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It’s all about Tina Betfrom very lost girl tofirst and only queenof Gypsy folk music

All characters in the publication are fictitious and any resemblence to real parties, living or not is but purely coincidental

Copyright @ Dusan Duke Djukanovic PAu 3-715-830

The moral right of the author has been fully asserted

This noncommercial edition is published by Rainbow Queen Nonprofit and may directly be ordered at:


Rainbow Queen is nonprofit humanitarian legal entity where all revenues and contributions were to be chanelled into a help or assistance to the programs aiding most sensitive categories of children such as those without parents, children from national minorities or refugees groups or those that are for any reason not able to meet up their own requirements or needs.

All rights reserved, the publication may not be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording and by no other means, without prior permission by the author.

D. Duke


Gypsy fairytale

Play in 3 acts

CHARACTERSIn order of the stage appearance




Dr. MICKELE BARDONE, cardiologist

SABINA KISH, tour singer




RAN FRIEDMANN, businessman

MIKLOSH BACH, pensioner


SEP SABINSKI, club owner



PAVEL IVANKOV, programmer


That is it and all My boy

The folks we love Do never go

They live alongAt our very soulsFor but as long


(In Hardwar, North India, on Sunday, July 8, 2001 Das Bhai Jagdish climbs up to not more than 15’x15’ plateau facing over the right bank of Ganges river, glances towards water fountain, bench and one cylinder-shaped gravemark, all freshly built in white stone alone. He is short and very thin middle-aged man, with all shaven head, barefoot and wearing pale orange Hindu monk cloth. DAS JAGDISH (Sneezes aloud, wipes off his nose by end of sleeve, mumbles to himself in strong Indian accent)

Damn thing… red and so running in such heat. Wow…! My! My! My! Just take a good look… Seems like it’s all in place though. Ram-Ram.

(Turns on pipe’s knob, rolls eyes up - down, sighs deeply)

It was just last Tuesday when Baba Ram Sahib got over at sudden visit to our temple here. (Turns into a hoarse Baba Ram’s voice)

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram) Das Bhai Sa’b, now we got the new procession to make. Next Saturday. Short… but to make same same like for a queen, you see. I pray that you can. Ram-Ram.

DAS JAGDISH (Turns towards river, shakes head in typical Indian way)

Aye! Baba Ram Sahib! Why not? You say for queen I make it for queen really. Ram-Ram. And so we did it, with a funeral wagon and 24 black limos all lined up at Oberoy gate in Delhi by yesterday morning.


The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 1

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram) The first one is booked for queen’s father and brother in law. Then her agent and the godson, I think.

DAS JAGDISH The queen… queen of what really?

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram) They all call her The Rainbow Queen. Some sort of music star, I think.

DAS JAGDISH And… and the others… these men in black… and ties…

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram)

It’s her children, you see.

DAS JAGDISH Wow! That many?

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram) All adopted. Four darjen, I think.

DAS JAGDISH Forty six.

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram)

Huh! And you and I better stick by the wagon than. Just next to queen on her very last trip to be.


The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 1

DAS JAGDISH (Exclaiming in delight)

It… it’s nice we get along though?

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram)

They did ask for head monk of all India Lord Krishna Temple himself to lead the ceremony. Ram-Ram.

DAS JAGDISH A head for a queen? It does match alright. Ram-Ram. It took 2 hours to get past dust and smoke of the Meerut town alone. And 3 more for as usual bussy Hardwar main road.

DAS JAGDISH (Chanting) Ram-Ram… Ram. Ram-Ram… Ram. By the time Baba Ram, 6 of our sadous and I brought the coffin down by shore, sun was well up over western ridge and all in deep dark-rainbow color. Ram-Ram… Ram. Then guests in black encircled the stake of thin sandal logs and big bunches of snow white roses. Ram-Ram… Ram. Then I pushed to set the blaze but the wind went too high to let me. Ram-Ram… Ram.

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram)

Ram-Ram… Ram. Ram-Ram…Let’s wait a little then. It is like she is asking for a few moments more to stick by this world. Ram-Ram.


The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 1

DAS JAGDISH (Makes Namaste salute)

Ram-Ram… Ram. The moment trees top went still Baba Ram stepped toward, cuts off bunch of gold-shaded hair, lights the torch. Ram-Ram… Ram. In seconds rain blew falling in drops and Baba Ram asks the sadous to go collecting the ashes. Ram-Ram… Ram. Then 2 sadous and us ran to a boat, all wet as mices, for Baba Sa’b to tell his final pray. Ram-Ram… Ram.

DAS JAGDISH (In voice of Baba Ram) (Gesticulating as if speading the ashes into water)

Ram-Ram… Ram. Since you wished to. Ram-Ram. I now let off your ashes. And soul. Ram-Ram… Ram. Into waves of the holly river first. Ram-Ram… Ram. To be taking you on to warmth of the great oceans than. Ram-Ram.

DAS JAGDISH (Sneezes strongly, wipes his eyes, glances at gravemark) And now here I got again. But… but wait a moment here. Where was name… to curve onto this stone. Tina Bet. The Rainbow Queen. I must complain about it first thing tomorrow.

(Stands still in Namaste salute, with his head low in silent pray.




(In Paris, on Saturday, June 23, 2001 Marion Bartu with headphones smiles on front of camera at rather large Studio 1 of French Radio Television. She is in her late forties, with sharp eyes, small nose and man style hair cut. In opposite corner there is one stylish table with lamp and framed photo of beautiful looking woman with wreath of snow white roses in her golden-like shaded hair)

MARION BARTU (In French accent)

I am Marion Bartu from RTF studio in Paris and so I do welcome you all to welcome our very special radio guest today. Tina Bet! The… Rainbow Queen!

(Table lamp turns green, there comes the voice of Tina Bet in slight German accent)

TINA BET (Voice) Good morning. And thank you.

MARION BARTU It’s been for quite a long time now. Nine or even ten years since we had you along last time.

TINA BET (Voice) Oh, yes. Quite a long time no doubt.

MARION BARTU For our younger audience I think I better repeat once again that Tina Bet comes from not very huge group of folk artists that’s exceptional in many ways.

TINA BET (Voice) It is so kind of you to say.

MARION BARTU Though the truth is that even your critics do view you as true mother

of contemporary Romani folk music. 10 The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

TINA BET (Voice) I’m sure it’s a bit overstated yet. There are so many others brilliant and highly gifted people.

MARION BARTU Of course, but the fact is that it was you who managed to lift up one rather too traditional branch into an entirely new… artistical level.

TINA BET (Voice) What I tried was simply to take our music as close to our audience as I possibly could.

MARION BARTU In that you’d succeded a great deal, no doubt. Your fans come from every age group, from all corners and not just in Europe alone. Though what I find as most interesting is that in truth great majority of them didn’t belong to Romani communities. As it could be well expected to be.

TINA BET (Voice) To me it is exactly as it should be. Must be. Music is off boundaries of any kind. It is to do with feelings. Love. And that’s it. No more and no less.

MARION BARTU Indeed. But yet again, I do feel I needed to ask what in fact is your secret that…

TINA BET (Voice), laughing No secrets there. In last 20 or more years of my life I only wished to be genuine. And sincere. And loving for all who ever felt for me that way.

11The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

MARION BARTU (Clicks her fingers) Loving – yes! That’s the expression I was searching for. You’re genuine. And sincere alright. But the loving part seemed like making a whole lot of difference there.

TINA BET (Voice) I never knew any other way. All I do I do it from the bottom of my heart.

MARION BARTU And so your fans understand it fully. And I dare to say responding back to you in exactly the same way.

TINA BET (Voice) Oh yes, I did feel that exchange so many times before. And it helped me a lot at times which weren’t really too easy to me.

MARION BARTU But now to me you seem like a lucky soul taking by good old path again.

TINA BET (Voice) I do try my best.

MARION BARTU Tickets for tonight’s show sold out in barely few hours time. It showed rather clear that time stood not in way between you or your fans at all.

TINA BET (Voice) I only hope I won’t disappoint them, that’s all.

MARION BARTU You do feel excited, don’t you?

12The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

TINA BET (Voice) Or emotional, I’d say. I always used to be. But now… perhaps… a bit more.

MARION BARTU I… we all can’t wait to. And yet, I hope you won’t mind if I once again mentioned about your Jazz roots.

TINA BET (Voice) Sure not. To me Jazz has always been very first and never-ending love and inspiration.

MARION BARTU It took you all the way from Austria, Europe and the USA. As per qualified observers rather deservingly so. And still with no substantial success to be following up. Why?

TINA BET (Voice) I guess I wasn’t good enough than.

MARION BARTU But true change in your life and the career took place after you met with late Yanosh Bach.

TINA BET (Voice) Yeah. He’s always been the source of my deepest respect and admiration.

MARION BARTU And I am sure it was not easy though. I mean to fit to that new experience. And language. Or the customs. And so many other not less important things. But still, looking from the distance it appeared as if you didn’t find it all so very hard, did you?

13The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

TINA BET (Voice) Well, it was quite challenging task though. With its own magic… secrets. Luckily though, my love and passion had never failed me there.

MARION BARTU And even more so since you were not of the Romani origin yourself.

