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    Hinduism is the Target, not Caste Discrimination

    An amendmen t to the Equali ty Act 2010 has banned discrim ination based on cas te. What will be the effect of this?

    The starry-eyed idealists who backed the legislation purport that it will give protection to Asians in Britain who have

    hitherto been denied the s afety net of basic dign ity. These anti-caste groups are equivocal that Hindu

    organisations run by high-caste Hindus have opposed these measures as it goes against the central tents of

    their faith.

    The Sinister Hand

    The anti-caste legislation is the result of persistent

    lobbying by organisations such as Castewatch, Dalit

    Solidarity Network (DSN), Voice of Dalit International,

    ACDA (Alliance Agains t Caste Dis crim ination) and

    Dalit Freedom Network (DFN). On the surface such

    organisa tions follow the politically correct line that the

    problem is not Hinduism but caste and indeed that

    caste discrimination happens in many communities,

    not just Hindus . But the mask does no t stay on for

    very long. While admitting that caste discrimination is

    a problem for many Asian com munities , it is

    nevertheless said to have spread from Hinduism.

    Hence Hindus are the real target. No Hindus , no

    caste. Simple.

    This is something HHR has had personal experience of. In attending the 2009 Castewatch Annual Conference,

    the chairman of this organisation him self introduced Hindu Hum an Rights Group as the oppos ition, a faux pas

    which elicited scenes of mass panic not seen since the desperate selling of shares during the Wall Street Crash.Yet one only needs to look at the report of this event on Castewatchs own websi te

    (http://www.castewatchuk.org/CWUK-Conference-Report-March2009.pdf) to see how Hindus are constantly

    blamed . Indeed the docum ent ,while decrying accusations by the demonic Hindu lobby that anti-caste groups are

    in the hands of hardcore right-wing Christian fundamentalis ts, then goes on to parade the event as one

    domina ted by these very sam e groups.

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    Christianity is credited w ith always having tackled

    caste discrimination, something which flies in the

    face of historical evidence, especially in how this

    major world faith labelled all Jews as Christ-killers

    for 2000 years. Then again the entire tone of the

    document and meeting took on a conspiratorial tone

    reminiscent of anti-Semitism, with revisionist

    renderings that smeared his torical facts. Take this

    from the chairman, Rames h Alexander, himself a

    committed Christian:

    Britain has fought two world was so that men can

    be free and treated equally without persecution and

    free to practice their faiths.

    Do Mr Alexanderand his sidekick Davinder Prasad actually know that these wars we re nothing of the sort?

    Churchill said se lf-determination did not apply to India and the colonies . He caused the s tarvation of 5 million

    Indians during the Bengal famine of 1943. He mocked the racism s uffered by West Indian soldiers from

    segrega ted American forces . He openly said I hate Indians and they are a beas tly race with a beas tly religion.

    He was agains t coloured immi gration into Britain. He suppo rted apartheid and criticised MacMillan for his Winds

    of Change speech in Cape Town. But all this is los t on Castewatch.

    Former LabourMP Rob Marris mocked the idea that caste lobbying was in the hands o f far-right Christian

    groups, even while he was attending this very event. It is unfortunate that such an idealis tic man as Mr Marris, who

    came out as squeaky clean from the parliamentary expenses scandal can nevertheless harbour such prejudice.

    Then again he openly backed the secessionist movement in

    Punjab, although specifying that it should be peaceful. Peaceful

    secessionist movement in India? That sounds less convincing than

    mild ps ychosis. But it was Moses Parmar from All India Christian

    Council who s et the dark tone with:

    Fight Hindutava forces in the UK who are trying to establish

    Hindu supremacy in this country as well.

    So that was the real

    reason, fighting the

    metaphysical en tity of

    Hindu supremacy

    which was being

    blamed for caste.

    This led Gian Chand

    Ghaiwal of the

    Central Valmik Sabha

    to warn of how Hindus would try and legalise widow-burning, much to the glee of an audience that was frothing at

    the mouth now after hours of anti-Hindu brainwas hing.

