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  • 8/18/2019 HKEP Supplementary Notes


    New 21st Century Chemistry 

    Supplementary Notes  1   © Jing Kung Educational Press. All rights reserved. 

    Supplementary Notes

    Topic 2 Microscopic World I

    Unit 6 The periodic table

    6.7 Group 0 elements — noble gases

    Density of gas

    Density is the mass of an object divided by its volume.

    density of gas =

    The following diagram shows two containers of equal volumes containing helium and carbon

    dioxide gases at the same temperature and pressure. As equal volumes of gases contain equal

    numbers of molecules (refer to Avogadro’s Law), the mass of gas in the second container is higher

    because the relative molecular mass of carbon dioxide is higher. Thus, the density of carbon dioxide

    is higher than that of helium.

    helium (He) carbon dioxide (CO2)

    Relative molecular mass 4.0 44.0

    Density (g cm –1

    ) 0.00018 0.001977

    Suppose a helium gas sample contains 1% of carbon dioxide gas, the mass and density of this

    impure helium sample will be higher than those of pure helium.



    Supplement to Section 6.7 (P 46)

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     John Rayleigh and William Ramsay — the noble gases discovered

    By the 1770s, chemists thought that the main components of the

    atmosphere had been well identified. But in 1892, John Rayleigh

    found that nitrogen isolated from the air had a density slightly

    higher than that of nitrogen prepared from nitrogen compounds.One dm

    3 of pure nitrogen gas generated from a chemical reaction

    weighed 1.2505 g. On the other hand, one dm3 of nitrogen gas

    generated from air by removing oxygen, carbon dioxide and

    water vapour weighed 1.2572 g (at the same temperature and

    pressure). A possible explanation was the presence of an

    unknown gas denser than nitrogen in the atmosphere. 

    Both William Ramsay and John Rayleigh tried to isolate

    this unknown gas using different methods. Each found evidence

    of the presence of an unknown gas in the atmosphere. This gas

    was a new element. Rayleigh and Ramsay announced their discovery in 1894, claiming that they

    had found a new element which did not fit into any group of the periodic table, and named it argon

    (from the Greek word argos, meaning ‘inactive’). Ramsey went on to discover helium, neon,

    krypton and xenon.

    John Strutt Lord Rayleigh

    (1842 – 1919)

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    New 21st Century Chemistry 

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    Topic 2 Microscopic World I

    Unit 6 The periodic table

    6.7 Group 0 elements — noble gases

    Using argon to preserve wine in an opened bottle

    Argon can be used to replace oxygen which causes food to oxidize, the chemical reaction that turns

    crisps stale and apples brown. Oxygen in the air can oxidize ethanol in wine to form ethanol or

    ethanoic acid, giving the wine a sour taste. Argon is denser than air. Pumping argon into an opened

    bottle of wine displaces air from the bottle, thus preventing the wine from contact with air.

    Traditionally nitrogen has been used in a similar manner for food preservation. However,argon is denser and fills spaces around the food more completely, making it a more efficient

    preservative agent.

    The first noble gas helium is less dense than air and cannot displace air from the bottle. Thus,

    it is not used for preserving wine in an opened bottle.

    The vacuum pump method is another wine preservation method. This is to pump air out of the

    opened bottle of wine and stop the bottle. A vacuum is created inside the bottle. However, pumping

    air out may also remove volatile organic compounds that give the wine a pleasant odour.

    Supplement to Section 6.7 (P 46)

    Refer to HKDSE Practice Paper

    2012 Paper 1B Q2(a) & (c)

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  • 8/18/2019 HKEP Supplementary Notes


    New 21st Century Chemistry 

    Supplementary Notes  5   © Jing Kung Educational Press. All rights reserved. 

    When three identical steel balls are dropped through the three alcohols, the ball in

    propane-1,2,3-triol takes the longest time to reach the bottom because this alcohol is the most


  • 8/18/2019 HKEP Supplementary Notes


    New 21st Century Chemistry 

    Supplementary Notes  6   © Jing Kung Educational Press. All rights reserved. 

    Topic 9 Chemical Reactions and Energy

    Unit 34 Energy changes in chemical reactions

    34.7 Enthalpy change of an exothermic reaction

    Self-heating food / beverage containers

    Today, many people wish to pursue outdoor activities in environments where modern conveniences

    such as stoves and microwave ovens are not readily available. The food and beverage industry has

    developed self-heating food / beverage containers so that people can enjoy a hot meal or beverage

    while engaging in such pursuits.

