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SALUDOS!fromCENTRAL MEXICO&BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONBILL HOFF and FAMILYAPARTADO POSTAL 57QUERETARO, QRO. 76000 MEXICOPublished QuarterlyVolume 22, Number 1Spring 1991Growing A ChurchWhentheJardinesdela Haciendachurchbeganitsbuildingprogram. It anticipated constructing the Christian education building in three phases. Themajor jobofconstructingtheauditorium would comelater. Now thefinishingtouchesare being put onthesecondphaseoftheproject. A couple of months ago, theyouth of thechurchspent adayworking onthenew section. Theybroughtindozensof wheelbarrowloadsof earth, thenleveled and packed it so that the concrete sub-floor couldbepoured. Bill thenchiseled groovesin thered brickwalls and installed the electrical conduits and boxes.After all this, the building wasstuccoed insideand out.Church members have contributed their labor, and as2=:^ 1Youth leueUng floor.Paul says, "they gave . . . evenbeyondtheir ability" tofinancethe project. Nowthe only things lacking arebathroomfixtures, electrical wiring, andthe marbleflooring.The churchwill be using the completedclassrooms InMarch.Bill and Margy arenaturally joyful aboutthe church'sbuilding. However, theyrecognizethat spiritual growthandnumerical growthare evenmore important totheirgoal of seeing the church solidly established. In somerespects, thecongregationisflourishing; for example, Inthepower of intercessaryprayerandwitnessing. A fewpeoplewhoused toattend havefallenaway, but newfacesare more thanfillingthe gap.Youth bringing in dirtSunday morning services are led by men of the congregation with Alberto Gonzalez preaching. Adiel, a Biblecollege student, handles theadult Bible school class.Margy holds a class for the small children during the worship hour.Margy also organizes ameetingeachmonthfor theyouth from ages 9 to 13from the area churches. Thesemeetings are held in the Hoffs house.Bill is currently teaching a series of lessonsfromthecorrespondence school on Sunday evenings. The seriesis designedto createa closercommunionbetweenthebeliever and Christ. On Thursdayevenings.Bill Is teaching from the book of Revelation. This class requires a lotof preparation, but because of the unstableworld conditions, several requests for such a study have beenmade.2nd phase nearly cx)mpieted.More Blessed To Give Than To ReceiveIt trulyismoreblessed togivethantoreceive. TheChristians inQueretarodemonstratedthis various timesduring themonth ofDecember.Decorated bags filled with toiletry items were giventoeachstudent at theNational Bible Institute. Theladiesfromthe Jardines delaHaciendachurchdeliveredthesebags alongwith some fooditems. Theysharedwith thestudents andfaculty insingingChristmas choruses, listening to adevotionprepared by theboys' dean and thenhaving atime of prayer and thanksgiving.Almost everyyear theChristmas trip tothe moun-ChiistlansIn mountainsAnother highlight of the seasonis the joint churchcelebrationoftheLord's birth. As usual, theevent washeld at the camp's chapel building. All of the areachurchesparticipated. Every yeartheyhavedifferent responsibilities. This year the Jardines de la Haciendachurchwas responsible for thecommunion service,fillingthe pinatas provided byanother congregation, and forobtainingthetamalesforthe meal. Bill purchasedthepinatafillingsandfruit for theprogram atthesame timeashepurchasedthecandy, oranges, andsugar cane fordistributionin themountains.It Is customary for the churches topresent dramasattheprogram; this year therewere twooutstandingexamples. The youthfromthe Jardines de la Haciendachurch worked hard on their staging of a productionabout a Jewishgirl inCaesar's household. The SantaHoffsfilling bags for Chrlstn\as program.tainsofQueretaroissharedbysomeonewhohasnevergone before. Thisyear Bill's parents, along with SteveKeim, and his daughter, Stephanie (missionaries nearQueretaro), were first-timevisitors. AlthoughthetripIsalways longandtiring, the beautyofthe area andthelove of the people thatreceive usmore than compensatefor the inconveniences. A meal with delicious homemade tortillas wasprepared for us. The familytherelivesin veryhumblecircumstances andwasveryappreciativeoftheusedclothingandChristmas "goodies" that weretakenfor them and their fellow Christians.Mountain scene.Rosa churchdida novel presentationof 'The EveningNews, live fromJerusalem"withsuchfeaturestories as"Caesar's decree causes hotel room shortages," "Astrangeastronomical phenomena," and advertisementsfrom A DonkeyRental Company for "when you'vegot togetthere." Thedramas