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High Level National Webinar


Inclusive and Sustainable Post

Pandemic Recovery of Agricultural

Cooperative in India


3rd JULY, 2021

NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR COOPERATIVE TRAINING 3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi – 110016

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High level National Webinar on

Inclusive and Sustainable Post Pandemic recovery of Agricultural Cooperatives in India 3rd July, 2021

(International Cooperative Day – “Rebuild Better Together”) Time – 3.00 pm to 4.50 pm


3.00 p.m.- 3.10 p.m. Shri Mohan Kumar Mishra, Secretary, NCCT - Welcome address and Opening remark


3.10 p.m.- 3.20 p.m. Dr. Neelam Patel, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog, New Delhi

Topic– Technology driven agriculture with special reference to women enterprises

3.20 p.m.- 3.30 p.m. Shri Mangal Jit Rai, Chairman, National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India Ltd., Gujarat

Topic – Scenario of Dairy Sector

3.30 p.m.- 3.40 p.m. Shri Harpreet Singh, Chairman, Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority, New Delhi

Topic – Role of Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority

3.40 p.m.- 3.50 p.m. Shri B.H. Krishna Reddy, Chairman, Karnataka State Souharda Federal Cooperatives Ltd. Topic – Role of Karnataka State Souharda Federal Cooperatives Ltd in containing Covid-19 impact in Cooperatives in Karnataka

3.50 p.m.- 4.00 p.m. Dr Nandini Azad, President, Indian Cooperative Network of Women, Chennai

Topic– Resurgence of women Cooperative in post pandemic recovery phase

4.00 p.m.- 4.10 p.m. Dr. Ravi Chandra, Advisor, UNDP, New Delhi

Topic– Livelihood and Value Chain

4.10 p.m.- 4.20 p.m. Shri Praveen Reddy, Chairman, Mulkanoor Cooperative Society Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

Topic– Success Stories of Mulkanoor Cooperative Society – Post Covid19 Pandemic Impact

4.20 p.m.- 4.35 p.m. Dr. Ashok Dalwai IAS, CEO, NRAA, & Chairman, Committee on Doubling of Farmers’ Income, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Keynote Address – Inclusive and Sustainable Post Pandemic recovery of Agriculture Sector in India

4.35p.m.- 4.45 p.m. Shri Sathia Kumar Sam Michael, Deputy Director (Programme), NCCT, New Delhi - Summing up

4.45 p.m.- 4.50 p.m. Shri D.K. Tiwary, Senior Consultant (A&T), NCCT, New Delhi - Vote of thanks

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A webinar was organized on “Inclusive and Sustainable Post Pandemic Recovery of Agricultural Cooperatives in India by NCCT through Webex on International Day of Cooperatives on 3rd July, 2021. The Topic, detailed profile

of the speaker and Tentative Programme and Time Schedule for the meeting was shared by NCCT well in advance, in which more than 500 participants

registered and joined the webinar.

The webinar started with a welcome note by Shri Mohan Mishra,

Secretary NCCT. He extended a warm welcome to the Chief Guest, Dr. Ashok Dlawai, IAS, CEO NRAA & Chairman, Committee on Doubling of Farmers

Income, Government of India and the Panelists Dr. Neelam Patel, Senior Advisor (Agri), NITI Aayog, Shri Harpreet Singh, Chairman, Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority, New Delhi, Shri Mangal Jit Rai, Chairman,

National Cooperative Dairy Federation of India Limited, Gujarat, Shri B.K. Krishna Reddy, Chairman, Karnataka Souharda Federal Cooperatives, Dr. Nandini Azad, President, Indian Cooperative Network of Women, Chennai &

WWF, Shri Praveen Reddy, Chairman, Mulkanoor Cooperative Society Pvt. Ltd.,

Hyderabad and Dr. Ravi Chandra, Advisor, UNDP, New Delhi. He highlighted that this is one of the hardest time faced by the small and marginal farmers in the country due to the pandemic. He also highlighted that during the pandemic

how Agri Tech companies like Big Basket, Grofers and many other important e-portals played an important role in creating synergy in supply chain for urban areas.

Dr. Neelam Patel, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog, New Delhi in her

introductory remarks said that Cooperative movement are not new in our country as it was started in 1904. As it has great impact in all field especially in Agriculture. She said that Niti Aayog is following the principle of cooperative

and cooperation. She emphasized on the improving the situation of women in Agriculture sector through technology by their capacity building. She said that

now this is the era of participation of women in all sectors. She said that capacity building of women is possible through cooperatives. Due to pandemic there were no shortage of fruits, vegetables, and other agricultural produce.

She pointed out that this is the only sector which registered the positive growth rate. As production cost is getting high and the profit from the Agriculture is not getting as much as it is required hence gap between Agriculture and Non-

Agriculture sectors is increasing which is the main reason of migration. To cater this we can reduce the cost of production, cost of labour and increase the

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use of technology. Since more than 85% farmers are from small and marginal category. She said that Women of Alwar District is a successful example of

Women Cooperatives which are involved in nursery business. She also said that through cooperatives, farm machinery can be borrowed by these women

farmers for transplantation of rice and wheat plants which can be made available on cheaper rate. She emphasized the Conservation of water in Agricultural work. She said that UNICEF in Pali Village trained women as

skilled mason. These women constructed water harvesting structure for water conservation. This could become possible through cooperatives only. Through this these women got contract for construction of community hall in the village.

So, it may be a successful example for women cooperatives. She stressed upon Technology support, hand holding and marketing support for cooperatives

success. She said that there is need of the hours that we should provide Low cost technology which should be suitable for women farmers, and by marketing of their produce we can change the total agricultural scenario in the country.

Shri Mangal Jit Rai, Chairman, National Cooperative Dairy Federation of

India Ltd., Gujarat said that Increase in population is putting pressure on the available resources and size of small and marginal farmers is also increasing day by day. He gave the successful example of AMUL, NDDB, GCMMF and

operation flood through cooperatives.He said that supply chain was collapsed in unorganized dairy sectors mainly of private players in this pandemic situation. Government of India is giving financial support in the form of

Interest subvention, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development, National Animal Disease program, Insurance of dairy animals etc. to the cooperatives to

strengthen the Dairy Sector. In this pandemic situation, he said that cooperatives are sustainable solution in Agriculture and allied sectors like Dairy.

