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Page 1: History of Phonology with an emphasis on recent history.

History of Phonology

with an emphasis on recent history

Page 2: History of Phonology with an emphasis on recent history.


Development of Phonetics are a special branch of linguistics

Unlike historical linguistics, also concerned with sounds through its preoccupation with sound change, phonetics was firmly rooted in synchronic analysis

Articulatory phonetics Acoustic phonetics

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new tools

spectrograph X-ray photo’s (and films) sound recordings

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Off-shoot of phonetics Strictly devoted to those aspects of sound

structure which are linguistically relevant E.g. pitch differences related to tone or

accent are phonologically important, pitch differences related to sex are not

First International Congress of Linguists in The Hague in 1928 is often viewed as the beginning of phonology, set off by

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Prague school

definition of phoneme importance of binary oppositions marked vs unmarked member of pair neutralization languages are ‘systems’: you can’t take out

one thing and study it separately – that way you lose information about various contrasts within the language

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Prince Nikolay Sergeyevich Trubetzkoy 1890-1938

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Roman Jakobson1896-1982

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Jakobson’s accomplishments

wide-ranging scholar worked on Russian case, phonological

theory, poetics, and numerous other topics introduced the Prague school to the USA integrated work on language acquisition and

language loss by aphasia in linguistic theory

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Generative phonology

Morris Halle and Noam Chomsky started working on phonology in the 1950’s

Culminating in The Sound Pattern of English (1968)

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Morris Halle

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Morris Halle, continued student of Roman Jakobson likewise of Russian (actually, Latvian)

descent worked primarily on Slavic and English in his The Sound Pattern of Russian, Halle

attacked the classical phoneme with Chomsky, developed generative

phonology (1956-1968; after 1968 Chomsky stopped doing phonology)

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The Sound Pattern of English 1968 Authors: Chomsky and Halle Should have been: Halle and Chomsky Important for its formalization of phonological

representations, rules, and its methodology Discusses many major issues in the

phonology of English, including phonotactics, phonological rules, and stress assignment in underived, derived and compound words

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defined as a “bundle of features” e.g.: feature-1 + feature-2 - feature-3 + feature-4 - etc.

Features have a standard phonetic interpretation, in terms of articulation (Jakobson had proposed an acoustic interpretation)

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One exception to binary features To capture four levels of stress, Chomsky

and Halle used numeral values for stress features: [1 stress], [2 stress], [3 stress] and [4 stress]

So features, in SPE, come in 2 types: boolean valued features (+/-) numerically valued features

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context-sensitive rules A → B / C __ D however, not involving whole segments, but

features, or sets of features many new notational devices were

introduced, to formulate rules: α notation, curly brace notation, etc.

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economy basic principle feature-counting evaluation metric highly abstract underlying forms complex derivations, involving the

phonological cycle phonotactics done by rule synchronic analysis became a mirror of

diachronic analysis in SPE

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Dutch has no diphtongs before /r/ Historical account: diphtongization never took

place before /r/ Possible synchronic account: assume

diphtongs are underlying monophongs, and diphtongize them unless followed by /r/

Advantages: reduces the inventory of underlying segments (economy), and derives the phonotactic generalization

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Need to use exception features, e.g. for loans that came into the language after the sound change (minuut, titel)

Mixes up diachrony and synchrony Overly abstract: learnability issue

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Reactions to SPE

immediate and wide following many phonologists embraced the

methodology, notation and ideas, to describe phonological problems in a variety of languages, thus creating the field of generative phonology

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However, there was also an immediate backlash Abstractness: natural phonology (David

Stampe, Patricia Donegan, Theo Vennemann, Joan Bybee (Hooper))

Morphology: new separation of word-based sound regularities from general sound regularities (Mark Aronoff, Paul Kiparsky)

Autosegmental phonology: explosion of the segment (John Goldsmith, Nick Clements, etc.)

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Need for absolute neutralization? Absolute neutralization: underlying form

never shows up as surface form In SPE, this was a common phenomenon Learnability problem: only if children use the

same methodology as Chomsky and Halle, will they arrive at the same underlying forms

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Autosegmental phonology

originated in the study of tone languages, where it was noted that

tonal features (like High Tone) may stretch over many segments, sometimes entire words

and when they change, e.g. through assimilation, all segments bearing the tone change

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Suggestion (Goldsmith)

get rid of the absolute slicing hypothesis put tonal features on a separate level (called

tier), and then connect them to the various segments bearing the tonal features

allow the connection to be not one-to-one, but many-to-many

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One segment may bear two tones (e.g. Hi-Lo, heard as falling tone and Lo-Hi, heard as rising)

And one tone may be connected to many segments

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Hi Lo


Tonal tier:


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Floating tones

are tonal features not (yet) associated with a segment

can be linked in the course of a derivation may be separate morpheme or originate through deletion of a segment

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