were precededbyalivelysongservice, special music, and the Lord'sSupper andfollowedbyashort meditationonthe meaningof Christmas.The non-Christians present were impressed by thefunandfellowship Christians canhaveandbythetotallackofalcoholicbeverages. Theydonot knowthat weareto"rejoiceIn theLordalways." This year'scelebration brokeall previousrecordswith 190 in attendance - agoodindication thatthe area churches aregrowing.'smDrama: 'In Caesar's House' (Mark atleft).Personal GlimpsesAs! write this article, Valentine's Day has just passed.AsI think about love In the world today, I realize there aresomanypeoplewithoutlovein their hearts. Must therebea war? Why do peoplewant to rule overother people? I guess only God knows the answerto all of this. AsChristians, wemust demonstrateGod'slovedaily andtryto bring others tothe savingknowledge of Him.Decemberwasasbusyas1 wroteit wouldbeinthelast newsletter. On December first, we joined three otherfamiliesin a garage sale. We thought our newspaper advertisementswouldbringa bigcrowd. As Itturnedout,the newspaper computer lost our classified adfor thatday, sovery fewpeople came. Wetried againthe followingSaturday with greater success.December8th, thesamedayasthesecondgaragesale, Marktookthe examfor hisblackbelt inKarate, itwas averycold dayasBill accompaniedhimtoa largeunheatedauditoriumdowntown. Thetesttooksixhoursfor all to finish and, during that time, Mark had tositbarefoot either oncement bleachers oronthe woodenfloor while everyone performed. It truly was an endurance test andthe 120 participants had no food orwaterduringthat time. Thelatterpart ofJanuaryMarkknew that he hadpassed. Heis supposed to officiallyreceivehis blackbeltIna special ceremonyduringMarch.Hehas a newuniformwith a blackcollar whichhe willwear when he receiveshis blackbelt.A couple ofhours aftertheKarateexam. Bill left fortheairportin MexicoCitywherehis parentsarrivedat 1a.m.on Sundaymorning. Duringtheir stay of twoandahalfweeks, we all hada verybusy, but enjoyable time.Badcolds, whichwepassed around tooneanother, keptusout ofthenight air duringthefirst part oftheir visit,but otherwiseour activities proceededas planned. Rebeccamisseda coupledays of school becauseshewassosick. Fortunately, sherecovered just intimetotakepart in her school play. She had practiced for manyweeks, so wewere all pleased that she wasable toparticipate.Both of Bill's parents have birthdays in December.Wehad asurprise party for each of them. A corsage wasmadefor Bill's mother whichshewasabletowearonacoupleofspecial occasions. Theysaidtheyhadn'tcelebratedtheir birthdays inmanyyears. Wealsoenjoyedoneeveningat the StateFair. Bill'sfatherusedtobe anagricultureInspector, soheenjoyedall theanimals. Weattended various parties and special events related toChristmas.It was abigsurprise for usadults tocome downstairsChristmas morninganddiscoverthat wehadstockingshungin the livingroom witheach of our names on them.Rebeccahad made them In her Sunday School class andsheand Markhadfilledthestockingat 1:30a.m. Christmasmorning. Consequently, theywerenot upasearlyas usualtoopen their gifts.We thank each one of youforyourprayers,financialgifts, andp>ersonal gifts during this past year.iRebecca and Mark welcoming grandmother.Bill's mother's birthday party.Rebecca tn school drama.A UtUeglri and lamb at Scout program.Stockings for each member of the Hoff family.SEEYOUATTHENORTH AMERICANCHRISTIAN CONVENTIONINDENVERJULY9-12, 1991IMPORTANT DATA:Postagerates toMexicofromthe U.S.are now 35C forV2 oz. and 45C for1oz.The Hoffs*telephone number has beenchanged. The area codeIs(42)andthenumber If 16-41-27.Published by theRossville Christian Church411Spruce POB187Rossville, KS 66533ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDPrayer 'n' PraisePRAISE:for anewfamilyinthe congregation. Their last nameisBellozo. The mother is a Christian and the father andteenage son are very interested andfaithful in attendance.thatMark passed hisblackbelt examin Karate andwill receive his newbelt themiddle of March.that churchconstructionis continuing. Theteachers areanxiously awaiting the use of their newclassrooms.that Margy's nephew, Roy Baker of Springfield, Oregon, isrecuperating from an arm that was badly broken in an accident just before Christmas. He will not have full strengthIn it for about a year, butit is out of a cast.that Bill's parents were able to visit the Hoffs in December.that there wasarecord attendanceofabout 190 at the annual Christmas program of the combined churches.that a churchbuildingIs currently being constructed in