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Dear Students, Teachers and Parents,
Education is a process that starts not when a child enters school but it starts at home with parents taking on the role of being called ‘First Teachers’ of their child. It helps to develop secure and trusting attachments, establish values and morals etc.
We have now entered a generation of artificial intelligence where intelligence is measured on the parameters of ‚How a Child handles any digitalized object. The previous generations never required a web search engine. Their practical and theoretical knowledge was deep and rooted. Albert Einstein wrote – ‚I fear the Day that technology will surpass our Human Interaction. The World will have a generation of Idiots
A lot of support and help needs to be initiated by parents and teacher to make children understand about the importance of Education. The focus should be on four major areas which involve Initiative, Involvement, Instillation and Invention.
Lately it has also been observed that it is important to educate children about the Laws and Rights to protect and safeguard themselves and to teach them about the Laws practiced in the country. Making them aware of these laws can boost their confidence and won’t let the child face injustice due to ignorance.
For children, education is the key to open the door to a better life. Nelson Mandela has rightly said ‚Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the World.
Fr. Donald Fernandez.sdb
Self Realization I remember when working with the street drug addicts children in Don Bosco Therapeutic Centre, ‘Maria Ashiana’, Lonavla. Shankar (name changed) was very happy after a skit performance for our visitors (a group of NGO volunteers form Mumbai). He said, I used to see, this didi every morning and evening on CST railway station, she never even noticed me then, today she came and sat with me and spoke to me for such a long time, she clapped at my performance, I am so happy, I feel I am not ignored anymore by her, I fee proud of myself.
We are all rough diamonds that need the ‘right polisher and the right polish’ to shine bright, while we find our school and our social environment giving us ample opportunities to bring forth our talent. The actual fact is, that we have all the talent and potential to be the best person we are meant to be. It is all within us, it only needs to be brought out. This bringing out process is not only our coaching classes, classroom, value education performances and other types of opportunities presented to us. It is actually our self realization!
The age old Rishis taught us the importance of meditation one’s own self, mind, finding answers from within our own self. We can say in today’s language, We are our own ‘Google’, if we, but, search our own souls and find all the potentials, talents, wisdom and happiness in our own self. ‘Aum Brahman Asi’ (I am Brahman- from our own Hindu philosophy), God is in me and I need to discover him in me. In discovering myself, I come to Self-Realization! And Self-Discovery. I realize I do not need to be aggressive to assert or express myself, or all the while go to ‘Google’ for answers.
I come to understand myself and the why and what of so many items that marvel me about myself and my universe. The answers lie in my self realization, they are very much in me. I only need to learn to meditate, sit calm each day before I wake or go to bed and think of the person I have been this day or the person I want to be this day! This exercise is sure to help me realize what I am in this world for, day by day.
Happy meditating to realize your true self!
On this occasion of Diwali, I would like to wish you the brightness and happiness of this festival of lights and Blessings! Happy Diwali!
Fr.Barnabe D’Souza.sdb
Jesus Christ says “I have come that you may have LIFE and have it abundantly”. (John 10/10)
God wants us to be FULLY ALIVE !!!!
You will ask me HOW ? Here goes….
To be a fully alive person .
LOVE :- To live is to love,
To Love is to live
Love yourself, others and God daily !!!
INTEREST :- Be genuinely interested in all you are and do ! “Dil se” with lots of
“josh” , excitement and passion. Enthusiasm is from the Greek en
theose”, i.e. in God. Emerge from God daily! If you touch a rose in the
morning wont’ you be fragrant like the rose ? If you spend ltime with
God, you will be divine!
FAITH:- In yourself, others and God. Believe !!! by surrendering
Forsaking all I Trust him By searching finding answers in the heart
May you believe in the sun, even when it isn’t shining
May you believe in love, even when there’s no one there
May you believe in God, even when He seems so silent.
ENCOURAGE:- Let’s hold out our hands to one another and hoist people up.
Let’s not be “CRAB-ish” in our dealings, but ENCOURAGING,
through words like congrats, well-done, bravo lavishly lining in our
Da^na baaskao kI ivacaarQaara samaUcao ivaSva ko yauvaaAaoM¸ Kasakr Ca~-Ca~aAaoM ko savaa-MgaIMNa ivakasa kI
BaUimaka tOyaar krnaa hO. [saI ivacaarQaara ko tht hmaara ivaValaya SaOixak AaOr iSaxaNao%tr
kaya-klaapaoM maoM saamanjasya banaato hue hr vaga- ko baalak AaOr baailakaAaoM kao ApnaI xamata kI
AiBavyai@t ka Avasar donao ka p`yaasa krta hO. ivaiBanna saamaaijak¸ Aaiqa -k¸ SaOxaiNak pRYzBaUima
evaM Aayau – vaga- ko baccaaoM kI manaÁisqait ka Aaklana krto hue ivaValaya pirvaar kI ~Omaaisak
pi~ka ko [sa AMk maoM ‘jaIvana kI AiBavyai@t’ jaOsao mah%vapUNa- ivaYaya pr Qyaana koind`t krnao ka
p`yaasa ikyaa gayaa hO. Aapko sammauK [sa AMk kao p`stut krnaoo maoM saMpadk maMDla hYa- ka AnauBava
krta hO.
Apnao saMdoSa maoM hmaaro p`Qaanaacaaya- mahaodya nao badlato hue vaatavarNa maoM iSaxaa ko sva$p AaOr
AiBaBaavakaoM sao Apoixat yaaogadana ko baaro maoM saTIk iTPpNaI kI hO. naolsana maMDolaa jaI kao ]wRt krto
hue ]nhaoMnao iSaxaa ko maaQyama sao ivaSva kao badlanao ka ijaË ikyaa hO jaao sahI maayanaaoM maoM jaIvana kI
AiBavyai@t ko Wara hI samBava hO.
dIpavalaI kI SauBakamanaaAaoM ko saaqa pi~ka ka pSaasak maMDla, ivaValaya pSaasana, samast iSaxak –
iSaixakaAaoM evaM Ca~-Ca~aAaoM kao pi~ka ko [sa AMk mao ide gae saamaUihk yaaogadana ko ilae
Qanyavaad dota hO.
