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Undersea exploration and the history of the dive Watch by jack forster

the leviathan’s lairOf all the various classes of wristwatches, perhaps none has traveled with man more often into a hostile environment than the dive watch. The history of the dive watch is very often the history of undersea exploration itself. Dive watches are a special breed because, remember, the deep blue isn’t just trying to kill you when you’re beneath the waves — it’s trying to kill your watch, too.

Part I: take a DeeP Breath...Watches can be about all kinds of things — art, ingenuity, history, craftsmanship, and venerable old men with fingers as

deft as a lacemaker’s, working by candlelight through the long Swiss winters. But dive watches are different from the rest.

When you get right down to it, dive watches, no matter what variations on a theme have spawned in recent years, are first

and foremost about one thing only.

Dive watches are about not coming back dead.

Technology allows us to get ourselves into all kinds of trouble we couldn’t have gotten into without it, and perhaps no

case is more to the point than surviving underwater. All life may have started in the ocean, but for animals like us that have

spent the better part of the last half billion years figuring out how to survive outside it, staying alive underwater is the

ultimate proof that sometimes you really can’t go home again. Dive watches are all about keeping track of how long it is

before the little bit of home you brought down with you in the tank on your back runs out.

Understanding dive watches means understanding a little about diving, which is not as new a business as you might

think — probably for as long as human beings have existed, they’ve gone down to the water’s edge for food (if the oyster

shells in Stone Age kitchen middens are any indication). For most of the time humans have been diving, though taking air

down with you meant just what you could store in your lungs, which meant a dive time measured in seconds, or minutes

at the most, that also made going much deeper than a few dozen feet out of the question for all but the craziest or most

stubborn. Of course, at some point, some bright spark figured out that you could suck air through a tube — the snorkel

was born, and since another thing humans have been doing since time immemorial is fighting each other, the combat

swimmer was probably born shortly thereafter. Herodotus reports the exploits of a Greek sailor, captured by the Persians,

who escaped and, with the aid of a hollow reed, swam undetected among their ships, cutting mooring ropes and wreaking

havoc with the fleet (history has not recorded that he wore a Panerai, however).













Leonardo da Vinci is said to have

developed what appears to have

been a primitive underwater breathing

device. He wrote in the Atlantic Codex

that he didn’t want to describe his diving

apparatus in detail, for fear it would be

used to sink ships and commit murders

— a puzzling scruple from someone who

otherwise designed military hardware

with gleeful abandon. His hesitation,

though, reflects the sentiment that there

is something uncanny, to say nothing

of downright unfair, about prosecuting a

war underwater, and indeed, the common

sentiment for much of recent naval history

— certainly amongst surface fleet sailors —

is that snapping a torpedo into the flank of

a ship from some tin fish cowering under the

surface is not quite cricket.

Spending any significant time moving freely underwater, though, had

to wait until the 19th century. Prior to that, the only way to go down

and stay down for any length of time was to use a diving bell — its basic

principle is familiar to anyone who’s ever turned a cup upside down in

a tub of water to trap air inside it. The diving bell or its descendant, the

submarine, which by the First World War was playing merry hell with

surface shipping, is not, however, a fulfillment

of the age-old dream of moving like a fish

through the ocean. For that to happen, a way

had to be found to free undersea adventurers

from the guts of their iron fish. Air, in other

words, had to be made portable.

DIver Dan anD the harDhat era The first divers, of course, weren’t wearing air

in tanks on their backs. Instead, they were

wearing spherical metal helmets with portholes

for visibility, the design for which dates all

the way back to their invention by Augustus

Siebe, in 1837. Siebe, a former Prussian artillery

officer turned engineer, relocated to England

after the Napoleonic Wars, and was given the

task of converting a helmet originally designed

to allow breathing in smoky or polluted

atmospheres (such as in a gas contaminated mine) for underwater

use. His invention, in the form that eventually became known as the

standard diving dress, consisted of a helmet, a waterproof canvas suit,

and weighted boots designed to keep the diver’s feet below his head,

as the weight of the helmet, even when filled with compressed air, had a

tendency to make the diver perform an involuntary headstand.

The standard diving dress, also known as a “John Brown” rig in the UK

or a “Diver Dan” outfit in the United States, may

look archaic today (and remind those of us of a

certain age of the Tintin comic Red Rackham’s

Treasure, to boot), but it succeeded in doing

something that none of the previous attempts

to allow work on the ocean floor had done:

it permitted a diver to work with, at least to

some extent, the freedom of movement one

might enjoy on the surface.