TINA BET (Voice) One does not really need to be born in a place to belong there. Look at Charles Aznavour as finest example. To me it’s got to do with love… And emotions… And a lots of hard work.

MARION BARTU Wow! It is like it’s enough to just love it and work hard and that’s it. And yet, I guess you’d know because you are the one and only officially crowned world queen of Romani music. I can’t help wondering what does it feel like from today’s perspective?

TINA BET (Voice) For me, it has always been no more then the purely symbolic act.

MARION BARTU You’re also seen as devoted advocate, or the true champion when it came to Romani minority’s right. Please tell us once again, how it came to be?

TINA BET (Voice) I figure it must have been my way to express against bad if not even most awful condition that majority of our folks used to live by. Unfortunately, thing hardly changed as yet.

14The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

MARION BARTU Unfortunately indeed. In addition to the regular humanitarian actions you remained pretty engaged in launching the chain of Romani Cultural Centres in some European cities. Why?

TINA BET (Voice) To provide them the basic education. You see, without it one can’t truly get to self-awareness. Self-respect. Or feeling of pride.

MARION BARTU In 1987 you got elected the honorary vice-chairperson of the World Romani Congress while couple of years later you happened to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. I wonder if such things affected your life or career as a whole?

TINA BET (Voice) To me that was rather symbolic too.

MARION BARTU Tell us a few words about your kids

now. For the record you have got 46 quite adoring children that you and Yani Bach adopted during life time.

TINA BET (Voice) God blessed me not with my own, but again, He gifted me too beautifully. They are the best they could be. As children. As students. As grown ups.

MARION BARTU And before we check out I hope you won’t mind me playing one old song especially for you.

TINA BET (Voice) Of course not. It’s my favorite one.

And our national anthem as well. 15The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 2

MARION BARTU And finally, if you’re asked to draw the line at this particular point of time, I do wonder what would it tell about?

TINA BET (Voice) I am sure it would tell that I lived my life that was full… full… full of love.


Like in some real fairytale, I’d say. And then, that was it from our dear… very dear… and always too very loved Tina Bet. The… Rainbow Queen.


16ACT 1 – SCENE 3

(In Paris, on Sunday, June 24 2001 Dr. Mickele Bardone in great hurry storms toward door with sign SFT Production. In his mid-forties he appears pretty short in light rain coat and partly bolding forehead)

MICKELE BARDONE (In Italian accent)

Now! Do tell me that it’s not true! Tell… that… it’s… not! It can’t be!

JON TZINBERG (Sits at huge desk with head tightly pressed by his palms. He is in his early fifties, slim and rather tall with short ponnytail and wearing 3 piece elegant suit. His too worried face does not move an inch)

MICKELE BARDONE (Raising voice) Listen up here, Jon Richard Tzinberg! I did ask you the question and don’t you even think to… to… to…

JON TZINBERG (Looks through his fingers, shivers a bit, closes eyes again)


MICKELE BARDONE (Hits his fist onto palm, collapses down into nearby chair) No! No!!! My God! When?

JON TZINBERG (In Oxford accent)

Tonight. Few hours… after the show. They… they found her in hotel room just later this morning.



The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG Doctors claim it happened in sleep. And indeed she… she… she looked so very peaceful. As if in… in… sweet dreams, you know.

MICKELE BARDONE You had seen her for yourself?



It’s God’s will to take her with not much of suffering or pain than. I do wonder still, if anything about show went wrong?

JON TZINBERG Oh no… no way! I assure you that the last night show was probably best of her entire career. And a sort of the crown of a life time achievement, if I may say so.

(Lifts head up, his swollen eyes shine in excitement)

In last 20 years, since I took over from my uncle Sam Friedmann I can’t recall her appearing as majestic as she had last night. I only wish you could see all that crowd. Into the jam-packed Olympia Theater. And hear the way they did chant The-Rain-bow-Queen… The Rain- bow-Queen. For over 2 hours.

MICKELE BARDONE It is so amazing. I mean to find the way to gather that much of strength.

After too long.18

The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG Yes, by God, on stage but during the small party afterword as well. I did walk her up to her room by myself, a few minutes before 2 am, I do recall. We kissed good night and set for the early lunch this afternoon.

MICKELE BARDONE (Makes a cross-sign by his chests) It is like she left when she chose it than. The way she wanted it to.

JON TZINBERG You say it as if a person can really choose when and how to… to leave off.

MICKELE BARDONE Some people can though. But to me it is still little puzzling that the 10 years long break left no… no impacts to her fans.

JON TZINBERG But not total break, mind you. Every time we went by releasing any of her old record, it sold out in weeks. So she wasn’t on stage, but was much in the air though. Popular and so loved.

MICKELE BARDONE Well… in such case I guess we may as well offer our last pray to our dear and indeed most beloved Tina Bet.

(Leans towards desk, grabs Coca Cola bottle, gulps, chokes in shock) What? What on earth was that?

JON TZINBERG It’s but a pure Scotch only.

MICKELE BARDONE In a petty Coke bottle? 19The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG Well, there must be a drop or two of it left in there for sure.

MICKELE BARDONE Can’t we have more proper glasses for a change?

JON TZINBERG (Opens up drawer, pulls out 2 glasses, fills in with Scotch)

Sure. May Lord God bless her soul up there in heavens.


(They empty glasses in one go, Jon does the refill again) Tell me, Jo, the whole thing about her come back. Whose idea was that in the first place?

JON TZINBERG Hers of course. About 2 months ago she rang me up at my London office. Only to instruct to look about her come back show.

MICKELE BARDONE (Clicks his fingers) Just like that?

JON TZINBERG (Clicks his fingers)

Just like that.

MICKELE BARDONE She told you about the place too?

20The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG Yes. She said she wanted it to be in city of lights. No other place. You know her, Tina asks Tina gets. It always used to work like that.

MICKELE BARDONE And you didn’t find it at least a little bit strange, did you?


MICKELE BARDONE About her decision to perform.

JON TZINBERG What strange? I was delighted like hell. Tina was not just by far the best artist in our branch, but our family friend for ages too. And as you know, I never looked at her so very premature retirement as quite wise thing to do.

MICKELE BARDONE (Nods solemnly, his voice lowers to a mere whisper)

Sure. Sure. Sure. You had no way of knowing it for sure.

JON TZINBERG Knowing IT? WHAT knowing?

MICKELE BARDONE Never mind that. Not really. Now.

JON TZINBERG (Leans up in chair, his face turning very hard) Dr. Mickele Bardone, let me hereby remind you of our long and quite a friendship and trust. And if you’d

tell me now that it is not…21

The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

MICKELE BARDONE No! Nothing like that. What I meant was that you did… could not know of how gravely ill she actually was.

JON TZINBERG I was not aware that she was ill at all. Aging yes, but not ill though.


JON TZINBERG But… but… why wasn’t I told about it? Not ever. Not once.

MICKELE BARDONE It was the way she wanted. She did not allow anybody to know about it.

JON TZINBERG And… and I thought I wasn’t really JUST ANYBODY to her.

MICKELE BARDONE To her anybody meant everybody. ALL. With not a single exception there.

JON TZINBERG Oh no? What about Yanika Bach than?

MICKELE BARDONE Believe you me, not even him.

JON TZINBERG That was some secret than. But what… what was the illness we talk about?

MICKELE BARDONE (Shakes his head)

No can tell. But off the record…

22The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG Off the record? For Heaven’s sake it is like you suspect that I’ll get by spreading it on to the whole world.

MICKELE BARDONE But no, Jo! Come on, of course not! What I meant to say was that I was a bit surprised that she’d made it as far as she did in first place.

JON TZINBERG You mean… last night?


JON TZINBERG Wow! I guess I’m getting it now at last. With you involved it is sure to be about her heart than. I wish I knew about it before, perhaps we could have tried to…

MICKELE BARDONE Let’s not play gods today, please.

JON TZINBERG I could have tried to talked her out though. I know it would be difficult and yet I could have some way not to… not to…

MICKELE BARDONE That would have probably made her go a… a bit less happy, I suppose.

(Leans forward, speaks in very low and muttering tone) Her heart was clanging on the thread, you know.


But… she seemed like she had more of it then… then most of us actually. 23The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

MICKELE BARDONE In your perception – yes. But as her doctor, as a cardiologist I did look at that from rather different angles. And especially since I knew it would be her very third time coming. Which is normally the fatal one, you know.

JON TZINBERG (In total astonishment)

The third… third time?

MICKELE BARDONE I shoudn’t really be saying all this. But what the hell… now. (Gets to his feet, gulps a sip, walks over to window side) She got the yellow card first. Some 12 years ago in Salzburg hospital I was on my practice than. It was not an easy case but she proved taugher yet. And… clever enough to fool all the doctors involved that she could take care of it herself. All but me though.

JON TZINBERG But why not you?

MICKELE BARDONE I knew it wasn’t simply about heart but also had to do with her habits. Or the life style, if you will. She worked hard… slept little… not good food… late night champagne…

JON TZINBERG And you… you had told her so?

24The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

MICKELE BARDONE (Nodding) That’s probably why she’d picked me for her doctor since. Could be that she needed to be told the truth. No matter what.

