rs. E ('rett \V?l~er. The l.as two

and !\1rs. :\l<llmlH'rg. n~-~I-spn Fnmily Ita .. Reunion i!~~~c~h~ ~~r.~~~:O\~e~ft far R~~~~ r~~~ a cgt~~l~ge\V('y Thohlais ar-CARROLL LOCALS The annual Hansen family reun- dolph that evfning to sp~n~ until~ rived h, !!le, ltursday after a, four

1\11, and 1\115 Martm Rasmussen ~~~k UtSo~~1~lnl~~11u~da~~eJU;~e~7~ i:'oc:n~esday at the Fern ~waldt· week VI It I~~~.e ~e~r Snowdon of and I sr('~t Ihe ~ nUllh elt Rlve'r\ I(,W park at the Carroll Luthpran church be- Yvonne Ockander of Malmo Tex., werc overnight. \a( 10 SWUK <.. Ity \\hen lhey ami sevrr- cause of 'Weather ('ondltlOns Those carl'ie SatuIiday to spend a few days' Claude Bailf'Y home I 1) al olllC'~s lldd d PICnI(, SUppCI atlendmg from out of-lo\\n were at the Sue Vann home I I

MUI £.;I;ln HIlk! left New YOI k for Mr and Mrs Harold Soremlen and Mr and Mrs Elgin Tucker of Les Benbenidk of I - il.l1olhl'1 (IUI~( \\ollh the merchant] family. Mtt anri MIS Harl~s sor-[Fremont spent Sunday at the Joy spending a few daY.s at,

) 01 -u inC HI IS no\' ~econd mate cnspn anq famJly ami Mr and Mrs Tuckcr home They were here fol' EVans home. ' 10 DIlk FialmClcr spont last Thurs- Donald Pe>derscn of \Vaynf', Mr tl1(' MorrIS bmily rf'umon . Arthur Glassl and

dil.Y \\ I~h Ills grdndparenh, 1\11 dnd and Mrs John Ahdrrson and Mr Mr and Mrs Da\c Theophllus George Johr1.<;ton .i\~rs f R llark \\hlll' ~he ~~st and Mrs Joe PaJsrk and \Vllbur and Mrs. Margaret Thomras at were guests at the John ~t tI~p R. J: Harmelcl' famIly \\¢re of Creighton, Mr.: and MrsL W. F. Wayne ,alled in the Ivor M~rris Dav-is last week. In SIOUX CIty. ~ i I ~okamp of Beldert, Mrs. Earl Duf- home Sunday afternoon. Mr, Mrs. Gerald JOnas,

MI'. and 1\1rs, }<. R. Clark spf?nt I iy and Mr. a'no Mrs., Russel Duffy Mrs Nell George and Peggy Of Shirlet spent the week-TlH's.ctay a[t.~I.'noon last week at llhe and family of MaooiJa, Minn., Mr. Way~~, Mlj's. Sue Vann and chil- end, at Graffis home. R. J HarI!Jelcr home. and Mrs. Lacka.s ,and t'nmily, Mr. dren and Yvonne Ockander WE're at ' left Sunday

MI·S .. Augu~t \VesC'loh of Almfn- and Mrs. John Franzen. WIll Han- the Dowe Love· home Mond~y for' they visited with t~. Callf.: ,vIsIted from Sunday n~ sen .. MI', ami Mrs. Glen Hall and dinner. That evening they alll had Edwards, un-ttl Tl.le~day last w(>("k at he famJ!~, M,r, and Mrs. Hussel Hall a picnic supper in Belden. are ('nrollte 10 Gf.:orgc llansen home. . t and family and Mr. ,and Mrs. lVfr. and lMrs. George Huey re-

Mr. and Mr.s. \V. R. Scnb er ?eorge Hansen and famJiy of Car- turned to Oes Moines Monday af-spent the fourth ~t c!?c H. L. B t- loll. I ter attending the Morris reunion. ler home m Hast mo~· , ,-" -'. Mr. and Mrs. Al Tietgen and

Gues,ts ~t the MaurIce Schluns Entlf.'lrtam ~ qaughter ~p€'nt from Wednesday home tor supper Tuesdar Guests of Mr. Rnd'Mrs. Merle until Friday last week at thE.} Emil weI' . r; arnd Mrs',Kermlt Sc~luns at ~I pH.rty at their hom~ Tietgen home.

will now serve the farmer8 in the

(auol:) anti Belden A!eaSr PROMPT, SANITARY SERVICE


Plteh Produce will represent us in Carroll-Phone 41

Bach pr.,uce will represenf us in Belden..::....Plione 65

Mrs .. Al~ l"1; Boye.!" ~md .J:.,yle Jrcnkms a~d family. M,r. and Lincoln a,nql John Sahs spert the ••••••••


~f ~~W~M~ ~~~~'~_~M~~Mml _~M~w=m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sanld arljara, Calif. Mrs. Kpnnelh l',ddIP and family, weekend atl the A (' S'lhs htpme ..