Shri Harpreet Singh, Chairman, WDRA indicated Storage is one of the

very important areas which can help the farmers to increase their incomes. He

explained about the role of WDRA to minimize the post harvest losses and wastages of agri commodities. He emphasized that Cooperative warehouses

wherever located should be very close to the farmers and can utilize the services of cooperative warehouses and they can keep their produce in the cooperative warehouses. This will help the farmers in increasing their incomes.

He also emphasized that WDRA has prescribed standards and criteria for registration of warehouses and various other requirements which are required

for registration of their warehouses to enhance the credibility of warehouses. The eNWR which are issued by the warehouses, they basically carry the guarantee of quality and quantity which is very important for getting good price

of their products and can get loans also at very competitive rates. Thus, Cooperatives and WDRA together can help small farmers in increasing their income.

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Shri B.H. Krishna Reddy, Chairman, Karnataka State Souharda Federal Cooperatives Ltd. said that it is the need of the hours for the growth of

cooperatives. He said that in this pandemic situation he has conducted more than 200 cooperative training, 18 online webinar meetings with all office bearer

and CEOs of Primary Cooperatives with different states to overcome the situations arised during the pandemic. He said that we also planned how to overcome this situation in our day to day working. He also said that he has

conducted 24 online training programme at district level. On DCBM course he said that we have designed the syllabus for primary cooperatives as well as for D group staffs in such a way that to find out the way to overcome the problems

aroused in this pandemic situation. He said that Primary cooperatives were guided to fight pandemic situation in terms of supplying of oxygen Cylinder,

hospital beds arrangements, Food kits, vaccination camp, ambulances etc. In this pandemic Group Health Insurance, Health Loans, and Loan Insurance Schemes were introduced to the members of cooperatives. He stressed upon

whether cooperative should have two tier structure or three tier structure. In his concluding remarks he said that there is a need of the hours for National

policy on cooperation.

Dr. Nandini Azad, President, Indian Cooperative Network of Women,

Chennai said that we cannot separate social protection and health from cooperatives. Financial Inclusion strategy is most important to fight this pandemic situation for poor and marginal women worker. Credit access and

employment is most essential in dealing with COVID like pandemic recovery and immunity. To fight with pandemic we have to focus on social protection,

safety and security and gender based violence. Informal Sectors faces several disabilities such as low growth, investment, social class operation, access to product input etc. Digital financial literacy is very beneficial in this pandemic

situation. She said that we were providing emergency saving service during Covid 19and also providing mass services to poor women on vaccination, N-95 mask, tablets, sanitizers, protective gear, hand gloves etc. She further said that

there is a whole package of Ayurveda, Kitchen garden, financial inclusion, digitalization, increasing zoom connection everywhere which may help in this

pandemic situation.

Dr. Ravi Chandra, Advisor, United Nations Development Programme

(UNDP) said that Cooperatives are economic organizations, they meant for economic empowerment of members and the principles basically underline the

importance of cooperatives success. He said that UNDP was experience in building women's managerial capabilities for strengthening the values and market access for Farmer Producer Organisations and Cooperative across the

country. While interacting with the Private Sector organizations, it is learnt that the smaller FPOs are not able to aggregate the quantity and quality of supply of Agri produce in a reliable manner in day-to-day basis because they

received the supply on daily basis. They can further transfer the supply to the consumers for business transactions. In rural areas, women are mostly taking

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part in most of the agricultural activities. UNDP is trying to create managerial capacity in local women. In the pandemic, the trained women played a

significant role in maintaining the supply chain of Agri commodities. They have been able to do it across the cyber space also. He shared the two success

stories of the women who underwent training organized by UNDP. He opined that local managerial role which is very critical for the growth of the Cooperative Movement and FPO. UNDP advocate scaling up this model with

NCCT and other organizations so that more women can come forward and get this training and able to support the economic growth. Training of women bringing the private sector in partnership with cooperatives can play a great

catalyzing role in growing the transactions and business of Farmers Producer Company which is very important. These efforts can improve the overall

economy of India. He also opined that there is a need to enlighten the leadership in Cooperative Movement also which we need to support as management and managerial expert so that the Cooperative Movement can

scale newer and newer heights.

Shri Praveen Reddy, Chairman, Mulkanoor Cooperative Society Pvt. Ltd., said that the Covi-19 Pandemic affected Cooperatives working in the rural area especially with the farming community. The area affected during the

pandemic were wage-related with loaning capacity, purchasing the produce like paddy, cotton, distribution of fertilizer to the farming community, etc. The Society came across the Covid situation last year and successfully provided

service to the farmers this year. He also said that during Covid they procured 2 lakh quintal paddy and they are having a 50,000 metric tons storage capacity

in 18 centers to store paddy, paddy seeds, and cotton. The Govt. also purchasing rice from them on the levy system to FCI. They are also having seed processing unit which is marketed as Mulkanoor seed. The Society has taken

care of the farmers during the Covid situation by providing masks, medicine, loan facility, etc. These supports helped the farmers to survive the Covid situation.

Dr. Ashok Dalwai IAS, CEO, NRAA, & Chairman, Committee on Doubling

of Farmers’ Income, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare in his key note address said that Cooperatives in India are more than 100 years old. Cooperative movement in India started around Pune, presently Ahmednagar as

farmers were suppressed by moneylenders. In pre – independence i.e. in 1904 credit cooperative societies were formed. In Post-Independence our leaders

understood the importance of cooperatives. First seed of today’s most successful revolution was sowed in 1946 by Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel and it was known as white revolution of India. He pointed out that Cooperation

should be the basic activity in India. Cooperative approach should be the common thinking of India. Also Cooperation through cooperative movement to become norm at present. He further said that if cooperation fails the answer is

more cooperation.

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Talking about pandemic he said that COVID showed the importance of cooperation in our country. COVID -19 disrupted the entire supply chain,

isolated all people, made poor section of society particularly farmers more vulnerable because they have little savings. We need to make intervention which should be based on eco – system oriented.