JON TZINBERG It is nobody’s secret that Tina did trust you immensely.

MICKELE BARDONE (Sighs deeply) Yes, but I was still not the guy to make her healthy by some magic wand. Anyway, we parted then with promise that she gives hard push for change. And that we meet in 3 months again.

JON TZINBERG But she didn’t show up, did she?

MICKELE BARDONE Not for a year or more. But by that time I couldn’t help seeing the red card written all over her med chart. We lost her right at the table. For about a few seconds and she bounced back. Beating off all the odds that were.

JON TZINBERG Wow! I think I’m getting it now. It was when she abruptly took 3 months break up at her Innsbruck home. But I do remember she looked bit better afterword. She lost some weight and all.

25The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

MICKELE BARDONE Refreshed – yes, but the problem is that her will has always been a bit superior to her body might. And the will worked the very same way, take on to yet another tour… once again… and again… and again.

JON TZINBERG And you, you had approved it?

MICKELE BARDONE Not really, but it would have made no difference at all.

JON TZINBERG I know, I know. If she wished, she made sure that she got.

MICKELE BARDONE (Looks around, sits back to chair rather nervously)

Yes indeed. But… but… but there was a thing that happened. An odd thing I should probably not talk about it. And yet I feel like I can’t keep it all to myself alone.

JON TZINBERG You know I am not very curious type, but do tell me if you must.

MICKELE BARDONE Ten years ago, and barely couple of days before the last breakdown, she phoned me up and said she wished to give it all up for good and move to to Dr. Norbert Grabosh. All the way to Cedar Valley in Tennessee.

JON TZINBERG (Bites his lips)

Oh my God! I hope she didn’t say so to Yanika than. Oh my God! 26The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

MICKELE BARDONE (Hesitates a bit)

Well, I imagine he was too precious to her not to tell.

JON TZINBERG But you said she did not talk about the illness.

MICKELE BARDONE Yes, but this was the thing you can never hide really.

JON TZINBERG Wow! I guess that could have broken the old man’s heart for sure.

MICKELE BARDONE I don’t know what to think. But the fact is that just two days after he crushed off to the bottom of Danube river in Bratislava.

JON TZINBERG (Slumps down into chair)

No! No!! Oh, my God! No!!! It looks as if… if she… she actually… caused… led to… to his… his death… somehow.

MICKELE BARDONE That time she remained lost for the whole minute. Not one of us doctors there could even think that she may make it thru once again. It was not that she didn’t want do die, nobody ever does, but it appeared that God wanted her to stay for little while yet. With her heart as weak as leaf adrift though.

27The Rainbow Queen ACT 1 – Scene 3

JON TZINBERG (Thoughtfully)

And… she… she knew about it?


JON TZINBERG (Shrugs his shoulders)

As you said, some people can really choose when and how to pack away.

MICKELE BARDONE But queens, only the queens though.

JON TZINBERG (Gets to his feet, raises up the glass)

To our queen. The Rainbow Queen than.

(They chear up with their glasses, drink along to the last sip)


28ACT 2 – SCENE 1

(In Paris, on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 Sabina Kish with very thoughtful expression on her face rests on bench of the railroad platform with sign Gare du Nord. She looks a bit younger to her late forties and dressed in all black)

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Slim and pretty for her late thirties and wearing black shawl around her shoulders, she approaches by with pulling a briefcase behind. Halts in surprise, speaks in Bulgarian accent)

My! My! My! It’s you, Sabina Kish my dear. I did not expect we might meet today though.

(Leans down the bench, kisses Sabina’s cheek rather warmly) I thought you must have left already. Like everyone else, I believe.

SABINA KISH (Shrugs, brushes her eyes, speaks in Hungarian accent)

Yeah. I was supposed to but I… I… I felt like not able to pull a single chunk of my body the whole day long. That… it all came so quick to me to…

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Takes a seat down, embraces over Sabina’s shoulder)

I know. I know. It has been such an awful loss for us all.

SABINA KISH, in a half tone Yes! Yes! Who could ever think that the… the night that was supposed to be the… the one of purest joy alone had to end up in such… misfortune.

29The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1


Although the show went so great, no question. But today’s ceremony went dull if not so quickly for my taste. The hearsay had it that her body is to be flown over to India next week. For the cremation, they say.

SABINA KISH (With palm over her mouth, shoots long glance at Roumyana)

For cremation? In India? I am sorry, it’s not that I didn’t remember you from our troop but I seem I got too old to hold names as good as I used to.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Of course. I understand. My name is Roumyana Ahmetova, from the city of Rousse. In Bulgaria.

SABINA KISH (Slaps over her forehead)

Oh yes! Of course! I do remember it now. You are one of Tina’s favorite troop dancers, aren’t you?

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA(Her shoulders tremble)

I was. I’m sorry, I can’t still. I… I… I… you know, it… it…

SABINA KISH (Soothingly)

S-h! S-h! She would surely not like us to talk about her with tears. Or

sadness. Or regrets of any kind.

30The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Makes cross sign by her chests in Greek-Orthodocs way)

God bless her beautiful soul.

SABINA KISH (Makes cross sign by her chests in Roman-Catholic way) Amen. And if there’s a single place left up there in heavens she surely deserved it. But now please tell me where we girls are actually heading to today?

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA I go back home to Sofia.

SABINA KISH Wow! It means we will get along all the way to Budapest than.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Great! Great! I know that you were on the tour from the early days. I do admit I can hardly wait to hear all about it from the mouth of the old guard.

SABINA KISH Old guard? Is that how you call me? Old guard!? I beg your pardon dear lady, but I am the most senior one of all. The only person that could recall Tina from before she joined to our troop actually.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Holds her breath)

Oh yeah? Do you… really?

31The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

SABINA KISH It was just minutes after midnight of September 21, 1970 in small, no name hotel… motel on the road from Budapest to Bratislava. I and Yani Bach took to room for the training, while rest of the band remained in sleep at our wagon outside.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA The training? What training?

SABINA KISH (Hesitates for moment, glances around, grinning discreetly) About singing… how to perform… the basic steps. By any directon there was. but too sweetly from the rear side, if you got what I try to say.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Shakes her head)

Wow! Didn’t he really? I do admit I would never think of Yani that way. No! Not ever!


He used to be quite a guy back than, I tell you. And I was barely 17 and many said pretty attractive as well.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA You still manage quite a figure, no question.

SABINA KISH(Touching upon Roumyana’s palm)

Thank you dear. Such was the custom

in those years, you see. I mean for big boss to take every favor of the very new girl on the toor. 32 The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1


And… and I imagine that those girls in the troop didn’t mind the custom so very badly, did they?

SABINA KISH Why minding the privilege to sleep in nice private room. To be served breakfast in bed and… more. Anyway, that night… after the training, he ran out of cigarettes, I felt very hungry and so we climbed down to a bar where one young lady sang some

Jazz. She looked so pretty on that petty stage, with flute, blue eyes

and the wreath of snow white roses in her hair of purest golden shade.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Shoots down her eyes as if to daydream awhile)

Wow! That’s but what I thought she might look like in her younger age.

And then… then… what happened then?

SABINA KISH Then Yanika suddenly got excited and asked her to come over to our table.



And introduced herself as Tina Bet. But imagine this, she was aware of the Bach’s troop already.


She knew about Yanika? But really?

33The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

SABINA KISH Not in person though. She said she wasn’t a fan really but liked what we do.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (Bursts laughing)

Wow! I do imagine Yanika flying to high skies straightaway.


You bet he did, then bowed deeply, kissed her palm, and asked her to sing a song for us. The Gypsy one though, you know.


A Gypsy song? I doubt if she knew any back than.

SABINA KISH (Shakes her head)

Not really, but she offered some I think Jewish song instead.

It was most beautiful voice I ever heard and Yani instantly rushed to the proposal to make.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA What proposal? To join in?

SABINA KISH, nodding But… but she hesitated for quite a while though. All until he… he…

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Until he… he what? 34The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

SABINA KISH Until he swore he’ll make her the queen… the Gypsy music queen… one day.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (With both palms over her mouth)

The music queen? My God. I… cannot imagine anybody could make promise

like that. Anyway, I guess she got in for sure than?

SABINA KISH And so she did. Next morning at 8 we hit the road to Bratislava again. To a three months long eastern tour. In 5 countries and hundred shows.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA But… but… but… how? You said she was not familiar with any song… costumes… dancing part… Not a thing actually.

SABINA KISH I helped her out with few songs. And believe you me, she fit like she was with us for ages


SABINA KISH (Whistling by her lips)

They went totally mad after her, you know. You should have seen that. She looked so imperious… With white rose in her hair… And the voice…

When she sang fast they turned their hands high up like one.

35The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

SABINA KISH When she sang slow they all used to take the tear off. And chearing The- Rain-bow-Girl and The-Rain-bow-Girl Right from the day one.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA It is amazing! So very amazing! And… and never mind she didn’t belong to our… Gypsy kind?

SABINA KISH I don’t know. It is like crowd liked it with blue eye and gold hair a bit better. Anyway, in just 3 months she

made her fame alright. Same like the fairytale, you know.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA The Gypsy fairytale, that was, where a blue-eyed Austrian woman exchanged her soft Jazz status to rainbow girl first… then to crowned Rainbow Queen at the end. Not bad. Not bad really… for a poor girl, claiming to be born the very day she turned 12. On front of American Hospital in Salzburg.