sauima~a AiQakarI
‘AÐQaoro sao jyaaoit Aqaa -t pkaSa kI Aaor jaa[e’ ]pinaYadaoM maoM sampUNa - ivaSva ko ilae yah saMdoSa AMikt
hO.AÐQaora mana ko AMdr hao yaa Gar ko Êsamaya rhto [sao dUr krnaa AavaSyak hO.mana ko AMdr ka AÐQaora
Aqaa-t ËaoQaÊ laaoBaÊ maaohÊ paKMDÊ svaaqa - Aaid . p`stut Baava yad\yaip Alaga­Alaga idK pD,to hOM pr ]naka
maUla karNa ek hI hO ‘mana kI malaInata’ .manauYya jaIvana maoM ekmaa~ ivaBaUit ]saka mana hO. [sa mana kao saaQaa
na gayaaÊ [sako AMtÁ itimar kao na imaTayaa gayaa tao ivacaaraoM ko ptna kI saMBaavanaa baZ, jaatI hO.AtÁ mana pr
caZ,I ASaud\iQayaaoM kao dUr krnaa AavaSyak hO. jaba hma mana kI ASaud\iQayaaoM kao kma krnao maoM saxama hao jaaeÐgao
tba hma [sao p`kaSa kI Aaor Aga`sar krnao maoM saÔla khlaaeÐgao.
EaIkRYNa nao BaI ‘gaIta’ maoM bahut saaocaivacaar ko baad kha hO ik ­
Aapka sabasao baD,a Sa~u kaOna hOÆ Aapka mana AaOr ]samaoM ]%pnna haonao vaalao ivacaar.
Aapka sabasao baD,a ima~ yaa ihtOYaI kaOna hOÆ Aapka mana AaOr ]samaoM ]%pnna haonao vaalao ivacaar.
AtÁ Apnao mana evaM ivacaaraoM pr AvaSya kabaU rKoM.
Apnao mana kI ASaud\iQayaaoM kao dUr krnao ka p`ya%na hI hO ‘dIpaoM ka pva -’ . [sa dIpavalaI Aap BaI
‘tmasaao maa jyaaoitga -maya’ sao Sau$Aat kIijae. Aapka yah p`yaasa Aapko saaqa­ saaqa samast samaaja
evaM saMpUNa- ivaSva ko ilae laaBakarI isad\Qa haogaa.mana ko AÐQaoro kao dUr kr p`itxaNa nae
dIp p`jjvailat kroM.
tma kaoÊ itimar kao maat tao do.
ËaoQaÊ maaohÊ laaoBa AaOr paKMDÊ
]z Aaja [nhoM AaGaat tao do.
svaiNa-ma BaivaYya kI Aaor tU baZ,Ê
nava rah pkD,Ê Aagaaja, tao do.
laxya saaQaÊ kr tU maohnatÊ
hr kiznaa[- svaIkar tU lao.
nava ikrNa tumhoM hO idKlaanaaÊ
basa zanaÊ Aaja na Gabaranaa.
AaSaaeÐ tumasao hOM baÐQaIÊ
nava dIp pjjvailat kr mana maoMÊ
tma kaoÊ itimar kao maat tao do.
ËaoQaÊ maaohÊ laaoBa AaOr paKMDÊ
]z Aaja [nhoM AaGaat tao do.
dIpa Aalaaok
ihMdI ivaBaaga
jaIvana kI AiBavyai@t Á laxya inaQaa -rNa
h maaro doSa ko mahana vaO&ainak evaM pUva- raYT/pit svagaI-ya
Daº eº pIº jaoº Abdula klaama jaI nao hmaoSaa na kovala
sapnaaoM kI saaqa-kta pr jaaor idyaa bailk ApnaI
jaIvanacayaa- ko maaQyama sao Apnao va@tvyaaoM kI
AiBavyai@t BaI kI. ]nhaonao kha qaa ik ‘sapnao ivacaaraoM maoM tbdIla
haoto hOM AaOr jaba [na ivacaaraoM ka iËyaanvayana haota hO tao
ËaintkarI pirNaama inaklato hOM.’ [sa QaarNaa kao Apnao jaIvana ka
dSa-na banaato hue
]saI ko bala pr ]nhaonao saMsaaQanaaoM kI prvaah ike ibanaa Baart kao
rxaa AMnausaMQaana ko xao~ maoM ivaSva kI Aiga`ma pMi@t maoM isqat ivakisat doSaaoM ko saaqa KD,a kr idyaa.
jaba hma Daº klaama jaOsao laaogaaoM ko jaIvana dSa -na ka AQyayana krto hOM tao hma pato hOM ik spYT laxya ka
inaQaa-rNa AaOr jaIvana maoM ]sakI AiBavyai@t hI saflata kI kuMjaI haotI hO.
mahaBaart ko BaIYma iptamah nao gau$ d`aoNaacaaya- kao ku$ vaMSa ko samast rajakumaaraoM kI iSaxaa – dIxaa ka
daiya%va saaoMpa qaa. bauiw AaOr kaOSala maoM saBaI rajakumaar samaana $p sao p`Kr qao. laoikna saBaI rajakumaaraoM maoM
sao Agar Aja-una sava-EaoYz QanauQa-r bana payaa tao [sako pICo baala Aja-una kI laxya inaQaa-rNa kI xamata AaOr ]sao
panao ko p`it samap-Na kI Baavanaa hI qaI. [saka ]llaoK ek GaTnaa maoM imalata hO. Apnao iSaYyaaoM kI Qanauiva-Va
ko prIxaNa ko ilae d`aoNaacaaya- jaI nao ek p`ityaaoigata ka Aayaaojana ikyaa qaa. [sa p`ityaaoigata maoM saBaI Ca~aoM
ko ilae naklaI icaiD,yaa ko AaÐK maoM inaSaanaa lagaanaa laxya rKa gayaa qaa. inaSaanaa lagaanao sao phlao gau$
d`aoNaacaaya- hr ek iSaYya sao pUCto ik ]sao @yaa idKa[- do rha hOÆ saBaI nao ApnaI – ApnaI samaJa ko
Anausaar ]nako p`Sna ka ]%tr idyaa laoikna Ajau-na nao jaao ]%tr idyaa ]sanao inaSaanaa lagaanao sao phlao hI
p`ityaaoigata maoM Aja-una kI EaoYzta isaw kr dI. gau$ d`aoNaacaaya- ko p`Sna ko ]%tr maoM Aja-una nao kha¹
‘ho gau$dova ¸ [sa samaya mauJao icaiD,yaa kI AaÐK ko isavaa AaOr kuC nahI idKa[ - do rha hO’. [saI dRZ, Sai@t ko
saaqa laxya inaQaa-rNa kI xamata nao hI Ajau-na kao d`aOpdI svayaMvar maoM duyaao-Qana AaOr kNa- saiht saaro rajaa –
maharajaaAaoM ko samaxa ivajaya idlaayaI AaOr kalaantr maoM ivaSva ka sava-EaoYz QanauQa-r bananao ka pqa p`sasqa
Ta^masa Alvaa eDIsana ka ivaVut balba banaanao ka laxya [tnaa spYT qaa ik saarI p`yaaogaSaalaa ko jalakr
raK hao jaanao ko baavajaUd ]nhaoMnao saba kuC Baulaakr dugaunao saahsa AaOr pirEama ko saaqa Apnaa AnausaMQaana jaarI
rKa. yah laxya ko p`it ]nakI lagana AaOr samap-Na ka hI pirNaamaa hO ik Aaja saara ivaSva rat ko AMQaoro maoM
BaI raoSanaI maoM nahayaa rhta hO.
