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Page 1: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Home remedies for glowing skin in summer


Page 2: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

• Remedies for glowing skin is something that majority of the people are looking out for in order to implement it and get the effective results.

• The sun drains all the energy and at the same time, it becomes harsh even on the skin.

• The dullness of skin, tanning, dry skin, patchy skin and skin rashes are all due to summer.

• In order to get rid of all these, you need to take care of it and maintain it for a glowing skin and a healthy skin.

Page 3: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Neck and eyes:•The eyes, the neck and the hands are prone to the ageing signs very soon.•In order to get rid of the dark circles and the puffy eyes, one can try using the raw potato or cucumber juice. •One can also try using the tea bags and it helps in lightening the skin and reduces dark spots and blemishes including the tan.

Cucumber juice Tea bag

Page 4: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Your diet :• Eating right is the key ingredient and the main magic for a glowing skin.• In order to maintain a healthy skin you need to eat healthy food which includes vegetables and fruits.• One should always avoid junk food and one should also be very much conscious of what on eats.• This will help to have a healthy glowing skin.

Page 5: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Lots of water:•Water has various health benefits and one such very major benefit is that it helps for purifying the skin and helps in making the skin glow. •15% of our skin is made up of only water. It helps in clearing the toxins and waste. •One has to drink at least 2 litters of water a day.

Page 6: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Stress behind:•For looking beautiful and for having a glowing skin you need to leave all the stress behind. •When you have too much stress in mind, the oil secretion is more which in turn leads to white heads and acnes. •You also need to have at least eight hours of sleep for having a glowing skin.

Page 7: Home remedies for glowing skin in summer

Face packs and face masks:Face masks play a vital role in maintaining a healthy and also a glowing skin.

The skin becomes glowing by using the face masks regularly and you will surely see the results.

Following are face packs that can be done at home:

1. Almond face pack

2. Gram flour face pack

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Moisturizer:•Using a good moisturizer is very important for having a healthy and a glowing skin.• No matter how much ever expensive they are, it is still important that the skin is moisturized every day and they have wider range of SPF.

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