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Hoffman, Michel & Associates Private Wealth Management Young Woman of Distinction Award

Kendra Gonczy Nominated by Grace Plonka

Kendra is currently teaching a Grade 1 and 2 split class at Assiniboia Park Elementary. An exceptional teacher providing her students with rich educational experiences, she is very involved with the musical theatre productions and school choirs. Kendra has been instrumental in establishing 2 new programs at the school: the Classroom Champions program utilizes national team level athletes as mentors to make meaningful, measurable and lasting impacts on students' lives. Classroom Champions integrates lessons like goal setting, leadership and community involvement. This program along with visits from the athletes has not only had tremendous benefits to Kendra's classroom, but the rest of the school as well.

The Student Spirit Leaders (SSL) was started for grade six students to have an opportunity to be leaders within the school. The SSL organizes spirit days, school special events and looks after recycling the school's juice containers. Each year the SSL chooses a legacy project to help make the school a better place, and last year they helped to purchase a "buddy bench" for the playground so that students could sit on that bench if they were looking for someone to play with.

Kendra was very involved in school activities at WCS including co-chairing the STC in Grade 12. She received Block W awards in all 3 years of high school and a Super Block W and the Performing Arts Award in Gr. 12. While attending the U of S Kendra sang second soprano with the prestigious Greystone Singers choir for 3 years, and graduated with a Bachelor of Education degree majoring in Home Economics.

An accomplished musician, having attained her Grade 8 piano and Grade 2 theory from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Kendra has participated and received numerous scholarships for her many piano and vocal solo performances in Music Festivals and has extended her musical talents to her position of Coordinator of Youth Programs at Grace United Church. Kendra and her mother formed the "Small Voices of Grace" choir for the children and the eight members have now grown to forty and the addition of a second choir, "The Spirit of Grace". The choirs perform once a month at Sunday Worship services, as well as in various places throughout the community and beyond when asked. The Spirit of Grace recently performed at TeleMiracle 42, where they also donated over $7000 raised from the "Singing Valentine" Concert organized by Kendra and performed by Small Voice of Grace, Spirit of Grace and the Stars Show Choir. Kendra also designed and handmade all of the beautiful jumpers worn by the girls for the performance.

Kendra has a strong commitment to her faith and the church at large. She is presently under training to become a Lay Worship Leader, is a member of the Chancel Choir, and initiated making coffee for the congregation every Sunday morning to foster fellowship and friendship, a gesture greatly appreciated by the entire congregation.

Innovative and creative, Kendra is also an accomplished seamstress, designing and sewing all the costumes for the musical theatre numbers including the WCS musicals. The many elaborate and

colourful costumes for the musical "The Little Mermaid" were Kendra's creations. She also does all the alterations for the STARS choir ensemble.

Kendra is also the current President and volunteer of the YF Wives.

From a letter of support: "Kendra is an exceptional role model in all facets of her life. The young people who have the opportunity to be influenced by Kendra are left with a lifelong imprint."

In the words used by her choir students, "creative", "fun", "helpful", "awesome" and "outstanding”, Kendra is a worthy candidate for the Young Woman of Distinction Award.

Hoffman, Michel & Associates Private Wealth Management Young Woman of Distinction Award

Jordan Szczecinski Nominated by Meghan Patzer & Lindsay Manko-Bauche

Jordan has been employed full time as a Senior Accounting Analyst at Gibson Energy since 2010, is head of the company's OH& S Committee for SE Sask. and is impassioned and dedicated to the community of Weyburn.

This dedication and commitment shines through her volunteer work. Although the oil industry has come a long way in welcoming the ingenuity of women, Jordan's work to break new ground and take down barriers within the sector has been paramount. A member for 5 years and Co-chair of Weyburn Oilwomen Association for the past 4 years, Jordan was instrumental in expanding the reach beyond a networking golf tournament to a community service club looking to volunteer time and sponsorship to other clubs in need. During her tenure the organization has donated over $30,000 to support local charities such as The Family Place, Jumpstart, the Salvation Army, to list a few. They also sponsor two $1000 annual scholarships to foster the development of women in the oilfield through Southeast College. She also handles the social media, advertising events as well as creation of the association's documents. In the words of her Co-Chair: "She is a natural born leader with amazing creative and organizational skills. She loves a challenge and is never satisfied until the final product is the best it can be. I know her legacy will have a lasting effect on our community, especially for the young women for whom she will continue to be an inspiration and role model. "

Jordan is the VP and VP of Communications for the Weyburn Senior Beavers Baseball, and as the first female VP in league history, has broken new ground for women. Through her press presence on Facebook, Instagram and the Beaver's newsletters, she has grown viewership and almost tripled game day revenues; she spearheaded the sold out Beavers Team Sports Dinner and children's ball clinic which will be held May 25 & 26; and since Jordan's involvement with the Beavers, the organization has paid it forward by giving back over 1500+ volunteer hours to minor ball, school programs, and other community initiatives over the past 3 seasons. From a support letter from the Club President, "What Jordan has meant to our ball club is almost immeasurable. Her enthusiasm knows no limit. Through her, we have seen an increase in traffic at the ballpark and excitement around our team. Adjectives I could use to describe her: young, energetic, smart, hardworking, organized and take charge."

Jordan is also a longstanding volunteer for a number of Weyburn sporting organizations: Nickle Lake Co-ed Slo Pitch Board, Knoedler/Nickel Lake Classic Slo pitch Tournament, Super 7 Women's Hockey League, Weyburn Hookers Fishing Club. She also energetically participates and enjoys the arts and culture scene through her pottery and book club memberships.