CaoTI ]ma` maoM hI SaUiTMga maoM Apnaa BaivaYya ZUÐZnao vaalao AiBanava iband`a ko ilae Aaolaimpk KolaaoM maoM Baart ko
ilae phlaa svaNa- pdk jaItnaa laxya inaQaa-rNa ka ek Saanadar ]dahrNa hO.
svaamaI ivavaokanand jaI nao ‘]i%tYzt\¸ jaaga`t\ ¸ p`aPya prainnabaaoQat’ Aqaa-t ]zao ¸ jaagaao AaOr tba tk
mat $kao jaba tk ik tumhoM laxya kI p`aiPt nahIM hao jaatI hO kh kr ivaSva Bar maoM hjaaraoM naaOjavaanaaoM kao
kma-yaaoga ko pqa pr Aga`sar haonao kI p`orNaa dI.
yaaoM tao laxya inaQaa-rNa ka jaIvana ko hr xao~ maoM Apna mah%va hO laoikna ivaVaqaI- jaIvana maoM [sakI p`asaMigakta
bahut baZ, jaatI hO. laxya inaQaa-rNa ko ibanaa jaIbana maoM kao[- BaI maukama haisala krnaa AsamBava hO. [ithasa
eosao hI cand jaunaUnaI laaogaaoM kI gaaqaa hO¸ ijanhaoMnao Apnaa laxya inaQaa -irt ikyaa AaOr pUro samap-Na ko saaqa pirNaama
kI prvaah ike ibanaa ]sakao AMjaama tk phuÐcaayaa.
sauima~a AiQakarI ³ihndI ivaBaaga´
hr saubah ek na[- ]mmaId kI Sau$Aat hO¸
mat Dr ro baMdo ik Aba gama kI haonao vaalaI rat hO.
nayaa savaora¸ nayaa ]jaalaa jaIvana maoM Aanao vaalaa hO¸
va@t lagaogaa qaaoD,a¹saa Aba QaOya - na Kao tU.
Aagao baZ, AMQaoro kao caIr¸ Apnaa nayaa savaora laa¸
va@t badlanao vaalaa hO¸ Aba tk qaI gama kI baarI.
Aba bahogaI sauKaoM kI zMDI bayaar hO¸
Aba basa saba tOyaar hO .
yao taro¸ caMda¸ saUrja¸ baadla¸ barKa¸
sabakao krnaa tora EaRMgaar hO.
Aba tU ]z basa kdma baZ,a yao tora AiQakar hO¸
haonao vaalaI hO saubah¸ [k nae idna kI Sau$Aat hO.
Sidharth Goud
Shubhi VA
laxya inaQaa-rNa
saBaI manauYyaaoM ko ilae jaIvana maoM laxya ka haonaa Ainavaaya- hO. hmaoM Apnao laxya ka inaQaa-rNa bahut
saavaQaanaI pUva-k krnaa caaihe.[sako ilae vyai@t kI ApnaI $ica ka haonaa ja$rI hO.
laxya inaQaa-rNa ko samaya ApnaI SaarIirk AaOr maanaisak xamataAaoM kao Qyaana maoM rKoM. laxya
inaQaa-rNa maoM samaya saImaa ka inaiScat haonaa BaI j,a$rI hO. laxya hI saflata kI saIZ,I hO. laxya
kao pUra krnao ko ilae maohnat AaOr ekaga` haonaa ja,$rI hO.
Name - Bushara siddiqui
Class – III C
]saka vaOsaa hI ima~ haota hO.
Saud\Qata haotI hO ivacaaraoM maoM¸
AadmaI kba piva~ haota hO.
fUlaaoM maoM BaI kID,o pae jaato hOM
baura[- kao CaoDkr AcCa[-
- Yuvika D. Wakhle
nahIM [sa Sabd sao calata hO jaIvana ka Kola
kBaI igarnaa¸ kBaI caZ,naa calata rhta hO eosaa Ëma.
basa haonaa caaihe hmaoM Apnao Aap pr saMyama
ihmmat haotI hO Agar tao nahIM rhta hO Dr
har kI tao rhtI hI nahIM Kbar
ek baulaMd haOsalaa ek jaaoiSalaa SarIr
yahI banata hO manauYya kao AMdr sao AmaIr.
­ saumaOyaa SaoK
saatvaIM ‘A’
calaao hma Sau$ kroM Aba.
tumhoM rKnaa haogaa Apnao Aap pr saMyama
vah nahIM haogaa tao @yaa kroMgao hmaÆ
Apnao gaussao pr kabaU rKnaa yahI hO¸ Aa%ma saMyama
sahI va@t pr sahI kama krnaa yahI hO¸ Aa%ma saMyama
raoja,a rKto va@t BaUK pr kabaU rKnaa yah BaI hO¸ Aa%ma saMyama
khnao ko ilae tao bahut kuC hO
ivaYaya eosaa hO Aa%ma saMyama.
tao jaagaRt krao Aa%ma saMyama Kud maoM
yah caIj,a banaanaI pD,tI hO Apnao Aap maoM
naa kI maaÐganaa hO iksaI AaOr sao.