1\11' .. and Mrs. Cl~l~cnce Mr. and M.r!'>. Evan Jonos, l\1r: and Gu('sts at! the E~'a~ Ha01er!ho~e ! .. wel'c In Randolph .F nrJay. Mrs. Vernlc Hurl and Karen, in Wayne Gunday wer¢ Mr. and .. .,

Mrs. Glen Jenkins, Mr. andJ Mrs, .. Mark Swihart and Mr. anc!ll Mrs. = Jerry SWihfltt. •

E.~~~~:'~rs~~~~~~~\;b~~s~(~.~ ~~d ! M~~·r,D:~dt[rl~~s~)~~.e~ilk~~~IS find i family of St. Paul, Minn" ('arne • Friday evening to visit unt il Wed- : nesday. Th('~brOUght Mrs. eh. arll'S • Kales home with them. , •

Mr. and rs. John Owrng' and : "t

Judy Wfire, at the Ralph Olson •

-~~ ~ ~ : Mr. and ¥rs .. Al 'rietgen Don . •

Tiet~en al1(~ Mr. and ·Mrs. Emil • "I I'('h R t · fJ 'i,~~~:~I~S~fg:l~~\~:iITI~~r~t£r:~~ lie .a,:Ks ,." I ' ,'op, S - oas S .. 5 :~ ] R th ,~ns was an overnight I' = .:': I,gues of OrJlleta Vlasak Sunday. I " N I • ,. !su~ ~:~1n~;;;~~~~ ~~eij;~~;~~~ W e h~ve in, excellent selection of the finest q~ality meats, < •• 0, ,i ~;' (net en home in Wayne. I 'I' I fl d the nleat ydu • ,;

Re and Mrs D T Burr~ f matter what you re p annmg, you can a ways n . I ~ • ~ rllg r: rv;rs~co;:a iml~y of ~~r~ I ~ .. Lak la:, a d Mrs. Minnie Mi Chell. need at OU·I' place Make Johnson's your meat headquarterj,s~ : :~,

f' ( R ndolp· were dinner gue~ts at • """. he vor M rris home, Monday. i • ~ ..

M . and l's. Frank Hamj W(lr(' • <:ill un y su per guests at ,the) W n.i... Ii:' ~

Gear eJoh stan home, ·In Ho"t nlli eather e JJU' 'I •. "" ] M . and~rs. Bill Shufelt ahd Ill'1 i I. ~ ~:,:;es a~d s;;:'rw~~~ ~rsDle~~~ pi .. It.l Is C· tom D~""I'f;.,A""I· g' L~ l\1.~ on ay, Th y look the boys thete • rena:re,1 ,y.ea . .. US ,I . . DUt",fI~. '. a ~o fe. eive edical care. I t'~ , ," .';s-

~M and Mrs. Glenn Wihgett ,I, d<""e.~' s'Y' "'ut,"mder f'o·r~Ttl.a"",-Nex,t'· · .... ef. arter I:'. et r. an Mrs. L. t. Morris of mE EA.st WAY v' ~ I • ~~ ke VieW, ash., in Grand ls1and I· . . , . • • • •. ::

rid Y' e'Ven ng. They came for> the W'.:T'''~~ ,L F Ai i ., Pis l\10td fain ly reunion. Mr, and ' nUll Fr-ozen· OOuS· l:t "" Mrs. Ie, H< orris took them to Co· I Phon. e Your ,. Orders f~'r. i I :z l*rnb~s Mo da~ afternoon when t t i _ .', ~! they 'left fo home. I '_ We have Fresh Frozen Fl"uits and Vegetable. SPR,T1\TG, FRIT~, I(; _. '! Pfc[ Die- i E~ans left Friday • ( . ~....,,~» .. 1J:1 morning fro Omaha to repOrt to : of All Kinds fo~ P"ltti:',i\I'.'Mi!a~ ·1 "!i' Sle,att:Ie. Wa h. Bob Roberts I, aitd • , ~. ~a'ryI Ann va~s took him to Oma- = . " Iit4

hrMr .and rs .. Johri Gefbri ri . f' = III

~lfah. ce vis ted at the E. L. ea~- e ~:<=

s· n home d ring the weekend! " .' 4-.-:1 MrJ and rs. Roy Granfiei vis". .,: 2 1, i\~ at the. arry Evans hoim ',Sat. - i;o;, I

