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Early Renaissance Architecture

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Renaissance- from M. F., rebirth, from O. F. renaistre to be born again- started 14th to 17th century in Italy and later spread to the rest of Europe“Early Modern” - it falls between the medieval period and the industrial revolutionFlorence – birthplace of Renaissance

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Early Renaissance- Growing importance of the upper bourgeoisie (especially merchants, bankers)- Expansion of industry and world trade; voyages of exploration begin- Commercial and financial dominance of Flanders and Italy- Increased patronage of the arts by wealthy individuals

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Culture- revival of learning based on classical sources, the rise of courtly and papal patronage, the development of perspective in painting, and advancements in science- wide-ranging consequences in all pursuits but is best known for its artistic aspects

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DemographicItaly, 13,000,000Spain and Portugal, 10,000,000France, 16,000,000, in its boundaries in 1600England and Wales, 4,500,000Scotland and Ireland, 2,000,000Netherlands, 3,000,000, including the Spanish Netherlands in 1600Denmark, 600,000Sweden, Norway, and Finland: 1,400,000Poland with Prussia: 3,000,000Germany: 20,000,000

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TechnologyPrinting press - most important technological innovation of the time- led to a higher literacy rate

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 "Man is the measure of all things.“ - Protagoras

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(Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Mantua by Alberti)

Characteristics- Plans were square, symmetrical appearance in which proportions are usually based on a module which is often the width of an aisle

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(Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Mantua by Alberti)

Characteristics- Arches are often used in arcades, supported on piers or columns with capitals

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Characteristics- The Roman orders of columns are used:- Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite which can be structural or decorative- architects aimed to use columns, pilasters, and entablatures as an integrated system Old Sacristy, Brunelleschi

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Characteristics- Vaults do not have ribs. They are semi-circular or segmental and on a square plan, unlike the Gothic vault which is frequently rectangular(Basilica of Sant'Andrea, Alberti)

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Characteristics- Dome is a very large structural feature that is visible from the exterior, and also as a means of roofing smaller spaces where they are only visible internallyFlorence Cathedral’s Dome, Brunelleschi

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Characteristics- Façades are symmetrical around their vertical axis- Church façades are generally surmounted by a pediment and organized by a system of pilasters, arches and entablaturesCathedral of Pienza, Rossellino

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Characteristics- Domestic buildings are often surmounted by a cornice- There is a regular repetition of openings on each floor, and the centrally placed door is marked by a feature such as a balcony, or rusticated surround Palazzo Rucellai, Alberti

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Architectural Materials

- Italian Renaissance construction used materials like stone, marble, terracotta tile and stucco (a mortar mixture)- Watermills to saw timber and convert trees to planks

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Filippo Brunelleschi- More interested in construction rather than the visual appearance of Roman buildings- one of the founding fathers of Renaissance- best known for his work on the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (the Duomo) in Florence

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Science of Florence Cathedral's Dome - Building up the dome in a succession of horizontal courses as in the concrete dome of the Pantheon - Giving it a double shell so as to reduce the weight, a device borrowed from the baptistery of Pisa - Echoing Gothic rib construction by stretching the outer skin of the de over a frame of 24 ribs - Giving the dome a pointed profile because it exerts less side thrust

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Foundling Hospital (1419) 1st in Europe to have its elegantly arcaded loggia

Pazzi Chapel

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Church of Santo Spirito

Church of Santo Lorenzo

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Leon Battista Alberti- provided the first theory of what we now call linear perspective in his book, Della Pittura- His book De Re Aedificatoria was the first architectural book published in moveable type (1485) and was instrumental in reviving the Classical style of architecture- architecture was not merely a means of constructing buildings; it was a way to create meaning

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Church of Sant’Andrea Palazzo Rucellai, Florence

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 Baptistery of San Giovanni

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Michelozzo di Bartolomeo- architect under

patronage of the Medici family- He was one of the first architects to work in the Renaissance style outside Italy, building a palace at Dubrovnik- has respected the Florentine liking for rusticated stone

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Palazzo Medici Riccardi

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Dubrovnik Palace

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Donato Bramante- if a building's design is perfect, nothing could be either added to or subtracted from it without ruining the design- first great Renaissance architect in Rome, working on St. Peter's, the Vatican and the Tempietto in S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome

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Santa Maria delle Grazie

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Tempietto - San Pietro in Montorio

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How did Brunelleschi come up with the science behind the Florence Cathedral’s dome?

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Why did the Renaissance started in Florence, not in other parts of Italy?

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What’s the difference between domestic buildings and churches in terms of their facade?

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What’s the importance of the printing press during the Renaissance period?

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What makes the Early Renaissance architecture different from Roman architecture?

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Video• https://www.youtube.com/watch?


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