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Page 1: His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned as the new head of the UGCC · 2017-05-25 · His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned as the new head of the UGCC (Continued on next page) On Sunday

VOL. 72 - No. 7 APRIL 10, 2011 ENGLISH VERSION

Official Publication of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia

His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned asthe new head of the UGCC

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On Sunday of theVeneration of the HolyCross, 27 March, the newhead of the UGCC, MajorArchbishop of Kyiv-Halych,His Beatitude SviatoslavShevchuk was enthroned.His Beatitude Sviatoslavwas elected by theElectoral Synod of Bishopsof the UGCC on 23March and his choice wasconfirmed by the HolyFather on 25 March.

The enthronementceremony of the newHead of the UGCC beganwith the cross walk fromthe church of theAnnunciation to the mainCathedral of the GreekCatholics - the PatriarchalSobor of the Resurrection,located on the left bankof Kyiv.

350 priests, who came tothe enthronement of the

new Head of the UGCCfrom all eparchies andexarchates of the Church,led the solemn processionfollowed by the hierarchs,metropolitans and bishops.About 60 bishops from theUGCC and other EasternCatholic Churches as wellas representatives of theHoly See and EuropeanBishops’ Conference,hierarchs of the RomanCatholic Church in Ukraine

and the OrthodoxChurches of Kyivantradition, members of theAll-Ukrainian Council ofchurches and religiousorganizations came topart ic ipate in theenthronement ceremony.

The enthronementceremony of the newHead of the UGCC in the

Photo: UGCC Information Department

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2April 10, 2011

His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned asthe new head of the UGCC

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Patriarchal Cathedral ofthe Resurrection of Christbegan with theproclamation of thedecision of the UGCCSynod of Bishops,announced by Synod’sSecretary Most Rev.Bohdan (Dzyurakh), aboutthe election of Most Rev.Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) asthe Head of the UGCC.After that, the newlyelected Head of the UGCCstepped on theHierarchical Ambon andduring proclamation of“AXIOS!” he receivedinsignia of the Head of theChurch. An omoforion tothe Primate of the Churchwas presented byMetropolitan of Peremyshl-Warsaw- Ivan (Martyniak),a panagia and anenkolpion were presentedby Metropoli tan ofPhiladelphia - Stefan(Soroka), and Metropolitan

of Winnipeg, Lawrence(Huculiak), presented hima miter . Patriarchal rod,a symbol of acceptanceof the new authority andnew powers, waspresented to the new Headof the Church byArchbishop of Lviv Igor(Voznyak), who until theenthronement had actedas the UGCCA d m i n i s t r a t o r .

His Primate ministry MostRev. Sviatoslav began theprayer of entrance onthrone, after which acombined choir of KyivArcheparchy performed aPrayer for the Patriarchintroduced in times ofPatriarch Josyf (Slipyj).The rite of sitting on thethrone, a central liturgicalmoment of theenthronement according tothe Byzantine tradition,was performed by

Metropolitan of Peremyshl-Warsaw Ivan (Martyniak),Metropoli tan ofPhi ladelphia Stefan(Soroka), Metropolitan ofWinnipeg Lawrence(Hucul iak) , Apostol icExarch for the Ukrainiansin France, Benelux andSwitzerland BishopMichael (Hrynchyshyn),Eparch of Sambir-Drohobych Bishop Julian(Voronovskyj) and Bishop-

emeritus of StamfordEparchy Most Rev. Basil(Losten).

Once the mostdistinguished hierarchs ofthe Church put HisBeatitude Sviatoslav threetimes on the throne, thenew Father and Head ofthe UGCC, MajorArchbishop of Kyiv-Halych,

Photo: Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka and Bishop-emeritus Basil Lostenput His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the throne. (Photos: UGCC Information Department)

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(Photo: UGCC Information Department)

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3April 10, 2011

Metropolitan of Kyiv andBishop of Kamianets-Podilsky delivered his firstenthronement sermon.

“Today we, the heirs ofVolodymyr’s baptism,experience unity andcontinuity with our historyand tradition and inherita precious heritage of ourgreat predecessors: theServant of GodMetropol i tan Andrey(Sheptytsky), PatriarchsJosyf, Myroslav Ivan andLubomyr. Today thesemen with a warm hand ofLubomyr bless us andmake this treasure alive,significant and enlighteningfor a modern Ukrainian.“Holiness of the unitedpeople of God” – this isand this wi l l be thedevelopment strategy of

His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned asthe new head of the UGCC

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our Church “- said HisBeatitude Sviatoslav in thefinal part of his firstpatriarch’s speech. He alsostressed out that theUGCC lives and acts asone body in the wholeworld, as the Church ofthe universal scale. TheUGCC is and it will be thesoul of the Ukrainianpeople, in order to sanctifyit, to open its heart tobrothers and neighbors, topreserve our nation aspeople of God and to leadit to salvation and eternallife.

Following the solemnLiturgy of St. Basil theGreat, the honored guestsgave a congratulatingspeech for the new Headof the Church as well asfor the UGCC faithful. His

Beatitude Svyatoslav, inreturn, thanked everybody.

”Spring has come! In thisSunday of the Venerationof the Holy Cross, we canactually feel a foretaste ofthe Resurrection and forthis reason I would like tosincerely thank all thosewho prayed for me andfor our Church! “-

addressed the faithful andall people of good will thenew Primate of the UGCCthrough many cameras atthe end of the solemnprocession in thePatriarchal Cathedral ofthe Resurrection in Kyiv.

UGCC InformationDepartment


(Photo: www.ugcc.org.ua)

Photo of theAmerican Bishops withHis Beatitude Sviatoslav

shortly after he was electedMajor-Archbishop.

Photo (l to r): Bishop-emeritus Basil Losten,Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka,His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk,Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, BishopJohn Bura, and Bishop RichardSeminack.

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4April 10, 2011

Pope Benedict XVI greets new head ofUkrainian Greek Catholic Church

“With great joy I greet today His EminenceSviatoslav Shevchuk, the new MajorArchbishop of Kyiv-Halych, together with thebishops and faithful who accompany him. Iassure my constant prayer to the BlessedTrinity to bless you with gifts, to keep in peaceand love the dear Ukrainian people,” withthese words Pope Benedict XVI began hisgreetings to the faithful and the churchhierarchy during the general audience March30, 2011, Vatican Radio reports.