Through her high school years at WCS, Jordan's extra-curricular commitments included: Graduation Co-ordinator, SRC Representative, Musical and Drama cast member and STARS Choir member.

Jordan does not only actively participate in making Weyburn 'The Opportunity City' she is a dynamic catalyst for creating home-grown opportunities. Jordan has an innate capacity for leadership and inspires others and directs change through her involvement. Her involvement is not a term, or a few

years, she truly becomes engrained in the fabric of each organization she works with. In turn, this helps foster opportunity in our wonderful city for so many others.

Genuinely an opportunity woman, Jordan is a Young Woman of Distinction.

Hoffman, Michel & Associates Private Wealth Management Young Woman of Distinction Award

Chelsea Toles Nominated by Brad Eggum

From a young age Chelsea has displayed exceptional leadership combined with strong interpersonal skills and a drive to accomplish her goals. She has readily involved herself in non-traditional activities for women both socially and within her career.

Chelsea received her Bachelor of Science at the U of S with a Major in Agronomy and a Minor in Agribusiness. Her role as the Sales Agronomist for Eggum Seed Sales is broad, involving sales, seed treating, field inspection and diagnostics, promotion, field scouting, and administration. In a primarily male dominated field, Chelsea has had very little difficulty demonstrating her value to growers through her sincerity and dedication to providing timely service and researched solutions. She cultivates respect quickly and develops strong relationships with clients. Her success in this field will help break barriers for others who wish to pursue this career. She is currently Articling to become a Professional Agrologist through the Sask Institute of Agrologists.

Active throughout her school years, Chelsea played badminton, curling, helped side direct in Drama Club, was a member of the Yearbook Club and was on the starting line-up of her Tier 1 volleyball team that won a Provincial Bronze medal. Outside of school, she was involved with both 4-H beef and light horse clubs, graduating from both with many accomplishments and having active involvement in the political functioning of the club. While attending the U of S, Chelsea was elected President of the U of S Ag Student Association by her peers- an organization that encourages students to get involved in the college both academically and socially. She received first Place with her Team Business Plan presentation to complete her Minor, and she and three of her classmates were awarded First Place for their presentation to the Ag Bio Team Challenge.

Chelsea has completed her Grade 8 Piano and Level 2 Theory and enjoys playing the piano at the Midale Bethlehem Lutheran Church on special occasions, and has a goal of becoming a piano teacher in the future.

Chelsea joined the Midale & Area Recreation Board Committee and is involved in managing recreational facilities and is a main organizer for the M.O.R.E. 2000 Auction Community Fundraiser. She furthers her community involvement by being part of multiple groups such as the Weyburn Wildlife Federation and the Sask Young Ag-Entrepreneurs.

In her spare time Chelsea enjoys anything that involves the outdoors. She and her husband Dallas have developed an acreage from what was a wheat field in 2014 to a beautifully landscaped yard today. The couple also had the pleasure of fulfilling one of their dreams on their honeymoon where they travelled across South Africa for 3 weeks, successfully hunting seven different species. Entering game draws every year, she takes pride in her hunting. In 2017 she received tags for both mule deer and moose and in April will be awarded for hunting the largest moose taken in the Weyburn Wildlife Federation Community this past season. Known for having "horseshoes" among the Midale area hunters, she was also featured in the Winter 2016 Issue of Big Buck Magazine with the article "Hidden Horseshoes".

In the words of her employer, "Chelsea has taken a leading and active role throughout her young life in whatever community she is immersed in. With a drive to succeed and to mentor by example, I have every confidence that she will continue to impress, to inspire others and be a strong leader in her community. I am very pleased to offer forward Chelsea Toles for Young Woman of Distinction."


ABBY KRADOVILL Nominated by: Jenna Smolinski

“It takes a village to raise a child” and “many hands make light work” are both well placed motto’s used by Abby Kradvill. As both an active community member and dedicated mother to two active children, Abby demonstrates the strength in her abilities as an effective leader across the multiple organizations that she is involved with.

Abby was born in Moose Jaw, attended SIAST for Water Resources and later moved onto Arts and Sciences at the University of Regina where she later worked for 8 years at Amec Environmental Company. After which, family ties to Weyburn brought her, her husband Bill, and their two kids to be closer to both sets of grandparents in 2007. Working as a Safety Coordinator, Abby has been working with Miller Well Servicing for the past 10 years since her family’s move.

Over that time, she has gone above and beyond and filled her schedule through her involvement with a multitude of organizations and committees. The foundation of her community work was started through her passion for safety acting as committee member to Early Safety Training Steering, a group dedicated to providing basic safety training to young people between the ages of 16-21. Here Abby was the driving force for their annual golf tournament fundraiser, where the event evidenced successful growth every year she had been involved.

Abby has always been actively involved in her children’s sports and education. As such, she turned her attention to their activities where she joined as Coach Liaison and Registrar for the Weyburn Silver Seals Competitive Swim Club, the President of the Colour My World: Childcare Board of Directors, a Community Council Member for the Haig School, and more recently an executive member of the board for the Weyburn Synchro Stars.

A further natural fit was afforded to Abby as Co-chair of the Weyburn Oilwomen Association. Abby has always been an advocate for women’s rights, gender equality, and women entering non-traditional workplaces, so her decision when invited to the organization was unquestionable. Within her capacity, she leveraged her previous experience with Early Safety Training Steering to help provide a successful golf tournament to raise funds. She acts as liaison between the group and the golf course, sponsors, and vendors. Through successful events and fundraisers such as this one, the Weyburn Oilwomen Association has provided over $30,000 over the years to various areas in the community.

