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The Hand of Fate (Hidden Rapture) Roumelia Lane

It had seemed like the best solution! Robert Colby was gravely ill when his brother, Trent, sent for the girl Robert loved. So it was too late to tell them they had the wrong girl that Lucy Miles had written to Robert using Vivienne's name and sending her photograph. And that was how Vivienne found herself in Tangier, trying to deceive Robert, to make his last months happy ones. But her deception became doubly difficult when she realized that she was in love with the wrong brother!

Copyright: ROUMELIA LANE Original Title: "HIDDEN Rapture"

Originally published in 1978 by Mills & Boon Ltd.. London, England.


You could easily hear the noise of a clamp down on the floor between the rows of desks in the company of Reimbursement Postal Betchfield. One minute later, when the bell rang, marking the end of another working day, the confusion started with the staff running the corridors. In the section of hardware, the conversation inevitably giravam around the hours of rest and the favorite subject: men! I am dying to get home! Exclaimed Sandra Gates, a girl high and decided, to forward it to the exit. I put my scarf with white skin. Brian was a glow in your eyes ... I am sure that today he will appear with a ring. Wow, you really think will be sought in marriage? Brenda Wallis, a young dreamer of eighteen years, watched with envy as if trying to balance on your heels. Girls do not think that life is easy for married said acide Betty Sherman, a woman tired face, the mother of two children. Take care of home is no joke. Nobody peg aria me more, if you could go back. You could not choose, Betty Hazel Hughes said, a happy girl. The secret is not to seize the first to appear, but expect to know the right man. It means someone with lots of money said Monica Randall, a girl with air intelligent, famous for its cunning. That's right! Hazel said with aplomb. I think that today the least it should do is measure the man by the luxury that he can offer. I bet that no single girl who does not agree with me. Less Vivienne. All eyes turned to the same direction and someone joked: Vivi is very mysterious. She never speaks of her boyfriends. Yes. Never heard of the others. Sandra, who had no other subject than its achievements, looked with incredulous air and the girls wanted to know. Come on, Vivi, why you never talk about their boyfriends? The answer is very simple noted Vivienne frankly, retiring in the middle of the girls. Not dating anyone. The shouts of protest was interrupted by the voice of a little pedantic Betty Sherman. She is speaking the truth. Vivienne happens that I know for a long time and never saw her in company of one of the opposite sex.

The joke turned into surprise and regret and Pat Garma, who was home at the end of the thirty, gemeu: Who was that guy who said that youth was wasted on the young? Look at my picture, is to make you green of envy. Natural waves and everything! Move into your hair hard, full of tips. There is no justice in this world! Vivienne smiled quietly, as it always did at those times. She also no longer considered a couple. It was a sensible girl of twenty-three years, and who was sinking his heart find traces of bitterness and sorrow. I give you some advice, Pat as someone suggested left in dark and wet afternoon. Let's dance all night. On Saturdays, many people and you never know what can happen. I will try again Pat joked, accepting the game. They fired happily before being lost among people who go to the main gates, some with motorcycles, other, more fortunate, with their cars, leaving behind those who would walk. Vivienne was one of those who crossed the iron bridge that led to the hostel name. Below, the current of the river covered the rocks with white foam. It was a lucky Betchfield to be located near the city. Around the field there, where you could walk in pleasant nights or on weekends hot. Sound of metal of the bridge, she went to tile expenses of the house. While increased, do not bother with muffled his footsteps on the stairs of stone, and with the squeak of the steel handrail that went to the fourth floor of the hostel. Some time ago, deliberately chosen this environment cold and impersonal, and it was agreed. On the second floor, was slightly surprised to see an open door in the hallway, against the light, there was a thin figures in a dress that seemed too large. Lucy! Exclaimed, looking concerned for the freckled face. I saw that you were not working today. Are you sick? No, I'm fine. The girl sadly bit the corner of his handkerchief drenched. Then raised his pale eyes, with tears shining in cilia redheads. Oh, Vivi, was a horrible thing! It should not be that bad! It seeks to resuscitate her, Vivienne got into his arm. Come, tell me everything. Lucy Miles had the room next to that of Vivi and had more or less the same age. Lucy came from the field. The service was clumsy and always worked with great concentration. His hands and his feet seemed too big for their fragile constitution than wearing nothing and built it well. But Vivienne recognized sincerity and affection behind the appearance of Lucy out and become more connected to her than anyone else. Entering the room, went up to bed. The furniture was simple and very modest. A suitcase and some large suitcases occupied the area along the only free wall. What's wrong? Asked, hugging her. Is there a problem at home? Vivienne had no close relatives, and on one occasion, Lucy had gone with the halfruined house a few miles of the city. I knew the story of her family. His father had lost his hand in a tractor accident and his mother and two younger brothers worked hard to care for the land they had. Lucy, who loved the outdoor lifestyle, working in Betchfield came to help the family. No, everything is going well. I got a letter this morning like, with eyes full of tears, a repressing solutions. It's another letter. And all that I wrote. Contains nothing for you ...

and now ... It seemed like a trapped animal in a trap and had a wild glow in their eyes, something like a deep pain ... .I do not know else to do. I understand, Lucy Vivienne said, kindly. Letters From what you are talking about? And that should have told me? For a moment it seemed that she would not give any coherent answer. But then, with effort and wipe the tears began to explain, with air shot: Remember when we went to the club and a women's church has told us that we could give a little happiness to the less fortunate? Mrs. Dermott and letters to the outside? Vivienne reflected smiling. Yes, I remember. It was just before Christmas, is not it? Some three months. Lucy agreed, and the crumpled handkerchief with sharp fingers, he added, encabulada: Contains nothing for you, but before I left asked her to give me one of the addresses. I Vivienne said with a smile. But her friend looked at it with much sadness that she remained silent. Lucy again twisting the scarf. His name is Robert Colby. It has a muscular problem and can only ride a wheelchair. The Mrs. Dermott knew him through people that came out last year and thought he would have someone to animals. It has twenty-four years. He was player of rugby and has a beautiful physical ... Lucy Vivienne interrupted gently you're telling me it has responded with ... with Robert since that night before Christmas? Every week Lucy agreed. Depending on the mail, up to two times per week. I mean, then you become friends? Vivienne asked, trying to understand. We love. It was not a confession, but a statement pure and simple, devoid of everything that was not forsaken. Well, if you love it, why ... Vivienne asked, confused. Oh, Vivi! The tears of Lucy back again. Do not you understand! Robert will die. Look! Fidgeting in your dress, get a letter. Read. Arrived this morning. Vivienne flatten the folded paper. "Dude ... Do not Miss Blyth realized immediately that the letter was addressed to her, because I read what was below." I have the unpleasant duty to inform you that the state of health worsened Robert. It seems that there is no hope. The doctors think that only has a few more weeks of life. He wants to meet you. I want to come here as soon as possible of course at my expense. " Despite the tragedy implied, the words of the letter was brief and formal. It was signed: Colby Trent. At least there is something you can do. Vivienne tried to cheer her. You can go see him. Do not you understand? I can not! Lucy exclaimed, looking at her friend with anguish. Then with a sigh, went for something in a drawer. See the picture of Robert. Came the first letter. Vivienne saw the smiling face of a young blond, full of force. He is beautiful! Said, putting the photo on the bed, between them. Lucy agreed, looking at it, and then, as if recalling the first letters we exchanged, said pensive: I never dated anyone. Look at me! Has wiped eyes. I wanted so much to all of that right! Robert wrote a letter so beautiful that he wanted me I would like to e. .. Almost tore the handkerchief with nervous hands. Oh, Vivi! I do not know what got into me, but

told him his picture! My picture? Yes! Lucy suffocated a hiccup. Remember that you gave me for Christmas? A leather frame? Yes, Vivienne remembered. The machine had captured the smile on their lips but not the shadow that was behind. She also recalled that there was an inscription written in a lively song and signed. Although a little confusing, smiled at Lucy. Well, is not the end of the world. Yeah. Will be the end of Robert if he finds out! You do not understand? He is in love with girl's photo, and not by me. Lucy made the dry eyes furiously and Vivienne began to understand. You mean this whole time he wrote to Robert using my name? It is ... Lucy fungi. You never get much mail, only forms and circulars, and it was always me who had the cards for you. Led to my room the letters of Robert. Vivienne began to reflect. Now that you know, have seen a change noted in subtle Lucy in recent months: the animation that was sometimes on his face, the easy laugh, a kind of nervousness. But why? Kindly asked the friend. Of course you knew that would not go right. I knew. Lucy seemed devastated. But I had to write as if Vivienne Blyth. His signature was there. It was a beautiful picture ... Robert said it was the following letter. I wanted to tell him what I had done. But we were not going so well that I would ruin everything. I really intended to tell the truth and now ... She began to wail in the plunger handkerchief I can not ... more! Oh, Lucy! Embraced the Vivienne. You are a person as sweet and kind that I know more. I am confident that Robert will not bother you when you know that the girl who was writing to him all this time. We can not tell it now! The voice of Lucy showed her horror. How is that committed the cruelty of destroying everything that Robert built the head, and so little time of life? No, Vivienne. She seemed to have taken a decision. He believes that you are the lady who wrote the letters, so there is only one exit. You have to go see him. I? Vivienne was amazed. But an idea is absolutely crazy! You can not go right. Yes a friend said with firmness. Just a little, remember. Bought new wave of tears. You're doing a favor to Robert. And for me too. Lucy, I understand all this confusion and I think it would be unthinkable to tell the truth to Robert now. But does not realize that I do not know anything about the relationship of you two? About what we talk? I have all our cards. The freckled face seemed more hopeful. The Mrs. Otis tells us we should always save a copy of everything. Well, what I did when I wrote to Robert. Furthermore, I wanted to read what I had written when receiving your response. Shyness led the prayer. You can read everything you write, and will be knowing how to act. Am I entitled to a month's vacation. You can stay with them, to work instead. Then, with some kind of license to you. Lucy straight body, decided to air. Robert is going to die, Vivi. We can not destroy their happiness now. Tomorrow, you should go to Tangiers. Tangiers! The ground seemed to open before Vivienne and she felt as if I were on the verge of a huge hole.