    HHR was unable to a ttend the next meeting o f Castewatch. Yet the hatefest can be viewed here:


    Baroness Shreela Flatherblamed the Hindu Council and Hindu Forum as lobbying

    groups for upper-caste Hindus. Sinna Mani showed complete historical ignorance

    regarding the conques ts of Alexander of Macedon, and vile prejudice in calling

    Brahmans stupid. Is that not caste prejudice. But nothing was going to stop Mani as he

    blamed Hinduism and the religion of inequality.

    Now HHR actually organised its own m eeting in 2009 on cas te discrimination. At the

    back sat two Danish mem bers of DSN, who quickly ran off when the ques tion and

    answer session ended. Hardly a surpris e. Earlier that year when I spoke to DSN and

    sugges ted that caste quotas in India be replaced by a system of social and econom ic

    empowerm ent which based itself on a poverty index I was accus ed of accommodating

    caste and had the phone slammed down.

    No su rprise that one of its former staff members Geeta Bandi-Phillips, now works for hardcore Chris tian outfit

    World Vision.

    Eugene Culas from VODI was however very vocal at the meeting, although becam e rather unstuck when he found

    that his secret weapons of the Manusm irti and a GCSE text book on Hinduis m were com pletely useless . Yet it

    once again showed the deep anti-Hindu contempt harboured by caste lobbyists. Now looking at the background

    of VODI one easily discerns that that group is far from neutral. It has a deep Chris tian bias. Again Christian

    organisations are very keen to be involved with Cas tewatch even without its chairm ans encouragement. One

    thinks of how the atheist secular Left allies w ith advocates of Islamic jihad in their comm on hatred against

    western dem ocracy. But it is even deeper. DFN has i ts head office in Owestry, Shropshire. This is the s ame

    headquarters as hardcore Christian fundamentalist outfit, Operation Mobilisa tion. Moses Parmar belongs to the

    Indian branch of OM.

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    Swan Song of the Dying Church

    In 2007 I heard Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries speak on how the

    Church of England was losing 1000 m embers a week. Prasch is

    leader of one of the many dynamic small churches which are actually

    growing, although this i s in fact a temporary blip. Much of the church

    growth in England is due to imm igration by African believers, mostly

    Nigerian, Chinese converts whose own culture was des troyed by

    Mao, or for basic fiscal reasons. Following free market policies of

    reigning in s pending and providing generous tax cuts to the

    overclass, New Labour and the current coalition see it as feasibleto let the voluntary sector pick up the slack as s ocietys m ost

    vulnerable are left on the demographic slag heap and cycle of endless poverty and debt. Here the churches s ee

    rich pickings as they provide child care, counse ling and food parcels.

    The majestic cathedrals with their gothic architecture echo an established church that dominated peoples lives.

    No longer. The sm all churches with their social input seem m ore relevant. But are they? As Lord Acton famous ly

    said, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts abs olutely. Their community input relies heavily on getting

    converts to show the truth of their mess age, but also on regula r donations.

    Having witnessed the speech by American evangelis t Morris Cerrullo on his visit to

    England las t year, I was struck at how at least 70% of the service was as king people

    to hand over cash, cheques and credit card details in order to receive miracle cures

    and bless ings, as well as book hotel rooms in Earls Court. It is eas y to see how

    Cerrullo can afford a mansion and a gold pl ated private jet with midles s sheep such

    as this.

    The whole caste debate has needed mindless sheep. Churches and Christian

    groups need to show their relevance even as s ecularisation sweeps all before it.

    Ideas once held s acrosanct are mocked and s een at best as quaint, more often dangerous superstition. Scratch

    the surface of any anti-caste group and you will find hardcore Chris tain involvement even while it is denied.

    Eugene Culas to his credit invited me to two events. One was the VODI meeting in

    Southall where one o f his own staff took great exception to me saying that inequality

    was found in the Bible. Indeed he dem anded I put the Bible away and shrank into a

    morbid s ulk when I refused. Dear reader, look at these double s tandards. VODI and

    others can attack Manusmirti, Vedas and m uch else. But a Hindu cannot look

    critically at the Bible. Is this not double-s tandards? Is it not censors hip? Is this not a

    sinis ter echo of how the Vatican used to ban books ? Or how the Inquisition used to

    burn people at the stake for daring to read them?