¹ ArIha maaoDk
phaD, taoD, rasta banaa do¸
ma$sqala maoM poD, ]gaa do¸
imaT\TI kao saaonaa banaa do
caaÐd pr Gar basaa do¸
Agar Aa%maivaSvaasa hao [Msaana maoM.
ij,aMdgaI ko saÔr maoM
bahut mauiSklaoM AatI hO¸
Aa%maivaSvaasa hao ijasamaoM
vahI maMij,ala pato hO.
mana maoM hao jajbaa tao
[-Svar BaI tumharo saaqa rhogaa¸
har na maananao vaalaaoM kao
pva-t BaI SaISa Jaukata hO.
Aa%maivaSvaasa hao ijasamaoM
vahI Aagao baZ,jaata hO.
AaQyaai%makta @yaa hOÆ yah p`Sna iksaI BaI ija&asau vyai@t ko mana maoM ]z sakta hO.hmaoM eosaa @yaa krnaa
caaihe taik prmaoSvar hmaaro jaIvana maoM GaiTt hao sakoMÆ AaQyaa%ma kayaraoM ko ilae nahIM hO.Agar hma jaIvana
maoM inaiYËya rhkr AaQyaai%mak haonao kI caah krto hOM tao yah galat hO.
mauJao lagata hO ik AaQyaai%makta vah KuSaI hO jaao iksaI kI madd krnao va iksaI kao KuSa haonao ka karNa
donao sao imalatI hO.AcCo kmaa-oM sao imalatI hO.iksaI ko mauKmaMDla pr sauMdr AanaMd kI roKa laanao sao imalatI
hO.BaUKaoM kao Kanaa donao va baoGar kao sahara donao sao imalatI hO.khto hOM na ik ‘KuiSayaaÐ baaÐTnao sao baZ,tI hOM’ ¸
Sat p`itSat sa%ya hO.yah duinayaa gaaola hO AtÁ Aap ijatnaI BaI AcCa[ - va KuiSayaaÐ baaÐTaogao vah laaOTkr
Aapko pasa AvaSya AaegaI.AaQyaa%ma ka idKavaa kBaI na kroM.AaQyaa%ma svayaM kI KuSaI sao imalata hO na
ik iksaI kao idKanao sao kao[- vyai@t AaQyaai%mak hao jaata hO.
rhIma dasa jaI nao kha hO¹
vao rhIma nar Qanya hOM ¸ pr ]pkarI AMga.
baaÐTnavaaro kao lagao ¸ jyaaoM maoMhdI ko rMga..
AtÁ hmaoSaa Qyaana rKoM ik ‚AcCa[ - baaÐTnao sao Aapka kuC kma nahIM haota¸ Aiptu AapkI AcCa[ - daogaunaI
hao jaatI hO.
Aa%ma saMyama evaM sammaana
kuC laaogaaoM maoM Aa%ma saMyama evaM sammaana jaOsao gauNa phlao sao hI haoto hOM¸ tao kuC laaogaaoM kao ]sako ilae
maohnat krnaI pD,tI hO.
jaIvana maoM saflata P`aaPt krnao ko ilae hma bahut kuC krto hOM. safla haonao ko ilae hma dUsaraoM kao
P`aBaaivat krnaa caahto hOM.dUsaraoM sao kuC ]mmaId rK laoto hOM.dUsaraoM ka sammaana krnaa BaI saIK jaato hOM.
laoikna Kud ko baaro maoM kuC nahIM saaocato.hmaoM sadOva Apnao }pr saMyama rK sammaana P`aaiPt hotu P`aya%naSaIla rhnaa
duinayaa maoM saflata panao ko ilae saMyama ka haonaa bahut ja$rI haota hO. bahut sao eosao kaya- haoto hMO
ijanhoM pUra haonao maoM kafI samaya lagata hO¸ eosao maoM yaid ]sa kaya - kao krnao vaalao vyai@t maoM QaOya- nahIM hO¸ tao
vah ]sa kaya- kao baIca maoM hI CaoD, dogaa yaa ifr kaya- kao jaldI pUra krnao kI kaoiSaSa krogaa AaOr kama kao
AaQaa¹AQaUra hI pUra kr sakogaa. jaao vyai@t Apnaa kama Talata rhta hO vah safla vyai@t nahIM bana
paegaa evaM ]sako jaIvana maoM Aa%ma saMyama kI kmaI rh jaaegaI.
jaOsao Kanao ko ibanaa yaa panaI ko ibanaa hma jaIivat nahIM rh sakto¸ vaOsao hI [na dao gauNaaoM Aqaa -t
Aa%ma saMyama va Aa%ma sammaana ko ibanaa hmaara jaIvana AQaUra hO.
¹ iTyaara naOJroT
jaIvana kI AiBavyai@t
AiBavyai@t kI Aaja,adI Baart ko naagairkaoM kao p`dana ike gae maaOilak AiQakaraoM maoM sao ek hO.yah
hmaaro doSa ko naagairkaoM kao Apnao ivacaar vya@t krnao AaOr ApnaI saaoca kao svatM~ $p sao saaJaa krnao kI
Anaumait dota hO. yah Aama janata ko saaqa¹saaqa maIiD,yaa kao saBaI rajanaOitk gaitivaiQayaaoM pr iTPpNaI
krnao AaOr ]na laaogaaoM ko iKlaaf AsaMtaoYa idKanao kI CuT dota hO jaao ]nhoM Anauicat lagato hO.
Baart kI trh Anya k[- doSa BaI Apnao naagairkao kao AiBavyai@t kI Aaja,adI p`dana krto hO. laoikna
kuC saImaaAaoM ko BaItr. hr doSa maoM AiBavyai@t kI Aaja,adI pr lagaae gae p`itbaMQa iBanna iBanna hO. eosao
k[- doSa BaI hO jaao [sa bauinayaadI maanava AiQakar kI Anaumait nahIM doto hO.eosao doSaaoM maoM saamaanya janata AaOr
maIiDyaa sarkar d\vaara kI ga[- gaitivaiQayaaoM pr iTPpNaI krnao sao prhoja krtI hO. eosao doSaaoM maoM sarkar
rajanaIitk dlaaoM AaOr maMi~yaaoM kI Aalaaocanaa ek dMDnaIya ApraQa hO.
samaaja ko samaga` ivakasa ko ilae baaolanao kI svatM~ta ja$rI hO pr ifr BaI [sako kuC nakara%mak natIjao
hao sakto hO. laaogaaoM kao dusaraoM ka Apmaana krnao yaa BaD,kanao ko ilae [saka [stomaala nahIM krnaa caaihe.
maIiDyaa kao ijammaodarI sao kaya- krnaa caaihe AaOr AiBavyai@t kI Aaja,adI ka du$pyaaoga nahIM krnaa
maOM BaagyaSaalaI hUÐ ik maOM Baart maoM pOda huAa hUÐ ek eosaa doSa jaao Apnao naagairkaoM ka sammaana krta hO
AaOr ]na saBaI AiQakaraoM kao ]nhoM p`dana krta hO jaao ]nako ivakasa AaOr p`gait ko ilae AavaSyak hOM.