'Way !evemn . I 1-::' ~ Marlene ddieo:.as·;ln o~er 1l~,i' • .. I

;:, >·1·

,; I

Page 13: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

l I

l I

\ :


the following ,families incluljied: officiated. He . the Irvin Browns, Harold Bro~. Gale. Mr. an~

Mr. and~Mr$' Joseph Erickson Delbert Lueders, ~remont Lubber- J~hnson enter:tamed and childr n arid Jtlan Jphnson at- stedts. Nonnan LUbberstedts and ~mn~r fo!k,wmg the tended th"" SUJj'lpay schok!>l piCniC in Mr. and Mrs) Oscar Brown: )Ce5. I the Wakefi Id :parU: Sunday. The Kenneth Packer -fa1nily had :1-

Mr. and r5_ Vor~c(' Packf'r and Sunday dinnerl at tHe Johr1 N. . Mr and -i'\1rs Sharon of Omaha the Levinus Johnson home In ~aurel. Ited at the hcm((,

I Pack{'f fa J\y of 'Wagner, S. D., Mr and Mrs Delbert Jenf;eli of Mr land Mrs it E \ISll('d relar1\eS met the \\(,ekend Laurel were Sunday dmn~r guests C'e-J1~r, s. D, over They \\ere Sunday dmner gUE'sts at the parental Art Meyer home'l at Ernest Packf'r's and all lxcept honort1lg Mrs. Jensen on her blrth-

:-:\;~E'~n~t~rk~~~~eard:> P'~h~~UPrr;~ daLst Wednesday guests m the han Joh:ps n famllt lamed the Theron Culton home were Mrs

In Hos- gruup. Thf" L~us iPacker fartHly Cat~erLn(, Cult,o~ and her slster~ \\ enl to pef,der'Vt the afternoon to Mrs •. GerlfQde BlXby of Daven I

I ~;~;~J ~\\~e~~~rten\tal ~rueger home pO~~.Ia~nd Mrs. Arth':lr Felt and

o )- Myron were Sunday dmner guests I IVlrs .. TJH>. n Cultd!1 and daugh- at 'the ~v(lr Hultman home in

ters ~VISJte Mrs. E.rnest Packer WAusa. 'TUf-jS ay afternoon. ~ .~~_ W est Ran~lp~

f'r day~.1 ~ftcrnoon, ~1rs. "~aul Son Is Baptized I Lessman and Bonme Ann vlSlted and l\1rs. Ivan Nix-son had ~tl s. Th ron Culton. i little son baptized at S1. I 1

Mr. and ~rs. Voraee .Packer and Lutheran church 10 Pender ",,,r~~£$-fff;-·Good Ba~l(l .. Pl~y"

Ballroom i

Sharon 6f Emaha vjslted at the Rev. Walter Rowoldt I

\\'edhesd y afternoon . Art Meyer orne Monday forenoon. 1IIIi'.'Ii •• iI1l ~1r.s. Arth Felt

and, \"'-('1j~ , Y dinnpr 1

Pf'''rl .Jot)n:,nn'<:;. They r-----r-'--....,...:..-.."..,,...., ~.;;;;;i:f'G,·:,,'·a!~ t"\"ilj~g Lit Clarence

A fa~'ll} plcnrr su pC'l" and nrc-II "el""'-s· .<la,· works were ('nJOYp~ at t~::, Harry

July! 9

• Music by

DELL CLAYTON and His Reliable VSA Orchestra

Bartpls horT''' Sunday- ('v('Jilmg. The group InC'lUdP.d t he JOY Holm and In'in Bartels faIThl e:,. Mr. and I Mrs. Emil \\ alter. 1r. and Mrs. Leopard DerSCh. ::\ r. and l\lrs.

