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Photo by Frank Candela



DOROTHY P.fERGUSON Managing Editor

MARIA De FONSECA Assistant Editor


ARTHUR ARIAS Presentation Editor

GEORGE J. QUINN Production Manager

RAYMOND J. CASTELLANOS Circulation Manager


ALFRED J. HOUGHTON Publishing Consultant

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Joseph E. Keller WalterJ. Orey

CORRESPONDENTS Henry T. Hanson, New England Robert Burns, Eastern R. L. Nailen, Midw!)stern Cliff Dektar, Pacific Coast Robert Swan, Pacific Coast Roi B. Woolley, Pacific Coait Donal Baird, Canadian

FIRE ENGINEERING, July, 1974, Vol. f27, No. 7. Member, American Business Press and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published monthly by Magazine Divi­sion, Dun-Donnelley Publishing Corporation, a mem­ber of the Dun and Bradstreet Group. WILLIAM F. WARD, President; JOHN K. ABELY, Vice President and General Manager. Magazine Division. EXECU­TIVE, EDITORIAL ANO ADVERTISING OFFICES: 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019. Printed In Eas­ton, Pa.

Subscriptions: Solicited only from paid or volun­teer, Federal, state, county and local fire officials, in­cluding military and industrial fire protection engi­neers and consultants. Publisher reserves the right to refuse nonqualified subscriptions. Address corre­spondence regarding subscriptions, including change of address, to: FIRE ENGINEERING, 666 Fifth Ave­nue, New York, N.Y. 10019. Please include your zip code and, in case of change of address, copy of old address label. Single copy price: $1.50. Directory issue $2. 75. Subscription rate for those in field of publication; U.S. and Canada: $8 a year, $13 for two years, $18 for three years. Foreign $19 a year, $35 for two years. Single copy price $3.00. Directory issue $5.50. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. and at additional mailing offices. Printed in U.S.A. Trademark® in U.S. Patent office. © Copy­right 197 4 Oun-Donnelley Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo­copying, recording or by any information storage re­trieval system, without written permission of the co­pyright owner. Prices for bulk reprints ol articles available on request.

The publisher, on written request, will refund that part· of the price applying to unfilled portion of the subscription if service is unsatisfactory.


Volume 127 No. 7 July 1974




17 The Editor's Opinion Page ·High-rise lessons from Siio Pa111lo, Brazil

18 Sao Paulo, Brazil, Adds to High-Rise Fire History Commissioner O'Hagan of New York writes first-hand account of two tragedies

28 Seattle F.D. Gets Federal Grant to Study Marine Fire Protection Project to develop training manual, plans for fighting ship blazes

32 SOP for 4-lnch Supply Hose, 2-lnch Hand Lines Speeds Attack Jaffrey, N.H., Fire Department uses both tanker and pumper relays

34 Long Beach Builds AFFF Units Pumper and fast-response vehicle designed for airport fire station

35 Propane Tank Blast Kills Four Explosion spreads fire to three apartment builq.ings in West St. Paul, Minn.

38 Fire Fighters Learn to Handle Gas Line Incidents in Philadelphia Utility conducts safety course keyed to local distribution system

43 Fire Service Urged to Accept Greater Role in NBS Research Dr. Levin explains present status and objectives of technology program

45 Proposed Standard for Coats Offered for Review by NBS Workshops to provide opportunity to comment on specifications

47 Deaf but Fireman for 50 Years Lip-reading aids volunteer in doing full share of work with fire company

54 Bay State Touches Off Drive to Cool Increase in Arson Government-industry group to set up data bank to aid investigations

THE COVER: A fire in an abandoned factory on Chicago'_s South Side in February went to a fifth alarm with two specials. The fire was tho�ght to be arson, since six separate fires were observed by the first-arriving, still-alarm· companies. Intense heat drove fire fighters back over 500 feet and blistered windshields and paint on apparatus. Photo shows Chicago's Big John in action.

DEPARTMENTS 6 Letters to the Editor 50 Manufacturers' News

8 The Volunteers Corner 52 The Book Shelf More effective fire attack

52 i6-MM Films 10 The Round Table

59 Industrial Fire Safety Fire,alarm systems Training session questions

15 Fire Schools 61 From the Publisher's Desk

15 Coming Events 62 Advertisers' Index

48 Apparatus Deliveries 63 Reader Service Caret



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July 1974 j 5



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