    The next event was run by CARJ, the Catholic Ass ociation for Racial Jus tice. Here

    Rosie Bidwai said that the Catholic Church was very concerned for Dalits and Rom a

    Gypsies . That was a bit of a sick joke considering that for 500 years these very same

    Gypsies have been slaughtered, persecuted and ens laved by churches throughout

    Europe. Not to be outdone Bishop John Broadhurst castigated caste as be ing worse

    than Nazism, which again is a bit ironic when one realis es that a large proportion of Nazis were devout Catholics

    and the Pope was an avid admirer of Nazism and fascism. Indeed the Vatican helped Nazi war criminals escape

    to Latin America.

    As the only Hindu speaker at the CARJ event I was allowed to speak but

    only after hours of anti-Hindu speeches and having the nauseating sight

    of watching Broadhurst slouched in his chair like some giant mutant

    slug. When this vile bigot then designed to even open his mouth it was

    to obliquely attack the fact that a Hindu could even have a point of view.

    Any doubts that the spi rit of Francis Xavier was something relegated to

    the past were soon dis pelled.

    CARJ is ofcourse far from unique. CSW (Christian Solidarity

    Worldwide) has been attacking Hindus for years in its claim to champion Dali t rights. A splinter from this right-

    wing hate group is the Pipe Village Trust run by Rev Michael Laws on, whose video Indias Hidden Slavery

    references dis turbing remarks on the Aryan race. Now again a ll these efforts are convert Dalits to become

    mem bers of a faith which is undergoing steep decline in what was once its heartland. Instead people in

    developed countries are turning to individual sp iritual developmen t through mechanism s such as yoga. This does

    not bode well for followers of an angry jealous m ale god who once dom inated.

    Hence their desperation to latch onto issues of social relevance. Indian

    spiritualty, ancient and noble, is s een as the biggest threat. Hence the

    eagerness to use cas te as the weapon of last resort, while keeping the

    churchs historic support for slavery, pogroms, colonialism and racism

    under the carpet. In this they are joined by academics from India, Stalinist

    to the hilt, suckled on the warped ideas of Karl Marx and Len in. Yet they

    arrive in Britain, their midnless rants against neo-imperialism

    notwithstanding, and start the desification of academia.

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    Here they see cas te as part of the Marxist class s truggle, which it never

    was, conveniently ignoring that the Berlin Wall no l onger exists, China

    suffers mass pollution and North Korea is s tarving itself to death. But not

    matter, communism offers the equality which Hinduism cannot. The fact

    that this equality usua lly involves being a s lave in the logai where China

    manufactures the cheap consumer goods s o much in demand in the

    imperialis t west does not bother them one iota. It is the theory that

    counts, much li ke it is the revelation which counts to the very Christian

    fundamentalists they usua lly hate but when it comes to Hindus they join

    together in an unholy axis.

    Hindu Councils and Forums

    In his visit to the UK, Moses Parmar warned of cas te Hindus

    promoting Hindu supremacy in the country. Did Mr Parmar see this

    along with mermaids and unicorns? Hindu groups are constantly

    castigated for ignoring the iss ue of caste. They are blamed for

    ignoring the obvious data. But how obvious is it? From the information

    gathered there is certainly caste discrimina tion. But where does it take

    place? What are its sources?

    On Brit Asia TVs Broken Silence Davinder Prasad went on with a

    straight face and said the problem was Manusm irti. So let us get this

    straight. Hindus read Manusmirti and then go and practise caste

    discrim ination? So if we change or get rid of this vile book, that will

    stop caste discrimination? Is Mr Prasad s erious? Evidently an educated man he is nevertheless wors e than a

    misguided idealist.

    In the House of Lords Inderjit Singh sa id Hinduism had to get rid of

    caste jus t like his own faith had done. But a cursory look at instances of

    caste discrim ination indicate that it is actually worse am ong Sikhs.

    Those from castes variously called Chamar, Chuhra and Ravidassia

    constantly complain of harass ment, bullying and discrimi nation by Jatts.

    The examples are in fact not just disturbing but too comm on to merely

    dism iss out of hand. But we need to ask ourselves just what does this

    have to do with Brahmans , Vedas and Manusmirti?