Yes, Robert lives there with his brother. He is very rich, has a casino. It has a very nice town ... Mal hear the last words, Vivienne stood up and was spying through the window, but failed to see the courtyard of the factory barely illuminated by the light of lamps, in front of you, parades alleys full of people and golden beaches, veiled women in the face and with typical native clothing. Tangier! The city tried to forget it for four years, seeking to dispel the memory ardent Gary Thornton and idyllic months now together in that place, before he was fired quietly, out of his life. Young, full of life, madly in love, he was breaking his heart in a closed box of steel that would not be opened by any man. I think the idea inconceivable, Lucy said, turning his face pale. I can go to Tangiers. Oh, Vivi! The tears started again. Was so sure you would agree to help me! I know I made a silly sending your photo, but how could I imagine that things would end like this? Feeling pity, while loathe to agree with the plan, Vivienne looked at the head tilted. I was upset at the irony of the situation, despite the unhappiness of his unfortunate friend. While struggling to rebuild their lives away from the allure of exotic places, excluding the idea of a novel or any contact with the opposite sex, Lucy wanted for things like a flower in search of sun. To write to Robert, met a need pathetic, but the tender relationship that had arisen between the two based on a lie, and since the beginning, was to end in suffering. She met his eyes wet with tears on the other side of the bed, and facing a painful mental conflict, told with the same air of supplication: You do not know what you're asking me, Lucy. I know. Raised the chin. If there was another exit, would request you to do this for me. The silence in the room was oppressive. Vivienne thought the couple unhappy in Tangier, who anxiously waited to find the girl of his dreams. And why was his friend Lucy, fearing that it back off if you do not agree, said voice with negligible: Where are the letters? Vivienne spent almost all night reading the letters. He was an intruder invading sacred ground to witness the outflow of two young hearts, a relationship that began with their typical, depth is something obsessive and at the same time respect, in their tenderness. Know that by merely matching Robert and Lucy had been in love only increased the concern of Vivienne. Will could replace Lucy so convincing? Especially when your heart seemed made of lead ... He spent the rest of the night was overturned in bed, obsessed with the idea that Robert discover everything at the moment see. The next morning, sent a telegram to Robert's house in Tangier. And around noon, Vivienne was the way to the airport. Lucy helped get the bags, solved all problems and tearful farewell to, claims that the state of know Robert. The flight was calm. But when they were landing at the airport of Bouhalf Souahel, Vivienne felt cold, winning with the enormous difficulty reluctant to put their feet on Moroccan soil. Entered in the race riot and that the door to Africa sweaty boots and tattered by travelers dark clothes with native, of the Arabs picked up, bending it, officials of the customs bored. The cobalt-blue sky, the distant minarets, illuminated by the light pink

from the sun in the afternoon, ripping the heavy veils of her memory as a kind of sword. Walking without paying attention to anything. I do not remember! That slim girl of all-green leaves and white blouse, it was inevitable the guides stuck elusive, employees of hotels, the staff providing transportation. And while it does not pay attention to those men with dark clothes and dirty turbans of wool, which is offered screaming and weeping, his presence was causing confusion. Suddenly an order sounded sharp in terminal air tired and figures, with hands outstretched, away from it like a dog called back from their owners. Across the confusion, a man face close to awful. Ms. Blyth? Srta. Vivienne Blyth? Although the voice was clear and deep blue eyes looked skeptical as it is to compare the photo sent by Lucy. I myself she said coldly. I Trent Colby, brother of Robert. And making a signal to the employee high aquiline features that followed, he added: Abdul will take care of your luggage. The car is waiting outside. Getting it by the arm, he passed by those nasty men, moving them with his air of icy indifference. In light of the sun that he, the aroma of mimosa flower and lemon sharpened their pain. Stopping in front of the huge black car, Abdul, dressed in gray and wearing a red has opened the door. Mechanically, Vivienne came in the back seat, upholstered with great luxury. Poorly paid attention in the man who sat by her side, noticing only that seemed too big in his impeccable suit. When after a few seconds away from the airport, she tried not to look at the landscape, but it is always green in Africa. The vision of palm and red clay houses of a revived ancient pain. The four years had not advanced. She would never forget. Noticing a few minutes after that was being observed, recalled that he had scared a role to play. Recomps up, straightening the body. Had to endeavor to fulfill its mission because of Lucy. Rob talks about you all the time said Colby Trent, evaluating it with his eyes cold. You will write with great regularity, is not it? Every week. Vivienne repeated the words of Lucy. Since we met, near Christmas. A start for a novel and strange, no? Pen, paper and stamps, ending with a loving kiss. Especially when the two never met. She noticed the grimace skeptical in his mouth and said: Almas sisters do not need physical contact she said, pointedly. Robert and I knew we had been made for each other almost from the beginning. But you need not believe. I do not believe it he said briefly. And, fixing his eyes on it, completed: You are here because Robert asked, why trust you to do so happy as he deserves. Every time you want to go back, stop everything because you think made a mistake, give up. I do not want Robert is hurt, you understand? It was impossible to ignore the strength of personality of that man. He had reached that stage of authority that is revealed in its air decided, male. His blue eyes were penetrating, insightful and somewhat obscured, as a man who hides his pain. You did not approve my coming, huh? Vivi asked coldly, as he light a cigarette. I believe in love at a distance. When I was the age of Robert, I have a lady in my loving arms and not by proxy. This does not help to slow it! She noted.

A smile threatened unpleasant appear on your lips. I can say the same about you said, examining it closely. Why the connection with Robert? You do not seem the type who meets with a novel on paper. It has the appearance of a girl who knows the life. Despite having decided to remain indifferent, Vivi shook up enough to respond: I do not believe that Robert, before his illness, lived just like a hermit. My brother has only twenty-four years he said, smiling slightly. A child, when it comes to dealing with flighty temperament of women. But you must have taught him everything I know. It would stop arguing with that man negligible. Do not advance anything. He was at his side with his invincibility hateful, so macho, giving orders quietly. If he had heard me, you will not be here. How come, you will have to continue what began with Rob and love. Thinking of Lucy and their tears last night, Vivienne has said: You were terribly wrong that can be a. .. my respect? Women tend to love letters ... and men too. Ms. Blyth ... or better, Vivienne, as will now be part of the family! Mock him, with all its cynicism. I count on you, anyway. Vivienne looked through the window, barely noticing that they were entering the city. It was obvious that she and Colby Trent were not to be okay. Protecting the very patient brother, he was cagey about to clearly express their dislike for her. Well, the feeling was mutual, he thought. Bitterness was something that had to spare. He gave a look at the interior of the car. Behind the division of blue glass, Abdul ran with all the care. The floor was carpeting and the seats had their arms covered. The suit of Colby Trent was one expensive fabric in a beautiful shade of blue. The wrists were tied by the shirt with gold cufflinks and a watch also partially covered with gold. She noted with disapproval everything. Knew how he earned the life and thought that a man who used to live the rich deserve their contempt. The car changed direction and she saw that they were leaving behind the wide boulevards, as similar to those of any other city, and going to the suburbs. While up, saw the glance ocres the walls of Old City and Casbah, the great mosque, the minarets and domes. The landscape that tried to remove the memory for so long made to disturb it. Seeing her look, Colby Trent said, with sarcasm: I advise her to get the most out of sight. You do not have time for walks. Rob can not leave the house and he expects to be at his side. The Trent hoped that meant that it always sees the hand of his brother. Despite the authoritarian attitude, thought she should say something, because of Lucy. Not yet had the opportunity to express my regret at the state of Robert ... this fatal disease ... The words seemed trivial and false. Naturally, when you know ... Rob knows that life is short his ramblings were interrupted abruptly, perhaps because there was also the pain of it but not regrets. I always knew I faced his illness and that things continue like this. It is up to you to provide the company you need, without forgetting that we never speak of his illness. They were passing through the gates of a property located above the city. In sloping land had a house in Moorish style, very luxurious, with white walls and red roofs, arches and stairways in snail.

