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Page 1: Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News...2017/09/17  · Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 38, September 17, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 Rick Jones

Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 38, September 17, 2017


Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146

Rick Jones 796-4377

Ronnie Riley 796-4251

Deacons Chad Brewer Charlie Brewer

Rick Brewer John Eglinton

John Ellis Tom Gosser

Billy Don Jackson Jon Jones

Jeff Peery Steve Selby

Honored to Serve in September: Announcements:

Scotty Duncan

Song Leader: Rick Brewer

Preside at Lord’s Table:

Bill Lynch

Lord’s Table:

Main: Gavin Potts/Lucas Clayton/Chad Brewer/Terry Thompson/

Hunter Bastin/Daniel Graves

Wing: Aaron Brewer/ Kael Feichtinger

Prepare Communion:

Michelle Jones

Deliver Communion:

Charlie Brewer & Cade Brewer

Sunday, September 17:

Opening Prayer: Darrell Hinson

Closing Prayer: Charlie Brewer

Minister: Greg Smith


Check out our website:


Sun AM Bible Study: 9:30 a.m./Worship: 10:30 Sun PM: 6 p.m.

Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.

The Wrong Kind of Treasure On Tuesday, September 8th, 2015, a British Airways jet caught fire at the Las Vegas airport, sending smoke billowing into the air, after suffering what the pilot described as a "catastrophic failure" of the left engine. The plane—a Boeing 777 heading from the U.S. city's McCarran airport to London Gatwick—could be seen with flames around its fuselage. The pictures of a burning jetliner in Las Vegas were certainly riveting. But as the plane burst into smoke and flames, some observers saw something even more startling: People stopped during their evacuation to grab their luggage. Authorities are certainly concerned about planes that burst into flames, but they're also worried that we'd risk our lives to grab our carry-on bags. So what's the big deal with grabbing one carry-on bag? The FAA requires planes to be evacuated within 90 seconds, but as a Chicago-based air traffic controller wrote: Let's say the average delay time per bag is 5 seconds. This includes the time needed to reach up to open the overhead compartment, pulling the bag down, and the extra delay hauling it through a crowded aisle. If half of the 170 people on board Flight 2276 took the time to take their bag the evacuation would have taken an additional 7 MINUTES longer than necessary. Imagine being the last one to exit the smoke-filled cabin knowing that your one minute evac time is now over 7 minutes! One veteran pilot with a major U.S. airline said, "We're always shaking our head. It doesn't matter what you say, people are going to do what they do." Or as one blogger summarized this news story: "People love their carry-ons more than life itself." In a moment of crisis, many people will choose to risk their lives to save their possessions. This also illustrates the values and self-centeredness of people who put their possessions ahead of the lives of others. What would you risk your life for? Justin Pritchard and Sally Ho, "Vegas Plane Fire Passengers Escaped With Lives—

And Bags," Associated Press (9-12-15) As the article above illustrates, Americans have a fond affection for stuff. We often measure our value and success by what we have, and in a moment of potential disaster, people are willing to risk precious human life in order to grab a suitcase. Jesus had something to say about the kind of treasure we should be storing:

19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust

cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the

desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:19-21 NLT

Keep the faith, Greg

Page 2: Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News...2017/09/17  · Hohenwald Church of Christ Family News Vol. 72, Issue 38, September 17, 2017 Shepherds Darrell Hinson 931-209-5146 Rick Jones

Prayer Request: Sympathy is extended to the family and

friends of Ron Parnell, who passed away on Wednesday. Ron was a very close friend

of Lloyd Cottrell. Continue to remember in prayer:

Paul Webb, Emily James, Bettye Ammons, Barbara Eglinton, Connie Diehl, Dawn Darden, John Beard, Lovada Burklow, Debbie Spears, Raylan Carroll,

Terri Baker, Bobby Galya, Emerie Mitchell, Ronnie Belew, Dana Shanes Lynch, Susan Campbell, Kay

Starling, Matthew Jones, Austin Duncan, Beverly Malone, Iva DePriest, Steve Hopper, Debbie

Durham, Glen Garrison, Jim Webb, Darrell Potts, Connye Karpel, LouiseTatum, Rabon Pipkins, Janie

Ellis, Waylin Spears, Jane West, Mary Lou Morton, Doris Gildersleeve, Jimmy Griner, Barbara Nixon,

Carolyn Armstrong, Stephanie Fielder, Simon McBride

Upcoming Events: Today: Church Picnic

September 30: GYIDE BBQ October 1: Devo @ Lewis County

Nursing & Rehab @ 2:00 p.m.

We will gather today at Memorial Park for our annual Church Picnic. We will eat hot dogs and hamburgers at 5:00 and worship

around 6:00. You can arrive about 3:00 with corn hole boards, footballs, etc. Please bring

chips, side dishes and desserts. Please join us for a baby shower

in honor of

Lacey Dyer & Baby Harper Grace

Sunday, October 1, 2017 @ 2:00 p.m.

Blondy Church of God

Family Life Center

529 Swan Avenue

Lacey is registered at Target and Amazon

Congratulations to Jeff and Cheryl

Peery on the birth of a grandson,

Nicholas Lucca, born September 10 at 7:25

p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. Proud

parents are Brett and Rachael Peery.

Calling All Bakers!

For anyone interested in participating in a bread ministry for visitors here at the

HCoC, please meet down front following morning worship.

Lovada Burklow

c/o Lee Burklow

2212 Hillsboro Valley Rd.

Brentwood, TN 37027

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