Mrs WilllR R~Zf> o[ Hoskms, Lawn.ne". J ohn"'ln . and l\Iarlyn Mrs P C Jensf> ,3.nd M~ Chester Echtenk;'mp. . I rt

T 1 Wyllc. accompan ed by Mrs Knst The Clan'nee r\'oJt~r and> fh('ro. e\('nlnp; at the ehJrch Jcns('n "'of V. l"n1r) dlovc to West ('uitmn lamlll('s ... .att('~. (~E'd. 1 ender.s chOir ('\'f'r> fUf'sda::r (\('-1 Pomt Fncl8..}- dftel;"noon to \IS.lt J(J!1 .,\lU.r:ldiiY li"en.mg . I 00 Mrs Rf'rnard Je s(ln amd daughter ::vir. nnd :r-..lr .... Hov.ard Anderson

Business and Professional

at a hospital there. Mrs. Knq of SIOUX C'li) ~p{'nt tlw "tJekend at I ~~~;"o?[h:;'I~~n~s B::~~~~ g~n~~~ r~J;i~lt~:~Jl~~!~~. H~r1' Bar1f'ls and' at Wisner, aSSisti~g with the house Manl};n \q ("I' onlert Jncd In the.: work. A" Ed ~1Cilz;Jhn !lOJne 1 Bancroft on,

Mr. and Mrs. L$.rry Hillen of Moncby (·\l·t1mg. ~ I Leigh and Vi\ if! Meierhem:,' of Mr. and .:v.l r". Os ar .Jo. hnson,! Korfolk were ulilday aftrrnoon Mr anri \111''- J('''~ ro\\ n(>ll (lnri! lunctwon l;uests at the Otto CInch JlmmH' l'nJu'\'l'd eoop0r81J\p,.5UP-! homE>. per Thur~rla~' ('\"(>ning at f,:nest,

Sunday afternoon visitors at the I Anrlerson Co fll.·('\\"ork.;.were f'nJo.YPdl Ed Sfrate horne \I.·ere Mr. and m the {'\{'tlIng as an farl} cf'lf'hra­!\Ir~. Dan" Lueker and Christine, 110n of thf' 4th o~ jul}. a~ Lcon Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hlllen and I And('r~on, anrl. JI.ml".lt' Brm\n~,! I Vivian ;\1eif'rhcnliY. Icft on :-;,unct;;.y to I attf'nd bo)s

1\lr. alld :!\Irs. 'Duane Thompson camp In S('ward thlS v..oel-;:. . and family were .dinner guests ':\Ir. ami :.'\1r". Ben Lund cnJo~'('d Suncl.ay at the l Henry SchmHlt c.ooper. at 1\ I' supper .... j!th the \ {'~- II' humc near \vayj' d~l LiunrJ ,~nd Vcr~ ~:arl~nn faml-

Mr. and Mr~. Carl Nurnberg, 11t'.~ 3\ind :'ofr:,. ArYld ;Lund at the I • Mr, bnd Mrs. . tt(JI tJlrich and Wak~~fl('ld park SundaY f'.venmg. Griess Amelia Schro('d{'~' were Sunday NOIrm;m and John Erl~kson of i

afternoon visitor! at the Fl'ed Alia, J<I ._.:.ca.:.m--:',,'c.c:3==1=O=s=,p=p=nd=' ====±;;;;;;1;;;;;;;;;::;=;;;;;=~; Schroeder hom\;-Faunl1 of July gu('sts at thc>

O. R. SC'ldrrs home \Vprc MI'. and Mrs. Vernon Srldprs of Stillwater. Okla .. Mrs. Wayne LoI1lg and chil­drpn of Norfolk, ,Mr. and Mrs. Russell Likes and family o[~'\vater­bury, FannJe Seiders of Wa 'ne and Ml". and Mrs. Alldn Koch {l d fam­ily. The same group, with ·the ex-

~~f~~ma ~~c~rce dk!~~~ ~~~jl~il~~; on Monday.

Lois Kramer was a Saturday overnight and Sunday guest of Mary Alice Vo.-'ylie at the William Wylie home.

Dr. and Mrs. N. Ditrnan and sons werE' picnic SUPPE'Ij guests at thp Harold Gnggs home. '

Mr. and Mrs. William Haltgrewe were Sunday pvenmg \"lsitors at the \Villjam WyllC' hamil:'.

and Mrs. Fred VOn Seggern ,accompanied by Dale

Mary Alice Wylie -.~-~--""-- to Lincoln

and Mrs. sons of

at a picnic

. and Mrs. Harvey Petersen Norman werf1 afternoon and

guests at th'e Rasmus Rps-home. Evening visitors

Mrs. James Nelsen land Eddie and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nelsen and family.