SABINA KISH(Thoughtfully)

Wow! That’s how she got her American passports than.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Anyway, I guess that Yanika got hell of a pleased about her from the very day one.

SABINA KISH Oh yes, he truly was. He didn’t even tell a word after she ordered me not

to… to make to his room… again.

36The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA She really did that? But why?

SABINA KISH She said we can’t follow that stupid custom from before. So it is OK only when you do it by your own free will. And so I kept going to him but every night on. On my free will, of course.


I can almost feel how much you guys ran scared that she or they both do get hold on you two some day.

SABINA KISH Scared to our bones, you see. And so we would wait for a later hours than. Like having some sort of a vampire’s body exercises all by the dawn time.


It was quiet needless though. I know for the fact that she would not give a damn if you two are riding by each other or not.

SABINA KISH I wonder how would you know that?

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA But I know! I do! I know because she actually never was very attracted to the… the… the men and stuff, you see.

SABINA KISH And I thought you may spare me of yet another hearsay of the day. As we all

know, she could make almost every man running towards her. Any time she had wished to. 37 The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Yes, but I do recall her saying that once she was hurt very badly.


ROUMYANA AHMETOVA No! Some other guy. Anyway, no woman no secret to hide.

SABINA KISH I’ve been wondering, what yours may be all about?

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA Oh no, you don’t really want to know.

SABINA KISH But I do! I do! And I will tell to no other soul. I give you my word for it.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA You won’t for sure?

SABINA KISH (Looks up, makes a cross sign over her shoulders)

By God, I won’t.

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA (In very low tone)

Well then, my secret is that we girls used to have a lot… a lot of fun. And true emotions for one another. If you get what I tried to say.

SABINA KISH (Holds her breath)

I guess I do! Wow! Since when? How?

38The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 1

ROUMYANA AHMETOVA It started by spring of 1979, after very first show in Cairo. Night was worm, she asked me for some massage in her room filled by huge piles of

flowers. And before I knew what was going on we… ended up in… in…

SABINA KISH(Pops in and grinning)

And I… don’t beleive a single… word of it, you see. Except that you are found of the girl side. Or else you could be running at real trouble to Yanika Bach for sure.


Oh no! The guys truly cared for each other in every way there was. Except in that particular one, you know.

(From background comes the speaker announcement in French)

SABINA KISH (Holds onto Roumyana’s arm, winking) It looks our train is approaching. I

figure we better hurry up. I feel we may be heading to a bit exciting… if

not ever memorable trip, you know.


39ACT 2 – SCENE 2

(In London, on Thursday, June 28 2001 Daniel Pantushik approaches to small office with World Romani Congress sign, limping by his foot tightly bandaged. He is tall and very slim middle-aged man with sharply observing eyes and rather well trimmed beard)

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (In Polish accent)

Ion! Doreanou! My friend! I am so very happy to meet with you again.

ION DOREANOU (Jumps up from behind his desk, goes forward, they exchange firm hugging. He is short and little bit older looking for his late fifties, in all black suit and speaks in Romanian accent)

Same here! Same here! I feel so nice every time I meet my good old friend Daniel Pantushik. Poet of all poets. How is your foot today?

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Slumps at nearest chair, stretches leg under desk, sighs) Well, at least it does not hurt much any longer. And yet, it made me weak enough not to get to Paris last week.

ION DOREANOU I wish that I… we all didn’t have to make there for the reason we made it there in a first place.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Of course not. But it seems like our Tina bade her last farewell in great style one would hardly be ashamed of. As graciously as it got, no question.

ION DOREANOU She did diserve it though.

40The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Of course she does.

ION DOREANOU I wonder though… if she had a way to see what was coming, would she still be… so pushing along or not.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Hard to tell. But one thing for sure, she seldom was shy in taking chances.

ION DOREANOU In any case, The Rainbow Queen seems as if departed to the rainbow legend at last. If only not too very sudden and soon.


It is always too sudden and soon for such a beautiful soul to leave us.

ION DOREANOU (Takes a bottle from the drawer, fills 2 glasses)

You are a Pole and so I guess a shot of Vodka may do.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Lifts up his glass, gulps down, shakes his shoulders)

God bless Tina Bet. And I hope you won’t mind me for not making it to the commemoration conference today. Damn flight took off 2 hours late.

ION DOREANOU Don’t worry, not a single thing was to be missed there. In fact, only a

few of us old guys felt really sad. (Rolls his eyes up - down, swallows a sip, sighs bitterly)

41The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

ION DOREANOU I doubt if anything… anything at all could… really make our chaps in this Congress thinking as one.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Pulls out one cigarette)

I don’t see why on earth should you… I… they need to think as one though. Mind if I lit a fag?


The other day I heard a good one. If a joke though. Do you know why Gypsy burning pot in hell has no its devil to push back all those who would try to crawl out of it eventually?

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Rolls cigarette over in his fingers without lighting it)

No. Why?

ION DOREANOU Because we guys proved damn good in doing it just fine by ourselves.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Smiles curtly, puts cigarette behind his ear)

But no. Not only us, trust me. Pols are hardly any better here. And the Romanians I am sure. And…


42The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

ION DOREANOU Of course. Of course. What I had on my mind was about mentality of fat- assed Congress guys around here. It was nearly the same when we went to push on for Nobel Prize nomination. Some said she was too blue-eyed. Or other claimed a falk-singing as too undeserving… So we managed with one, only one single damn vote in favor.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Spreads his hands up)

Some folks appear so very hopelessly blind to see things.

ION DOREANOU Not as much as they do not want to. You know, if nominated, even Roger Moore would pass by unanimous vote. With no one… NOT ONE to speak over his eye. Or acting as deserving or not profession and stuff. But, any time when it might come to our own kind, we act like… like… like…

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Bursts laughing)

Like the true Gypsies, you mean?

ION DOREANOU But really, Daniel, I guess that no one in whole universe would hold us in such a low esteem as we do it by ourselves.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK You know, those are the very words she told me the very first time we


43The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

TINA BET (Voice) I tell you, Daniel, if one lived in dirt for long, he thinks dirty. All that go brainwashed for so long are not capable of thinking so clear no longer. And so, people condemned to misery for too long do loose hearts and hopes eventually.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK True, but nothing’s new though. It was before. It is now… And I fear…

TINA BET (Voice) No, not quite the same, you know. I feel things do get rolling. Perhaps too weak and yet very slow but…


That’s right, slow! Too damn slow!

TINA BET (Voice) It is slow process though, where we all must invest a load of tolerance, understanding, compassion. You know,

poverty and ignorance are not to be cured by a single shot. Whole world turns changing, so we need to catch our steps too.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK(Shakes his head)

But… but… but how? It’s easy to say but changing of centuries old habit and mentality… I don’t know.

TINA BET (Voice) No losing heart, OK? What we needed here is huge dedications, hard work, plenty of time, patience… Also some

money as well. Now mentioning about the money, good news is that I will help in funding the release of your first poetry book. 44The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

ION DOREANOU She did love your poetry a lot. And so do we all actually.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Yeah… But in return she had a favor to ask from me too.

ION DOREANOU A favor? What favor?

TINA BET (Voice) You must help in launching the first cultural point. In Poland. With good teachers for language, music and art. You know, education is the only mean for our folks to get read of begging, paperboard houses or whoring around. In everlasting fear of misery, pains and utmost desperation.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK But… but I must admit I’m not quite sure that… that they…

TINA BET (Voice) No losing harts, remember? Stamina will emerge in course of education, I’m sure. And so, we’ll see people looking at themselves not as cheap comodity but as human beings which matter. And deserve to be taken or understood that way.

ION DOREANOU(Takes a deep breath)

She did have a vision for tomorrow, no question.


And another thing. If you knew how to keep your lips really tight.

45The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2


DANIEL PANTUSHIK At that time, in eyes of 27 years

old poet she looked too beautiful. With her eyes… And white roses in her golden hair… As a goddess. So thus I thought of… of the advance to make.

ION DOREANOU (Bursts laughing)

And… and then?

DANIEL PANTUSHIK (Bursts laughing)

Then she cooled me off before I’d even known what was going on. She dismissed me, but with such class that turned one dissapointed love hawk to an all time devoted dove.


Yeah. She knew how to comfort but also to defy to the last. I still remember the night she rose up at Elena Chaushesku. An empress over a king in my country at the time.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Now you talk about her refusal to perform before some crowd was let in, don’t you?

ION DOREANOU Yes, but that crowd were actually

all countryside Gypsies who could not afford the entry fees.

46The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

DANIEL PANTUSHIK What a heart. I do doubt I would have the guts.

ION DOREANOU Neither would I, especially while looking at secret police chaps in rush. All furious as hell, I knew.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK You see? That’s difference between a singer girl or the crowned queen, isn’t it?

ION DOREANOU (Refills glasses, gets up, walks by window, thinks awhile)

I guess it is my turn now to ask if you too can hold your lips as tight as you asked me?


ION DOREANOU Do you recall the way we got to that tour of… her crowning that was?

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Just very faintly so.