Adressing the new head of the UkrainianGreek Catholic Church personally, PopeBenedict said: “Your Eminence, the Lord called you to ministry and guidance of the noble church ofthe people, which over a thousand years ago was christened in Kyiv. I am sure that you, enlightenedby the Holy Spirit, will lead your church, carrying in her faith in Jesus Christ, according to your owntraditions and spirituality in communion with the Holy See, which is the hub of the visible unity, for whichmany sons and daughters did not spare even to give their lives. In these moments I recall our belovedbrother His Beatitude Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, distinguished Major Archbishop. With the protectionof the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God I pray for God’s blessing for you, your bishops, priests,monks and nuns and all the faithful.”

Together with the head of theUGCC today’s generalaudience was attended by thefollowing bishops: Ihor Voznyak,CSSR, Archbishop of Lviv,Lawrence Huculak, OSBM,Metropolitan of Winnipeg(Canada), Stefan Soroka,Metropolitan of Philadelphia(USA), Bogdan Dzyurakh, CSSR,Secretary of the Synod ofBishops, David Motiuk, Bishopof Edmonton (Canada),Volodymyr Viytyshyn, Bishop ofIvano-Frankisk, KenNowakowski, Bishop of New

Westminster (Canada), Vasyl Semeniuk, Bishop of Ternopil. Together with numerous representatives ofreligious communities were Father Basil Koubetch, Protoarhymandryt Basilian Order of St. Josaphatand SisterJanice Soluk, General Superior of Sisters of Mary Immaculate, as well as diocesan priests,seminarians and lay people. (http://risu.org.ua)

(Photo: www.ugcc.org.ua)

(Photo: www.ugcc.org.ua)

Page 5: His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned as the new head of the UGCC · 2017-05-25 · His Beatitude Sviatoslav enthroned as the new head of the UGCC (Continued on next page) On Sunday

Women’s Day 2011The 5th Archieparchial Women’s Day was held onMarch 26, 2011 and was attended by approximately130 people at the Cathedral Hall in Philadelphia, PA.The theme was “God’s Presence in the Seasonsof a Woman’s Life.”

The first speaker was Lada Pastushak, an up-and-coming business and community leader. She spokeon the Season of Spring. Lada said that Spring isa symbol of a new beginning, a new hope, anopportunity to put behind all hardships and misfortunesof the past year and start over again. She said thatEaster, the celebration of the Resurrection of OurLord, Jesus Christ, is the very symbol of a new beginning. Lada said, “You always go through the seasonsof Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, and they do continue again and again, but you always have to rememberthere is a Spring, there is a Summer, there is a Fall, and there is a Winter. Each season has its purpose andwith each season there comes responsibilities, whether it is an age that you see as a season or whether it isan event that you have gone through that you see as a season.”

The second speaker was Christine Hayda, who among many accomplishments, has facilitated retreats andworkshops with faith based communities. Christine spoke about the Season of Summer and building asummer garden as an analogy for building individual relationships with people and with God. If you go on

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Lada Pastushak

5April 10, 2011

(Photos: Teresa Siwak)

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6April 10, 2011

vacation for a week or two during the hot summer months,and you only have “annual” flowers planted in your garden,when you come from vacation, you will find the flowerswilted and the tomato vines dried up because you weren’tthere to care for them. However, if you plant “perennial”flowers, once they are planted and established, they needvery little attention and nurturing in order to bring years ofbeauty. They come back year after year. You can go onsummer vacation and they will be there when you comeback, they remain loyal.

In this analogy, the annual plants are those we encounterin a very short period of time, those who we see and give

a dollar or a cup of coffee. Perennial plantsare relationships with family, friends andcolleges, people whose needs we tend towithout a doubt. How does a woman hearGod in her busy and hectic world? Christinesaid, “To hear God in her hectic world, sheneeds to plant annuals and perennials so shewill have a life that is eternal. She needs tofoster individual relationship with people sothat she can have an individual relationshipwith God.” We need the stability of theperennials and the beauty of the annual plantsthat offer variety to our garden. “Throughour love for one another we feel God’spresence and we hear His voice.” Christine

encouraged every woman present atWoman’s Day that it is not too late to plant,it is not too late to engage in a spiritualpractice that will help you realize God ispresent. Simple prayer is the beginning (theseedling), doing a good deed may be thenext step (the fertilization), and repeating thisturns into nurturing, and this journey preparesus “for our eternal season in heaven.”

The third speaker was Dr. Zenia Chernyk,a nephrologist, who spoke on the Seasonof Fall. Dr. Chernyk said, “When we talkabout this stage of life, we think of sitting ina rocking chair reflecting on life. We reflecton wonderful and happy memories but

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Christine Hayda

Small GroupDiscussion

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7April 10, 2011

unfortunately on grim and difficult moments.” Typically we turn toGod when life is tough, when there are difficulties, and wewonder if God hears us, if He is listening, and if nothing happensright away, we wonder if He deserted us. Dr. Chernyk recalledthe poem, “Footprints” where an unknown author spoke of howhe walked along the beach with the Lord and saw two sets offootprints, one was his, and one was the Lords. In times ofdifficulty, he noticed one set of footprints in the sand, and theLord said in those difficult times, I did not desert you; it was thenthat I carried you.

Dr. Chernyk shared a personal experience of how she comfortedher brother at an early age, and how she went on in life trying

to comfort people. Dr. Chernyk said, “It gives such an enormous satisfaction when you can help somebody.”She credits these early childhood experiences into her becoming a physician. Dr. Chernyk says she prays forguidance, and she is sure we do too. Dr. Chernyk said, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths wetake, but it is measured by the number of moments that take our breath away.”

Women’s Day was also filled with small group discussions, singingof songs led by Susan Roncoroni, and an anointing service. Youjust had to be there to experience it all! One of the women whoattended Women’s Day told me that this year’s Woman’s Daywas the best!

The next Women’s Day will be in 2013, join us and invite a friend!

Teresa Siwak, "The Way"

Women’s Day 2011(continued from previous page)

Videos from Women’s Day areposted on our blog at


Dr. Zenia Chernyk

Susan Roncoroni

Women's Day Participants from Perth Amboy, NJ. Blessing by Fr. Robert Hitchens.

