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HIGHER ED 2.0: Innovating the 21st Century University

Don TapscottChairman, Moxie Insight@dtapscott

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Russell KaurlotoDeputy CIO, USC

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Webinar Logistics

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Current Crisis

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A Turning Point in History:Rebooting Our Institutions

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The Rise of the Age of Networked Intelligence

Agrarian Age

Industrial Age

Age of NetworkedIntelligence

Printing Press Internet

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Four Drivers for ChangeFour Drivers for Change

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1.Rethinking Pedagogy

2.Rethinking Knowledge Creation

3.Rethinking Operations

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‘One Size Fits All’ Lectures

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Teacher focusedOne-wayOne size fits allStudent Isolated


Student focusedMulti-wayCustomizedCollaborative


The Model of Pedagogy:The Reinvention of Education

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Collaborative Learning in Portugal

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Collaborative Learning in Portugal

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1.Rethinking Pedagogy

2.Rethinking Knowledge Creation

3.Rethinking Operations

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The ‘Meta-University’

With the growing open access movement

we are seeing the early emergence of a

meta-university – a transcendent,

accessible, empowering, dynamic,

communally constructed framework of

open materials and platforms on which

much of higher education worldwide can

be constructed or enhanced.

-- Charles M. Vest, President Emeritus, MIT


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The ‘Meta-University’: OpenCourseWare

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1.Rethinking Pedagogy

2.Rethinking Knowledge Creation

3.Rethinking Operations

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Social Networking Centric

Document Centric

Decision Centric

Process Centric

Business Intelligence Centric

Predictive Analytics Centric

ERP Centric

Domain Centric

People Centric

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A New Operating Platformto Power the Collaborative Enterprise

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A New Operating Platformto Power the Collaborative Enterprise

1. Personal Profiles (based on people)

2. Industrial Strength Social Networking

3. Blogging and Microblogging

4. Wikis and Document Co-creation

5. Ideastorms

6. Team Project Tools

7. Deliberation-Decision Making

8. New Generation Knowledge Management

9. IT Integration and Administration

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Collaborative Working Spaces

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Crisis of Leadership

Paradigm shifts involve dislocation, conflict, confusion, uncertainty. New paradigms are nearly always received

with coolness, even mockery or hostility. Those with

vested interests fight the change. The shift demands such a

different view of things that established leaders are often

last to be won over, if at all.

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[email protected](416) 863-8801Twitter: @dtapscott


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Webinar Wrap Up

Thank you for your time

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