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Ryan Morgan & Henry TavarezArrow Consulting & Design

Meet Ryan Morgan

Ryan Morgan is the Founder and Managing Partner at Arrow Consulting & Design.

Arrow Consulting & Design is a software development and web consulting firm 30 people strong specializing in DNN, Mobile, SharePoint, ASP.NET and WPF/Silverlight.

Author for Wrox and MSDN on the topics of DNN and SharePoint


Meet Henry Tavarez

Henry Tavarez is the Creative Director at Arrow Consulting & Design

Designed and skinned the core DotNetNuke template for DNN 6

UX architect for national and internationally used web-based products and services

Developed user interfaces for several e-commerce platforms



Hilton Grand Vacations Business Case

User Experience & Creative Process

Technology Used



Hilton Grand Vacations

About Hilton Grand Vacations

Part of Hilton Worldwide

Serve more than 150,000 customers

Over 50 properties worldwide

Pain Points

Initially built web on LAMP stack

Lacked integration with core Microsoft systems

Separate marketing and transaction systems

Inefficiency with daily tasks and maintenance

Business Needs

Unify platform for management of websites

Simplify content management for employees

Handle periodic heavy loads of traffic

Reach more users though mobile


Hilton Grand Vacations


What are the most used features on the website?

What pain points do your customers have with browsing the site?

How do employees manage the resort information?

Mobile Optimized vs Responsive Design

What do we think our users want to accomplish with mobile?

Will the employees manage multiple sources of content?

Mobile Application Mindset vs Website Browsing Mindset

Information Architecture

Consolidate site map down to core sales funnels

Remove the clutter to focus on primary call to actions

Visual Design


Hilton Grand Vacations

Skins – Meta Tags

Mobile specific meta tags and head tags

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/Portals/_default/Skins/Hilton-Mobile-V2/apple-touch-icon.png"/>

Skins – jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile is tested on multiple devices.

Brings features like AJAX navigation, touch events, mobile optimized UI

Highly customizable theming

Large community and many available plugins

Skins – DNN Mobile Redirect

Redirect rules capture users coming from mobile devices and redirect to m.hiltonvacations.com

LinkToFullSite skin objects allow the user to browse back to the desktop site once they have been redirected

Skins - IsAuthenticated

Difficulty managing admin of jQuery Mobile site

Admins need ability to access additional features

<% If Not IsAdmin Then%> (pseudo code)

// load jQuery Mobile

// do something…

<% End If%>

Skins - SkinObjectsEX

Mobile sites must perform efficiently and be mindful of users data plans

Using these skin objects allow use of Client Resource Management feature of DNN which:

– Reduces file size of each resource

– Combines resources into fewer files

You can find the module at http://DNNSkinObjectsEX.codeplex.com/

Custom Modules

Web services integrate with custom Hilton backend

Same services leveraged for Resort Gallery on desktop and mobile

Custom Modules

Views work with jQuery Mobile to navigate the site using AJAX

Uses list view controls from jQueryMobile to create mobile friendly navigation

Custom Modules

Custom jQuery plugins manage the photo gallery for mobile devices with slideshow and swipe features

Images delivered though Web Services API from Hilton Resort Admin

Custom Modules

Directions call Google Map API to generate mobile friendly maps right on the site without having to navigate to the phone map application

Web Farms

Hilton uses a distributed web farm architecture that efficiently handles the heavy traffic load without requiring shared file servers.

Architecture was provided by Applied Innovations

Web Farms

Leveraging web-farm features in DotNetNuke enterprise

Custom private cloud configuration with our partner Applied Innovations

High-availability and easy scalability through load-balanced web front ends

Designed to handle burst peak traffic and sustained high traffic

Automatic failover in the Web and SQL Servers


Hilton Grand Vacations

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