We call Kouda Colby Trent said with abrupt way. Means "The Hill". After this concise information, they crossed an orchard of plum and orange and passed through a grove of cedars. Abdul stopped the car on a terrace in front of the house. Of marble steps led to the lower arch, which was the main entrance. Inside the house, where the dark floor reflected the soft lighting, he returned with an unfriendly smile: Rob throws up to six. You will have to wait until tomorrow to meet you. Come dinner in an hour. As she climbed the stairs behind Abdul, he added, as if it just remember: In this house there are only men. If you want, you can hire a girl to help her. Do not worry. I can take care of me. As you wish. There was sarcasm in his voice again, and slightly tilting the head, he entered one of the doors that were below. The calm of Vivi continued unchanged until climbed the ladder. Was to calculate the value of the decoration of the house, to see the rich carpets and old furniture, and this only served to increase the aversion I felt for their owner. After passing through a corridor tiles, was taken to a spacious bedroom, with all the refinement of decor. The bed was covered with a quilt adamascada in Moroccan style. The carpet was red, thick and soft. The waiter lit the lamp in a bathroom with reddishbrown tiles, pulled the curtains, asking a French intonation: The need to miss anything else? No, thank you, Abdul. You can leave! Despite the daunting air, heat it had dark eyes and a smile outlined in their lips thin, return the smile as she went Abdul. The time passed quickly. After you get your things, get ready for dinner. Your nerves are tauten while paint. Through the mirror, his brown eyes looked a little clearer than his hair dark, afraid that it could be a sign of lying. But they were quiet and discreet, and taking your purse, left the room. It would be difficult to steer, but on the other side of the staircase has a room illuminated by a light pink, which was stowed a table with glasses of crystal and silver shiny. Entered the room without realizing that the light highlighted her hair and pale in his arms naked. Colby Trent was waiting. Good night, Vivienne. He spoke as if they were old friends, but she noticed the contraction of your smile. I hope you found everything in order in your room. I would have to be very tough to complain of something she replied calmly. The finely carved chairs had high backs. He dismissed one that I had sat. Without much interest, she felt the scent of wood from your lotion to shave. The food came in a silver cross, brought by a gallant figure, with a waistcoat and striped trousers bufantes, which was called Momeen. During the dinner, Trent Colby had a friendly conversation that Vivienne would have preferred to avoid. I think that Rob used to write letters to you were sent to a town called Ayleshurst, near Oxford. I know it vaguely. He served again for food. Have you ever lived there? I was born elsewhere. I went there a few years ago. With your family? No. I like the place, so I got a job nearby. From what I saw when I went there he said with a smile of doubt the city seemed unable to keep up, the more job offers. And it is true Vivienne replied in the same tone. There is a huge company for reimbursement in the postal area. Work it.

A fish in the middle of the ocean! His eyes were frankly asked. You do not seem the kind of girl who only meets with it. But it is true. She continued eating, lightly I'm just a girl that works. Then he added, with a bright eye color of hazelnuts I am sorry if that disappoints the. No way. It is more or less what I expected replied, recumbent on the chair with a bored expression. After dessert, a mousse light and delicious, he added: You will find much to do in this house. Rob spends almost all the time in the pool. He can swim well. You will be disappointed if you do not follow. I swim well ... but ... I thought ... She replied a little uncertain, lowering the cup of coffee. Stop thinking that Rob is invalid. His illness allows him to devote himself to all activities enjoyed by other young people, full of force. Vivienne felt his face burning, and also realizing it, Trent said, with his usual hostile air: What's wrong? Afraid to think in physical contact with a boy who never saw? Retrieving up almost immediately, she said with a tremor in the voice: I am confident that I will find Robert as attractive in person and in letters. She felt observed by the smoke. The blue eyes are slightly narrowed. What will be interesting to see you before you react. The ground was getting dangerous, so I had stood up and was no hurry to look for the windows. This kind of interview with Trent Colby was becoming very unpleasant. But the worst was still to come. What would Robert think of her? Will find out anything? Trying to control the nerves, she began to observe the night. There were the roofs of Casbah of the fibers to touch your heart, the thin minarets pointing to the fluorescent blue of the sky full of stars. Colby Trent came to his side. Noting also the Grand Mosque and the city spread bathed in a light greenish-white, offered a cigarette, commenting: I think you will enjoy your stay in Tangier. I came to ride, is not it? Do not tell me! He continued, shrinking the shoulders. She left a note of mockery in his eyes of steel. I am here because Robert needs me. If it were not for love, that would travel a distance so great? For many reasons. He shot the smoke of cigarette, dropping it after the white teeth closed. An opportunity to live somewhere exotic, maybe. The desire to experience life in a house Moorish luxury and spend carefree time. So that was it! Ali was the origin of his sarcasm veiled and their suspicions! Trent thought she was wanting to lead a good life, grabbing the opportunity to make a monotonous job and using Robert as an excuse. Poor Lucy! With a cold anger, replied, using all his calm: I think that impresses me. She made a gesture for mobile workers in addition to terraces lit windows. I do not want to associate myself with such wealth. So you heard that I have a casino? He put his hand in the pocket of black pants that look sharp and immaculate still focussed on the question: You do not approve? Not interested. But I think you are not able to advise me as to what should be your brother. The brightness of steel eyes seemed slow. Then he relaxed and throwing the tip of the

cigarette in an ashtray, spoke with familiarity: You are old, Vivienne. The game currently is a fun respectable, accepted by the royalty and the wealthiest members of our society. It is a kind of profession. Is that why you chose? She is amazed with his courage in challenging a man that is wanted, could crush her simply by the force of his personality. Maybe. Surprisingly, he ignored the provocation. There was only a bit of antagonism in their expression severe. Incidentally, speaking of work, I have to leave. Back up, showed the house with your hand. Have fun as you want. There are books in the library and music ... modern disks and stuff. Thanks, but I'm tired. I think going to my room. It would, if I were you. She realized that he wanted to always have the last word. Tomorrow you will have a very full day ahead. Rob is the expected and should not be anything that disappoint. Good night, Vivienne. Later, listening to the car to depart while puxava of the covered bed, Vivienne made to feel afraid. I was in a strange house in Tangier, representing the role of another girl in a tragic and dangerous. Will had done well? She had agreed, mainly to protect Robert's true, but had not taken into account the presence of his guardian, who behaved like a leopard taking care of a wounded puppy. He heard the sound of the engine that became more distant and felt his heart beat discomposedly. Trent would be ruthless with anyone who did his brother suffer. She would have to be careful.

CHAPTER TwoThe sleep was restless and, when agreed, Vivienne knew why. The first thing I felt was the familiar smell of the city: spices, sandalwood, jasmine and dust of the streets. Jumped in bed knowing that it was easier to relieve their misery in the cold sky and away from England. The revival around the pain in your heart still hurt. When the curtains opened, it was as if you were still dreaming. The sea was blue in the distance, dotted with boats near the port. The Casbah, appearing between the tips of dark cypresses, the square houses with their facades of pastel colors, illuminated by light pink in the morning. On the right, the buildings tall and white and the hotels in Tangiers on verge of golden beach, almost hidden by palms. And somewhere down there, and the avenue Pasteur Hotel El Riadh. Will some day she would remember that night where he met with Gary for the first time? His fingers tighten the curtain. Closed his eyes as if, with that, would remove too sweet memories. What had done to deserve such punishment? The feeling of desolation lasted little. The training of four years was not in vain, and thus with the head up and go strong, was to bathe and get dressed. Using a striped dress and straw sandals, go to the glass door of his room. The large desk was shaded by a row of arches similar to the ground floor. On each side, there were two white towers with the main rooms of the house. Those who remained beneath the arches appeared to be apartments for guests, but the door of the tower farther away, she could see a room similar to that at dinner the night before. The decor