After her daughter joined the Girl Guides of Canada as a Spark in 2010, it “sparked” Abby’s interest in becoming a leader for the group. She has spent countless hours planning meetings, events, and camps that all require itineraries, budgets, travel, equipment, and safety guide paperwork for each. Events served by the group also include many ways to help the community. Abby has trained the last 4 years on Outdoor Activity Leadership Adventure Training, focusing on outdoor adventures such as backpacking, canoeing, winter camping, and snowshoeing.

More recently, Abby has taken on extended duties with the Girl Guides of Canada as a District Commissioner for Weyburn, Ogema, and Gladmar. In this capacity she liaises between her assigned district and provincial offices and also sits on the provincial council.

Even with the plethora of volunteer commitments, Abby has made time to complete her Applied Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety where she received commendations from the program head for graduation on the Dean’s Honour List.

Abby believes that we need to instil the confidence and courage into our young girls so that they can grow to be our future community leaders. She leads by example through the actions she has taken to help empower young women within our community and is deserving of the M. Isabelle Butters Community Service Award.


Donna Rooney Nominated by: Val Ness and Tana Torkelson

You would be very hard pressed to name a community event in Yellow Grass and the surrounding area where Donna Rooney was not involved in some capacity. Through the activities she is involved in to the community oriented banking in which she provides; Donna exudes the qualities of a leader, mentor, role model and possesses the qualities and more of the M. Isabelle Butters Quota International of Weyburn Community Service Award.

Raised on a farm just outside of Yellow Grass, Donna attended SIAST in Moose Jaw, before she began her career with Weyburn Credit Union in 1998 where she continues to provide her services today. A devoted patron, though Donna since moved with husband Mike, and 3 children Jade, Cole, and Taylor to Weyburn, she remains actively involved in most all Yellow Grass events.

Donna was one of the original members of the organizing committee for the Yellow Grass ladies night, an event that has raised significant funds for the community over the years. This event required driven and dedicated individuals to maintain the passion to make this a success. After her move to Weyburn there was a stoppage of the event shortly after. Upon realizing the impact that the event made within the Yellow Grass community, it was asked that the event be reinitiated and a few including Donna were approached to bring it back. Tireless efforts were made by the group to make the event a success. Donna helped solicit local talent, to help develop costumes, choreography and music resulting in the success of the event and raising over $10,000 in funding for the community. This event now plans on running semi-annually with Donna as a key member.

Leveraging her financial experience Donna also acts as the Treasurer of Dinner Theatre Club, though her involvement encompasses organizing, and even lead acting roles in the performances that are held. She is also known to be heavily involved in food prep for the dinner and performance operation activities. The funds raised from these events are substantial and are reinvested back into the community where Donna has been involved for over five years.

As a part of the Yellow Grass Homecoming Committee member in 2017, she brought much needed experience to the new event as treasurer. The event held over 230 attendees, and all of the funds provided to put on the event were raised by the community which Donna helped in canvassing to help gather donations.

Donna has brought her inspirational leadership skills into the workplace at Weyburn Credit Union where multiple initiatives promoting community have been rolled out. Donna has been a key member in the organization and development of the Community Involvement Committee in order to address a more streamlined way for bank members to participate in community fundraising events. Donna spearheaded this initiatives and the committee has evolved substantially over the eighteen years since its inception.

In addition to Donna’s countless hours of involvement in streamlining how Weyburn Credit Union gets involved within its community, she also lead her team to victory in the bank’s “Helping Hands Challenge” where they donated over 80 hours picking garbage in the ditches along the communities of Yellow Grass and Lang, volunteering at ball games, running canteens, and hosting a children’s baseball windup event.

Donna is a passionate and strong woman who volunteers her time and talents for the betterment of her community.


Becky Tuchscherer Nominated by: Nikki Dickie on behalf of Weyburn Gold Wings

Becky Tuchscherer not only boasts a tenured background in a variety of activities helping her community, but she helps people by trade. Graduating from the University of Regina with a Bachelor of Social Work, Becky has gone on to work as a Facilitator and Social Worker for Parenting after separation or divorce under the Ministry of Justice, as well as a Counsellor for the Holy Family School Division striving for improved academic and mental health for the students she works with. Within this role she has also taken on eight practicum students who have done their mini and major practicum’s under her supervision over her thirteen year career with the school.

Though Becky graduated from Weyburn Comprehensive School in 1996, her community involvement spans back to 1993 where she volunteered playing organ for the choir at the St. Vincent de Paul Church and continued for over 20 years illustrating her character of commitment.

Much of her community advocacy has been demonstrated while volunteering with the local Weyburn AAA Gold Wings, an elite female hockey team consisting of players between 14-18 years old from across Saskatchewan. Acting as a conduit for community involvement, Becky has been an active pillar in the planning, management, and execution of many of the organization’s community events. Becky began as a Billet for the Gold Wings, where she would gladly take in new team members into her home as her own. The bonds that she makes with her temporary residents are lifelong and enduring as she regularly attends University of Regina and University of Saskatoon hockey games where she cheers on “her girls”.