Sunday evening callen; at the Carl NurnbE'rg horne were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hillen: of Leigh, Vivian Meierhenry of Norfolk, Mrs. VIC­tor Welher and .Charles· of San Francisco. .Mr. and/ Mrs. Fred Schroeder. Mr. ana Mrs. E. A

~~~at~r ~~~dn~rIfr~u~~2t ~~~~ hC'nry.

Mr and l\lrs EdunCIf Hansen I' guests and famJly of Car 011 were Sunday

mothf'r, dmner gu('sts at t e H ~ Hansen 10 Sholes home, In tIle afternoonl the fIleO

Mrs. Clifford Baker and attended the ball game ~n Carroll. ~'pre Friday evening Mr. and Mrs:. H. ~. Hamsen were tt~e M. W. Barner home. lUncheon gu~sts <).t the Maurice Mrs. Paul Snl?\vden of Hansen homlj' SUl~tiay evenin~.

visitmg . rela- H. C. Han:ten vl~ited Tom Pryor

Mr. :~~~e B:::t t~l.' ~~~ I!~dru~~~

Now you can clean rugs ~f all sius 111hler and belief.' The "S~ctidn-Regulator" per.­mits instant 'adjustrrient for light or heavy

rugs, thus .diminatillg aU dragging. Othe. features include the [Automatic Rug.

Adjusting Nozzle. ·Da~.Gl~" Headlight and Three-Position ''Touch-Toe'' Handle

Get the Cleaner that , wo~' t be outmoded in !a. year! Limited

Quantity! Come right


AUCTIONEERING Dallas Cun"ingham




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DR. D. R. W ALTERS Dentist

lIonda)' _ Tut-Ada)' - \\:f'dpf'"da,' urn('e O,l'r 'liD"" "t"H'lry

I'lInXES Of (1_ 4~-'\ lIuoOl" ·1::.1-11

Real Estate, Insurance

CAVANAUGH Insuranc.e and

Real Estate Phone M

MARTIN L RINGER Rea,l Estate Fal'D1 Loans

\\·r!t>·s PVf>ry },11I,1 of in:ourancl': ,·xcept life . .spt·cm] attt'lltiun to FllrQII und .",,,tlltwobHe IlU'Iu ... ulilet'

GEO. W. DERl!.Y Real Estate - Insurance

4.16 Main St-, Wayne



the Wmside and Cw; Ha~ks, tpatie~.ts ]at a

Hank~, who. have b~en I quite ill, are< rtported '. impr ved: .

~~rJ and Mrs. Crist \Veible and F.yt"!1< E:Uhlin('d _ (.afUI~t"II FHtrd

Ost{"{)pathic PJJysiciaD



11(1 " ... "t First .... Ir ......

"nyne, ~ehr.

Oil)' Pb. ~S _ '1 .. lIt Ph. 4~O



Phone Gl !

Wayne, Nebr.

Walte,r Benthack, M. D. Physician and Sure-eon

• Office.s at



Phone. lOG




Complete Vi .... al . Analysis

Phone 305-J for



Funeral Service.



1I1 ... r .. ~. yet bOlDrUke tuDr .... ~ lIoDle· .•• Fln~lIf ..... ul"'ment:

• ". Reslloanble p:r~ee I

The ·BtCKE;JliHAU~


and Mr~. Carl Si~ers were Wnynt'. Nf'br.

I~\~1~~~ersito at the i~;=~;;;=~:;;:;;;=~=;;;;;~;;;=:;;;=;;;;;;;;;::;=;;l . Petersen, Margaret . Mr. and