Sal-vatierra, a townalmost two hours tothewest. A work crewof ninefromnorthernMexicodonatedtheirtimethisweekto help.that Margy'sfather, who had both kneesreplacedduringNovember,Isnowwalking verywell andisnolonger Inpain.PRAY:for the churchinCelaya. Thiscongregationislocatedabout 30miles west of Queretaro. Theyoungminister andthe elders of the church have had some real problemscommunicating and figuring out their job descriptions.for increased attendance Inthe Jardlnes de la Haciendachurch in Queretaro.for the GaryMartinfamily. Garyis the president of BajioChristianMission. HeIs In theAir ForceReserves. His father hasParkinson'sdiseaseandhis mother passedawayon the19th of February.forthePersian Gulf war andall the leadersthatmust makeimportant decisions.for Margy's sister's mother-in-law. She lives In SouthernCaliforniaandis dying of cancer. Sheandherhusbandhavebeen long-time friends of Bill and Margy.NON-PROFITORQ.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDROSSVILLE, KSPERMITNO. 6SALUDOS!fromCENTRAL MEXICO&BAJIOCHRISTIAN MISSION3 5^5BILL HOFF and FAMILYAPARTADO POSTAL 57QUERETARO, QRO. MEXICOtelephone(42)-16-41-27Published Quarterly Vol. 22, Number 2Summer 1991SPECIAL CONVENTION ISSUEA Brief HistoryBill andMargyHofF willbegintwentyyearsof missionary service in August 1991. Theyhave lived in Queretaro, Mexico (120 milesnorthof MexicoCity), duringthis timeworkingwith the people of "the Bajio" (high plateau)that includes a 200 milearea of whichQueretarois at the far east.Bill was first attracted to Queretaro becauseof a radio programthat was being produced by another missionary. With his electronicskills. Bill felt that hecould upgradetheprogram. Thus, Bill andMargycameto workwith Normand Mary Dungan in 1971. Newequipment was addedso that at theheight ofproduction, twentystations aired the program"Dulces Momentos"(SweetMoments) fivedaysa week. Through this programthousands ofcontactsweremadeandmanywroteinforthefree Bibles courses that were offered. MaryDungan and Margy kept the files and mailedout the courses. Bill and Normvisited andbaptizedmanystudents.However, in 1981 religious broadcastingwas taken off the air by the Mexicangovernment. Bythis timeBill was involved Inmany other areas of service: church work.campprograms, teachingat the BibleInstitute, visitation, etc.The Bible-by-correspondence school continued by means ofnewspaper advertisements, tracts and contacts throughfriends.In 1983 the DungansreturnedtotheU.S.towork at JohnsonBible College. Normhasbeena teacher (withemphasisonmissions)since that time. Maryhasbeen thefacultysecretary. TheLordcontinuestobless themthere asHe didhereinMexico. Twoyearslatertheywere influential insendingTomandToni Schneller toQueretaro. For four years theSchnellersco-labored with the Hoffsandworked excellently with the youthof thechurch. They nowlive inSan PedroSula, Honduras,wheretheyareworkingwithachurchandhelpinginthecor>-structionoftheir building.Bill, Margy. Mark and RebeccaIn1965Bajio ChristianMissionbecameincorporatedas anon-profit organization inthe state of Nevada. Federal nonprofit status followed, although it wasnot easily obtained.In1988 Bill gaveupteaching at theBibleInstitutein ordertodevotemore time to the workof the church. AlongwiththisBill andMargycooperateand provideservices for other missionaries andevangelists in thearea.Mark Gabriel Hoffissixteenyearsold and plans to enterJohnsonBibleCollegeIn Knoxville, TNin thefallof 1992. Heis activein the church youthgroupandreceivedhis blackbeltinKarate this past April. Rebecca Marie Istwelveyears old.She graduatedfromthe sixthgrade ofa bi-lingual school inJune. Shetakes swimminglessons two days a weekandIsactiveinClrl Scouts.Buildings are ImportantRear viewof ChristianEducationbuilding (looking acrossfuture audltorlunx site).TheChristianChurchofQueretarohas beenin existencefor thepast 22 years, but it hasnever grown asonemight haveexpected. Infact, statistical analysis shows that ithas neverexceededabout eightyandusuallyhaslimpedalongat abouthalfof that. Billbelievesthat themost important reasonforthis has been the lackofabuilding.The congregation has always met in less-than-suitablerented facilities. Onceit waseven locatedin abuilding where astreetmarket washeldonSundays. As a result, thebelievershadto step over thevegetable vendors on thefront step. Eachtimethe church changed buildings, a loss ofattendance resulted. Whenthe churchtried tomeetin the homesof thebelievers, attendancefell greatly.In 1984 Bill and the believers determined to take theirsavings andpurchasea property for thechurch. This