On this year theme of International Cooperative Day “Rebuild Better

together” he said that it is relevance today at economic level because majority

of our farms are very small and marginal that are divided and fragmented. Marketable surplus ratio is very small therefore marketable surplus is small

and hence the transaction cost goes up. Because of the asset are small, purchase of input and sale of output are subject to high transaction cost. Only when we would be able to bring people together through mobilization and

create the bodies of the people which is the fundamental right of the constitution of Article 19 which says that the we have the freedom to form the

association which may be society, Company, cooperative etc. When we bring out people together, enable them to purchase the input and sell the output through a common platform, we increase the scale of economy. When we bring

the scale the economy into operation whether it is in agriculture industry or other sector; we are able to harvest advantage in terms of higher profits.

He further suggested few points to deal with Post pandemic situation, and the area focus. First, social safety net which is must for the vulnerable

groups and which can be provided through transfer of entitlement, free ration, PDS, supplementary income etc. Second one was risk management because we are already vulnerable and we may become more vulnerable. We should look at

it by financial, non-financial and technological angle. Risk management should be the part of resilience of our response to the Covid like situation. Third one was livelihood options in which he stressed upon secondary agriculture apart

from primary agriculture. As farmers are engaged in agricultural activities in an average of 185 days in a year and for the rest of the days we can skilled

them to use the byproducts of the agriculture and make them engaged in secondary agricultural activities like mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, Lac cultivation etc. and build value chain for the new product and make new

employment opportunity to them in rest of the year. Thus in Covid like contingency farmers will be able to generate their own employment and find

their livelihood at village level. They can earn additional money in this situation. Fourth one is Family farming in which all members are engaged in the farming. As in this Covid situation reverse migration is happening, all

members may be engaged in diversified farming e.g. animal husbandry, dairy, poultry etc. Hence they can generate some employment and income in this Covid time. Collective farming may be done at any stage such as production

stage, marketing stage, processing stage, input stage etc.

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He further said that Investment in any enterprise determine the rate of the growth so we need to invest high to gain the growth. It is only possible

through cooperative. Now a days Consumption loans are recognized by cooperatives which is a good sign for cooperatives societies. Buffer stocks, machinery etc. can be utilized through cooperatives.

He stressed upon recapitalization of credit cooperatives structure,

stakeholder’s participation, social contract, block chain technology, federation

of cooperatives. He further talked about Cooperation principle which are based upon membership driven economy autonomy, governance autonomy, equity,

equality and solidarity. He said that if we can infuse these thought in our cooperative movement we can bring larger people for the lager cause after infusing these cooperative principle in the action.

He said that time has come to build more cooperative in our country

based on specialization and multi utility approaches. He gave the example of water management he said that at present 1800 billion cubic meter is utilizable. Out of this 1800 billion cubic meter 86% is being used in agriculture

alone. So, we have to ensure water conversation efficiency, for this we need water user association or any other association to make awareness about water scarcity in near future. He said that, Honesty of members and integrity of

leaders make the success of white revolution which is the remarkable example in the cooperative which formed to save the perishable item like milk. It was

not replicated due to lack of Honesty of members and integrity of leader in other perishable sectors such as horticulture, meat industry etc. To overcome this issue we have to educate the people who may be able to question the

leaders, we may deploy the technology as much as possible by which we can decentralize the production, marketing etc. Finally he stressed upon Core banking solution for cooperative societies which may be useful for each

member in this Covid situation. At the end he said that Covid 19 showed that there is a need for more cooperatives in these type of situation.

Shri.KSS Michael, Deputy Director, NCCT summarized the suggestions

by the panelists and audiences and the webinar ended with vote of thanks

delivered by Shri D.K. Tiwary, Consultant (Academic & Training) NCCT.


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Dr. Neelam Patel, Senior Advisor, NITI Aayog, New Delhi speaking on

Technology driven agriculture with special reference to women enterprises

Shri Mangal Jit Rai, Chairman, National Cooperative Dairy Federation of

India Ltd., Gujarat speaking on Scenario of Dairy Sector

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Shri Harpreet Singh, Chairman, Warehousing Development and Regulatory

Authority, New Delhi speaking on Role of Warehousing Development and

Regulatory Authority

Shri B.H. Krishna Reddy, Chairman, Karnataka State Souharda Federal

Cooperatives Ltd speaking on Role of Karnataka State Souharda Federal

Cooperatives Ltd in containing Covid-19 impact in Cooperatives in Karnataka

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Dr Nandini Azad, President, Indian Cooperative Network of Women, Chennai

speaking on Resurgence of women Cooperative in post pandemic recovery phase

Dr. Ravi Chandra, Advisor, UNDP, New Delhi speaking on Livelihood and

Value Chain

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Shri Praveen Reddy, Chairman, Mulkanoor Cooperative Society Pvt. Ltd.,

Hyderabad speaking on Success Stories of Mulkanoor Cooperative Society –

Post Covid19 Pandemic Impact

Dr. Ashok Dalwai IAS, CEO, NRAA, & Chairman, Committee on Doubling of

Farmers’ Income, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare delivering the

keynote address on the occasion of High Level National Webinar on Inclusive

and Sustainable Post Pandemic recovery of Agricultural Sector in India.

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Shri Sathia Kumar Sam Michael, Deputy Director (Programme), NCCT, New Delhi

View of the participants attending the webinar

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`View of the participants attending the webinar

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List of Participants who attended the Webinar

Name Email

NCCT ADMN [email protected]

Santhiya [email protected]

Manu Bhaskar ARTCO [email protected]

Manimekalai.s [email protected]

Vaibhav Sahu [email protected]

Neeraj dubey [email protected]

N.Nathiya [email protected]

Snigdharani Satpathy [email protected]

Dr. K.P. Ranjan [email protected]

Iftikar Hussain [email protected]

Rajkumar Patra [email protected]

Dr. Ramanando Khundrakpam, Manipur [email protected]

Ajay S [email protected]

binod prasad [email protected]

NAROTTAM SWAROOP [email protected]

balu [email protected]

neelappa amagi [email protected]

Pradeep.P [email protected]

Arvind Singh [email protected]

Deepa anand artco [email protected]

Anuroop [email protected]

