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  • ADVERTISING RATES (GST is not included in the following rates): Monthly Annually Text (3 lines) $15.00 $100.00 Business Card $30.00 $225.00 ½ Page $50.00 $400.00 Whole Page $75.00 $600.00

    Highwood Community Board

    PRESIDENT Leighton Healey 389-4680 VICE PRESIDENT Jay Meakin [email protected] TREASURERS Michelle Cameron 457-1864 SECRETARY VACANT SOCIAL DIRECTOR Stephenie Healey 389-8468 BREEZE EDITOR Donna Stefura 282-6198 BREEZE DISTRIBUTION Canada Post 1-800-260-7678 HALL RENTALS Gloria Kelly 289-3645 MEMBERSHIP Glenn Blackett 298-8474 CARETAKER Kari B. POOL COORDINATOR Gloria Kelly 289-3645 PLAYSCHOOL Ingrid Wasylyshen 283-4159 PLAYSCHOOL Co-President Lee Nordstrom 295-3799 ICEMAKER Dean Parker 284-5737 WEBMASTER VACANT FACILITY DIRECTOR Justin Elton 467-3096 SOCIAL DIRECTOR Sarah Elton 460-6988 SENIORS GROUP Doreen Ratsoy 282-1030 SNOW REMOVAL PROGRAM Joni Wright 284-5999 Cathy South 289-1264 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Ryan Carnahan 275-8834 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Tuan Pham 202-3123 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Judy Johnston 282-4366 McKNIGHT SPORTS REP. [email protected] NORTH CENTRAL BASKETBALL CLUB

    www.northcentralbball.com [email protected] 973-6665

    Community Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each

    month at the Highwood Community Hall: 16 Harlow Avenue NW NEXT DEADLINE: November 15 for the December Breeze

    Contact Donna at [email protected] or 282-6198 to submit items. Please put ‘Breeze’ in the subject line.

    NEXT COMMUNITY MEETING: Tuesday, November 12, 2013

    THE HIGHWOOD BREEZE is published monthly September through June. THE HIGHWOOD BREEZE is printed by Jim and Maureen Owen at Econo-lith Press.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.northcentralbball.com/http://www.northcentralbball.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • DEBBY'S LOVIN' CARE House/Pet/Plant Sitting in your area. Contact Debby.(403) 283-9622

    What an amazing month so far! It’s hard to believe it’s been a month already and a busy one at that! The 4 Year Old Program children, both morning and afternoon, had a beautiful day for their field trip to Confederation Park exploring the environment with binoculars, magnifying glasses and homemade underwater viewers. They have been exploring the fall season both indoors and outdoors, from discussing the reason behind the falling leaves to collecting leaves and using them in some of the classroom activities. In the classroom, they have been practicing vocabulary development, turn taking and enjoying some sensory experiences by making play-dough, drip painting, gluing and experimenting with tubes, wires, funnels at the water and sand tables and even baking apples and making apple juice. Coming up we will be making Stone Soup, visiting a Baker and introducing some ideas

    about Halloween. The 3 Year Old Program children have been getting used to routines, learning new socialization skills and have been introduced to circle time and learning how to take turns speaking. Once a week the children have had an outdoor day experience where they practiced walking in a group and staying in a line. They have observed some fall changes, collected leaves/twigs and added these to the Nature Table. In the classroom, they have been working on vocabulary development, turn taking and have enjoyed some wonderful sensory experiences such as: colour mixing with cornstarch and water, baking apple cakes, making play-dough and playing at the water and sand tables. All the children will get to experience a Halloween Party Day in their class this month which should be very exciting! We have already completed our first fundraisers, Coco Brooks Pizzas and Canadian Community Reading Plan Magazine which were both big successes. We will be ramping up our next fundraiser towards the end of November which will include Steeped Tea and Epicure Selections. Only through fundraising are we able to add to the wonderful program at Highwood Playschool. The funds help us purchase art supplies, new play materials, books, classroom up-keep and allow us to offer field trips and guest speakers to enrich our children's learning experience. If you are interested in participating in any of our fundraisers please contact us by email at: [email protected]. Our first Parent Advisory Council meeting of the year was held on October 8th. Late October and early November are looking to be equally as busy with our upcoming Halloween parties for each class, the first Work Bee will be on Saturday, November 16th and Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for November 28th and 29th. At Highwood Community Playschool, we offer a play-based program with a curriculum that is developed according to the children’s own input and interests. The playschool is not-for-profit and operates on the basis of volunteering. It is located on the upper floor of the Highwood Community Centre. It is a bright, inviting space where your child can explore and grow at his or her own pace. We're still hoping to fill a few spots in the afternoon 4 Year Old Program. If you or anyone you know is interested in our program, please refer them to the Registrar, Deirdre Kavanagh or our website www.highwoodcommunityplayschool.com. Your Presidents, Ingrid Wasylyshen and Lee Nordstrom

