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American Revolution

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American Revolution1752-1791

French & Indian War

1752-1763French and Indian War

The American Revolution started with the French & Indian War. French & Indians fought against the British & Americans. British & Americans won. It was a costly war.

Peace of Paris


1763Peace of Paris Treaty

Ended the French & Indian War. France agreed to turn most of their North American land over to the British.

Proclamation of 1763

1763Proclamation of 1763British Parliament law; colonists were forbidden to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. It was an Indian reserve. Britain wanted to avoid another violence or war with Indians.

King George III

1763King George IIIWorried that the loss of a colony would cause a decline in his empire. He struggled to enforce an aggressive policy against colonists. With the rise of King George III, a series of unfair acts were created. Mercantilism guaranteed that trade balances favored Great Britain.

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American Revolution1752-1791

Patrick Henry

Patrick HenryA lawyer; member of the Virginia House of Burgesses; he argued against King George III; he was against the Stamp Act. He argued that the King had no right to override the laws. He declared a sacred contract between the ruler & his subjects had been broken.

The Sugar Act

1764The Sugar ActThe first of many acts created against the colonies to raise money to pay off the debt of the French & Indian War. Created a tax for Americans on imports like sugar, coffee & other goods. The British economic policies caused many colonists to resent British rule.

The Stamp Act

1765The Stamp ActRequired that legal & paper documents have an official stamp showing a tax had been paid. Colonists printers refused to pay and printed comical mock-ups of the stamp on their published goods. Patrick Henry spoke against the Stamp Act. Colonists’ protests began. Taxation: The act of taxing.

No Taxation w/o


No Taxation w/o RepresentationSlogan used by colonists because they were mad about Britain’s Parliament creating taxes. Colonies were not represented in Britain’s law-making body. Britain argued colonies had “virtual representation.”

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Colonist Protest


VIDEOColonist Protest British PoliciesSugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Intolerable Acts, Quartering Act, and the Boston Tea Party.

American Revolution1752-1791

Townshend Acts

1767Townshend ActsColonial taxes on glass, lead, paint dyes, paper and tea. To enforce the taxes this Act allowed British agents to search any home, plantation, or place of business for prohibited goods.

The Boston Massacre

1770Boston Massacre Sparks a RevolutionA snowball fight in 1770 turns into the shooting of several men by British redcoat soldiers killing five Bostonians, which sparks a revolution. Samuel Adams named the incident the “Boston Massacre.” John Adams defended the soldiers. Among dead was an African-American, Crispus Attucks. As a result of his death, Crispus Attaucks merged as the most famous of all the black men to fight in the cause.

The Bloody


1770The Bloody Massacreby Paul ReverePaul Revere was quickest of three artists to popularize the tragic event; showed an outspoken anti-British public opinion. Note: Crispus Attucks is shown to be white.

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