Dr S K Wadkar [email protected]

Ganesh [email protected]

Dr Ajay Sharma [email protected]

Arcs Kaptipada [email protected]

Vishnu Narain [email protected]

Akshaya Ghintala [email protected]

ranjeetha [email protected]

chhabirani sahoo [email protected]

Arjuna Nayak [email protected]

C.Vijaya [email protected]

K JEYARAMAN [email protected]

nanda kattimani [email protected]

vinod koti [email protected]

A.ESWARAMOORTHY [email protected]

raghavendra ca [email protected]

vaisakh dutt [email protected]

Swaroop [email protected]

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Mamoni Mushahary [email protected]

Ashok B Rdcc Bank manager raichur [email protected]

Manoj [email protected]

ABHILASH .I [email protected]

SURYAKANTA ROUT [email protected]

anuj [email protected]

vinaykumarchauhan57 [email protected]

gowri sankar [email protected]

Bikash Sarma [email protected]

Atif Saifi [email protected]

nilamma [email protected]

Sandeep Shukla [email protected]

MANI.C [email protected]

Parikshit Java [email protected]

Punniyan [email protected]

Samriddhi Tiwari [email protected]

kanimozhi [email protected]

Dr. Seema Mishra [email protected]

Vivek [email protected]

Sasikumar [email protected]

sahil khan [email protected]

Vishnu Brindha [email protected]

M.D sikkim milk union [email protected]


Anuradha saraf [email protected]

dipayan barua [email protected]

Pawan Sharma IFFCO-MC Jhalwara [email protected]

Apurva [email protected]

Sarvesh Dubey [email protected]

Bhana Ram Yadav [email protected]

Mohan Kumar Mishra [email protected]

HP 9816343303 Dharamshala Meharsoft IT Working for Co-operative Sector [email protected]

Biswajit Chakravarty [email protected]

abinaya [email protected]

shilpee sukbeer [email protected]

karthik [email protected]

Halappa Jagginavar [email protected]

S. Baleshwar Meetei [email protected]

sambarapu bhoomaiah [email protected]

pramod samar [email protected]

Dr. Ramanando Bheigyachandra [email protected]

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Raj kumar Patra, Patna [email protected]

Shubham Chavarepatil [email protected]

Padma Raghavi [email protected]

shally singh [email protected]

Mukesh Kumar Gupta [email protected]

pritismita Nayak [email protected]

Soumya Arakeri [email protected]

Gurinder Singh Gill [email protected]

anju [email protected]

Malem [email protected]

Vijaya C [email protected]

SSY AJITH [email protected]

Mihir Kale [email protected]

Sunil.B [email protected]

BABULAL PUTEL [email protected]

Tushar kamble [email protected]

Hrushikesh A. Killol [email protected]

sabeer [email protected]

Narendra Meena [email protected]

Dr. Kishore Kumar [email protected]

Niral Thakuria [email protected]

5422 A.ESWARAMOORTHY [email protected]

Adheeshwari [email protected]

Ravi dutt sharma [email protected]

Meenakshi [email protected]

Dr.P.K.Upadhyaya [email protected]

ANUSREE [email protected]

Priyambada Rai [email protected]

Deepak Nagar [email protected]

Panucharan Sahoo [email protected]

Dr. Ramanando Khundrakpam [email protected]

DR R VELU RAJ - PONDICHERRY [email protected]

Vaibhavi Gupta [email protected]

Ashok Bairwa [email protected]

vijayalaxmi [email protected]

anurag [email protected]

Gopal Prasad Nayak [email protected]

pratibha singh [email protected]

Arjun Patel [email protected]

Indu Harish [email protected]

Karabi Boro [email protected]

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Samudra Bora [email protected]

sadhana patel [email protected]

Parvati Chigari [email protected]

Rajendran E [email protected]

Manish Singh [email protected]

Sambarapu Bhoomaiah [email protected]

CP. JAYASEELAN [email protected]

akhilesh kumar [email protected]

Drishya c [email protected]

abhay srivastava [email protected]

Shambu Degouda [email protected]

mangal jit rai [email protected]

ESWARAMOORTHY.A [email protected]

Chandra sain [email protected]

Gokulan , Senior inspector ,RCS(H) [email protected]

Anupam Rakshit [email protected]

soujanya lingadalli [email protected]

Uditya Narayan Dubey [email protected]

RAJA BALACHANDRAN [email protected]

Anjana [email protected]

Nisha KP [email protected]

richa chaturvedi [email protected]

Sudarshanhudechar [email protected]

sucb95 [email protected]

sandhiya sathiya [email protected]

devraj [email protected]

neha Srivastava [email protected]

Dineshwar [email protected]

Akhilesh [email protected]

Samarendra Mahapatra [email protected]

Dr. Rajiv Kumar [email protected]

Arup Kumar Deka [email protected]

R.balasubramanian [email protected]

Alok kumar Mahalik [email protected]

Priya Burli [email protected]

Ravichandran [email protected]

subashini [email protected]

suraj [email protected]

Abhinav Kumar Tiwary [email protected]

Raghu [email protected]

Gaurav Verma [email protected]

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Malavika R [email protected]

sourabh 058 [email protected]

Satish Rajagiri [email protected]

Anju Mohan B [email protected]

Aswathi Artco [email protected]

Subodh Rana [email protected]

R.SURESH KRISHNAN [email protected]

Aswathi M [email protected]

Deepa [email protected]

Khundrakpam Julia Devi [email protected]

SANJEEV [email protected]

rahul verma [email protected]

K.Santhiya [email protected]

Mohit Rajendra Vishve [email protected]

Akhilesh Negi [email protected]

soumyaranjan parida [email protected]

hridesh kumar dixit [email protected]

Abhishek shivhare [email protected]

anjana raman k [email protected]

anju [email protected]

Raju Rajolli [email protected]

prem babu [email protected]

Amit Sharma [email protected]

A. Stephen Raj [email protected]

Anjitha. k [email protected]

S RAGHUVANSHI [email protected]

TAMIL SELVI.S [email protected]

Sasirekha [email protected]

Markandey Singh [email protected]

Sushan Telem [email protected]