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8April 10, 2011

Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan Soroka willhold Holy Thursday Service at Assumption

Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ.

Pontifical Liturgy with Vesper, Chrism Blessing andWashing of Feet of 12 Priests,

Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.

This solemn ceremony is the commemoration of Jesuswashing the feet of his 12 disciples, just before his betrayal

and crucifixion.

All are invited. The Assumption Church is located at684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ. 732-826-0767 or www.assumptioncatholicchurch.net


Holy Thursday, April 21

6:30 p.m. CATHEDRAL. Matins of the Passion (12 Gospels) “Strasti”(UKR/ENG)

Good Friday, April 224:00 p.m. CATHEDRAL. Vespers, Procession,

Entombment of Jesus Christ (UKR/ENG)Shroud of Turin exposition.

Holy Saturday, April 231:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter Food - CATHEDRAL HALL

Confession – CATHEDRAL. Shroud of Turin exposition.3:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter Food - CATHEDRAL HALL

Confession – CATHEDRAL. Shroud of Turin exposition.5:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter Food - CATHEDRAL HALL

Confession – CATHEDRAL. Shroud of Turin exposition.5.30 p.m. CATHEDRAL. Service at the Grave. Nadhrobne. (UKR/ENG)

Easter Sunday, April 248:00 a.m. CATHEDRAL. Procession, Resurrection Matins

9:00 a.m. CATHEDRAL. Hierarchical Easter Divine Liturgy (UKR) Blessing of Easter Food - in Church.

11:30 a.m. CATHEDRAL. Easter Divine Liturgy (ENG)

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9April 10, 2011

Pastoral Message from theUkrainian Catholic and the Ukrainian Orthodox Hierarchs

of United States of America and Canada

25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy

Twenty-five yearsago, in the early morninghours of Saturday, April26, 1986, the residents ofPrypiat, a large town andadministrat ive centrelocated on the river of thesame name, one of themany tributaries along theupper reaches of themighty Dnipro north of theUkrainian capital, Kyiv,were awakened from theirsleep by an event thatwould change their livesforever. This event was ofsuch immense proportions,that its devastating effectsspread far beyond thelimits of the city and evenof Ukraine itself, andindeed, they are still beingfelt today.

At precisely 1:23am local time a hugeexplosion rocked ReactorNo. 4 of the nearbyChornobyl Nuclear PowerStation, splitting its wallsand sending a toxic plumeof radioactive fallout, 400times greater than thatemitted by the atomicbomb in Hiroshima, highinto the night sky.Although the Sovietauthori t ies ini t ial lyattempted to minimize themagnitude of the nuclearaccident and even denyits occurrence, the immensescale of the disasterbecame quickly evident to


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the entire world as the toxiccloud passed from Ukraineinto Russia, Belarus andeventually into Scandinaviaand Western Europe.

The economic,environmental and humancosts of the nuclear accidentin Chornobyl that night havebeen truly staggering. Manypeople living in the immediatevicinity of the power plantwere killed outright in theaftermath of the explosion.Many more sufferedagonizing deaths due toradiation sickness. Otherswere sickened with cancersand other illnesses directlylinked to excessive exposureto radiation. Children provedespecially vulnerable. It isestimated that in the 25 yearssince the catastrophe, over4,000 children in Ukraine,Belarus and Russia havebecome ill with thyroid cancer.Their numbers are st i l lgrowing.

The explosion andensuing radioact ivecontamination also forced theevacuation and eventualresettlement of 350,000people living in Chornobyland in 90 separatecommunit ies in thesurrounding area. TheChornobyl Exclusion Zone –an area almost 40 miles indiameter surrounding thecrippled power plant – is offlimits to human habitation and

wil l remain so forgenerations to comebecause of radioactivetoxins that havepoisoned the once richand productive soil.

A quartercentury on, thecatastrophe inChornobyl remains thelargest and mostdevastating nuclearaccident in history andhas r ight ly beendescribed as thetechnological disaster ofthe 20th century.

Recalling andreflecting upon thesesobering andsaddening facts on the25th anniversary of theChornobyl catastrophe,we can only lift up our

hearts in prayer to theAlmighty God and beg forHis continued mercy andcompassion as weremember those whosuffered indescribable painand loss.

We recall firstly, onthis solemn anniversary,the many innocent men,women and children whoperished in this tragedyand we pray for therepose of their souls. Weremember in particular thebrave and self lessfirefighters, who, in thehours and days followingthe explosion, knowinglyand willingly exposedthemselves to mortaldanger and almost certain

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25th Anniversary of Chornobyl Tragedy(continued from previous page)

death in order toextinguish the flames andconstruct and place thesarcophagus on thesmouldering ruins of thereactor. Of such menChrist speaks eloquentlywhen He declares:“Greater love has no onethan this, than to lay downone’s life for his friends.”(Jn. 15:13) We pray thatGod grant them eternalrest in a place ofeverlasting light wherethere is no pain, sorrowor mourning.

We also rememberand pray for those whosehealth was irrevocablydamaged by the radiationthat was released thatday, those who were takenill and are living withsickness to this day, andfor their families, and forthose whose lives were cutshort by premature death.We especially rememberthe children, most of whomwho were born after thecatastrophe itself, whosuffer physical andpsychological disabilitiestoday because ofChornobyl. We alsoremember and pray forthe many thousands ofpeople who were forced,by the noxious cloud ofradiation, to flee theirhomes and leave behindforever, everything thatwas familiar and loved bythem: the villages, houses,fields and farms where theyand generations before

them were born, lived,laboured and died. MayGod grant all who sufferHis peace, hope andconsolation.

And, in a specialway, we also rememberand pray for our belovedhomeland of Ukraine: sorich, generous andabundant, yet so oftenneglected, plundered, andabused over the centuriesby the men who ruled overher.

