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‘Enola Gay’ and its crew who dropped the ‘Little Boy’ atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945

Commander A.F. Birch numbering the bomb codenamed ‘Little Boy’ unit L-11, before loading it ona trailer prior to it being loaded aboard the B-29 bomber ‘Enola Gay’, at Tinian Island in the MarianasIslands in 1945. Physicist Dr. Norman Ramsey stands at right - he would later go on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1989.

‘Little Boy’ unit rests on a trailer cradle in a pit below the open bomb bay doors of the B-29 bomber ‘Enola Gay’

Detail from a U.S. Air Force map with pre-bombing circles radiating out from ground zero, the site directly under the explosion

Shortly after 8:15 am, August 6, 1945, looking back at the growing ‘mushroom’ cloud above Hiroshima

Looking down on the rising smoke from the atomic explosion above the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945

A View of ground zero in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945

A bridge across the Ota river. Note where roadway is burned and the ghostly shadowimprints left where the surface was shielded by cement pillars

Bomb damage to Okita Iron Works

Twisted iron girders are all that remain of this theatre building located about 800 meters from ground zero.

The Hiroshima Fire Department lost its only ladder truck when its West Side main fire station was destroyed by the blast and fire of the atomic bomb

Aerial view of Hiroshima in 1945. The Atom Bomb Dome is visible at top centre

A ‘shadow’ of a hand valve wheel on the painted wall of a gas storage tank after the atomicbombing. Radiant heat instantly burned paint where the heat rays were not obstructed.

Atomic bomb damage. Note how the sidewalk has been pushed up, and a drain pipe has punched through the bridge. Scientists say this phenomenon is due to a vacuum created by pressure of the atomic blast

A Japanese soldier walks through a levelled area in August 1945

Members of the U.S. Army examine the area around ground zero in Hiroshima

A victim who was about 6,500 feet from ground zero when the rays struck him from the left. His cap was sufficient to protect the top of his head against flash burns.

A victim of the bombing lies in a makeshift hospital located in one of the remaining buildings in August 1945

Visitors view a panorama showing the aftermath of the atomic bomb attack, at a museum at theHiroshima Peace Memorial Park on August 6, 2009.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial on August 6, 2009

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

The Peace Flame for the atomic bomb victims at the Memorial Cenotaph at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.The flame has burned continuously since it was lit on August 1, 1964. It symbolizes the anti-nuclear resolve to burn theflame "until the day when all such weapons shall have disappeared from the earth."

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