Gaurav Sharma [email protected]

amisha verma [email protected]

preeti tyagi [email protected]

Rajkamal Singh [email protected]

1564323142 [email protected]

Moirangthem Sushilkumar [email protected]

savin v vasu Artco LTD [email protected]

Seema Ajith Artco Ltd [email protected]

Soibam Bhabani [email protected]

Bipin. B [email protected]

Shruti mamadapur [email protected]

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S. Ghosh [email protected]

Vandana Kushawah [email protected]

nicmdra [email protected]

sugandhi627 [email protected]

Shalu Singh [email protected]

savin v vasu [email protected]

vikas [email protected]

lakshmi [email protected]

Rohit Bhange [email protected]

Rajkumar Sharma [email protected]

Shanmuga priya [email protected]

Rajendra Prasad [email protected]

Dr. S.K. Verma [email protected]

Ajaya Kumar Lenka [email protected]

DRCS JEYPORE [email protected]

AJAY [email protected]

VEENA Chittaragi [email protected]

abhishek singh [email protected]

RP Bhatt [email protected]

deewan singh [email protected]

Tathagata [email protected]

Harshit Varshney [email protected]

Meghna Mohanty [email protected]

Akhil ARTCO Ltd [email protected]

vijay Singh [email protected]

G nandakishor [email protected]

rekha [email protected]

M. jeevansurabi [email protected]

Pallavi Ingale [email protected]

MAYA SAWANT [email protected]

Rakesh Mishra [email protected]

Beena Rajan [email protected]

Gigi Tomy [email protected]

romi srivastava [email protected]

Ratan Rajkumar [email protected]

alaukik.gaur007 [email protected]

Jatin Chauhan [email protected]

Sneha Adhikari [email protected]

Asish Priyadarsi [email protected]

Mohit kumar [email protected]

Tamilvanan [email protected]

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CEO,Raichur DCC Bank [email protected]

Suresh M Salagundi Mlcb Bank Gadag [email protected]

veda pr. chauhan [email protected]

Heera [email protected]

Anupam Mishra [email protected]

Seema Nayak [email protected]

Jamuna Hembram [email protected]

Barasarani Biswal [email protected]

hapur evening [email protected]

Heera Hansdah [email protected]

vivek raj [email protected]

Dr.S.Roma Devi [email protected]

Rajkumar Bipin [email protected]

Bhupender Ssngwan [email protected]

Saphabi Devi [email protected]

kalidhas [email protected]

Kongaleti naveen [email protected]

Prashant Thakre [email protected]

ganesh rrr [email protected]

Abhishek patil [email protected]

Prasanth ARTCO [email protected]

srijan [email protected]

wungnaoso Ningshen [email protected]

Bikash Chandra Nayak [email protected]

KCDAS,DRCS [email protected]

Akhila ARTCO [email protected]

Raveen Kanth [email protected]

Sai Bhavana Nallamala [email protected]

BUCB BALOTRA RAJASTHAN [email protected]

Micheal Rajan [email protected]

DHARMA [email protected]

Shruti mamadapur [email protected]

P SRIDHAR [email protected]

rajshekhar s dodamani [email protected]

Jamuna Hembram ODISHA [email protected]

rajarajan [email protected]

Perumal S [email protected]

Madowna [email protected]

Shilpa Jamadar [email protected]

Dr Pranab Baishya [email protected]

Anuj Kumar [email protected]

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damodar mudali [email protected]

Mishworchand [email protected]

Dr Narendra Kumar Kulshreshthaq [email protected]

Rasik j chaudhary [email protected]

Meetei K. I. [email protected]

Rajendra Palve [email protected]

Seiminthang Khongsai [email protected]

sheela TK ARTCO [email protected]

sudhir verma [email protected]

Manju Jogur [email protected]

prema and piriya [email protected]

Abungcha Telem [email protected]

devesh khanna [email protected]

prapanch [email protected]

P MUTHUKUMARAN [email protected]

sathiya r [email protected]

Sujitha S [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

l p s [email protected]

priya [email protected]

Sneha P P [email protected]

sharmila prabhakar [email protected]

Gaurav Sakpal [email protected]

Rajendran M [email protected]

DR. AMIT MUDGAL [email protected]

krishna kishore [email protected]

chandini pv [email protected]

Gvvraju CEO kamadenu fpo [email protected]

Seema Ajith Artco Alappuzha [email protected]

Mahadev Dharmatti [email protected]

Burhana Begum Choudhury [email protected]

DRCS [email protected]

vidyashree [email protected]

Smruti Pattanayak [email protected]

Mohan Kumar Mishra, Secretary NCCT [email protected]

INSP. RAJPAL SHARMA [email protected]

Khoichung Rangamlian [email protected]

Nilima Khondge [email protected]

L.Srikanth [email protected]

Subhadarsini Rout [email protected]

Hiranya Sarma [email protected]

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dushyant yadav [email protected]

shobana v [email protected]

sudeer Talawar [email protected]

jyotsna.baral20@gmail [email protected]

naresh [email protected]

Ishan Guha [email protected]

ajithass [email protected]

Bindu m.s artco [email protected]

USER [email protected]

battu ramu-2039 [email protected]

Lakshmi [email protected]

Dr Om Prakash Sharma [email protected]

A.Srinivasulu [email protected]

sarga k v [email protected]

Sitaram ghasal [email protected]

Dineshmoorthy [email protected]

Bindu Sivaraj Artco [email protected]

NEHA [email protected]

Hari har Seth,ARCS,SBP [email protected]

Nithiya C [email protected]

Vignesh S [email protected]

PRADIP KUMAR [email protected]

Nanagouda Biradar [email protected]

Ashwini Bashetti [email protected]

Saiteja Akula [email protected]

Sindhurupa Nayak [email protected]

Adarsh jha [email protected]

chetana hatti [email protected]

SHASHIKALA K S [email protected]

Kavyasree.k.p [email protected]

R. Pandian [email protected]

1234 [email protected]

CDCCB-EST [email protected]

premanagouda biradar [email protected]

Savita.Mendegar [email protected]

Anshul Rajput [email protected]

ricm [email protected]

Mandeep Walia [email protected]

Dr RAM KRISHNAN S [email protected]