Page 14: newspapers.cityofwayne.orgnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1941-1950/1948... · ';1 I , ! ~('rviiC('S for Mabel Alice . 40-YEI'ar resident of \''''crc hdld Tuesday

d Sot;iety •

Hoclal FOrlx'.U.sl ,

wi~t'.h~:~I~h~~~~e;,a~Vi~~~':~.~f w. Kjeck fJ-S hostess to the group I Naoma ",c'",c,nK'mn at the parsonage. view. SPf'r:t

Presbyterian Ladies Aid will ' Mr. and Mrs, Fuhrman Qf meet T~ursday aft(,rI~oon 'in the I O\'('r NO~Olk called at ! H. C. Bard-

an~as~~~.ntH~:~·1 ~e~~it~~:;; fOk~. rna home last Sunday evcn~ng. r, and Mrs, Eldin Baralm'an, hostesses. and Ka hy and Jerry, Mr and Mrs. H.

MissIon Covenant Ladies Aid I Korth C,.' arelman and An eiCl, and Mr.1 :1~~ ~~~.t H~:~;r~sdJa~i~s~~~Y l\l~: I LO~~~ I and Mrs. Ivan Johnso , Iva!.}'n and

Fred Muller and Mrs. AJ-t Borg' and ~g~~r, f~'~rea aij;~c d ~v~~r J~~~~~ as hostesses. - callers at evening. They also c icbratcd the

Park Hill club \'lill ha\'c its .an~ homq' Friday second birthday of JrlUI JOil, nson. nual fl'lmily pIcnic Sunday ('venmg, Judy Korth i'B Mr. and Mrs. Dan D{ lph and four July 11,'at the Wakefield park. wcel" vacation with uoys called latcr in tI e evenin!;.

. Benton Nlchol~¢J!1. Mr. and Mrs. Alvi Johnson n'~ . nd I BrldgE" Cluh Mr. and Mrs) A. turned from a fIshing trip tal J\Iin~ , " '-J, Bridge club was h('ld at the club \Vayne wrrc SundaYICl! nesota which they ha~ taken WIth

WhO\. rooms in Dale's cafe Thursday supper gUests o[ m~'. i\ the' Perry Johnsons of Carroll. i h ~"~'Ilight. ]Vlrs. Hay Paulson W(lS host~ Georgc',Bruns. I Deturnl'd Tuesd y. I,

h I, II I'SS to th(' group. Alma Davis \von Mr. a.nd Mrs. GC'orge M \V ~f' tl.1(,. high F)riz{' Hno Mrs. A. L. Fo."~ Wl'cinesclay aitl'rnoon ni(' a~~n~ObC~~', ~7C~ ~~.iC'{;:.'. ~tl)I~~!

. thoclisY pIsli \von .Isecond high. Th,ls IS the \\'l."ner. f d Li 1 I , ' las( mr'ctlrtg for tile SUl1ln'lt'r. Mrs. Jack Parks ;-lnd girls or ~Il(grf'n. Doris Frednckson,

, 'd ~ -. ilt the Jerome PearS')" ,hOlT'" Cora aglund, Mr. and lVlrs. Ezra I unIte ... Bocckcnhaucl" and ,the Rob"rt I Observl's Birthday day to help celCbratt Julene f C

Razer H. B. Ware was host to a groLl!) son's ,:,econd birthda . ~r~Ct~~:n~~~~ra/aX~I~ ['w~~~stCsOO~t of eight men who came to hf'lp Mr. and Mrs. Ha ry h W 1 H I him cplcbratp his birthday Friduy \Vat~'rlJury and Mr. and ~1rs. t Rlr.'~.~~r M~~1~~~r7ICsm~.y~ ~p('nt '

Hubbard of Laurel WCrt' at the bolJdays a t the home of M(': I O.E.S.

O.E.S. members held their rC'g­ular me,'t ing- Tue!iday C\ cBing in the chapter room.