    Highwood Community Membership Family $15 Single $10 Senior $5 (circle one)

    Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________

    Make Cheques payable to Highwood Community Association Please call Glenn Blackett (403) 298-8474 to arrange pick-up

    HIGHWOOD HALL RENTAL RATES Weekend (12:00 pm Saturday to 12:00 pm Sunday) $300.00 - Community members $375.00 - Non-Community members Hourly - $25.00/hr. - Community members. $30.00/hr - Non-Community members There is a 3-hour minimum on hourly rentals. Small Meeting Room - $20.00/hr. All rentals require a $350.00 damage deposit. Bereavement – (funeral memorial) free of charge (rental calendar permitting) to community members for a gathering.

    Rates do not include GST

    Programs Requiring Membership: Community Playschool Pool Day Care Camps Snow Removal Program Youth Groups held Community Sports Social Programs Seniors Programs

    Membership Perks Ice Skating Hockey rink The “Breeze” newsletter Craft Sale Community Parties

    Membership Discounts Highwood Hall Rental Bereavement (Funeral) Outdoor Pool Swimming lessons

    mailto:[email protected]://www.highwoodcommunityplayschool.com/

  • Message from our President Hi Neighbour! Well I am not sure which was shorter, our summer or our fall this year! Regardless of the season, Highwood is always a great place to call home. I am happy to report to you some interesting updates from the board as well I have some opportunities to bring to your attention as a fellow Highwoodian! First I am excited to welcome a new community resident to the board of directors, Glenn Blackett to Director of

    Membership. Glen and his family are fantastic people and we are so thankful to have him on board. All board members are residents with very full schedules that volunteer their time. In addition to this I am happy to report that we have approved our operating budget for 2014 through the skilled oversight of our community Treasurer Michelle. Also to report, on October 26th we enjoyed another wildly successful Highwood Community Halloween Party at the community hall with over 200 in attendance with nearly 100 costumed-up kids and just as many costumed-up parents! We had an absolute blast. Wild decorations, great music, pumpkin carving contests, costume contests, potluck food and wild costumes made this event a total blast. A huge thank you goes out to the handful of community residents that made this event happen (namely Stephenie Healey, Tuan Pham, Jay Meakin, Michelle Cameron, Glenn Blackett, Donna Stefura and several others that graciously helped clean up the event). In other news, through the proactive initiative of Justin Elton, Facilities Director, we are having the hall roof replaced for a very, very reasonable price. Also, I am happy to report that thanks once again to Gloria Kelly, our community outdoor pool had a very successful summer. Some opportunities I want to make you aware of are as follows: We are transitioning the board to operate in a more streamlined manner which involves the creation of resident lead committees. Currently we have three committees in which we need Highwood residents to get involved and volunteer a couple hours per month. The first committee is the Outdoor Rink Replacement Committee on which we need another half dozen residents that want to have some say in what the newly replaced outdoor rink will look like! We also have a committee focused on engaging our community for we need some residents with a few hours a month to help with some fun initiatives. Finally, we have another new committee focused on improving our website and online accessibility, if you have a skill set in anything web related or you would like to learn, we need your help 3 - 4 hours per month!. If you want to get involved in any of these committees please call me directly at 403.389.4680. That’s it for now! Looking forward to seeing you at the Highwood Winter Craft Fair Sale coming up and the Stars of Highwood Volunteer Appreciation Night & AGM coming up in January! Remember to be a caring neighbour this month! Surprise your neighbour with an anonymous act of kindness in November! Warm regards on this chilly day, Leighton Healey

    Webmaster Needed Help us leap to the next level! We have all the resources we just need someone to maintain our site.