Siddu Diwatagi [email protected]

kavita alligidad [email protected]

Page 24: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


girish mangleek [email protected]

Seema Ajith [email protected]

Sandhya Hari Artco [email protected]

priyadharsini A [email protected]

Nayanjyoti Das [email protected]

Naresh Nayak [email protected]

VIDYA K [email protected]

Mozibur Ahmed [email protected]

Dundesh Maled [email protected]

Sandhya Hari [email protected]

Swetha Saravanan [email protected]

manju Kathait rawat [email protected]

S B Singh [email protected]

Sangram singh [email protected]

Mahadevi Kanthi [email protected]

Sreya Prakash [email protected]

sreeletha p [email protected]

Ganga Patangi [email protected]

Samir Kumar [email protected]

Habibur Rahaman [email protected]

Aswathi radhakrishnan [email protected]

Administrator [email protected]

keisham subhalakshmi Devi [email protected]

37/6F/Sristi Saranya [email protected]

Ranganath Masaraddi [email protected]

Dr. Bikram Kumar Das [email protected]

sariga ch [email protected]

Rahul Kumar Singh [email protected]

anand arya [email protected]

Arzina Ahmed [email protected]

Ayoshon Luikham [email protected]

Aarthi U [email protected]

User1 [email protected]

Mosh 07 [email protected]

vijaya s.t. [email protected]

Shreekant kapase [email protected]

Ramprakash Murmu [email protected]

srinivasan.k [email protected]

Dharmaraj S [email protected]

unnikrishnan pb [email protected]

shivanand Hugar [email protected]

Page 25: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Kamali Karthi [email protected]

Chaitanya kumar mallik [email protected]

jagdish Chandra kargeti [email protected]

Chikunu Swain [email protected]

Aswathy asokan [email protected]

Mayur N Bendre [email protected]

Aryamol V [email protected]

Hemanth Kumar [email protected]

Mohammed Minzar [email protected]

DEVIKA NARAYANAN [email protected]

Madan Kute [email protected]

Raghunandan, DGM, KSSFCL, Bangalore [email protected]

saurabh saini [email protected]

Tanuja Singh [email protected]

Atinder kaur [email protected]

Narayana [email protected]

Sreethibha [email protected]

Mitali Saikia [email protected]

Karthi Priya [email protected]

Rohan [email protected]

Anandhavalli V [email protected]

Agrico [email protected]

5415 Dr. U. Homiga [email protected]

anup tanwar [email protected]

37/6F/Sristi Saranya [email protected]

Mounika 140 [email protected]

Subhash A.S [email protected]

puspashree Mishra [email protected]

Bhavik Anilkumar Devani [email protected]

Suresh G [email protected]

sruthi p v [email protected]

LAXMI SURESH BABU [email protected]

phool singh snehi [email protected]

Ashvini Sharma [email protected]

Webinar on International Co-operative Day on 3rd July, 2021 as sip:[email protected]

Abhina kumar Sahoo [email protected]

Ramya [email protected]

Munmun Das [email protected]

Dr. Karabi Das [email protected]

BISHNU PRASAD SAHOO [email protected]

Harsha Rathore [email protected]

Page 26: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Anjana k v [email protected]

uttam singh [email protected]

k Muniyappa [email protected]

Dr Prince D Saxena [email protected]

Amarnath Mishra [email protected]

Bhanu prasad Pradhan [email protected]

s.venkateshwarlu [email protected]

Ahanya Raghu [email protected]

msaikumarreddy575 [email protected]

devesh khana [email protected]

kathirvelu [email protected]

Pramod Kumar Sahoo [email protected]

Nimisha N V [email protected]

Manisha Bonia [email protected]

Ayush [email protected]

Almora Zila Sahkari Bank Ltd Amora [email protected]

Saranagouda G Patil, MD,KSSFCL [email protected]

M Anand [email protected]

Puran Chettri [email protected]

राम अग्रवाल [email protected]

Salini [email protected]

Athira A [email protected]

Virendra Rane [email protected]

sandesh kumar [email protected]

Selva priya [email protected]

Davinder Singh [email protected]

M S RAMACHANDRAN [email protected]

Anupriya kv [email protected]

NIKITA GUPTA [email protected]

sakshi pandey [email protected]

Babita Prajapati [email protected]

Tungring khaleng [email protected]


Pallavi Das [email protected]

Tharun Arco [email protected]

Pradeep Mukherjee [email protected]

Nilamadhaba Pradhan [email protected]

Dr A K Asthana [email protected]

Mathew C.V.,ARTCO ltd KERALA [email protected]

prathip Raj.T [email protected]

veeresha Halakeri [email protected]

Page 27: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Perumal [email protected]

Megha.O [email protected]

Hp [email protected]

L.Kousalya [email protected]

Bestha Venkatesh [email protected]

Dr Abhilash S [email protected]

National Council for Cooperative Training (NCCT) [email protected]

Geeta Devi kushwaha [email protected]

LRB [email protected]

saŕitha [email protected]

JAYASHREE BASKARAN 712000401 [email protected]

N.manimuthu [email protected]

R.Susharmila [email protected]

Paventhan M [email protected]

Gokul K [email protected]

Yogeshwaran G [email protected]

D VENKATESH [email protected]

Dr. Shweta Pandey [email protected]

SREEJITH P.A ARTCO [email protected]

brahmdutt joshi [email protected]

sreelakshmi cv [email protected]

dippakayalapadu pacs [email protected]

Swaraj Ranjan Mohapatra [email protected]

A.Indhumathi [email protected]

Hrdika Jadav [email protected]

drcs Sundargarh [email protected]

Pramila Tudu [email protected]

SHUBHA NATH Verma [email protected]

meshwa patel [email protected]

Chetna Sahu [email protected]

amit Mudgal [email protected]

Babu B [email protected]

A4. Nandhini. M [email protected]

Maneesha Mohanan [email protected]

shailesh [email protected]

francelet [email protected]

Indumati shantappa kudari [email protected]

Preeti Anand [email protected]

Chetan Vaidya [email protected]

pabitra gogoi [email protected]

Ankit Gupta [email protected]

Page 28: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


reetamohapatra [email protected]

