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East West Herb Seminar: April 26- May 3, 2019 Practitioner Seminar: April 27-28, 2019

GUEST TEACHERS: 7SONG, RH AHG: Director, main instructor and a founder of the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine in Ithaca, NY, 7Song is one of the main folks practicing herbal medicine at free clinics and large events around the world. He works to make herbal medicine accessible and to bridge herbs with modern conventional therapies and other healthcare modalities. He will teach commonly seen health conditions, treatment strategies. practical applications useful plant medicines, and helpful skills of herbal first aid, both at home and at free clinics and larger events. 7Song.com

ROY UPTON, RH AHG, D. Ayu.: The executive director, founder and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®, member of the Standards Committee of AHPA, a founding member and past President of the AHG, member of the Board of Directors of the Botanical Medicine Academy, staff herbalist for Planetary Herbals, and author, Roy will teach Pearls from the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®,

CHRISTOPHER HOBBS, PhD., L.Ac., RH AHG: A licensed acupuncturist, author, clinician, botanist, mycologist, a founding member of the American Herbalists Guild, and research scientist with over 35 years of experience, Chris will teach Healthy Aging: Research Summary on Prevention of Memory Loss, Musculoskeletal Degeneration and Other Conditions of Aging on Thursday afternoon.

INGRID BAUER, MD, MS, An integrative physician and herbalist, she practices at a community health center and at local hospitals, plus co-owns & operates Five Flavors Herbs with her husband, Benjamin Zappin, L.Ac. She will teach to the practitioner track: Integrative Pharmacology: Drugs and Herbs for Natural Medicine Practitioners to understand the medications clients take, evaluate potential for herb-drug interactions, and know how to communicate with prescribing physicians. fiveflavorsherbs.com.

Dear Friends, We are excited to announce that we have several guest speakers joining us at our next seminar in 2019 - 7Song, Christopher Hobbs, Roy Upton, and Ingrid Bauer! The first three, and Michael, will teach classes to everyone, while Ingrid teaches specialty classes to practitioners. With this lineup it promises to be quite an incredible week! Our seminar focus this coming year is on clinical and herbal first aid. This includes treatment of pain with a hands-on (so to speak!) class on Korean Hand Therapy. The Therapies Track returns with an emphasis on medicine making along with several classes in channel massage. As well we’ll continue with Jill Barnattan’s wonderful short yoga sessions between meals and before bedtime called, “Unwind Your Mind.”

We welcome graduate, Sheila Devitt, as a teacher this year (she reviews lesson tests)! Plus we have our fabulous faculty: Susan Kramer, Holly Hutton, Jerry Angelini, Nancy Angelini, Jill Barnattan, Candis Cantin, Jen Grady, Darren Huckle, and Mariposa Bernstein. Add our incredible meals by acupuncturist/herbalist chef Ben Zappin, plus our beautiful redwood rustic setting and annual Product Contest & Herbalists Party, and you can look forward to a powerful learning, nourishing and healing experience on all levels! Blessings, Michael & Lesley



Many people seek pain relief and yet few think to consult herbalists who could assist with the deeper causes. Instead, all too many get hooked on opioids since it’s difficult to endure prolonged pain.

Yet, Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) can be quite effective. It is similar to reflexology where corresponding points on the fingers and hands are stimulated to relieve pain anywhere in the body. It can be performed with methods such as moxibustion, magnets, gold or silver pellets, or special herbs or minerals by applying them to points corresponding to the location of the pain on the body and any organs or other points that would empower the treatment. In most cases, positive results consisting of the complete absence or lessening of pain is immediately experienced. Furthermore, this therapy not only relieves the pain and discomfort but if repeated regularly, can also ameliorate the condition entirely.

Michael has successfully treated dozens of people experiencing pain using this technique in clinics and sometimes while just encountering people as he goes about his day. Come learn it for yourself! It is relatively simple and yet quite powerful indeed.

HERBAL SEMINAR APRIL 26 - MAY 3, 2019Classes for All Five Tracks:

7Song: Herbal First Aid Michael Tierra: Korean Hand Therapy Chris Hobbs: Healthy Aging (not to Therapies) Roy Upton: Pearls from American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® Staff: Yoga/Qi Gong/Unwind Your Mind Relaxation

INTERMEDIATE TRACK This track is for students who have completed the Foundation Track and through Lesson 24 of the East West Herb Course. Hands-on practice & interaction are emphasized. Required reading: Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Vol. I & II, Planetary Herbology and Healing with the Herbs of Life.

• Diagnosis and treatment strategies • Advanced tongue and pulse diagnosis • Setting up an herbal practice • Materia medica: Western, Chinese & Ayurvedic • Specific formulas to know (38+ commonly used ones) • The five stagnations and abdominal diagnosis • Wildcrafting herb walk and advanced medicine making • Student clinic & case studies

ADVANCED TRACK This track is limited to qualifying students who have attended both the Foundation and Intermediate Tracks, completed the East West Herb Course through Lesson 36 (with Lesson 33 cases submitted for review no later than Feb 28, 2019), and are ready to practice clinical planetary herbalism. When applying, include a biography and outline of previous clinical experience with your registration. . Student clinic & onsite clinics with clients . Differential diagnosis and case studies . Clinical practice with professional practitioners . Planetary Herbology with Michael . Visit to professional clinics . Ayurvedic panchakarma: shirodara . Launching your herbal practice

PRACTITIONER TRACK, APRIL 27 - 28, 2019 This track is for our East West graduates who have previously attended three seminar levels (CEUs available for licensed acupuncturists and the AHG). This year our hot topics are: 7Song, Herbal First Aid (Saturday), Roy Upton: Pearls from the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia® (Sat evening), Ingrid Bauer: Herb Drug Interactions (Sunday morning and afternoon), Michael Tierra: Korean Hand Therapy (Sunday evening).