was mostly French, in the style of Versailles, but with a masculine touch in Mouriscas filigree lamps in carved chests and accessories of leather color. All this was only found in very luxurious homes. The air was clear and smooth. There was an external staircase at one end of the counter, and down from his room, which led to the terrace where the car had left the night before. There was no sign of him now, so there should be a garage somewhere. Separating the terrace from the rest of the property, there were a number of palm trees and bushes in bloom, there was next to the sound of voices. Imagining that the pool was that way, the heart of Vivienne began to beat hard. Robert was there, she was sure, waiting impatiently for it. Where would find courage to go there? Suddenly, all that plan seemed very crazy. How can you think that would go right? Was willing to seek Trent Colby, confess that it was an impostor, and then go. But inside it was the image of Lucy's face sad, full of tears, and another, it is forced to remember, a guy in a wheelchair, eager to make the most of his last moments of happiness ... and life. Swallowed the tears, feeling powerless. No use, she was there and now there was no more escape. Trying to calm down, the palm trees and rose, following the sound of voices, a step that led down to another terrace, where high foliage, creepers and shrubs around a swimming pool blue. There were people there, an employee, you may e. .. a wheelchair. A vein in his throat began to throb. An incredible distance to cross! And no presentation. She asked, irritated. if Trent would not have planned it. His sandals barely played in colorful mosaic. Walking with a natural grace, feeling the heat of the sun on the head and, curiously, without any constraint. When approaching the boy sitting in a wheelchair, made no effort to agree on the role play. Vivi! You finally came! With hands held by surprisingly strong fingers, Fitou her a pair of blue eyes a little darker than those of Trent. Robert! I both know it! Strangely, I was being sincere. After the grip of hands, they moved away timidly. To save time, and see if discovered something to say, she studied the young to shorts-suit with a look that reflect expected affection. He was very burnt, but his thick thighs and muscular arms were full of depressions, as if it desintegrating inside. He felt a tightness in the throat, but the smile has not left his lips or his eyes. Inside, is appalled by the cruelty of fate. His hair was very blond, thick and smooth, framing your features square, similar to those of Trent, but softer. Naturally, as I had won time, he looked with wonder and joy, visible in his face. Your hair is like the photo! He extended his hand and let the wires pass through the silky fingers. And with a laugh, added: Funny, but you are exactly as pictured, even beautiful! I give my opinion on you not to let him vain Vivienne said, laughing. He smiled, turning slightly to the wheelchair to present the man who was standing behind. This is Haroun. He carries me to the water when I swim and put me in bed at night. Vivienne had noticed huge man and thought he was an employee. Abdul was bigger than the biceps almost the width of the waist. Impeccable wore trousers, a clear coat and a turban, a genius with air reminiscent of the gym instructor. Robert described it superficially, but she understood that Haroun was to take care of him night and day. The

two were talking before we came. Robert explained: The English of it is as bad as my Arabic, but we understand. There is, Haroun? Clear that the giant had not the slightest idea of what were talking about. But responded promptly with the deep voice of a genius friend: That's it, lord. I note the title Robert said with a bright blue eyes. The tribe believes it clear that all people are descendants of the Prophet. Trent brought it to Marrakesh. I am not exactly a lightweight and nobody wanted to accept this job. The couple said good-tempered, not show self-pity. Shouted something to the large Moor, and the two laughed, told him to Vivienne: Haroun is teaching me Arabic. I sounds like a camel clearing his throat, but I get the way to get know a little of his life. With so little time! Vivienne took care not to show their reaction, while Robert was courageous. They were chatting happily when she saw Trent from an opening high in some hibiscus, on the opposite side of the pool. Surely he had been walking around, probably to see the distance his meeting with Robert. His face burned, first of anxiety would have represented well their role? After irritation. Apparently, Trent does not trust her, but had to admit he had something wonderful to come closer. Pair of clear, well cut and silk shirt, he had the relaxed air of a man but insightful self. Should be at least ten or fifteen years older than his brother. The difference between them was obvious. His hair was just a spark of the bay of Robert, so that the sun shone with a bronze reflex. There was no doubt that was an attractive man, but in a rude way. However, she reflected with a bitter smile, was all hands to be a smart man. Of course she has not shown anything of what I was thinking and tried to appear at will when he approached. Morning, Vivienne! His eyes met her before moving to a wheelchair, showing affection. So, Rob said in tone of joke this was full, as promised. How do you feel now that loosen the string and gave a look? Beautifully! The young man extended his hand to get in it. Vivi is everything I expected and more. Turning up for it, explained: Trent was not very enthusiastic about the idea of a woman here at home. He lives alone for so long that does not like to invade their fields. Try not to interfere she replied, ostensibly disguising your tone cold. Do not bother me. I am about to admit that a woman decorated a place Trent said softly, pulling a chair for her. Then got one for him, muttered something to Haroun, maybe "good morning" in Arabic, but to sit next to the brother. Robert wanted to know everything from that Vivienne arrived and brought them, passing over, of course, the conversations that were unpleasant. However, while talking, Robert them looked as if he had noticed some disagreement behind their smiles. As part of the pool nearest the house had a large circular platform, with furniture for outdoor meals, and while talking, Abdul and the employee who served the dinner brought the breakfast. Instead of flashy jacket he used the night before, Momeen wearing a white jacket with his gummy silk trousers, so that's half up, like a maitre d'htel very stylish, while the other half was indescribable. Vivienne thought he was trying to westernize, but was still attached to its eastern habits. Abdul, of course, was a perfect Arabic.

The arrival of a tray with a silver teapots indicated that they were bringing the tea. Get up, followed Vivienne Trent, while Robert, the robe, came in his wheelchair, pushed by his assistant muscular. Rose by a ramp alongside the steps, and so Robert was installed on the table, Haroun moved away slightly. Vivienne noticed immediately the breathtaking view. Instinctively, chose a seat where it back. As a woman, you should be delighted with what we have to offer in Kouda, for example the wonderful view of the Casbah and the boats in port Trent said with a sardonic smile on his lips. Do not like heights Vivienne said, unfolding the napkin. But, unable to face the look of it, realized it was not representing their role well. You're kidding, Vivi said Robert, as he milk in tea. We are not higher than an anthill. And that time you got suspended in the air in a bale of hay on the farm of his father? You told me one of the letters, is not remembered? So you're the daughter of farmer? Trent asked with sarcasm, openly examining your delicate shoulders and wrists while she took a fine roasted. E is not alone. She is brave! Robert said with pride. You know what was it done? Up a bundle of hay to the top of a crane to repair the pulley, to more than fifteen meters from the ground. She did not flaunt it, but imagine how may have been, by the way they wrote. What courage! Trent agreed, investigating it with his blue eyes. I have worked more on the farm Vivienne said quickly, struggling not to be stained. Fortunately, the arrival of a cart with the other dishes of the breakfast distracted the attention of all and then the conversation turned on the light prose that always accompanies a meal. The table stowed on the roof was decorated with lilac and botezinhos of pink. Besides scabbardfish and other grilled dishes of seafood, to lamb and chicken liver, honey was in Valencia, the long black dates of southern Morocco, green figs and tangerines. Vivienne thought that the dishes were to try any of the appetite Robert. He talked about everything, with great animation, eager to leave it at will. And just so that she relax a little. Momeen was around to provide what was needed. He gave much attention to Vivienne, showing a gesture and a smile made clear that she expected some time pass between them. While they were delicious, he had to decline the dates that he brought a second time. Miss, let me put on your plate a few more drops of the sun. They are a wonderful way to start the day, but I do not think I can eat anything. But the lady ate less than one bird needs to fly by your garden. But that birdie, Momeen, a turkey, perhaps? Or duck fat? She talked happily in his native language. If realized, it was late. Trent to face. You speak French very well, Vivienne. Thanks replied politely. This time, she made no effort to blush. What was wrong with being able to converse in the language most used in Tangiers? A lot of people currently speak French. I was so nervous that even where there was thought pitfalls. After breakfast, she thought Trent would disappear from view. But to his dismay he accompanied to the pool and, as if it were routine, sat at a table and began to examine some papers that has a folder that brought Abdul.

Vivienne sat next to Robert. Would have given anything for a break. Understood that Trent wanted to spend most of his time with his brother, but it was extremely tiring to have to always be on guard. But need not have worried; Robert was also thinking that other people had in the pool. Neither is well accommodated, hand in hand, when he said with a smile: I think I lived and I will do a tour, Trent. Maybe I will show her the property. Skewing the look of paper, Trent said dryly, with a grimace of mockery in eyebrows: Do not worry me. Haroun was pushing the wheelchair, but looking at his brother, Robert asked: He lived it. I can help. Trent looked with air of doubt, but said something and Moorish disappeared. You and the chair weigh a lot, Rob. It may be too much for Vivienne. Do not worry Vivienne replied, and are of the chair. She would have driven a tank, willingly, just to get rid of Trent! Robert led the way and they surrounded the pool, through the opening around hibiscus. On the other hand, the garden was more beautiful still. A source well sweetly in the center of a lake of tiles, surrounded by banana trees and palms. Then passed through a shaded spot, with plants in pots under vines of flowers, vines and jasmins, then crossed several lawns and beds on platforms, some surrounded by extremely high Aroeiras, others by cedars so beautiful as those ladeavam the way in . Passed by a white flag, in Moorish style, with its mosaic dome and hidden by banks of flowers, through the trees up the garden path, a quiet place away from noise of the city. In oranges, Vivienne could see women working Berbers. But his smile was bitter. Trent should be very satisfied with their position in Tangiers. There seemed to be problem for him, live from the casino revenue. There were slopes covered with azalea flowers and white as snow, but Robert was not interested in sight. Stopping the wheelchair in a place where the sea via a piece of blue between the trees, turned up. Vivienne felt his heart beat rapidly. Now that were alone, he would open his heart. She noticed the look of it. Vivi he said, taking his hand. We are together, finally. You know how long wait for this moment? For the first time. I had noticed a glimmer of fear and uncertainty in his blue eyes, a request for help that both touched his heart that she responded warmly: Robert, just want your happiness. Kiss me, Vivi. I need your love. Oh, how I need you here by my side! He pulled, looking lips with a passionate intensity. Vivienne is back inside. The sensation of the lips of a man, after so long, had the effect of a lashing. Gary recalled was making a comment and hugging after. The lips of their roando Gary. The torment of knowing that it was not Gary, but another man, a stranger, was too much for her. Finally, the release Robert. Looking at it with curiosity as she is away, said, smiling with his child. Not as promising as the letters, but for now serves. To hide the tension in his smile, she moved the fingers in the blond hair, asking: Who cuts your hair? You seem like a castaway! Haroun, when it began to enter the eye in water. But now you can handle it. Promise is still well in the chair. There was malice in his eyes. But, examining them, she noticed something deeper.

