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Page 1: Hey, Hayley test shots

Hey, Hayley Test Shots and Camera Set-Up

Holly Fairbairn and Bethany Lock

Page 2: Hey, Hayley test shots

Camera Set-Up KeyJ


Jack’s Position

Bethany’s Position

Location Details

Camera’s Position

Page 3: Hey, Hayley test shots

Shot 11-17

Page 4: Hey, Hayley test shots

Shot 11-17 Camera Set-Up





Book shelves



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EvaluationShots 11-17 are suitable for our production as the location of the camera allows the audience to see both the characters and the box which they are looking at. If we did you this shot, we would need to separate it and possibly combine it with other shots as this one is quite long which isn’t suitable for a teaser trailer. It could be paired with a close up of the box (seen in shot 12), a close up of the characters faces or what they are looking at to make the scene more interesting as well as shortening the clips making it more suitable to the product type.Overall, it is likely we will use this type of shot in our production.

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Shot 12

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Shot 12 Camera Set-Up




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EvaluationShot 12 is suitable and will possibly be used as it is an interesting shot as well as giving details into the character’s lives and relationship to each other. If we were to use this shot we would possibly make it shorter as long clips aren’t suitable for the product type of a Teaser Trailer. Overall it is likely we will use this shot in our production.

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Shot 15 - 17

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Shot 15-17 Camera Set-Up


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EvaluationShot 15-17 is suitable for our production as due to its nature (a free hand close up) fits in with the main idea of the trailer which is a video blog. The shot angle is suitable as it focuses on the character’s emotions which is a key element of our genre. The shot is also a good length as it isn’t too long which makes it key for the teaser trailer.It is very likely we will use this shot in our production.

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Shot 19

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Shot 19 Camera Set-Up

B Decking


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EvaluationThe shot is suitable for the production as the angle is like that as if the other character is recording the event. There is also good framing and mise en scene meaning that the main focus is on that of Bethany’s character. The shot is also of a suitable length for a teaser trailer as it isn’t too long. It is most likely we will use this shot in our production.

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Shot 21

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Shot 21 Camera Set-Up



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EvaluationThis shot is suitable because it shoes both the activity and the other character filming, reinstating the fact that they are doing a video blog. It also clearly shows what they are doing with the framing of the shot which shows all of the character and the skateboard. It is likely we will use this type of scene in our production.

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Shot 23

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Shot 23 Camera Set-Up

J B LakeGrass

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EvaluationThe shot is quite suitable because it shows the activity that the characters are completing. However if we do use it the zoom would have to be conducted more successfully. As well as this the clip is a bit long which isn’t suitable for a teaser trailer as the clips are meant to be short. It is likely we will use this shot in the production but we will adjust the distance and be more careful with the zoom.

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Shot 23(II)

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Lake Grass

Shot 23 (II) Camera Set-Up


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EvaluationThe scene is suitable for our production as it shows the characters running towards the camera near the lake. The fact we can see the lake gives some insight into what the characters are doing but the shot may need to be paired with another shot of them jumping into the lake to make it clear. The shot is also a bit too long so if we used this shot type we would need to shorten in slightly. It is likely we will use this shot in our production.

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Shot 24

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Shot 24 Camera Set-Up






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EvaluationThe shot is quite suitable as it is an interesting angle and shows what the characters are doing. However the angle may need to be considered so the camera is in the shot properly. The shot may also need to be paired with another to make the activity clearer. It is likely that we will use this shot, or one similar to it in our production.

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Shot 27

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Shot 27 Camera Set-Up



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EvaluationIt is unlikely that we will use this shot as the lighting is bad, we will need to reconsider the lighting of the scene for the actual production as you can’t see the content of this shot.

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