Becky has since gone on to become a member of the Board of Directors, as well as the Team Manager. Her capacity involves all aspects of the team including but not limited to: finding billet families,

strategically matching players to billet families, working with coaching staff to organize the team schedules, organizing team building activities, making all travel arrangements for road games, team fundraising events, acting liaison between the team and the school, player counselling as needed, team correspondence to parents and billet families, organizing every game day, organizing volunteers, and organizes various ways for players to get involved in the community. All of which requires thousands of volunteer hours each year, as her year only begins when the teams season ends.

All the effort that Becky provides the team, she does with the community in mind. She believes strongly that players should be actively involved in the community they live in as well. She acts as a conduit for players to find ways to volunteer. In the past year, Becky and the team were able to volunteer at the Weyburn Minor Hockey Initiation Tournament, Family Place Halloween Party, Souris School Winter Festival, Red Wing Alumni Game, Skate with Gold Wings event, and on ice help for many of the younger hockey teams. Becky plays a huge part in molding these young hockey players into great community-minded women.

Becky has dedicated her entire life to helping youth, through her career as well as all her volunteer work. She has made a tremendous difference in the lives of many children in the community and abroad. Her dedication and generosity are traits that seem to come naturally and she provides a “second mom” to young ladies that come to Weyburn away from their families. She provides comfort, a welcome wagon, discipline, and guidance while miles away from their parents. She does this all with undoubted love, compassion, and a true drive to make the world a better place, truly worthy of the Isabelle Butters Quota International of Weyburn Community Service Award


Lynn Quist Nominated by: Hayley Wall

As a committed volunteer within the community Lynn Quist has worked in a variety of organizations and demonstrates passion and poise to each role she has entered. Whether it be a Sunday school teacher, member of the Weyburn Group Home Board of Directors, member of the Grace United Christian Education Committee, or a fundraiser coordinator for the Weyburn Scouts, Lynn brings the same level of enthusiasm and commitment to the organization. Truly, a deserving recipient of the M. Isabelle Butters Quota International of Weyburn Community Service Award.

Not to shadow previous volunteering efforts that she has made over her life, Lynn has had significant and life-changing impact within Special Olympics Saskatchewan. Most recently, she has been chosen to be a Team Saskatchewan Mission Staff, a highly prestigious position which is in charge of Power lifting and Rhythmic Gymnastics athletes and coaches. She ensures the athletes of Saskatchewan in these sports are practiced and prepared to compete against their peers from across the country. In 2018, Lynn will accompany a large team of Special Olympics Saskatchewan Summer Sport athletes to Antigonish, Nova Scotia where they will compete not only for national medals, but for positions on Team Canada for the Summer Olympic Games in 2019.

Previous to this, Lynn has been part of the Special Olympics Saskatchewan Sports Advisory Committee since 2014. Comprised of one individual from each district, this committee meets and discusses topics as it relates to rules, sports, programs, and availability of programs for intellectual disabilities. This committee makes our programs legitimate and recognized at the National and International levels, which allows for athletes with intellectual disabilities to have the opportunity to compete in high level sport and competition.

Not only is Lynn helping progress Special Olympics at the provincial level, she is the only reason we have a Special Olympics Community here in Weyburn. Lynn is the Community Manager, and has been since 2013. She has kept Special Olympics programming available to children and adults within the Weyburn area. She has advocated for people with disabilities and the importance of sport opportunities for everyone.

In 2016, Lynn was selected as Chef de Mission for the Southeast district at the Special Olympics Saskatchewan Summer Games, a role she was selected for back in 1994. Within this role, she organized coaches and athletes from across the district and prepared them for the 2017 games. She ensured that all athletes qualified to compete in their selected sports, and there were enough volunteers to get athletes to and from Moose Jaw to participate. At these games, Lynn was awarded her 10 years of service pin from the Olympics Saskatchewan as testament to her dedication.

Over and above her full and robust volunteer activity within Special Olympics Saskatchewan, she is also a certified coach in several sports such as floor hockey, bowling, track and field, and bocce ball. She became certified in each of the sports so that she herself could coach all of the programs available in Weyburn specifically to ensure there would never be a time that sports were no longer offered.

Though much that has been discussed has been categorized as involvement within the Special Olympics, it is important to understand that this is a dedication Lynn has to sports being available to the Weyburn community. Countless hours have been donated by her, and she exhibits true traits of a role model for perseverance and dedication in support of her passions.



On April 4, 2017 Beverly became the current owner/manager of the Comfort Café in the City Centre Mall. Prior to the Comfort Café, Beverly accepted a contract with Loblaw Gas Bars 11 years ago, managing the Wholesale Gas Bar- with little to no business experience. Under her management the Wholesale Gas Bar became the number 1 Gas Bar in Canada several times and was in the top 3 Saskatchewan gas bars in each of her 10 years. One of her previous employees related that “It is Bev’s smile and ability to make both customers and employees feel welcome and special that had them returning and that contributed to the success. She has others best interest at heart”.

In her new venture, the Comfort Café, she is the heart and soul of the business, her compassion and kindness is appreciated by all. She is loved by her patrons and she loves them! As one customer stated “Her smile never leaves you and you take it home with you”! She continues to mentor her employees, demonstrates calmness and is strong under pressure. She is dedicated to providing superior customer service.

In addition to her time and dedication to work, Beverly is involved in local and international charitable organizations. In 2010, the Katschke Charitable Foundation was formed to provide help to those in need. To date, Beverly has raised over $12,000 in one event to fund her charity! She has given back to Weyburn in a number of ways. She has also has several foster children through World Vision and Gospel for Asia.