We read in theopening verses of HolyScripture in the Book ofGenesis that, after creatingAdam and Eve, God theFather blessed them andentrusted the earth andeverything that He hadcreated on it to them andtheir posterity saying: “Befruitful and multiply; fill theearth and subdue it, andhave dominion... overevery living thing thatmoves on the earth.”(Gen. 1:28) “Then Godsaw everything He hadmade, and indeed it wasvery good.” (Gen. 1:31)

As the summit ofGod’s creation, made inHis image and likeness,mankind was thus giventhe great privilege of beingstewards of God’screation, entrusted by Himwith the awesomeresponsibility of caring for,preserving and nurturingthe earth and all that Godhad deemed ‘very good’for all generations. Sadly

however, we know thatthrough his sinfulness,mankind time and timeagain throughout historyhas neglected the sacredduty of responsiblestewardship over the earthand has abused hisprivileged position inexchange for prestige,profit and personal gain,often desecrating anddestroying God’s creationin the process.

And so it was inChornobyl. The world nowknows that the nuclearaccident in Chornobyl,according to the findingsof the Nuclear SafetyAdvisory Group, wasentirely avoidable and canbe attr ibuted to “…adeficient safety culture, notonly at the Chornobylplant, but throughout theSoviet design, operatingand regulatoryorganizations… “ It wasthe morally bankrupt anddehumanizing Communistidealogy of the SovietUnion, and those that wereunfortunate slaves to it, thesystem that placed thefulfillment of 5-year plansbefore the good of thepeople, that are the truecauses of the nuclearcatastrophe in Chornobyl.

From the distanceof a quarter century wecan see, despite theincalculable death anddestruction caused byChornobyl, that somegood has come from it as

wel l . For one, thecatastrophe in Chornobylproved to be, in someways, the death knell ofthe Soviet Union. Theexplosion shook not onlythe nuclear power station,but the foundation of thegodless system that built itas well. The world cameto realize, perhaps asnever before, with whatutter duplicity and callousdisregard the Sovietleadership treated itscitizens. It is no surprisethat within a few years ofChornobyl the entire SovietEmpire had collapsed inruins.

In addition, overthe years many people,Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians alike, as well asorganizations from nationsthe world over have beenunited in their efforts to aidthe victims of Chornobylin whatever way they can,especially the innocentchildren. They are peoplewho live the reality that weall form one Body ofChrist, and that, as St. Paulsays: “If one membersuffers, all the memberssuffer with him…” (1Cor.12:26) We remember andpray for them as well, thatGod reward them for theirgood hearts and kinddeeds.

In conclusion, onthe solemn 25th

anniversary of the nuclear

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25th Anniversary ofChornobyl Tragedy

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catastrophe in Chornobyl, let us invoke the lovingprotection of the most holy Theotokos, Queenof Ukraine. May she shelter us with her Omophorand, through Her powerful intercession, maythose who perished find eternal repose, maythose who suffer find spiritual and physicalhealing, and may the land of Ukraine be renewedand blessed.

Given April, 2011.

+ConstantineMetropolitan of the Ukrainian OrthodoxChurch of the USA

+YurijMetropolitan of the Ukrainian OrthodoxChurch in Canada

+Archbishop Antony+Bishop Ilarion+Bishop Andriy+Bishop Daniel

+StefanMetropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Churchin the USA

+LawrenceMetropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Churchin Canada

+Bishop Richard+Bishop Stephen+Bishop Paul+Bishop David+Bishop Kenneth+Bishop Bryan+Bishop John

Shroud of Turin expositionis in Washington, DCuntil April 14, 2011.

Ukrainian CatholicNational Shrine

of the Holy Family

4250 Harewood Rd. NEWashington, DC 20017

Call 202-526-3737for more

information or toschedule a tour.

More information is available atwww.ucns-holyfamily.org

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1 2April 10, 2011

Hillside, NJ parish children visit Summit, NJ monastery andvenerate a 17th Century replica of the Shroud of Turin

Photo: Sister Maureen poses with the children fromImmaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church(Hillside, NJ) Religious Education Program.

Hillside, NJ – On Saturday, March 26, 2011, childrenfrom the Religious Education program at ImmaculateConception Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hillside,NJ visited the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosaryin Summit, NJ as part of their Lenten preparation.During this very special visit, the children, parishionersand Hillside pastor Father Joseph Szupa learnedabout the monastic life of the cloistered Dominicannuns of Summit and venerated a 17th century replicaof the Shroud of Turin.

After traveling 15 minutes through Union County,NJ from Hillside to Summit, the children wereimmediately impressed with the solemnity of themonastery. The children arrived just in time to listento the 3:00pm Office of Readings & None prayersheld in the chapel. Since the nuns are cloistered,the children could not see them praying or singing.Rather, the nuns prayed and sang, with aninstrumental harp, from behind a curtain. It was avery moving experience. Many of the children saidthat it reminded them of the nuns in the “Sound ofMusic”.

Only one of the nuns, Sister Maureen of the Eucharist,was allowed to meet with people from the “outsideworld”. Accordingly, her title is “Extern”.

Sister Maureen gave a history of the Summitmonastery and gave an “insider view” of monasticlife. The children asked many questions relating tothe typical day of a cloistered nun and how SisterMaureen was called to be a nun.

The children were very honored to venerate a 17thcentury replica of the Shroud of Turin that the nunshave kept in their Summit monastery since 1924.The replica was commissioned by the Duchess MariaMagdalena in April of 1624 and is called a TrueCopy.

Duchess Maria Magdalena presented this replica tothe Nuns of St. Catherine’s Monastery in Rome,Italy. The nuns in Rome venerated this replica foralmost 300 years before they presented it to the

Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of theRosary in Summit, NJ on April 6, 1924.

A very special aspect of this replica was that it waslaid upon the original Shroud of Turin for a significantlength of time. When this replica was removed fromthe original Shroud of Turin, the replica was damp atthe exact site that marked Jesus’ Wound in the Side.The dampness looked like blood and stained the replicain the wound site. In 1987, scientists from the STURP(Shroud of Turin Research Project) team confirmed thatthe stain was truly human blood and was of the sameblood type as on the original Shroud of Turin.

Pope Pius XI had granted rich indulgences for theveneration of the replica which resides in Summit.Thus, the children were truly blessed to be able tovenerate this holy replica – especially in preparationof the upcoming feast of Pascha.

As a sign of gratitude and honor, Fr. Joseph Szupaled the children and parishioners in singing a heartfelt“Mnohaya Lita” to Sister Maureen. Sister was trulyvery appreciative and impressed.