AayauYya iSaMdo
haOsalaa Apnaa baulaMd kr laao¸
saahsa AaOr ihmmat kao saMga kr laao.
inaBa-ya haokr Aa%maivaSvaasa sao baZ,ao
saMyama va QaOya- sao saflata kI saIZ,I caZ,ao.
jaba kBaI kt-vya ko maaga- pr
ivapi%t va ivaQna tumho sataeMgao.
jaba kBaI harkr yaa ivavaSa haokr
inaraSaa ko baadla Zga jaaeMgao¸
jaao Apnao p@ko [radaoM ko Aagao
mausaIbataoM ko GauTnao iTka jaaegaa.
vahIM saRdZ, manaaobala vaalaa manauYya
ijadMgaI kI rah pr jaIttaa paaegaa.
ivanaayak BaaiTyaa
Aa%ma sayaMma AaOr Aa%ma sammaana
maanava ka ApnaI Anauicat [cCaAaoM kao inayaMi~t kr ]icat maaga- pr calanaa AaOr naIitgat AacarNa hI Aa%
masaMyama hO. manauYya jaIvana maoM [saka AacarNa krnaa kao[- Aasaana kaya- nahIM hO. jyaaoM¹ jyaaoM manauYya ka
naOitk str }Ðcaa ]zogaa %yaaMo¹ %yaaMo hI ]sako ivacaaraoM sao Aa%masaMyama majabaUt haogaa.
kbaIr dasa jaI khto hO ik¸
QaIro¹ QaIro ro manaa¸ QaIooro saba kuC haoya.
maalaI saIcao saaO GaD,a¸ ?tu Aayao fla haoya..
Aqaa-t\ [sa duinayaa maoM jaao kuC krnaa caahto hao vah QaIro¹QaIro haota hO yaaina kma - ko fla xaNaaoM maoM nahIM
imalato¸ jaOsao ek maalaI iksaI paOQao kao tba tk panaI saaO GaD,o dota hO.jaba tk maaOsama maoM fla nahI Aa
jaato .
Aa%masaMyama ek ksart jaOsaa hO¸ [saka p`Baava hmaaro idmaaga AaOr jaIvanacayaa - pr pD,ta hO ijasasao hmaaro
AMhkar BaI kma haoto hO.jaba AMhkar kma haogaa tBaI hma ApnaI BaaYaa AaOr vyavahar saBya trIko sao rK
Aa%masaMyama ko ibanaa Aa%masammaana pUra nahIM hao sakta. hma vahI vyavahar ka palana krto hOM jaao hmaoM AcCa
lagata hO dUsaraoM ko saaqa BaI vaOsaa vyavahar kroM. yahIM Aa%masaMyama AaOr Aa%masammaana ka maUlamaM~ hO.
[-maanadarI sao calanao AaOr maQaur BaaYaNa va iSaYT vyavahar ko AaQaar pr Aa%masammaana ka tIna caaOqaa[- p`Sna
hla hao jaata hO.

iga$Ð, KUÐ



, I ,
.... ,
- pvana kumaar p`saad
laxya inaQaa-rNa
laxya kao hr hala maoM panaa hO.
laxya ek eosaa kaya- hO ijasao hma isad\Qa krnao kI maMSaa rKto hOM. laxya vyai@t kao
ek sahI idSaa dota hO. ek khavat hO ¹ ‘ ibanaa ibacaaro jaao kro¸ saao paCo pCtae.’
yaanaI yaid iksaI BaI laxya inaQaa-rNa ko ibanaa kao[- kama kr BaI idyaa jaae tao eosaI isqait
maoM A@sar hmaoM mauiSklaoM hI ]zanaI pD,tI hOM. laxya inaQaa-rNa @yaaoM hao [sako ilae sabasao
phlaI baat tao yao Qyaana maoM rKnaI j,a$rI ik jaba hma ek baar maMijala ko baaro maoM tya kr
laoto hOM¸ tao eosaI isqait maoM ]sako ilae tOyaarI BaI ]saI ko Anausaar krto hOM. haи yao ja,$r
hao sakta hO ik hmaarI tOyaarI pUrI na hao ikMtu ifr BaI hmaarI kaoiSaSa kI idSaa ]sa
laxya tk phuÐcanao ko ilae AavaSyak haotI hO AaOr yahI P`ayaasa ek safla AaOr Asafla
vyai@t maoM Baod ko ilae ij,ammaodar haota hO.
tba tk [saI baat kao daohranaa hO¸
laxya kao tao maOMnao ]saI idna pa ilayaa qaa¸
laxya kao tao maOMnao ]saI idna pa ilayaa qaa¸
ijasa idna maoro idla nao zana ilayaa ik
laxya kao hr hala maoM panaa hO.
¹ tinaYka maurarI
tao kBaI na kroM Apnao ivacaaraoM kao dUiYatÊ
kroM ivacaaraoM kI Saud\Qata sao [sa samaaja kao
ijasako pasa na qaa kao[- Aarama.
@yaa ibanaa ]cca ivacaar koÊ
ibanaa ]nako bailadana koÊ
yaad krao rNa kI ranaI JaaÐsaI kao
]cca ivacaaraoM sao hI
[ithasa nao ]sao kha mahana.
AcCo ivacaaraoM sao haota mana ka ivakasaÊ
jaIvana kao imalata AcCa AaQaar.