    A self-heating container generally includes a reaction chamber and a food / beverage chamber.The reaction chamber contains reactants separated by a breakable membrane. Breaking of the

    membrane allows contact between the reactants which react exothermically. The reaction generates

    a sufficient amount of heat to warm the food / beverage.

    The diagram below shows the design of a can of self-heating coffee.

    When the bottom of the can is pushed, the rod causes the membrane to break, allowing water

    to mix with the calcium oxide. The following reaction occurs.

    CaO(s) + H2O(l) Ca(OH)2(s)

    The reaction between calcium oxide and water is used because it generates a substantial

    amount of heat. Calcium oxide is cheap and readily available. An alternative is to dissolve

    anhydrous calcium chloride in water, which has the advantage of producing no reaction products,

    but generates a less amount of heat.

    Supplement to Section 34.7 (P 12)

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    Paper 2012 Paper 1B Q7(b)

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    The reaction chamber of the can is made of polypropene. Polypropene is a poor conductor of

    heat. Using it to hold the calcium oxide can prevent the fingers from being burnt. It can also

    withstand the high temperature caused by the reaction between calcium oxide and water.

    The beverage chamber of the can is made of aluminium. Aluminium is used because it is

    non-toxic and will not poison the coffee. It is a good conductor of heat. The heat generated from the

    reaction between calcium oxide and water can be transferred to the coffee readily. Aluminium is

    also covered by a layer of aluminium oxide, which prevents the metal from corrosion.

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    New 21st Century Chemistry 

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    Topic 10 Rate of Reaction

    Unit 37 Factors affecting the rate of a reaction

    37.7 Applications of catalysts


    A chemical reaction is said to have undergone autocatalysis if one of the products acts as a catalyst

    for the reaction itself. From industrial production point of view, autocatalytic reactions play an

    important role. The rate of reaction can be maximized by making sure that the optimum

    concentrations of reactants and products are always present.

    Consider the reaction between permanganate ions and oxalate ions under acidic conditions:

    2MnO4–(aq) + 5C2O4


     + 16H

    +(aq) 2Mn

    2+(aq) + 10CO2(g) + 8H2O(l)

    The following graph shows how the concentration of permanganate ions in the reaction

    mixture varies with time in an experiment conducted to study the kinetics of the reaction.

    The concentration of MnO4–(aq) ions changes slowly at the beginning of the reaction,

    indicating the reaction is quite slow at this stage. Both MnO4–

    (aq) and C2O42–

    (aq) ions arenegatively charged, so they are unlikely to make fruitful collision with each other.

    However, the concentration of MnO4–(aq) ions decreases rapidly after the initial stage, i.e. the

    reaction proceeds rapidly. It is likely to be due to the building up of the concentration of a product

    which catalyzes the reaction. The reaction is slow at the beginning because of the low concentration

    of the product.

    When MnO4–(aq) ions are almost used up, the reaction slows down.

    Supplement to Section 37.7 (P 60)

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    2012 Paper 1B Q10(b)(ii)

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    We can use the following experiment to show that Mn2+

    (aq) ion is a catalyst for the reaction.

    1.  Add MnO4–(aq) ions to beakers

    containing C2O42–

    (aq) ions.

    2.  Add a little manganese(II)

    sulphate to beaker 2.

    3.  After 2 minutes, the contents of

    beaker 2 become colourless

    while that of beaker 1 remains

    purple. Manganese(II) sulpahte

    catalyzes the reduction of

    MnO4–(aq) ions to colourless


    (aq) ions.

    4.  The contents of beaker 1

    become colourless also after 6

    minutes. The rate of the reaction

    in beaker 1 increases as the

    concentration of Mn2+

    (aq) ions

    builds up.

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    Topic 11 Chemical Equilibrium

    Unit 40 Factors affecting chemical equilibrium systems

    40.4 The effect of concentration changes on chemical equilibrium system

    Adding aqueous ammonia to copper(II) sulphate solution until excess

    When aqueous ammonia is added to copper(II) sulphate solution, a blue precipitate (copper(II)

    hydroxide) is produced initially. With the addition of excess aqueous ammonia, a deep blue solution

    results due to formation of complex ions. The following equilibrium is established.