    Call Leighton Healey at 389-4680 if you can help.

  • Rosemont School October promises to be a busy and exciting month at Rosemont School! Two classes will participate in Open Minds/Campus Calgary experiences. Room 1 will spend a week at the Glenbow Museum. This will be a great opportunity for the students to study their local community and expand their understanding of the larger community of Calgary and southern Alberta. Room 4 will spend a week at Ralph Klein Park as part of Eco-Action School. Their week will be spent learning about parkland and wetland ecosystems with a focus on conservation. On October 7th, we were happy to host Olympic athlete Georgia Simmerling. Georgia spoke to our students about her experience as an elite athlete and introduced the students to the sports of Downhill Skiing and Ski Cross. Halloween will be celebrated with our annual Halloween Carnival on October 25th. This will be followed by a costume parade on the afternoon of October 31st. We have also started our yoga for kids program as part of our physical education program

    Hello all Highwoodians! This month marks the start of a new feature in the Highwood Breeze. My name is Debbie Heikkila and I have lived on Hilton Avenue for almost a year. With Jay Meakin, who has lived on Hendon Drive for 12 years, a plan was hatched this summer. We aspire to interview any interested seniors in Highwood and find out what our community was like in its early years. Jay and I are both thrilled to have received an already written

    article from Evelyn Scott (thank you so much Evelyn)! If you are interested in sharing your memories please call me at 403-276-5390 or email me at [email protected]. One or both of us will meet with you and we can talk about our community ~ when you moved here, what the community was like when you moved into your home - were there any stores, parks, paved roads, old houses, farms, animals? - what have you appreciated (or not!) about Highwood and your life in this community. There are just some examples of what we want to know. You may have many other thoughts about what you want to share and that’s great too! If you want to write an article yourself, like Evelyn has, please do so and we will come pick it up or you can email it to me.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Tip: If you visit our local bakery, Bun King, they have some amazing cinnamon bread which you can substitute for the French bread. Directions: In a large skillet, sauté the apple, brown sugar and cinnamon in 2 tablespoon butter until apple is tender. In a shallow bowl, whisk the egg, milk and vanilla. (I like to add some additional cinnamon in this mix) Dip both sides of bread in egg mixture. In a large skillet, melt remaining butter over medium heat. Cook bread on both sides until golden brown. Serve with apple mixture and maple syrup if desired. Michelle Cameron (Recipe is from Taste of Home Magazine less the editorial comments)


    Northmount Baptist Church

    451 Northmount Drive. NW

    Ph. 403 289–8185 Pastor

    Pastor - Rev. Greg Butt Sunday School and Church

    Services 10:30 am Alpha Wed. Oct.23 to Nov. 27,

    Wed., 6 pm Hymn Sing - Dec. 1st at 7pm

    The Seventh Heaven Choir www.nbcchurch.ca

    Recipe corner Welcome to our first edition of the Recipe Corner. We are looking for submissions of your favorite recipes to share with the readers of the Breeze and perhaps summarizing the recipes into our own Highwood Cookbook. With the leaves changing color, we are definitely in the midst of fall and fall reminds me of the smell of baked apples, pumpkin pies and hearty casseroles. Please enjoy our first recipe of this edition:

    French Toast with Apple Topping (serves 4) Ingredients: • 2 medium apples, peeled and thinly sliced • 2 tbsp brown sugar • ½ tsp ground cinnamon • 4 tbsp butter, divided • 2 eggs • ½ cup 2% milk • 2 tsp vanilla extract • 8 slices French Bread (1/2 inch thick) • Maple Syrup, optional


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