This is not to say that it was safe. Countless

accidents claimed the lives of divers over

the years — the fact that air came from

compressors through air hoses from the

surface meant that air lines could be vulnerable

to fouling or damage, and the diver was unable

to surface under his own power, meaning

that he had to be hoisted to the surface.

Misinterpretation of signals to surface support

crews have led to diver deaths not just from

failure to bring up a diver in trouble, but also

from bringing a diver up too fast.

Not bringing someone up fast enough to get

air when their supply has been compromised

is something pretty much anyone who has

ever learned to swim can understand would

be a problem. Water, it turns out, is not very

much fun to breathe. But understanding how

coming up too fast could be a problem is a lot

less obvious. The reasons behind it weren’t

understood completely until the early 20th

century — as a result, a lot of people died, in

pretty horrible agony, for reasons they didn’t

quite understand.

The problem was actually first noticed on

dry land — or rather, under it. In the 1840s,

The standard diving dress, also known as the “Diver Dan” outfit

The master himself, Leonardo da Vinci

steam-powered air pumps were far

along enough that they could

be used to create higher than

normal atmospheric pressure

in mining shafts to help

prevent flooding. However,

miners sometimes suffered

from painful muscle cramps,

mental confusion, joint

pain and other mysterious

symptoms after emerging to

the surface.

Later, pressurized caissons,

submerged chambers made

of concrete that were filled with

compressed air to keep water out,

came into common use for harbor and bridge

construction and maintenance work. Workers

entered caissons through airlocks that maintained the difference in

pressure between the outside atmosphere (equal at sea level to roughly

14 pounds of pressure per square inch of body surface — which is why

if you suck the air out of a plastic soda bottle, it goes crunch in a hurry)

and pressure in the caisson. Working too deep for too long meant a

worker could suffer the same set of strange symptoms — sometimes

fatal, often permanently disabling — that the miners had, and the

disease got a name for the first time: caisson disease.

For divers, the problem was, and is, the same. Come up too fast, and

you run the risk of the same crippling agony, which nowadays is known

as decompression sickness or, colloquially, “the bends”, due to the

arched-back posture often assumed by sufferers. The reason behind the

disease has to do with that soda bottle we mentioned parenthetically

just a second ago. That the soda bottle goes crunch from atmospheric

pressure when you don’t, is due to the fact that your body is basically

full of fluids — your blood, the fluid inside every cell in your body, the

fluid in your joints and in between the membranes around your nerves

and brain. Inside, you’re wet as wet can be. And yet, every cell in your

body needs a gas — oxygen — in order for you to survive. So, in you

breathe, and with every breath you

get a lungful of atmosphere, which

here on Mother Earth means about

21 percent oxygen and 78 percent

nitrogen, with traces of this and

that thrown in (like carbon dioxide

and methane, which exist to give

politicians something to argue

about, and climatologists something

to worry about).

Because your body fluids and the

outside atmosphere are an open

system, the pressure exerted by

the gas in your body automatically

equalizes with atmospheric

pressure. So, the reason you’re

able to inflate your lungs, despite

the fact that you’ve got 14 psi

of pressure trying to crush your

rib cage, is because the pressure

outside and inside your lungs is

equalized. Those gases also end up

dissolved in your blood and body

fluids, and gases in solution exert just as much pressure as

when they’re not. Think again of a soda bottle but, this

time, imagine that the soda’s still in it. You can see

the soda in the closed bottle before you crack open

the screwtop, and there ain’t much in the way of

bubbles — the gas (carbon dioxide) is in solution. But

take off the top, and the higher pressure inside the

bottle suddenly equalizes with the lower pressure

outside, and suddenly you’ve got bubbles galore

and soda down your pants.

So far so good — what happens when you breathe

gas underwater, at higher than atmospheric pressure?

Well, underwater breathing gear is designed to deliver

air to your lungs at ambient pressure — that is, the

pressure of the water around you, which goes up the further

down you go. The deeper you go, the higher the pressure of

the gas you breathe — again, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to

inflate your lungs against the pressure of the water around you — and

the more gas dissolves into your blood and body fluids. Now, if you

come up nice and slow — if you ascend at a carefully predetermined rate,

making decompression stops — then the extra gas slowly comes out of

your body fluids, just like when you open a soda bottle slowly. You can

hear the steady hiss of gas escaping, but there’s no sudden cascade

of bubbles. In fact, if you don’t go too deep or stay down for too long,

you don’t need to make decompression stops at all. But if you do go

for long and deep, and you don’t take your time coming up, then you’re

a human soda bottle with the top taken off too fast — bubbles form in

your blood, in your joints, in your brain and around your nerves, and you

are one unhappy camper.

