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Unit 1 ::Introduction to the World of Web Standards

The history of the Internet and the web, and the evolution of web standards

Where shall I begin, please your majesty?

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Sputnik 1 Launched Oct. 1957

So Russia launches a satellite before US, then we get mad

So we create ARPA.

Enter Joseph Licklider

He worked for ARPA.

He wrote Man-Computer Symbiosis in 1960came up with the idea of computers storing and retrieving information from one another.

He has a really weird last name.

ARPANET is bornIn October 1967 the plan is presentedIn December 1969 the first 4-computer network is up and running.


Slightly more entertaining Slig example. htly.

What would happen if all of your cell phones were on private, exclusive networks?

Enter Robert Kahn

And Vincent Cerf

So then (also pronounced

got with ) and created

the Internet Transmission Control program (to be known as TCP/IP).P.S.- This draft was written in December 1974 (not this PP, the TCP/IP draft)

TCP/IP dates:December 74- TCP/IP draft written 77- Successful demonstration of all three networks talking together 81- Final version adopted and published 82- All ARPANET connections outside of the US are converted to TCP/IP

This is important: Enter the Gopher

Used in the 90sdelivered menus of links to files, computer resources, and other menus The menus could cross boundaries of the current computer and use the Internet to fetch menus from other systems. Very popular with universities and large organizations

When the University of Minnesota (didnt I mention they owned Gopher?...) decided to start charging licensing fees many organizations went elsewhere. Shocker!

Enter Tim Berners-Lee

Have you ever heard that all serial killers have three names?

Im pretty sure they all have creepy eyes, too.(creepy)

** 1991 **TBL created an info mgmt system that contained text-based links and references to other works. This allowed the reader to jump from document to document. He also created a server for publishing this style of documentcalled hypertext. Also created a program for reading the documentscalled WorldWideWeb.

Worked on Apples and PC s1993


features, features, features!

So basically, the browsers were adding features (and more features, and more features) to compete with the other browsers

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