She has packed over 1000 shoe boxes for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child over many years. She has travelled to distribute the shoe boxes to missions in Nicaragua and Costa Rica- these travels have changed her life forever. Beverly has also been involved in her church. One comment made is ‘Bev reaches out to others- placing others needs before her own”.

Beverly is married and is the mother of 4, has 9 grandchildren and 1 step grandchild. She was nominated by her husband Dave Katschke.

Despite a chronic illness –she works tirelessly to improve the lives of others and is a mentor/role model to others. Bev’s life can be best summed up by saying ‘there are no strangers to Bev, just someone that she has yet to meet”! She is certainly deserving of the Access Communications Entrepreneurship Award of Excellence-however, one of her supporters commented “but knowing her, she would probably pass it on to someone else!”


BIOGRAPHY of BROOKE WARD Nominated by: Monica Gilchrist

Graduating from Lethbridge College in 2007, with honors with a diploma in Advertising & Public Relations with honors, Brooke began her career in Weyburn with Discover Weyburn. In 2009, she took the position of Manager/Marketing Executive of the Fine Lifestyles Regina & Weyburn/Estevan Magazine. During that time she also helped launch a new market for Saskatoon Fine Lifestyles Magazine. Unfortunately, in the fall of 2015, Fine Lifestyles announced their closure. Brooke took the initiative to fill the void, knowing that Weyburn needed a publication that was similar.

Despite the downturn in economy, Brooke took a risk and in December of 2015, the ReFINEd Weyburn & Area magazine was launched. Brooke is the owner and publisher. She has built her magazine from the ground up. Her determination to publish a well-known publication that provides information to the community about local businesses and people shows in the high quality of craftsmanship of the magazine. ReFINED is a highly enjoyed magazine by all demographics, and men and women alike. She manages her employees with a strong, caring force and has an optimistic view of life that shines through to her staff and clients. Her employees look to her as a great role model and together they make an excellent team, communicating to meet their common goal of creating a high quality publication that will bring success to their clients. Brooke, being selfless will attribute the success of the magazine to her employees- but as one employee stated “I believe it is from true leadership, and commitment from Brooke that make the magazine such a success“. This commitment was demonstrated in 2016 when Brooke became a new mother. Throughout her maternity leave, she made herself available to her employees. As the days drew nearer to printing the publication- she would have all the backend material organized for the staff to review. The magazine produced 4 full high quality issues during that time.

Her counterpart in Yorkton commented “Brooke has an amazing entrepreneurial spirit and she always looks for solutions and new and better ways to run her business and take care of her clients. She is creative and innovative in her approach to business and practical in her day to day operations. There are many ‘hidden’ aspects to getting ReFINEd Weyburn to print every issue and the quality and the consistency of her publication is due to Brookes’ attitude, diligence and demand for excellence”. The magazine is currently in its 3rd year of publication and doing well.

In addition to operating a business, Brooke understands the importance of giving back to the community and participating in local events. ReFINEd is a proud sponsor to many groups such as; Weyburn Beaver’s Baseball, Weyburn Red Wings, and the Weyburn Concert Series. As well, ReFINEd has created awareness for the following non-profit groups- The Family Place, Weyburn Humane Society, Weyburn Mixed Martial Arts Club, Big Brothers & Sisters, Weyburn Hospital Foundation, Art Farm, Summer Games, Flavours of Fall, Juvenile Diabetes, Weyburn Young Fellows and supported a local 4H Club.

A very worthy recipient of this award, Brooke is an empowered woman and is focused on providing a professional outcome with her business. She fully understands that a successful business takes drive, innovation, commitment and teamwork.



Nominated by: Jasmine Kravanya

Laura and Krista are pharmacists and Managing Partners who operate Pharmasave stores in Weyburn and Radville. They have been employed with Pharmasave since 2008 - Laura had previously worked at McCoy’s Drugs prior to the stores merging. In June of 2016, they launched Starbucks in the Weyburn Pharmasave store.

They began managing Pharmasave in 2010 in Weyburn and in 2011 became Managing Partners with Rubicon Pharmacies. In 2012, they began managing Radville Pharmasave. In addition to being full time pharmacists, Krista and Laura are involved in every aspect of the store operations including merchandising, strategy, sales, training, meetings and direct customer service. They seize every opportunity to learn from the employees- encouraging them to contribute ideas.

Business plan in hand they approached Rubicon executives to propose a Starbucks franchise in Weyburn- the idea was initially met with reluctance- however, with persistence they were able to obtain support. The Rubicon COO states, “Apparently, their love of community and the profession of pharmacy is only rivalled by their love of coffee!!” It took almost two years of negotiations with Starbucks to receive approval for the license. The process of opening of Starbucks began May 2015 when the license was acquired. Laura and Krista oversaw the entire process—from the initial approval to construction, hiring, training, marketing and finally the launch. This occurred while continuing to operate the day to day functions at the two stores and dispensing in the pharmacy. They took training on Safe Food Handling, became certified Baristas, completed the Starbucks Licensed Venue Manager training and Laura went on to become a certified Barista Trainer. Their goal was to provide excellent customer service and high standards. Sales have exceeded expectations and Starbucks customer experience ratings are consistently high within the province and in Canada! A comment made that sums up the impact of Starbucks—“Starbucks has brought a vibrancy and energy to Weyburn’s downtown, increasing foot traffic and providing incentive for people to shop downtown. It’s hard to measure, but Starbucks has changed the “feel” of Pharmasave and downtown Weyburn”. Their number of employees has increased from 40 to 60.