47The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 2

ION DOREANOU It was I to press upon young Indian attache here to arrange the tour in 5 cities. For 12 of us. For a month. All paid for. It was like the dream really, well attended and colorfull. At our last stop in Delhi they took us to prime minister Indira Gandhi. She was with her 2 grandkids, a few aides and press, when Yani and Tina with her usual bunch of white roses in her hair came in. Indira laughed, touched towards Tina’ hair and then media guys went chanting The… Rain- Bow Queen quite excitedly. Next day we could see the headlines like THE RAINBOW QUEEN CROWNED IN DELHI, and PM CROWNS FIRST EVER QUEEN OF GYPSY MUSIC, and NEW GYPSY QUEEN WAS BORN TODAY IN INDIA.

DANIEL PANTUSHIK Wow! Now I understand why she used to always play whole thing as down as she could. But… but at least we got rather lovely tune to remember the… the occasion by.

(Starts whistling the tunes of Ion Dori)


48ACT 2 – SCENE 3

(In Sombor, Serbia, Saturday, June 30 2001 Ran Friedmann approaches to a well flowered house porch with Miklosh Bach sign on front. He is 6’ and bright-eyed, athletic build and wearing elegant suite with black patch on his left chest)

RAN FRIEDMANN (In Israeli accent) Hallo! Anybody here? Hallo! Oh yes, I can feel my dear uncle Mick Bach. As if behind one more than massive wooden chair.

MIKLOSH BACS (Quite old looking and asleep in rocking chair, half opens eyes on his dark wrinkled face, speaks in Hungarian accent)

Hiding who… what the hell… Wow! The voice! It… must be you… My boy! Yes! It’s my Ran Friedmann to bless this old soul and eyes too. Now… do come in and feel at home. Silly I, it is your home alright.

RAN FRIEDMANN (Hugs old man firmly, kisses his hand first, then cheeks) Yes, I am. God’s willing, you look better than the last time.

MIKLOSH BACH Better like hell. I sort of try to pull over by… by this 70 years old age. But… my heart is still one of young monkey, you see. Curious and funny. Then curious again. Anyway, I am very glad to see you, my son. We hardly expected you before 6.30

pm though.

RAN FRIEDMANN (Sits by Miklosh’s feet)

I rented a little car in Belgrade. 49 The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH (Whisttles by his lips)

Ugh! It must cost a fortune though.

RAN FRIEDMANN Not that I couldn’t afford it.

MIKLOSH BACH You would be… if making your bucks in here. Anyway, my old Gabika got away to… to the nearby friend, and might be back any time now. And so I think I… I better go to fix some coffee to start by.

RAN FRIEDMANN Just relax, please. I’m all fine.

MIKLOSH BACH And what about one Palinka shot? I made it by my own hands, you know.

RAN FRIEDMANN I would love to, really. From very best master there is. But, you see I do drive the car today.

MIKLOSH BACH(Coughs heavily)

Yes, the car, of course. You know, I didn’t drive myself for ages. My eye is weak, my arms shaking and… and my soul bleeds off in enormous pain and sorrow.

RAN FRIEDMANN (Lowers his head)

I know. I know. Tina was too dear to us all. To me like the second mother for sure.

50The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH (Looks up, makes a cross sign over his chests) God bless our Tina Bet. May her soul rest in eternal peace and harmony.

(Both men lower heads in a moment of deaf silence)

RAN FRIEDMANN The other day I did attend the will reading meeting in Vienna. With her long time legal team. She wrote she wished that all she had owned go to the kids. And to you. And to me. In equal shares.

MIKLOSH BACH (Brushes his eyes, starts weeping in very low tone) It… it’s so touching. So thoughtful of her. Even after… after…

RAN FRIEDMANN (Cautiously)

Though mother and I thought that my share I… we better transfer… I mean surrender to… to you, actually. If… if that’s OK to you too, of course.

MIKLOSH BACH But why? If she wanted me to get the double, she… she could make that for herself. Thank you, my son, but I… I think money must never be reason for us to… to…


It’s not about the money at all. We, I mean mother and I would feel very happy if…

51The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH Alright! Alright! Do as you find you… you must than. As for me, it’s never really bad to be taken good care of, you know. First by… by my Yani. Then Tina. And… and now Golda and you too.

(Makes break, looks around, his tone goes down to whisper) Even though I must admit it… it did not look so from the very start.

RAN FRIEDMANN I beg you pardon, uncle Mick. I am not sure I follow you in this one.

MIKLOSH BACH The moment I… I first set my eyes on her, so beautiful or gorgeous as she appeared, I thought she was not… she could not be right person for Yanika. Compared to her he… he appeared very pale. Not so greatly ambitious or so weak when… when it comes to imposing his will to… to anybody else.

RAN FRIEDMANN But… but he appeared perfectly happy man to me.

MIKLOSH BACH And he was. It… it took me awhile to realize it though. She made him very happy man. Showed him a purpose. The directions. And… and true mission in his life.

RAN FRIEDMANN Ever since I knew for myself I recall them as thinking as one. Or acting as

one. Or even breathing as one too.

52The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH (Coughs heavily, chokes, takes one big breath, makes a break) Oh sure. They had huge understanding. And a lot… lot of honest feelings as well. Except maybe in… in one single… occassion that I am aware of.

RAN FRIEDMANN (Holds his breath)

What? What occasion you have on your mind?

MIKLOSH BACH(His shoulders tremble)

On… on day he died Yani did buzz me up, saying that he must momentarily get to… to us here. His tone seemed so broken and sad to the high skies. That was the last time we talked to as… as barely a few hours after his car crushed off… off the Bratislava bridge.

RAN FRIEDMANN It’s strange to me too. And what do you think had happened there?

MIKLOSH BACH We… won’t ever know that. But deep inside my heart I… I put the blame

on her. Without her, I thought, my kid brother would yet be just… one… simple music man. With very simple heart. And simple place under this sun.


But… but… but… uncle Mick…

53The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH But… but sure I was wrong. I knew it

the moment our eyes met in her house in Innsbruck. In sorrow. Sad. Broken. In great pain. Just like my own.

(Brushes his eyes, coughs deeply, breathing very hard)

And believe you me, the… the night she died I saw my Yani in my dream. He played his violine, smiling and so smiling. As… as if so happy for having back his number one singing star for his band up in the heaven.

RAN FRIEDMANN It is so hard to accept that someone you so love could ever die actually.

MIKLOSH BACH (Touches Ran’s arm)

That’s it and all, my boy. The folks we love do never go. They live along at our very souls. For but as long.

RAN FRIEDMANN Indeed. I do feel that way too.

MIKLOSH BACH With you two it… it ran so deep, you see. I think ever since you… you hit inside the Golda’s womb. Sometime by chilly autumn time of 1974 in Vienna. Tina asks and… and Golda and Sam had agreed to that she… she may choose a name for you.


But only if I were to be born a boy though.

54The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH Boy… girl, all the same. Sam was so generous… and caring… and loving in every regard there was. Like father… brother… friend… artist or producer. You see, without his… his hand Tina and Yanika could hardly hope to…


But… but they’re so great. The best there were. He as a violine maestro. She as a star singer too very loved and adored by too many people.

MIKLOSH BACH(Sighs deeply)

Yes, but the way you get promoted is as… as equally important. And he was like nobody else there. It… it’s not small fry to make one not very known couple to big stars. Out of thousand and… and thousands of quite talented folks. And a bit more so if… if they came from the… the raibowish side of the horizon.

RAN FRIEDMANN(Shakes his head)

But no. My old man… us, we never did look at… this… that way. MIKLOSH BACH Of course not. We belong to… to best family of all times, to one of great friendship. Dating back from time of… of our childhood. Yanika and Sam, no Gypsy or a Jew, but… but little boys

in kingdom of mutual liking and play. At first within the nearby forest or at our home… after the Nazzis burned the Jewish quarters down to a single brick. 55The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

RAN FRIEDMANN I know. I know that by doing so your father put on the danger line all of you than.


Life of a Gypsy didn’t worth much in those days really. We… we managed to to survive only because we would run away a… a moment before Nazis showed up. And that’s it.

RAN FRIEDMANN I remember my father telling me that he so loved it there. And that after the war he refused to leave from you.

MIKLOSH BACH (His eyes full of tears)

Yeah. He cried… and cried… and cried until my old man said that he had to. That… that his future with relatives in Israel was better off. But barely a… a few hours before he left we ran to woods for the last time, cut down our palms, mixed our bloods and… and swore to eternal secret bond.


He… he never told me about.

MIKLOSH BACH What to tell? It was but the simple childish oath, you see. To make the heart brother in place of the blood

one. (Touches Ran’s arm, coughs very heavily, weeps aloud)

56The Rainbow Queen ACT 2 – Scene 3

MIKLOSH BACH And yet, we did honor it to the last breath. And that’s why I… I’d never… ever diferred you to my… my… my…

RAN FRIEDMANN (Kneals down, puts head to Miklos’s lap, weeps silently)


57ACT 3 – SCENE 1

(In Dubrovnik, Croatia, in month of July 2001 Sep Sabinski walks by the street terrace with Lapad Beach Bar sign and a few big umbrellas. He appears tired like old man with grey hair, all wrinkled face and dresssed in elegant golf suite)

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Leaps up from the table where he played chess to himself. He is tall, blond-haired, well built for his late fifties in shirt and knee-long Bermuda trousers. Holds Sep by his arm, speaks in light German accent)

It is Sep! Sep Sabinski. My… My… My! Here… In Dubrovnik. Of all places.