With a shake in the heart, convinced that, whatever happens, it could not hurt Robert. I like his way. I do not want you to change. Struggling to find the right words, he realized that he said the wrong thing. but Robert seemed not to have noticed. Taking her hand with his fiery way, said as the controlled emotion: Vivi, my dear. We will be very happy together. I am not as well looked at the wheelchair but I want you to see me in the pool. The water reduces my weight and I can move as quickly as anyone else ... so you better be careful! I swim well. You may not grab me joked. Really? I think it's all your invention. Looks like you told me one of his letters which are not maintained very well in water, where there is not standing. Vivienne match the look playful, hiding his emotion with a smile. Why not ever remember the letters of Lucy? His memory was bad, no doubt! I training. Now swim well. Really? He looked haunted. Still holding his hands and pulling it gently so that it sat on the arm of the chair, changed the subject, with a satisfied smile. When you saw that had cared for me? Vivienne hoped that he felt their blood throb. When? Desperately trying to remember, replied cheerfully: Oh, very early. Almost from the beginning. He seemed disappointed. You can not forget that week! I sent you a flower of orange, is not remembered? And you saved along with lavender and then sent me back a book of poems ... Hear the lark begin his flight, and singing, the dark night surprise he sweetly. Vivienne, who had never heard these words, laughed perplexed. Of course! But now I'm here and this is what matters. Fortunately, saved the situation saying that it occurred at the time. Robert spent the arm on your waist, but his smile was forced. For a girl so beautiful, you have bad memory. But is not important. I like you anyway. She roou the lips on his forehead, partly on relief and with a strange feeling of affection. But it was too dangerous, and with all the calm, tried to talk about other things. Robert talked about the property, which would of plum blossom and narcissus purchase a special, very fragrant. And Vivienne listened carefully. While the conversation was about general matters would not have to worry. Only Robert, finding it difficult to control their content by being there, made the two of them talk. But for a few moments, I had managed to talk about what they would do in the future, thus avoiding other errors. The sun was already high when they returned home. Robert showed another path that led to a mysterious but charming place, where old and very high walls covered with flowers surrounding a flag in ruins. Later, the dark waters of a lake reflected the high foliage of some vessels of stone covered with grass and on the other hand, saw it the thin pillars with arches of another flag in ruins. The silence was oppressive. Finally, took a shortcut between a clump of mimosas and soon after, were at home. Vivienne delivered to Haroun and Robert went to his room, exhausted. Not to have pushed the wheelchair, but the effort to say and do the right things. Hardly had time to relieve their stress, because once the house resonated the bell announcing the lunch. I had no idea where they would eat, that Trent had only wanted to deal with that business lunch or elsewhere in the house.

Robert hoped it below with Haroun, he sent a gracious smile. Across the hall to the front of the house accompanied by a tower of boxes Mouriscas via chests painted sculptures and Berbers. Lunch would be served in the left, round a richly furnished room overlooking a garden full of roses and garden. When entering the room, the heart of Vivienne guess. And passed the morning? Trent asked courteously, while puxava the chair for her. Vivienne noticed the elegant storage of dishes and crystal, the center of scented flowers and imagined that it was because of Robert, the constant change of scenery to compensate for the fact he can not leave the house, the cheerful touches to cheer it. In other words, expenditure saved is not to provide distractions. It irritated. Trent Why was that? He is not bothered to take money from gullible players and, with that calm air, caring brother of a patient with a tenderness and affection, had to admit, almost moving. The food, of course the best of French cuisine, not lost its flavor in spite of coming from the other side. Vivienne, however, was so concerned about what could arise in the conversation or feel that your taste. The walk in the morning happy Robert. Fortunately, he seemed quite excited to play with his brother: How was business last night, Trent? Duchess discovered some disguised in Caf Anglais? None. But I found a guy with a turban of a driver of camels Trent replied with a smile like the brother, only more experienced, she thought. The casino of Trent is typically Moroccan said Robert with cages of parrots on the wall and the table lamps with fringes. I was there when we arrived. And the clientele is a mixture of Arabs from tunics and European royalty dressed in denim. Playing with food, said crossing: In the Cafe Anglais you can take anything from a cup of tea to a French cognac and stir it in the game rooms with sheets of all prices. What comes directly to the coffers of the family, naturally said Vivienne, with flaming eyes toward Trent. What is that fools and their money are soon separated. A smile hid his antagonism. He shook his shoulders. Everyone has equal opportunity. The banks can earn as you can lose. And is not the principles continued Vivienne. Do not worry, say, with ruined homes or in bankruptcy. Despite its efforts to brincalhona opinion, because of Robert, was disturbed by causing Trent. The game is part of human nature. Does not force anyone. In the casino all you do is provide entertainment to players. I call it the subtle exploitation of human weakness. His breathing was wheezing. It would not bother with what it concerned. You must respond to all, Vivienne. Unfortunately, it's women. And the fragile sex always finds a club to play a house of sin ... the trap of a magician to capture souls. While for the man, the game has appeal to all senses. Except, perhaps, to common sense. To disguise the disharmony that was between her and Trent, although he thought that Robert was not easy to fool, said laughing: And I insist on having the last word. Anyway, I think Tangiers is a place too beautiful to be spoiled by that kind of fun. Trent retorted the coup, answering with a smile:

Every paradise has its serpent. And with that, of course, was he who got the last word. Robert then spoke, calling attention to the time: Almost two hours! Tell Momeen right to bring the dessert, Trent. I want to show the movement and how I lived in the pool. After that, the conversation was less unpleasant, at least for Vivienne. When Haroun again, Trent insisted that Robert was resting, as it always was after lunch, before you install the side of the pool. Vivienne could go to the room, but the time passed quickly and, while upside down in your things, called Robert. Wearing a green bathing suit that emphasized clear lines of his body, and a bathrobe, Vivienne down to the pool. Robert was in the water, perhaps because she did not want to see him in carrying Haroun lap. Vivienne was constrained to take the robe, especially since Trent was also sitting there, close to the sun umbrellas, quietly consulting their roles. But Robert, if wanting to show, insisted. And she had no choice but to leave their things in a chair and into the water. Now there was no reason for concern. Muscular arms raised in the air and playing in the water sparkling and she smiled to bet a race with Robert. Its strength to surprise. Although she nadasse well, crossing the pool quickly, long before he arrived and has given good laughs while trying to get rid of your strong hands. And that was just the beginning. It seemed that Robert was determined to show her everything we could do in water, which inevitably included several dives. After being chased, turn up and lose all the races, she was exhausted, but strangely mild. Within the water, need not be afraid to give any wrong answer or make one slip. But like all good things, the evening ended. Vivienne and Robert resting on chairs inflatable in pool, and he seemed exhausted. When the sun began to call, Trent up and, taking his robe, called it: Come be dry, Vivienne. It begins a half hour to cool. His tone did not accept defense; obedient left the chair and swam to shore. He extended his hand to help her up, and your fingers to hold firm. I had felt throughout his life. Trent put the robe on his shoulders, holding it as if you wanted to dry it. Their eyes met for a moment. When she returned, Haroun had placed Robert in a wheelchair and was approaching. Robert was happy but a little pale and resigned to go to the room. Until tomorrow, I lived. The day was wonderful. I can not wait for sunrise. Pulling it, he kissed his lips. On entering the house, Vivienne is expected to retreat into his room, but the formal voice of Trent reminded him: Dinner will be served at the same time, Vivienne. Until later. In the fourth, agreed with a bitter smile that he would not stop to examine it microscopically until we all knew it. And in time for fall, had not yet conquered the fear of dining alone with Trent. What an amazing man! Why the left so nervous? Fact that she was representing a role, but not what he suspected. Trent in the waiting room that was illuminated for the roofs of the smoothly Casbah, where they had dinner the night before. He was already dressed to go to the casino. His simple dress seemed moved along so much elegance, but do not let that interfere. She had reason to be concerned. Once we sat down, he said, with a sharp smile: Congratulations, Vivienne. It appears that you have Robert in the palm of your hand. The resentment took of her. Was ready to give an answer to the disarmament, but

