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Page 1: Hiten Shah, CEO, Kiss Metrics

The Lean Startup in ActionA Case Study on KISSmetrics

Hiten ShahCustomer Driven Design & The Lean Startup • November 3rd, 2010

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Build stuff people want to buy

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Failure attracted me to the Lean Startup

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Lean Startups are Built to Learn

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Dave McClureSean Ellis Eric Ries

Lean Startup Heroes

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The Startup PyramidThe Race to the Top

Product / Market Fit

Transition to Growth


Sean Ellis: Startup-Marketing.com

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1. ACQUISITIONCustomers come from various channels

3. RETENTIONCustomers come back multiple times

AARRR Created by Dave McClure - 500startups.com Designed by

4. REFERRALCustomers refer others

2. ACTIVATIONCustomers use product for first time


5. REVENUECustomers make your business money

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Minimize TOTAL time through the loop

Eric Ries: StartupLessonsLearned.com

Learn Faster

Split Tests

Customer Interviews

Customer Development

Five Whys Root Cause


Customer Advisory Board

Falsifiable Hypotheses

Product Owner


Customer Archetypes

Cross-functional Teams

Semi-autonomous Teams

Smoke Tests

Split TestsClear Product OwnerContinuous DeploymentUsability TestsReal-time MonitoringCustomer Liaison

Build Faster

Unit Tests

Usability Tests

Continuous Integration

Incremental DeploymentFree & Open-Source


Cloud ComputingCluster Immune System

Just-in-time Scalability

RefactoringDeveloper Sandbox

Minimum Viable Product




MEASUREMeasure Faster

Funnel AnalysisCohort Analysis

Net Promoter ScoreSearch Engine Marketing

Real-Time AlertingPredictive Monitoring

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Build Faster

• Test Driven Development (TDD / Unit Tests)

• Continuous Deployment

• Continuous Integration

• Just-in-time Scalability (Amazon Web Services)

On average we deploy new code fifty times a day.”Timothy Fitz, IMVU

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• Poorly designed features

• Inflexible, short-sighted code

• Half-done features

• Known bugs

• Crappy code with major performance issues

We have purposefully deployed:

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Measure Faster

• Funnels & Cohort Analysis (KISSmetrics)

• Feedback (NPS, Surveys, KISSinsights)

• Usability Testing (UserTesting, Mockups, etc...)

• Split Tests (A/B Testing) (KISSmetrics + Internal)

It's about changing customer behavior -- for the better.”Eric Ries, The Lean Startup

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“Measure the Macro” - Eric Ries

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Learn Faster

• Fake it till you make it (Smoke Tests)

• Five Whys Root Cause Analysis

• Falsifiable Hypotheses

• Customer Development (Customer Interviews)

Customer Development will help you – force you – to make better decisions based on tested hypotheses, rather than untested assumptions.”The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, CustDev.com

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Our hypothesis is that product manager type people have a problem doing fast/effective/frequent customer research.”

Original Hypothesis for KISSinsights

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Lean Startup Process

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? ☼Problem Team Solution Team

No Departments, Just Two Teams

What are the most important

problems to solve?

Find theminimum solution for a given problem.

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15 - 45 minute team meetings (M,W,F)

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“Your Focus Needs More Focus”

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Lean Startup Lessons Learned

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Speeding can lead to crashes

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that f*cking green light next to a task for 7 days is really depressing.”KISSmetrics Engineer

The team becomes more accountable

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The only path to perfection is iteration

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