SEP SABINSKI (Pulls off his arm)

Let! Let go! And who are you, anyway?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER It is me, Johan Schneider, don’t you remember? Or Johny the Tailor as you used to call me by. Once upon a long, long time ago in Vienna.

SEP SABINSKI(Cools a little)

No offence but… I still… It could be that you perhaps… got mistaken…

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Oh no! No way! You were running the Golden Mirror Club weren’t you? The only authentic Jazz place there was in whole of Austria back by mid and late 60s.

SEP SABINSKI Yes, yes of course. But I am sorry it does not quite click as yet. It was fairly busy place and I am not in as good a shape as I used to be back than. 58The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Sure. Sure. I was the guy taking my first step as an agent to make then. I managed to find you a few dancing girls you liked. And also I brought you over big Black String piano guy. The one who matched along with Tina Bet so very well.

SEP SABINSKI Oh, yes! I remember. Now. I do. The world seems like too small nowadays.

(Offers hand for a weak shake, points towards the chess board) I wonder if you had your game a bit improved since?


I’d like to think I had. And I hope you won’t really mind testing me in a quick shot.

SEP SABINSKI (Follows from behind)

Why quick? I am in no hurry at all.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Fills two glasses from the juice jar)

You’ve heard of Tina, haven’t you?

SEP SABINSKI (Lowers his eyes)

I have.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Raises his glass up)

To her beautiful soul. 59

The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1


JOHAN SCHNEIDER It’s so strange, this very morning I thought of her and now… now I do meet you. Such a coindidence.

SEP SABINSKI It’s complimenting though. I mean if an old guy like myself ever reminded you of a person as lovely as she was for sure.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER She did look so very pissed though.

SEP SABINSKI I beg your pardon?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER The day I met her sitting all alone on a wooden bench at West Banhof in Vienna.

SEP SABINSKI (Purses his lips)

When? When was it?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Sometime by an early spring of 1965, as I remember. On the very same day she beat it off from your place.



(Makes a move)

60The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

JOHAN SCHNEIDER I recall I felt so stupid with that grocery bags in my hand, looking at her, so hurt but too relieved after she did what she later said she was supposed to do a bit… bit before. I… I wonder Sep, what the hell you did to her to feel such way?


I guess she must have told you that for herself.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER She only asked if we were friends.

SEP SABINSKI And what did you reply to it?


I told her that we stood whole world apart. That to me you looked crooked to the core. Acting as if owning the whole universe. As if you got strong as God by himself. I’m sorry, it was the way I saw things back than.

SEP SABINSKI (Makes a move)

Free thinking is privilege one can’t really blame you for. But that apart, what else hapenned that day?


I bought us 2 big steaks and bottle of cheap Austrian champagne, hoping that the full belly may make her to accept me as her agent a bit easier than.

61The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1


And I bet that in the process the 2 birdies fell for each other, didn’t they?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Bursts laughing)

You better watch your pocket than. And yet, I won’t spell one single word more before we make our deal here.

SEP SABINSKI A deal? What deal?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Makes a move)

That one losing this game buys the lunch. Okay?


JOHAN SCHNEIDER It’s your turn than.

SEP SABINSKI (Takes big breath, fills in more juice, makes a move) I first saw her performing in a bit faceless place called Star Jazz Bar in Linz. Its owner Kurt knew me and after the show they both came by at my table. We played no chess but it took me a minute for the quick shot

in proposing her to join over at my club in Vienna. But she had refused me point blank.

62The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

JOHAN SCHNEIDER I wonder why I am not too surprised to hear this.

SEP SABINSKI She appeared a bit reluctant to take off at such a short notice. She most probably found it not so fair to run apart from Kurt. After all, she knew she was the only asset there and…

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Clicks his fingers)

Yes! That’d be her alright. Thinking not of herself alone.

SEP SABINSKI Could very well be. But then, rescue came from where I hardly expected it to. From Kurt.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Oh yeah? How come?

SEP SABINSKI He told her that she had no future there. That for her career she did need a bit… bit better place. Such as the Golden Mirror Club of mine.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Suspiciously) And you are sure that you… didn’t…?

SEP SABINSKI No, not really. It was the first and only time I met the guy actually.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Makes a move)

And that’s how you got hold on the best ever mare at your stable. And far too easier then you thought it might be. 63The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

SEB SABINSKI (Makes a move)

One thing for sure, she was the best of any that ever took through there. And now it is your move. Check.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Soon after we moved out to Germany, to Munich first where I knew a guy owning a place there. Then we went rumbling on, with different crowds, ever-changing bands, dull food and ever cold hotel rooms in Stutgart… West Berlin… Hamburg. At time 2 or 3 shows a day so that I counted as many as 800 of it in years of 1967 and 1968 alone.

SEP SABINSKI Whow! It’s quite the figure though.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Makes a move)

Well, it was hardly what we hoped to but not really so bad either. We got to Belgium… Holland… France. And the UK where she got the idea to move on accross the ocean. To the USA.

SEP SABINSKI (Whistling)

To the USA? Quite ambitious, I’d say.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Could be. Since out of 12 shows only four actually took place due to very

low response.

SEP SABINSKI, makes a move Why’s that?

64The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

JOHAN SCHNEIDER I wish I can say. That market seemed a bit different to comprehend. To me that happened to be next before last time to venture to entirely unknown.


I wonder when was it last time then?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Makes a move) That came when we engaged in our own production.

SEP SABINSKI And you did? But really?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER It was because no other party showed

much interest to.

SEP SABINSKI And yet you pushed it on, didn’t you?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER To my mind Tina’s Gold was very fine album, drowing good comments. But so poor in sale though. We had probably failed in proper promotion. Or media support.

SEP SABINSKI (Makes a move)

Or in distribution line as well.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Anyway, after couple of months or so she simply vanished off with no sign. At some fucking place next by Austro- Hungarian border line.

65The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

SEP SABINSKI You never met again?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER A week after I got the letter.

TINA BET (Voice) Dear Tailor, once long ago you said you will stay by my side. Come what may. So I wish you do just that. By this once at least. I chose to take my chance at the Bach’s Gypsy troop. They are unlike everything I did so far but I feel that’s what I needed right now. And as for you, I’d hope

you’ll still recall how to pick the ends and strangles and keep on. I’m sure we all got a whole lot left on the world to strive for. I am sorry and God bless you. T.B.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER Check. Your move.

SEP SABINSKI But… I wonder where were we than?

JOHAN SCHNEIDER In the Golden Mirror Club. With top shining star Tina Bet behind a mike at last.

SEP SABINSKI(Makes a move)

Oh yes, everybody fell for her for sure. For her talent. Or smartness. Or beauty. Or the snow white roses in her hair.

Me included, of course.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER I wonder why it’s too hard to me to get too surprised today. 66

The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1

SEP SABINSKI I admit I grew a habit to take most of the people for too granted those days. I sort of would hardly accept anybody to even dare to take to the opposite stand.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER But it didn’t work with her, did it?

SEP SABINSKI I can’t say because she wouldn’t let me come to subject the way I thought I should. She sort of cooled me down and dismissed me before I could make any advance at all.

TINA BET (Voice) C’mon Sep, you are my boss and that

would be not right. There’re plenty of young and too lovely girls ready to jump over at your lap by but the nod of yours alone.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER (Makes a move)

How true. How very true she was.

SEP SABINSKI Indeed. I was 35 back than, wealthy, known in places. But than again, it was Tina Bet only that I wanted for me. And in time my affection turned to an obsession. To a nightmare. To

the biggest challenge I could think of. And all until March 27th, 1965, and a ball following the Club’s 9th anniversary celebration.

(Fills more juice in glass, takes sip, his fingers tremble)

I… we all drank so heavily and she showed too close, so very charming not to… not to try to… to kiss and… 67

The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 1


SEP SABINSKI She didn’t kiss me back but I guess I was drank, or unwilling to notice. So I pressed her harder, slumped to the bed, not hearing her cries. Not

willing to hear. Not caring for.

JOHAN SCHNEIDER And so you…? God! No! You could not possibly! You did not!

SEP SABINSKI (Makes a move)

I would give everything under this sky to turn back the clock and see that it never… ever…


You know what, Sep Sabinski. It is my move now but I don’t think I’ll make one though. You lost then, as you’re loosing today, but I simply can’t think of having a lunch with the chap I cannot even look at any longer.

(Leaps to his feet, walks away in hurry, not looking back)


68 ACT 3 – SCENE 2

(In Munich, Germany, in month of August 2001 Dr. Norbet Grabosh with help of a stick walks in hospital room with Jozef Spital sign before it. In his late seventies, very tall, wearing white coat over a bit stooped shoulders he takes to the chair on front of the only bed)

HELGA SHTOUMPH (With her thin grey hair and bit wrinkled tired looking face rests still over the bed. Speaks faintly in German accent) Doctor? Doctor Sir? Is… is it my… my shot time?