FOUNDATION TRACK This track is for everyone. Hands-on interaction is emphasized. Required reading: Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine, Vol. I and The Way of Herbs.

• Traditional Chinese Medicine theory • Traditional Ayurveda Medicine theory • Five Element Theory • Energy of illness and herbs • Tongue and pulse diagnosis • Medicine making • Garden herb walk • Barefoot doctor techniques • Diagnosis and case studies • Simple clinical remedies • Twenty herbs to begin your pharmacy

MEDICINE MAKING AND MERIDIAN THERAPY TRACK This track is best for those who have attended the Foundation Track or who already have TCM experience. Class size is limited. Come for a week at the spa! Includes: . . Advanced herbal decoctions and preservations . Dried powdered extracts . Salves, body butters, lotions . Therapeutic gomasio’s . Herbal teaqills and fluid extracts . Herbal beers and meads . Deep decoctions (preserved decoctions) . Fermented herbal jams and sauerkrauts . Advanced tinctures: the percolation method . Tincture formulation, solvents and chemical constituents . Hand and foot reflexology . Pao Zhi: processing herbal medicinals . Acupuncture points to know and use . Herbal steams, compresses and fomentations . Channel massage and meridian pathways . GMP regulations and compliance . Location and detail of 12 acupuncture meridians . Ayurvedic churna, avarasa, ksira paka, avaieha, taila, ghrta, oils & draksharishta

The Therapies track is especially useful for those who have completed the Foundation or Intermediate tracks of the East West Seminar and aren’t prepared or ready to participate in their next track, or for practitioners who

desire to hone or augment their current skill/tool sets, hands-on work, or practicums.

GGo to www.planetherbs.com for more detailed class descriptions and teacher biographies.


SEMINAR TUITION FEES: Cost For Seminars: Week-long Seminar: $1075; Practitioner Track: $325 Early registration: register by 1/31/19: Week-long Seminar: $925; Practitioner Track: $295 NOTE: Therapies Track Materials Fee: $55 Select one of the accommodation/facility fees below (in addition to tuition). Space is limited! To reserve your place, send a $250 non-refundable deposit TO REGISTER: CALL 831-336-5010; OR ONLINE: planetherbs.com

SEMINAR TIMES Week-long Seminar: begins Friday, April 26 - Registration from 4 - 6 PM.; ends Friday, May 3 at 1 PM. Practitioner Seminar: begins Sat, April 27 - registration from 9 - 9:30 AM; ends Sun, April 28 at 9:30 PM. Those coming from a distance often find it best to travel to the area a day or so before the seminar starts and/or plan to stay nearby for a day or two afterwards. The nearest airport is San Jose International (SJC), 45-60 minutes from the seminar location. A schedule for the seminar, including maps, directions and all other pertinent information, is sent upon registration.

CANCELLATION POLICY: cancellations before March 30, 2019 are refunded all fees paid less the $250 deposit. Cancellations after March 30, 2019 are refunded all fees paid less the $250 deposit plus $150 penalty fee.

REGISTRATION FORM SEMINAR TRACK: ______________________________________________ FEE: _____________________ (Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced*, Therapies, Practitioners)_____

NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________________________ STATE: _____________ ZIP: ____________ MOBILE PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________


Week-long Seminar (Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced*, Therapies) _____ Room & Board (double occupancy, 7 days & 21 meals): $700 _____ Camping & Board (7 days & 21 meals): $550 _____ Commuters Facility Fee (not staying overnight): 7 days & 12 meals: $300 _____ Commuters Facility Fee (not staying overnight) 7 days & no meals: $150 _____ Therapies Track Materials Fee: $55

Practitioner Seminar: _____ Practitioner Camping & Board (3 nights) Fri eve - Mon am + 9 meals: $275

Note: Room & Board option may be available for practitioners if staying onsite for all 7 days & 21 meals: $700


DIET (meat, vegetarian, vegan, allergies): ____________________________________________________________________ TOTAL FEE: ______________________________________________ DEPOSIT: _________________________________ AMOUNT DUE (Total fees less deposit):______________________________________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD (Credit/Debit Card, Check, Money Order): ____________________________________________ VISA, MC, AMEX, DISC #: _________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________

* Advanced Track applicants include a biography and outline of previous clinical experience.www.planetherbs.com 831-336-5010 [email protected]


Congratulations to our newest 2018 “Planetary Herbalists” - graduates of the herb course plus attended all

three seminars:

Bethany Chappell Joseph GrangerSheri Hawn Ken KrantzHesty Morley Emily Stock

Pending CEUs for acupuncturists

and AHG professional members for

Practitioner Track!


831-336-5010 East West School of Planetary Herbology

P.O. BOX 275, Ben Lomond, CA 95005

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