remember to Lucy, calmly replied: Glad to be approved. While he served wine, I had noticed the ironic brilliance of his gaze, the skill with which she had framed it. Momeen in an oriental jacket was perfect to bring dishes that is proud to serve. I was at ease in front of Trent, talking in French about the excellence of food. Vivienne did not want to show that most spoke French perfectly, although it had, and now could not do anything to remedy the situation. The worst part is that he had the impression that Trent thought the same thing. While the dishes were exchanged, he became a taunt it: You all wonderfully well, Vivienne! Seems like a long time lived near the water. I learned everything I know in college replied, trying to master. Of course. And there was also studied French. No. It was after. And, excited with the idea of provoking him, said lifting the chin and I speak Spanish, too. You surprise me. Two languages are used much here in Tangiers. She was rubra. How easy he embarrassed! Confused, said hastily: Some people are very good at languages. And it looks just the daughter of a farmer! His voice showed irony. There are ranchers and farmers said only. Examining his simple dress, her hair without complications that did not require expensive visits to the hairdresser, he commented: Yes, there is. Throughout the dinner, Vivienne had to face this kind of conversation. She felt a mouse in the claws of a cat very smart and smiling. The memory of Lucy was the only thing that helped keep the smile intact, although it was not only the friend who gave the right answers. There was something about that man that would their aggressiveness, but was determined not to disappoint Lucy. After dessert and coffee, would give anything to be locked in the room. But their good sense and it recommended that, as it had nothing to fear in the presence of Trent, was admiring the panorama. The big windows were open and the whisper of the waves on the beach and the song of birds in the garden at night the muffled noise of distant traffic on the city. Vivienne breathed the fresh air, wishing a little peace that reigned outside. Approached Trent and, offering his cigarette cases of gold, said: What did your father think of you coming here? Lived while he bent his head to light the cigarette. Your head has to work. Lucy's father? She doubted until they know the letters. Looking at him, as replied quietly release the smoke: I am old enough to know what I want. And so he agreed, with the shoulders. And, staring it with your eyes live, added: I would say that you have more or less the age of Robert. Am I right? Almost. I have twenty-three. At least this was true. A little late, according to modern standards. Is not it? I thought the girls these days to enter the marriage market much sooner. Not all men are behind so drop the books said, barely disguising his irritation. And, measuring it with the look, added: And you? Has passed the stage that pleases women. Thirty-five, say ... or thirty-six. Thirty-seven corrected. So far my life has been filled, mainly because of business.

Why women always had the distance. Then I believe that women are players? Vivienne pretended surprise. Every paradise has its serpent. She put the cigarette in the ashtray that he offered to continue and its numerous evasive, no doubt. I did not know why, but the image of Trent, the casino, surrounded by several elegant women to irritated. Enough to make life interesting. She did not like the direction the conversation was taking, but could not avoid it because he once said: And since we are talking about it, would not be a good idea when you show more warmth to the kiss good-night in Robert? Vivienne was surprised at his words. He tried not blush, muttered an apology: Today was our first day. I wrote him a long time but have not yet know personally. Funny! Robert seems to think so. He is young and ardent, and I think you would be more relaxed. Over time, this. Vivienne is recovered enough to say I love Robert, but he is a little too absorbent and that flummox me. You will deal with it. I have the impression that you always see what you want, Vivienne. You can be Vivienne responded with neglect. But perhaps you have more than I can. No wonder such as a casino. And as I bear no more, he noted: The purpose is not the time to go count your chips? Thank you for remembering me he said dryly. No need to stay locked in the room. The house is yours, and there are many good books in the library. First door on the left. I will be there, then muttered politely, leaving with him. Trent farewell to the hall and, some minutes later, she heard the sound of the huge black car. The library, although the environment was very pleasant, could not alleviate the tension that torn apart. Was that a book could distract her, but the words danced before his eyes. What a day that! Recalling it concluded, with some relief that Robert had accepted as a girl of letters, who was in love with him. But Trent? Could she was able to trick him? I would love to know.

CHAPTER THREEWhile Vivienne sometimes wanted to escape the lie that was living the first days of tension began to decline as would be used to the routine Kouda. Every night, Abdul took Trent to the city in the huge black car, then she could do what I wanted. I spent almost all day with Robert, and little by little, was discovering something about the people who lived there. The magic of cooking was French and was called Maurice, lived in a hotel, but almost all the time in Kouda, given Trent. Every day the Casbah Momeen would bring money to his wife for her to buy food for their children. Haroun, with his open smile, was a slow and patient teacher, and soon learned the greetings Vivienne Arabs, long and

complicated. His biggest concern was when I was alone with Trent and Robert. Where was the danger of giving an answer that does not coincide with the Robert Trent was there waiting and watching. Once a week, Robert spent the day in hospital doing tests. Vivienne then used to walk the property. The tranquil beauty of the place, full of palm trees and cedars, always tense calm their nerves. Discovered the garage behind the house. There was a sports car wine, covered with dust. I suspect that Robert should have been and therefore did not Trent. Benefiting from the time that had locked in the room and wrote long letters to Lucy telling detail what was happening. Once delivered to the Momeen, so he put in the mail when the city was. The afternoons at the pool were very nice. Playing in water with Robert, laughing at everything he did, could be herself. However, it was impossible to forget the presence of Trent, sitting in front of the table near the sun umbrellas, raising his eyes from time to time to see them. It was inevitable that they end up like Robert, as his kindness was touching. The disease seemed to sharpen his sensitivity, making it more mature. Never spoke of the terrible fate that expected, except once, when accidentally touched on the subject. They were seated near the orchard. Vivienne way as the sun illuminated the white buildings of Tangiers, and hear the distant roar said without wanting to: It's a pity we can not take it walking in the city, to vary a little. Trent would Robert replied, adding: The doctors think I have more time to life with fresh air and peace of Vivienne Kouda .repent of what he said and then changed the subject. What I had feared most was dining alone with Trent. Often you have the courage to say he would rather make a meal in the room, but thought that Trent used these moments to see how the day had passed. And she dared not have their suspicions shown to be indifferent. When talking about Robert, he behaved like a very loving big brother. It was small things, the deep lines in the corners of her mouth, in his prematurely gray temples that showed their frustration and their pain. His fear that he discovered he was an impostor was unfounded. Trent treated her with courtesy, giving him a cigarette after dinner and getting to his side in the window, while dealt the landscape, until the time of going to the casino. Only when heard the noise of his car away is that I had really felt safe, free from the skin of Lucy. As Vivienne Blyth, thought the nights very long. I spent some time in the balcony of your room, looking at the buildings of the old city, as had two lives: one that gave close attention to Robert and the other dreamed when contemplating the city, desiring to find Gary violently. Initially, the memories were too painful. But now your thoughts turn often to the wonderful moments that happened that summer, four years ago. Gradually, the view of the city lit up with its wide boulevards was no longer enough. She wanted to participate in the life of the city which extended to the feet of Kouda. I feel Gary in narrow alleys of the Casbah, the smell of coal stoves, branches of jasmine sold in tents, with baskets full of donkeys and the tables of cafes. Well, why not? One night, he realized that would have freedom to do what he wanted. Robert was in the room with Haroun, in case you need anything. The rest of the house was almost completely dark, without anyone to bother with it, or at least Momeen, who

was stuck in television, part of the house reserved for employees. Deciding is changed shoes, took a light jacket and purse. Below, the lights illuminate the empty hall. Taking the path going through the orchards, Vivienne is estimated that the city in half an hour. Soon after, it lost in the traffic and crowds, reviewing the pictures of dirty clothes and turbans that are offered to show the city, the narrow streets filled with little shops, where the business was made to fashion the febrile East. This all numb the senses of Vivienne, who walked the face of people watching, with the heart beating. What if you found after all those years? Gary always said I never would Tangiers. It was she who left the city. Fled to England to try to forget it. Now, through the streets for their demand. Sit in a coffee finally, were people of all nationalities and in the air, hear is a mixture of Spanish, Arabic and French. In the first shot that gave the vermouth that asked, his eyes were filled with tears. She and Gary always took vermouth. And now, while looking at the people who went, it seemed never out of Tangiers. I was on vacation that summer in which Gary found. Traveled with a group of tourists and he played saxophone in the hotel. During an interval, invited her to dance and it was then that everything began. She liked his face dark and handsome, his air of serious, concentrated. But soon realized to be wrong. Gary was happy and adventurous. Told him to learn to play the saxophone alone and she thought it was so that their land had not much feeling. He was only interested in making money to live in Tangiers. When its two-week vacation ended, I was so in love with Gary decided to stay. Got a job at a tourist agency, cheap rented a room and the group left without her. But never regret to have stayed. Gary was the perfect companion. Extended passed the summer at the beach, and when they had time, visiting the exotic places in the area. At night, Gary showed him the nightlife in Morocco. Then everything changed. Gary lost his job at the hotel. Began to get testy. I wanted her to be living with him in the room where he lived, but something inside her resisted. Vivienne always thought that if the refusal to surrender completely to him had something to do with separation. Gary was not very delicate. And one day, told her on the street, which means no reason to continue together. After a brief farewell, he left, although I had ask you to think more on it. While he was out in the crowd, Vivienne, knowing that there is no point calling it back, it was stunning. Gary was his world. It was there that she first thought, when agreed, and never close your eyes at night without reminding you of your smile. How would face a life alone? It was some days without knowing what to do. Then pack your things and flew to England and the forgotten. But unable to forget. Vivienne closed his eyes knowing that, if Gary appeared at that time before it would fall in his arms. But the presence of that girl alone in a coffee table began to attract the attention of men ill-treated. And she decided to leave because it was late. After that, his life became easier. It is true that there was always the effort to represent the role of Lucy next to Robert and have to talk to Trent. But now, she fervently hoped the time to leave at night and find Gary. Did you know that there is no point attempting to deceive. The four years had not erased the memory of Gary and now she spent the night through the city ... and waiting. Nobody noticed their outputs. During the dinner, is trying to master his agitation, stilly