    In fact what does it have to do with Hindus? But that misunderstands

    the evil genius of caste dis course. Just like modern Poland s uffers from

    rampant anti-Semitism without Jews, and Oregon has his torically been

    racist towards blacks despite only ever having a minor African-American pres ence, caste debate blames Hindus

    even when it is rampant am ong non-Hindus. Lord Singh also revamped the myth of an Aryan race, yet all in the

    name o f tolerance. Here we have a debate in the House of Lords by anti-Hindu fanatics who argue that casteism

    is racis m yet revive ideas that one thought would have died with the Nuremberg Trials.

    As to Hindus groups they are actually guilty of not

    confronting the issue of caste. Indeed they do not

    confront issues of much impo rtance at all. That is

    why the Hindu lobby is no t just a m yth, but a sad

    joke, a contrad iction in term s.

    HHRwas formed because Hindu organisations

    did not want to look at issues of Hindu

    persecution. So they are hardly going to want to

    look at an issue as inconvenient as caste.

    Ironically this is where groups such as the VHP

    and Castewatch find common ground. How?

    It was in Coventry University 13 years ago that former NHSF president Manoj Ladwa was approaching the

    disaffected attendees that was to from the core of HHR. On realis ing that we were com plaining about the fact that

    this event was not addressing Hindu iss ues he veered off and walked away. No money to be made here. No

    prestige, no s limy hero-worship . It was a different story 5 years later when Ladwa teamed up with Cons ervative

    MP Shailesh Vara to impress upon me for HHR to give up its work as they were not a powerful group and in any

    case the Hindu vote in Britain was ins ignificant.

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    So what exactly was Ladwa a former activist in Labour Friends of India (LFIN) doing

    with the Tory Partys token brown face? Why did Ladwa fully agree that Hindus were

    politically irrelevant when he has been active within BJP, VHP and RSS? LFIN was

    wound up as its Hindu members were using it to make business contacts and

    comm ercial deals , all very lucrative.That is the key. It is never about hum an rights.

    It is not even for a Hindu lobby much feared by Moses Parmar of the All India Christian

    Council. It is about having contact with officialdom and m aking as much m oney as

    poss ible, especially if that means being aloof from the toiling proletariat.

    This desification of British politics where state patronage is all powerful and leads to

    special favours is what drives this m uch feared Hindu lobby. This is the comm on

    ground with Hindu groups and their detractors find themselves. Fighting over scraps

    of decreasing s tate handouts. Hence they are also united in their determination to

    crush the truth. The main dividing line is this. Davinder Prasad and Eugene Culas have at least invited HHR to

    Castewatch and VODI meetings, respectively. By contrast Has mukh Shah who leads the VHP, which ultimately

    leads NHSF, has banned HHR from speaking on all university and college campuses to Hindu students.

    Desi fication m eans loyalty to the group, blind obedience. A persons quality is of no im portance. That is even the

    case where it is to the detriment of the comm unity itself.

    A Fistful of State Handouts

    Davinder Prasad went to NHSF (National Hindu Students Forum) to ask them to

    confront the thorny issue of caste. If he had known exactly what he was walking into

    he would have realised i t would have been better off staying in Coventry and

    organis ing another anti-Hindu hate rally by Castewatch. NHSF has long been

    obsess ed with ignoring issues of importance.

    One has to feel rather sorry for Mr Prasad of Castewatch as he walked i nto the

    Twilight Zone of NHSF, a nightmare world rem iniscent of the Stepford Wives

    wearing frilly dresses and fuss ing over the latest recipe for cake. The only time this

    changes i s when m oney and fame are on the table.

    HHR was formed after the NHSF annual conference in Coventry, 2000. Discuss ions on the rape, mass acre and

    forcible conversion of Hindus were censored in favour of discuss ing student fees. In fact any political discussion

    was s tamped on. NHSF, VHP, Hindu Council and Hindu Forum may in theory stand at polar opposites to

    Castewatch, DSN, VODI, ACDA and DFN. But they are united by far more than what divides them.

    What matters here is not talent, intelligence or

    initiative, but loyalty to the tribe . Blind loyalty,

    mindles s sheep, the creation of automatons. This

    is neces sary when one realises that their efforts

    are not to server the community but to get lucrative

    state and other handouts in orde r to show their

    relevance. This m ay be research on cas te

    discrim ination. But always it is with getting that

    much vaunted knighthood.