camefromthe realization that the "house church" concept is notculturallyapplicableinMexico. However, thechurch's hopeswere dashedasit turned out that theseller of thepropertyhaddefraudedthem.Finally in 1989 Bill and Alberto Gonzalez, the minister,found another lot. Thecost strained Bajio Christian Mission(the prime contributor this time), but the property was purchased and as soon aspossible constructionbegan. In Julyof1990 the churchheld the firstservice in its ownbuilding. Sincethen, thefloor spacehasdoubledtoalmost 1000squarefeet.Thenewclassroomsaregreatlyappreciated by theteachersandstudents. Bill hasjust finished theelectrical wiring, andAlberto is inthe process of puttinginthe bathrooms. That,andtheinstallationof doors, will justabout completetheprocess. Agroupfromthe(J.S. will be doing the painting thissummer.Thingsarechangingasthebelievers begintoseetheimprovements, mostlyfinancedbytheirownofferings. Theyaretakingprideintheworkandprayingfor numerical growthsothat thepresent sectionwill befilled andtheauditoriumconstruction canbebegun.ExtraordinaryThe Queretaro church Is blessed with an extraordinaryyouthgroup. Theyoftenplanandexecutedifficult projects.Oneexamplewouldbetheirhostingtheareawideyouthrallywithan attendance of more than 70. They planned and FinanceditfromAtoT(activitiesto tacos). Another exampledemonstrating the special nature of this group is that forMother'sDay fifteen of themwent out all night toserenade themothers of the church andpresent eachwith arose.Mexico's societyis protective of its youth. How could theyget permission tobeoutallnight? Theanswer Is in thecomposition of the youth group itself. Its members range fromthirteentothirtyyears ofage(tobeayouthyou needonlybeunmarried). Theolder youthdomost ofthe planninganddirection of the group. They are, infact, both members andsponsors. Thisblend givestheparents confidence. ThegroupYouthdoing dishes following areawlde rally.isalsovery special becausethemajorityof thechurch's newmembers have come through their witness. ContactsIn schooland workpermit themtoshare their faith.While thepreviouslymentioned groupismadeupofteensandolder youth,thereisalsoapre-teen group that meets oncea monthin theHoffs' home. Attendanceis fromJardines delaHacienda and two sister congregations. The meeting combines Biblelessons, sports, crafts andsnacks. InApril therewasarecordattendance of fourteen. For manythisis thefirsttime theyhave heardBible stories.In both casesit isagreat joytosee the churchofthe21stcentury emerge to takeits rightfulplacein leadership andspiritual power. Continue to pray for the future of the Lord'schurch.April youth meeting In Hops' home.Christian CampingWhen the Hoffs arrived InCentra! Mexico in August of1972, there wasalreadyan activeChristiancampingprogram.Their first year in camp proved unforgettable as the walls of theold hacienda, on an island near San Miguel de Allende (40miles northwest of Queretaro), began to fall during thenight. Itbecame obvioustothemandtoNormandMaryDungan, withwhomtheywere working, that adifferent arrangementwouldhave tobe made.The following year the camp was heldina half-finishedhouse on the orphanage propertyjust outside of Queretaro.That year theorphanagegaveabout sevenacres tothecampso that apermanent facility couldbeconstructed.The first buildingconstructedwas a 175foot by20footbuilding which housed two dormitoriesandakitchen. It was arustic block building with a tarpaper roof. Outhouses wereused for sanitaryfacilities. There werenosidewalks, somudbecame an omnipresent reality. (Camp is held during therainyseason). But,as the yearsadvancedthere werecontinuedimprovements.The last ofthe tarpaper roof was replacedthisyear withgalvanizedroofing. Over theyearsthemost important of theimprovements that have beenmade include: theadditionof achapel which can seat over200people, themaking of benchesfor thechapel, theerectionof asmall storebuilding, thepouringofcement sidewalks anda basketball court, and last butnot least, theinstallationofindoorplumbing.But muchmore important than thephysical improvementsarethechangesthat camphas madein thelives of theyouthwhohave attended. Throughclasses, drama, music andtheexamples of counselors and teachers, many young peopleBill teaching In camp.have beguntheir Christian walk or committedthemselves toChristian service. Bill is frequentlyaskedbyanadultin oneofthe churches if he remembers whentheyattended camporwhen they were baptized in camp.Another great change is thatinstead of the camp being ledandsubsidizedbymissionaries, thecampisnowaneffectiveMexicanorganizationthat