AcCo krao Apnao saMskarÊ
Aap hao sakto hOM qaaoD,o [-maanadar.
jaIvana kI AiBavyai@t Á svayaM kI phcaana – gaulaaba kI jabaanaI
maOM ]d\yaana maoM iKlanao vaalaa ek puYp hUÐ. saBaI laaoga maoro rMga AaOr $p sao piricat hOM. maOM fUlaaoM ka rajaa
gaulaaba hUÐ.
dao idna phlao maOM [na kaomala DailayaaoM pr Apnao Baa[- - bahnaaoM ko saaqa JaUla rha qaa. qaaoD,o idnaaoM maoM ¸ maOM
klaI sao ek ivakisat fUla bana kr iKla ]za. maorI saugaMQa sao AakiYa-t haokr maQaumai@KyaaÐ dUr – dUr
sao iKMcaI calaI Aa[- AaOr maoro }pr maÐDra kr maorI pMKuiD,yaaoM sao Sahd kao jamaa krtI rhIM. saUya - kI
raoSanaI maoM maOMnao ApnaI pMKuiD,yaaoM kao fOlaakr iKlanaa saIKa. vasaMt ?tu maoM caaraoM trf maora hI saama`ajya
rhta hO¸ hr trf maOM hI idKa[ - dota hUÐ. yaid kao[ - mauJao taoD,naa caaho tao tIKo kaÐTo maorI rxaa krto hOM.
rat – idna kaÐTaoM ko baIca rhnao ko baavajaUd BaI maOM Apnao Aasa – pasa ko p`dUiYat vaatavarNa kao saugaMiQat
krta hUÐ. Qaaima -k sqalaaoM maoM pUjaa ko ilae maora sabasao jyaada [stomaala haota hO¸ [sako ilae maalaa maoM gauÐqanao
maoM BaI mauJao AanaMd ka AaBaasa haota hO. gaulaaba jala AaOr maoro [~ sao jagah kI Sauiw kI jaatI hO.
laoikna mauJao bahut Afsaaosa haota hO jaba kaya- pUNa- hao jaanao ko baad hmaoM laaogaaoM ko pOraoM tlao kucala jaanao
ko ilae khIM pr BaI foMk idyaa jaata hO.
Agar mauJao pOraoM tlao hI ibaCnaa hO tao maorI kamanaa hO ik
mauJao taoD,kr ho banamaalaI¸ ]sa pqa pr tuma donaa foMk.
janmaBaUima pr SaISa caZ,anao¸ ijasa pqa pr jaaeÐ vaIr Anaok..
yahI maoro CaoTo jaIvana kI CaoTI khanaI hO.
iryaa saMgaaolkr
]nhaoMnao Sard ?tu sao phlao hI Ê
[saka saMklp jaao ilayaa.
]sanao [saka saMklp jaao ilayaa.
EavaNa nao Apnao janmadataAaoM kao
kMQao pr ibaza tIqa- Ba`maNa kra ilayaaÊ
]sanao [saka saMklp jaao ilayaa.
maIra nao kI kRYNa kI Bai@tÊ
ivaYa sao BaI na iCnaI ]sakI Sai@t.
kRYNa kao panao ka
]sanao saMklp jaao ilayaa.
kmala kIcaD, maoM iKlakr
]sanao saMklp jaao ilayaa.
phaD, xaNa maoM paYaaNa banaoM.
saMklp sao hI Bagavaana imalaoM .
yahI tao hOÊ ijasasao pirvat-na sabakao imalao.
Aaya-na naayar
navaIM D
jaIvana kI AiBavyai@t
yaUÐ mauiSklaaoM sao tU na DrÊ p`ya%na kr p`ya%na kr.
tU kdmaaoM kao na Éknao do Ê svayaM kao tU qaknao do.
p`ya%na kroM hma jaao tao Ê iSakst BaI ek Sas~ hO.
ek pga BaI na baZ,ayaa jaaoÊ tao yao ija,MdgaI iSakst hO.
AD,canaaoM kI QaUp maoMÊ tU kaoiSaSaaoM kI Cava bana.
yaUÐ mauiSklaaoM sao tU na DrÊ p`ya%na kr¸ p`ya%na kr.
AarMBa gar na bana sakoÊ svayaM ka tU ivahana bana.
tU Baagya kao na daoYa do ÊsvayaM ka tU ivaQaana bana.
yaUÐ dUsaraoM kI jaIt saoÊ svayaM kao tU na kma samaJa.
svayaM kao tU yao isad\Qa krÊ tU laxya sao @yaaoM dUr hO.
yaUÐ mauiSklaaoM sao tU na DrÊ p`ya%na kr¸ p`ya%na kr.
na raoSanaI kI rah tkÊ svayaM kI tU maSaala bana.
Aba Qyaoya ko [sa yaud\Qa maoM ÊsvayaM kI hI tU Zala bana.
tU saUya- gar na pa sako ÊsvayaM ka Aasamaana bana.
tU QaOya- kI ]D,ana bana Ê tU saba` rK¸ tU saba` rK
yaUÐ mauiSklaaoM sao tU na DrÊ p`ya%na kr¸ p`ya%na kr.
kaoiSaSaaoM kI rah po ÊsvayaM kao tU BaTknao do.
tU maMija,laaoM kao paegaa Ê kdma na Dgamagaanao do.
tU haOsalaaoM kI saIp maoM Ê baulaMidyaaoM kI maaotI bana.
yaUÐ mauiSklaaoM sao tU na DrÊ p`ya%na kr¸ p`ya%na kr.
