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Page 1: HKDSE Geography Assessment Framework

HKDSE GeographyHKDSE Geography Assessment Framework:Assessment Framework:

SchoolSchool--basedbased Assessment (SBA)Assessment (SBA)

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Rationales for SBARationales for SBA

Enhances validity of public assessment Reduces dependence on results of one-off examinations More reliable

Continuous assessments Assessments developed by teachers who know the students best

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Rationales for SBA (cont.)Rationales for SBA (cont.)

Promotes positive “backwash effect” in school

Motivates students’ learning Reinforces good teaching practice Provides structure for continuous assessments

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Phasing of SBA Implementation inPhasing of SBA Implementation in HKDSE GeographyHKDSE Geography

Academic Year Exam Year of HKDSE

Submission of SBA Marks^

2011 / 2012 2012* Not required in S4

2012 / 2013 2013* S5 Contribute to 15% of public assessment in

20142013 / 2014 2014** S6 ^For cohort of examination year 2014 *No SBA for HKDSE Geography, 100% of marks come from public examination **First examination year of HKDSE Geography with SBA

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SBA RequirementsSBA Requirements Fieldwork enquiry / Field study outside classroom

Individual / common topic within curriculum / syllabus coverage Individual report

Individual title preferred / Group title accepted

1200 – 2000 words (excluding appendices) Clear and concise objective (s)

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SBA Requirements (cont.)SBA Requirements (cont.)

Geographical investigation Nature of spatial analysis Changing patterns over time

Relationships between people & environment

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Use of Information Technology (IT) inUse of Information Technology (IT) in SBASBA

To enhance geographical enquiry Apply whenever appropriate & necessary As a useful tool for collecting, organising & presenting data As key criterion to attain higher levels of performance

Geographic Information System (GIS) is encouraged for handling and analysing spatial data, but NOT as a compulsory skill

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Setting Assessment TasksSetting Assessment Tasks

“Teachers are free to devise their SBA activities, e.g. field trips, site visits or class discussions so that students will expose to a variety of experiences covering different topics of the Geography curriculum, ratherthan being concentrated in one or two of the topics, facilitating their fulfillment ofthe SBA task, which is the field study.” (Draft Handbook on Geography Assessment)

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Principles in Setting AssessmentPrinciples in Setting Assessment ActivitiesActivities

Developing students’ geographical, thinking & other generic skills Drawing contexts from students’ real life experiences

Applying students’ knowledge to identify geographical questions & to solve problems Achieving a balanced integration between theory & skills Appropriate to topic taught Appropriate to students’ strength & ability

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Guidelines forGuidelines for OrganisingOrganising Activities Outside SchoolActivities Outside School

Guidelines on Outdoor Activities / 戶外活動指引 (http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_100/e_outdoor.pdf) Guidelines on Study Tours Outsidethe HKSAR / 境外遊學活動指引 (http://www.edb.gov.hk/FileManager/EN/Content_100/e_st.pdf)

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Marking Criteria of SBAMarking Criteria of SBA

PCAIE method with reference to the 5 main stages of enquiry:

Planning & Preparation** Data Collection** Data Processing, Presentation & Analysis Interpretation & Conclusion Evaluation

**Teachers may consider the possibility of group work (≤ 4 students / group) in the first 2 stages

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Allocation of Marks for theAllocation of Marks for the 5 Main Stages of Enquiry in SBA5 Main Stages of Enquiry in SBA

(a) Planning & preparation(e) Evaluation (10 marks)(10 marks)

(b) Data collection (20 marks)

(d) Interpretation & conclusion

(30 marks)

(c) Data processing,

presentation & analysis

(30 marks)

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Assessment Criteria:Assessment Criteria: Planning & Preparation StagePlanning & Preparation Stage

Development of objectives Identification of geographical issues / questions / problems / phenomena / hypotheses for investigation Definition & explanation of scope of study & focus of enquiry Appropriate and feasible plan for collection of relevant data (method / techniques / tools / resources; preparatory procedures & schedule) Explanation of relevant geographical concepts & perspectives Originality of study

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Sample Form for Planning & PreparationSample Form for Planning & Preparation –– 11

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Sample Form for Planning & PreparationSample Form for Planning & Preparation –– 22

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Assessment Criteria:Assessment Criteria: Data Collection StageData Collection Stage