operatesonfunds fromchurchdonations and inscription fees (this year about ten dollars aweek). A boardof representatives fromthechurches that usethe camp operates thefacility.Thissummer at least twohundredandthirtycampersareexpectedinthethreeweeks of camp. Besidesthedrierroof,theywill probablyenjoytherefurbished basketball goals, andthefact that rat poisonhas beenset out earlysoas toreducethe pitter-patter of little feetin the night.The Future ChurchELICIDflOEBBible Institute students.FourteenyearsagoBill attendedthegraduationof a newBibleInstituteinSanLuis Potosi. At thattimetheschool'sdirector explained that thepurposeof theNational BibleInstitutewas to have a preacher training school supported by thenational churches. That concept was suchanimprovement overtheexistingmethodofsending students tothe UnitedStates tostudyandhavingthemneverreturnto Mexico, that Bill soonfoundhimself participating.Each Tuesday morning at 4:30 Bill boarded a bus inQueretaroinordertoarriveinSanLuis Potosi for his 8 a.m.class (120 miles north). Hetaught Old Testament Prophetsand ChurchHistory.Three yearslater, theschool movedto a village Just westofQueretaro totake advantage of apoolof volunteer teachers.The newlocation was in a rented house in ColoniaZapata.Bill began to teach more hours and added an auto-electricshop.In 1982, following the death of his wife and son, theschool'sdirector left. Thefaculty tookover administrationofthe school duringthesixmonthperiodbeforeanother directorcould be found. In thisperiodBill assistedinmanycapacities.The first priority of the new director was to organize aBoardofDirectorsandtopurchasepropertyonwhichtobuildacampus. Thepurchasingof landandthebuildingofacampusbecame areality, but the country'seconomyworsenedsothenational churchescouldnolongersupport theschool. Atthat timeBajio ChristianMission begansupporting theInstitute(asit does tothepresent).Bill continuedto enjoy teaching, but threeyears agohehadtomakea decision. He felt that if theQueretaro congregation was to growstrong enough to stand on its own, hewouldhaveto put morehours into boththeevangelisticandbuilding programs. So he asked not to be included in thefacultyfor the followingyear. It was not aneasydecisionafterhavingput so many years in theschool, but thelocal churchisGod's priority. Ontheother hand, theschool has never hadmorepeoplewhoarewillingtoteach, sohis absencehasnotbeen as critical asit might havebeenpreviously.Bill haswatchedalmost sixtyyoungpeoplegraduateduring the past fourteen years. Some have become effectiveChristian leaders while others have found that the Lord hascalledthemtoother forms of service, and, sadly, a fewhaveshipwreckedIn theirfaith. But it is agreat source of joytohave been a part of the formation of the church of the future.Personal GlimpsesMark trying on Ms black belt.During March our family onceagainenjoyedthe annualMexicanMissionaryReunion. It was heldinMetepec, Puebia,about a fivehourdrive south of Queretaro. Thechildren's andyouth'ssessionswere excellent. AsMarkandRebeccarelatedthediscussions, I realizedthatGodtrulyhadsent theseyoungleaders toinspire our youthhere in Mexico. I amsure that theyoung people have grown inthe faith because of their timespentthere. TheadultswereenrichedbytheBiblestudiesonthe book of I John presented by Carl Anderson, academicdeanof Boise BibleCollege.One day following the reunion, our family left to visitJohnsonBibleCollege inKnoxville, TfS. The tripwaslong, butwewere blessedbythevisitswemade alongthe way. We worshippedwiththeDickGringfamily inPearsall, TXonSunday.After enjoyingdinner withthem, wetravelled ontovisitBarneyandEvelyn Fero in Buda, TX. They wereonce residents ofQueretaroandwhile heretheyopenedtheir homeeachSundayfor anEnglish-speakingservice. !t is always fun relivingpast events with them. Two days later we were inthe newhome of Dick andCarolyn Applein Memphis, TM. This coupleis veryinterestedinmissions and supports our work. Wetooka walk togethertoseethe cherry blossoms in bloom. Theyinvited George Bartlett, Jr. and his wife for dinner. GeorgeBartlett, Sr. andhiswife, Mary, weremissionariesinMexicoforseveral years. It wasgoodto meet theirsonanddaughter-in-law.Fivedays fromthe time we left Queretaro, we arrivedatthe homeof Normand Mary Dungan on the Johnson BibleCollege campus. What awelcomewereceivedfromthemandall our other friendsthere! It wastrulyatimeofgreatrejoicingtovisit withthesepeople. Wealsohada warmwelcomeat theSeymour churchonEaster Sunday. Thisis where wehadworshippedduringour lastfurlough. Our family wasgivenaspecial tourof