NORBERT GRABOSH (In American accent)

I am Dr. Norbert Grabosh. No, it is not the time for your shot as yet.

HELGA SHTOUMPH But I feel pain. In my legs… chest.

NORBERT GRABOSH (In very low tone)

Soon. Very soon. But by then let us take a little chat about… Gerda.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Gerda? You… you know about Gerda?


HELGA SHTOUMPH (Half-opens her eyes)

But… but anyone can say that. How do I know that… you… really… know her.

69The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH I first saw her in Allied Military Hospital. In Salzburg. At night of June 25th, 1952. She looked barely 12 back than.

HELGA SHTOUMPH You… you are American?

NORBERT GRABOSH Yes and it took us 8 hours to save the girl.

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Holds her breath)

Save of… of what?

NORBERT GRABOSH She was gang-raped just minute off the railway tracks.


Oh God! Oh my God!

NORBERT GRABOSH Her real name, and your own name had appeared only a month ago though. In her last will.

HELGA SHTOUMPH That… that means… Has she suffered? Or left off with peace on her mind?

NORBERT GRABOSH She went away in peace. And with no agony and pain, I do assure you.

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Sighs in relief)

Was… was she loved?70

The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH Very much. And adored by too many.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Good! That is what… what she always dreamed of. And you… you are?

NORBERT GRABOSH (Takes a big breath)

I was her doctor. And adopted father. And a life-time friend, I’d say.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Why… why adopting her?

NORBERT GRABOSH She had no documents and would not tell a word of her family and past. At the time that appeared the only way for poor girl not to end up in some orphanage. Or worse.

HELGA SHTOUMPH She… she got other name then?

NORBERT GRABOSH Tina Bet. She chose it by herself.

HELGA SHTOUMPH I believe. It… it was after Bettina. Her real mother’s middle name.

NORBERT GRABOSH (Chocking in shock)

I… I thought that… that you…


No! But… but it’s too long and too very complicated story. What… what happened next?

71The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH I only hope that you’ll too come up with your own end of it, won’t you?

HELGA SHTOUMPH Yes! And most readily so. You… you are like a God-sent to me. Now.

NORBERT GRABOSH Thanks a lot. And so after recovery we got her enrolling to Sent George Convent in Linz.

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Bites her lip)

You wanted her to become a… a nun?

NORBERT GRABOSH Oh no! That was the best school we could think of back than. Might be a bit conservative though, which I found could be somewhat beneficial to the young soul.

HELGA SHTOUMPH And… and was it so then?

NORBERT GRABOSH I would say so. For 8 years in the convent she grew to a well matured young lady really. Self-confident… amazingly disciplined… and most of all aware of her talents for music. To play her flute and sing so very beautifully though.


That too had to… to do to her late mother.

72The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH Oh I see. For years she was a first voice at convent chorus, where upon she won some prestigious prizes too. While in time she fell for the Jazz tunes, you know.

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Closes her eyes)

Yeah. To Jazz.

NORBERT GRABOSH Yes, and so much so that at the age of 20 she chose to embrace a career of the professional singer to be. I wasn’t so enthusiastic about it for sure, willing that she better takes on with more formal education. But…

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Lifts up her eyelids a little)

But she… she proved far too stubborn to convince, didn’t she?


HELGA SHTOUMPH Like mother, like doughter.

NORBERT GRABOSH She got along to a just established Jazz club in Linz owned by one very enthusiastic fellow as well. It was barely much of the prestigios place though, but she claimed she felt so very happy there.

HELGA SHTOUMPH But not for… for so long, I suppose.

73The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH For just about a year and then she moved on to lot bigger fancy place in Vienna. Those were the years of her dream, I heard her saying more then once before. But she abruptly cut it all off without ever saying a single word why.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Cut what? Singing?

NORBERT GRABOSH No, not that. She turned to a free lancer sort of, performing in many different cities or countries. She even reached to the USA for a tour.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Was she good?

NORBERT GRABOSH Good. Very good really. The critics talked of her quite highly. And yet, she didn’t appear like she got what she really strived for.

HELGA SHTOUMPH And she strived for… for money?


Hmmm… For greater success, I would imagine. And fame, perhaps.

HELGA SHTOUMPH You mean the… the glory?

NORBERT GRABOSH Could also be. Anyhow, what she did achive though was to find her place and peace of mind once she did join hands with Yanika Bach Gypsy troop. And… 74The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2


Oh my God! My God! She… she is The Rainbow Queen than, isn’t she? Who… who would ever tell that. I wonder if… if you do help me a bit higher in my bed?

(Waits until he helps her up in half-sitting position) She was my most favorite, you know. But… but why adopting children? So many though.

NORBERT GRABOSH For… she couldn’t have her own.

HELGA SHTOUMPH Due to… to the rape you mentioned?


HELGA SHTOUMPH I… I read she was burried in India? Why?

NORBERT GRABOSH She wanted it that way. To get back to her root, as was put in her will.


And I’d think she… she simply tried to escape. As a girl she used to so love it, really.

NORBERT GRABOSH Maybe. But now, it’s about the time for you to tell your part of story, isn’t it?

75The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

HELGA SHTOUMPH (Takes very big breath)

I… I guess so. In reality I was born as Lisa, the only child of… of Laura and Leopold Kircher in city of Vrsac. In… in east Yugoslavia. In 1941 poor

chap got summoned by the local Nazis command and soon went… went away. To return never again. 3… 3 years later, my mother died of pneumonia and thus the girl of… of 18 was left alone in the house. With one cow and a little crop left in… in the garden.

(Sighes very sadly, her voice trembles a bit)

In days after communist soldiers got in they… they took me with all other German civilian folks to the railway station. To a journey that will last 3 days of… of fear… freezing… hunger and thirst. Many died.

NORBERT GRABOSH I can’t believe I’m hearing all this.

HELGA SHTOUMPH The… the final stop was called Gakovo, the 12 poor wooden barracks and barb- wired walls all around. There in… in… house number 11 I met to Helga Stumph and her four years old daughter Gerda. The… the most beautiful golden-haired girl I have ever seen.



Soon I… I got typhoid fever and with no doctor or medicine in camp it was left to Helga alone to… to help out. By raw potatoes and some leaves over my sole, palms, head and stomach. So I… I made it then, but agony went on for… for 3 years more. With freezing

winters… roof leak… big summer heat or… heavy labor in the nearby fields. But it was the rats which frightened us a lot. Big like… like cats and so very aggresive as well.

(Makes a brief break) By summer of 1948 we… we knew we will not return to our homes again, but to get repatriated to… to Germany. Since families got priority check Helga did enlist, but soon after fell sick and… and passed away in barely a week time. But not… not before she made me swear by God to take care of little Gerda.

NORBERT GRABOSH (Holds his breath)

And that means that you… and she had…

HELGA SHTOUMPH Yes, it was Helga they dumped to the… the hole with my name written on the piece of… of wood above it.

NORBERT GRABOSH And not a soul noticed the exchange?

HELGA SHTOUMPH Nobody asked any question. Not even looked at… at our face even. It was

like all they cared for was to… hit our backs as far away from there as… as they could.

77The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

NORBERT GRABOSH And so that’s how you too turned to the road heading to the new home in Germany.

HELGA SHTOUMPH What home? Those days Germany didn’t appear as… as much of a place though. No jobs… poor accomodation… one tiny ration a… a day. Gerda got to school nearby and I… I started dating young, mostly British soldiers stationed in… in Munich.

HELGA STOUMPH (Makes a pause, moves in her bed rather uneasily) Next I took a… a big apartment. With separate room for Gerda and went for turning my youthful lust into rather a bit… bit profitable business field. If you understand what… what I meant.

NORBERT GRABOSH I guess so. Though I wonder how you… two…

HELGA SHTOUMPH Too well, I… I do assure you. I have loved her so dearly and I… I do know she loved me either. But problem was that she never approved of what I… I was turning to. She seemed too grown and… and clever enough not to notice.

NORBERT GRABOSH And that probably led to situations where the very first argument would emerge for sure.

78The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 2

HELGA SHTOUMPH If only arguments though. But… but too hot words… strong voices… door slaming. And so it… it went bad to worse all up to the… night of June 22nd of 1952. First I hit… and beat her so hard that the poor girl had to… to ran away in tears, rage and heart-breaking pain.

(Weeping mutely

It… it’s nearly 50 years now and yet I didn’t… I couldn’t get peace at my heart. Not to this day. The truth is that I… I was too young to take care of Gerda. To provide her the home as… as she so hoped I shall. I… I had so betrayed her. I so betrayed her poor late mother. (Trembles in huge pain)

I… I betrayed my promise. I betrayed all… all the love I ever felt for my my… my little golden angel.

NORBERT GRABOSH (Leaps to his feet)

S-h Helga. I mean Lisy. Everything’s going to be just fine. S-h. S-h. The doctor is on his way and…

HELGA SHTOUMPH I betrayed… betrayed… betrayed. I do only pray to God that… that… that…

(Her head falls upon pillow quite lifelessly)

NORBERT GRABOSH (Shouting aloud)

Nurse! Here! Over here! Nurse!!! END OF SCENE 2

79ACT 3 – SCENE 3

(In Dvorovi, Bosnia, Germany, in month of September 2001, Pavel Ivankov hesitates a moment by the door of a rather spacious room with 2 chairs and table with large crystal ball atop. He is 6’3”, with dark hair and lively eyes in jeans and leather jacket. Speaks in slow north Serbian accent)

PAVEL IVANKOV Knock. Knock. Anybody there? Hallo!