~~~~<!lt~\~~kJin~~~~nt~h~h~!'oCurath~01 and Mrs. V. II. R. Hanson. The J

Mr'. and Mrs. (~lDrence 11cn- ~~C'~k'l~~\'~ct;1~n a~~ i,~~0~1~~s~~~! drickson returned Wednesday from have been taking cart of the two I 1'OI't Dodge, 13" whrrc thpy h'ad girls. Mr. and Mrs. Nyc 8n¢:! the'

MI'. and Mrs. Ray "Larson of


~oneY·Ba· \"" SANtOR/ZfD ~RUNK' ~

Overalls , at $2.69

Mqde of sturdy blue denim that weighs 8 oun¢es to the square yard. and tailored over proportioIied sizes to give every man a re.al tit. Money-Bak Overalfs are a master buy for any man who does manual y?ork and needs tough clothing that will,:"takeU",

Money-Bak Overalls Are Sold Only al Brown-Mdronald's

Regular und Exira Sizes All Sold at Oae Budget Price - $2.69


Be Kind to Your Pocketbook


brcn visiting Mrs. Hc'ndrickson's gda;,ryIS,'. r.cturncu to (1rnaha Mon­sistpl', Mrs . .E. n. Gc'orge.

Omaha spent t he july 4 holidays ~'f'W Uom,"

~~;\t~1.(S~;~" and Mrs. Clan'nce IIcn~ .MI', and :\1rs. RuiJC'rt G. Fuhrman Dr. amd Mrs. C. B. Coc and Ruth who several weeks ago purcha!'t('d

\Vrrl~ at thr Jack Latson home for the ~1~O{~aIf:f~~rdr,l;a·,.!lnr~nh,('od!iicOlu,,"llg' Sunday dinner. & '-

Marilyn and Janice Olson carne the ~1~~S~r~~~r~)1~~nm~fti~~O~~o~~to

Wear Our Pr~sident .' Work Shoe-$7.95

, I)rel:lob~ tt>rian Church (nrv. Charlcs RabenJ)('rg, IMSiOl)

Sunday schoo) at 10:00. Morning worship at 11:00. Junior and scn· ior Westminster fellowship groups

I l1('{'t at 6:00.

~f~~c~a~~'~~l;I3~~~~~ ~~t~~·h~n~~~~~ # In Hanington. LOCA~S

1\11' ,md lVII'S. i\Ietrk \\'illiarns <lnd c:hildren rclurn('~l from Sugar Mr. and M~·s. J. C. I 'I.WC at~(,lld-Grove, jl1.. Friday (,\'pnlng. They a conventIOn for PUrina th'Lllcn; attendcd the \vcc!dmg of Mrs. WiI~ Monday.

~i~(~~:: G\~N~~as :hl~~,Ol\~~:'{ otf~~ M~~:i£~f~I~~1 ~~~~~~w~,~~

Even though they may cost a few cents more, tha extra wear and satisfaction you get more thWl make up for it. The army russet relan uppers ~e 'exceptionallY resistant to soil acids. Th~ built~in qrch support con~ tribules 10 fOCi ease. You'll never wfmt 10 w~ar any other work shoe once you have WlOtn a P~8ident.

B to EE widths. ~ize. 6 to 12,

AB n 11 ·1 0 t 1 1 :1 ::;

bridal party and lJghted candle's in Raleigh N. C. 17. Jor t~1(' ceremony. . Fox went to Columbus vVr'd- ~" , ~

E {'hrbtilUl Churdl ]\1l'. and Mrs. J. (J. WIlliams of to spend ;1 day lIt till' hornc . 111 (Ilc\'. Hobert Evans, past()r) c';ran,d l$lanfl.~p(lnt the hO,lldays at her brother. Cliff Fox. II Ilillir' schon! at 1O:0(). Morning' the JYl;I!'~ Wlllmms hoo1(' Guests of Mrs. C. \V, IJIS{'t~X for (i) 1 8:00. lilOnw In II~lt'IUlgton ;tlter "ppnd- Cros~ltind Rnd Dill u[ l'y1ary-~ Pibe1 BihJ(' cilmp will hl' in Sf'<;~ ll1g a lew days ilt 4.hn r.HJnw of, hcr WIAIII,aHm"s~o"x'Osa'snlad~?;,"~' 11'1"'",.:I""o,'x1 "

OTHER WOHK SHOES A II I('ath('r .,>oll' alld nil)l)cr hc( I at $4.49

() () I sinn throughout thL,,_ week nCar Er~ al:lnt, Mrs .. ~ennlc. MJ~cll('I~, ,jand '- LlH... ,~L .,

°lwnrShiPat 11:(jIJ. Gospd sen'IC(' at, Ml$., I~J',B. Knut~on left for her July 1 picnic W('l'e Ur. !1m} Mrs. l1' :2 .01 icson. Rev. Robert E\'Ctns is tcach~ WIth oth,et' lncnds I," W, akcfle d. . The occasirm abo hDn~ () 0 ing a class on "How 10 Use the Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bp'rs ,:,]tlent Crossland on hIS Jbth

00 Rible." . tlleFourthHtCrYSfalLHke.Ha~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ () 0 ____ old Ilyp~c \\ent \vllh til{' Byel's', __________ . . _____ ... ____ _ :2 0 I fO,t. Puul's ~"lltheran WilD left Sat urday afternoon and

Ii -- 3 (Rev. H,.~. Ku">ck, yastor) re~~~.e~:JI~~d~kcr and childrrn

~~ Ii 11_~~::lla.:, ::'In: :'O~~h:P :It ,1~:OO, II d~/s{~7blo~~l,thol~·b ~~eh~r t ;~~r{'nl '>,

n li '., (), n.. .11 If r.lll Dr. unrl Mrs. G. \V. 'F«.-n(on. Thl'Y 1 i (R('\·. Robert hruse,. pnstor.) arrl\'t'U Friday and pliln to :-.l"IY o I Sunday school ?-nd BIble' c:Ja:';St'S [or a .t;hort vacation at the Henton o at JO:OO. Morning. worship at hoo1('.