ARCS, Deogarh [email protected]

ARCS Champua [email protected]

LUKUMONI NARAH [email protected]

venkatesh [email protected]

Dibyanshu Das [email protected]

BISWAJIT BEHERA [email protected]

satyabrata parida [email protected]

Swastik Jena [email protected]

C. Alvin Raj [email protected]

Ajay Kumar Verma [email protected]

Rakshi Padhan [email protected]

Manimegalai [email protected]

Tarakeshwar JS [email protected]

ASHISH KUMAR [email protected]

Deepak Kumar Mishra [email protected]

sriramamurti prataparao [email protected]

Prakhar Deep [email protected]

bharat Singh [email protected]

A. K. Mahato [email protected]

Debashree Sahu [email protected]

p n d u latha [email protected]

programme division [email protected]

sharanuhittnalli [email protected]

Athira Nair [email protected]

Anupam Ranjan Lahkar [email protected]

CHANDRA K [email protected]

sanil [email protected]

Bijayalaxmi Swain [email protected]

Shobhabana Padhan [email protected]

Rabila Devi [email protected]

Priya Dharshini GS [email protected]

sangharsh 340 [email protected]

Anita Devi [email protected]

Anushka Singh [email protected]

Arun Kumar Naik [email protected]

Dhananjay sharma [email protected]

Manoj Kumar [email protected]

Belagavi Shree Basaveshwar Bank [email protected]

M Tharani [email protected]

HSK Tangirala [email protected]

Page 29: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Sanjeet Nanda [email protected]

pratheesh [email protected]

Kanchan Thakur [email protected]

Harry Rai [email protected]

ashok sharma [email protected]

Kavitha R [email protected]

Mayur rite [email protected]

Ajay Sharma [email protected]

Ganeshnj [email protected]

Dr. SN Jha [email protected]

Akshara [email protected]

divya palani [email protected]

Anuja [email protected]

1234 [email protected]

Akash Yadav [email protected]

Reetika Das [email protected]

Mallikarjun S Hebbal [email protected]

pooja [email protected]

Nira Devi [email protected]

Dr.V.ALAGUPANDIAN [email protected]

S Ghosh [email protected]

ajai rastogi [email protected]

Sreehari K [email protected]

pabitra kumar swain [email protected]

vikram singh [email protected]

Dr.A.K.Zakir Hussain [email protected]

Manish Sharma [email protected]

Ganeshan [email protected]

AANISH PRADEEP D [email protected]

VIGNESH ACH [email protected]

Arpita Panda [email protected]

Dr. A K ROY [email protected]

Febina Rexy [email protected]

W.GLADIS [email protected]

Sarbajeet Tripathy [email protected]

Anurag Gupta [email protected]

hari krishna [email protected]

Athira k [email protected]

omprakash chandra [email protected]

K Jayaprasad, People's Urban, Kerala [email protected]

NIHAR SARMA [email protected]

Page 30: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Bhavesh kumar [email protected]

Hanumanthreddy [email protected]

Vatsala Tripathi [email protected]

Dr. Nandini Azad [email protected]

Arya C [email protected]

Aniket Chauhan [email protected]

Jitendra Mohan Goswami [email protected]

Himanshu Bisen [email protected]

Anita P Pandre [email protected]

Swagatika Mohapatra [email protected]

Kalpana Bisoi [email protected]

Salam sanjit singh [email protected]

Himanshu Joshi [email protected]

Iranna Sheelavant [email protected]

KIRAN KANTI [email protected]

manoj kumari [email protected]

M.V.VALLABANARAYANAN [email protected]

Prajakta Patil [email protected]

Rahul Sharma [email protected]

Sethurani [email protected]

P.Parvathi [email protected]

Saurabh Shukla [email protected]

Adarsh pv [email protected]

Rahul Vishwakarma [email protected]

Apurv Khedekar [email protected]

ABHISHEK KUMAR TIWARI [email protected]

Vishal Gadhe [email protected]

D.Krishnananda [email protected]

M. Bala murali [email protected]

Himanshu Wankhede [email protected]

Garima Singh [email protected]

Adv. Sukdeo Patil [email protected]

Win [email protected]

Kuldeep Singh [email protected]

Sudhir V [email protected]

manju [email protected]

GAURANG BHATT [email protected]

Anushka [email protected]

Vishal Bavaskar [email protected]

Aparna.V [email protected]

Mahesh [email protected]

Page 31: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Surosmriti Hajong [email protected]

Fahad [email protected]

Pawan Thakur RICM Chandigarh [email protected]

BOURISETTI KISHOR [email protected]

Milan Samantaray [email protected]

Liza Swain [email protected]

Ajay Khabale [email protected]

NIHAL C K [email protected]

Sudha A [email protected]

Mukesh Rawat [email protected]

Samriti Bhagat [email protected]

Mangesh Maratkar [email protected]

Kavya [email protected]

D.K DASH [email protected]

Manoj Veerapu [email protected]

Soubhik Chanda [email protected]

Deobrat Mishra [email protected]

Akilan Harish [email protected]

Pratul Kumar Sarma [email protected]

Akhil [email protected]

kamatham sai kumar reddy [email protected]

2044 Vinod Rikame [email protected]

Manish Kumar Mishra [email protected]

Dibya Ranjan Mohanta [email protected]

Badavath Chakravarthi Naik [email protected]

Paikhomba Elangbam [email protected]

Rushiprasad Wagh [email protected]

hemantakrdas.das [email protected]

Jonali Nayak [email protected]

Nirmal Raja [email protected]

SANKARA RAO .S [email protected]

SUBRAMANIAN A S [email protected]

subash limbu [email protected]

Pushpa C [email protected]

Dr.S.R.NITHYANAND [email protected]

Manthan R Barot [email protected]

Somya Gaur [email protected]

Prabakaran P [email protected]

laxmipriya pradhan [email protected]

Babu.V.N [email protected]

ARCS NILGIRI [email protected]

Page 32: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


srishti kapoor [email protected]

G.K.JEEVARAJ [email protected]

Kaushik Samal [email protected]

Roshanjeet Das [email protected]

R.SAAMRAJ [email protected]

Avinandan Khuntia [email protected]