FreeDom oF the SeaS — the aDvent oF the aqualung anD SCuBa The real trick, then, in moving around freely underwater

— swimming like a fish, without being tethered to the surface with hoist

lines, air hoses, and (by 1916) a battery powered telephone line, which

was the cumbersome lot of the man in the standard diver’s dress — was

to develop a way of delivering a mixture of breathable gases to a diver

under a pressure that could vary with the ambient water pressure as

the diver went up or down. This proved

to be a tough nut to crack. Such a

device, called a demand regulator, wasn’t

invented until 1937, but the inventor,

Frenchman Georges Commeinhes, was

killed near the end of the Second World

War, in 1944. By this time, two of his

fellow countrymen had also produced

their own demand regulator: Émile

Gagnan, a French engineer who would

go on to create innumerable technical

breakthroughs in diving, but remain

relatively unknown outside professional

circles; and a man destined to become

a household name worldwide — the

head of the French Navy’s underwater

research group, Commander Jacques-

Yves Cousteau.

Cousteau and Gagnan’s was the

first fully functional demand regulator

to come into general use, and by the

end of the war, the Aqualung, as it is

properly known (though the term later





Jacques-Yves Cousteau







became generic) was being used by

French demining and underwater

wreck-clearing teams. Yet in the years

before the war, another technology

had been invented — one that was

to revolutionize undersea exploration

as much as the Gagnan-Cousteau

Aqualung, and become one of the

sharpest tools in the undersea warrior’s

kit: the oxygen rebreather.

The rebreather (originally called

a SCUBA unit, with the acronyms

standing for Self-Contained Underwater

Breathing Apparatus) was like the

Aqualung in delivering pressurized

air to a diver, but it was unlike the

Aqualung in one important respect

— as the name implies, it takes the

air the diver exhales and recycles it.

This is done by means of a chemical

scrubber that removes carbon dioxide.

Just enough oxygen is added back

in to keep the breathing mixture at

the right proportion of gases. The first

rebreathers were invented in 1878 by

Siebe, Gorman and Co. (the company

founded by the same Siebe who

invented the standard diving dress),

and by 1910, had been adapted by

Siebe, Gorman and Co.’s president, Sir

Robert Davis, for escape from sunken

submarines as the DSEA — the Davis

Submerged Escape Apparatus. After

the First World War, it became popular

among Italian spear fishermen in the

Mediterranean, and was, eventually,

adopted by the Italian Navy’s

commando dive teams as well as by

British frogmen.

Rebreathers were, and are, especially

attractive to military units for two

reasons: The first is that since the

gases are recycled rather than exhaled, rebreather units tend not to

produce telltale bubbles that give away the presence of frogmen to

surface observers. The other attractive element of rebreathers is that

they allow divers to spend longer periods of time submerged than

conventional Aqualungs, again, because gases are recycled. One of

their dangers, however, is that if for some reason they fail to function

correctly, and carbon dioxide absorption or oxygen delivery fail, panic

and seizures or, even more dangerous, sudden blackouts can occur

without warning. They have their advantages, but their greater

complexity can make them more potentially risky as well.

Since the end of the Second World War, probably the single biggest

advance in diving has been the advent of saturation diving, in which

divers — typically breathing a gas mixture in which helium has been

substituted for nitrogen, which can cause disorientation when breathed

in at high pressure for prolonged periods of time — spend days or weeks

in special high pressure habitats that allow them to work for repeated

long periods underwater without losing valuable work time to lengthy

decompression cycles. Saturation divers generally spend non-diving

time in compressed atmosphere chambers on support vessels, and

are transported to and from the work depth by special pressurized

transfer chambers.

With all the advances in diving technology, just how deep can you

go? The record for the world’s deepest scuba dive is 1,083 feet (330

meters), and all sorts of problems make even going much less deeper

suicidally challenging. However, millions of people enjoy recreational

diving in relative safety every year. (A recreational dive being one that

requires no decompression stops, uses only ordinary compressed air

as a breathing gas, and doesn’t go deeper than 130 feet. Oh, and bring

a buddy.) While modern electronic dive computers have become the

mainstay of keeping track of dive time, ’twas not always thus. As we’ll

see, “how long have I got” has always been the single most important

question that a diver can ask. And so, for as long as there have been

divers, watchmakers have created watches to help keep even a shallow

dive from becoming an early grave. Besides, if it’s a good idea for you

to have a buddy, maybe bringing along a buddy for your dive computer

isn’t a bad idea either.

A scuba diver ascends to the surface