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Voice) (Comes from outside of the room, speaks in Bosnian accent) Do get in, please. I am just coming! Almost there!

PAVEL IVANKOV Is…? Is this… Vodice street 35?

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Voice) The house number is there, right on front of your eyes, don’t you see?

PAVEL IVANKOV (Looks around)

No! Where?

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Voice) Where? At the house gate. Where else?

(Enters from the opposite side. She is very young, model-like thin, bright-eyed, barefoot, wearing loose cotton dress and her hair all wrapped in a towel) Ouch! I beg your pardon. We did not really think of such an early guest. The very new though. And all out of

a blue moon, sort of.

PAVEL IVANKOV (Glances at his wristwatch)

Guest… blue moon… I… I don’t get it. 80The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Halting by the other side of table) Didn’t you see the sign outside?


MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Points at crystal ball)

And this? Can’t you guess what this thing is for?


That… appears as a fortune-telling chrystal ball to me.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Bingo! And so I hope you are ready.

PAVEL IVANKOV (Thinks a moment, leaves his cap aside the table, sighs aloud)

Well, since we must. I guess we may start by what brought me here today.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Spreads her palm up)

I am sorry, I charge in advance. No offence, it’s the house policy, you know.

PAVEL IVANKOV (Encloses 5 KM note, she looks aside, he adds 2 notes more)

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Holds his palm, looks at it very thoughtfully, standing still) Well then… I reckon that you’d come here to… to… to look for something?

81The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

PAVEL IVANKOV, bursts laughing Bingo.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Purses her lips)

And that what you look for is like a… a… a… some woman, I would say.

PAVEL IVANKOV Well, in fact, you are quite right there. It truly is one girl I came to sort of look for here.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH You see! That’s what I told you. A woman… girl… it is one of the same to me.

PAVEL IVANKOV I don’t get it though. You have not even looked at that ball at all.


I don’t truly know how. It’s my aunt Marieta in charge of fortune-telling and other witchcraft stuff over here.

PAVEL IVANKOV I didn’t think you were the genuine one either.


Why not? You mean I don’t appear so very much Gypsy-tipsy or what?

PAVEL IVANKOV No, not that. I just got the nose for those things, you see. Since my grand mother used to be pretty known in the field for ages. 82The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH No kidding. Really? Where?

PAVEL IVANKOV In Pancevo. Just a step off Belgrade.


I know, I know. I was there once. It stink rotten tooth though. Anyway, I admit I did overcharge you a little.

(Returns 2 notes back to Pavel)

But again, I have not failed so very much either. Anyway, I wish if you’d let me make it up by fixing us a cup of fresh coffee?

PAVEL IVANKOV (Looks at her leaving the room) Coffee will do just fine, thank you. And about your aunt, when… when she usually starts her sessions.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Voice) I don’t recall seeing her here much before the lunch break. But why? Or perhaps you would prefer…


But no! No really. I mean, I do not really believe in the stuff.


(Walks back with two cups clinging from atop the tray)

But… but why… you allow me look at your palm than?

83The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3


I sort of wondered what your touch might feel like, that’s all.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Shakes her head, apparently not unpleased at all)

You… I do hope you’ll like my coffee though.

PAVEL IVANKOV It felt like a silk smooth though. And so I am quite sure it… (Takes a large sip, burns his lips a little bit) It’s hot like hell itself.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Bites her lips, trying not to burst laughing) And do take it slowly, please. It would be such shame to get killed by a cup of hot coffee today. And even before we could talk of that poor girl that you came to… to…


Oh no! No! It is nothing like you think it may be.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Rolling her eyes)

I wonder what is it that you think

I think it may be?

PAVEL IVANKOV You think that I’m here to snatch down my run-away darling.

84The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Well… now that you mention it…

PAVEL IVANKOV (Embarrassed)

Well so, I guess i better get to the story of golden child rightaway than. The way I heard it from the mouth of my grand mother the day before.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH The fortune-telling one?


In winter of 1942 one baby girl was found by the main road from Pancevo to Belgrade. Just next to the place of Gypsy camp, which Nazis happened to destroy the very night before.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Wow! What a luck in such misfortune.

PAVEL IVANKOV But the true irony about it is that the rescue arrived in shape of wife of the Nazi chap who ordered whole carnage. Anyway, the lady felt pity and took the child along.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH The Nazis saving a Gypsy girl? That you find either in fairytale, or in a… a…


The girl didn’t appear as one at all. With her blue eyes, hair of gold and as fair-skinned as any German kid.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Wow! 85The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

PAVEL IVANKOV Then for a few months time they both disappeared from the place. And when they did return the woman introduced the child as her daughter. Born back in their home in Berlin.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH It… it is like in fairytale, really.

PAVEL IVANKOV But turning up in after war tragedy when the very same Nazi’ boss ended shot by new liberators. As his wife and little girl got stuck at rather notorious prison campus for Germans in Gakovo.


Poor girl. And what? What happened next?

PAVEL IVANKOV Nobody ever knew or heard of them no longer. It may be that they died. Or were sent back to Germany. But to us, it’s more about what happened before that.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH I… I admit I don’t really get it now.

PAVEL IVANKOV Here we come to quest number one and that is who the lost, than found and lost again girl really was.

(Touches over crystall ball by tips of his fingers)

My grand mother believes that the girl actually belonged to familly who showed up in our village just a few weeks before. 86 The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH And so, I reckon that quest number 2 may well be where they actually came from?

PAVEL IVANKOV Yes, but before that, I should tell you a bit about them. Girl’s mother was only 15… 16 old and very lovely. The father appeared like 40 or more, addicted to a booze and too jealous. Then one night he beat her, she got mad, stubbed him to death and moved to my grandmother. For safe passage and protection.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Protection from police?


MEERA MAKSIMOVICH And she… she did help them out, I hope.

PAVEL IVANKOV She arranged that both of them got moved to the nearest Gypsy caravan. Half way from Pancevo to Belgrade.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (With palm on her chest)

Same place they found the girl by?


MEERA MAKSIMOVICH That must be the same girl than.

87The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

PAVEL IVANKOV We can’t be sure, But one thing for certain was that name of this place, Dvorovi was mentioned at some point. And that’s how I got here today.


That girl seems quite important for your grand mother. Why?

PAVEL IVANKOV It’s a bit funny though, but I will tell you if… if you promised you’ll not laugh at me than.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH I won’t I promise.

PAVEL IVANKOV She believes that that golden child had to do with Tina. Or The Rainbow Queen. I hope you heard of her, did you not?


I did. Though I heard tale of some rainbow girl too. From Golub Vasic, now the oldest living man in whole area. He remembered that baby girl was born in Gypsy quarter sometime in war winter of 1941. He ought to know it because his wife Slava did work as the area midwife back than.


And… you think that golden child… and rainbow girl may be the same?

88The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Shrugs her shoulders)

I don’t know. But the girl’s mother was said to be quite young and weak enough to barely make thru delivery. As the baby was described as golden haired and eyes blue as summer sky.

PAVEL IVANKOV And then… what happened then?

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH They went off with not a single word


PAVEL IVANKOV But where… where they came from?

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Nobody knew for sure.

PAVEL IVANKOV Hmmm… golden child… rainbow girl. It’s strange… too strange though.

MIRA MAKSIMOVICH I do hope your grand mother would be happy with it though.

PAVEL IVANKOV (Shoots out one very big misty gaze towards her direction) I do not see why not. After all, I did find my girl, didn’t I?

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Her face reddening a bit)

How about one more cup than?

PAVEL IVANKOV (Touches her hand)

And I though I may get you out for some. 89The Rainbow Queen ACT 3 – Scene 3

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Well, I thought you’d never ask. I’m Meera Maksimovich and I expect to be graduated for a physiotherapist next year.

PAVEL IVANKOV And I am Pavel Ivankov. The computer programmer. My friends do know me as Pablo.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH And… where did you think to take me out than?

PAVEL IVANKOV I don’t know. Some place. Any place.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH Well… I guess I may have a clue. Do you care about the live music, fast dancing and the stuff like that?

PAVEL IVANKOV Not… not that I can’t learn though.

MEERA MAKSIMOVICH (Claps her hands)

Good! Great! It’s piece of cake, you see. I will do the lead and you pick it up in no time. Let me change then and I’ll be back to you in no time.

(Leaps up to her feet, goes off the stage in sudden hurry)

90Author is Belgrade-born law educated former career diplomat of former SFR Yugoslavia serving in India and Pakistan. After the outbreak of war in the country, and known as declared opponent to Slobodan Milosevic’s regime in Serbia he resigned his posts and fled abroad. He too wrote plays Mosquito Soldiers and The Stream of No Good Hope, as well as related screenplays in English, and play Djed Djuzel and novel Autobiography of Little Madonna in Serbo-Croat language.

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