Giving back to the community and volunteering are important to Laura and Krista. Pharmasave donates thousands of dollars each year in sponsorship money, door prizes and auction items to charitable causes in Weyburn and the surrounding area. Some examples include; MS Walk, Weyburn Opportunity Road Race, the Weyburn Red Wings, the Weyburn Beavers, the Communithon, the Impaired Drivers Pilot Program, the City Downtown Clean Up, Big Bike for Heart and Stroke, and Adopt a Family through the Salvation Army. Krista has served on the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce, is currently a member of the Yellow Grass Community Club manages her son’s hockey team and recently joined the Yellow Grass Rink Board’s Committee to pursue the construction of a new facility. Laura serves on the boards of the Weyburn & District Hospital Foundation and the Weyburn Group Home Society. Both women mentor upcoming female entrepreneurs in the Mentor’s and Manicure’s Program through Southeast College.

Their efforts have been recognized by being the recipients of numerous awards; The Pharmasave Brands Best Representation of Pharmasave Brands in the central region, Weybex Business of the Year, Weybex Customer Service Award, Pharmasave Central Store of the Year Award, and the Pharmasave Pharmacy Innovations Award for pharmacy management practice. In 2013, Krista won the Outstanding Health Professional Award from the Canadian Diabetes Association.

As both Pharmasave and Starbucks continue to grow they also balance family life. Laura lives with her husband Patrick and son Lathym and Krista resides in Yellow Grass with her husband Mike and their two sons Jack and Leo.

They are strong, hardworking women who care about operating a business that positively impacts the community. Their complimentary skills allow them to perform better than the sum of their parts. They work together to problem solve, make decisions and take action in a constructive, supportive and positive manner – a true team. They are more than deserving recipients to share the Access Communications Exceptional Entrepreneur Award.


BIOGRAPHY of MANDI MAZER Nominated by: Andrea Wilson

Mandi was nominated by Andrea Wilson who met Mandi 5 years ago when she phoned inquiring about CrossFit which was a new gym that had opened in Weyburn. Mandi’s quick reply and her knack for making people feel like they belong, immediately made Andrea feel comfortable and at home.

Following high school- Mandi attended University of Saskatchewan with full intentions of becoming a lawyer. However, the sudden loss of her father dying from a heart attack changed her vision for the

future and her life took a complete 180˚. She began focusing on what a gift life is and started to focus on her health and the health of people around her. Mandi herself yearned to become an entrepreneur and it was her goal to open a group fitness facility. An entrepreneur needs vision, passion and energy to be successful, Mandi demonstrates all of these qualities in addition to working hard. In 2012, she had an opportunity to purchase Iron Bar Fitness- she said yes immediately. She quit her secure job, moved back to Weyburn and took the business over- immediately realizing the potential of such a business. She had a vision to not only attract patrons who were already fit or athletic- but every “body” into the gym- new moms, overweight individuals, people with injuries and people who were scared to start the journey. She took her time in opening an additional service- Crossfit- taking countless amounts of courses, training certifications, and doing copious amounts of research. Crossfit opened in 2013- a small 800 square foot facility with her and one other coach.

In 2016, Mandi purchased the former Sears store. After a year of renovations, sleepless nights and sacrifice to say the least in 2017, she opened the doors to Iron Bar Fitness which has evolved into a premier gym in the province. This evolution is a direct representation of Mandi’s vision, leadership and commitment to fitness and well-being in Weyburn.

Mandi makes an effort and takes the time to get to know her clients. One of her clients stated “She works hard and continues to learn and grow to provide personal training. Her knowledge is apparent- and she does an excellent job providing instruction and ensuring people are safe and using proper techniques. Her passion is infectious and uplifting.” Other comments made by a client “She is extremely thorough, personal and will continuously research and find solutions for those of us that have injuries or restrictions that interfere with our fitness routine”. Another client commented she takes time for everyone and cheers them on and celebrates their successes.

Mandi also has a passion for cooking and healthy eating- she began offering a smoothie bar for clients to have a healthy meal after their work outs. Recently at the beginning of 2018, she launched a catering company.

In addition to that, volunteering has been a huge part of her life; she offers her knowledge of health and wellness to the public, from schools, corporations to non-profit organizations. She launched an 8 week program called RISE in the gym- the participants were 10 woman suffering from various life affecting

health conditions- with no cost to them they addressed topics such as fitness, nutrition and overall wellbeing. These women benefited from the program- however, Mandi notes that these women changed her life.

She has many different roles in the community of Weyburn- business owner, operator, coach and mother. From starting a business in a small rental basement to owning a large facility with hundreds of members with 15 employees and coaches, Mandi has achieved many of her goals at the age of 32- yet, she envisions so much more. Although Mandi acknowledges that change is usually uncomfortable for many – as an entrepreneur, she views change as growth, change as movement and change as good!

Mandi is truly a deserving nominee for the Access Communication Exceptional Entrepreneur Award. She is, and will continue to be an excellent role model for female entrepreneurs in our community.



Nominated by: Denise Kennedy & Parents of the De Tricky Feet Dance Studio 7 year old class

Commitment, Dedication, Kindness, Leadership, Compassion, Determination, Diligence- the qualities that come to mind when one parent was asked to describe Tyla Rimmer. Tyla - known by her students as “Miss Tyla” started dance lessons at the age of three. It didn’t take long before she decided that is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. By age 25, she achieved her goal by owning and operating her own dance studio. De Tricky Feet Dance Studio opened in Weyburn in 2005 with enrollment well exceeding expectations. The enrollment has tripled since 2005.

