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ERI Artificial Intelligence - Principles

Each organ emits a unique electric field which can be thought of as its electric signature. There is an interesting finding that if an organ doesn´t work properly, this electric emission is changed! The same as heart, which is not healthy, gives different electrocardiogram than the healthy one. It means we can use this electric language to identify if the organ is healthy or not.


The ultrasensitive sensor records a large range of micro-electric waves radiated by objects such as molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles (picture 4 and 5). It allows to indetify very unique electric signatures of individual organs, tissues, hormones, enzymes, neuropeptides and other signal molecules in the body. It uses the principle of Emission spectroscopy which utilizes the fact that each element emits a specific electric field based on amount of electrons and protons in its atom. Then everything created from these elements has its own electric signature. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXr0KSbrO3w

Subsequently, the process of digitalization takes place (Picture 6). The electric emission of individual organs, tissues, hormones, enzymes etc. is transformed into spectral digital markers. There is applied a Mathematical method Non-Commutative Harmonic Analysis Kazhdan-Lusztig for the Lie symmetry Groups E8 which is called nowadays a new mathematical microscope.

Digitalized signal is sent to the computer which has downloaded ERI software from the cloud. In total ERI software contains a database of more than million spectral dynamic markers – where each represents a digitalized information about particular organ in a healthy state. When a patient comes and holds the sensor, it takes 40 sec to measure his million+ markers (picture 7).

Then artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to analyze the data and to track the pathology (picture 8). ERI is a self-learning software and leverages the technique of Big data analysis to continuosly learn and improve its performance. It means the more data of patients is accumulated the more accurate are the outcomes of the screening. Currently there approx. 750.000 patients were recorded and more than 8 million scans are in the Cloud. It is an enormous source of information for AI to analyse data, learn and provide more accurate results.

The outcome of this digital examination is:

complete screening of health state- exact location of main pathology- definition of main cause of pathology and its causality.

An interesting feature of ERI is to detect molecules which are released during certain emotional situations -so called neuropeptide, and thus analyze mental state of the person.

Benefits for doctors

1) New source of information about person’s health condition – ERI contains more than 1.4 million reference spectral digital markers in the database and the same amount of markers are scanned from the patient. The outcome is complex screening of one’s health condition. ERI provides precise and complete information about :

· The most critical systems in the body

· Location of pathology at organ level of a given system

· Toxic load /detection of pathogens/ in the place of pathology

· Information about pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites) and their toxins gives immediate information to doctor about the origin of the inflamation and eliminates blind usage of the antibiotics as a first choice.

· Causality between main cause and manifested pathology is allowed due to SW using interface of Artificial Intelligence and Big data processing in the cloud

· Examination of Extracellular Matrix (ECM)

2) Speed – The Spectral-Dynamic Marker of the patient and complex screening is obtained within 40 seconds.

3) Screening of psycho-somatization - ERI provides a possibility of screening of psycho-somatization due to recording signal molecules (hormones, neuropeptides) relesed during different emotional conditions

4) Remote monitoring of health – ERI enables remote monitoring of patients due to SW located in the cloud. If the patient has the ERI at home, he/she can be examined from distance. It opens new possibilities for prevention.

5) Non-invasive diagnostic, Safety - the device uses passive detection, which means detecting only naturally accruing electromagnetic field emitted by an object. ERI acts only as passive sensor thus it’s not interfering with, or altering vital processes in a person’s body.

6) Complementarity – ERI has a unique positioning as a complementary tool to current examination methods helping to make the Diagnostics more accurate.

Benefits for patients

1) Mobility – SW localized in the cloud, portable sensor allows to carry ERI device wherever we need

2) Education of patients – the patient is well informed about his health condition

3) Possible Guide for healthy lifestyle - ERI recommends vitamins, microelements, food, specify allergens

4) Save time – the patient doesn´t need to physically visit doctor – a big benefit for older, remote control

5) Prevention - ERI serves as an excellent preventive tool, reveals hidden pathologies, more info

6) Cost reduction – due to an exact location of pathology patient doesn´t need to visit different specialists and undergo different forms of examination which contributes to cost and time reduction

7) Personalized approach – ERI detects individual patientś cause of pathology and their casual impact.

8) The product and SW comply with the current requirements of the standard of security and data protection.

ERI IS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. You will receive the sensor via DHL and software is downloaded from the Cloud. There are different categories of ERI based on the number of markers in the database.

There are home versions for individuals and version for professionals.

It is a modern way to monitor health on a frequent basis, prevent diseases and maintain a high quality of our lifes!

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