Competence in collecting sufficient, useful, relevant & accurate data Instruments and / or techniques chosen Range of skills & techniques Organisation & planning in collecting / recording data Time management Ability to distinguish relevant & important information

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Assessment Criteria:Assessment Criteria: Data Processing,Data Processing, Presentation & Analysis StagePresentation & Analysis Stage

Sorting / classification of collected data Description & organisation of data Presentation formats & techniques Ability to distinguish relevant & important information

Description of patterns / relationships / trends

Comparison, generalisation & integration of data Acknowledgements to secondary sources

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Assessment Criteria:Assessment Criteria: Interpretation & Conclusion StageInterpretation & Conclusion Stage

Application of geographical knowledge & concepts Understanding of geographical patterns / relationships Establishing arguments from research findings Explanation of anomalies Conclusion supported by findings Reference to objectives / research question / hypothesisof study Linkages with geographical theories / concepts Originality

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Assessment Criteria:Assessment Criteria: Evaluation StageEvaluation Stage

Awareness of strengths & weaknesses Suggestions for improvements

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Suggested Timeline for SBASuggested Timeline for SBA

Stage Suggested timeline Tentative online mark submission time

(a) Planning & preparation

Nov – Feb (S5) Apr (S5)

(b) Data collection Dec – Aug (S5)

Feb – Mar (S6)

(c) Data processing, presentation & analysis

Sept – Jan (S6)(d) Interpretation &

conclusion (e) Evaluation

N.B. Suggested class time for SBA: 50 hrs. (incl. time for activities, such as skill-training, formulating enquiry questions, group discussions, tool design, data processing, etc.)

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Late Submission & Absence fromLate Submission & Absence from AssessmentAssessment

Students failing to complete the assessment may provide reasons and supporting documents (e.g. medical certificate) to the HKEAA via schools for special considerations Students failing to submit marks without legitimate reasons will get a zero mark in the tasks concerned

Failure to submit SBA marks will not render students ineligible for the award of subject result Zero marks would be given in case the work submitted by a student fail to meet the minimum requirement of the assessment standard

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Record KeepingRecord Keeping

Schools should keep records of: students’ SBA results students’ work / evidence of students’ performance any appeals and actions taken any special considerations and actions taken

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Record Keeping (cont.)Record Keeping (cont.)

Students’ work should only be returned after the marking process is completed and any disputes on assessment results has been settled Whenever SBA materials are returned to students, students should be informed that they have a responsibility for keeping safe custody of their work for inspection and authentication purpose, until the conclusion of the assessment process

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Record Keeping (cont.)Record Keeping (cont.)

HKEAA may conduct sample inspection / qualityaudit on students’ work Students should return all their SBA work to school before a specified date for inspection /audit by personnel appointed by HKEAA Schools are encouraged to keep samples ofstudents’ work as archive material, which may beuseful for future reference and standardisingassessment standard across years

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TeacherTeacher’’s Roles in SBAs Roles in SBA

Designer of assessment activities

Facilitator of learning Assessor of student performance

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What Teachers Should Do as anWhat Teachers Should Do as an Assessor in SBAAssessor in SBA

Inform students clearly the requirements & regulations Explain to students how marks are awarded Provide feedback to student after marking at different stages Advise students on improvements Notify students that statistical moderation by HKEAA will affect final scores

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Statistical ModerationStatistical Moderation Students’ SBA marks may be adjusted but the rank order determined by the school will remain unchanged Moderation to be conducted on school basis Details of the moderation methodology are explained in the booklet “Statistical Moderation of School-based Assessment Scores” (http://www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/SBA/booklet_sba .pdf)

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Sample Declaration Form 1Sample Declaration Form 1

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Sample Declaration Form 2Sample Declaration Form 2

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How Can Schools Plan for SBAHow Can Schools Plan for SBA Implementation?Implementation?

Conduct SBA as an integral part of teaching &learning & not treat it as an “add-on” Set up school’s own assessment plan, specify thenumber of assessment activities to be conducted for individual subjects Coordinate the conduct of the SBA across subjects sothat students’ work will not be concentrated into one or two critical months Incorporate SBA as a part of schools’ internal assessment programme & replace some of thecurrent assessment activities, e.g. assignments, tests, etc.

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