Nagarajan M [email protected]

Kumaresan [email protected]

Akula Supriya Venkatesham [email protected]

R Manognya [email protected]

Nilendu sen [email protected]

Pawan Kumar [email protected]

Ashok Dalwai [email protected]

Jivraj Patki [email protected]

Dharmendra Kumar Sabat [email protected]

A K Tiwary [email protected]

Nijanthan [email protected]

Neelu Pandey [email protected]

Dr.S.K.Hota [email protected]

Madhusmita Mansingh [email protected]

ANURAG MISHRA [email protected]

Varsha jha [email protected]

Abdullah Al Faruque [email protected]

Satendra kumar Sharma [email protected]

Prajwal Pawar [email protected]

Naveenkrishnan [email protected]

Renuka R S [email protected]

kaleeswaran S A [email protected]

Ranjani, Ricmb [email protected]

Suresh Chandra Dash [email protected]

RICM [email protected]

S Vishalatchi [email protected]

R.vijaylaxmi Sahoo [email protected]

snigdharani Sadangi [email protected]

Savita Mendegar [email protected]

Rani Pandey [email protected]

ICM Madurai [email protected]

N.Supraja [email protected]

A SAI TEJA [email protected]

Gopal N.Surjuse [email protected]

Nihar Ranjan Nayak [email protected]

Page 33: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Israil Khan [email protected]

VAIBHAV BODKE [email protected]

Gopal prasad nayak [email protected]

Shyam Patidar [email protected]

somainder singh [email protected]

Pratiksha Bhandwale [email protected]

SRILIKI SURESH VARMA [email protected]

Nalini kanta sarma [email protected]

sanjaya Kumar sahoo [email protected]

gokul [email protected]

Supriya Deshmane [email protected]

Niti Mahajan [email protected]

Mohan Guru [email protected]

NISHI TOPPO [email protected]

Jyotsna goswami [email protected]

shadakshari T G [email protected]

Kiran Mahapatro [email protected]

ANKIT KUMAR SHUKLA [email protected]

deepika [email protected]

Abhishek pandey [email protected]

Dr. M. Jayaprakash, RICMB [email protected]

vivek kumar singh [email protected]

Sneha Atulniya Hemrom [email protected]

Mayuri Bezborah [email protected]

RAJENDRA SAXENA [email protected]

Rani pandey I Love you [email protected]

jashaswini jena [email protected]

Sowmya S [email protected]

5415 Dr.U.Homiga [email protected]

Vishnu [email protected]

Arusha [email protected]

Sri B H Krishna Reddy [email protected]

N.B.PRASAD [email protected]

iswarya raj [email protected]

Rachna Rai [email protected]

karthika [email protected]

hanumanthreddy03 [email protected]

Gaurav kumar Tiwari [email protected]

Satinder Anand [email protected]

VIVEK BENIPURI [email protected]

sandeep shah [email protected]

Page 34: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Sangeeta Sahoo [email protected]

mausam behera [email protected]

Aryasutta Biswal [email protected]

Pooja Ingale [email protected]

admin [email protected]

upnish Yadav [email protected]

Eshan Shukla [email protected]

pratap Patil [email protected]

raj [email protected]

Suditi Satapathy [email protected]

poonam [email protected]

Rishabh Srivastava [email protected]

Jeelan [email protected]

sarada prasad pati [email protected]

Alok Kumar Maurya [email protected]

Dr. Kh. Somorendro Singh, Director ICM, Guwhati [email protected]

Suyash verma [email protected]

ANAGHA.U [email protected]

Arvind Dwivedi [email protected]

aditya rajpal [email protected]

Nitin Kumar Singh [email protected]

JEYANTHI G [email protected]

THUSHARA RV [email protected]

Dr. neeraj Dubey [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

Saurabh Mishra [email protected]

Dr. Asem Sundari manipur [email protected]

Sakshi Singh [email protected]

Resu Raghubanshi [email protected]

Shreeshail Biradar [email protected]

Neelam Patel [email protected]

shalini Tirpathi [email protected]

Bhabani pathak [email protected]

Ravi Chandra [email protected]

NSRICM, Kalyani [email protected]

Ajay Yadav [email protected]

mayur rathnakaran [email protected]

Debjit Nandy DDT [email protected]

Sunil Kumar Mohan [email protected]

Abhishek Chaudhari [email protected]

Abhishek Agrawal [email protected]

Page 35: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Alka Shrivastava [email protected]

Preetha [email protected]

Quazi Yunus [email protected]

Pravin kumar [email protected]

dadivekar [email protected]

Sanjay Singh Chayhan [email protected]

Shreekant [email protected]

NCCT ACCOUNTS [email protected]

Espa Subham [email protected]

Prawin Giri [email protected]

Himanshu Choudhary [email protected]

Niranjan Mahapatra [email protected]

ajeet Singh [email protected]

Athirapv Athi [email protected]

Shubham Chavarepatil [email protected]

Dr R. Gopalsamy [email protected]

ChairmanI/c WDRA [email protected]

Shruti G Mamadapur [email protected]

Dr Rupkumar Pagarwar, Faculty, DGICM, Nagpur [email protected]

Diwakar Rai [email protected]

vijayashri [email protected]

VENUGOPAL G [email protected]

Pratikshya [email protected]

Mr Sujit Kumar Ratha [email protected]

Riti Srivastava [email protected]

Namrata Dureja [email protected]

Rajendra Sharma [email protected]

Kapil singh [email protected]


RAHUL SINGH [email protected]

HP-PC [email protected]

ruby kumari [email protected]


Jyotiprakash Mishra [email protected]

Amit Sonkar [email protected]

ABrief History &Genesis of Coop [email protected]

sunita dahal [email protected]

Dr Alok Kumar Sharma [email protected]

Ajai Rastogi [email protected]

Dr M k Jha [email protected]

Debashis Parida [email protected]

Page 36: High Level National Webinar on Inclusive and Sustainable ...


Ashish Sharma [email protected]

C.L Thakur [email protected]

NCCT [email protected]

Ritesh Shahi [email protected]

V J Karkun [email protected]

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HP Dharamshala Meharsoft IT Working for Co-operative Sector [email protected]

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