Tyla offers all genres of dance, teaches approximately 40 classes a week, and choreographs over 65 routines each season. Tyla devotes her life to dance, whether it is administration, class planning, choreography, ordering costumes, sending out monthly newsletters jam packed with information or hours backstage. “Teaching children is hard and challenging work. Those who endeavor to do so as a career are amazing individuals, those who excel at it are exceptional” as stated by a parent. Tyla herself recognizes that she is a role model for her students and she does not take that role lightly. This is supported by the following comment from a parent “Miss Tyla seems to have that perfect balance between teaching the technical skills, making those skills understandable to the children and best of all ensuring they have fun. She has created a “safe place” for our children to express themselves and learn the value of persistence, determination and teamwork. She creates an atmosphere where it’s okay to make mistakes and where ‘winning’ is not just a ribbon or trophy. She is not only teaching our children how to dance; she is building self-esteem, perseverance, overall character and positive self-worth in our children.” She also provides opportunities for senior dancers to be leaders in the studio. Parents have seen shy, withdrawn students blossom to actively seeking and participating in several other activities not only in dance but in other areas in their lives- to the point they expressed that this year they would be willing to perform a solo! She has an innate ability to know when to give dancers the push to achieve their best, but also has the compassion and sensitivity to know when a student needs a little TLC.

Dance competitions are an opportunity to showcase the student’s hard work- competitions highlight Tyla’s motivation and dedication to her students. As one parent stated “I speak from experience when I say that they are grueling. There are a lot of early mornings, long hours, and a lot of travel. And that is only from one Mom’s perspective. I am only there when my children are. Tyla, on the other hand, is there for the entirety of the competition. Three or four days, from early morning until late evening. It is hectic, crazy and exhausting work, but no matter what, she is there, cheering on our children and doing whatever she can to make sure things run smoothly.” As a result of her efforts, her students have been the recipients of many awards, she has won numerous choreography awards and many students have received scholarships to places such as Los Angeles and Disney. Above and beyond the awards, Tyla’s greatest joy is when her school is complemented on etiquette and sportsmanship at competitions-which they often are.

In addition to the studio, Tyla offers dancing programs in schools, day cares and currently teaching at the Family Place Mini Go program. She volunteers her time offering Pom choreography for the Comp in 2017, has taught at the Art Farm, participated in Relay for Life and Nickel Lake Summer programs and has judged Weyburn’s Idol for numerous years.

Commitment, Dedication, Kindness, Leadership, Compassion, Determination, Diligence- all the above characteristics signifying that Tyla is deserving of the Access Communications Exceptional Entrepreneur Award.

WEYBURN CREDIT UNION EXCELLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE AWARD Margot Arnold Nominated by: Twila Walkeden, Weyburn Chamber of Commerce and

Verna O'Neill, Community Futures Sunrise A teacher at WCS since 2001, Margot is the WCS Staff Representative; the SE Cornerstone Teachers' Association Regional Chair & Treasurer and Treasurer of the Saskatchewan Business Teachers' Association. Margot makes a point of being a mentor and role model for all new teachers and makes them feel welcome and supported. A life-long learner, she shares her love of learning as well as her expertise with others and regularly organizes and delivers professional development courses, workshops and other in-service activities to her peer group. A master teacher, Mrs. Arnold integrates outcomes and skills across subject areas to fully access an array of skills and knowledge that when combined create a stimulating, successful learning experience. She continually pushes her students to go above and beyond acquiring and developing skills and personal growth. Margot's investment of time, energy, effort, skills and often her own money into ensuring the Junior Achievement (JA) program is available to students at WCS is far beyond what is normally expected of an educator. "When or how will I use this stuff?" is not an issue for Margot's Entrepreneurship students as they access the skill sets from her Accounting 10,20 &30 classes to perform the responsibilities of the VP of Finance role; or Website Design, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher from their Information Processing class. In the last 3 years, the companies created by her students and the students within them have been nominated for over a dozen awards and many were recipients of the awards with the Junior Achievement Saskatchewan Business Hall of Fame Awards including the following winners: Spirit of JA Award, Production Excellence Award, Financial Management Excellence Award, Salesperson of the Year Award, IT Excellence Award and Achiever of the Year Award at the Next Generation Leaders' Forum in Toronto in August of 2016. As well, another 14 students placed as finalists in a number of categories at the Forum. Margot is not only an agent for change in the world of entrepreneurship education, but also with extra-curricular activities that she promotes and organizes for her students. She has driven students to attend national events and has chaperoned students attending competitions. Her compassion and dedication to community-mindedness are reflected in her volunteerism, and in the ways she encourages her students to follow her lead. Her Entrepreneurship 30 class students participated in the 2017 RBC 'Make 150 Count' initiative. In total her JA students (through their company's earnings) have contributed over $6000 to charities in Weyburn, have purchased supplies for the local Humane Society and 'Paid it Forward' at Tim Horton's. A text received from a parent of a former student attending the U of S who has been on the Deans Honor Roll for the past two years. "A lot of her success is from you...you always inspired my daughter and pushed her to be the best she could be so I just want to thank you!" A student commented: " I truly did enjoy this class. It taught me many things that I can apply in everyday life and has made me realize that one day I might want to start up my own company. It was my favourite class of Grade 12 year and if I could take it again, I would!" "Because of all she does to create an excellent workplace for her students and other staff members, Margot is very deserving of this Workplace Excellence Award!"