smoking a cigarette after the meal and struggling to appear calm. After that Trent was going to the casino, and then waited half an hour left. Although prefer to go the old town, after a while she began to explore the avenues of the illuminated part of new Tangiers. Once or twice passed the avenue Pasteur, looking at the lobby of the Hotel Riad. But the floor was more modern avenues tiring and when he sat somewhere was invariably addressed by any individual air doubtful. And also felt closer to Gary in the narrow alleys of the old town and the Casbah. Had not gone to the Casbah, and one night it occurred to him that it was there that should go. Behind those walls, with its ancient Moorish palaces, full of crooked lanes biblical characters, the real East! Gary loved the Casbah and had always said would die there. It is carefully arranged, with tremulous hands, thinking that something amazing would happen that night. Down worried, but without reason. The house was empty, but every night after we left Trent. On the road, Vivienne could still feel the smell of exhaust fumes from the huge black car would be half an hour before. Estimated that would take longest to reach, but would be more or less safe to midnight. I did not know at what time Trent returned the casino, but thought to be at dawn. It took longer than intended to get the Casbah. Do not remember well the way and had to make many turns to reach the door Marshan. Once inside the walls, could go ahead. Children thin, with eyes bright as the day, ran around them, getting into his clothes. Women in black robes and veils sneak in front of the doors in vain, and men with long gray beards, with turbans, were seated on the steps of old hostels Mouriscas, solving the problems of the world. People who lived in that neighborhood native appeared to be part of a large family, but the time was passing and the alleys have become deserted. Vivienne began to think it should not have been to the Casbah tonight. Still continued to walk. I could not go before you arrive in a square where the cafes were Moorish. She had not seen a single face west, but I knew that the square was the meeting point for all kinds of people, intellectuals, foreigners who lived in Tangier and there was the possibility of ... Hurried step, so excited that I could not think clearly. In one of the lanes had a sign: "Rue de Riad." He recalled that it was there that she and Gary arrived in the small square in the Casbah. His heart began to beat faster to think of Gary and is scared when someone approached. But it was just a boy who wanted to sell a typical drum. Did you know that tourists should not come alone to the Casbah, he was plagued much. But that time of night! The boy was persistent and continued to accompany her, although she refused to give him attention. Arriving in the square, their first reaction was of disappointment. Very few people were sitting at the tables of coffee and place it seemed entirely changed. Some guys went in very old bicycle. When looking at the clock, realized he was scared almost an hour. I needed to return immediately to Kouda. But ... as not to lose in that tangle of alleys? Turning up impulsively to the boy that was still by his side, said: You know get out fast? I need to find my friends. Pretend that it was not alone to protect itself. But the boy saw his indecision, but smiling answer: The Casbah is my home. Its narrow streets are like the veins of my hand. He played the drum for one of the boys on a bicycle and said something in Arabic before making a move to the monitor.

Across the square, she felt relieved to return to the dark alleys until he noticed they were being followed by the boys. Dollars, dollars ... American! Said ironically. He grabbed the bag another error, once realized. Why insinuate that he was taking a lot of money when all we had were some coins? Your guide gave a smile, while the other young people closer. With a sigh of relief, saw that there were more people there. Cars passed on the streets and some houses were still open. Continued walking, hoping to get rid of them soon. Wanted to give a small reward to the boy that the guide, but he, seeing that there was no one waiting for you, took the initiative. To pass a monument old, grabbed his bag with a quick motion and threw it to one of your friends. Vivienne was furious. Give my bag immediately! Called, his face glowing. But they do not bother, and after taking the money, have to provoke it, shaking the bag. Vivienne has to scream, but they continued to laugh. Was about to cry when an authoritative voice spoke a few words in Arabic. She was paralyzed. I have heard it before ... the terminal air! The youth turned to the side from which came the voice, and with the ability of nocturnal creatures, are dispersed, disappearing. There were people around who obviously did not want to take note of the incident. But it was the vision of an elegant man with a highArabic, a bit ago, which has softened the knees of Vivienne. I think this is your bag said Trent, with the voice dangerously calm. Thanks. She felt annihilated by the glow of fire in his eyes blue. Trent said something to Abdul, who led by the dark streets to where the car was parked. It was obvious that the casino was nearby and that he found by accident when returning home. Vivienne regretted not having returned sooner to Kouda, but now it was too late. Returned in silence to Kouda, Abdul driving behind the glass and Trent sat by his side, seemed about to be a stone from lumps. When reached, Trent was the first out of the car and, with Abdul with a brief good-night, held by Vivienne pulse and took it home. Vivienne had never seen a man so repressed violence and was scared when they tried to shake him down the stairs: It's late ... I am very tired. She felt pain in the wrist and his heart almost stopped when he, examining it with eyes ironic, said roughly: You were not going to get tired out there. Let's talk. Now. He pushed for the library and Vivienne, outraged by the way was being treated, face it resolved as soon as the door is closed. Trent was also angry, but trying to control. Lighting a cigarette, how to balance anything in it, said dryly: I always said you get what you wanted, Vivienne. I bet you is not the first time leaving alone. Not really. She raised the chin, challenging him to look. But I did not know he had a guard. You say that I want is to impose a limit on their freedom? His voice was still controlled. And Rob? He does not deserve a little consideration? Vivienne tremble inside. She knew that Trent felt by brother. It also saddened and worried about the state of health of Robert, but what could we do? What they both could do? Waver, said: You know very well that is unfair. I am all the time with Robert, which expects more of me?

is clear that all the time with him. But may not have been planned so you stay in Morocco ... tied to a wheelchair. Vivienne tried to calm down. What Lucy would have done in these circumstances? He would have spent the nights of preaching buttons on shirts and arranging Robert excuses to go to his room with books and hot drinks. But it was not Lucy. Nor did Robert. Loved it, but it only existed for Gary ... Gary ... Gary. I feel prey to Robert. We had fun during the day. And you know he needs a lot of rest. He would like you to stay close by, encouraging him. Trent was angry. I believe he imagine that the streets of Tangiers to attract more. You must have been knowing the city very well, with their night walks ... You are mistaken in thinking that fascinates me Tangiers. Leave ... because it is something to do. Yes he agreed with his ironic gaze. You are young and healthy and needs of busy life ... the type that is not here, trapped in your room with a bad boy put it somewhere on the other side of the house. On hearing this, Vivienne was pale. Fulminated it with eyes, took a step forward, as if giving him a slap. But hold it by Trent shoulders. Sensing his strength, she could only mutter: You have a bad opinion about me well, is not it? We are adults, you and I, Vivienne. Your smile was significant. We know how the world and what happens between people who live there. His fingers sank into his flesh, through the fine farm. I had felt trapped by his blue eyes and saw, as if for the first time, the lines of his face and force that was it. During some moments was building. Then, trying to free himself, said hot: To you all is well, because going to the casino every night. Not have to stay at home counting the hours to go to bed. Yes, I do not even he continued, with a quiet threat. But I am the brother of Rob and not the girl he loves. Your hands to hurt. What if something happened to you? What could happen? She challenged with the look. Tangiers is a tourist city. There is no danger of going out at night for a walk. Then, remember what had happened, he added, lowering his dark eyelashes: What happened today was a chance. Got lost and asked for information. Neither came to be concerned ... Of course! You could well face alone those bums! Vivienne quake. Trent had seen in many ways, but never so angry as now. He was a little stunned. Maybe something in your eyes semicerrados has made him drop it suddenly. Trent smoked whole draft for a minute before saying sharply, with a bit of sarcasm: Okay, let's be reasonable. Maybe you too want to be at home every night. If you like take a walk, okay. But most will not leave alone. Abdul will follow it where you want to go. Vivienne took care not to show their reaction, but was thinking quickly. How could meet with Gary Abdul behind her? But replied coldly: I am an adult woman, Trent. I need an Arabic guard following me every time I go out to take a walk. Do not discuss he said. The property is large enough for you to take the air at night.