thecollegecampusbecauseMark plansto enrollthere forthe1992-93 school year. It is abeautifulplace.Becauseof the missionary reunion, Mark hadmissedtheofficial ceremonyto receivehis blackbelt. OnApril 11thourfamily went totheKaratestudiowhere his teacher presentedtheblackbelt tohim. Healsoreceivedfour certificates. Wewere all very proud of Mark. He is spendingthesummer inOregontryingtoearnsomemoneyforcollege. Rebeccagraduatedfromthe sixth gradeat ColegioCharles Dickens (a bilingual school)onJune14th. Next year she will beattending aprivate Christian school.We lookforward to seeingmanyof youduringthesummer. Thank you for remaining faithful inyour prayers andsupport.Prayer 'n' PraisePRAYER:for continuedrecovery of Chon Avalos' grandsons. Onewasseverelyburnedwhenapot of boiling water fell onhim. Theothersufferedminor faceburns. Chonisanevangelistin Salvatierra(atownlocatedtwohourswestof Queretaro).for increasedattendancein the Queretaro church,forthosewhograduatedlast Mayfromthe threeSpan-ish-speaking Bible Colleges with which we are acquainted.for the directors andworkers of the summer camps.fortheHoffs duringtheir travels this summer.for theMarcelinoJoseCruz family. Their elevenyearPublished bytheRossvilleChristian Church411SpruceROB187Rossville, KS 66533ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDold son recently passed away followinga dentist visit.Theyalsohavea threeyear old who is unable to walk ortalk.... for thecontinuing witness of thechurch youthPRAISE:... for the continued construction of the Queretaro church.. . . for Mark's decisionto attendJohnsonBibleCollege in1992.... for the Mexican family that is coming to help intheQueretaro church.. . . fortheyouthof the churchwhoareactivein witnessing,planningspecial programs, parties, etc.NON-PROFIT ORQ.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDROSSVILLE, KSPERMITNO. 6Published QuarterlySALUDOS!fromCENTRAL MEXICO&BAJIO CHRISTIAN MISSIONBILL HOFF and FAMILYAPARTADOPOSTAL 57QOERETARO, QRO. MEXICOtelephone(42)-16-41-27Vol. 22, Number 33 ss5Fall 1991MOMENTOaS EVENTSThe Hoffs are back in Queretaroafter a long summer trip. They greatly enjoyed the North American Christian Conventionin Denver. Unfortunately they were unable to attend as many of the workshops as they would have liked. There were so manyworthwhileseminars thatit was impossible to attend themall. Themain worship sessions were great and thepreaching wasinspiring.Besides having abooth attheconvention, theHoffs visited a number of churches ontheir trip. In all, thedisplay wasassembled eleven times. Bill preachedthree times and showedslidesabout the worknine times. The triptook the family throughninestates and atotal of slightly more than ten thousand miles.After two months in the GSA, the Hoffs were concerned about how Hilario Rosas, who had just come to serve as co-ministerwith Alberto Gonzalez, would work out. They found that Hilario's servant-like attitude quickly endeared him to the congregation. Another concern was to see a calling program put into effect inthe church. Hilarioand Bill have begun a program of callingdoor-to-door in the area around the church building. So far a number of people have shown interest, and nearly every Sundaya visitor attends church. Hilario is developing a program to help theyouth reach their friends for theLord. This is particularlyimportant because more than half of the congregation areyoung people.The congregation inJardines de la Hacienda has just receivednotificationthat it is being required to nationalizeits building.(Mexico's constitution requires that all buildingsused for publicworshipbe donated to the government whichin turn gives thechurch permission to use the facility.) The churchhad hopedto delay that stepuntil themain auditorium was completed,because it is easier to get permission to make any necessary modifications in buildingpermits from the city than from the federalgovernment. Normally,the government takes no interest innationalizing a church untilthe building is finished. But inthis case,the lawyerthat has defrauded the church ofItslandworksinanother branch ofthe secretariat that is Incharge of church buildings.Nowthat she is being accused of criminal fraud, she has reported the church building, hoping to make things more difficult.The church will naturally comply withthe law,and it appears that the government is willing to accept the existing building permitsand allow construction to continue.Planning for Church Groiath.ASERVANT'S HEARTThe Hoffs have been blessed with loving and caring co-workers in the past,soit isnotsurprisingthat