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1 3April 10, 2011

The Hillside, NJ parish Religious Education program is designed to allow children to obtain 15 years of Sundayreligious instruction from the age of 3 through senior year of high school. Through the guidance of sixinstructors, the children learn about their Catholic faith from an Eastern (Ukrainian Catholic) perspective whilealso understanding and respecting the Western (Roman Catholic) perspective.

Photos from other parish religious events geared towards children can be viewed on the parish website:www.byzcath.org/ImmaculateConception

Hillside, NJ parish children visit Summit, NJ monastery andvenerate a 17th Century replica of the Shroud of Turin

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Emilia Pelesz & NicholasShatynski , who bothrecently turned 3 years old,are excited to begin theirjourney of up to 15 yearsof religious education atthe Hillside, NJ parish.

The 17th century replica ofthe Shroud of Turin which iskept at the Dominican NunsMonastery of Our Lady ofthe Rosary in Summit, NJ.

Fr. Joseph Szupa, the children andparishioners ask Sister Maureen questionsabout the lives of cloistered nuns, themonastery’s history and the 17th centuryreplica of the Shroud of Turin.

Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him. “We are going up toJerusalem,” he said, “and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers ofthe law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him andspit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.” Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee,came to him. “Teacher,” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask.” “What do you want meto do for you?” he asked. They replied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in yourglory.” “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptizedwith the baptism I am baptized with?” “We can,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “You will drink thecup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, but to sit at my right or left is not forme to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.” When the ten heard aboutthis, they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them together and said, “You know thatthose who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authorityover them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk. 10, 32-45)


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1 4April 10, 2011


James and John, the Sonsof Zebedee ask Jesus forthe two seats of honorwhen Jesus comes into Hisglory. In the culture of thatday, sitting didn’t just meana physical posture, but itcould also be used as aterm of ruling. So sittingnear someone didn’t justmean that they were tobe physically close to Jesus,but that they were to havea large share of the honorand authority that Jesushad. Basically James andJohn were asking to benumber one and two inJesus kingdom.

Their request demonstratesthat they didn’tunderstand. In fact, Jesussaid to them, “You do notknow what you areasking.” The fact is thatmost people don’t knowwhat these brothers wererequesting.

Perhaps the biggestproblem we haveunderstanding thebrothers’ request is in thatword “glory.” Glory bringsto mind things like God’spresence as a fiery cloudand smoky pillar leadingIsrael through thewilderness. We think ofMount Sinai shaking insmoke and terrifying theIsraelites. We think ofJesus on the Mount ofTransfiguration as heglowed with His own self-

generated l ight. Weremember the glory ofGod as the angelsannounced Jesus’ birth.We may also rememberJesus walking on thewater, stilling the storm,healing the sick andinjured, raising the dead,and so forth. All thesethings are demonstrationsof the glory of Jesus’ powerand authori ty. WhenJames and John madetheir request, they werethinking about these signsof Jesus’ glory.

There is much more toJesus’ glory than powerand authori ty. WhenJohn’s fai th andunderstanding maturedunder the guidance of theHoly Spirit, He would write,[John 12:16] “His disciplesdid not understand thesethings at first, but whenJesus was glorified, thenthey remembered thatthese things had beenwritten about him and hadbeen done to him.” Whatdoes the word glorifiedmean in that verse? Whatdoes the word glorifiedmean when [John 12:23]Jesus answered them; “Thehour has come for the Sonof Man to be glorified.Truly, truly, I say to you,unless a grain of wheatfalls into the earth anddies, it remains alone; butif it dies, it bears muchfrui t .”? Jesus had a

conversation with Peterafter the resurrection inwhich He told Peter abouthis death and Johnexplained it in this way:[John 21:19] “This he saidto show by what kind ofdeath [Peter] was to glorifyGod. What does the wordglorify mean there?

Jesus’ glory does not justrefer to His power andauthority. It also refers toHis victory on the cross.When we look at theshame of the cross, we seethe glory of our savior asHe wins salvation for us.As Jesus was walking theroad to Jerusalem with Hisdisciples, He began to tellthem what was to happento him. He was telling themhow He would bring gloryto God by earningsalvation for us with His

suffering, death, andresurrection.

Jesus had just beenexplaining the glory of thecross when James andJohn came to Him. Theysaid to Jesus, “Grant usto sit, one at your righthand and one at your left,in your glory.” Since Jesushad just been talkingabout the glory of the cross,James and John wereasking to be crucified, oneon Jesus’ right and theother on Jesus’ left. Nowonder Jesus said to them,“You do not know whatyou are asking.” Theydemonstrated that they didnot understand.

We are like James andJohn. We think glory is all

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1 5April 10, 2011

about power, authority,and control. We want thatkind of glory. We want tobe important. We wanthonor. We want to benumber one. We want tobe the center of attention.We are greedy and self-centered. Jesus tells us thatthe truly great are thosewho serve, but we are notinterested in serving. Jesustells us that the leadershould take up thevocation of slave, but weare not interested in beingslaves. We aren’tinterested in doing thingsJesus’ way. We want ourway. We want what wewant when we want it. Wewant and we demand.Jesus must tell us what Hetold James and John,“You do not know whatyou are asking.”

James and Johnunknowingly asked forcrucifixion with Jesus. Ourself-centered attitude earnsus something much worsethan a reservation on across. It earns us eternalpunishment in hell wherethere is no sense of God’spresence. A person can benumber one in hel lbecause, in spite of thefact that many will sufferin hell, each of them willexperience hell in the uttertorment of total loneliness.The loneliness of hell will

FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE GREAT LENT(continued from previous page)

allow every tormented soulin that place to be numberone, for they will sense noone but themselves.

Fortunately for James andJohn, and you and me,Jesus does not have aproblem with His role asservant and slave. Even asJesus set the standard forus He also kept thatstandard. He continued toteach His disciples in spiteof their stubbornness andHe said, “The Son of Mancame not to be served butto serve, and to give hislife as a ransom for many.”Even though we don’tserve as we should - eventhough we don’t adopt therole of slave as Jesuscommands, Jesus stillbecame the perfectservant for us. [Philippians2:8] He humbled himselfby becoming obedient tothe point of death, evendeath on a cross.

In Jesus Christ we see theglory of victory in theagony of the cross.[Hebrews 2:9] We seehim who for a little whilewas made lower than theangels, namely Jesus,crowned with glory andhonor because of thesuffering of death, so thatby the grace of God hemight taste death foreveryone.