Now, if you want the brightness of lights, Abdul will close. Rob is the way, I am responsible for you. Supplemented and rudely: For the sake of it, I will not let anything to happen. Vivienne has not advanced that argument, but something inside her that would not soon agree with that man. Raising his head, added: Maybe you are used to direct the life of Rob. But do not try me, Trent. I like to solve everything alone. While in Kouda will give up that luxury. Rob I want to be happy. You will have time for that, later, he did not. Noting with irony his hair disheveled and his slightly messy, he said, slowly opening the door: If you wake tomorrow with a good appearance is always better to go to sleep. When you reach the room, Vivienne went to balcony and stayed there until they calm down. She had almost ruined everything that night. But Trent had to be so authoritarian? If found dangerous conflict with him, now, rubbing the bruised shoulder, saw that he was right. Vivienne woke late the next morning. Lifting with a mild sense of guilt, it sought to get care. The breakfast was being served when she arrived. While driving to the terrace, it was impossible not to perceive the lightness of your floor. The sun, already strong, caressed his golden arm. Approaching the Robert, kissed his face, saying with joviality: Excuse my delay. The sun is making me very lazy. You should oversleep more often! Malicious, Robert and hold it, extending it to the face, joked: Do it again. Thinking of Lucy, she gave him another kiss and it reciprocated, has her hand on the arm roou the lips and the tip of your nose. She sat without looking at Trent. He served him a cup of tea ware, while Vivienne spoke cheerfully of the beauty of the day and the scent of orange blossom. Robert had his reasons to be cheerful. Guess, Vivi. Trent had the idea to sketch a field close to home. Eating the fruit, he launched a playful look. He thinks that here in Kouda there is enough to distract her. Vivienne looked at Trent, I know what went through his head, and good-humored reply: It seems the sport for those lazy right edge of the pool. Take the bat is not as simple as giving broths on defenseless women. It was what I thought Trent responded with his tense smile, continuing to play. These guys do what they want in the water. A little skill with a ball and some arms will put them in their place. Do not think that I do not know play sketch. Robert gave a menacing smile, is very amusing. Then looked to his brother, with air conspirator. Trent already saw me. There is a field sketch of the hospital. Already played some matches with the convalescent. Tell it, Trent. I have to confess that he hit some balls. You know, the sketch is no fun for old. There are even some champions in a wheelchair. Help! Vivienne yelled and gave a laugh. I think I prefer the pool! The game continued after the three have settled beside the pool. Vivienne did what could to be funny. Trent played with his brother as usual. They could create a joyful

atmosphere, he thought. She had no importance and Trent did not make good, if your smile could hide a violent clash of personalities. Nothing was important, not the happiness of Robert. The work began the following morning. Employees Berbers have transplanted the ornamental, leveling the ground and prepare the lawn. Vivienne watching the movement of your balcony, with a bitter smile. Trent only had to snap his fingers to his orders were obeyed. And the money the casino paid everything. The field was ready in less than a week. It was a nice place to rest during the day and soon became a point of attraction for employees. Momeen was the first to try to hold the bat. Beat on the ball as if breaking the shell of an egg and had to give several strokes to reach the nearest arc, very funny Robert. Maurice, with his hands full of flour and cook for his hat down the side, counted as the Americans took the game seriously. Haroun pushed the wheelchair of Robert, the arc in arc. It was better, because the giant holding the bat as if to throw the ball in the sea. The days ran nearly equal. Now Trent mandar wine get the car from the garage and went with him to the casino. The car was black on the door, every night, waiting with Abdul. Initially, Vivienne was too nervous to leave the room. Then started to think that if we do not leave, would find that Trent was hiding something. Furthermore, I continue to seek both Gary ... Sometimes thought it was crazy. After four years he could be married and have children. But considering it was difficult. That summer he had said several times that would never get married. After a week, I had had the courage to say that Abdul wanted to leave. When the fourth down, the car was waiting with the engine running. Abdul was the only employee of the house she did not know well. It was the right arm of Trent and now wondered how it would get him. Abdul opened the car door for her in and then gently asked where I would go. Vivienne hesitated, but then thought of a cafe where he played Arabic music. Arriving in the city, he followed quietly, a few steps back and she had to admit that Abdul was very useful, the men who came away her importunate with his penetrating gaze and a few words in Arabic. Naturally Vivienne Gary continued looking all the time, but along with Abdul, had taken care. He did not know what she wanted, so that after a few nights in his company, I had begun to imagine it could try to make some discreet questions. Suggested a walk through the avenue Pasteur, and saying he wanted to take a drink, entered the lobby of the Hotel El Riad. Later, while Abdul seemed distracted, went to the reception. Yes, man is reminded of Gary, but did not know it for a while. All we could say is that he thought he had arranged a job at a nightclub near the port. Vivienne walked the avenue, delighted. Had spoken with someone who knew Gary. Now would find him soon. On another night, the nightclub that was the receptionist had mentioned, and saw that it was a very unpleasant, smell the drink hits and Turkish cigarettes. They remember Gary. He had played there, but now no one knew where to walk. Could give only an old address. She quietly took the paper and was rushed out, trying to give the impression that he had chosen the wrong place. And thus continued to seek Gary. Began optimistic, because many people find that remember him. But as the track did not result, her discouragement. Once, Kouda came

shortly after midnight and, thanks to Abdul, he went to his room. Tangiers had traveled full, both the old and the new. We do not know where to look for more. But as to not to resign to do Gary? What would we do now? While launching a look at room, heard the noise of a car coming, and suddenly, suspected of Abdul. Reckless and out! Had taken careful when asked by Gary, but if and Abdul were not as discreet as it seems? And you would tell everything to the boss? A vein began to throb in his forehead. He had been ill and now a doubt the tormented. Trent suspect anything?

CHAPTER FOURRobert used to go to the hospital on Thursdays. Vivienne did not know if it's suspected that there was disharmony between her and Trent, and had a surprise with the suggestion that he did that day, while taking the breakfast. You know what I was thinking? The sun illuminated her hair blond and he has a slightly anxious look for his brother. The day is so beautiful that it is a shame to stay home. Why do not you take Vivi for a walk, Trent? You two can leave me in the hospital and then I get to six hours. Vivi's who you know, Rob. I do not know if she would walk with me. Well, then ask her Robert replied, mad What do you think, Vivienne? Let us do the will of Rob and out a little? The heart of Vivienne began to beat. A full day with Trent. The idea to be fascinated, but at the same time, the left terrified. She refused to be afraid of him and this could be a good opportunity to demonstrate. But why should he bother, if would not talk about the letters of Lucy? I am without anything to do here alone. She looked for Robert. I think a good suggestion. You deserve it. Robert held his hands, grateful smile. Stay away from Kouda and me will do well for you Vivienne eyes remained low. He did not know of his nocturnal excursions to the city. But Trent knew, and therefore not tried to blush, avoiding looking at him. Later, in the room, did not know that had agreed to bear the company of that tyrannical man several hours. But it was a challenge and turn back, sending a message saying that it had changed his mind, had no effect. While not knowing why, is arranged with all the care. Abdul led them to the hospital. Vivienne was alone in the car while Robert was led inside. Some time later, Trent returned. I make you wait. Doctors arrested me more than usual. She looked worried with air. Have something to do with Robert? So slow? But his face revealed nothing and I had not had no courage to ask. Regretted that no camaraderie between them. But what could we do? Not dared to be herself, because I had to think of Robert and Lucy. And Trent always seemed suspicious. However, none of this was evident when later passed the door Bab el Fahs, which led to the Great Soccer. She

could not fail to notice their naturalness, something in your attitude, on the lines of your profile, that did stand out in the crowd. Holding his arm, he guided the bustling atmosphere of the market, between the stalls selling all kinds of articles. Trent accompanying the patient and she almost forgot that there was a disagreement between them, said while the profusion of things that were in trays. Gradually, Vivienne has been relaxed, being happy. Finally, stopped in a place full of stuffed birds, skins of animals, snakes and lizards dry. It is a shop of witchcraft! Vivienne exclaimed laughing, while the hair out of his face, an unconscious gesture. It is incredible! They still believe in these types of healing. You'd be surprised Trent agreed. Here the magic potions and mysterious even after exercise great influence on the population. While talking, the owner of the shop put the head outside the door: You would like a potion? Not now. Trent spoke, laughing. We only wonder that serve these things. The owner, presenting himself as the great doctor Moulay Ahmed, looked at them with sympathy. I'm sure they need something. But if you want, I will explain first. This eagle drought has a very important role. If someone put in your tea a potion of love, a little meat this eagle dry, sprayed with water and taken to break the spell. These serve issis of fox for the love potion. Ground and mixed with the lizard skin powder, are irresistible and very cheap. Now, if another man is behind his girlfriend ... Vivienne, listening with a smile, felt the ground disappear from your feet. But Trent interrupted: Wait a minute. You have nothing else than to cure the evil of love? Of course Ahmed replied smiling .When a man comes into my store with a woman, shot my conclusions. Here I hook a little wolf of the desert. If you have an infection, put the skin on fire and let the smoke reaches the infected. I can also rent this snakeskin for a day. Has the power to take all the pain. Imagine muttered Trent humorous, moving the arm backward from the shoulder Vivienne. Thank you for demonstrating, Ahmed, Now we go. Wait! Ahmed called while they were passing baskets of dried lizards. How many children do you have? While Vivienne wished again that the earth open and swallow it, Trent said quietly that they had no Oh! Exclaimed Ahmed. So you need me This leopard dry ... Get out of here! I was away when Trent stopped laughing. Vivienne was no air, his face glowing. Lunch in a restaurant whose atmosphere recalled the Thousand and One Nights. Although it knew, in the company of Trent she felt more than ev

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