p`gait gauPta
, , , , - eosao eosao
Kashmala IX A
mana ka bala­ manaaobala
sabasao phlao maOM Aap laaogaaoM sao ek p`Sna pUCta hUÐ ik mana @yaa haota hOÆ @yaa mana ka BaI ek bala AaOr
sahna Sai@t hOÆ ]<ar sauinae¸ mana hmaaro maistYk ka AaMtirk AMga haota hO jahaÐ hmaarI ivacaar Qaara
bahtI hO. Aba maOM pUCta hUÐ ik mana haota kOsaa hOÆ saaoicae Aap ek rqa pr baOzo hOM jaao [sa Aaor jaata hO
yaa dUsarI Aaor.[saI trh hO hmaara mana jaao kBaI [Qar tao kBaI ]Qar. saaQaarNa SabdaoM maoM kha jaae tao mana
bahut caMcala haota hO.Aba maora tIsara p`Sna hO ik mana ka bala AaOr sahna Sai@t @yaa hOÆ jaI haÐ maoro [sa
cacaa- ka ivaYaya BaI tao yahI hO.mana ka bala Sai@t hO.Aap jaba pZ,to hao tao ]sa ivaYaya vastu kao kOsao
pZ,oM¸ kOsao samaJaoM AaOr ]sao kOsao saMBaalaoM¸ yahI haota hO manaaobala.manaaobala Aqaa -t @yaa ­ mana ka bala ¸ Agar
mana maoM bala hI nahIM tao Aapko saaocanao kI xamata ka @yaa laaBa.yah manaaobala ek eosaa Sas~ hO ijasasao Aap-
ko saaro kaya- isad\Qa hao sakto hOM.[saI manaaobala kI vajah sao naamaumaikna idKnao vaalao kaya- BaI saMBava hao pato
hOM.manaaobala ek p@kI dIvaar jaOsaI kzaor haonaI caaihe¸ Baava sao saccaI AaOr kuSaaga` jaOsaI naukIlaI haonaI
caaihe.jahaЭjahaÐ manaaobala ka vaasa hO ¸ vahaÐ ivakasa ¸ pirvat -na AaOr dRZ, saMklp ka icah\na hO.jaIvana maoM
Agar manaaobala ka gauNa na hao tao jaIvana ka kao[- ]d\doSya nahIM @yaaoMik manaaobala nahIM tao caunaaOityaaÐ nahIM AaOr
caunaaOityaaÐ nahIM tao dRZ, saMklp nahIM.saMklp nahIM tao jaIvana ko AQyaaya ka kao[ - maaola nahIM ¸jaIvana ko pnnao
ka kao[- rMga nahIM AaOr jaInao ka kao[- Z,Mga nahIM.
[sailae khto hOM¹ icantnaIyaa ih ivapdM Aadavaova p`itiËyaa..
na kUp Knana yau@tM p`dIPto vah\inanaa gaRho..
Aaya-na naayar
navaIM D
jaao doSa ko ilae hÐsakr kubaa -na hao jaato
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
Kud kao jaao BaUlakr
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
iktnao kamala hOM vaao laaoga
jaao hÐsakr kubaa -na hao jaato
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
sar gava- sao }Ðcaa haota
pr mana ifr BaI raota
jaba vaao maaTI maoM imala jaato
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
AatMkvaad kao doSaBai@t sao
hr pla hra doto
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
jaba Aato vao itrMgao maoM ilapTkr
Gar vaalaoM ko hala bauro hao jaato.
kaSa² hma BaI eosao bana pato.
doSa ko ilae kuC kr pato..
baUÐd¹baUÐd ko ilae vah trsa gae¸
vah saaro ivaSva sao laD, gae¸
prMtu Aaja ]jaD, gayaa ]naka pirvaar¸
jaba doKa ]nhaoMnao jala ka yah mahavatar.
jana¹jaIvana Ast¹vyast hao gayaa¸
sabakuC naYT hao gayaa¸
jaba doKa ]nhaoMnao jala ka yah mahavatar.
manauYya hI svayaM ka kala bana gayaa¸
]saka AhMkar ]saka jaala bana gayaa.
jaba huAa vaRxaaoM ka saMhar¸
idKa gayaa ]nhoM jala ka yah mahavatar.
p`kRit nao Apnaa ivakrala $p idKa idyaa¸
manauYya kao ]saka sabak isaKa idyaa¸
Agar sauna laoto p`kRit kI vah huÐkar¸
na doKnaa pD,ta jala ka yaha mahavatar.
calaao saaiqayaaoM hma dao kdma baZ,aeи
saaro jaIvaaoM ko hma Gar banaaeи
kroM p`kRit ka sahI sammaana @yaaoMik
puna: na doKnaa pD,o p`kRit ka yah mahavatar.
kOlaaSa Samaa-
ibanaa laxya ko jaIvana vyaqa- hO.
laxya nahIM hO tao Anaqa- hO.
iksaI kama kao na CaoD,ao¸ krnao ko ilae kla.
laxya panaa hO tao kImatI hO hr pla.
doSa kao }Ðcaa[yaaoM tk lao jaanaa hOÊ
tao laxya saaQakr gaanaa hO.
hma haoMgao kamayaaba ek idna
laao yah saMklp p`itidna.
vaiSaYz pMiDta
paÐcavaIM A
Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Similarly, life isn’t
always rosy and knowing ourselves helps in times of disaster. Know-
ing yourself isn’t about skimming the surface by finding what colour
we like or what music is our taste; it is a journey into discovering our-
selves. And this journey is challenging and sometimes even scary. We
must look deeper into what defines us, find our fears and face them,
acknowledge our weaknesses and overpower them and finally un-
lock the real reason to why we exist, what greater purpose can we
serve and what potential we must surpass.
On this twisty journey be careful what you think, because your
thoughts run your life. Just as rivers are coloured by substances, they
pick up as they flow, so do the streams of our thoughts get stained by
actions that mean no good. The world is full of Satan’s influence, but
it is our purity of thoughts that will guide us towards the light. A pure
thought is never distracted or lost, it is rooted in truth and that
makes it powerful.
If we do right, we can fight for it and fuel that flame within. It is trou-
blesome to go against the crowd, to take the path uncharted and to
claim the victory of the right, but the will that drives forward will
lend us the power to face the demons.
Courage Courage is not only being brave,
But also having crave, For things which are necessary for you,
And you think you need to do.
You should have courage to accept your mistake, Cause you don’t need to be fake,
You should have courage in your life, This will help you happily survive.
Mehreen (IX C)
svayaM kI phcaana
calaao kroM svayaM kI phcaana.
yah saca hO ik ijaMdgaI ek pholaI hO AaOr [sa pholaI kao saulaJaato saulaJaato hma
iksaI kao BaUla rho hOM¸ haÐ hma Apnao AapkI phcaana BaUla rho hOM.va@t Aagao
baZ,ta rhogaa AaOr hmaoM BaI Aagao baZ,naa pD,ogaa prMtu [saka Aqa- yao nahIM ik hma
Apnao gauNaaoM kao prKnaa BaUla jaaeM.hmaoM Kud ko ilae BaI va@t donaa
caaihe.Agar hma caahto hOM ik maR%yau ko pScaat BaI hmaarI phcaana rho tao eosaa
kama krnaa caaihe ik Aapko ima~ va Sa~u saBaI Aapkao yaad kroM.tao daostaoM
Apnao Aap kao phcaanaao @yaaoMik [sa kaya- maoM isaf- Aap hI ApnaI sahayata kr
sakto hOM.Apnao AvagauNaaoM kao svayaM sao dUr kr hma Apnao vyai@t%va kao inaKar
sakto hOM.