    Follow the money. Instead of corporations

    becoming s ocially conscious, charities have actually become com mercially minded. The line between altruism

    and Ayn Rands virtue of selfishness is alm ost non-existent. This is exactly what we are facing with the caste

    debate. Whether its conversion where Michael Laws on and his DFN collaborators argue for jus t 15 a month to

    help Dalits, one by one as narrator and Christian fundamentalis t Anjali Guptara pleads. Or if its donations to

    Hindu Council, which repres ents nobody but itself, and with the sp lits in its own ranks, even that is on shaky


    But why work when you can get free cash and fame for some

    unstipulated comm unity work? Hindu Council received huge

    sum s o f cash from the s tate. And for what? Yet it still ran ou t of

    funds. What we have now is government money being offered so

    that research can be done into cas te.

    It is not about truth. It is about getting paid to sit around and

    produce obscure s tudies that have scant social relevance but

    which allows social parasites to exhibit their self-importance. If

    people yearn for Caesars and Bonepartes then they will arise to lead mindles s sheep who s imply find it too hard

    to think fro thems elves.

    Atlas Cas te

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    In Wall Street 2, Gordon Gecko, now released from

    prison, remarks that while he once said greed is good it

    was now legal. The former remark was said in Wall Street

    and epitomised selfish yuppies of Eighties Britain just as

    Harry Enfields Loadsamoney s tereotyped Ess ex Man,

    waving wads of cash as he boasted about how well he

    had done under Thatcher.

    The virtue of selfishness may have been given its pseudo-

    philosophical embel lishm ent by Americas Ayn Rand but

    its entry into the mains tream was already happening. Social breakdown and dysfunction acted as m idwife to the

    birth of surrogate fam ily structures, the gang. In this it could be pos tcode, area, ethnicity, faith and even cas te. A

    society which valued individual choice and freedom ironically led to the individual becoming atomis ed and subj ect

    to a wider collective of state, mighty corporations with their spons orship and advertising reach, and interest

    groups. How to get ahead? How to be som eone of importance?

    How to make a lucrative living with the leas t amount of work? In a s ociety saturated

    with narcissism and constantly bombarded with a monstrous media, intelligence

    and deep thought is replaced by soundbites and a throwaway microwave culture.

    With the constant emphas is on outward aggres sion the idea of an inward journey

    seems odd and laughable. That is because it is also threatening.

    In 1999 veteran Afro-Caribbean British journalis t Darcis Howe travelled the length

    and breadth of the country to ask what it meant to be British. As he queued to get

    into the comedy club of the late Bernard Manning, Howe thought of how if he was

    refused entry to the club (Manning was notorious for jokes attacking Asians andblacks), he could take legal action and be several thousand pounds richer. After all

    this would have breached the Racial Discrim ination Act. As it was Howe was

    allowed entry and sat in the audience, even having a good humoured banter with

    Manning after the show. Now the ques tion we should as k with the inclusion of caste in the Equal ity Act, is that can

    people claim caste discrimination anywhere?

    What is someone walked into a Guru Ravidass ia temple and s aid they were Brahmin? Would they be asked to

    leave? Would they get forcibly evicted? If so could legal action be taken agains t the holy premises .

    Unlike race the identity of caste is much harder to prove. In multiracial Britain even

    race is becoming a bit amorphous. How many people know that Boris Johnson is of

    Turkish des cent? Or that Cliff Richard is Anglo-Indian? Probably less than know that

    Russ ian writer Pushkin had Ethiopian ancestry. How will caste discrimination be

    proven? That ignores the inconvenient fact of how this whole dram a will play out.

    Niall Ferguson said las t year that we are no longer subject to the rule of law, but the

    rule of lawyers.

    Here a nice killing is to be made from bringi ng cases of caste discrimination, every

    bit as infectious as persona l injury claims have been. Those that avert their gaze

    from this ignore the virtue of selfishness that has become m ainstream. Once caste

    is in cluded what will the anti-caste lobby do? They need to justify their existence.

    That means justifying s tate handouts. Here the anti-caste lobby will vie with each other for that shrinking pot of

    state funding in a fight to the death. A sad epitaph indeed for those that began the s truggle for equal rights wi th

    such idealism.

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