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• About the creation of the Scottish Parliament.

What will I learn?

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Success Criteria • Identify when Scotland’s parliament

was created. • Paraphrase the meanings of

‘devolution’ and ‘referendum’• Identify aspects of Scotland’s unique


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The Queen officially opened the Scottish Parliament on 1st July 1999 after nearly 300 years of British rule. In order to understand the importance of the Scottish Parliament in meeting the needs of the people of Scotland today, we need to understand the history of

the country.

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1707- Act of Union was ratified by Scotland and England. Article III stated “that the united Kingdom of Great-Britain be represented by one and the same Parliament, to be stiled the parliament of Great-Britain”. This meant that the Scottish Parliament no longer passed legislation and all laws were now made by the British Parliament based in Westminster, London. Scotland was no longer an independent country.1885 The Scottish Office was established (government department that was responsible for looking after Scotland’s interests).1997 Tony Blair’s Labour Party became government of Britain and promised the people of Scotland a referendum. On 11th September, Scottish voters were asked “should there be a Scottish Parliament?” and 74.3% of the electorate voted yes.1998 On 19th November, Scotland Act passed by UK Parliament. “There shall be a Scottish Parliament”.1999 The 6th May was the first election to the Scottish Parliament and the 12th May was the first day of business in the Parliament. The people of Scotland were given their own Parliament once again.

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Despite the Act of Union in 1707, Scotland maintained her own culture and identity.

In pairs, put together a spider diagram which gives examples

of how Scotland has a very distinct culture from England

the rest of the UK.

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Education - different school exams e.g. access 3, standard grades, intermediates, standard grade, highers and advanced highers. Also, university degrees take a year longer in ScotlandLegal system - different court systems and three verdicts including the controversial ‘not proven’ verdict. In addition, in Scotland we have the Children’s Hearing that aims to help the child rather than punishLanguage - Gaelic (spoken in the Western Highlands and Islands, Doric in Aberdeenshire and Shetland and Orkney’s language is influenced by Norse wordsSport - football, rugby for example have different leagues and competitions and both have national teams. We also have very dedicated supporters – the tartan armyFood – haggis, shortbread, Scotch pies and Scotch eggsDrink – irn-bru and whiskeyMedia – STV, Gaelic language television programmes, newspapers e.g. Daily Record, Sunday Mail, Scotsman and HeraldPolitics – SNP, Scottish Labour Party, Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Lib-Dems

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ReferendumSince the 1960s the Labour Party has been the most popular party in Scotland, although not necessarily in the U.K. In 1997, one of the Labour Party’s manifesto promises was to give the people of Scotland a referendum (vote) on the creation of a Scottish Parliament if they won the general election. Following the Labour Party victory, in September 1997 the people of Scotland were given a referendum and were asked two questions:-

1.Should there be a Scottish Parliament? 74.3% YES2.Should any new Scottish Parliament be able to vary the rate of tax? 63.5% YES

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Devolution Many Scottish people still want Scotland

to be part of the UK but simply wanted Scotland to have more control and

power to decide and implement laws affecting Scotland. This is called


The power to do things moves closer to the people who are affected. The

Scottish Parliament was opened in 1999 to give Scotland more control

over its own affairs

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Quick Questions1.What important document was signed in 1707?2.What important event occurred in 1997?3.What political party gave Scotland the referendum?4.What is the aim of the SNP?

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Lesson Starter

1. What is a democracy? Write your own definition.

2. Which 3 Parliaments represent the people of Scotland?

3. Name as many political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament as you can.

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Homework• Scotland should be independent.


• Write your views in an essay format. Short intro (one or two sentences), several paragraphs and an overall conclusion (3 or 4 sentences)

• For Monday 19th August

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Can I...• Identify when Scotland’s parliament

was created. • Paraphrase the meanings of

‘devolution’ and ‘referendum’• Identify aspects of Scotland’s unique


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• The structure of the parliament.

What will I learn?

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Success Criteria • Describe and explain the

structure of the parliament. • Outline the difference between

the ‘parliament’ and the ‘government’

• Briefly outline the role of the presiding officer.

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Structure of the Parliament (1)

• A devolved Scottish Parliament within the UK.

• Some powers were to be reserved for the UK parliament.

• Some powers to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament.

• 129 MSPs elected- 73 Constituency, 56 Party List

• A Scottish First Minister to lead government• Financed by a block grant from the UK

parliament• Power to raise or lower income tax

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The Scottish Parliament

• 129 MSPs- 69 SNP (Majority), 37 Labour etc.

• Law making body in Scotland for devolved matters

• MSPs vote on issues and pass laws for Scotland

• Elects a presiding officer

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The Scottish Government• Led by the political leader of

Scotland- First Minister-head of the Scottish Government

• Leads the biggest party (SNP) Alex Salmond

• The Scottish Government is formed by the party holding the most seats.

• First minster chooses a cabinet of people called Ministers- each responsible for a particular area.

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The Scottish Government


•Copy down some of the Ministers in the Scottish cabinet from this website

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The Presiding Officer

• Presiding officer chairs meetings of the parliament

• Tricia Marwick MSP was elected as the Presiding Officer for the 4th Session of the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 11 May 2011

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Can I...• Describe and explain the

structure of the parliament. • Outline the difference between

the ‘parliament’ and the ‘government’

• Briefly outline the role of the presiding officer.

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