Jesus Christ confirmed thatvictory when He rose fromthe dead just as He hadsaid. In His resurrection,He certified His perfectservice - His role as perfectslave in order to offer usperfect salvation. He nowoffers us forgiveness whendo not offer ourselves asservants and slaves. Heoffers us forgiveness forseeking our own glory,power, and pride. Heoffers us the salvation thatHe earned with Hisglorious victory on thecross.

We, like James and John,want glory for ourselves.We want popularity, fame,power, security, and all the

other things that serve ourown self-interest. This isone more symptom of thesin that is around us andin us while we live in thisworld.

Jesus came for a differentkind of glory. He came torescue us from this worldof sin by submitting todeath on a cross. He hasa special honor and glorybecause of the sufferingof that death and Herevealed that honor andglory with His resurrectionfrom that death. Now Heoffers salvation to usthrough the Holy Spirit’sgift of faith for He hasgiven His life as a ransomfor many.

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1 6April 10, 2011

Come and Get to Know Your Clergy And Religious Men and Women!

Very Rev. Robert Hitchens

Rector of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary and co-pastor of Ukrainian Catholic

National Shrine of the Holy Family Washington, DC

The True Paycheck of Answering God’s Call

(part 2)

Regarding rewards of the priesthood, I was only able to scratch the surface of it in our last article, because the reward due of a good priest who wholly follows God and faithfully carries his cross is a reward that is shared. It is a reward of pure unconditional love and joy that knows no boundaries. Of course, the life of a priest is a difficult one. It is a life that is seen as countercultural, at odds with the modern world and often scorned for being archaic, hierarchical and anti-progress. It is not an easy life. Jesus himself warned others that the Son of Man himself has nowhere to lay down his head to rest; He himself was crucified for his preaching, and said that it would be no different for his followers. Yet blessed is he who would pick up His cross and follow Jesus gladly in his vocation. Yes, the life of a priest can be difficult, but then again what compares with the reward of bringing someone into the faith through Baptism, Chrismation and the Eucharist? What better reward is there for consecrating the life giving bread and wine? What can compare with that feeling of love of forgiving a sinner and giving him hope, or being present with the sick, suffering and bringing the Grace of God to the oppressed and despairing? It is an unconditional gift of love that no money can buy, and no man or woman can ever take away.

Rev. Paul J. Makar

Mosaic of Christ the Pantocrator, Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Philadelphia, PA

Perhaps you feel that God may be calling you to service in His Church?

If you would like to discuss God’s call to a

vocation in your life, do not hesitate to contact:

Rev. Paul J. Makar Director of Vocations

Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia 827 North Franklin Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123-2097

Phone: 1-215-627-0143 Fax: 1-215-627-0377

E-mail: [email protected]

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1 7April 10, 2011

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

1204 Valley Road, Melrose Park, PA 19027 Phone: (215) 635-1627 Fax: (215) 635-9203

[email protected] The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ukrainian Catholic Church is pleased to present a marriage preparation workshop, “Entering the Holy Mystery of Marriage”, to take place on Saturday, May 14, 2011 with a follow up session on Saturday, May 28, 2011. The program focuses on various aspects of marriage, both spiritual and practical, and provides each person an opportunity for greater understanding of one’s partner and a means to strengthen one’s relationship.

In addition to various presentations and exercises, each couple will be given the opportunity to take the Catholic version of a premarital questionnaire called FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study) which was developed by Sister B. Markey, Ph.D. and. M. Micheletto, from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha. The FOCCUS Inventory provides participants with a computer-generated profile of unique couple issues, challenges, strengths and realities to be discussed prior to marriage. The FOCCUS results for each couple involved will be presented to them by a Pastoral Counselor trained in the use of this tool in a subsequent 30 minute private session on May 28, 2011.

Each attending couple must commit to participating in all the sessions on May 14, 2011 as well as the 30 minute private meeting on May 28, 2011 in order to receive the certificate of completing the program. No exception will be made.

The workshop will be held at: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church 1204 Valley Road Melrose Park, PA 19027

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Ihor Royik The total cost per couple will be $120 which includes materials, lunch and refreshments. Please make a check payable to”ABVM Ukrainian Catholic Church” ******************************************************************************

Please fill out this form and mail back as soon as possible to the above address! His name____________________________ Her name_________________________________

Address_____________________________ Address__________________________________

____________________________________ ________________________________________

Phone_______________________________ Phone___________________________________

e-mail_______________________________ e-mail___________________________________

Parish you belong to____________________________________________________________________

Date and place of marriage________________________________________________________

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1 8April 10, 2011

An unforgettable “Lenten Spiritual Program”at the church of Annunciation

Last Sunday on April 3rd, 2011 the parishioners of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary UkrainianCatholic Church in Melrose Park, PA had the pleasure of experiencing a beautiful spiritual programprepared by our own Father Ihor Royik, and Fathers Myron Myronyuk, Volodymyr Klanichka and RuslanRomanyuk.

During the program the priests focused their attention on prayers and the importance of repentancein our lives. Their program was interspersed with Lenten songs so harmoniously that it touched your spiritwith an understanding of the sacrifice Our Lord made. Their oral presentations were so moving that almosteveryone went to Confession after the program.

We would like to thank Fathers Ihor Royik, Myron Myronyuk, Volodymyr Klanichka and RuslanRomanyuk for such a wonderfully prepared spiritual program and may God bless them and their families.May the Blessed Virgin Mary look over them and bless them on their next and hopefully many moreprograms like this to come.

Parishioners of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary UkrainianCatholic Church, Melrose Park, PA

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1 9April 10, 2011

Did You Know…

1. The Charter for theProtection of Children andYoung People wasestablished by the USCCBin June 2002. It is acomprehensive set ofprocedures for addressingallegations of sexualabuse of minors byCatholic clergy.

2. The Charter for theProtection of Children andYoung People includesguidelines for

reconciliation, healing,accountabi l i ty, andprevention of future actsof abuse.

3. The Charter directsaction in all the followingmatters:

- Healing andreconciliation of victimsand survivors;

- Making prompt andeffective response toallegations;- Cooperating with civilauthorities;- Disciplining offenders;- Creating a safeenvironment for childrenand young people;- Providing for means ofaccountability for the futureto ensure the problemcontinues to be effectivelydealt with through anational Secretariat of

Child and Youth Protectionand a National ReviewBoard.