"Where there is a will, there is a way"
We have all come across this age old adage in many a situations, and just as often we realize just how true it is. Will Power is something we all possess, and our will belongs to us and no one else. We can polish it, strengthen it, and develop it through our actions and deci- sions. Will Power is the determination to do something. All of us have different goals in life, but the importance of will power can scarcely be overstated in any of them. We encounter innumerable and varied difficulties in life, from the most simple and mundane of tasks to magnanimous life changing moments. All of us desire to success in these endeavours. It is here where despite our talents and other fac- ulties when we inevitably began failing does will power come into the picture. Through sheer strength of mind and determination alone we toil through these challenges, and only then do we get a sight of our goals. "He who is firm in will can mold the world to himself" Will power is the irrevocable refusal to give up, the insatiable hunger to keep go- ing, to assert will power is to decide that you want something and then simply refuse to be put off. It is an incredible asset in today's world. One can do great things, if only one has enough will. No matter what you do in life, take the trodden road, or carve your own path, you will require this extraordinary power, the power of will, to do what your set out to do. And isn't that something we all want? Swapnal Varma XII SCIENCE A 39
through words, choices or actions. Similarly, we owe some expres-
sions to our lives as well. It includes purity of our soul and a mind
full of sanity. Intellection of our souls tend to courage are the
great words by Ramakrishna. Pure minds only entertain good
thoughts and the rest is overlooked and suppressed. Pure intel-
lect can guide the mind and help avoid unnecessary interferences
and observation.
It brings focus to our lives which is one such aspect missing in to-
day’s generation. Everyone has feelings of struggle to get focused
at certain point of life on the every day things. It means your fo-
cus on things is not less than the fact that you value them. And to
do so you need courage and will power. Will power is a mysterious
aspect of self control and determination. 2011 respondents re-
ported that lack of willpower among people was the most signifi-
cant barrier to change. However these being the pleasant neces-
sities our life, people tend to show no personal interest and these
leads to infinite failure in life.
It wont break loose,
But I will rise
But you wont see me fall
Regardless if I am weak or not
I am going to stand tall
I am going to rise
Its only through mistakes we make
We learn where we went wrong
Its only when we close our eyes
Our dreams seem clear and bright
Its only when in our darkest hours
I will rise
Though sets every night,
I will also rise
in your way,
It is trying you level best,
And never ever taking rest,
Courage, faith, consistence,
determination is all
But have proper virtue to take,
Have trust in your own self,
This will help you to build a great
successful shelf.
Forgiveness is letting things go, Your anger is not always that you
show, Calmness will help you freely grow,
And survive the day with a great flow.
Everyone does some or the other
mistake, But there is a step that all must take, Forgiving sometimes is pretty hard,
But still it is the fortune changing card.
Sometimes forgiving can seem inap-
propriate, But be the one who can cooperate Forgiving someone can change you
into someone better, This step needs to be taken now and
not later!!! JHANVI(IX C)
And never be fake says my mother.
Loyalty will build trust,
Not being loyal will make people believe,
You are fake will get revealed,
Loyalty is showing that you care,
Every time, everyplace, every- where.
Loyalty will build a change,
This aspect will not have any change,
This will take you a way lot far,
And tell people who you really are!
Shruti (IX C)
Your life isn't a paper.
Even though their actions seems like a noose
Your neck isn't an animal.
Even though their feeling for you seem like poison
Your mind shouldn't drink it.
Don't care
Cause you are you
And will always be
Cause even after you change they won't
It's not your problem they don't like you
Move on
Who doesn't feel enough just with you
Don't waste you time on someone
Who isn't happy with you
Don't waste you tears on someone
Who gives you no value
And when you think that everyone are becoming that someone
Try but when they make you cry
Let them go
Priyanka Verma
That you have to last
The future is full of uncertainties
Nor rainbows nor cupcakes We got to live our life
with practicalities
Because life is like a balanced equation of chemistry
By Pooja and Joanna Literary Club
Watched the waves and the ride,
He saw the beautiful sunset,
Yet he was worried and his mind fret.
He went to the picturesque hills,
And yet his mind with sorrow fills,
He roamed and searched,
For his search was all in vain.
At last he raised his eyes,
Looked up at the blue skies,
Lit a candle and prayed,
Asked forgiveness for the times he
The spark that was missing.
He had finally found his peace,
And was at last at ease.
- Amala Maria George
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Purity is the ability to rec-
ognize the essential nature of any form. It is the ability to distill any error that
has been attached to a form whether the error is ideological, psychological, or
physiological. Our thoughts are influenced by the environment around us. At
Don Bosco, we experience this purity of thoughts through a number of
activities. One of them is the morning bhajan which is followed by a hymn
which helps us to get refreshed and have good and positive thoughts. Morning
talks delivered by the students enlighten us with life giving words of God. We
celebrate all the festivals with much enthusiasm and zest. Raas garba during
Navratri, Diwali and Christmas Celebrations help us to come together and be a
part of the festivities.
In the book, The Treasures of Life, David O.McKay quotes,
“Sow a thought, reap an act, Sow an act, reap a habit, Sow a habit, reap a character, Sow a character, reap an eternal destiny”
The best example of purity of thoughts are good wishes, which are consciously
created thoughts for the well-being of the self and others. Though invisible,
good wishes have immense power to transform circumstances and so are valued
in all cultures in the world. Our Teachers are our well wishers forever. Our
Teachers are the ones always encouraging us and helping us to always have a
positive outlook towards life. Don Bosco teaches us to take an initiative and
occupy our mind with righteous subjects and not wait until the evil thoughts
come to our mind and then finding it difficult to resist it. Divine thoughts and a
treasure of feelings of love towards God will help us in purification of thoughts.
Thus, students of this institution don’t just step out as grown up individuals but
ones who have reaped an act, a habit, a character and an eternal destiny.
Jovina Regi

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