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    NEWS OFThe INnUEHGE OF CHRIST IN CENTRAL MEXICOPublished Quarterly Vol. 13, No. 2 Summer 1982

    Be PreparedTo everything there is a season, and a time

    to every purpose under heaven: a time to .. .a time to prepare once again for our Christianservice camp. And preparations began monthsago. Normally at this time of year we areplanning the list of teachers, and trying todecide how we will patch the" tar pdperroof. But this year the camp secretary (yourstruly) has written the list of potential evangelists, teachers, cooks, etc. and the campcommittee is NOT trying to arrange forpatching the roof. In fact, repairing the7-year-cld roof was occupying so much timethat something had to be done. In spite of thepatches, during the camp, we were alwaysreceiving complaints of wet blankets andmattresses to which we, being very busy,would have to respond, "Put a bucket underthe drip, or move your bed, the blanket willdry out"

    Therefore, this year the camp committeefelt it prudent to purchase some galvanizedsteel roofing which was available at a very

    reduced cost, because the sheets are secondsof odd lengths and colors.

    Brother Bob Wright of the orphanage,bought and hauled the material, and twowork days were set to install it. After Friday'swork in which only 5 men were able to install14 sheets, we were a little discouraged, butSaturday a van load of missionaries andnationals arrived from Mexico City. Theirhelp made it possible to install four times thatmuch steel in one day so that more than onehalf the roof is done.

    The old saying "many hands make lightthe work" certainly is true and what greatfellowship we had swapping jokes in twolanguages, and discussing the Lord's work inHis churches.

    Hopefully the rest of the roof will befinished before the first camp begins themiddle of July.

  • Spiritual GrandchildrenThere is no more heartning feeling than seeing the fruits of one's labor. I was privileged

    to share with Freeman Bump on such an occasion last month. A dozen years ago Freeman (amissionary in El Paso, Texas), spoke to two young men about the gospel. They had been ontheir way to the U.S. to look for employment as "wet backs." Of the one youth we knownothing, but the other accepted the Lord and eventually went to Colegio Biblico to study.

    Now he, Chon Avalos, works with us in Central Mexico in a very successful ministry. Atone of the Bible Institutes teacher's meetings, I mentioned that Freeman was bringing downa small caravan of people interested in Mexican missions and wanted me to arrange a servicefor them to attend. Their arrival was to be on a Monday and we have no services Mondaynights so I was going to have to decline. Chon immediately insisted that I bring Brother Bampto Urireo to meet the congregation there. I told him that the additional hour and a half drivemight be too much considering the distance the caravan had scheduled each day, but heinsisted.

    When Freeman arrived, the group was very tired and he and his gracious wife, Carolyn,felt the tour couldn't go that far, but the two of them agreed to go.

    We arrived late, but the service was just getting .underway and Freeman preached a powerful message on "following Jesus under persecution." It was a great joy for all of us to seeFreeman's spiritual grandchildren. There were 40 or more, and that being on a Monday night(otherwise there might have been 70). Freeman, who was exhausted when we went, returnedto Queretaro rejoicing and content to see the children he had won by winning just one man.

    The New Testament PatternIn the Scriptures we read about "the priesthood of all believers." Striving to follow the

    New Testament pattern, the church in Queretaro emphasizes the ministry of each member tothe congregation. For example, the people take turns directing services, providing specialmusic, giving devotional thoughts for the Lord's Supper and teaching. But there has been aweakness; that is, the members have not been evangelistic enough in their daily lives. Now weare trying to overcome this.

    Last month the whole church, after a short worship service and the Lord's Supper, disbanded to distribute tracts in a subdivision near where the church intends to build. The resultswere favorable, and we hope to repeat this again soon.

    Speaking of building, the congregation is gathering funds to begin construction. They aretrying to get the plans drawn and then will begin buying materials. Ten thousand pesos ($230)were collected in 8 weeks. This is a small amount but it is a beginning. Please pray for thechurch in Queretaro.

    The united youth meetings are going well, and we are happy to report attendance of 60 ormore for each monthly meeting. It is crucial that our youth are supported in their Christianlives because we so easily loose them to the world. The youth themselves are taking responsibility for paying many of the expenses that we missionaries and ministers used to pay.

  • Personal GlimpsesIt is thundering and lightning as I begin

    this article. Now the rain has turned to hailand the electricity has gone off. Rebecca issomewhat frightened but the lighted candlesease her fears. How thankful I am that Jesussaid "I am the light of the world: he thatfoUoweth me shall not walk in darkness, butshall have the light of Ufe." John 8:12. Whatassurance we have when we follow Him.

    It was not our intent to visit our familiesover Christmas, but when my grandmothergot very sick and Bill's brother decided to getmarried just before Christmas, we changedour plans. In a very short time we attendedBill's brother's wedding, had Christmas withBill's folks, and attended my father's 65thbirthday party. We were happy to participatein these special occasions as well as visit othermembers of our families. I thank the Lordthat my grandmother is now much better.

    kim nShortly after we returned home, (about

    the middle of January), construction beganon our house. At this time the bottom floor isready for plastering, and the back wall whichmarks the end of our property is now beingconstructed. We plan on moving in, eventhough it will not be finished, in July orAugust.

    I continue to monitor at Mark's school,but since January I am there every other weekinstead of every third week. This keeps mevery busy but the school is very beneficial toMark. A few days ago Rebecca sat on a littleparson's table and sang "Jesus Loves Me." Atthe end of each phrase she raised her voicein praise. Her only mistake was to sing fourtimes "Jesus loves me" instead of three. I hadto thank the Lord that she knew this song andit was important to her.

    May the Lord keep you safely in His care.


    Jackie Baker, Margy's sister, has faithfullyserved as our forwarding agent for 10 years.However, due to her health she cannotcontinue, so we have asked Darryl and MargeOlson to perform the job. Darryl has alwaysbeen involved in evangelism and has beena strong supporter of our work. He has visitedQueretaro and was the one who located thetape duplicator which served us for 8 years inproducing Christian radio programs.

    The Olson's address is 3908 W. WindsorAve., Phoenix, AZ 85009. Their telephonenumiaer is: 602-272-9078.

  • Prayer n PraisePRAISE THE LORD FOR:

    Al and Mary Gonzalez' plans to return to Queretaro this summer, and forrenewed health.

    the Celaya church which has finished their building and is repaying their loan.

    the baptism of a school teacher in Esperanza, Queretaro.the work done on a new house for the Hoffs.

    Norm and Mary Dungan's year of teaching at Johnson Bible College.


    Darryl and Marge Olson; the Hoff's new forwarding agents,

    the National Bible Institute as it recruits new students.

    a teacher for the Christian school of Queretaro next year.

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