4. The Charter calls forannual audits of dioceses/eparchies to ascertaincompliance with theCharter by the bishop andhis diocese/eparchy.Annual Audits have beenconducted since 2003. Ofthe 195 dioceses/eparchies 188 participatedin the 2010 audit. Resultsof the audits are publishedand a copy is sent to theHoly See.

5. Safe Environmenttraining is taking place inall audited dioceses/eparchies of the country.Over 2 million employeesand volunteers have beentrained to recognize thebehavior of offenders andwhat to do about it.

6. Safe Environmenttraining was provided to162,026 educators;38,053 priests, 14,783deacons and 6,007candidates for ordinationto recognize the behaviorsof offenders and what todo about it.

7. Background evaluationshave been conducted onover 2 million volunteersand Church personnelwho have contact withchildren.

8. In 2010, 162,753educators, 37,891 priests,14,790 deacons and6,028 candidates forordination have had theirbackgrounds evaluated.

9. All audited dioceses/eparchies have Codes ofConduct spelling out whatis acceptable behavior.These codes serve to letpeople know whatbehaviors are and are notaccepted as well as whatbehavior can be expected.

10. All dioceses/eparchieshave Victim AssistanceCoordinators, assuringvictims that they will beheard. In 2010 dioceses/eparchies providedoutreach to 2,346 victim/survivors.11. Regardless of whenthe abuse occurred, acleric against whom thereis an establ ished oradmitted act of childsexual abuse ispermanently removedfrom the priesthood. Thereis no statute of limitationsfor removing a cleric whohas sexual abused a minorfrom public ministry in theCatholic Church.

12. Dioceses/eparchiesrequire intensivebackground screening aswell as psychologicaltesting for those wishingto enter the seminary. Auditfigures for 2010 report out

of 6,078 Candidates forOrdination 6,007 havebeen trained and 6,028have had a backgroundcheck.

13. Over 5,341,000children were given theskills to recognize both agrooming process and totell parents and othertrusted adults about suchbehavior.

14. Again in 2010, nodiocese or eparchyentered into confidentialitysettlements unless thevictim/survivors/survivorrequested it and it wasspecifically noted in theagreement.

15. Dioceses/eparchiesreport al legations ofsexual abuse of a minorto the civil authorities.

16. The Charter requiresthat all dioceses/eparchiesbe open and transparentregarding any and allcases of sexual abuse.Parishes affected by abuseare informed openly,honest ly andcompassionately ofallegations.

17. There is a bishoprepresentative from eachepiscopal region of theU.S. on the Committee on

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

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the Protection of Childrenand Young People.

18. The Secretariat ofChild and Youth Protectionhelps dioceses/eparchies/become and maintaincompliance with theCharter for the Protectionof Children and YoungPeople and to integratethe Charter into thediocesan way of life.

19. The National ReviewBoard is a lay groupappointed by the USCCBPresident to offer its adviceon matters of child andyouth protection to theBishops’ Committee on theProtection of Children andYoung People. You cansee who all the currentmembers are on: http://www.usccb.org/ocyp/nrb.shtml

20. The Committee on theProtection of Children andYoung People hasdesigned orientat ionsessions to addressquestions new bishops andeparches may haveregarding the Charter andthe audit process.

21. The Secretariat ofChild and Youth Protectiondevelops resources for useby dioceses/eparchies.

Many are compilations ofinformation from the auditdocuments. Resources canbe found on their website.http://www.usccb.org/ocyp/resources.shtml

22. The National ReviewBoard is overseeing thecompletion of the Causesand Context of the SexualAbuse Scandal Study bythe John Jay College ofCriminal Justice. The finalreport is due Spring, 2011.

23. Bishops and eparchescommunicate with eachother on a regular basisto ensure a cleric whocommitted an act of sexualabuse is not transferred toanother diocese oreparchy.

24. To ensure opencommunication betweenrel igious orders andbishops, a representativefrom the Conference ofMajor Superiors of Menserves on the Committeefor the Protection ofChi ldren and YoungPeople.

25. Recognizing theimportance of on-goingformation, bishops andeparches are committingtime and resources tocontinued formation

programs of chastity,cel ibacy and humanformation for clerics.

26. Reconciliation amongall people, especially thosemost affected by abuse isan on-going part ofd i o ce san/epa r c h i a loutreach activities andefforts. Masses, retreats,prayer groups, healinggardens, evenings with theBishop are a few examplesof outreach efforts.

27. All dioceses/eparchieshave written policies onthe sexual abuse of minorsby clerics and churchpersonnel.

(continued from previous page)

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

28. There are 52,910clerics in the United Statesthat are dedicated, holymen of integrity who worktirelessly to bring Christ tothe faithful.

The Catholic Church hasworked hard to protectchildren. Much has beendone but more needs tobe done. Until child sexualabuse is no longer a partof society, the Church willcontinue its efforts to stopit.


2 0April 10, 2011

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2 1April 10, 2011

CENTENNIAL BOOK ORDER FORM (for ads or purchases)

A unique Centennial Book is being prepared to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Sisters of St. Basil the Great in America. The Centennial Book will be over 100 pages in length and filled with unique pictures, stories and memorabilia from the Sisters. Work on the book is already underway, and it should be completed in time for the 100th Anniversary Celebratory Benefit Dinner on November 6, 2011. Advertisements and Greetings. A significant portion of the book has been reserved for advertisements and greetings from friends of the Sisters, schools, parishes, community organizations, leaders, and anyone else who wishes to support the book and have their greeting or advertisement printed. Original ads may include business cards, photos (for half-page and full page orders) and messages. Please label all items and

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[email protected]. Orders must be received by May 1, 2011. Book Purchases. Orders to purchase the book are being accepted. Each book costs $20, plus a shipping and handling fee of $5 per book. (Full page and Half page advertisements receive a complimentary copy.)


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Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great

Development Office 710 Fox Chase Rd, Fox Chase Manor, PA 19046

215-379-3998 [email protected]

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2 2April 10, 2011

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, Passaic, NJ

(Continued on next page)

Ah, here comesSpring. As the chirpingbirds start building theirnests, parents who aresearching for a “schoolnest” for their little onesmay do well by noticingthe accomplishments of thef ledgl ings who arepreparing to leave or havealready flown the nest ofSt. Nicholas UkrainianCatholic School.