g lO(~t· hIt S-::W T d Charl('nt' Kinney is in Armour, o laIr re cars" a .. ucs ay. S. D., visit ing her alJtlt and unciC'.

o Mis ... ion Covenant Churf'll She 1['[1 F~'lday ~nd is ('xpectl'd

1 (r:tev. Ervil Gustafson, pasto)'} baf)~ll~O~rn\~~: i~h~~Si~;~~\n ('res-o Blbl(' ('lasses at 10:00. Morning! ton, la .. at the El'nl'st Lundahl 1 worship and communio.n at 11 :'()O'I homl'. 1 Ie left last Wedncsd;IY 1 The gospel hour, evcnmg serVice, night and \\'111 rct urn sometime

8:;10. >this wc('k Bible class and !praycr meeting I' Thursda'y ('\·cning. Mr. and Mrs,

at R p.m. July H. Ivar C;lrlson of Waus<l. bl'ought -, I Mr and Mr.". Warren Johnson of

t'nl~m Lllth~rttn Church I Turluck. Calif., to vistt at the (~urll:'> \v. \~ 11)('rg. pa."tor) I home of Mr. Johnson's sister, ;\lrs.

(~~~~~J~ S~hO~llnad;Je~ib~~u;I~~~~S ~/~:~;~t~;.~~driCkson, and with oth-

atT~~O~v~jV~:a~~or~;~II~ ~c~i:O~t tu~~d l;~~in~ ~~~~~~~~ ~fs~t rf~ 2:30 p.m. Sunday. July 11. I PI'Mia. Ill.. where she had becn

Brotherhood meets at 8 p.lJ1. with her daughter, Mrs. William Monday, July ~2. Westwick. She returned Sunday.

Dick Lammers and Bob Erick-WAKEFIELD LOCALS son, who play on the Wakcf;eId

Mrf>. Henry Fr('vert had a hirth- ball t(J'am. were dinner gUe.<:;ls at clay party S1unday night in Wayne. the l.h .. Stauffer hom(' Munday Mrs. H. C. Barelman was a guest ev('nin~. at her mother's party. Almfl Davis has rdurn('d t'o her

Mr. and Mrs. Ciarencp Thomsen home ~n WA.keficld after spemling anrl Merle Irft \Vetlnc,<;day for S('~ th(' Wtnlf'r in Los Molinos, Calif. attjp, Wash., after a two-week vis~ lMrs~ Fay Palmerton of Siou" it with relatives and friends here. eft y ~nrl Mrs. Alma I!lavis were

Mrs. Williiam Woiter and Mrs. d nner! guests at the Lee Stauffer Anna Kohlmeier, Clara amI Mar~ h me 'Wednesday.

~~~f~' h~~n; tnUI~a~S: ~hr~e'f.Hliam a ~~deadm\h~r~5t~~~~d~~?~~1~i~ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Owen of vC'rsary of ~rs. Rh?pma,n's. COUSIn,

Wayne· were gursts at the H. B. Mrs. n:d Hmks, F.-Jrlay mght.

WS~~U~d~ ::jdS~ne(~~;~~~~sts at sp~ndlnth~·I~~~~~hO~/(~C~~:', ~-~:I~d the Anha Kohlmeier home were Hoydat. Elizabeth Bush and Margaret Da~ Mr. land Mrs. :r~rnnk Lar,,('n of --.---.-,---.------ ·1

AU ~




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IRST in Big.Car

ALWAYS lHE VALUE· LEADER :-;-; r\.. always the ,first ch~ice of people who want the fm~st at lowest cost, .. Chevrolet's value-leadership is now so outstanding that men lnd women everywhere arc deciding it's more ft.n ever the preferred investment in its field!

Not only does Chevrolet stand out as the first and only low-priced. car with all the (01-, lowing major advancQS which comprise the soundest and best in modern motoring ...

nol only docs it offer .all these major advan­tages of Big-Car quality at lowest prices ... but it offers them at pniccs that are now defi~ nitely and decisively lower than those of .a~y other car that even remotely approaches It m quality I

It's the first ali,Q only low-priced car with the original arid bu-t;tanding Unitized Knee~ Action Ride: It's the first and only low~priced ~th· a~~~o"1d·s cham~ion 'Va}Yc~in-Head

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in dollar-value as id is d+d. '. ,;

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