whentheyweresearchingfor aco-pastorfor theJardines de la Hacienda church, the Lordled them tothe Rosas family.Hilario, Graciela, and their fifteen year-old daughter, Nellie, are fromSalvatierra, Guanajuato, which is about an hour and a half west of Quer6taro.They have spent the last four years on the O.S. side of the border in Eagle Pass,Texas, where Hilario attended Colegio Biblico. They are all gifted in music; bothHilario andNellieplay the guitar.The Rosas are allvery humble andtheir love of theLord is seenin theirwillingness to serve, doing whatever is asked of them. Hilario is active in thecalling program. Is the teacher of the adult Bible class, preaches in the Sundayevening service, and holds Bible studies for the weekly youth meetings.Graciela is active in the ladles' meetings and supports her husband in all areasof hiswork. She is also the camp secretary which involves taking minutes atthe bi-monthly meetings andsendingout Informationto the churches inMexico.We arethankful tohave the Rosas family aspart of thechurch family inQueretaro.THANKSWhen the Hoffs arrived back inQueretaro after their summer trip, theywere pleasantly surprised to see thechurch building painted. A youth groupfrom the Elm Street Christian Church inOlney, Illinois, came to help beautify thebuilding. Thegroupconsisted ofeightyoung people and three sponsors. AfterpaintingthebuildinginJardinesdelaHacienda, they leveled the fill dirt wherethe church in Colonia Militar will build anaddition, andpainted thechurchbuildingInSantaRosaJauregui. Theynotonly came with a real willingness towork, but they also brought funds to payfor all the materials used. The congregations cannot adequately express theirappreciation.PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL EXERCISE"May the youth come and wash cars at your house next Saturday?"This was a request the youth director of the churchmadeof Bill following the worship service one Sunday morning inSeptember. Receiving an affirmative answer, Saturdayfoundthe youngpeople arriving at 9 a.m. with their buckets, rags, soaps, signs, andlunches.After putting up signs In the area announcing the car wash, theyouth returned and waited for the first car. It did not takelong beforebusiness was booming. While some were cleaningthe insideof cars using vacuum cleaners, others werehosingoff the cars, soaping them down, washing the windows or drying the cars. This process continued until about 3 p.m. when everyone sat downin the median of the street toeat their lunches. After this small break, work continued.The purpose of the car wash was to raise money for a weekend retreat at the camp facilities over the MexicanIndependeneDay holiday. Deciding that they needed moremoney, the youthwashed cars the followingSaturday, also.The retreat began on Saturday afternoon, September 14th. Twoladies fromthe church cooked for the young people, andHilario (the newco-pastor of the church) held Bible studies. The hard rainon Saturday evening did not dampen the spirits ofthe campers.On Sunday evening our regular church service was cancelled so that all could go to camp andattend a special program.Ayoung minister from the area preached and Bill had a special communion service. Then everyone In attendance was invitedto eat a Mexican meal. About 10:30 p.m. the group began singing Mexican folkloric songs. At 11:00 tradition dictates that someone must give the grito (a brief resume of the history of Mexico's fight for independence which ends with "Viua Mexico" longliveMexico). Alberto gave the grito and the young people yelled "Viua" and waved their Mexican flags of green, white, and redand cheered. It wasa very inspiringtime. Theyouthreturned home the following daywith arenewed Christian spirit.FIFTH ANNIVERSARYOctober 12th was the fifth anniversary of the completionof the church building in San Felipe Pueblo Nuevo, a MazahuaIndianvillageinthemountains of the state of Mexico. Theminister, Antonio Eusebio Maxlmlliano, made a special pointof inviting the Hoff family and the members of the Jardines dela Hacienda church.Antonio was a student of Bill's at the National BibleInstitute andgraduatedIn 1983. He hada great deal ofdifficulty with his classes because he was not fluent in Spanish(Mazahua is his native tongue), but he was determined to bringthe Gospel to his people.;jLjUl OAntonio welcoming everyone.When he graduated he returned home and began preaching themessageofsalvation. Thosewere perilous times.There werepersecutions andstonings. One timewhenBillwas there for baptisms, someone tried to burn down the housewhere