One might wonder howstudents who have been“sheltered” in such a smallschool for eight yearsmanage to acclimate toClifton High, the secondlargest public high schoolin New Jersey. The answeris, “Quite well, thank you.”Maria Harhaj recentlywrote us that “St. Nicholasgot my son George (Classof 2009) into Honorsclasses with the best teamof teachers in the newAnnex. He achievedHonor Roll for 2 markingperiods in freshman year,and so far, every markingperiod in sophomoreyear.” And this fall,freshman NicholasGlodava (Class of 2010)was one of the top 4students in Honors Biology1 classes in Clifton HighSchool, which led him tobe chosen to representClifton High in the NewJersey Science Leaguetest, a statewide contestin which public and privatehigh schools may

part ic ipate. Heholds a 96.67GPA, and hase a r n e dD i s t i n g u i s h e dHonors for the firsttwo markingperiods, for whichhe and his family willattend an AwardsDinner atWestmount CountryClub. He managedto achieve theseacademic honorswhile winning a trophy forbest defender on theFreshman Soccer Team,and is current lyparticipating in wrestling,as well. His mom writes:“Nicholas has stated thatthe education and workethic he received at St.Nicholas has definitelyprepared him for hisclasses.”

Some St. Nick’s graduatesgo on to continue theireducation in Catholic orprivate high schools.Recent graduates, Coryand Brandon Nuti lecontinue their education atDon Bosco Prep. 2009graduate Paul Temnyckyis on the Honor roll at SetonHall Prep, while his sister,Christine, now a Senior atLacordaire Academyx inMontclair, recently spenther high school’s CareerWeek observing classes atSt. Nick’s in preparationfor her college major inEducation. Recent

graduates who have goneon to Queen of PeaceHigh School in NorthArlington and who are onthe Honor Roll thereinclude Matthew Kosciolek,Philip Kosciolek, DanielWanio, and Ogilv ieHernandez, as well as2009 graduate RomanDiduch, who wasaccepted into acceleratedMath and Science coursesand has been on theHonor Rol l in bothFreshman and Sophomoreyears. He recently wasselected to representQueen of Peace HighSchool at the 2011National StudentLeadership Conference(NSLC) on Engineering. TheNSLC seeks outstandinghigh school students fromaround the country whodemonstrate academicexcellence and leadershipability.

This year’s 8th graders’outstanding Coop scores

have led them to winscholarships to ParamusCatholic and Queen ofPeace, and also to beaccepted to such schoolsas Seton Hall Prep, MaryHelp of Christians, DePaul,Morris Cathol ic,Pequannock High,Wallington High, andClifton High.

We invite all St. Nicholasalumni to share theiraccomplishments and newswith us by dropping a lineto the PTA mailbox or bysending an email [email protected].

As the mother of a 4-thgrader myself, I amgratified that St. Nick’sprovides Ukrainian andreligious instruction, as wellas music, physicaleducation, art, computers,ESL, and a newlyrefurbished library. Thecable TV and VCR in everyclassroom, hot lunches and

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Editorial and Business Office:827 N. Franklin St.

Philadelphia, PA 19123Tel.: (215) 627-0143

Online: www.ukrarcheparchy.usE-MAIL: [email protected]

Blog: www.thewayukrainian.blogspot.comEstablished 1939

THE WAY StaffMsgr. Peter Waslo, Teresa Siwak, Fr. Ihor Royik

The Way is published bi-weekly by the Apostolate, Inc.,827 N. Franklin St., Philadelphia, PA.

Articles and photos proposed for publication should be in theEditor's office at least two weeks before requested date ofpublication. For advance notice of the upcoming events, kindlysend one month in advance. All articles must be submitted inboth English and Ukrainian languages, THE WAY will not translateproposed articles. All materials submitted to THE WAY becomethe property of THE WAY.


April 10, 2011: Pysanka Workshop andEaster Bazaar at Ukrainian Catholic NationalShrine, 4250 Harewood Road, NE,Washington, DC 20017 http://www.ucns-holyfamily.org

April 10, 2011: Spaghetti Dinner at HolyGhost Ukrainian Catholic Church, 315 4thStreet, West Easton, PA 610-252-4266

April 16, 2011: Easter Bazaar at Nativity ofthe BVM, 630 Laurel St., Reading, PA (12-4)

April 21, 2011: Holy Thursday Service(Washing of Feet) at Assumption CatholicChurch, 684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ.732-826-0767 orwww.assumptioncatholicchurch.net

May 23-25, 2011: Spring Clergy Conferencein Hershey, PA.

June 5, 2011: The Archeparchial Office ofReligious Education will hold the 1st AnnualFestival of Children's Religious songs, at theCathedral in Philadelphia, PA. Please contactFr. Volodymyr Popyk at 215-627-0143 orUkrainian Catholic Priests.

June 18, 2011: Centennial Open House -Basilian Motherhouse

June 26, 2011: 12 to 6 pm - Ukrainian Festivaland Dinner at St. Anne’s Ukrainian CatholicChurch - 1545 Easton Road - Warrington, PA18976

September 26-29, 2011: Clergy Retreat inLong Branch, NJ.

October 2, 2011: Centennial Pilgrimage - Sistersof St. Basil the Great

November 6, 2011: Sisters of the Order of St.Basil the Great celebrate their Centennial with aLiturgy at the Cathedral, Philadelphia, PA.

air conditioning keep the students comfortable. The true value of St. Nick’s to me, however, lies in its verydedicated and caring teachers and staff, where the small classes (average size – 12 students) assure thatno child remains “invisible.” For immigrants, the fact that the Pre-K and Kindergarden teachers speakUkrainian is a definite plus, and even for children entering higher grades, the fact that several otherteachers and many other students speak Ukrainian is a decided comfort and benefit. The church’sgenerous financial assistance and the diligent fundraising of the PTA keep the tuition reasonably low.

If you have a school-age child or grandchild, we heartily encourage you to visit St. Nicholas UkrainianCatholic School and see for yourself. Visits may be arranged by calling the school at (973) 779-0249.

Mrs. Sonia Lechicky

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, Passaic, NJ(continued from previous page)

2 3April 10, 2011

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