    (aq) + 4NH3(aq) Cu(NH3)42+


    Suppose the above equilibrium mixture contains 2 x  10–16  mol dm–3  of Cu2+(aq) ions,

    3.20 mol dm–3

     of NH3(aq) and 0.200 mol dm–3

     of Cu(NH3)42+

    (aq) ions. We can calculate the value

    of K c for this reaction in the following way:

    K c =


    = 9.54 x 1012 dm12 mol–4

     Effect of adding dilute sulphuric acid to the system

    Addition of dilute sulphuric acid to the system introduces H+(aq) ions, which react with NH3(aq) to

    form NH4+(aq) ions. Decreasing the concentration of NH3(aq) causes the equilibrium position of the

    above system to shift to the left, producing Cu2+

    (aq) ions in the process.

    Ammonia also reacts with water to form the NH4+

    (aq) and OH

    (aq) ions.

    NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH


    The Cu2+

    (aq) ions react with the OH–(aq) ions to form a pale blue copper(II) hydroxide



    (aq) + 2OH–(aq) Cu(OH)2(s)

    0.200 mol dm–3 

    (2 x 10–16 mol dm–3)(3.20 mol dm–3) 4 



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    When excess dilute sulphuric acid is added, the acid reacts with the copper(II) hydroxide to

    give a deep blue solution.

    Cu(OH)2(s) + H2SO4(aq) CuSO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)

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    Topic 15 Materials Chemistry

    Unit 51 Metals, alloys and other synthetic materials in modern life

    51.4 Unit cells

    Calculating the density of metal

    Nickel has a cubic close-packed structure. The unit cell of a nickel structure is shown below:

    We can calculate the number of atoms per unit cell as follows:

    • one atom at the centre of each of the six faces, giving 6 x atoms;

    • one atom at each of the eight corners, giving 8 x atoms.

    ∴  number of atoms per cell = [ (6 x ) + (8 x ) ]

    = 4

    Given that the edge length of a unit cell of nickel is 3.52 x  10–8  cm, we can calculate the

    density of solid nickel as follows.

    Volume of one unit cell = (3.52 x 10–8)3 cm3 = 4.36 x 10–23 cm3 

    Mass of one nickel atom = =

    = 9.75 x 10–23 g

    Mass of nickel atoms in one unit cell = 4 x 9.75 x 10–23 g

    Density of solid nickel =


    = 8.94 g cm–3


    58.7 g mol–1


    6.02 x 1023 mol–1 

    molar mass

    Avogadro number 

    mass of one unit cell

    volume of one unit cell

    4 x 9.75 x 10–23 g

    4.36 x 10–23 cm3 





    Supplement to Section 51.4 (P 116)

    Refer to HKDSE Practice Paper2012 Paper 2 Q2(a)(i)(III)

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    Topic 15 Materials Chemistry

    Unit 49 Natural and synthetic polymers

    49.14 Production of polypropene, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene

    Copolymer formed from styrene and acrylonitrile

    When two different types of monomers are joined in the same polymer chain, the polymer is called

    a copolymer.

    Styrene acrylonitrile resin (SAN) is thermoplastic copolymer of styrene ( ) and

    acrylonitrile ( ). SAN consists of styrene units and acrylonitrile units in a ratio of

    approximately 70 to 30.

    Supplement to Section 49.14 (P 24)


    SAN is not made from styrene and acrylonitrile in 1:1 mole ratio. The two types of monomers

    distribute randomly along the polymer molecule. Thus, the structure of SAN CANNOT be

    represented as shown below.


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    SAN combines the clarity and rigidity of polystyrene with the hardness, strength, and heat and

    solvent resistance of polyacrylonitrile. It was introduced in the 1950s and is employed in

    automotive parts, battery cases, kitchenware, computer products, packaging material and furniture.

    Weak instantaneous dipole-induced dipole attractions exist between polymer chains of

    polystyrene. On the other hand, acrylonitrile has a polar –C N group. Stronger permanent

    dipole-permanent dipole attractions exist between polymer chains of SAN. Thus, SAN can

    withstand higher temperatures than polystyrene and it is widely used in place of polystyrene.

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