they were meeting withBill inside. Another time theypunctured all the tires on a van and stoned Its occupants. Butslowly Antonio began to winfamily members and others.One of three baptisms.About eight years ago Antonio approachedBill about abuilding. Bill agreedthat themissionwouldpayforall thecement and reinforcing steel if they would provide sand,continued next pagePERSONAL GLIMPSESThe time left is so short. In just a few months Mark will beleaving home. We have had him under our care and guidancefor seventeen years, and now in just afew months, he will beonhis own. Bill has taught him how to drive, how to repairmany parts on acar, and how to repair various items. I havetaught him how towash dishes, how to sweep the floors anddomany thingsIn the house.There are the little things to think about. Will Mark brushhisteethoften? (Wehavespenthundredsof dollarsat anorthodontist to make his teeth look good). Will he get his haircut when needed?Will he get enough rest? The list could goon. But more important is, will Mark read his Bible and praydaily? Will he, In anew culture, stand up and be counted asa Christian when the devil attacks him?Our family has tried to have Bible devotions daily, we haveattended churchregulariy; wehave hostedmanypeople Inour home and tried to be generous to those in need. We havetaught Mark the Bible, and we all rejoiced the day he decidedto follow theLord In baptism.Mark attended Roy's graduation.Thispast summer was agood experience forMark. Helived withhis aunt and her family in Oregon and worked part-time at a fast food restaurant. He did have some adjustmentsto make. InAugust of 1992he will enter Johnson BibleCollege in Knoxville, Tennessee. What greater choice could ayoung person make? 1am proud of him. Won't you join meinpraying forMark.The Hoff family.(Mark and his Uncle David not shown.)Fifth Anniversarycontinued frompage 3gravel, and labor. Building was a slow process, both in termsofpaperworkandconstruction. Foundationswereduginvolcanic rock, concrete waspoured, and block walls raised.But the nnost difficult part of the construction was the roof. Themen cut shoringlumber on the local mountain and hauleditback. Then they wovethe reinforcingbars and hand mixed theconcrete and carried it to the roof. Bill arranged for one of hisBible institute studentsto dotheelectrical wiring, thenthevillage people installed the windows. Finally, they celebratedtheir first worship service. They still remember the dateandrejoice. Things have changed greatly. Bill can now visit withno fear for his life, and the church is respected and continuesto grow.The fifthanniversary service was a very special event. Themainmessage was preached byJose ManuelCortez, aco-stdent of Antonio's at the Bible Institute. Antonio officiated inthree baptisms, and AlbertoGonzalezperformed a wedding.Thisall tookplaceIn the same 4-hour service. By the end,there were as many people outside the church as Inside. (Thechurch seats about 130 people.)After the service, the women of the church served a greatmealof chicken in mole (a chill sauce), beans, tamales, andtortillas. Everyone enjoyedtheunparalleled fellowshipandlove that was demonstrated there.Published by theRossvllle Christian Church411Spruce POB 187Rossvllle, KS 66533ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDPRAYER 'N'PRAISEPlease PRAY for:. . . Areli Castaneda (who was operated on for cancer threeyearsago), theyoungladywhohas beenteachingRebecca in Bible school and who has directed the youthforseveralyears. She hasrecentlymoved toPledrasNegras, Coahuila, Mexico. The congregation will missher.. . . the nationalization of the church building.... the visitation program open hearts of those whoarereceivingthe invitations toattend church.. . . the church property that is In litigation. An auditoriumcanbebuiltwiththefunds receivedfromsellingtheproperty after wewin the case.Please PRAISE the Lord for:... thewillingnessof theyoungpeople of thechurchtowashcarsfor twodaysinorder toattendaspiritualretreat. . . for Antonio Eusebio's work with the Mazahua people inthe state of Mexico.... for the young people from Illinois who came to Queretaroto paint the church building here and help withtwo otherchurches.. . . the camps which were held last summer and the youngpeople that made decisions.. . . thesafetyofthe Hoffs duringtheir travels this pastsummer.. . . the decisionof Mark to attend JohnsonBibleCollegenext fall.NOM-PROFiT ORQ.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDROSSVILLE, KSPERMITMO. 6

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