WEYBURN CREDIT UNION EXCELLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE AWARD Tiffany Kreger Nominated by: Doris Aasen & Morning Mermaids In 2015 when her youngest daughter went off to school full time, Tiffany, at age 43 began a new career. She completed the required certifications and is now a Lifeguard Instructor, Water Safety Instructor and coach of the Silver Seals at the Weyburn Leisure Centre. As the Lead Lifeguard Tiffany assigns responsibilities and overseas the day to day duties for up to 4 Lifeguards, creates and executes daily lesson plans, evaluates performance, providing ongoing constructive feedback, trains and develops Assistant Lifeguards in their day to day duties and instructs and evaluates candidates on the skills necessary to certify students as Lifeguard/Assistant Lifeguards. Tiffany provides excellent leadership and mentorship for younger swimming instructors and does an outstanding job of understanding student needs. She easily adapts routines, skills and lessons to benefit all students, finds time to interact one on one, is patient, kind and positive with those students who have special needs or behaviour issues, and is fair with all her students. She quickly learns all their names, finds out what interests them and makes them feel comfortable. One parent commented that Tiffany noticed her son was losing focus at a lesson and came to the next lesson with an entire pirate themed day knowing he had been dressed as that for Halloween, thus drawing him back into having fun and teaching the lesson through play. Tiffany stands out with her positive and upbeat demeanour and does her job with a professional attitude. Her expertise in swimming and life guarding inspires adults and children to develop and expand a healthy lifestyle and she is right there to perform a demo and cheer you on if you are struggling with a swimming stroke or an exercise. For many that use the pool because health issues make it difficult to exercise out of the water, Tiffany finds a way for those to not only exercise, but orders and points out special equipment that will aid them. Not only does she know you when you walk into the Leisure Centre, but Tiffany keeps a close eye to see when you walk out in case you have a problem in the change room, and watches patrons walking outside of the pool and is ready to go to their aid when they have fallen. She also knows what swim aid you like, what fin size you wear and instead of patrons having to go into the equipment room to get their own swimming aids, she has them ready when they step into the pool. She is quick to notice if you have a health issue and tends to it. From bringing a shower curtain for the woman's change room so that there is a place to change if you are shy, to improving the look of the Leisure Centre with well tended plants, Tiffany has done so much for our pool and community. She has even hung larger equipment, like boats, on the wall giving lifeguards easy access to them instead of leaving the poolside to have to retrieve them from the equipment room. Tiffany has a real desire to teach others to swim. It is something she feels that every age, gender, skill level, physical or cognitive ability should have the ability to learn. She enforces safety while having fun and surpasses the ability to teach a student only the physical ability to swim. She is an amazing co-worker and friend always wanting to help others and make the workplace an enjoyable place. A role model for all those she interacts with, Tiffany is an excellent candidate for the Workplace Excellence Award.

WEYBURN CREDIT UNION EXCELLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE AWARD Barbara Smart Nominated by: Cindy Mack Barb finished Grade 12 followed by a Business Course and then applied at Barber Motors for employment in 1976. Following her interview which included an in-depth conversation about the daily responsibilities she had working on a family farm, and how it taught necessity and obligation that requires all members of a work family to contribute for success, Barb accepted their offer of employment. It was not long before the Office Manager recognized Barb's special abilities, attributes and values. Barb understood and over the years trained others that what every person accomplished at work determined if Barber Motors would be a success - or failure! Barb tackled each new responsibility with enthusiasm (reception, accounts payable, accounts receivable and warranty) and after 12 years, when the Office Manager retired, Barb was asked if she knew enough to take on the responsibility and said "If I don't, I will learn!" And she did. After completing the General Motors Accounting Courses she surpassed the standards of the GM Accounting Guild for 31 years, only excluding the years she had maternity leave. During her second year of employment she arrived at the dealership one evening to find it in smoke and flames. Immediately seeing the danger that the financial records would go up in flames, she grabbed a flashlight, entered the smoky office, opened the safe by combination and ran out of the smoke filled office carrying the financial records before the flames took over. In the early years Barb initiated and organized all the social times, always making an effort to include new staff so they would feel included and she fostered a sense of belonging as they experienced the intrinsic rewards of volunteering. Away from work she has volunteered with many clubs and events and led by example and being involved. Barb's inner sense of confidence does not support a large ego (evidenced by the fact that she did not want to be nominated as she felt she did not contribute in a way that warranted a nomination!)and when dealing with business and staff interpersonal issues she does not "have to be right", but concentrates on solving the problem. This allows her to be a democratic leader allowing her subordinates and co-workers to contribute and be honestly heard in the decision making process, and also, to receive credit and take responsibility for the decisions reached. Over the years Barber Motors' business has doubled with employees increasing from 23 to 55, and subsequently Barb's responsibilities have increased as well. Changes in electronic communication and other continuous technology changes for which Barb has had to adjust and train others. One of her co-workers commented that "Barb has always been concerned with the welfare of others. She is the go-to person, very approachable even when busy at her own work, she always ensures questions will be answered, is very accommodating - stepping in to help if someone needs it. She is a genuine person and expresses true concern when it comes to the Barber family and its staff." "After 42 years Barb is approaching her final few years in the work force and the staff and owners of Barber Motors would like to recognize her lifetime of Excellence in the work force. We respectfully hope we have been able to represent the important part she has placed in the success of our business, not only measured in our sales, but the contribution she has made to the happiness of her co-workers." None more deserving of the Workplace Excellence Award.

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